On Self-Orthogonal Designs and Codes Related to Held’S Simple Group
Advances in Mathematics of Communications doi:10.3934/amc.2018036 Volume 12, No. 3, 2018, 607{628 ON SELF-ORTHOGONAL DESIGNS AND CODES RELATED TO HELD'S SIMPLE GROUP Dean Crnkovic´ and Vedrana Mikulic´ Crnkovic´ Department of Mathematics, University of Rijeka Radmile Matejˇci´c2 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Bernardo G. Rodrigues School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal University Road Private Bag X54001 Westville Campus Durban 4041, South Africa (Communicated by Mario Osvin Pavcevic) Abstract. A construction of designs acted on by simple primitive groups is used to find some 1-designs and associated self-orthogonal, decomposable and irreducible codes that admit the simple group He of Held as an auto- morphism group. The properties of the codes are given and links with mod- ular representation theory are established. Further, we introduce a method of constructing self-orthogonal binary codes from orbit matrices of weakly self-orthogonal designs. Furthermore, from the support designs of the ob- tained self-orthogonal codes we construct strongly regular graphs with param- eters (21,10,3,6), (28,12,6,4), (49,12,5,2), (49,18,7,6), (56,10,0,2), (63,30,13,15), (105,32,4,12), (112,30,2,10) and (120,42,8,18). 1. Introduction After having constructed Steiner systems from finite groups, Witt in the papers [32, 33] highlights the links between design theory and the theory of finite groups. Further results that are significant for the method of construction used in this paper were the constructions of a 2-(276; 100; 1458) on which Co3 acts doubly transitively on points and primitively on blocks in [12] and that of a 2-(126; 36; 14) design from a primitive group isomorphic to U3(5):2 in [25].
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