Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych Instytut EUROPEISTYKI Marion Wierzbicki Nr albumu: 1072186 Kierunek Europeistyka Specjalność Euroculture Biodynamic Farming and Nutrition and the Conscious Evolution of Consumer Society Praca magisterska Promotor: Dr. Marcin Galent Kraków 2012 Master of Arts Thesis Euroculture Jagiellonian University, Kraków (Home) Palacký University, Olomouc (Host) September 2012 Biodynamic Farming and Nutrition and the Conscious Evolution of Consumer Society Submitted by: Marion Wierzbicki Student number nr 1072186
[email protected] Supervised by: Name of supervisor home university: Dr. Marcin Galent Name of supervisor host university: Prof. Gaudenz B. Assenza Avignon, France, September 30th, 2012 MA Programme Euroculture Declaration I, Marion Wierzbicki, hereby declare that this thesis, entitled “Biodynamic Farming and Nutrition and the Conscious Evolution of Consumer Society”, submitted as partial requirement for the MA Programme Euroculture, is my own original work and expressed in my own words. Any use made within it of works of other authors in any form (e.g. ideas, figures, texts, tables, etc.) are properly acknowledged in the text as well as in the bibliography. I hereby also acknowledge that I was informed about the regulations pertaining to the assessment of the MA thesis Euroculture and about the general completion rules for the Master of Arts Programme Euroculture. September 30th, 2012 Table of Contents I.Introduction .......................................................................................................................................1