m:W;i(m bind Woklr. Eat*r«I u SMOH&OIU* af*tt«r «l tt# ?<•*• REGISTER. YOLUME XLVIII, NO.; 4fflH M «U4 Bsak. M, Jl. (Ban U»M>,1,,« Day, lor Pupil* Who Wbh to ins- Sldovralki and Water Main' squan wMe driving a Fordsedar^ Action on. the Matter at Th'air ol 4U3—A Large P.rt of HI. smaller ' stpre, .12x00 feet, was PrUnd at Atlantic City—Charle. and .Repair* to" Dock-—fran of Champlln, Fred FrleW, Dl«fe|1 Main Up Deflelenoie*. Bill was Outlawed.' rented by/~Lucille Gohberg of New Carh.rt'. Will and Other .Will*. which lie recently bought. "Mrs. Meeting""!-* it— W«eW—Atl.nllc Hamper Progret* of Sidewalk Job Pharo was in the car at the' time. Avenue Section to be Drained. School will re-open at R«(J Bank Jud(rm«nt for filS was awardod York, who will put in a stock of Mrs.. EUel Austin Odell of'Red An ordinance providing for a • ry.VanBrunt 'anil' Pete> V.»le*Hmi|s| The machine was struck by a car in Some of the men who servo as nej* f Wednesday. Edwin 0. / Oil- to Fred Stior of Red Bank last ladies' wear'goodn and who expects Bank, wife of George F. Odell, who bond issue of ?20,000 was intro- Charllo Champilh,-who: is biill^Mj to open her stow this week. Mis3 which wero two sailors and a col- special policemen of Middletown land, the principal, has called « week in a suit which he brought died about a month ago, left a will duced at the meeting of the mayor ored man. Mr.. Pharo's machine ing a fine, bungalow on. tho- cortieiSli meeting of tha teachers to be held against the Henry Graf estate of Gohberg, has taken a lcaso of the which she had made May 16th,and council of Rumson last ThuTS- township without salaries went be- of Broad street and WikofT pla.co.M^lL store for-nineteen months;with the was turned' upside ' down and its fore the township. committee last - nt tho high school next Tuesday af- Bed Bank. The suit was tried be- 1923, before she had married Mr. day night and passed its first read- occupants were caught beneath it. off on his annual thontricaiitowlmi ternoon. There will be a general fore Judge Bartley J. Wright In privilege of renewal of the lease for Odell. She left.» large estate! In ing, The bond issue will cover a Thursday night and asked that they* Whonever tho location of his woup^pli two years more,' Mr. Pharo broke out a window in be provided wtih .handcuffs for use discussion of school work and in- tho second district court of Long her will she referred to Mr. Odell number of improvements made by the automobile and he and his wife makes it possible for hjm to'dqi|'(»Ji|s struction*, -will be issued. Tho Branch. The other store rented adjoins as her friend and she left him herthe 'borough within the past year. in arresting prisoners. ' The com- he runs down to Rod Bank toldokAl crawled out from beneath the ma- mitteemen said they would consider schedule of studies for all-the var- Stier started the suit for $682, the Gohberg store on the- west and house and lot ori'Broad street. Red These improvements include new chine. They wero not seriously over the construction of hlj'nsy?|ft ious schools has been arranged. In but because of the fact that tho is the most westerly of the Man.ee 3arik, all the furniture in tho house sidewalks and water mains and re- the'matter. home. \, V • • . "-. •'-W'ifsl 1 hurt, but the car was b"ad_]y dam- the past this has required^ sover.il court lacks Jurisdiction to try suits block,-This store is 15x60 feet and and |10,000 '.in cash. Miss Austin pairs to the boat dock. In the or- aged. ' . The question of draining water Ha was In Bed Bank last Satur>MI days and tho schools ran '''on part for more than $60tt the claim was will bo occupied as a grocery.' It had another friend in 'Mrs. Chris- dinance it was stated that the bor- from the Atlantic avenue section of day nnd he wns tolling h group, of:M| time until tho schedule was ironed reduced to this last named figure. was'rented* by, Henry Schroeder, tina Lupardus of Atlantic City, who ough debt, .including the new bond The car of the two sailors and the East Kcanaburg was discussed and colored man struck two other auto- friends about his first real buiinessjif tout. Mr. Gilland states there wil Mr. Stler claimed that he did book- wflio" has occupied a store in, the had lived with Miss Austin for n issue, was $103,300, or less than the committee passed a resolution theatrical venture. He had always;;: jio^rio such loss of time this year. keeping for Mr. Graf from 1017 to Sutton building on the east side of time. To this friend Miss Austin two per cent of the total assessed mobiles and a wagon before it end- that it would pay two-thirds of-tho ed its flight. In each instance the been fond o£ helping in plays-unA% Pupil t -who want to make up de 1021, or for 10G weeks. He claimed Broad street for fsoverol years past. bequeathed $5,000 in cash. Miss valuation of all' the properties in cost of laying drain pipe, provjded entertainments and ho believed hi? compensation of %5 a week or a Mr., Sehrosder will move-his busi-. Austin named three other friends the borough. The ordinance will sailors and their dusky companion that "Keansbutk would pay ono- ficlencies In 'studies will have an did not stop but calmly continued was cut out for an nctor and athe^J;,. opportunity to do so Friday morn- total of (526 for this work. He ness to the new location-about Oi:-J in her will. These friends wero come up for adoption at the next third of the cost. " The Atlantic atrical manager. Ho had takertifjl claimed compensation of ' $50 fdr tober 1st. He lias a two-year lease Mr.* Odell's sisters and were Mrs. meeting of the commissioners, and on their way as though nothing had avenue section is partly in Middle- Ing of this week by presenting happened. Each was puffing a big part in many church and lodge ep¥| themselves, for examination at the taking inventory of Mr. Graf's stock of the new store with the privilege! Mame - Vo.prheen of Irving place, tho rate of interest on the bonds town township and partly in Kcam- tortainments and ho had proven stti and compensation of $17 for two of another, two years. Red Bank, Miss Florence Odell o£ will be determined at that time. cigar. In the various collisions all burg. Tha coat of tha work is es- .superintendent's office, between tha the tires on the autoonobile of tha popular local actor and a good man-, hour* of nine o'clock and noon. To- hair cuts and ten shaves. Red ' Bank, and Mrs. Evelyn King- timated at $18,000. agef at those performances. - Alii 1 sley of Ocean Grove. These three Councifman Frank Benson re- sailors and the ..colored man were Frank Scott, the township Buper- morrow will be registration day for A number : of witnesses ' were BUSINESS BUILDING SOLD torn off, but this apparently did not this work was dons Iree. ':•. \;>V; pupils who will enter school for tho called and their^ testimony was con- women became MISB Austin's sis- ported that the contractor was visor of Toads, recommended that ters-in-law when she married Mr. ready to lay new sidewalks and disturb the equanimity of the men. When ho was about elghtoens!; firs time, " Pupils who attended flicting. Mr. /Graf conducted \ a Moninouth Title Company Gets three streets in the Ocean View sec- years old he thought the time had: Property for a New Homo; Odell. Each of these women was curbing on Washington and. Alien They kept on riding. At length tion'of Leonardo be improved. He school last year will not register, shoe store and some of the wit- they were arrested and at their come for him to begin a real thca-! but all new. pupils, except those en- nesses aatd they had never-seen Mr. The MonmoutH title company of bequeathed f2,000 in gash. AH the streets. At several places on both estimated tho cost at $300. rest of Mrs. Odell's esfeja was or- streets trees are in the line of the hearing Mr. Pharo testified against trical career. Ho got a group of tering the kindergarten elasi and Stler in the store. Others said they Freehold has bought two pieces o^ them. None ot the occupants of Considerable interest was evoked young fellows together and they Te»;^ .the first grade, will have to reefs- had often seen Mr. Stler working property on Main street, adjoining dered divided • equally\amonjf the new walks and Mr. Benson wanted at the meeting by a statement by 1 five persons named in her will. Her to know what he should do about it. the automobile had a license. The hearsed a play which they alJv'rH ter.- The superintendent * office in the stow 'and had heart] Mr. on the north the county courthouse. car in which they rode hod been the commltteemen that they had' thought would, make a fortune ftnfc will lie open all day for registration. Graf direct an attorney to make The property bought is a three- husband and Solomon C. Whilbeck The borough officials'and the shade been informed bjrthe state highway are the executors of the-will. tree commission are against cutting borrowed from another man. The tho whole gang- Ho arranged'*:;, School and grade assignments will provision in Mr. Graf's Will for story building owned by Joseph E. trio were sent to the county Jail. commission that the state highway date for their first performance in? be made when the pupils register. compensation for Mr. Stler. Na DuBoia, Willurd Throckmorton and the trees, but the officials do not would be widened' from Cooper's Charles Carhart of Port Mon- want a patchwork job, which would —; * . m—• . Ocean county dt a town then called. The minimum age for admission, to such provision was made. E|Ugene F. PuBois^"' It has a front- mouth, who was killed by beinj? hit bridge northward to Tcwn 'brook, Manchester, hut tho name of whicH;. the kindergarten ' class : Is' four fail to improve the appearance of AN EARLY MORNING FIRE. near Middletown village. The court, In awarding judgment age of forty feet on Main street by an automobile a-few weeks Jigo, ha3 since been 'changed to Lake-;; years and eight months, and the the street. After a.lengthy discus- of $118 to Mr. Stier, calculated that and runs back fifty feet. The other left a will which he made last Feb- Simon Dukes and Family Fled from The township committee will hold hurst. ".i;J:i minimum age for admission to tha property; bought" la at the rear nf sion Mr. Benson was instructed to a special meeting tonight to take Mr. Stier had done 100 hours of ruary. He left all his estate to his go ahead with the work where there Flames in Night Clotheif '!The band of actors," eatd CharA- first grade i( five years, and eight clerical work at fl an hour, that the Arab plot end U 35 feet deep. daughter, Margaret Hauser, and she up matters which were not acted on months, are'no trees and in the meantime Fire thought to have been caused lie on Saturday, "comprised Fre4; two days had been spent in taking The pries paid'-'for the properties was named as- executrix. She is last Thur&day night. Frick, George Kcough, Pete Valen*;., was about $85,600, The building is the borough officials, the shade tree by 8 spark from a locomotive broko Miss Ethel ft. Jones of Evans inventory of stock at |5 per day not yet of age and Mr. Carhart's commission, the property owners out early last Thursday morning in tine, Henry VanBrunt, Dink AppleH:";! now occupied i nd tho present oc-' SHOW AT A SCHOOLHOUSE. Mills, Hew York, will succeed Miss and that the hair cuts and shaves will provided that until she reachnd and the borough engineer will hold a combined store and house at the gate, son of Charles Applegate, and/i| were worth $3. Edward W. Wise, cupants. will remain until their the age of 21 yeara Carrie Voorhees Jane dates as teacher of ancient a conference regarding the places corner of Beech street and Central Famous Actor Folk*Jo Perform at myself.. Dink ho3 a little ster»*;|:i and medieval history. Misa Gates 'who represented the Graf estate, leases expire. When the* building is of Belford should serve as execu- where the trees interfere with the avenue. The building is owned'by . Leonardo Saturday Night. optic on which wo were to use.in .thA'jpg will teach the coming season at El- contended that a large part of the Vacant the Monmouth title com- tor. Howard W. Roberts and Car- show and which was also to bo usejfcy sidewalk work. ' William A,' Ste- Sandy Madison and it is rented by Leonardo folks are looking for- mlra,. New York, The names, of bill presented by Mr. Stier was out- pany plans to erect in its place a rie P. Roberts of New Monmouth qutsido the hall to attract a crowa^v., modern lire-proof structure several vens, the borough attorney, stated Simon Dukes. Railroad trains run ward with great expectations to the other new teachers at Red: Bank lawed because, it was' contracted were the witnesses to the will. Thursday night that the walks were within a few feet of the building. We got to Manchester o little-be-fa have been announced in The Regis- more than six years, ago. The court stories in height in which to estab- entertainment and dance to be held fore the time for opening tho shofgf} Mrs. Matilda Lewis of Long public property and the powers of The fire was discovered by James ter from time to time as they have upheld this claim and held all parts lish the company's offices, which are at the schoolhouse at that place and Dink sot up his storeoptico?iS Branch made her will July 12th of the mayor and council were BU- Jones, flagman.at the Beech street teen engaged. _• / of the bill more than six years old now located on Court street. The Saturday night, . under the direc- apparatus in front of the hall nndvfi this year. She loft all her personal preme in deciding: what to do with crossing. His cries awakened Mrs. to be invalid. The court also made company's'business is steadily in- tion, of Mrs. Gold Cross, for tha gave a little free picture show. '.BtSjfgf property to her son,. George Elmer the trees. Kate Waters, a neighbor, who ran some other adjustments in the bill. creasing and it now has n staff, of benefit of the Leonardo civic inter- tween the pictures we all gave a lit- ~. BOUGHT A SPEED BOAT. Spencer/and she left to this son the to the store building and. pounded Leon ReusslUe of the firm of- John tRlrty employee?. ests association. Several famous tie ballyhoo about the wonderflil'j use of all her real estate as long as Nothing was done In regard to on the door. By that time the fire Harold H. Brown Drova It From 8. ApplogatB & Son represented Mr. New York actor folks will perform, performance we wero going to glvfe ' m i m ' he lives. At the death of this son, replacing the gas lights on the Rum- waB' under considerable headway. Lake George, to Red Bank. Stler In the suit. _ among- them being Robert Mantel! in the hall. A big crowd collected?.; SOUTH STREET HOUSE SOLD. the real estate is to go to this son's son road with electric lightsl The The members of the Dukes family Music • will be provided by Ollic We felt sure .of ,jnaking a big suciji ' Harold' B. Brown of Riverside son, Elmer Francis Spencer. Dr. electric light company has put up were awakened by the pounding on West's orchestra. The show wil' coss of our first theatrical venturt^l "avenue has returned home from a , . A NOVEL. ROWBOAT. Leslie M. DennU Selli HU Place to Julian C. McKelvie is the executor. two electric light standards of dif- the door. They rushed out of tho stay «t Lake George in New York Mr.. William H. Johnson. ferent types on the Rumson' road Btart at quarter after eight o'clock, and we began to look upon our : The witneBBejjyere. E-~ A. Walter building.in their night clothes. state. He made the trip: home in a It V/a\i Constructed by John H. Leslie M. DennU has sold the and William Thomas of Long for exhibition- and tha officials are '•"Tho civic interests ^association Wvcn ns liincs of tho theatrici Considerable time elapsed before spied boat, which he bought at ' White of Hudion Avenue. . houBB and 1st w|)ere he lives on the awaiting the opinions of the Burn- held a very successful peach festl business. . ' •..'"1,,,-^ lake George. The,speed boat is a X'Jshn H. White of Hudsori'avetme west' sWe ' of * South street at Red BrM&hi»W--°/«ind has a>hlr/sori iflf.rovrtros.lr of r an,,-unusual of Shrewsbury,; whp will occupy it. Andrew .C .J3ottrelJU was ment will be applied to a fund to loft many b.eqtte»ts: to be paid-in a t rnotied.' "• Damage.. or about $400 and wontln^ Dink was, doo sixty-horse power engine. It Will typy #r;^it«j«y«nsn>itn"a'nRed Bank, •with the carnival and bazar held for was enjoyed. The association ha York, owned some, real estate in seat before we sent Dink out fo ELKS' CLAMBAKE. very buoyant but Hot as speedy nor the rooms are very largo and the Shrewsbury, Jersey City, New York tho benefit of St. Anges's school been very active the past year and Monmouth county. She left all her building at Atlantic Highlands. has been loyally supported by the the candles and this was the « as attractive as a wooden rowboat. house throughout was constructed and Waterbury, Connecticut. Af- person in the hall when he got badbxl! It Will Be Held Down the Shrews- property to her sister, Drotta V. The prize was a' Bilver trumpet. community in its various projects. kfe of specially selected wood. Mr. ter the dinner the celebrants and "We waited ond waited, *•••'• - bury September 13th. > Nans, and she made thjs sister her Oceanic hookrand ladder company George S. P. Hunt, Walter D, CRUISING IN BARNEOAT BAY. Dennis Btatea that the cost of build- their guests went to the farm of one else came in. After ' . _^. The Red Bank lodge of Elks will ing the house wag $16,000. executrix, Mrs. Hamilton's father, Charles M. was second. The carnival and bazar Fields, Rev. D. Percy Doyle and hold a clambake on Sunday, Sep- Mrs. Mary Agnes Corlies of closed last Saturday night and the half on hour or more, and no othsr^S Red Bankers Have an Outing at • > m Rockhill of Shrewsbury, where a Garrett W. Buck have been of large person appearing, I went to -the;| tember 18th, the date haying been .,' .Torn* River. Spring Lake left all her estate to lawn party and picnic was held.. profits amounted to about $5,000.' assistance to the boyB. Firemen to Parade^ Miss Beatrice Gaffey of .Atlantic front of the stage and addresseSt postponed fom September 6th as H. Wallace Bennett and Fred her two sons,- Arthur Corlies and Part of the festivities took place in Belief engine company of Red Highlands, won a gas stove, Mrs. the audience of one man. I sai|t% originally planned. The members Siedorf are on a cruise to Barnegat How.ard Corlies, or the survivor of the evening, and the merrymakers Bank will take part in the big fire- Edward 7ox of Atlantic Highlands Autos in a Collision. that unfortunately conditions Were'-S attending will- leave the home at bay in Mr. -Bennett's powerboat them. The will was made Decem- had a foast of watermelons and men's parade at Belmar Saturday won a ton of coal and Miss Lillian Automobiles owned by Mrs. Edna such thnt we would be unable.JtO'i, nine o'clock in the morning;. Some Marjorle. They are spending; most ber SOth, 1916, with Peter C. muskmelons on tables on the lawn. of next week. The company will M. Porter of Rumson won a wicker Wensell of Red Bank and Davii> give the performance that.night andtffl members of the lodge who own of the time fishing. Sunday Mrs. Brown, J. Frank Coob and Robert The yard was lighted with many 1 take its apparatus. Firemen from furniture sst. _• ( Holmes of Tinton Falls collided las that Mr. Applegate at the bpx office/fs cabin cruisers will donate, the use Bennett,' her daughter Marjorie and D. Davidson asjwitnesses. Japanese lanterns strung from all parts of Monmouth county will Wednesday on Beech street. No would glvo their money back 'to thi|j« of their boats to take, the members Mrs. Slodorf went to .Toms River by trees. The guests said they had a be in attendance. All members of Fresh Killed Spring Duck, one was hurt, bi^t both cars wero audienca as they passed QUw'p down the Shrewsbury to the Horse- train. There they met Mr. Bennett wonderful time. Saturday, September 5th, at 2 P. M. the Bed Bank fire department have ten and twelve weeks old, 37 cents badly damaged. • Thereupon Dink hoUored back: JtS shoe, where the bake will be served and Mr. Siedorf and they spent the Grand opening of Section 2, been invited to attend the celebra- per pound dressed, shipped to you Franklin Park, Broadway and Lo- cant give him his money bacJeb««3l and'where various sports will bo day cruising'on the'Jfarjorle. They tion and parade with Belief engine by parcel post C. O, D. AH orders "TEN COMMANDMENTS." cust avenue, West Long Branch, School' ReS'»'"-«''°n D«y. causol spent the 35 cents for th#1 enjoyed. Tho bake. Will be prs- returned homo by train at night. - oompany. shipped in ample time far Sunday N. J. 112 attractive lots, each AH pupils who will enter tho Rodcandles'.' . ,. '.-'. ^-|| • pared by the Doughty brothers of dinner jf you order hefore Friday Big Picture to be Shown at Palace Bank public school this fall for the , — .m-^m. • 50x160, will be offered at private Fair Haven, who have a wide repu- Dont Jay Walltl ' ; noon. Phone 868-K-32, Freehold, Theater All Next W«*k. sale. Special prices for the open- first time (except those of the kin' ' Cardner'* Beauty Parlor. ' Batchley Bros., East Freehold, N. J. "The Ten Commandments," which dergarten and first grade) are re "Tho audience of one man &Q|fj£ tation as makers of clambakes. buying furs. . Cheap furs are, ex- ing day will be announced. As in hi? money back by our making Up pensive Ini the end, while ...jney Marcel ware and shampoo, spe- —Advertisement. _ ' broke all long-record runs at $2.00 Sectton 1, all lots will be, offered at quested to register (if registry has spent for reliable furs is money cial $1.60. for short and long hair. top, will bo at tho Palace theater all prices'which will permit a qpick Te- not already been made) at tho su- thB~~rimount nnd giving it to DI6J( well Invested. Skilfully selected We' do bobbing in the latest styles. When In Doubt— next week at the popular price of sale. Prices on all unsold lots will be perintendent's office Thursday, Sep- to hand to tho man. We . n*'d-|i Health, Economy, * Comfort are Manicuring, massaging, eyebrow fifty cents matinee and night, with enough money among us to stay all1-1 yours at Moody's.* You know how skins;.' highest character of work- Moody's once, Moody's always. advanced the day following the tember 3d, School and grade as- manship, positive accuracy of style shaping, dyeing, tinting, bleaching. Shoes rebuilt better than new- Wo a matinee each day at 2:30 and two sale. The phenomenal sale of lots signments will be made when tho nigrht,ui a little hotel In tha pla««i annoying It feels when your shoos For appointments phone Red Bank ; are run down at the heels. We'll and price that never exceeds the do not have to guarantee our wojk. shows every night at 7:00 and 9'.00 on the opening day a few weeks pupils register. The minimum age and enough left In the morning af» - value; the most particular can take 1816. Q Broad street, Red Bank, All work first class only. Moody's o'clock. This is the first showing ago, when almost tho entire first far admission to the kindergarten make them like new. At,a small tho most convenient spot in town. tcr breakfast to pay our way b«ck£f great pride,in the beauty and sim- Shoe Repair Shop, 26 Mechanic of this great picture on tho Jersey section was sold in one afternoon is four years, eight months; to. first to Rod Bnnl:. :<;$\ expense too, for our business is giv- Louisa P. Chadwick Is at your serv- street, Red Bank.—Advertiscmont. grade five years, eight months, ing square deals. Moody's Shoe Re- -pllcity of my garments. Repairing, m const at popular prices. Playing seemed to be the signal for tho : rellning, remodeling, equal to new. ice.—Advertisement. • • ! tho two-a-day in New York city it' greatest real estate boom since tho Schools open Wednesday, Septem "Most of the boys got enough (it: t pair Shop, 28 Mechanic street, Red the theatrical business right thill,'!,1 Bunk.-—Advertisement. Have satisfied customers in your Arthur E. Brauer broke the record of 59 weeks which days of Monmouth Park. Come to ber Oth Advertisement. own vicinity. My work or mer- Juit Wh*t You Have Been Waiting available as concert violinist and In- was held by "Tho Covered Wagon," Franklin Park at orico nnd see the nnd thoro and they novor ngaln person. Jack Friedman, 25 West absolutely frcsjh, at VnnDyk prices. or phone Atlantic Highlands 233-R. markablo picture since it was first Broadway nnd down to the lake on chapol, Fair Haven, Sunday, Sop tlpnal mayonnat«e,-contaialng only —Advertisement^ - career and ho hu» had quit* an «V. Main street, Freohold, N. J.—Ad- Take advantage of our reduced shown at tho $2.00 scale. . This Locust avenue. City water, gas and tombor Oth, at 3:00 P. M. Sermor porlonco tn amatoiir and profi.i*| fresh eggs, best salad oil and high- olcctrlc lights will bo supplied na est grade spices and vinegar, la an vertisement. prices. Alperin's Delicatessen. 20 The Corn*ll-Peacock School week is nlnn known HK eighth nnnual by •Kov. J. J. Derricks, B. D., pro, slonol acting slnco that timo, ' Kt-i Broad street, Red Bank.—Advor- Paramount week.—Advertisement.; needed." Otneo on premises. Phono siding elder Now Brunswick ills ideal food. Ask for It by name If tlsoment, _' will reopen on Wednesday, Soptom- Long Branch 2051. Open ovcnlng.i. trict.—Advertisement. for mysalf, thnt Manchester fnllur*'; you want tha hett.--Advertlsem.int. Radio 1 bqr 23d. A c]ass has been formed only gondod ma into dotormlnlnj Authorized ' dealer for Garod, for a limited number of older girls. School Examination!. Our representative will 'gladly show The Cozr Come To Room An opportunity will bo given you the attractive fonturcs of this Mr. Property Owner, to retrlavo my rcputntlan and to V Home for the A»*d. ' Zenith, DeForrest and Farrand Addres&jn 74 Shrewsbury avonuo, why not wire your bouse now for Godley Produotc Monmouth Ra- offers a selection of dainty gifts Rod Blfik, phone CB7-M.—Advcr- thoso pupils who wish to make up new dovolopmont. Solcct your lots start anew ns nn no.or and troub|t| Board, room and care) tray serv- now nnd como to the opening anlo eloctrio lights. We will give you mnnager; and that failure taugftijii ice, doctor's care if needed. ICO dio Service, Second National Bank and novelties inglng from 60 tisement. , school deficiencies to prcsont them- cents to rnara oxponslvo .vtlclcn. solvoa for examination Friday, Sep- an Soptembor 5th at 2:00 P. M. eleven months to,pay for It. Write ma much moro than I would hayf'i p«r month, wmiams's ,NuriW building, Broad street, Red Bank. Tho Crescent Brass bnnd of 20 or phono Newman's Eloctrio 8hop Home, Fair Haven, N. J. .Telephone Phont 1184. R. 8. Johnson, proprie- Luncheon and dinners served sovon School I* Op*ning*. tombor 4th, from 9:00 A. M. to learned had that show boon t days every weo'i. Also afternoon 12:00 noon at tho superintendent's pieces will play throviKhout tho n(- Iiolmar, N. J. Phono Bolmar 110 cess. - Bod Bank 480-R, R«d Bank.—Ad- tor.—Advertisement. Why,not a fountain pen to begin ternoon. liny H. Stillmnn, mannir- and let us give you an estimate,— V»rtlie»unt. -__ _ • ». • tea. Phone Red 0onk 60O-J.—Ad- with? 'Waterman, Parkor and our office, Senior high school building. ' '- Scnool Suppll... wrtlsament Schools open Wednesday, Soptom-, 'lntr agent, Stato hiRhwny, Eaton- Advertisement "When n lew yoarn Intorl dld|;| own special, |1.00 up. Your name town, J>t. J, Phono Entontown 2178. Vlaltlnc Chlropodftt. .Reliable . mercbandUe . at low stamped In sold frco on all pens. bor Oth.—Advertiscmont. Radio I Into tho thoatrlcnl game as a prjcei consistent with good quality N^tUfc Trubln's.—Advertisement. —Advertisement. • mnnont huslnMi, I knew enoui Dr< Francis Cooks Caller «rW Thoro will bo no rehearsals of Let Bob Johnson solve your radio make appointments by taUphon* to at Trubln's, Store of a Thousand A Requeit. problems for you, Monmouth Ra- tnvcstlgato .ill the conditions < com* %o jron when needed. T#W- Item;, 88 Broad street, Red Bank, chorus of Red Bank Woman's club Pur* Drinking Woter. on Tuesday night, duo to illness nf Mrs. Burecfl, who had a vcat Riverfront Properly, Blotiom COT* dio Sorvlco, Second National Bank show plnccii boforpharul, »o phone Catontown C16B-M batwMa 'dvertlstnemt. Distilled water In small or largi pockot Kodak fixed at o.ur place a Small ostato of two and uno-half building, Bro«d streot, Red Bank, ho prepared for all omcrgenclti,; i SlOO P. It. and 8:00 P. M—Adraf ] ., 1 Lillian 0. Terliune, concert plan. School Supplies »Headq,uari3',< FARMS- g Arthur V. Gregory A Big Crowd Out and Good Price* bought two for J86 each. Adoiph Stultz Acquired It in sinComes \o LONG BRANCH 1 and JEWELRY t , Villa** Homes 4 Trading as- > Paid—Realty Company Received Four lots on the western side of Exchange of Properties and He • ' Shore Eatate* - $ $7,539 More for the Lota Than It George ."street, another street run- Has Sold Thirty Acres of It to * Accuracy, skill and ex- 'All rornw of INSURANCE 3 J. H. Gregory & Son Paid for tho Entire Tract. ning southward from White road, Hamilton Man. , \ perience cfl&ble us • to 1O White Street Nincty-flvo of"l27Jots on thwere e bought by Frank t Howard of Mrs. Isabella Sanborn has traded do the most delicate re- f -STILLtVIAN FARMS K Investment and Realty corporation's Bed Bank for ?110 each. Six lots her farm on tho cost sido of ^hc , State Highway >; Red Bank, New Jersey Swimming river roan at Lincroft to The Faslast Crowing Suburb of Long Branch pairing. We guarantee tract on Whit* road, • near Red were bought" by Myron V. Brown 1 EATONTO^N, -r V - N. J«& ,. . ; Telephone -474 Bnnk, were struck off Saturday at for"' $66 each and the remaining two Adolph Stultz of Asbury Park for On the Camp Vail Route to Long Branch—fronting satisfaction. Our prices ternoon in a tent on the property, lots on the western side of George a. houso on Pearl street at Elberon. will please you. he land was formerly part of thstreete - were bought by Frank Cj By-v MTB. Sanborn moved to her Elberon on Oceanport Avenue Carmarid farm. It -was bought by ram. for $76 each. One of theso houso this"week. Tlip exchange -Silverware Repaired"" did not include six acres of Mrs~LOTS~$150~an. d up^-Ga.; Electric, Water, StnTettT ' 7 TIMOTHY R.. H^ thb Investment and Realty corpora- last named lots is at the corner of Send for illustrated folder or phone for car to toko you to. and Replated Like New.' tion last spring for $6,000.'.' The George street and Brookdale ave- Sanborn's farm on which is a small houso occupied, by Jesse Applegato. tho property. ' • Contractor and Builder company spent about $1,500.in de- nue. Brookdale avenue is a short THE HOME SITE DEVELOPMENT, INC. REUSSILLE'S ; veloping, and , improving; the /land street, connecting George, street Tho property acquired by Mr. SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING k v Oceanport, New Jersey * Tel. Lane Branch 2687 ' l and in holding the sale. The sales' with .woodland avenue. On the east Stultz comprises forty acres, a 36 Broad St, R«d Bank; , ; .SCREEN AND STORM. ENCLOSURES house and a set of outbuildings. Big Bargains NOW £- lowest Tax Bate In County Telephone 881-M l€0-Bridge Avenue, Red Bank. N. J.nmounteil to about $12,000. There- side of George street a tract of ten fore, the company' received from lots was bought by William H. Bar-Since the exchange w.-s made Mr. the lots sold $7,500 more than it ry of Red Bank for $27.60 a lot.Stultz hns sold thirty acres of tho spent in> buying and "developing the This land is rather low. An adjoin- farm to Joseph Giles of Hamilton, W. J. T. GETTY HUGH H. GETTY L. T. GETTY land. In addition to this profit of ing tract of nine lots was bought" by •who is a real estate agent. This $7,500 the company still has 32Mr. Silberstein for $300. sale did not include the house, and lots on-the tract which were not The lots not sold are mostly on outbuildings. Mr. Giles expects to CJCELI 1 lY.lnc. build a house for his own occu- ^ sold at tho auction. Wilson streot on the e'xtreme east- Established 1875 The sale was conducted by Auc-ern end of tho tract and on Brook- pancy on his land; . . tioneer Jess Davis and his organiza- dale avenue. The house and, outbuildings COOKS withttie GASiTURNED OFF. BUlJLDERS I- tion of three young menf with A. Two lots were given away. One which Mr. Stults received in the !. Frank as the leading rrinni The on the western^ side of George exchange aro somewhnf run down 12 Broad Street. » •' ' . Red Bank, N. J. ! •!• friend that will be wn use and those "who bought for who bought an adjoining lot forhouso at Elberon. Mr. Sanborn was 'truthfully*.'frank with 78 Newman Springs Ave. Red Bank, N. J. nvestment, Henry F. Hylin was $85. . - • -. '• a wholesale dealer in wines and Gutters and Leaders! Telephone Red Bank 1202-J Eitimatet Furnished lerlc of the Sale. , liquors. He had almost,the entire, you. However, do .not There was a good attendance, but REMODELING A FARMHOUSE. farm sot out in vineyards and he -worry, over increasing lie tent was large anrf roomy and used the grapes to raake the' goods Tin Roofing Thomas P. Secrest Making Many in which he dealt.- He hnd sovgral wrinkles or lack of iveryone found a seat. The auc- Changes to Shrewsbury Dwelling. lovely hair. ioncer and his assistants livened wine presses, a cider mill nnd a dis- Hot Air Heating WILLIAM O'BRIEN tillery. For a number of years tho hings up with humor occasionally Thomas P. Secrest of New York and this, combined with several is making improvements to hiplacs e was a very busy one and Estimates Cheerfully Given, • We can improve your - unny incidents, kept the gathering house at.the corner erf Sycamore many persons found employment . complexion and your ntertained. Several persons who .venue and Hance road at Shrews- there. The farm has not been tilled coiffure. nought lots reported having re- bury, which he recently bought for several seasons past. At one HOWARD FREY HIGH GRADE SERVICE eivcd offers of higher price3 for from Alfred C. Wiederholt. Frank time it yielded-big crop:: of aspara- Try one treatment then he land before thy left the Bale, Scott has tho contract for the car-gus. note the change. ' Approved and Improved n no instance were these offers ac- penter work and it amounts to Opposite the Sanborn farm is 74 Monmouth Street epted. Mr, Davis commended the $7,988. The work is being done Church farm, a farge tract of land REDBANK Heating Plumbing Roofing huyers who refused to rB-sell.. He under the supervision of J. C. &which was bought about a year ago NEW JTQRS13Y predicted a glowing future for theG. A. Delatush, who drew the plans. by Matthew Mv.llin of Lincroft. Mr. The house is. being re-enclosed Mullin is developing -the property Water Systems Copper Work South Red Bank section, of which NOTICE. Tho aama to be sold accordins to the White road la a part, and he said with shingles, a slate roof is being and cutting it up into plots which TO WILMAM LYONS OR TO WHOM IT provisions of Chapter 312. Laws or N«w put, on, an addition of two bed- w MAY CONCERN: Jcmey, 10rC, far n bill of (84.00 for ro- f the folks who. bought lots would will be placed on the market. He Tako Nutlco that I will sell at Public pnirlnir, parts, it'ccqsBorlcs and.storase on Earthen and Iron Pipe hold fast to them for two years rooms and a bathroom is beingand Mr. Stultz and Mr. Gile3 are Auction on Tuesday, tho elxhth day ofBold automobile,, due to Charles Morris, BEAUTY SALON Wo Handle the American Radiator Company a' hey would receive at least double made, new porches are being built endeavoring to persuade the elec- September. 1925, at two o'clock. In thoproprietor. on the north and south sides, a sun afternoon at Morris Garage, Fatr Haven Dated Pair Haven, N. J., Aunust 56, 102B. Pfwne/772, ajBroadSt. ARCOLA HEATING SYSTEMS what they paid for, them. tric company to extend its lighting road. In.the borough of Fair Haven, county JOSEI'H HERDEN, JR., parlor is being made on the west service - the entire length of theof Monmouth. New Jersey, one 1018 Jive* Oonstable of Monmouth County. Red Bdn/t, /teiJ Each person at the sale was pro-side and new oak floors are being passeneer Cadillac touring, serial No, RED BANK: and SEA BRIGHT SwimmingTrtvdr road. Properties X-A32149. motor No. A82US. It Pays to Advertise In the Register. vided with a large blue print map put down on the first story. A hoton this road have Increased in value >n which was-shown the size and water heating system will be put in due to the expectation .that this ocation of each lot. The tract was the house and' this -work will be road will be made part of a new urveyed and laid out by Arthur C. done by Cook & Oakley. Tho state highway route. Swift and the maps were drawn by grounds -will-'be • improved nnd an Franklixx ParK George' A. Delntush. The lots var- ornamental fence will be put up. ied somewhat in size, but most of It pays to advertise In The Regis- "i Broadway and Locust Avenue j After the work at the houBe is com-ter.—Advertisement. them were 25x150 feet. No sys-pleted Mr. Secrest expects to tenr WESTLONG BRANCH, N. 3. ematic plan of selling the lots was down the outbuildings on the farm followed. Mr, Davis's young men and replace thenCwtih passed among~th6 gathering arid Mr. Secreat is a New York news- je^=.- VISIT $ GRftND OPENING OF SECTION 2 asked various persons which part of paper man and he expects to spend the tract they were especially in- part of his time on his Shrewsbury erested in. When a request was property. fIFOXWOOD PARK ® Saturday Afternoon, Sept. 5 made that any particular lot ba aold Fastest Growing Suburban Development of Red Bank AT TWO O'CLOCK-PRIVATE SALE the lot in question would immedi- Creacent Brass Band Will Play Throughout the Afternoon • ately be put under the hammer. BUILDING PERMITS. IIF. A. Morehouse j HIGHLY RESTRICTED RESIDENCE SITES Sometimes the bidding went ahead Red Bank Building Inspector Issued by leaps and bounds. Sometimes Six Permits L«it Week. | REAL ESTATE | Bassea Pass the he advances would-be one dollar. ^Vd _ _ — -• K • ^«h. •*•• _ sa> ^ _. • BBBh ^ L ^a? 'A Block from 112 LOTS—SOaclSO inly. Each buyer, under the terms Six iiuilding permits ware issued .'•• Property .. •2 3f the sale, was obliged to take at at Bed Bank last week by Charles Vicjtory Park east two lots. A. Frake, the building .inspector. ATTRACTIVE FEATURES: These permits, which amounted to Every Improvement— 4 The Iot3 which sold for the most $14,340, were as follows: 'Across the Street from Gas, Water; Electricity Bus Service (5c Fare to Beach.) money were three on the extreme Addition to dwelling S44 ^Shrewsbury the Shrewsbury River outhern part of the tract, fronting avenue, cost (400. M. C. Datiney owner GO TO THE• ELECTRIC LIGHTS )n the railroad tracks. Two of these ,J J. C. Rass builder. I Buyers Selected to CITY WATER ATMD GAS lots are very irregular in shape and New dwelling. 48x28 feet, 'Vjsta place, Assure Desirable cost $10,000. Ferdinand Vrpeiand owner. Five Minutes to Red 2O-ACRE LAKC are larger than the others on the Garage,. 12x18 feet, also repairs to Bank or Sea Bright Neighbors tract. The other is 26x120 feet. house, 87 South street, cost $290. •Walter Atlantic City COMMUNITY TENNIS COURTS Michael _Silberstein of Red Bank L. Harrison owner and Ralph B. Slckels bought alt the lots at $250 each. builder. . GOLF and POLO FIELD OPPOSITE Converting building Into a house' 30x80 Pageant Two reasons were advanced for feet, Harrison avenue, cost $3,100. Louis hese lots selling for more than the E. Brown owner and Geors. W. Sewing ' ROLLING CHAIR PARADE DAY. LOTS 50x168 Feet—$tyO to $800-rEasy Terms ithers. One was that because of builder. Garage, 12x16 feet. 144 Bridge avenue, The F«(e«nt'a Biggest Event RAY H. STILLMAN, Managing Agent. heir railroad frontage they were cost $150, Dudley Shaffer owner. available for factory sites. The Gaarge. 25x20 feet, 20 Chestnut street, Friday, September 11th A 25$ to 50$ Investment State Highway EATONTOWN, N. J. ther was that they were valuable cost MOO. Cllfforl W. Stiles owner. Office on Premises. ' Open Evenings. •< [or bill posting purposes. It WAS Tickets good on- laid that a sign board company HOTEL SITE SOLD. ly on Special Send for illustrated folder and information-regarding o\ar investment plan under which wa a«rre«- vould pay $350 a year to put signs $0.00 Train date for to tako back tho lot, and return tho purchase price with interest nt 4% por annum if you cannot m the lots. Newark Company Buys United which issued, rosell (if you want to) at a profit of 25% to BOft. Money paid to and hold in escrow by Tha States Hotel Property. leaving Rod Broad Street National Bank, Kcd .• Bank. . Aside from these three lots the The former United States hotel Bank 8:10 A. M. nes which brought the most money Add one hoJr for Daylight Tlm«. • DALTON PARMLY, Owner Electricity .vero those fronting on White road, property on Ocean avenue at Long Rumson, N. J. , Telephone Humson 377 ho lots, on the western end of theBranch has been sold to the Homo ract, nearest to Broad street, were Builders' company of Newark. Tho is the Need nost in demand. Buyers of White property extends from Ocean ave-New Jersey Central •qad lots were George Linton" of nue to the Central railroad tracks. Several houses and bungalows are of the Hour Shrewsbury, who got two for $155 Ke^SKOKoi^K+ita^^ iach; Mrs, Edmund Nestler of on it and there are about sixty va- Shrewsbury, who bought two forcant lots. Yho prpperty was held T is a big problem I1G0 each, and two others for $185at $200,000 and the price paid was to secure Better inch; Nathan Lavinsky of Rodaround that figure. Tho new own- The objects of a I Home Lighting. ionk, who bought two for $17©ers will build several houses. hch; Michael Silbcrstcin, who Real Estate Board are: We have anticipated [ought two for $170 each; Samuel Oakland Street House Rented. this and your need for assistance by securing rcenblatt of Red Bunk, who Tho Hadlcy-Hall real estate agen- 1. To serve as a central organiza- Wablc Fixtures—also a book entitled "Appro- ought thrco for $186 each; Mrs.cy has .rented Abram Sanborn's tion for duly licensed memberi 'homns Connors of Red Bank, who house on Oakland street to Mrs. Transact Your Realty and Mortgage. Deals priate Lighting Equipment for the Home." ought two for $150 each; John B. Harry LoValle; of Red Bank, who engaged in tho Real Estate pro- This book is interesting, instructive and help- Hen of Red Bank, who bought two will move Into tho house September fession, maintaining offices for In Red Bank and Vicinity ful. It shows iz selections of Lighting Fixtures ots for $125 eneft; MnttlTew 1st. tho benefit of owncrB nnd buyers for homes costing from $3,000.00 to $15,000.00. fehuetz of Rod Bunk, who bought nnd oil thoso interested in Real Through These Licensed wo for $120 each; William 11. Bar- New Barn at Mlddletown. . Estnto. It shows you the kind of Fixtures that har- y, who bought four for $60 onch; Herbert I<. Pease tins just com- monize with your Furniture and enables you to lid Dcnjumln Hurwitz, who bought pleted a hnrn for Charles McClos- 2. To supply Information to facili- wo for $120 each. Tho lots which koy of Middlctown villngo at a cost Members Real Estate Board secure proper, appropriate and adequate Light- nld fo^$CO oneh nro on low land, tate negotiations in Real Estate of $900. Tho barn replncod ono and protect Real Estate lntorcata ing in every room. ..!..'. .. . ,1,. hese nalcn aro given in tho order which was destroyed by flre a few 1 You need this book to secure More and Better I. n which they run from tho western weeks ago, generally. of Red Bank, N. J. Home Lighting and Equipment. You need our % o the eastern end of tho tract. Wnnillimd avenue • lots wcro tho Atlantic Highlands Lot Sold. ' 3. To maintain ethical standards ../ experience and advice to see that the work is xt hest sollc>r«. Six wore bought Mini Evelyn Snyilor has sold n of its mombors ahd to oncourago ; and' ndvocnto such standards done properly. iy Howard Rosovelt of Rod Bank lot 48x140 foot on Qnrfleld avonua You pay only ONE COMMISSION and you have SEVEN FIRMS or $108 each. Woodland/avenue among: others with whom they un» southwnrd from Whlto rond nt Atlantic Highlands to John E. may hnvo professional relations. WORKING FOR YOU! id the lotn bought by Mr. Ro«e- Stono for $850. Mr. Stono will HOGAN'S ELECTRIC SHOP r olt nro on tho west nldo of thobuild n houao on tho lot- 4. To reform nny present trndo ALLAIRE & SON HENDRICKSON & STOUT 8 WALLACE STREET RED BANK, N. J. treot. On tho sumo Mdo of .tho New Garage at Rivtr Pla*a, «buscs or objectionable trndo ri'i'i iwo lotB wcrp bought by Mm. Wlllinm A. Caldwell has hud a practlccn, and to socura and ad- 6O Broad Street. 69-71 Broad Street. Telephone Red Bank 389 Vllco (J. ViiiiNottrnnd of Rod Drink vino rollnblo Information In all ur $108 each, Hovon lots on thogarnico built on hli property nt River Plnm by Charles Homblihg Ronlty matters. ; ThmptrcmttftlieoitofbMJInra Ihmt nmh rililo nf Iho iitreot woro bought HAWKINS BROTHERS HYLIN & SALZ jbsula bi allowtd Jar Lighting VixturM \ . y Goorfco Hanoo 1'uttorRon for |00of Rod Bnnk. Tho coat wni $600. * • • ncli. Tho remaining lota on, that We provide Board Rppraiialt 10 Monmouth Street. . 42 Broad Sj^eit. iln of tlio ntioot, four tn numbor, Irar PUs« Buh|alow. of properly. , ' MMssluth Calmly turroisls's OffUs. ns««il of til* (stats of MtlvilU Uululirn. en! IIOIIKIII by Mr. Bllboritoln for Mr... Inn Drunker of Slyer Plum WILLIAM A. HOPPING A-L. IVINS AGENCY Ik -th* WstUr of tb« «.tst« of MilvllU ilect'Metl. hullo. U liarahy Klvtn to tliv 00 each. Thoan lot* adjoin tho la building a bungalow i H an Invest- ertdltors n( still drcom.il 1,1 tilillilt iu Wo abo effect First Mortgage i lutsbsn. dsaisiwl. •• tin suliicrllMT, silinlnlilmtnr «« *fnrr««h1, fi'oiitlng on HID rnllronil track* ment at that nlacol Tho coat will 49 Broad Streets. 42 Broad Street. .Metis, to .rsdllors' la urtssnt tlalma Ihtlr rfsbts anil riainnnils amlnst tin lalil li Mr. Hllbsrttnln bought curlier be 12,500. ' Loans. Both at reasonable ••lair, iinilur uatli, within >l< immltis frum , '• SIHMl flUth , th« llatt of tb. nf l*«/»»*lli ts> ths atin of Jonph I. will li« for«v«r liarml nf Ihnlr adtliiili HlO i'nch nro virtually woodjantl If .you lmv« anything you'want (US, Fres., 10 East Front Streot. iVar< IVttOMt* of »b« County of Mom thtrcfor .tfatnst tli» anlt! Mlitmerlhtr. to noil, hire, rent or exchange, nrnks LAND & LOAN CO i, tnsij sin ll* first Mr. Haven . \ New Jersey will bo at the corner of Plnckney wald have been rented by Mr. Ken- Lcslio will take possession Septem- road and Stlvorwhltc avenue. It nedy. The Rafferty house will be ber 1st. The sale of the property will have a brick front and the re-occupied-by Mrs. Xi. DbBccker of was made by William A, Hopping mainder of tho house will bo eri SUNDAYS' Oliver on Lako avenue and the Bank for $12,300. The lot is large, -I _ A- M. P. M. P. M work Is now under way.* The'house Rumson... '. job than you or anybody else could do with an oil or gieaas guru

^M^M^M^i>*^a4^WA^A^*^^4^a^W*^a^^*^*^*^^^^^a^a^^a^A^^^^^&^^V^kV^V^*A^&AW^!&A4!&A.4^^^ ^^ ^^^^^# •^^^^^^^•^^••^^^•^•^t^Wt^


T T ff ect until Oct. 1.1925 tf t * J have raised the price of lots 10% to partially cover the expense of the extensive improvements made in the nature f of sidewalks and curbs, shade trees and good roads, which have been completed this summer. t , f 1st, 1925, SAL OF LOTS WILL QE ' t T UNTIL. SPRING O1R 1926. T T We expect a boom when Cooper's Bridge is opened. Our prices will positively be higher in the Spring of 1926. Over f one-thircj of Riverside Heights has already been sold, but many desirable lots are left. .Buy now that Home ;Site--or buy as an investment. .. tT t ' MAIL THIS COUPON T ADVANTAGES OF RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS s Riverside Height. Development, T Broad Street Bank Building, T •Just across tine Shrewsbury River from Red Bank. Red Bank, N.-J. ' T Commutirtg distance to New York:. PIOHSO Bond mo map and prlco of lots. t This docs not obligate mo In any wny. T Ten-minute walk to Red Bank station. T Nnmo .... v Direct state road to New York. T Addroaa tT Opposite North Shrewsbury Golf and Country Club. T Mail Coupon to Us or Consult Your Own Real Estate HEIGHTS DEVEI |>VvH> Broad Street Bank Building, . n RED BANK, NEW J

U RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBERS, 1925/ * ,J< -} offered profits on their lots before tho desires and the wants of the COOLIDGE AND LAWSON. . Coolidge had recalvad only town Bnd'liMnUt ifrbm/' Cott>UbIa other group Usually in such caaes 17,000 plurality in 1918 for gov-HooV to Camden,.1 , • ' THE RED BANK REGISTER. they left the auction. Mitawu Man Sura Ha Will Gat % $' vJOHN vh. COOK, Editor and Publisher. * • * each group is ready to help the PmhUnfa O. K. , ernor. He had Uttla chances tat n - If I lose, the other fcllowi Will other to obtain' the things especially re-election without the AmerUftn be w«U aware otflte fact that there ,JOBOROB>0. HA.NCE. Aa.oolate editor. However, there .-is nothing re To the Editor of The Register; 1 : longed for by tho other. The needs Legion vote which I turned over to has Been a triangular jtlght, In New ' XUOMAS UIVINO BROWN. mat-liable in the 'fact that'.every- of the community and the welfare Vour brilliant analysis of my let-him, bringing Ma plurality In the Jersey for #>• g(?vernor»hip. If I Bustnase Managtri body comes out 'fon top" at this Omlot tU MQ»I Matnllictnt V % of individuals become part of the, ter, dated August 26th, to PresU state up to 66,000. i win I shall hold the distinction of\ Htlephooei: -Bed Bank It tale. This is characteristic of real general trend of affairs and such dent Coolidge for an, indorsement Gov. Coolidge appreciated this being the last goverpb^of Ijfow Jer- R.dBank 1800 estate, although hot every sale meetings tend to unite all parts of of my candidacy for governor in- by showing me many favon, one of sey, as I believe it U euentlal for shows this, so quickly and plainly as SiU)«ra • TOWN TALK. destructible and is. enhanced in each other well, local bickering It is true .1 have not yet re- The party is liable to be split 9-14:, "Let mo alone that I may value by increasing population.' comes.to an end and harmony and ceived such indorsement:, but three'different .way's and that is destroy them ant! blot, out their Tho Asbury Pnrk board of com- neither has Senator Whitney, and : why I am running on a coalition . . * * * ' • ., ' neighborliness tuko its place.. It name from, under heaven; and I.will missioners have sent a: petition to you can'take it from me he never ticket. I am not in hearty accord tho New Jersey public utility,com- brings on that friendly feeling of make of thee a nation [much more were .enabled with their E-.vings to likely to receive attention and ap-pave the way for better timo3. If commissioners that Carroll did not proval' than if the task of fighting theTe couid be any.way to separate come under- the police ordinance, for this common sense proposition and measure the ingredients that which provides for an eight-hour Is left' to one municipality alone. go to make up human happiness working day. AFewTyp Intlie • * * ' and a comfortable old age; invest- Baby Parade Captain*. X !>" ; ments in real esta*e, originating This nuisance, both in the day- Ira P. Whyto has been chosen time and at night, should be abated. from frugal savings, would be found to be one of the largest ele- captain general of tho Asbury Park i Until such time as grade crossings baby parade, which will be held of China, ments. At least this is the case' in are abolished, the railroads should next Wednesday. The captain's of be compelled not only to furnish and around Red Bank, where prop- v erty for the past sixty years has the various divisions are Albert A. every possible safety appliance for shown a constant and steady in- Eobbins, Nelson J. Schoen, Harry . those who use thd highways, but thecrease in value. Harsin, A. L. Stansbury, Harold W? . railroads should also bo compelled Warren and John H. Lewis. '.' to stop practices which are a public nuisance and a public menace. ^ THe Items listed-here represent but a small part of tKe many hi The firemen of Port Monmouth are raising funds to erect a buildirig the sale. Folders'containing a more complete list of the items will ; There is one job which the Redwhich is to serve both as a firehouse f Bank- street. superintendent should. and as a community center. The be given you, upon request, in the departments or on the "Street ; look afte.r before winter sets In. firehouse parj; of the building will Floor.TTI . " •••' I •• •• ' ' '' A • •. ' - • • • • ••-, • "' V : / , . ;It is a job which will make winter be located on the first floor, where ../travel on, most of the sidewalks of the fire appartus will be stored. The Mail qriJ 'phtitie orders will ;> the town much pleasanter than it second floor of the building, and oc- has been during tho past half-dozer^ casionally the first floor also, will be* jilted while quantities last. 'years." ~ ' ~~' : bo used for "public rneetings, en- .;- * • • tertainments and general social pur- X1OO Piecto Dinner Set, reg. 36.10, now 28.60) '"•• That job-li to have the sod andposes. (52 Piece Dinner Set, res:. 19.27, now 15.00). Vollrath White Enamelware a \ 38.S0 .Wood Bridge earth cut away on the street side of • • • (32 Piece Cottagers, reg. 8.11, now 6.39) Every piece i» made of finest quality triple coated white the sidewalks so that* water will A combination building of this An open stock pattern—our own importation* of Engliih flow off the walks. At present, kind will serve the two purposes enamel. Finished without seams. AU the most .wanted item* 36.000 porcelain, incidentally a much better prade than is usually '" ! •'.•. and for severnl years past, many of 'for the kitchen are included. ' '; < with one-half the expense that offered at these low prices. And besides, during this sate,* * Heavy wood- lamp, hand 'the sidewalks nre like a pool.of wa- would he necessary if separate -We are offeringg a 20%0% discount on individuaidividual pieces of-thiofthis 2.59 4j4qt. tea kettle, 2.09. carved, finished in various 1lhlyy A bUlliIlng§--tveTe"-efrcted.—There" "is pni—-ThettTh ' casserole^—flugar-towlst-creani-Bitcheri-aiid—l^tlithd — —colors.Iatefif-lt meat dishes arc ia the quaint square shape as illustrated.: -2vss^cnssritmr2M~.^nssritmer2Mr half-hour's work or less by i. house- another advantage in such a com- 1.85 2 qt cqffee pot, 1.49. liwitch. Deep square 14-inch holder would remedy this trouble. bination building.' It brings the 1.66 l'A qt tea poV US. shade pt. finely pleatM geor- $17.50 , gctte with bullion .and silk The sod and earth could be cut people of t^he community, in closer 1.85 2 qt. tea pot, 1.49. ' : away so" that the sidewalk "would be contact with each other than if each 22S -1J4 qt rice boiler, 1.79. MngV~~' - '•--— a little above the level of the sod, or set of people met separately and at D. A. Johnson Co. 1.45 4 qt. convex saute pan, 1.17. gutters could be cut through the soddifferent times. It promotes great- 1.69 5 qt convex sauce pan, 1.35. Automotive Electrician* 224 8 qt convex sauce pan. 1.79. 23.50 Vase Table. from the sidewalk to tho street. er friendliness. It provides oppor- 15-17 Mechanic Street 70c 2JS qt lipped sance pan, 55c. Either, of thdse thinfesJ! could be tunity for greater acquaintanceship. Rod Bank, N. J. 77c 3 qt lipped saucepan, 61c quickly done by the owner or nc- * * * Telephone 1036 86e 4 qt lipped sauce pan, 69c cupant of the property and this With the firemen and the people 1.85 9 qt oval dish pan, 1.57. '17.00 *• would keep the sidewalks dry. 2.05 12 qt oval dish pan, 1.65. of the community meeting together 64c small sink strainer, 52c . Mirror. black vase "lamp' • • * • in friendliness, each group learns StromWrjfCarlson 70c large link strainer, 55c. with a cast rnetal mounting-. In some places the trouble is 1.82 10 qt water paiU, 1.45. Two-light socket Choice of caused by the sidewalks having sunk Z08 12 qt water palls, 1.69. two shapes.- 20-inch oval into the ground a little in the 70o 12 in. wash basin, 55c. shade .of georgette with silk course ' of yours. Generally, how- 85c 13 in. wash baiin, 69c fringe, All .wanted colors. ever, the trouble is caused by the The Aspdin Company 89.50 China Dinner Set. 69.75 48c Z qt pudding pan/38a, grass growing on the street side of t / High grade Limoges china set, decorated with a the sidewalk and gradually raising 8 White Street Phone 1129 Red Bank, N. J. charming border pattern/gold traced edges, and coin the sod two or three inches above gold handles; set consist* of 101 pieces, including 3 Aluminum Ware for Better the level o£ tho sidewalk. This makes the sidewalk in such places n meat dishes, one sugar and one creamer. •' . Cooking K lort of fiat gutter, through which pedestrians have to wade. 2JS DenUa Oalmaal or * , 89c Gold Encrusted Stemware , Rlea Boilar. 1.89 * * • • 3.80 Windior Staamar This condition exists in places on *'- ' • • 69c i •' •" Cemblnatkin, 2,79- almost every street in Red Bank. 8.00 Waffla Mold, 4.J8 It is a nuisance even in rainy sea- / EacK piece has a bnej-h'alf inch' gold encrusted bor- 2.e2.SaAca Pan Sat,. 1.98 For .walls and ceiling—use 3.78 Taa Katda, 2.98 sons in the summer. In the winter Masury'BPerfection Flat Col. Her of Minton design at the top and a gold line at the "the nuisance is EO great that often loot. Gracefully shaped, sparkling clear glass to add 1.78 Ahunlnam Sauca ore. Exquisite pastel tones, . "".' Pan, 1.1B people walk up on the lawns or out a distinguished touch to well-appointed dinner tables, 2.20 Saoca Kattla, 1.69 in the street to get out o£ the water durable, easy to apply, easy to wnsb, made to last. Tho choose from Goblets, Saucer Champagnes, Sherbets, j 3JE8 Prawrring j3au. and slush. It is a nuisance that JVines, Cocktails, etc. f S.49 can be remedied KO easily and Avith modern homo has walla # 2.18 Pmaarriac .80 little work that it should not be" painted Vvith » l.«8 allowed to continue. It hus prob- J, 1J8 Omalat Pan. 1.00 ably been unnoticed by most of 22.75 China Set Tea Set ' 3.64 Pan and PotSat, j.98 V 3.S8 PareoUtor, 2.79 those on whose property it occurs* 17.50 21.50 Metal BHdge A simple notification, by the street 5.98 fupcrintcmlvnt to those where this A Limoges cluna tea or Japanese china luster tea' condition exists would probably be bridge set, showing a charm- sets in two-tone combinations ing border pattern with edges —choice of orange <>wlth Imported Pottery, CereaJ Set* .17.00 • sufficient to result in a prompt rem- traced in $old. Handles are mother of pearl or blue with edy. Masury's covered with coin gold. Set orange. With edges traced With adjtutable arm and -o-o-o-o-o- consists of 1 tea pot, 1 sugar wit)) black and black han- socket In antiquo brassjand bowl, 1 creamer, 8 tea cups dles. 23 pieces—1 tea pot, 1 potjxhromo finishes. Com- i' Several person* who bought lota and laucera, 8 tea plates. 29 sugar bowl, 1 cream pitcher, A quality geHing'regu- plete with a 12-inch fancy • at the nuction held by tlio Invest- Perfection pieces, service; for two tablei 0 tea cupj and saucers, 6 tea larly tor 6.50. Three de>. shaped shade, hand deco- Tncnt nnd Jtenlty corporation on its of bridge. plates. signs to choose from.' rated and' sprayed with property nt South ,Ked Hank Sntur- beads. Illustrated left. day reported having received offers The blue Delft, for In- '., of profits on tho lots before they Flat White stance, nnd other*. 15 • left-tho «nk'. Tho Investment nnd {iieces — 6 large,, cereal •' 19.00 Junior Roof ] ' Realty corporation jvcC'lvcd $7,BOO ars, 6 small jara, 1 vine- rnoro fpr the lots which it sold thnn and Colors , gar bottle, 1 oil bottle and , .It paid for the entire tract. It I wood covered salt box. •pent $1,5(10 in developing tho tract ...A and In holding tho mile. This inmle • The lantp< t» o( metal In ' tho total cxpotiHu $(3,nOO, which is antique Spanish brasa nnlth. . f 0,000 loss tlinn tho amount rc- Chirm Cereal SeU, 8160 Two-light locket .Velveteen ' eclvod from tho wtlu of tho lots hand decorated and Saturday. In mtditlon '.> tliln jiroAt kepkrly 10.00. Imported. Several. de«fgtu. I with fine beads, In . dcrifni. llloitratcd , ,;'of $0,000 over nml nbovo nil nx- KISTIUBUTORS FOIl ' Same number and ktaii of pieces as above sets. .pongCB tho compiiuy has Wi lots left. right. , Jolm W.' M.iurjr & Son " Emll C.lm.n Company Eipnaa Ekmrort to S floor \ txptwi BifMan ta InMk hoot ', Thl« In tho kind of bunlnc«ii Atlantic V.rnl.h Work. C.Her WhlU Load Co, •veryono liken to KCU. Everybody . ' Richard E, Thlbcut W.llp.ptr ,-.,'eoi«M out "on top," which In us It './.'should he. Tho rdnlty oomnnny THE LARGEST DISTRIBUTORS OF PAINT AND PAINT \i .darn* a fair profit, (whli'!i in tin & jj'inii proper comldurltiK thnt the MATERIAL IN MONMOUTJI COUNTY L, BAM BE CO. ^oompntij' took vacaht land --'ami ' i It bloom with homo tltrfi. Tho "One of America's Great Stores" Newark, 2V. J. from th« company will re _ /air nrQfUa, al la shown by fact that iomo of them wora ?}<• • ' i - / * ^ WEPS, havve returneernedd 'frofrom an aautomobile WOICI sports, athletic contests and I'tmt FAILTO ATTEND Eormaf Mlddletown Villas* Boy rip to Niagara Falls. 4 4 / dancing contests. Takes Prlnceon Girl for Bride, Tha women's temperance union met last Friday with ' Mrs. Robert Card* hava been received at Hid- MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE NEWS. terflber 6th, at 3 '.00 P. M., Ser- G. Cook. r " tyJ^Sp p idi ld dletown village/ announcing the Mlns Alma Williams has returned Man Working Day and Night on wedding of Mlis,Winifred Oldena roni a pleasure trip to the Catskills Repairs to Schoolhouse. , Do tb«f led UN« New Brunswick 'dietri of Princeton and Daniel Steele d ]!«t Northfield, Massachusetts. It M.oa'e rawiey.. Forbes of Hawthorne, New York. School re-opened yesterday for roar «Uuw war aMeb' »»•••»•»••••»••»•«••••» Willam VanNote underwent an the' falf term. The repairs which The groom is a son of Rev. and ipen tlon last week for the removal Mrs. J, C. Forbes. Her. Mr. Forbes have been under way, at the school- if hi tonsils. ., ;.;.., house are nearly completed..,,Men Broad-way Loan Co., Inc. was formerly pastor at the Re- Philadelphia By* formed church' at Mlddlotown vil- :ake sale for the benefit of the have been working day »nd night ' $' ' > ' •'ttoo«»slpf» to «el»fl(iuokl«r.(a Co' rest yterian church will be held on on this job. They worked all day Drummond Pla.cs Red Bank XD4 N>ll • «jit' Princeton cpllege of the claas of atuiday of this week at the Com-Sunday. . Phono 933 ~ 227 Broadway, Long Branch, N. i. 1022 and he Is engaged In business munl y house. Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Ellison Telephone 1267 at New,York, The bride is a Mi s Evelyn Mason of Avenue I) havi named their new born son descendant' of one of the oldest is , vi Itlng her brother-in-law and Cornell F. Ellison. Money Loaned on Personal Property. families of New Jersey. The young istei, t)r. and Mrs. Albln S. Mer- Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Thomson . Bargains iq Unredeemed Pledget. couple will start housekeeping in ier I f Baltimore, Maryland. have returned from a vacation trip "' Fishing Tackle, Musical Instruments, an apartment at Hudson View Gar- r: •<•»•.. . .• •••;..•• in the Catskill mountains and serv- , ,. Walehes, Jewelry, SlWerwara and Flrearma. \ dens at New York, -which is ready HIGHLANDS NEWS. ices were resumed at the Reformed for their occupancy. ,Xho groom is church Sunday. Communion will Stock Reduction and ) i»sBi»»Vs»lM»*»M»*»»»»<»»»» »»'«««»«»»»»»e»»«)« y**< -well known at Middletown village. igh Attorney Resigns—Couple be held next Sunday. Observe Silver Wedding. • Mrs. Leroy'Tiltpn is convalescing George E. JenklnSon, Jr., refro- m sickness at Crahbury. Her A Judge's Vacation. son Edward is.at the home of his B* t. 1*T» /• lgnel as borough attorney at last Discount Sale ! Judge Henry E. Ackerson, Jr., of grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Keyport, has been spending a vaca- week s meeting of the mayor and il. He stated that other bust' Tilton of Holmdel. v ORIGINAL HESSE'S ICE CREAM tion at Tupper LakerNew York. He Mrs. Harry Gulick is Improving OF writes to friends that he has en-ess was taking up most of his THE KIND YOU'VE HAP FOR 46 YEARS Ime. Besides1 being a lawyer Mr. from grip. , joyed a very lazy and restful sum-( Mr. and Mrs. Tillotson have re- Front St., Foot of Broad St., Red Bank, Phone 1269 mer and that there are trout in the onkjnson is engagegg d in .the real es- ate t T ffiil t turned to Massachusetts after a streams there, but he doesn't say justness. The officials accept- visit to Mr. and Mrs. William B. FLAVORS that he has caught^ any. ' ed s resignation and Mayor J. L. GAS and ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Waters.' > Vanilla Chocolate Strawberry Peach Oppfp)e man'named. John t.. Sweeney Legion Coffee Maple Walnut Neapolitan Brick ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. as hhii s successor, bbut t ththe councilmcil n Miss Marjorie Zimmerman is im- eld up confirmation of the ap-proving from her sickness, but she Plitachlo Tuttl Fruttl. Orange Ice Pineapple Ice Card Party at St: Agrics's School— oini ment until the nexi council is still confined to the house. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK -Noo Wins Golf Club Title. meet ng. ... . '< The Baptist church will be re- . A card party will be held on Frl- M:. and Mrs.! Jesse W, Clark ob- opened Sunday after having been 10% Discount on Entire Stock day:night of this week at St. Ag- ierv/2 volt $1.52 About 36 Suits at Eveready B Batteries, 45 volts ...... $2,85 25c Voiles and Wash Fabrics ...... 19ic V^- I on About 45 Suits at 2 $10-85 Eveready Dry Cells 35c . >• 'j ¥ Regular Values $10 to 50c to 79c Voiles and Wash Goods 25c ?d- ^ Regular Values $15 to $20 CIGAR DEPARTMENT § Boys' Accessories • IMPORTANT—-Watch this •pact each week for Cigar and 2.50 54 inch Embroidered , , Cigarette Special. oiles 1.39 yd. f Blouses Sweaters Caps Hosiery Underwear Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept 3, 4, 5 Only 3.98 54 inch Bordered Silki 2.50yd- 1 LADY CHURCHILL, pkr of 10 £fic regular price 75c—This Sale PU 50c 32 in. Woven Shirting Madras LADY CHURCHILL, box of 25 $1 CA regular price $1.88—Thi« Sale...... "* 1.69 36 in. Stripe Tub Sills yd. Boys, Here It Is The Lady Churchill,Cigar has a selected-J»va' wrapper and it's filled with n, combination of thoroughly ripened and cured ' 50c 40 inch Normandy Vo les Free Airplane GHder--a Real Flyer-given away domestic) tobaccos. ,• ,; . 29c with a purchase of $1.00 or over. Come with mother This cigar Is Intendod for the smoker wanting a good, big, d mild smoko. It Is one of the.biggest'tolling United Cigars, 50c 36 inch Martel Crept pink, rose . 29c ? ' when she gets your school togs, and be sure to ask for United Stores Sell Better Cigar. , 69c to 1.00 Silk and Cottoi Fabrics.. your glider. ' »' Guaranteed Watches $1.00 ' This Bristol watch has an unbreakable crystal' ana It guaran- 1.00 to 1.50 Tub Silks and Brocades ... 79C yd. f tftl by tho manufacturer, B, Ingram Co,, to run:and keep' good time for one your. A splendid watch for rough outdoor work. 39c to 69c Wash Goods Remnants .... igc yd. SODA FOUNTAIN 1.00 32 inch All Silk Pon, ee The Beit Soda ID town Is ••rved at our fountain. Alwavt Mid , and refreshing. Convlnsa yourielf, All klndi of 8anjv*loh*s KRIDEL A , Frtili Dally. ' ,-.'••• ••••' ' . , ••.-'• ••"' • "• . ••••• i I 2.00 to 3.00 Odd Pain Curtains pr. :: RED BANK ; FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "10 Certificates Free with Each Dollar Purchase 86c 36 Inch Colored Dress Linens ..... 59c>r(I' '\\ HHiiiiinmiiH I i .- v,.-).. V i Jtfj . , i i' u' ' if' • . , . L REP BANK REGISTER; SEPTEMBER 2,1965:' I«"TO «iorn*ucroRs. PLAYING HAVOC WITH FOWLS and Mrs. John Zlegler and sons her .hatband on .'.Sunday, afiir QT,cW*n that aealed bldi Lewis and John and Mies Romaine spending a week with Mr. and, Mrs. . b,y th* Council ot th* / I Bank for th* sonitructlon Many Chickana KuF.d at Little Sil- Miller of Hanover, "*«., and MUs Uston VanDerveer. Mr. Boyce'w«« ,ip* Bnw Xxuntlon. houie ver by a Pack of Doia. Clara Bortner of Red Bank. he guest of hit daughter over'Sun- 1 manhole), to b* eonetructed Quality—Rich in flavor, always uniform, J .__j •Ttma, Catherine atr*ct, Rirer Last, week at tha meeting of the Charles Errickson spent Jsit day. " "' , i and Cedar annue. In tie Borough manufactured in a sanitary bottling plant, mayor and council of Little Silver week with Ms aunt, Mrs. J, Milton Chester Bttrtt hta a now Hudson '.,( t BaaWN. J, and opened and read In ! j at tha rooma of aald Conned, Bor- Mrs. Leander B. Campbell pre- Cook of Manaiqnan. tedan. ' Hall. B*4 Bank, M, J.. on or about scientifically, with pure cane sugar syrup; sented a bill for $14 for seven ~. M, September 8, IMS. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baumann Mr. and MM. Percy ". Howe of __* and apeolncatlon«. atandard pro- guaranteed PURE FOOD extracts and flavors. chickens killed by dogs and W. and family of Oil City wen recent Yonkers spent a few «J»ys recently Iforau and Information concerning Russell Parker presented a bill for guests of the former's sister, Mrs. with the lattcr's parents, Mr.'and. saM way be obtained at the office of r IMS* X. Allen. Jr., borouih engineer, to Charged into a PERFEC1LY STERILIZED $8 for four chickens killed by dogs. Elisabeth Voorhees. Un. Jacob Trautmann Sr. ' Iroad atrwt. Bed Bank. The bills' were not mado out on Miss Jeanette Davis and Gerald Miss Luey Perrine it spending The Satisfaction of Bid* araet V* mad* on the «Und.rd pro- BOTTLE and served to you as a FOOT) PRO- cerUln forms -which are prescribed Michaels of Bayonne were, recent her vacation at Manaiquan Beach •....Mai form In th* manner deiignated • Work Well Done ' thtreln and M«alnd br the ipeclncatlone, by law and the officials said they guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ai the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Whit- naat be meloetd In lealed en»elojt», DUCT, as well as a THIRST QUENCHER, Is would pay the bills when they were Davis. ney B. Whitson, i bearlnc tb* nam* and addreia ot tha bld- 1 •-. , in mat tH* nan* of th» propoaed work properly made out. . ' The interior of the manse of the Charles E. Conover and daugh- What great satisfaction a ''•' ' en th* ontalde, addreiaed to th* Council what you get when you buy 1 et til* Borough of Red Bank, and unit be A number of other chickens have Sanford memorial church' was new- ers of PeAl River spent last week person, gets out of work •eeompanled br a certified check for a 1 been killed by dogs and the Little ly. decorated last week. with his mother, Mrs. Mary V.,Con- •well doneu-it is a reward 1KB ot not lela than ten (10) per cent DEGENRING'S CARBONATED BEVERAGES Miss Clara Dey and Dr. Harry over. , of th* amount bid on th* work, payable Silver officials are expecting more # of itself and needs none to ta th* Collector cf th* Borough of Red poultry bills. Councilman William Campbell of Media, Fa., are spend- Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Bank :»nd a aurety company certificate ing two weeks with the former's atatlnr that »ald aunty, company will pro- H. Carhart stated that a pack of family of Highland Parl: were Sun- make>it appreciated. You •»lde th* bidder -with th* required bond, fierce dogs attacked his chickens sitter and her husband, Mr. andday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry will-also get greaj satiirfac- and moat be delivered at the place and Mrs. George Mount. • before the hour aboTO nained;"*** . Manufactured by and' awakened him. by the noise Lake. which they made. Mr. Carhart Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lewis and tion\ from havirig a con- Tha Council ot the .Borough of. Red Mr. and Mrs, J. Harold Eldridge 1 Bank reiervei the right to reject any or raises fancy fowls which frequently family are spending a fortnight in had as their Sunday guests Mrs. fitantly grbwing fund at the all btda if deemed to th* best intereita win prizes at poultry shows. He a bungalow at Manr.iquan Beach. of th* Borough ot Red Bank to to do. HG^GENRING Kenneth Lofgren 'and children of Broad, Street National Br order of the Council of the Bor- got out of bed, grabbed; his trusty Miss Edith Morris of Baltimore Cranford. Telephone 1051 ,"• REP BANK, N. J. gun and rushed outside without was. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bank. ' . - * taking time to change his night Charles Kowack, Mr. and Mrs. HiTB. Henry Mergaugey last week. Harold Lanon and daughter Flor- Mayor. clothes. Ho shot at the dogs and Miss Ruth Coleman has returned ','. 4% Interest Pa,id on H. Clerk. frightened them away, but the shot ence of Long Island City have been to, Tinton Falls after spending a guests of their mother, Mrs; Charles Savings Accounts! AOatiat IS, 1*25. did not hit any of the animals. No week with Miss Sylvia. Folhemus. chicken's were killed. The dogs Ndwack, Sr., for the month of Mrs. Pauline Theia oi New York August. i are still at large. No one knows is enjoying several weeks with Mr. who' owns them and no one has yet Mrs. Violet Opfornann of Hollls, and Mrs. Charles Lapple. - L. L, spent last week with . Miss been able to get a good view of Harry Emmor.a of Philadelphia them. ,-"'.•• Mnud Rogers. ,A spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Minton of Kearney v Mrs. Alec Perrine. ,ted his daughter, Mrs. Edward Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Bodine Finn recently. ENGLISHTOWN NEWS. . were recent guests of their son and Clifford Rhodes of Florida spent Moamautli County Surreitta'* Offlea. Max Spachner to Build a Bungalow his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bo- few. days last week with his wan MatlWe, deeeued, notice la her* dine of Bridgeport, Conn. In th* matter of th« uttta ot Forman bt0y aslven to tha eredltora of eald deceaia on Harriadn Avanuo. brother, Alexander Rhodes and M»tth«wi. dectalid. . xnlwt to the aubiorlber. executor * Mr. and Mrs. S. -H. Mount and •foreaajd, their debt! and deiundi a»lnt JT-YANRO wife. Motto* to creditor* to preaent clalma *•>• "H. eetat*. under oath, -within »|i Max Spachnor has purchased a 1 daughters spent Saturday at Tren- Qgilnit HUtt. ' month* (ram the date of th* aforoia lot on Harrison avenue r. , the cor- ton as the guests of. Willard H. Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Punnmnt to the ordtr of Joieph L. order, or they will be forever barred o ner of Center street. He will build Russell' Redshaw entertained the Donahay, .lurroiate o( tb« County of Mon- their aotloM therefor utlnit th* «a( Formerly Adlem & Co. RED BANK, N. J. Mount. mouth. made on th* twenty-third day of • ubaenber. abungalow on it. Mrs. Frank Blackwell and daugh- John A. Stults bible c'.rtss. July. 1025, on the application of Donald Sated Freehold, K. J.. July St. 19SH Miss Gadys Williams, who is In ter of Trenton spent several-. xJays Matthewi. MATTHEWa training for a nurse at New Bruns- last week with her father, Luther wick, was the guest of Mrs. AbeL. Robbing. Perrine several days last week. Mra^ George D. VanDenbergh en- Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Appleget tertained on Monday Mrs. J. M; UNITED STATES TIRES ARE GOOD TIRES and family. of Bound. Brook were Maxwell of Manasquah, Miss Lillian guests' of Mrs. Harriet Keyes a few Strouse r.artd' Mrs,.Carl Yoke of days last week. Monongahela, Pa. Miss' Dorothy Grieve and; Miss Mr. and Mrs. John Senn and son You don't have to shop around Madeline Grieve have returned of Jersey City and Mrs. George from a visit at New York with their Leedeker and son George of Irving- aunt, Mrs. E. E. Kroeger. ton were week-end guests of Mr. 1 to find the Right Tire . The Manalapan grange met Mon- and Mrs. M. Gibbs. day night at the'home of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Kershner for your car Mrs. Henry W. Herbert. and family rnd Miss Selma Kersh- Miss Ann Baird has been the ner motored to Roselle Park, Kuest of friends .at Cape Cod, where they were recent guests of O TO a U. S. Tire dealer— The leading material for school Mass., for the past week. • Dr. and' Thomas Kershner. I Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ramsay and Mrs. .Richard Pettie entertained G h)t name is at the bottom dresses is Balbriggan, an all-wool family of Wilkesbarre, Pa., were her mother, Mrs. John Lewis of of this advertisement. Tell him silk-mixed- fabric. This material quests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trenton, lasfi'week. your tire requirements. He has Evanson for a few days. Mrs. Helen Cole of Chicago spent aU.S.TirethatwUImeetthem. does not stretch and will not shrink.. Forman Rhodes enjoyed a part last week with Miss Margaret Cole. He will help you choose the Made in one and two-piece styles, of his vacation at Point Pleasant Mrs. David R. Richmond • and tire that will best suit you. It last week. daughter Sadie spent a few days re- with inverted pleats in the skirt. In ; Miss Margaret Whalen, Miss cently with Mrs. William N. Apple •will be a good tire+-a full ' Epinard green, rust, pencil blue, tan, Mary McCaffery of Tennent and gate Of Asbury Park. motley's worth—whether it is Ralph Trowbridge and John Cronan James Lambert, Jr., was the the U. S. Royal Balloon, U. S. lavender, hazel nut and jnavy, Sizes of Short Hills spent Sunday at guest of his mother at May's Land- Royal Balloon-Type, U. S. 14 to 40. • Avdfi. " '" ing last week. . ^- Royal Cord—Regular or Extra Miss Hele i "Walsh of Medford, MIBS Marjorie'McBride of Sum- Heavy, USCO Cord or USCO Mass., is the guest < f her aunt, in erville spent last week with Miss 10.00 •«* 15.00 Mrs. Anna Steinberg. Mabel Livezey. • : Fabric. _.. Miss DeariaGoetz.of Brooklyn is -Miss -Rachel Myers is' visiting onjoying two weeks at the home of friends and relatives a*; Avon. Mrs. "W. Werling as the guest of Miss Madeline Perrine was the Miss B. Young. guest of Miss Mildred Hulsart last ilr. and Mrs. Lewis S. Bortner week. United States entertained over the week-end Mr. Mrs. Harvey Boyce returned with Tires Lovely nndertUngs in erepe-de- chinoa and glove silk. Chemises — Veats, Btep-ins and- bloomers '.

The Red Bank Register is neither in its Grave nor in a Rut. 15 to 17 miles per gallon of gasoline • * The Register wants to make every advertise- ment in the paper profitable to the man who puts KAYSER'S Silk Hose in medi- it in the paper. ' .. um weight and chiffon, with the "That can be done only by making a paper Slipper heel. In the newest Fall that everyone wants to read.

shoe shades. Size 8y2 to 10. Go into any home in all this part of Mon- They find it ., 1.50 ^ 2.50 mouth county and you will find that The Register is the favorite paper. _ ^ even MORE -economical! Many Pierce-Arrow cart have tun for 10 years, In more than half the homes it is the only 12 years and even longer. The Series80 is a prod- Monmouth county paper taken by the family. uct of the same methods that produced these cars* It is built to withstand the punifihtnents of The Want Advertisements in The Register roughest roads. That is whythe Series 80is rarely are as interesting as the newsiest news columns out of order* That is why, owners who have and the Want Columns of the paper are read formerly driven lower priced cars find their with as much care as the columns of personal Series 8&s even more economical to maintain. items and neighborhood news. LA wt ptttait tarn* tptclfic feonomy fact$ and $tntt*th*BtimaO. Only ymtrrequ4tt U ntctuary Here's a glove th'at's much" :•• >•• , ,v ,• •,....,•,...... ,.'.;. .. .. - sought after for Fall—a glove, The same Is true of the display advertising columns of The Register, for the advertisements Prices $2895 to $4045 at Buffalo, tax extra that flares smartly at the cuffs tell interesting facts about supplying the needs *riiine payments if cU$irtd and fits slimly over the feminine of the home. : hand—andy it's durable. Made of French kid and suede in fall That's why advertising in The Register pays shades. so well. The paper goes into the homes and the 3.00 advertisement columns are /made as interesting as the news columns. . - v Series go The Register is neither in its Grave nor in a Rut. Monmouth Motor Car Co., Inc. Furthermore, It Isn't going to be in either 36 Maple Avenue Telephone 1409 Red B«nlt, N. J. one. \" REO BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 2, 1925.' f liauaeatb .&iiatr Orphans Court, MARKHAM, NOT "MARCUM." Mrs. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Otto ff. mMUr'f thi «ttt«; »f WiU Harold Cowley and Mrs. William Those present were. Dorothy and us* . aeltiid Maurer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hftttead. Horace Carhart, Ira Rathbone, Eva WHAT A RELI*FI .Mtanr Orlffin/ Florist R«|is*ar7~Klck Bocauia tvehovr eauia. * . Maurer of Newark also visited Mrs. Miss Helen Meraer of New -York and Fred Dean, Jr., and Elinor. Is Wlllismi K«rtt. admlnlitratrhi Nan* Is Spelled Wrong.. Charles Marshall last week. was the recent guest of Mrs. V. C. CCarhart. This-Is theJexdamatlo ^of nil Ham Henry Orlffln, ttaeesied, having ..it to this Court, under oath, a Just At the meeting of the mayor Miss Margaret Tierney and Jos- Eck of Church street, Harry Pescux 'sailed on the housewives who have availed \\ ., true account of the psrionsl e»ut« nd council of Little Silver last ieph McCoy of Newark ,were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stanburger Clyde line on Saturday for Palm selves of tho wet wish lyitem, '}W debt! oTadd dtcidJnt, whtreby it week Charles W. Schneider, a visitors at'the hornet of Mr. and and their son Walter haye returned Bench, Florida, where he will spend ...... ,. InaoAelent to >*>yI his .debts, y mote back breaking; and. requesting tha aid of the Court In the nurseryman and florist, .complained Mra. Edward Cullen Sunday. frof m a ttour, through New York tho winter. prtMUis. ill Is thirefors ordered that all Mr. and MM. J. Hysam,. Mr. and the side at a Monda. ptrioni intareited In tht landi, tmtrntnta that the name 'of Markham place, state and Canada: Joseph'R; ClafTy and family, who and htredlteraenti and rttl estate, of tlit which is tho street whore h*. lives, Mrs. Charles Hysam and daughter lr.ve occupied the Capt/ Bush house scrub for you at the !ow«»t priori' ••Id deceiM4, appear before tht Court, at of Union City, Mr., and Mro. A. HAZLET NEWS. thi Courthouse, In Friihold, »>• Thu.-ajay, had been spelled "Marcum Placo" 'or several years, will move to tha eighth day of Ootobir, A. D. nineteen •n two sign* which had been placed Benson and Mr. and Mrs. F. Ben- outh Amboy on Tuesday, where Individual Laundry r Social Nine. Enjoys a Picnic at hundred s»d tw.n»y-nfs,tt lOiOO> A. M,' Our flatlet enable you to on the street. He said, this mis- son of Lyndhurst, spent a few days hey have bought a el Red Bank. In.. * ^ - to show earns why ao .much of the said ••• clearly and comfort, last week with Mrs. VanHolten. Point Plcaianl. lands, tenements. Widlttmenti and rtsl take hurt his business, as strangers 12-14 WHITE ST. RED BANK, N. J.i;' ttutt of tht said ilensied should not be •felr without com clout Mrs. Frank Brunie is entertain- The Social Nine went to Clark's ! •(fort. looking for his place saw tho sign t Pays, to Advertise In the Register. Phone 0B». \i and passed on, thinking they were ing her father, Edward Grush of landing on their annual picnic on the wrong street. Tho road New York.y Wednesday. A pleasnnt day was committee had the sign taken down Mr. and Mrs. William Silvers and spent boating and. bathing. . All vand replaced with a new one cor- daughters Mildred and, Margaret had dinner with Mrs. Louis Stultz Sated Jylr, 10. A. P. »t«. rectly spelled. and Mr. and Mrs. George of Har- and \Mrsi. Richard Dey, who have Call on Luke Longhead for any eisi rison spent the week-end with Mr. been camping there for the summer sort of 'want. He specializes In all Drowning at Keanaburg. and Mrs. James Boss. with their families. -kinds.—Advertisement. Raymond Hedfr'ich of Jcrsoy Mr. and Mrs. James Carroll and Mrs, Edward S. Wilson of PROFIT SALE! City,' seventeen yeara old, wadaughters s of Harrison spent a few Brooklyn is the guest of Mrs. P.- drowned in the bay at Keansburg days last-week with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Weigand. Sunday night while bathing. He James Biggens.' ' - Daniel Mahoncy of Atlantic had' gone to Keansburg to spend Mr. and Mrs. James McKittrick Highlands visited Joseph L. Claffy t^e week-end with his mother, who are haying their home remodeled. and family on Sunday. Hundreds of Items at Cost- occupies a bungalow there. He was Mrs. Herbert and '.aughter of Morris* Duncan of Freneau is Unable to swim and when he got Jersey City spent the week-end spending a week with his aunt, Mrs. out beyond his depth he drowned with Mrs. William 0!Connell. Stacy Carhart. . before help could reach him. The Union Beach Catholic club Mrs. Agnes Emmons and Althea Many Below Cost! held a cake sale on Friday and Sat- Stryker of Matawan spent last, Dependability! UNION BEACH NEWS. urday nights, at Mrs. Liekefet's Thursday with Mrs. Frank ET Pol- The success of any'phase of life depends to a large stand. The sale was a success as ing. ;. Don't Buy Until You See the Actual Give-Away extent on Confidence, and mutual faith is built on the prac- Democratic Club to Hold a Danca were all the other affairs the club Mr., and Mrs.- Harry Cozine and, tice, of the Golden Rule. Saturday of Next Week. has undertaken, and the members children of Brooklyn visited her ' The Satisfaction and Confidence of our customers prove The Union Beach Democratic hope to have their church soon. sister, Mrs. William F. Kenned;-, Values in Our No Profit Sale. tl]e value of our Organization as distributors of Fresh, High- tilub la planning for a big dance The Union Gardens fire company over the week-end. Grade Groceries and other Household Meeds. on Saturday night, September 12th, is holding its annual reunion at the Mr. and Mrs. William Hammel Every 'facility is brought to bear for your Protection at Union Beach flrehouse. firehouse on Park avenue. of South Amboy, accompanied by Buy Your Fall Dresses Tomorrow in Our No Profit and Profit'. , Miss Vera Corcoran is spending •••-•»" . Mr. and Mrs. Ha/ry S. Cowles, IT PAYS TO TRADE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS 1 a week with Miss Kitty Tellers of KEANSBURG NEWS. motored to. the Delaware • Water Sale and Save $10 to $15. Corona, Long Island. Gap on Sunday.' Mr. and Mrs. Slocum of Long B. S. Compton to Transport Pupili to Leonardo. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. R. Clark Branch, Miss Nellie Doyle of were Long Branch visitors on Sun- Our Stores Will Be Closed Labor Day, Newark and Miss Kitty Kingston . The Keansburg board of educa- day. , Monday, September 7th of Elizabeth were visitors at thetion has awarded B. S. Compton the Everett Simonson has returned home of Mrs. Snover last week. contract to transport high school home after camping a week at Mrs. Snover is now entertaining pupils to Leonardo. Camp Wilson. » : her mother-in-law from Newark Flag raising exercises will be Alden Sproul, SOT. of Mr. and held at the East Keansburg civic The Higheet Grade Quality Flour Mllledl. for a week. Mrs. Shaw and sons Mrs. Frank P. Sproul, fell from a of/Elizabeth spent the week-end at association hall Sunday. The as- tree last week and broke his arm. the home of Mrs. Snover. sociation has planned, runumber of : aquatic sports for Sunday morning. Mr.-and Mrs. Geofge Begle and Mr. and Mrs. Brian and daughter sons Howard and Norman of Cald of Irvington and Mr. and MrB, The Guild of St. Mark's church FLOUR held a porch party Friday at the well spent the week-end with Miss Klllcy of Elizabeth spent Sunday Anna Cowles, with George McNiemey. home of Mrs. 'Amelia Moorefieip. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Seaman Stacy Carhart and family, Mr. 27c : W Mrs. Teresa O'Neil spent a few have returned from a week's, trip a:.d Mrs. David Emmons. of Beers (49 lb hag $2.49; 98 lb'bag $4.98) days last week at Newark visiting through the Great Lakes section,- street and George Duncan and fam- her sister. ily of Freneau enjoyed a .trip to 45 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. dSCO Baking Powder can 10c, 20c Mrs. Elizabeth Dwyer of Wash- Mrs. Bradley has rented her ington, D. C, was the week-end Allaire on Sunday. Strong Leavening Qualities. A pure house for a few weeks and is stay- Mrs. Ethel A. Cowles spent the I': ' Baking Powder that 1B dependable always "guest of. her cousin, Mrs. Harold >LOU1 Cummihs of Jersey City. Mahler. . week-end with relatives at Asbury Joseph Long of Newark and K Mrs. Robert Koons has returned Park. . The first time you use Xouolla Butter you will recognize its Carey, brother-in-law of Commis- to ^Brooklyn after & visit with Mrs George Warren, Jr., has returned uhusual quality and purity. Its golden dellciousness makes sioner Gillen of Newark, visited Charles Ogden. . home after a visit with his sister everything taste, much better. Try it today. ,v Mrs. Goertz last week. Mrs. Chester C. Mullison has re- at Belmar. George Sappah of Park avenue turned from a tour through- the Mrs. John T. Aekerson is spend- cpent the-week-end at Jersey City. South. ing a week at Marlboro, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Umstead, Mr. and Mrs. John Bossnagle entertained Leon Walling and Edwin H. Wai- out Mrs. E. D. Long arid Mr. and Mrs. a few friends at cards yesterday .ling' spent several days last'week J. D. Long of Newark spent a few afternoon at her home on Manning with: Mrs. Emma T. Rud.iger a BUTTER days last week with Mrs. Charle place. Her .' guests were Mrs. New Egypt., . ! • The Flneit Bu»«r >n Amarlcal Marshall. Mrs. Walter Onsback Charles Ogden, Mrs. Edward Ryan, Esther Dean entertained a few arid children of Pennsylvania have ilrs. Alice Ranshausen, Mrs. Leste friends and relatives at a birthday RICHLAND BUTTER 51c returned home after a visit wltl Horner, Mrs. Charles Hermann, Mrs party last Wednesday afternoon This week we are giving particular atttention to babies' comfort, for gomfort, makes baby happy and. cheerful, which they can be made in anyone of the OSCO BUTTER1NE 25c articles listed below and. these are the most essential things "in Jhe little ""dear's life; for "carer of baby now will mean a strong and healthy" boy or? girl in later years to come.' ' klGH CHAIRS Physicians and KIDDY COOP These are This Year*s pack and our usual Standard Mothers Praise It 2 P»OT ipaciaiim" everywiiVrs fecom- hiefl'l NOT-A-TOY for Btby'B health. Calif. Sardines 2 « 2Sc Mct..cr> malt* it because it keeps B«byj An Ideal luncheon, or sandwich .filler, tasty and ready to serve •tie, clecn and happy all day long. No, piatt* ' hov active, the child gets all the! exereitt nted»d in NOT-A-TOY yethej PICNIC LIST FOR EARLY LABOR DAY SHOPPING cannot fall.oat or hurt himself. Jutt: th» tbins ior babies sis months to two: Picnic Pl»,tot (pkg of 12) 9c[ 3 pkga 25c years old. Made firm j Waxed Paper^BO sheets In envelope) 7c for feeding. Sanitary; Three Nursery Needs Crope Paper Nnpklnt ...... pkg 9cj 3 pkga 25c I and washable;, Lily Drinking Cupt (carton of eight) 5c enameled In Blue, - for the Price of One Underwood't Deviled Ham .can Oe t 3 cans Z5c or Wnlc.. i Makes a Flay Yard Delightful Quean Olivet bpt IOc, 13c A complete line of high chairs Price $7^0 at de-' Maket a Crib Stuffed Olivet .,....:.. .bot 13c, :23c in white, ivory, oak or walnut. partment, furni-i Makes a Nuraini Table* Sweet Plcklea • doz 22c Some adjustable and some tutaft toy stores.. (tSCO Peanut Butter ..., • , tumbler 10c stationary. See the chair with Sandwich Chatte ' %-Ib'. pkg 20c removable tray to wash. . Hom-de-litt .Mayonnaise - Jar 18c Our High Chair Pricet Are with Mattreit and N«ttln» Kippered Snackt can 7c;i 3 cans 20c rPrineett Jelliet • tumbler 10c 3.00 to 12.00 4SCO Mustard jar 12c Sliced Pinoapplo .'...... '.. flat can 17c TUKCMDU OF UBBHTV" Nursery Chairs 4(yC0 Ginger Schmidt'i Puritan . Root Bear... bi c flay Yards White or I»ory Cereal Beverage bot 1 Qc I With Baby Pictures Savaaparllla bo«10. Maple Finish. PRICE No deposit: on bottles. No deposit on bottles. 7.50 Empties redeemed lc each Empties redeemed lc each with removahlo muslin 4-SO floor cover to' keep baby clean. ; The choice of hundreds of thousands of careful house- In Plain Oak keepers everywhere in the Four States in which we operate. Bassinettes The rich cake-like texture of Bread Supreme, Us golden 1.75 brown crust and unusual keeping qualities will appeal to you, Ihe Guarantee Tag That Stands 'Back of 5-00 • too, If you are a judge of gooa Bread.

Big Bread Wrapped SONNY BOY SUITS Supreme Loaf Baby Wardrobes Bafcy ' ' WHEN you buy a SONNY.BOY SUIT, whether it be a two- White or Ivory Clothes Trees CI Vlotor Iflc T Woven Reed Victor Bread 7 '" knicker suit,"or a suit of "longies" with a vest—you'll Very Pretty Whits or Wory I Raisin Bread '"f l" find it definitely guaranteed for wear and satisfaction. For Babies' Clothol Mason's'. Ha£Pwat.r Chase-0 13.00 We are selling a pretty bas- White ,The guarantee tag that comes with the suit, insures the garment • sinette for baby in yhito or 1.50 Shoe Dressing Laundry CryMa.li ivory -v ;th lace webh spring-, Soap —and the all-wool fabrics and splendid tailoring insure the guar- nnd whoro baby will not fall 3 cakes 17c 3 bots 25c 10c antee tag. ; out. AT Add to these factors a style that expresses the last word in boy- 4.00 fi Prunes 2 Its 25c ish attractiveness—and you will realize just what a big value The large m»»ty kind. A dcattrt and hoaljkH food combined. SONNY BOY is1 at , V«ry Fancy Sifted Sweet Extra Sifted OSCO Peas 0500 Peas Baby Walkers can 18c, can 20c To Teach Baby can 25c $10 to $20 to Walk Vejry Tender Cholo Pjfew ...... i...... can 10c See these suits now—at the store DOLL CARRIAGE 2.50 KIDDY KAR asoo Dawn 3.95 1.50 25c A well-made garment is a bargain—always!' I COFFEE A combination o(- .•'... ' . • i . . .'. • f r • • h roastsil CQlTtl, V«gO« YouWlAlwAvsDoBetterAt You'll Tail* tables and ohlo- the DlfTaranoel ory. • ; Clayton & Magee 30 BROAD STREET ROBERT HANCE &SONS SHREWSBURY AVE and OAKLAND STREET 19 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. I 12 Bxo&d Street geeUva) In Our R«4 Bank "flursa | WTO RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 2, 1925> v.

CELEBRATION COMMITTEE. Sutphen have returned home from' a visit of a week at Keyport. : Preliminary Plan* for Observing C. Edward Tilton hai a wonder- Monmouth Battbt Annlrarsary* fully fine crop of niuskrnelons'which New 1926 At a meeting field at the court- he Is disposing; of to good-advantage house at Freehold . last ,Thuraday at Newark and other cttiea. The night committee chairmen were ap- land where tho jnolons were planted pointed to make plans for celebrat- is turning in a lot more money for ing the 150th anniversary of .the Mr. Tilton than it did last year battle of Monmouth or. June 28th, when it was planted in potatoes. 1028. Efforts will bo made to have Mrs. Henry C. Tilton spent part troops nt'Eho celebration from each of last week with her sister, Mrs. 25 Years o£ of the thirteen original states and Walter V. Cherry >pf Keyport. also the governor! of these states. Mrs. Mollie Stilwagon haa re- The committee chairmen selected turned home from Lincroft, where are: sho spent several weeks nursing Projfram «nrf Invitation—S.' C. Cowart Mrs. William H. Kerr. Reception—Mra. Henry S. Whit*. •• Leuialattvij—juagc R. V.'LawHnet Robert R. Voorhees, Jr., has boon Grand and reviewing stand—Warren H. spending several days with his Conovcr. grandfather at Marlboro. Parade—Miijor H. I*. Jonei. , Miss Helen C. Tilton has returned Transportation and conveyatlce-7-MaJor Charles M. Duncan. from a vlait of a week at Keyport. Luncheon—Mrs. Edgar 1. VanDerveir. Fred Hammond and his daughter Music—Edward Lrittnetv - of East Cream Ridge, Rhiode Island, Plnance-^-T. W. 8. Campion. . Advertising' uwj printing—Captain ' 3, have been spending several days A. Y«rd. ' ' , '• with Mr.. Hammond's niece, Mrs. Photographs—Charles V. Ladd. Lucy Kelly. * Decorations—Taylor Kinkeatl.. Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfendalo Quarters for cavalrymen—Dr. -W. E. Truex. / J- ' and their son -and • daughter of to Highway Transportation Press—A. L. Moreali. Pottstown, Pennsylvania, and Mr?. Special to receive judiciary—Halstcad William Major of Edison, Pennsyl- H. Wainwright. vania, spent Sunday with Rev. and 25 years of anticipating: the Special .to receive Eovernors and staffs .This Firestone record could -Joseph Brakcley. • Mrs. John Sherman. ._,- requirements of motorists— only have been made through Ushers—W. S. Holmy. Communion will be held at the Receive Kucsta at Pennsylvania 'station Baptist church Sunday. making manufacturing pro- furnishing the "public with —Dr. "W. M. Hepburn;' Central station— ClitTord Hnnce. • " Mrs. Rulif Giberaon continues to cesses more certain—produc- outstanding values and is. Receive visitors at Court house—Chair- improve from her sickness. man of 0cnernl committee. Miss Eleanor Tilton, a nursp at ing a higher standard of consequently, your assur- Badges—John R. Parker. tho Perth Amboy hospital, is spend- quality—25 years ofunswerv- ance of quality and lowest ing a vacation of two weeks in J An Exciting Fire. Florida. • • • r , ing adherence to the Firestone prices. - Dr. Alfred Warned an Asbury Mrs. Taylor Hancc h"s been en- pledge, "Most Mile£ per/ Dol- Park dentist, was badly burned last tertaining relatives from English- If you would like to Wednesday in fighting a fire caused town. ' lar" -7-summarizes Firestone's by a 'gasoline explosion in an out- Peter Snedeker is showins im- record of seryiceto car owners. more of this wonderful record, I building on his property. Prank provement from his sickness. ask your Firestone dealer to Kecnnn, an Asbury Park fireman, Rev. John Sherman has four Firestone factories have ! "I've owned 8 cars was cut on the chin and suffered a rows of exceptionally high sunflow- send^you an illustrated folder. _ growi$» from.a small, building: sprained ankle when hevwas thrown ers in his garden; Mr. Sherman 1 from a fire truck as it swung into and Sidney.Bray measured the tall- approximately 75 x 150 ;feet "With today's high cost of is finest!" the engine houso when returning est plant last week by means of a to mammoth plants haying , crude rubber and-qther raw from the fire. Two automobiles on step ladder and tape measure. It T tho way to the fire crashed together was' fourteen feet seven inches floor area of over 60 acres—'! materials, Firestone s oppor- A .wonderful 5yay to judge Peak Motor on, the" longest, but no one was injured. The fire high. • and appreciate the, new 1926 steepest hills you candind. Try damage was slight. from a capital of $50,000 to over tunity to serve the public was Chandler is by contrast. it out in traffic. Throttle it $50,000,000—•from an annual never better, due to its great away down. Step on it. Shift Baas Fisherman Retires. ROSES sales volume of $160,000/ to. volume and special advanta- Compare it with all the cars gears. Apply the brakes .... Jacob Zingg, a summer resident you have ever owned in the of Ocean Grove, last week caught For Pall planting let us now reserve over $100,000,000^rall in the ges in buying, manufacturing way it performs—and note the You'll discover, as others dis- a striped bass weighing ten pounds. the varieties for you which 'you short period of 25 years. and distribution. ' , cover, that you have never Mr. Zihgg has been fishing for bass like best. Place your -r" -•• while contrast] for three summers without success you can see o)ir roses in full bloom. ^ H. VAN DOKN As we grow-roses only, best of va- RED BANl^NASH CO. MOUNT-ENGLISH CO. known a car to be so thorough*, After making his catch he laid his 77 Broad St. \ rieties and ;igh ?rad<. z\ .c>. is 77 CO1VM»ANY 113 West Frbnt St. 36' Maplo Avo. Cor. Brldga & RIvorsido AVe. THE CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY CLEVELAND COLT'S NECK NEWS. Monmouth Road, Long Branch _1 s Elwood Smith is in .the Hospital To!. Eatontown 2446 AMERICANS SHOULD PRODUCE ^ THEIR OWN, RUBBER •••V( With Blood Poisoning. Right on the Stato Highway ' Elwood Smith' of Glendola, for- merly of this place, is in the hos- pital with blood poisoning lin his KING'S HIGHWAY Phone 482-J RED BANK, thumb. His ailment developed from a slight scratch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Weeks spent last Thursday with Mrs. -Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin Lawrence will leave in their automobile to- morrdw for St. Petersburg, Florida, WUoreTtlicy"will 'spend the wintor; Their house here has been rented by Reed Gager, who Is now living YOUR at Point Pleasant and who is prin- cipal of tho Colt's Neck school. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith have returned to New York after having spent a few weeks with Mrs. "Smith's : mother, Mrs. Arthur Kuhne. i> Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Willis of Red Bantf spent part of last week with" Mrs. Asher Crawford.' Now you can "Triangle-ize" them-— Mr. and Mrs. Louis Snyder will leave tomorrow for a trip to Niag- ara Falls. They will be accompan- make them LIKE NEW! ied Iby Mr. and Mrs..Thomas.Catch- pole of Eatontown and Mr. and < Mrs. Kelly of Long Branch. — into the New ^ There are two ways of turning out table linens. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heulitt will move October 15th to Asbury Park, One is to "wash them"—and let it go at that. where they formerly lived. They sold their farm here.a short time ago with a Fine New Outfit I to George Decher, with whom they The Triangle way—"the Great WHITE'Way"—is the way. you are sharing their present residence. AYBE it's possible to learn your readin', writln*. arid 'rithmetic to the ; ;v J Miss I Emma Deckert will resume , wfant them done. •' • •••;••* • • -'•••••"*" ••" •'••* • .. •• ^'j;; :•,.. X, 1-. M tune of • a- nick'ry stick,—but to the tune of nice, brandynew clothes. her duties as a teacher at Plains- bdro next week. —why,—it's just easy! And the clothes that serve as irhpetus to head'of- The Triangle Laundry lias just begun to do what, no other The school grounds look particu- thcclass brilliance, are clothes whose smartness is right at trie head of the larly attractive just now. The six- mode! Kindergarten to college student, they'll all need complete, newoutfifa laundry along the New Jersey Coast is doing. ... teen Norway maple trees which for a really good start to a successful yearl And economy-wise mother* [Y\ were set out last spring look fine and the flowers and lawn are in first know the secret of a youthfully smart wardrobe—yet saving on the family The Triangle Laundry is equipped to finish"you r linens. Triangle class shape. Visitors'going through budget,—is a visit to Hahne's. • 'ir * r. turns them out as white as white can be—with' a smooth", beau- the place say they have never seen better looking, rural school grounds. tiful finish', that is a delight to women who take pride in their Joseph Lefferson, the caretaker of Coats homes. • • v. "••... •,^.r,-:••:>;-: ••.••' : ..... the grounds and building, deserves Top coats for the first chilly days, and for later, in wintry blasts and snow a lot of credit. storms,—heavy sturdy coats! Plaided or plain, and cut on swagger lines V Thomas I. Wolcott of Eatontown that are so collegiate and comfortable,—in real English-y ulsterafor boy» You may be sure that the finest, most Honest service is always has been spending several days with : his daughter, Mrs. John Grant. and boyish adaptations for girls. , • given by Triangle. . •:'•;• ; '. \^ v ;: ; •• :• \ Mrs. Sadie Matthews and her son of Eatontown spent last Friday with So—when your linens need rejuvenation—when they, are ready Mrs. David S. Buck. , . Dresses — Suits / Miss Matilda Franois of Freehold Dresses and suits, crisply fresn, of wash materials fpr the first months, take ; spent part of last week with Miss English broadcloth, English prints, .sturdy chambray and other wash fabrics to be freshened, crispened and whitened— ••<•'••>-.' * - •:,•• Margaret Soflfel, who is now return- uig tho visit. to express their youthful verve. For later on, warm serges, wool crepes, Let Mr. Brackett clo it—let him TRIANGLE-IZE tKem! ) Mrs. Firth, who lives with her flannels, trimly neat and very smart in their oimpHcity. .Quality to last claughtcr, Mrs. Harry Morris, is through classroom skirmishes and outdoor rompings. Becoming colors, slowly improving from injuries Have you any, table linens to be washe'd TODAY? If so— caused by n fall. deft trimmings,—and remarkably moderate prices. A The Misses Mageo of Marlboro .• ' • * * Get Mr. Brackett's personal service. spent part of last week with Miss Alice Fields. > Shoes Miss Minnie Soffol and Miss Ella High shoes and oxfords for boys and girls alike. And, too, for girls, many Vandervocr Bpent last Friday witn styles in neat pumps. Shoes for all ages/.all sizes. Sturdily made, on lasts Call LQNG BRANCH 510 friends at Eatontown. Mrs. Knthorino Hebolor and her that feel comfortable, while they.wih admiring glances son Edward of Forked River were for their good-looking trimness. . visitors hero last Thursday.

HOLMDEL NEWS. Accessaries The Ball Team at Thli Placa Con- And,—the innumerable finishing touches to round off ' Unties. Its Winning Streak. the complete outfit I Sweaters, scarfs, -glovea, hosiery TRIA The Holmdol baseball toum de- UN DRY and underwear. Rajny'dayfudn'e,—umbrellas, rain feated Marlboro last week by a acofo of 10 to 0. This was n groat coata, rubbers. Stationery supplies of pens, pencils, note victory, .as Marlboro Is uonornlly books,—all the important equipment a busy, bright roicnrdod as having a crnckcrjnck scholar will want I • And. for going'away etudenta, iiKKroRHtion this Benson. Tho roault sturdy trunks and suit cases. was almost amblif a lurprlaa to tho llplmdcl boyu'ns It was to tho Marl- boro playcra, m fow person* harp bolloved that Holmdol could do nior* than innko it ronpoctabla allowing. The Great WHITE Way Tho Holmdol tonm dofoatod Llttlo Silver last week by, n icoro of 10 to MacliMm Avenue Long Branch, N. J. C. Mli> UOMIO Thorn* of R«d Sank Broad, jNcw and Haleey Streets; Newark, !New Jersey It vlnitlngf Mn. Koert Hoyer. Mliioi Mtygaret and Sllu.bi(h B»'«"•;'" ** RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 2, 1925. ._. B 100-yard swimming; race with Wil- thiests at his party were Margaret liam Curchln, Jr., second; and. a Edwards, Adrian and Ormond Min- 0. ' T.lephona fl6an d S ,. YEARS AGO IN RED BANK. •tMawwBMaMa^1) "" high-jumping race, was won by Will ten, Marlon Mount, Mary and HAPPENINGS OF OLD IN AND Conoveri.with Van Watts second., Maury Jones, Harold Vqorhh, New York artdXeamburg AROUND OUR HOMETTOtyN. James Broadmeadow of Shrews- William Hallock, Gladys Stevenson, bury died from congestion of theDorothy Reckless, Aline Chambers, Incidents Coiled from The Register brain. He was eighty years' old. Norman and Charles Evordell, Hor- SUMMER- SCHEDULE of th* Last WMIC In Augu.t He had gone to California in the ton Garrison and Alice and Dor- Sending Money Steamer* KEANSBURG' POCAHONTAS Tw«n*r Yaara Ago, Thirty Year* gold rush of 1848 and made a for- othy Weeks. . ' . " SMITHFIELD ' ,^ , " 5 MOBJACK Ago and Forty VIWI Ago. tune, He refrned East and for ' William E. Rock of Beech street, Forty Year* Ago. many years he operated a canning Red Bank, had a reception at which Across the Sea. ; to Change Without Notice) Dr. George H. Curry of Eed factory at Shrewsbury. He was'an Henry Simpson v/af toastmaster. inventor and made many inventions Each time Mr. Simpson' called on a 1 Bank shot and killed himself at the Many persons in Monmouth County who have relatives in ^y^.LE^VB^AtTERY NEW YORK ' : •Newman Spring* hotel. Dr. Curry for making, gas. He left a widow speaker, he rang a brass cowbell. had endeavored to get Miaa Susie and four children, the children be- The cowbell had been owned by Mr. other countries send money to these relatives. ^ WEEKDAYS—9ii>0, 10.30 a. m.| 2.00, 4i=0, Bi3", /liOO p, m. ing Mrs. Stephen S. Tallman, Mrs. Rock's grandfather, Peter Rock, and z SATUBPAY3—BioO, 10.30 a. m.j liOO, 2.00, 4i30, Bi3u,, J. Westcott, who was stopping at the hotel, to marry him. She re- G, S. Prince, Walter J. Broad- was worn by his cow in,the days The Merchants Trust Co. has a department to take care of SUNDAYS—9ibo,9i^O,*l0.30, UiSO a. «a.| isOO. 2100, 3i30, fused and he had gone to tho hotel meadow and Mrs. C. H. Bunn. when.it was customary to turn the 1 cows loose in. the woods for pas- this business. • ''. "" • ..' " 4i30r .**i30 BtC , 9i3*> .. ro. intent on killing her and then kill- Roderick C. Pen field and Norman Penfield failed in business at As- ture. Prior to that time 'the . bell v ••' LEAVE .KEANSBURG ing himself. He fired a pistol point : blank at her but the bullet struck bury Park. ; They ow..ed the As- had belonged to Peter Rock's mas- We send money so ^that your relatives oc friends can get -WEEKDAYS—7iOO a. m.l 12 M.i 3.30, KiOO, SiOO, IOIOO p.',m, bury Park Press and two magazines ter during Blavery daya and when Extra Bn«K,Ev«ry Monday 6.00 a. m. • one of the steel ribs of her corset Pounds Sterling in England and Scotland, Francs in France, Liras and glanced off without hurtlng-her. and they printed a medical paper Mr. Rock was set free the bell was SATURDAYS—7.00, IliOO, a. ;-.., 12 M.| 3i30, 8.00, ZiW,, and a church paper at their Asbury given to him by his master. 1 10.00 p. r-i. u Dr. Curry then placed the pistol in Italy* Drachmas in Greece, Marks in Germany, Kroners in SVNDAYS—7^00, U.OO a. m.) 12.00 m., 1.00, 2i00, 4>00, Sl33> over his breast and fired. The bul- Park printing house, They, had Telephone service was^extended Norway and Sweden, Kroners in Denmark, Kronen in Austria 8iO0, ClOO, 10)00 p. m, . let struck a ribqn d glanced down- previously lived in Red Bank. The to Little Silver. Many people ob- ward. He then put the pistol Penfield Brothers' debts were listed jected to having telephone poles in and Hungary, Rubles in Eussia, Piasters in Egypt and Turkey, against his right temple and again at $60,000 more than their total as- front of their properties and a line fcEANSBURG STEAMBOAT CO. fired. This bullet entered his brain sets.- •...-. .\. • • • •.' - was built across the properties of Ticals in Siam, and to .every other country of the world it sends and killed him instantly. A coron- Building operations were cheap Charles L. White, .Randolph Bordeh, money of that country at the very best rate of ioreign exchange. !>••••••••— ers! jury was held, the Jury con- as compared with, prices of 1025. Benjamin John Parker, J. J. Ma- sisting of John Button, Sr., W. H. William Morford started to* build a honey and John R. Slcklc3 to reach The "best rate of foreign exchange" means that your friends Parker, Jr<, David Allen, Simon modern farmhouse at New Mon- the homes of those who wanted Miller, Henry Wood, John Sagues, mouth, The house was 33x46 feet phone service. ft or relatives in some other country get the greatest amount of George W. Truox, Elias Hubbard with an L extension. It had eleven A musical and literary society money of .that country that can be obtained for the American and Caleb Patterson. The suicide rooms* and the cost was $2,500. was formed at Red Bank with Pro- created a great sensation in Rod During the month of August 47,- fessor Harold K. Allatrom as presi- money you give us. • Bank as Dr. Curry was one of the 048 wagons crossed the Seabright dent, Mrs. William J. Sutton secre- What's the Leader? best known and most popular bridge and, 9,785 crossed the Oce- tary. Miaa Mary E. Mount treasurer Come and see us when you want to send money to relatives young.men of the town. The coron- anic bridge. The Seabrihgt draw and Mrs. A. Holmes Borden, Jtvl«. Statistics show that for years an ers' jury found the case one of sui- was opened, 2,063 times during William T. VanBrunt, Mrs. William or friends "across-the sea." . , ,; , cide and there was a general impres- August and the Oceanic bridge was R. Stevens and Mrs. Honry S. White overwhelming percentage of America's sion that he had gone temporarily opened 1,784 times. as executive committee. great business buildings have ,been Insane over his infatuation for Miss Charles L. Davis, Walter B. Par- Mr. Hallanan of Oceanic had a Westcott. , . • sons, Daniel W. Chr.mplln, Joseph fence of iron pipe in front of his MERCHANTS TRUST CO. covered with Barrett Specification The Red Bank public .schools Ryan and Benjamin P. King were place. He was much annoyed by Roofs. Sound reasons for this— opened for the year. 1885-86. Tho petty jurors drawn from Eed Bank people sitting on his fence at night 62 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. teachers— of- the—Mechanic- street and- Shrewsbury—township ;for_the talking and laughingjill a .late hour. There are many roofs of .this typ£, school wore Richard Case, Miss Jen- October term of court. He had a row of sharp spikes fixed •Start a Saving* Account in our bank and «eo the interest mount tip. built 40 years or more ago, that "are. nie Bailey, Hiss Grace Thwlng, Miss j. ArteBian wells were i-ut down by on the fence and this was effectual Mary Goff and Miss Jennie Eagan. Matthews Brothers on the S. J. Har- in keeping people away. still in good condition.. V The teachers of the Oakland street riott place on Rumspn Neck, on the Edward Scott of Oceanic was rid- In addition Barrett Specification school were Miss Sarah Matilda William E. Strong property on .the ing on the Oceanic drawbridge on a q Willett, Miss Susan Clark, Miss South Shrewsbury river, and on the bicycle carrying a pair of oarB when Roofs are bonded against maintenance Grace Warner and Miss Nellie Wil- Colonel Thompson farm near Lccds- tho handle bars of the bicycle got expense for 20 years. . lett. Private school.) in Bed Bank ville., caught in the oars and Mr. Scott and —vicinity . were Mrs. Harry; Whttall S. Hill'sfhorse and wagon was thrown off the bridge and into, And they're fire-safe—always take Finch's home school for young la-1 were stolen from the Globe hotel rowboat. He was badly cut and dies and children on Riverside ave- sheds. The rig was subsequently bruised. / the base rate of fire insurance. nue, Riverside seminary kept by foiind near Little Silver with the Miss Florence L. Campbell of Mrs. tferkens, a private schoolkept wagon broken down and the horse Little Silver was appointed teacher by Miss Sarah W. Child, St. James's cut about the legs, and body. of the Colts' Neck public school, parochial school, tho principal of The. Little Silver American Me- Uliss Marguerite Enright was teach- which was Maurice'P. Lynch J and *anlcs cleared $.100 at a fair. er at Scobeyville -and Miss Margaret the Eatontbwh academy, conducted Prizes at the fair were won by Ed- M. Sickles' of Colt's Neck was the by James M. Claggett. ward Woolley, John O'Hagan, My- teacher at Moritrose. Dr. Edward Taylor .of Middle- ron' Campbell, George' Uppincott Bloomfiold Drummond Wolcott town, one of the oldest'doctors in and Frank Sherwood. ' . of Eatontown died of kidney dis- ROOFINGS- Now Jersey, died in his 81st year. Cyrenius Bennett, who was em- ease. He was 62 years old. He had He was born at Middletown and was ployed by J. Trafford Allen of Red become engaged in the store busi- a descendant*' of Edward Taylor, Bank, went to Rahway on his bi-resi at Eatontown during thevcivil Come in. Let us sho\vyou the- who came- from London "torMiddle- cycle. 1 While thera he was knocked war and had been-continuously in business almost ever since. ^Surety Bond which'goes with' a town in 1892. Edward's son, down and run over and his, collar Goorge bought the-Taylor farm at bone was broken. , . Joseph Rellly built a bungalow in Barrett Specification Roof, This Middletown in 1718 and the orig- A concert was given at the Meth- tho rear of his residence on Bridge bond ^guarantees you against all inal house on the place and part of odist church at Atlantic Highlands avenue as "a home for Mr. Reilly's the original farm, was owned by Dr. at-which Dr.'Walter S. Whitmore of wife's parents. This was the first repair and maintenance expense 4*aylor at the time of his death. Oceanic and,,Miss Nellie Kuhl of of a number of, bungalows which for 20 years. ' The. body was buried in the RaRe- d Bank were the principal per- wero built in West Red Bank. i!ormfl4 jshurch burying ground at Xormers. ;••-; \.;, - \.,- -::i-'-'-"-; T;..... Edward Doacoy, who was em- , Our long experience in-roofing- •iUddletownl- , ' ; . : -...•-. .„.:,. ployed at Snerman's meat-market ; George A. Wiedenmeyer «t Oce- " is* af'yoiir disposal." -"•*•*•* William McKelvey, who was em- anic had a lawsuit with James En- ran a meat hook in his thumb and right of the same place, which end- blood poisoning ensued. The doc- ployed in Tenbrook Davis's mill, tors with great difficulty got the caught his hand in the machinery ed in a scrap. Mr. Wiedenmeyer 1 and the hand was cut to pieces be- was fined $15 for disorderly con- blood poisoning under control. .JOHN H. WHITE fore he could withdraw it. What duct. • Edward Doughty of Fair Haven was left of the hand had to be am- Miss Mary Agnes Rnttigan, was regarded as the champion clam- "putatecTjust above the Wrist. Mc- daughter of James Rattigan, was 4>aker—of—thi3-part-o£—the—county Kelvey had a wife and. two chil married to Daniel McCarthy at St. and bis services at private and pub- dren and a purse of $300 was raised James's church.. The couple went lic clambakes were in demand al- in -Red Bank for him. : to the Catskills on their wedding most every day. Lloyd Smith, who had • been a tour. Edwin Haynes of Eatontown school teacher~in Red Bank and who who had recently died, left a will A team made up of Albert L. which provided an income of $1,000 had afterward got a position In the Ivins of Red Bank and Bland Bal- New York custom house, resigned a year, for his wife, Lydia Jane lard of Louisville won a shooting Haynes, as long as she should live from that job. on account of 111 match for $1,000. The purse was health and he moved back to'his Wayne Beattie, son of Charles M divided "between the two. Beattie of Locust .-venue, was father's farm r.l Wellsboro, The county .tax rate for 189B was Bylvanla. While in Red Bank, he drowned in a pond at New City, fixed by the Monmouth county •New York, where he was visiting had married Miss Julia Golf, .one board of assessors at 40 cents' on of the Red Bank school teachers. and whero ho went in swimming. $100 and the' state school tax was The Methodists at Belford raised Captain George Coley's house on 28 cents on $100. $1,000 at a Sunday service °to pay Catherine street was entered by Arthur Bowers of^ Oceanic was for improvements to the church burglars, who climbed a grape arbor taken sick with appendicitis. An The pastor of'the church was Rev. and got in a second-story window. operation was performed and a Captain Coley had a housekeeper, a Henry S. Gascoyne. number of wild cherry, pits wefe Charles D. Warner and his grand- Mrs.- Williams, who -was handy with found in the appendix. the pistol. She fired at the burg- daughter, Miss Cacil Weaver, re- Newton Borcmus began building turned home from a month's stay at lars, who fled -without getting any a new house on LeRoy place. The booty. Mr. Warner's native town in west- contractors wero William Sewing ern Massachusetts. Charles H. Scott of Red Bank, & Son and the contract price of who had been employed in Living' the house was $2,895. Miss Nellie Josephine Otterson ston Middloditch's printing office in daughter of William Ottorson of Mrs. Rufus S. Morritt was elected Broad street, was married at her Now York many years, gave up that president and George B. Snyder position: and moved back to Red home to Robert S. Graham of Vir- vice president of the stat; mutual ginia. Bank. building and loan association branch Gordon Sickles of Shrewsbury John Murphy of Fair Haven died of Fair Haven. suddenly of ap'o'plexy while out in lacerated Us right hand very badly William Pope of Little Silver was on a rusty nail. Blood poisoning his yard. Jle was 76 years old ant! serenaded in celebration of his re- he loft seven children. ' set in and the doctors had a hard cent wedding. Music at the sere- time trying to save the hand. nade was by Joseph Stecle on a J. M. Greenberrr, who kept a fur- The choir of Christ church of mandolin;' niture store on Broad street, fcl Shrewsbury, assisted by several heir to $45,000 which was left him Joseph Gill's lot on Wallace by an uncle Next tlme^you're tempted to, vocalists from Rod Bank, gavo a street, 50x100 feet, on which was a eoncert at Mrs.,' George D. Tall- bake house and a barn, was bought A house, 20x28 feet, with eight ,"eat a bite", between meals—try man's home at Shrewsbury. by John Trafford of Shrewsbury for rooms, was being built for.Patrick Tho county Jail at Freehold con- Hackett on Locust avenue for $1,280. ?1.700. talnod fifty prlsonors and was so ' Daniel W. White, proprietor of crowded that in many of the cells Uzal H. McCartor's house on tho the Globe hotel, returned from Rumson road was broken into and Don't overburden your stomach they had to "double up.' Maine, whore he had boon spending • WillUm Honry Grant of Middle- a largo qunntity of silverware was six weeks for hi» health. stolon. .--don't humor a false appetite! / town, while visiting Bishop Scar- A rainbow festival was Riven by borough at Trenton, fell nnd broko Jlichnol Toonioy of Everett got tho King's Daughters of Middlotown a crop of 127 bnrrola of potatoes Let WRIGLEY'8|fi his right \vrlst. on William W. Conover's lawn and William Miller, and John Combs, from an ncro of ground. $110 was clenTod. Stephen Grecloy of Port Mon stimulate a genuine ' both of Holaidcl, had a trotting Tho cabin yacht Zulu, owned hy s match, which was won by Mr. Mil- mouth built nn addition to his house ya^Complete ari3]C6nic&e' Alexander M!. Franor of Red Bank, costing $600, hunger and get you ler's horse. won n prize In a Hudson rlvor sail- ready for a good meal. Charles M. Woodward of Chapel ing raco. Six hens worn stolen from Aaron Hill, who had a large vegetable TJlton of Tlnton Falls. Story, of Every^ SpprtinetfEvent A horso owned by Dr. James Mc- The town tax In Rod Bank was business, lost a horso valued at Caffrey died from lockjaw caused And thenTuiieiIt $200. $3.25 on $1,000 or 82'A cents on by picking'up a nail In Its hoof. $100. also, AFTER Henry W. Mngee, who had been William H. Johnson wan appoint- poatmastor of Holmdol soventoen ed principal of tho Shrewsbury pub A Register want advertlsemen EVERY years, died of Brlght'a disease. lie school. will tnko any marketable thing to J, Dey Conovor of Middletown Thomas Healy was granted a II market. Tho Register's market as a pleasant opened a real eitate and Insurance cense for a saloon on Front stroot. plnco numbers over 36,000 porsons digestive aid. office on Broadway, Now'York. .James Cooper, Jr.,'was in Canada —Advortlscmont. Mrs. Mary A. Brlndloy of Shrews- as a.guost of a big fishing club. bury died at the age of 80 years/ Sltlclly » hltwipaptr.**! Fer' Intelligent and Thoughtful PtepI* Jamos 'H. Martin was appointed Twenty Yaiire Ago. Man Sleeps Like Log, ~Wlihou» Comics, Without Puailtt' postmaster of Entontown, Billy Bendrlckson, son of William Columns Informitlve,' Clean. Trllitworthy H. Hendrlckson of Manlo nvonuo, Thirty Y«ro AID. Eats Anythiug ' Uncqunlcil In CompUttneis and Quality of N«Wa eclobnted his .sixth blrtfltlay with n ' Read Tlie Times. 4 It'a a Liberal Education. ;*UW Day sports wero held nt pnrty. The guests at his pnrty wero "After tnklnk Adlorlka I can ent anytliinir and Moop liko it log. I hn< 1 Joseph Little'* hotel at Ocennlo, Catherine VanBrunt, Mnrlorr Shor- gas on tho stomnch nnd cnuldn' Hfiltn will tonhr a /aver by uMi Arthur Aiay won an obstacle race iwsiw Oharlptte Copnor, Evolyn and keen food down nor i,loop." (signed Intormttton il thiy art unibl* to with ,V«n Watts soijond. A 100- Adele 'Chandler, ueorgo Voorhls, R. 0. Millar. ONE spoonful Adler * obttln copli$ of Th* Tlmi$, >• y«d «««. was won by' WUllam H«rrv CroHley. DorU Sneden, Jack Ikn remove* UAH anil often brlnw . . ~ "^* •.'."".'."•' Nau»hton of Oceanic) a quarter- Applegate, MllUrd Cornvvoll and surprising relief to tho stomach! mile bloycle race was won by Prod Cstherlne MioDonaid. Rusicll 1> Stops that full, bloatotf feullng. VoorhaM of Highland! with Henry Ittpklesjt, ion of Charlen Rackiens Often brines out old wnste-msttei MeD»riaott of Bed Bank second and of Mablt avenue; celebrated his you novor thought wait In your sys. ft«HM*I}Wj* INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION . < / \ . REPAIRS A SPECIALTY J after spending tho summer in.Erfg- Raymond Pittman, an^Ayon mo- Service is built 'on. A Pitman and Qregg Systems of Shorthand. land. Mr. Sanford is well known torcycle policeman, went ,to tho ; AH sraduate'B, assisted to "poslttons. PupHs of for his extensive philanthropic Spring Lake hospital last week i-o smooth working a,nd prop- / other schools may continue their work hero 063 Broad St. Red Bank, N.J.J have threo broken; bones in his erly equipped organization work. _'.!•' right foot r^set. Ho was. injured without Interruption. Rev. Alfred Buncombe of Long nsiurei a'perfect function. •A Personal Intervlaw Is necessary.' - ' (Formerly Second National Bank Bldg.) Branch was one of the speakers at while riding his motorcycle about the Epworth league meeting at East three weeks ago. ' ' N6 Catalogue. , '-;, , -, • • ' No Agent*. Phone 1184 or 339 Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, where The Stork at Lang Branch. Call, write or phon«M3O8-n«Nl R for pirtl'c ulir«. J| J he has been spending a vacation. , Mrs. Conrad C. do la Motte of ERNEST L. BEAN,' Principal. Rceso Dupree of "West Ocean Long Branch gave birth to a son <3rovo, a well-known colored musi- last week.. A son was born to Mrs. cian, was badly injured in Maryland Minnie Wagner of Long Branch lnst last week when .an automobile in Thussday and , Mrs. M.-.tthowj Er- which he was'riding overturned. , rlgo of Long Branch also gave birth A miscellaneous shower was giv-to a son last week. m at Mrs. Merritt Lamson's at Jer- Why a Title Guaranty? seyville last week for Miss Edna Real E.tater. to Meet. Dilatush, who is engaged to John The New Jersey association of Why Is the Demand for Guaranteed titles Mount of Manalapan. real estate boards will hold a lunch- Lawyer A; J. G. Stokes of Free- eon at the. Berkeley-Cartoret hotel Growing so Fast in Monmouth County? lold Is recovering from a serious at Asbury Park Friday of next sickness at a New York hospital. week. The Republican and Demo- 1. Because in these days of an 3. Because many new investors Mr. Stokes is taking thy insulin, cratic candidates for governor aro active real estate market when in Monmouth County real es- ireatment for diabetes. a expected to. attend. •• so many properties arc being tate come from the larger Harold Lane of West Ocean Spring Lake Plots Sc Id. Grove is suffering from a slightly Two plots on tho Spring Lako sold and resold there often ia cities where the title guaranty unctured lung as a result of being rot -time for making of exten- or title insurance has almost beach front valued at $200,000 lit by .an automobile last week have been sold to Frederick W. sive abstracts and their careful completely superceded the slow rhile crossing a street. tind cumbersome method of Wilderotter and Frank Zwigard of examination. The New Jersey real estate conw Newark. The properties were protecting titles by examina- mission will hold examinations for owned by Martin Maloney and 2. Because the title guaranty tion of ah abstract. These in- real, estate salesmen's licenses at Daniel H. Hills. . is the safer means of assurance vestors aro accustomed to and Asbury Park on September_ 23d Raising Fund for Elb'eron Church. of a (rood title. demand.the guaranty. and October 24th. JWilliam Collins, who_has been The memorial and maintenance employed during the summer by ths fund~for the "Church of the Presi- WE GUARANTEE TITLES Matawan tila company, has redents,- " at Elberon has reached sumed his studios at Alfred college, $2,500. Efforts arc being made to Alfred, New York: raise $10,000 to make repairs to tho Joseph R. DuBois and Clifford church ani to establish an endow- Conner of Freehold caught two tuna ment fund. •which.weighed 35 and 40 pftunds An Engagement Party. while fishing off Barnegat inlet one Tho engagement of Miss Evelyn Established 1899 day last week. ' • Louise Richards of Portaupeck to Catehes at fish pounds along the "John VanDuyn of New York wa3 8-10 Court Street, Freehold, N. J.. coast Continue to be light. Lnst announced a^ fow nights ago at a week only small catches of assorted dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. fish were Viade at most of thoArthur W. Richards, parents of tho pounds. • bride-to-be. Miss Phyllis Albut, who' is em-Hurt in Avon Colli.ion. ployed by the Monmouth title com- John Bailey, twenty-one years pany of Freehold, is enjoying a old, son of Dr. A. S. Bailey of Lake- tour of Canada with a girl friend of wood, was injured last week when Philadelphia. his automobile collided with a trol- Glen Wright of* Bradley Beach; ley car at Avoft. He was taken to a member of the Avon gun club, at- the Spring Lake hospital for treat- tended the Grand American handi- cap shoot at Dayton, Ohio, Friday. ment. Miss Florence Beech of Freehold iJraxton Club Closed. , is attending the convention of the 1 The Braxton club at Deal has American Legion women's auxil- been closed. The. club was started iaries at Bridgeton this week. by theatrical people. Its manager James and Jane Grady, childron places the failure to publicity given of Mrs. William Carney-of Free-1 the club in -which it was alleged hold, had their tonsils removed at that the club would bo a gambling a Trenton hospital last week. place. / —.John A. Vogel of Adelphia has, a _N^ Title Cprnpany. . p?^ —.-.-. A-=-np\y -title, company -Ifria•"-beoii ZJYL In the summertime rny little place is a bower of has been sending. 100 baskets of formed by-Long Branch men.. Tin roses and larkspur and all kinds of perennials. And I'va melons to market every day. incorporators are Raymond Bazley, .solved the problem of raising flowers in the wintertime Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eice and John Giordano, Leo J. Warwick too," declares trie Prof., "with my splendid Thatcher daughters of Hamilton have;, re- and. Morris Potter. Anthony M. turned.home from a three weeks' Then of Toms River is manager. Warm Air Furnace. They grow luxuriously! Flowers stay in Maryland; • thrive on Warm Air Heat, and so do humans. Tho Burton Guire of Long Branch Potato Grading Conte.t. secret is in the fresh air that's heated to the right tem- has been homo on a furlojjgh from Elbert Basley' of Farmlngdali perature. That's practical science!" the navy. He is now on a cruisoto won first prize in a potato grading contest for students of the Free /T»HE combustion chamber of the celebrated Thatcher "Tubular" Panama. * X Warm Air Furnace allows ample space for combustion of hot hold high school. Charles Smith o Mr. and , Mrs. Fred Burlew of Adelphia was second and Olive gases. Fresh air is drawn into the "Tubular" from outdoors, heated Matawan returned, last -week from in tubes in the combustion chamber, end sent Clayton of West Freehold third. O-NOX is a new automotive ^uel that increases in a constant, even flow to every room in the a wedding trip to New England. house. The air contains the necessary amount Miss Lucille Wolf rf Long Firemen .Enjoy Outing. of healthful moisture and is never burnt Of Branch gave a card party last week The annual outing of the Good fuel efficiency, increases poyfer, lessens waste, icorched. in honor of tMiss Regina Stein. will hook and ladder company o Send fox Uluattated Purruoo booklet Miss Caroline Bell of Long Freehold was held at Seidler' eliminates fuel knocks and the poor operating Branch has beep, spending a ^ Beach Tuesday of last we,ek. Tin THE THATCHER COMPANY company was organised in 1872. Formtrly Thatcher FunMcc C*. tion at Middlebury, Vermont. conditions that such knocks indicate, and pre- Since 1850 Miss •Ruth Harvey of Freehold Bridge Club Party. 3941 St. Francis Street graduated last week from the Rider The Monday Night bridgo club o Chicago. IU. NEWARK. N. J. Nnr York business college at Trenton. M^tawnn was entertained last wecli vents all harmftil effects of carbonization. Judge Rulif V. Lawrence and son by Miss Dorothy Erdman and prize: - . . '•' ^' ' •'- ', • '.' :•'-,''.'.•(• James of Freehold enjoyed a Cana- were won by • Miss Bernice W dian trip last week; ' *^ Brown and Miss Margaret Devlin. With NO-NOX in the tank of ydur car you may step on Mrs. Charles M. Mastalone of BOILERS-FURNACES-RA^GE Matawan gave birth to a son last Concert at ICeyport. ' * week. A concert and song recital by the the accelerator without a motor knock jthus accelerating A son was.born last Thursday to Philadelphia harmonic orchestra Mrs. Harold Robinson of Matawan and prominent singers will bo hold quicker, handle your car in traffic better and go over the The Matawan township public on Friday night of this week at St schools reopened yesterday. Jpseph's parish hall nt Keyport. hills with greater power and ease. - Died in -Hi. 38th Year. Freehold Woman Dead. the easiest meal Raymond Vnndervcer of Long Mrs. Margaret Wnrd, wife- o: George W. Ward of Freehold, die Branch, aged 37 years, died Ia3' lnst week at u Trenton hospital week after a long sickness. Ho was nged 31 years. Besides her hu: For an extended period of time, extensive experiments and nn electrician by- trado and was band she leaves thro> children. you can get veteran of the world war. He is research work have been carried on in the Gulf Refining survived by his parents, Mr. and (Continued on next page.) ALL you need ii a glass, a spoon, Mrs. .J. Frank Vanderveer of Long xi. some cold fresh milk—and apack- Branch, a brother nnd r. sister. Company Laboratories, and' test cars driven thousands ' age of Borden's, the Improved Malted Want Electricity Cheaper. Milk. This gives you the food value of a Tlie Mhtnwan mayor and counci SICK WOMEN of miles to'develop this more efficient fuel for internal light meal, and the enjoyment of a cool-; have decided'to join.with the Key ing drink. It is sustaining and delicious.' port ofiicinls in nn effort to secure combustion engines—we know it is right—but lower rates for power and lights For hot weather lunches—when yon ATTENTION! • • . - • \ • '• are alone—or hungry in between meals from tlio Jersey Central power and » ,,-• '••••.• light company. The matter is nowRead this Remarkable Testimony nnd before bedtime—Borden's Malted in the hands of the public utilities Regarding Results from Taking ,-T.he only way to realize the benefits of this new fuel is tp Milk hits the spot, because it is so de- commission- Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vege- lightful to drink and so easy to digest. Two New Building.. " Jn fact, you -will quickly recognize table Componnd ' make an actual trial of it in your car. Drive to,a Gulf Ser- these advantages that Borden's lias The Lucinor holding corporation of New York is planning to erect Norfolk, Virginia. — " If you only vice Station or Gulf Dealer today, and £sk the attendant over ordinary molted milk: two big buildings - ma no mora local tronlmcntn unlonn hnnd nho leaves nix children. 1 wont to tho hospital and wan opor- •Will Become Lawyer*. atod on. That wan whon I gnvo tho MALTED MILIC doctors up. Now 1 nm a honlthy rot. •X Dorothy lleod, Ihilh Whllo, bust woman. I with I could toll tho Elltnbotti ltolilnion nnd Dorothy world whnt n wondnrful mcdlclno • ~m the square package V. l'cnn of Oconn Orovo nnd Qraco Lydl* E. Plnklinm'n Vc|(0tal)lo Corn- GULF REFINING COMPANY Hoovo« of Aibury I'srk, d pnd U," —Mt». J. At JONKH, 817 ». - ,•., » !>.,. Ay«nu», ^fjk VJ tota ^^^^^^^^^^^ ' * i XJii bihbU BED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 2, 1925.

;o run at large. They were arrest- »••••••••••,••••••••••••«•»••••* UINN, PARSONS Jk DORli id by Game. Warden Arthur Pavl- •; - COUNBEtLOBS AT fcAVJ RIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. htlfl.ld Building. Wi B»* i Christian Science Society 5 ohn is Qulnn. Thtodort O. r«!«o»«i 54 Brokd'SU, Kadi Bank. N. J. J (Con'.lrued from last page) • Freehold Saloon Raided. ThamM. P. Dorjmut. , ' * Mayor Joseph Mayer of Belmar Tho saloon conducted by- Harry Burdge & Russell Cider Mill Now Open ON * SMOCK; "...... '.:;.': , (Terod a broken leg Isfct week Forman at Freehold was raided last COUN3ELUOR8 Al LAW. The Cider Mill at Tinton Falls will 0'Servloae Sunday tl Aj H, I P. H. hen ha was hit by an automobile week by tho borough police when . RED BANK, N, J. Q Sunday-School—»l»0 A. U. ' flle»iUSTO IDN BaiBEEKMANt front auit, l T' W«dni»d*y ': EVenlnc . T«itlmonl»l hilo he was cranking his car. He six kegs of beer wcro seized. For- Expert Movers of Household OOUNHRI.LOB AT LAW. be open to receive apples on and Meeting!—8 P. M. .,,-.' . ' as taken to the Spring Lake hospi- man was lined $100 -and costs. itllc.«.°in a Drnarl St.. I1KD BANK. H. .. Reading Room—WadBeidare and il, where the broken bone was ro- AMES A. HENDR1CKSON ! after Tuesday, September 1, 1925. 4 Saturdari fton »at. to; 4 ilO P. M. Loc?;;o Men to Parade. . . - Goods and 'Pianos. Jt. riio Oakhurat lodge of American COUNSELLOR AT LAW, R Tha puhilo la eordlally ID»|M'<) to pr mi 10S Eei« Front .tratl. Red Bank, •I attend tha aervleea and flilt .the _V fordon—Flaher; Mechanics will take part 'in the Tel Rea Bank HIO-R. D. A, WALLING ESTATE. rj Reading Room.: ^ -, -. / ; • Jl Announcement has been made of. state parade of the order to he held' City Movings a Specialty WILLIAM E. FOSTER, at Trenton next month. It Is hoped COUNSELLOB AT LAW. I he marriage of Miss Mildred Wor- N.w York. N<« Jm. i en, daughter of William S. Wor- tohavc ljKKniembers in line. 0 Broadwaj. Atlantis Ul.hl.ti4s, N. V. Pit?. N. J. en of Bradley Park, to George Dam on Golf Coruae. Large, Well Padded Vans 'isher of that place. The couple GEORCK D. COOPER, The Freehold golf club has con- Careful, Courteous, Experienced Men - CIVIL ENGINEER, ,, 'ere married at Manas'quan. structed a concrete dam across the SnooMior to Qtorg* OoAptr, O. B. »tt«r«on. ™»•Bulldlnt Hf^.tipi , «^ ptf*^ tvitiBEi BaDg a>w HAWKw . N. /. ivillon Robbed.' . brook on the . golf course.' The GEORGE K- ALLEN, Jr., C. F.., and The northend bathing pavilion at water raised by the dam will be Sight Seeing Busses for all Occasions GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, C. £, Iprlng Lake was broken into Tucn- used for watering the' greens. CIVIL ENOINKER8 AND BUBVEYOUS. Anywhere, Any Time. to^ ~ Broa** • »*^*d» StrutB^^« W4i«. BaH^^ivdj Banka^aai-f aa.*. NH t. J. Outclassing Atl Fbuts lay night' of last week and m'er- Firemen Collect $2,500. handise'valued at nearly $100 was WALTER C. VAN KEURETJ7 Yoluntcer fire company of Mana- ' Fireproof Storage: Packing and Express. • CIVIL ENOINEEH AND SUBVfbVOB. tplen. The police think tho rob- squan cleared, about- $2,600 in a Broad Streat National Bank .Building, ery was committed by boys. Rsd Baak. N. J. ubscription campaign which ended Office: Globe CcSurt and Mechanic Street GEORGE McC. TAYLOR. C E. axidAll Sixes tfcie Hold for.Robbery. , last week. The campaign was he'd CONSULT1NO ENOINEER. in place of the -usual fair. CIVIL ENQINEEn and SURVEYOR, > Agnes LeBlarnce, Charles Bcener Rector Plane. Red Bank, it. J, nd Leon Washington of Asbury Bluefich Running Good. Tel. 894 RED BANK, N. J. DR. HAROLD J. STOKES, ' 'ark wore arrested last week Roscoe Hulit, Paul Kemp, Byron *+***»***»******+** DENTAL BUBOEON, Under harged with rqbbirfg Howard Yard Wortma.n, William Gary and John* 8ueo«i«oMo Dr. Fr.nk Lee. ' • '•< H Broad Street, Elintr BaUdln*, ' .nd were held in $200. bail each. Wortman' of Long Branch made Rooma 4,.. 5 and 6. ' . Target cottly Pmirt—Thli brilliant hew by the Harmonic Balancer—an exclu* Lit the parties are colored. • good catches of blueflsh last week Offlci Hour. 8:10 to BiOO o'eloek. Oakland Six now «ivecp> away even elve Oakland feature! Telephone J02.W. their Uut argument of prlct. What Six but Oakland matches Oakland Voice Left in Fall. ' at Mantol'l-.ing. WILLIAM A. HOPPING, Rial EiUta Brokar, ppwer, acceleration^ speed, endurance Wesley Huggins' of Bradley Aabury Park Hotel Sold. Truai BuUdlnir. • 4« BROAP BTBE1T, Chooie a Six—But buy on a value-bails and economy? ieach broke his right log in' three RED DANK. N. J. . „__ alone and get the very utmost for your The Clarendon hotel property at money. And what Six combines these features ilaces when he fell in front of hisAsbury Park hns boen sold by M. BENJAMIN J. DOWNER, tome last week and caught his foot LAWYER, < —or even half of these features—at any- Levine to Hoffman &• Schuler, who NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY What Six at Oplcldnd'i price offers you where near Oakland's new low, prices? in the wheel of on automobile. Mr. conduct a delicatessen store at As- MASTER IN CHANCERY. the advantages of Air Cleaner, Oil Filter, The field liet before you—we invite you Huggins is sixty years old. 34 Broad' Strait, Rid Bank, N. J. Four Wheel Brakes and, Fisher Body in bury Park. Carefully to compare Oakland uilth'any other cor 'alee Insurance Agents. enduring Duco? and ice for yourself ho«v it outclasses all Dead at 94. Warrants have been issued for Mrs. Nancy N. Cottrell, widow of EGAN'S What Six but Oakland gives you the Sixes under $1500 and all Fours regard- he arrest of men who recently ap Compounded positive freedom from vibration afforded leu of price. • • ' ' Hiram Cottrell, died at her home >eared at Oakhurst and represented near Smithburg last "week at the Auto Vans and Express themselves as agents for the Lloyd Now thai moving time la ' near l am Touring Car . •loss (Old Price •! Sedan ... «XX«S (Old Price U545) age of 94 years. • She leaves three prepared to do your next HMVlna of furni- Coaeh.._.;_._, 1O9S (OM Price 121 Landau Moan 1*9 J (Old Price 1645) Insurance jfirm.^ T^iey collected children. : — ture, pianos or bacgase to all parte of All Priasi M factory iBo'ut" ?400"arOokhiirst. city or countrr. !o the largett Dadoed vr n Landau Coup. *- MM (Old Price "129 . , In Red Bank. Before voD have your Qoxt Genera_ ..ttrall Mo(orMo tor Jj TTlm«Po»nlenl l RfltM. htritofon ilia iouicn In Ilut Iniuwtry, have b«n Auto Hit> a Bull. " ' thovlnir done, .write, eend or eall for the mad. Kill loiwr. We con now law you from MO » JSO In your llnu Jwymiht com. tuo—Hoffman. An automobile driven by Russell only reliable furniture movera In tonn^and Miss Matilda L. Rue, daughter of set mr prieea OD rour next Job. All klnda Hammerstono of Adelphia was bad- : of ht&vj or llsbt trutklna don* at ihort Jacob V. Rue of Englishtown, and ly damaged last week when it col- The careful compounding of pre notice. Call or addreaa Howard.Hoffman of that place were lided with a bull belonging to E. C scriptions is just as important as the J. T. EQAN married last Thursday at the home Conover. 11 WALL STREET, RED BANK of the groom's .parents by Rev. choice of a doctor when^you or your ' Reaidence Pbooe 282-R ^rank R. Symmes. A Full Fledged Dentiat. Dr. William Pengel of Matawan loved ones are sick. Office Pbooe S39-R ; Get Paving Contract., > has passed the New Jersey state ex- 10 WHARF AVENUE ' Tho Freehold construction com aminations for dentists. He is now The best efforts of your doctor will go jany has been awarded the conteaching in a summer school at Bal- ract for paving a section of road timore. for naught if what he prescribes is not me and seven-tenths miles long in carefully- followed to the last item. Andrew J. Hill Gloucester county. The contrac Married at Stroudsburff. Paper Hanging srice is $147,000. Miss Olga Heck, who taugh We specialize inthis "work and are 7 school at Matawan last year, and Painting and .WINNING ANID HOLDING, COOP WILL armhouiQ Burned. Francis Schiffmayer were married worthy of your trust. Decorating An old house on the Alfred Mor- ecently at ' Stroudsburg, Pennsyl- is place at Formingdale was de- •ania. Esperiencad la »H bra..chat stroyed by fire' Monday of last 'Ettimalat Fumiibad week. The house was occupied by Civic Society Officer!. SCHROEDER'S PHARMACY OAKLAND SIX William Coventry, who lost all of J. N. Naylbr has been elected 14 WORTHLEY STREET his belongings. iresident of the "eagirt civic soci- H. C. HUBBARD, Prop. !ty. Mrs. Edith C, Putnam is ses- Red Bank, N. J. H THOMAS H. MCKNIGHT Tlirown from Auto. - otary and J, B. S?nmuel treasurer. 16 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. PLonr 1415 Red Bank '. 33 En»t Front St. Phono 705 Red Bank, N. J. Mrs. Grace Conover of Spring take was thrown from an automo- Firemen Trim Elks. At housecleanlng time you'll find bile driven by her husband near The baseball team ot,the Freehold Telephone 146. • Telephone 38. many things you no longer need. Sell Hightstown Tuesday of last week. ire department defeated the Elks 'em. Usa The Register's Want De- PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS She was badly bruised but was not ast week in the first of a five-game partment.—Advertisement. • seriously hurt. series by a score of 15 to 11. Death from Heart Disease. Clotheiline Thieve* Busy. Mrs,- femily - GlborsoMj wlf I by Rev. A. D. Ward. Guests were Dr. Peter'F. Runybn of Freehold present from Jeraeyville, Trenton illed dogs belonging to A. G. Jones nd Freehold. md Joseph Lacy. Both of the dogs To Build Golf Courie. ere Buffering from rabies. Joseph" Conover of Oakhurst, for several years employed by the Hol- lywood golf club, has been engaged by S. R. Guggenheim to build n Best in thelpng^un private golf course at Port Wash- ington, L. I. Robbed by Gypilei. Mrs. Ella Barrett of Neptune township complained to the police ast week that she had been robbed of $300, her Bavings fund, by two Gypsy women, who told her fortune at her home. Officiate Go Fiihing. The members of the board of freeholders and a few other county officials enjoyed a fishing trip on Barnegat bay Monday of last week •'•r-vlDN'T you know thai; if'you have less than three Tho party was taken out in two mo tor boats. 'v had Yoar Ride .. 1' J gallons of gas in your Ford, you are liable to stall on • steep hills? Next time this happens get out your gauge Victim of Center. 1 Mrs. Sophio M. Blakeley, wife stick and see how much gas you've got. Then, if the gas is of Elam BJakely of Belmar, died REAL last Thursday at the Spring Lake low, turn the car around nnd run her up the hill backwards. hospital of cancer of tho liver. Be- TRACTION in thcBet ter BuicK That little trick will save you from getting a wrecking car sides her husband she leaves one daughter. - You may think you know Buick and Bulck' out for nothing." ' . ; Note the ellip- performance from having driven Buicks in Autolst Fined $100. the past. But you arc destined to undergo a These stunts that experience has taught the Fleet Boss Fred Schanck of Freehold was new motoring experience—you vph discover fined i $100 and costs last woek af- tical buttons a new Standard of Performance I come in mighty handy, but if you want to play really sate ter he had driven his enr into an auto driven by a Princeton man on this tread. A performance ^wonderfully improved; 75 keep your tank well filled with "Standard" and you won't Schnnck had been in two previous • horsepower and more to meet the "&o" in stall on any hill. Take a look at the oil level, too, before accidents. Sharp angles traffic and to take any hill in high. Engine Workman Drope Daad. dependability further .insured by the three you start on your trip. Have you tried the new "Standard" Stovo JJ^vlosky, nn employoo of for traction-r- new seals for the famous Buick Sealed Motor Oil for Ford cars? It Is the best we have found so the Freehold borough street depart- Chassis: air cleaner, gasoline filter, oil filter. ment, dropped (lend ]nst Thursday an unbroken Buick approved mechanical 4-wheel brakes far and we use a lot of Ford cars ourselves. Death was cnuscd by heart disease for the constant protection of your family and The man had no relatives in thl surface to re- yourself. " STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) country, Bible Clan Watermelon Parly. duce vibra- Ten minutes behind tho wheel of a Better Tho ladles' blblo clnsa of tho Hal Buick will convince you conclusively that Inrd memorial church of Asbur tion and noise. your next car will be a Buick. 1 Park will hold a watermelon party Thousands of people arc taking rides in the on Friday night of next week nt John. Hansen. Better Buick every day. If you haven't time Mrs; Ernest Bennett's on Munro Phono 72 R toa drop into .the show room, u telephone call STANDARD nvonue, 42 Wett Front Street will bring one to your door. Fund* for New.Church. Red Dank, N. J. Subscriptions amounting t WIIBN BRTTBtt AUTOMODIMIS ARK BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THIiM $2,000 )mvo boon mmlo ""«b fni townrd tho building fund for » now [$S!2rms] MOTOR 01 L Mothodlat church «t West Dolmnr Goodrich About $7,000 Is nootlcd for. the building. . '' H. Li. !ZO!IBl""i¥ J . • Farmlngdale Man Da-id. Evorott L. LnFotrn i f Farming- y Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor 'A RESULT OP 55 YEARS' EXPERIENCE iti REFINING' clalo died last Bnturdny from n com- pllcntlon of. dlaoiMoii. Ho lonvoii Monmouih County Surroiata'a Office. hsrflbr slvtn to ths arodllors of ssld d CORD In His milter or (ht eiUie of HMsolm ottisd to txhlblt to th< iub»r(bsr, 11111111 widow, one daughter nnd two Red Bank, N. J. Sea Bright, N. X O. Tllton, deoeaMd, l»tr«trlx •• afor«ssl<1. their dsbts nd d brother!, Loir 0, and llonry Ln Notice to creditors to preunt aUlmi : msnds a»lnst tta* i»M ««Ut«. un II You Want •> Cur Qulofclj- Telephone 955 Telephone W . '; •Minsk «lt«l». . ' , within »1» months from th» diu of t Fetrn. I'urauanl ta the dtdsr oj Jonph t» Don- Morsiald onlsr. nr thtr will b» for*v Brl.lle Men Fined.- ' nnil nt.H low- prior look over thl anay, furrogate of tht, Counta y of Mon.h*rr*il of their astlont llisrefor aialmt 4 olTorlnKS In Tlio Ureistor'a Wnn *•'«, "i mouthi tnaiif on, tns twint/ ninth day ot uld, tubiahbir. Frnnk 1'ottlt and Amoi Rogori o June,, USA\\\%%, eon th«t nupiliMlin off H«rHii>r >... Uepitrtmont ottcti WCICK. Mnny Art Tlllnnil •itmfnlijret..•itralnliir«tt|.« of >th» Dated tnihttU, W. 1., Junk ID, 1DI Ilrlclla wore lined $20 eneh lmtodvorllaotl nt prlcon thiit mnka thotn WHEN»DETTEK AUTOMOBILES ARE DUI)LTM)UICK WILL ,BU1LP> Mtltolm O, Tlilon, dtcisiti), noll«mi) *of WABX Jfc W0N woak tot allowing tholr bound dogs ][«n) baritnlna.—Ailvrrtliomjnt, r

^^ii-k»iJMva TtfeimiT s RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 2. „• WANT RIVER DREDGED., Comntlttta Appointed to Work for MuHijnu River Improvement. A committee hat been organized Coming Soon Watch for Date Coming Soon . Watch for Date c by shore property owners to induce PALACE Itlip United States govcrrfment to Adolph Zukor And Jets* L. Lasky Present RED BANK'S FAVORITE - •proceed with the plans for dredg- ing tho Manasquan river inlet and Theatre Red Bank to prevent a water company from CHARLES K. CHAMPLIN carrying out tys plans of damming Matinee Daily, 2:30 the upper reach -s of tha river. The Evening, 7:15 to 10:45 STOCK COMPANY ' committee is composed of J. Lyle BANK Kinmonth, owner of the Asbury Presenting 1 "The Coast of Folly/'" Park Press; Mayor Lloyd C. Riddle IV*. of Manasquan, Frank Cbnover, who An Production. " AMUSEMENT CO. TODAY o Broadway's Plays. 6wns a mile of river front land at / GEORGE Q. ROOF*, Manager. Brlolle, and former Senator Abel of . A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. Jersey City, a summer resident of Wednesday, September 2 Point Pleasant. The committee re- cently called on Governor Silzer to enlist Jiis aid. •____ ' COLLEEN < GREATER XINCROFT NEWS. MOORE David B. SoffeTppeni Hi. Cider" In Mill for the Season. . David B. SofFelhas re-opened his cider mill for ,the season. He is "The Desert Flower" converting a big lot of apples on his farm into cider. .' and Mrs. John A. Zweig and her son of Jersey City have returned.home after having spent two weeks with B. F. KEITH Mrs. Zwieg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mauser of Phalanx. Mrs. William H. Kerr, who has VAUDEVILLE been very sick, has improved suffi- ciently to sit up. Mrs. Mollie Stil- FEATURING wagon, who has been nursing Mrs. Berr, has returned to her homo at Holmdel. The ladies' aid society of the "THE WAGER" chapel will meet tomorrow at Mrs. Greatest Comedy Act of Its Alfred C. Wiederholfs at Shrews- Kind on the Vaudeville bury. J. Eugene C. Layton is using a Stage Today. _new bus to ransport the pupils^to Miss Lillian Seitz and Miss Cath- erine Offerman of Jersey City were recent guests of Miss Jewel Mauser THIS WEEK of Phalanx. , George C. Thompson has a row of exceptionally tall sunflowers in hi;* Thursday. Friday, The movies move I Better pictures than you ever saw before are here I • / ' :'•'•' i,a,JU Houston of Red Bank has Saturday. two gardens of unusually finedan - Has on Joseph W. Thompson's place ParairibuntWeek celebrates one glorious round of Paramount and on Mrs. John E. Conover s Sept. 3. 4. 5 PR.ODUCED BY place. Mr. Houston is employed at FAMOUS IWERS-LASKY CORE Pictures—a review of the ones you missed—a pre-view of the new I Fort Monmouth, which was former- ly Camp Vail, and he is. raising If ifs a Paramount Picture ifs the best show in town!" dahlias as a side line to his duties in camp. "Are Frank Sanborn of Chicago, a for- mer resident of this place, was a recent visitor here. He was a WEEK CELEBRATION ! brother of the late Alamanza A. Parents Sanborn of this place. Mrs James Parron has been spending a week at Belmont Park. ~ Catherine nnd Marion Atkins of •Flushing Long Island, are visiting ONE their grandfather, Wnltcr Force. MONDAY, SEPT. 7 STARRING \ RIVER PLAZA NEWS. Sumner Bainei Win* Highe.t Hon- • or» at Boy Scout Camp. FACTS 62 WEEKS ~-•"••-"•-•""Sumnor—Bainon,s>agBd=i;QleveTi Betty years, son of Mrs. Marie Baines, re- MORE TflAN 2,500 turned home last week from Camp i^lw Gtedtes^^mrnu IkerAg IN NEW YORK Wannque at Greenwood Lake, -which PEOPLE WERE is a boy scout camp. He came Branson EMPLOYED IN THE •"home with a sore knee caused by a BIBLICAL SCENES ADOLPH ZUKOR fall and with th« buckskin degree, Will You Ever Forget Her Par- JESSE L. LASKY which was the highest honor award- formance In "PETER PAN?" IPRESENT ed-at-the-eamp. .Sunnier—.earned 31 WEEKS IN more than 400* boy scout merit LOS ANGELES credits in camp. Adolph 15 TONS OF Tho 500 club met last Thursday ECIL B at Mrs. John McClain's. First prize MODELING CLAY was won by- Mrs. William Kaney. Second prize went to Mrs. McClain. Menjou The heart prize .was awarded Mra. This Delightful Villain Gets MI LIE'S Mamie Longstreet and the conaola- Better With Every New 30 WEEKS IN , tion prize to Mrs. Crowell. The club 300 TONS OF ' will meet Thursday of next week at Picture. SYDNEY, • Mrs. Irving Rink's. PLASTER . Benjamin H. Crate, Jr., has a new AUSTRALIA Studebaker automobile. Florence ' Mrs.'Alex Spence spent Saturday and Sunday at Brooklyn. 550,000 FEET OF The Woman's club will hold its Vidor first meeting of the season tomor- - LUMBER row at Mrs. Harry Gardiner's. A Charming Persan In a Part 20 WEEKS IN That Every Member of Your , CHICAGO EVERETT NEWS. Family Will Like. Euchre Party and Dance for Bene- 25,000 POUNDS OF, fit of St. Catherine'^ Church. A Paramount Picture NAILS AND 7S" Arrangements are under way for MILES OF CABLE a euchre party and dance to t>e That Answers the Question i 20 WEEKS IN held the Jast of this month nt "What Will Betty Bronson Do AND WIRE WER& Bradevelt'for the benefit of St. Next?" Her Tremendous Suc- Catherine's church of this place. USED IN BUILDING PHILADELPHIA' As yet no date has been set for the cess In "PETER PAN" Sets a THE IMMENSE affair. Stiff Pace for Thli Very Charles Kelly has bought a) new Clever Young Actress, Which SETS Ford coupe. She Maintains In "Are Par- Francis Neville, who has been ents People ? 16 WEEKS IN laid 'up with whooping cough, is around again. ALSO LONDON, ENGLAND Miss Ferguson of New York Is 16 MILES OF CLOTH visiting Mrs. Charles Grant. WERE USED TO Miss Helen Kelly has taken a po- sition in tho office department nt B.F. MAKE 3,000 the Eisnor factory it Hod Hank. COSTUMES She recently graduated from Klder 14 WEEKS IN business college nt Trenton., KEITH Miss Elizabeth Haley hnn been BOSTON V entertaining her cousin, Miss Mar- From the garet Noonnn of Ellicron. TEN TONS OF HAY Mr. Hammond nnd daughter have Vaudeville been visiting Mr. anil Mrs. Joseph WERE REQUIRED splendors and orgies ZanUlnger. , TO FEED 900 10 WEEKS IN TINTON FALLS NEWS. HORSES Story by of the Pharaohs to the Funeral of Mr«. Cliarlei Holmei— PARIS, FRANCE Autoa In • Collision. JEANIE humor and tragedy of < Tho funeral o{ Mrs. Ctmrlcs 200 BURROS. Holmes was hold last Thuridny at All i tho Methodist church nnd win 50 CAMELS MACPHERSON this jazz-mad agp ~~ largely attended. Ilov. .Hnrry Van deaf conducted tho service. Soloi Star 500 SHEEP 4 WEEKS IN wore rendered by Kuftono Magco of 1000 CATTLE Red Bunk. Tho burial wi\» mnd BERLIN •t Uncroft cemotoiy. Acts Two automobiles enmo 'toRctho tat the ero*«ronil» hero lant week "' ' Ona cur wns ilnmaKod, but no on< 3 FULLSH:OWS E3AC3HDAY-?:!30,7:00 9:00 . vm hurt. 4 '. | ' Million Mario and Mnrgnrct Scot '" mdwenry Obro »pent- Buntfny u ', ' I.»kegir»t, wharo' thoy vliltcd tlii i, ,t\g hrairar In which tho dirigible ALL NEXT WEEK ADMISSION. MATINEE AND NIGH! , 50 CENTS V y »«•• noui«d. * ' Mr*. Edward Btootitorf tiavi titsn anttrttlnlng rolntlvca from "THE TEN Speplal arrangements have been made for children's matinees on Wednesday and Thursday COMMANDMENTS." virtU* In Tho Hogli- at the low admission price of twenty-five cents.

,'/ . , , t ,, ^/£ BANK ItMMd 'Weekly. Catered M Se»oii4-CU«» Matter at til* Poet- VOLUME XLVIII, «8)M at EUd Dank. N, J. under the Act at lUnb (a, lit*. RED PANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1925.. $1.50 PER YEAR. - PAGES 13

LABOR DAY ON THE RWER WHERE, 0, WHERE IS HE? ther that he was ready/to go Bed Bank merchants 1o, not use up through anyothe'i ritualistic cere- CAUGHT BY A CAVE-IN. BY AIR FROM RED BANK, all the time he. might thei. consider VISITS HIS WIFE BY AIR. LEAVE HOME FOR jnony which the Klan might think renting the apparatus to others. RACES IN'THE MORNING* A CRY FOR THE TREASURER desirable or appropriate previous to RED BANKER HAS NARROW ES- FIRST WIRELESS PROGRAM A vast amount of red tape had RED BANKER "DROPS IN" FOR MR. AND MRS. EDWARD cL v FIREWORIca AT; WIQHT. OF THE KU KLUX KLAN. letting the firemen jet a sight of CAPE AT RUMSON. NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT. to be cut before the national gov- Rad .Bank Organlsationa era Ar LUNCH IN VERMONT. TON LEFTJJVST WEEK., the money. It will bo Given at.Robert. S. John' ernment issued the license and as- •t . taming «orva> *l« Time on the Tie Holler for the Treasurer Is Samuel', Johnson Buried WEIlo 1 •on'. Radio Studio in the Second signed the call letters of the sta- William H. Wikoff Thou.ht He . Are Engaged (a »...,,« . Shrewsbury RWer *U*l Monday ,' Good and Strpng, For 4150 is RUMSON'S BABY PARADE. Working- in Ten-Foot Trench— 1 National Bank Building—Call tion . Mr. Johnson completed tho Would Surprhe 'Hit Wife 300 Work at Hangehow, China,1* , _R*c*ata Start at Ten O'clock. Waiting (or Him and It Has Bean William Howard, a Companion, Mile* Away and So He Made the Waiting Mora Than Two Week.. Annual Event Wat Held Last Sat- Lotion A.algned. statioii four monthB ago and ap- They Have Been at Hone fa ' Arrangements arel well undei Saved Him.' ' • plied for a license at that time. Trip in Jack Ca.ey'a Airplane. way for a regatta to fla held onnhe urday >e Victory Park. Robert S. Johnson last week re- Pa*l Year on a Leav* of AJbsT_., 1 Who Is the treasuier of the Red Samuel Johnson, a colored resi- Mrs. William H. Wikoff of Maple Shrewsbury river at Red Bank on Bank Ku, Klux Klan? That is tho Rumson's" annual linby parade dent of Central avenue, Bed Bank, ceived a government license to op Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clayton'( was held ' -st Saturday afternoon at TWO MORE EAGLE SCOUTS. avenue is making a stay at Rutland, Lincroft, who have been living f&» ' Labor day. Sailboat, rowboat, burning questlon'of the hour at Red had a narrow escape Monday'morn orate his radio broadcasting station Vermont Mr. Wikoff thought lie canoe, and swimming rices will be Bank and' it has been the burning Victory park. The first prize for ing when a cave-in of dirt-in a ton- In the Second national bank build- Lupton White and' Richard Elliott the past yoar on Waverly place, Had the^prettlost baby was captured by would like to surprise his wife at Bank, left town last Wednesday 00 held in the morning and a display, question'of the past two weeks. foot trench in which he was work- ing, and the first program will be Win Honor* in Camp. 1 Carol Wlesert, daughter of Charles wirelessed from the new place next lunch and last Thursday he 'hired the first lap of their journey back *-*' of fireworks will be held at night The business men's association of ing at Parmly Park, Rumson, al- Lupton White and Richard Elli- Jack Casey of Red Bank to take 1 A large number of prlres have been Red Bank has one hundred and fifty Wissert. / The second prizn -was wpn most buried him alive. He- was Wednesday night. The program ott of' Red Bank were made eagle to China. They will stop for a feyj by Jaue Penrsall, daughter of him to Vermont in Mr. Casey's air- days with Mrs. Clayton's folks. In'? received for the'contests in thj perfectly good dollars Which will be saved by the quick work of William has been partly arranged. It will scouts last week at Camp Burton, 1 Latham Pearsall. For ';ho best doc- plane. Rutland is 300 mies away New York state and will then go tot''i morning and/ a jiumbeT of donation handed over to the treasurer of the Howard, also colored, of Fair Ha- include remarks by .Mayor William which' is a boy scout camp on the from Ecd Bank. Mr. Wikoff and have been -made toward paying the Red Bank Ku Klux Klan the mo- orated carriage the flrflt prize was ven. Howard was burled to his hips H. R. White and members of local Metcdeconk river in Ocean county. Seattle, from which port they wlllS't awarded tb Lewis Branin, Jr., son Mr. Casey left Red Bank Thursday sail for Shanghai. From Shanghai^ cost of the fireworks, Rowboats ment he shows . p and presents his by the - same csve-in, but worked organizations, songs by the Clarion The eagle degree is the highest morning and made a landing at Al- credentials. • of > Lewis Branin, and , the second himself loose,btid dug the soil away quartet, selections by Rudolph Mal they will go by rail to Hangchow#?'> and canoes will be furnished to : which if boy scouc can receive. Each bany, New York. From, there thay a journey which requires only a fev*' | those who do not own boats and prize was won by Walter J. Ell- from Johnson's face in time to pre- chow's ^orchestra and Cogan's Lat- of the boys had .merit badges for The' Red -'Bank branch or kon- mers, Jr., son of Walter Ellmera. vent the latter's suffocation. tice Garden orchestra, and solos by flew to Rutland and arrived in time hours, which is a very short trip a#'' who wish, to enter in the events. Wave of- koterie of the Ku Klux first aid, life " saving, personal for lunch. The visit was a com- distances are reckoned in China, Entries will be received up to the Tho firtt prize f or tke prettiest cos- The two men were laying 12-inch Edward O'Brien, tho Sweet Singer health, public'health, physical de- Klan was a contestant, at the re- tumes- wat won by Lillian and plete surprise to Mrs. Wikoff. The start qf the races, which will begin cent popularity contest of the Red water pipes along Narumson~ street of Rumson. velopment, pioneering, cookinc, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton are en* Muriel. Briggs, twin daughters of camping* civics, bird study, path- two aviators remained at Rutland gaged fri missionary work In China "t at ten o'clocki The display'-of fire- Bank .business ; men's - association of the, Parmly/Park development Tho station is now undergoing ,a several hours and then returned 1 works will be hold at half-past nin> Charles Briggs. Betty Holt, daugh- when the sidewalls of dirt suddenly resting period. The fu-Bt test was finding, aut jmobiling, cycling, and Mr. Clayton is at tin head of'* , ; arid won second prize. -The second home No' stops were made on the o'clock at,night. , , /'•'.. . ' >'••".' prize was ?150 in cash, or a check, ter of Earl: Holt, wns awarded the gave. way. Johnson was stooping given last week immediately after craftsmanship, firemanship,. first aid tho— Baptist missionary work atf second prize. Jane Lcls—Hoy won to animals, swimming, safety first way home and the trip was made in. Hangchow, where Wayland aead-'"); pr-'ln'gpld, or In dollar billj, which; low and the sou covered his entire the government license was re- two and a half hours. Mr. WikofF The, events In the morning will ever; the: Klan treasurer would pre- the first prize for the most original -body with the exception of one arm. ceived. Mr. Johnson read stories and handicraft. In addition to emy is located and which academy; I include sailboat races for, the Idea-and Eugene Heinz gotSecond these badges White had badges for says that flying beats all other is to be made into a university, He'* fer. ^ tt> tied up; tight; in the busi- He was frantically trying to scoop from a magazine, and persons who methods of transportation and rid- 1 knockabout, bird and:mixed classes, liess"men's: big BSfe. ' "t's safe and prize. In each division the first the. dirt away so that he could h~ad been requested to let him know .carpentry; conservation and plumb- expects to remain at Hangchow at / prize was a silver cup. The parade ings and Elliott had a badge for ing in an airplane is as comfortable least five, years before returning t« sailing canoe races, single, double, sec'ure,> but-the business men's as- breathe'when Howard came to his if they could hear him on their re- as sitting in a big arm chair at mixed double and girls' canoe races; sociation •wonts to get the,-money committee comprised Miss Alice rescue. • By the time Johnson's face ceiving sets sent, back ; word • that painting. America and it may be ten year* an obstacle race, rowboat races atd Hoagy Mrs. -William Lawrence, Mrs. was uncovered, he was in a semi- home. - He commended Mr. Casey before he comes back, as a great out of its hands and Into thletreas- they heard him perfectly. One Both boys are' members of Troop on his ability as an aviator. deal of work is under way ejllarg* a hundred-yard swimming' race!.', ury of thVBed Bank Ku Kldx Klan John Dixon and Edgar Lewis Keul- conscious condition, but was soon listener who was especially well 67 of Red Bank, the scoutmaster of Ten days ago Mr. Casey sold a ing the present buildings and erect" The committee ih-charge, of, the where! -tliey" know it legally aric illl ' revived after Dalton Parmly, own- pleasedrwas n _rHinister_livtng_puti which_is_Majpr Frank Mocnnnan. er ofvthe property, and other Work*- Waco airplane for $2,500 to-the ing now-onesr—Last year they Wero) regatta consists; of ; P..: J. Mprrpyv rightfully.belongs. . , side of Red Bank. As soon as the The troop is sponsored by the Pres- given a year's leave of absence William Schootey, and Guy Belcher GUARDING UNCLE SAM'S COLD inen ^ad dug him out **-• test was completed he telephoned byterian church. It has two other Fairchild aerial camera corpora- But th6 buslnesc. men's associa- tion of New York. .Mr. Casey then which they spent at Rcd'Bank, Lift of the MonmQUtti-boat club, James tion wants to be sure the- right Soldier. Had Their Piilols'.' All to Mr. Johnson and asked him what Eagle scouts, they being - Frank croft and in New York state. Clayton, Raymond Boyd' and: Elmer charge would be exacted for broad- Moorman, Jr., and William Blair, went to the airplane factory at party gets the money.- So it's hold- . . ' : Ready to Shoot. DICKMAN STORE CLOSED. Troy, Ohio, and bought another Hesse of the Nprth Shrewsbury Jee- ing the-money in its big safe await- casting sermons. Mr. Johnson re Jr. White and Elliott are high For centuries Hangchow has been' boat and yacht club, Edwin R-Opn- There was ."• military aspect in The .Good*'Moved to Other Dick- plied that the station was not school pupils and they anticipate airplane. He was accompanied by regarded as the most beautiful part ing the-, call 'of -the treasurer. ' As and about the Second national bank Harry McCormick, owner of the over and Martin VanBuren Striock soon as the .treasurer presents him- man Storna in New York State. equipped at the present time for going to college. - , ; of China. Poets and historians have) and trust company building Mon- Shrewsbury river country club. praised the beauty of its hills and of tha Lions club arid -B, H. Priest self and his credentials, and:shows day morning. This bank is tfte de- The Dickman store in the Salz doing this. In order to broadcast a of tho Rotary club. The prganiitw, that he Is the responsible treasurer building at the corner of Broad and sermon it would be necessary to BABY PARADE AT HIGHLANDS They flew back to Red Bank in tho lakes. The city Itself, in which pository o.'. government funds for new plane in seven and' a half Wayland academy is located, hag - tions interested in the regatta in- of'theKu Klux Klan, the money the military camps at Fort Hancock Mechanic streets was closed last run a telephone line from the pul- k tend to make the Labor, day sport- will be turned over to him with no week and tbje goods were,moved to pit to the broadcasting station. Mr. Four Hundred Children Took Part hours'"flying time. Stops were made a population of over 600,000, which! and. Camp. Monmouth, formerly in Spectacle La.t Friday. at Moundsville, West Virginia, anc makes a large city, even in a eoun« ing events an annual'affair.: ' ,. Where ases or resolves >r wherefores Camp, Vail. On Monday eight-reg- other stores owned by the Dickman Johnson says he (Hay do this with A race among the boys in home- or', whereupons, or any other legal company, :ri'New York state. The some Bed Bank church if ho can Four hundre'. 'children took part at Hagerstown, Maryland. Mr. Ca- try as thickly populated as Chinas ular army guardsmen were. sta- sey used the new airplane in his The current issue of Travel, • mag« made boats will be an additions'" phraseology.. All the business men's tioned at the bank to guard the Dickmans had a five-year lease of find a minister who wants to have in a baby parade last Friday at feature of the day's ..eyentis.' Dan- association iwants'is to have the the store. They notified Joseph Highlands. Cups wen won by flight to Vermont with Mr. Wikoff. azine published in New York city, army paymasters who came to the his sermons sent from the church in contains an article of several pagesU iel B. Dorn of finckriey road, who treasurer ,'call, present his. creden- bank to get funds for tha monthly Salz that the conditions of the lease this manner^ Percy Hauser, Katherine Aarons, takes motion : pictures of!;,: newjl tials; • sign N.the' 'necessary • receipt, Margaret Trapp-, Frank McGrail, BACK FROM CHINA. about IJangchow, with many pie* payrolls of the two military camps. would be maintained by them, but A special telephone wire will be turs of city and country scene*.' -, events for the Fox News,-is .arrang- and the money will/be'forked over that they would like the real estate Janies Worth and the daughter of The guards were in full army uni- strung connecting the town "hall Mrs. A. Prettyman. Madeline D. Mta.lonariea Sent Home because o! ing the race and. he will- take;.pic- with jelerity.. form and were equipped with load- firm of Hylin & .''ilz '•o sublet the with the broadcasting station, to tures of the race and otheT events'. Beichling was queen o' the parade Un.ettled Condition* There. ed revolvers. They stood with their store to any party that would be that the police can use the wireless ' Rev. and Mrs. T. Eastmond Wil- AN ABLE FISHERMAN. --\ These pictures -will be shown in the- The members of the Red Bank right'hands on the stocks of their satisfactory to Mr. Salz. Tha re- and William Ginsberg was king. fire department have been rather apparatus to send out alarms and Each received i: cup and $5 in gold: son were recent visitors at the ators all over the world and- will revolvers, ready to draw the weap- moval of. the joods' was made at can use the apparatus in other ways Oscar Hs.ae, Eighty Year* OleV also carry the name of. Red Bank curious .'on this point. When the ons and pull the triggers at a sec- 1 Their attendants were Clara Walsh, home of Mr. Wilson's grandfather, Hold* Hia Own With Youngster*. night in ordec to avoid blocking the to suppress crime and bring crimin- Shirley Lund, Margaret -Mahoney Thomas J. Eastmond of Port Mon- on the screen.' Mr. Dora says he popularity contest vas" in progress ond's notice...'"" ,— ±. .,---—; street with the moving vans, and Oscar Oatesse, Sr, of West it was widely rumored that If the als to justice. . Special apparatus and Edith Silvorblatt, who also re- mouth. They are missionaries in will befglad to help any boy design also to avoid constant inquiries will also be strung to give news ot ceived cups.. Jacob S. Koffman was street, is one of. Red Bank's a boat for the race. , He will' be Klan^won one of the prizes it would China and with a number of other while the moving was going on. sporting events and other happen, in general charge of the parade. missionaries they were sent home old men. Mr. Hesse is past eighty^ home afternoons and he has designs donate the money, to the fire depart- OFF FOR SOUTH AMERICA. years of ago and except for a slight" ings at Red Bank. ' • * i *» because of unsafe conditions in for fltve joats. A prize will be ment for the monumant which the defect in his hearing he enjoys department intends to put up on Leroy Martin Sailed for South GOVERNOR'S DAY. Before, the first program in given China. , Mr. and Mrs. Wilson hav awarded to the winner of the race America Last Saturday. next Wednesday night a series, of * CHILDREN GIVE A FAIR. ceptionally good health. This/ is and also, to the boy making the best the town hall lot. 'This rumor was Big Crowd of Momjlouth County been engaged in missionary work in teBts will take place in the studio China three years and they had ex- time of the year when snappers beat. tieyei verified." Neither was it ever Leroy Martin, son of B>srry W, Folk* Expected at Sea. Girt. Tha Bu*T Bee Club of Shrewsbury biting and Mr. Hesse spends a la deiijed.' Thejflrenien couldn't' help Martin of East' Front street, left , Friday win be "Qqyernor's j£ room of the station. The apparatus Cleared $37 L»t Week. pected to, serve four years more 1 part of every clear afternoon in? ..._ inWested'' because fISO last Saturday •fPr-B"trlp~ttr'South at Sea Girt "for M6nm6ufn,~Ocpnn is very- delicately constnicteijnd. bbfore a~furi5tigh: would Tjegrsntei AT it may have to undergo many, ad- "•"• • The "Busy-• Bee~club-6f- Shrews easy chair "onWo end of" the MX would give them quite a lift: American ports on the Bteamship ahd Essex counties and many resi- bury,'which is made up' of children to them.' ••'..' .''•'• 1 justments before it will "be ready mouth boat club's float fishing fi They. will, be Sold Tomorrow at the :: referent from any other theory American Legion. He will be em- dents of this section anticipate at- who-llye at Shiewsbury Manor, held . Another recent missionary visito •Red Hank Auction 'H^u**. - ployed on the vessel during her trip for use for programs. snappers. He has for company*, 1 which was advanced \rcz that of tending the exercises. A reception a fair last week at which Cfrey at Thomas J. Eastmond'a was Mrs. :_ .:..:Household:ig0ods,' antiques, Per- of seven weeks as an assistant to ' One test will be made to find out M.D. Jafray, wife of Rev. R. A. number of Red Bank yonngst Edward J.' Rellly,of 'Red:^ank._ Mr, will be given by the governor, and cleared $37. They gave the money and Mr. Hosse is just as quick ' sian rugs, rare books and other- the "purser. "He* ~carries"with him there will be the awarding of med- what-is called- t'the high and: low Jaffray, who is superintendent of 1 In talking about the matter tothe Shrewsbury chil£ welfare so- fetching in the fish as are his things from the Isaac B. Hosford lost week sold ho did not believe letters of introduction to folks in als by Brigadier General Bryant, a notes." This will be done by. play- the Chinese mission at Wuchow. 1 ing' a cornet in the room. Persons ciety. The children 'received no associates. The snappers are no home at Chapel'HIU will be sold to- the Klan .had any treasurer. ' He South America who formerly lived demonstration by Infantry and cav- grown-up assistance but conducted Mrs. Jaffray was about to return morrow afternoon aTtii'e Ty$3~TS*ti& In. UIIB. vicinity and he expects-to; listening. on: receiving sets outside to her missionary work in China, In quite large and last week. Ml iifiFlhe very, fact tntt no one nad" alry in an advance and "defence the fair entirely thomsolves. Mar- Hesse's-catches averaged -fifty ef> Auction HOUBI on Morimouth showed up for.the nioney convinced make good use of his time ashore problem, and a review of the troops will report to Mr. Johnson by tele' which she has been engaged the phone whether the music sounds jorie Sexton ii president of the club more fish daily. " street Mrs. Hosford and her lam- him that this must be tho case. He taking in the sights at the several by the governor. ' , , arid the other members are Eliza- past thirty years,- when she received —ily are about to move.to Calif prnlar said that if such' Wtere, the case ho ports. It is now springtime south right or not. This will be done not a cablegram from her husband'stat- only to get the apparatus properly beth, Kathleen and Florence Pow- ST. THOMAS'S FAIR. " George H. Roberts will be the auc- would volunteer.to act as treasurer of IKo equator arid lie expects to bd Dairy Employee, on Outing. ers, Helen Louise Staats and Made- ing that* he was about to leave tioneer and the Monmouth clerking in Buenos Aires and Montevideo adjusted but also to determine in for the Klan without* a salary for Employees of .e Monmouth line Rutherford. China for America. Mi** Ethel Brandon Voted tha Mod company, will provide the clerks. this .one, -job of collecting tfte for the spring festivals in these what part of the room the cornet Oil cities. dairy company of Bed Bank en- player can'perform for.the music Popular Girl at the Fair. J- The sale will begin at one o'clock. money. .He said he was neither a joyed an outing at Long Branch Rod Bank Couple to Wed. . to carry best to the receiving sets. Ea.t.Ide House Sold. The opportunity fair Satnrda*f Klansman nor an Antl-Klansman Friday night. They visited the pier' The engagement. has been^ an night for the benefit of gfc. Thorny.' Bank Man'* New Jot. but that he was strictly neutral; Cloiet Hii Bu/nei*. and the attractions there and later Later there will be tests with an nounced of Miss Hazel Dennis, Edward P. Dangler of Fair Ha orchestra. Tho different instru- as's chapel of Red Bask drew »£ Cecil Crawford of Oceanport is that'he did want to see the firemen John T. Tetley of Chestnut they attended a boxing match. In daughter of Walter Dennis of Har- ven' -has' bought from John andj lar^go attendance. Tho contest -*-**1 a new bookkeeper at the Mer- succeed In raising the money for the street has closed his sports goods the party were Irving Shomo, Ed- ments will be tried at different rison avenue, and Harold Tetley, Rhoda Matthews a house on Harri- .places in the room in order to find thc\most popular girl was won . chants Trust company. Mr. Craw- monument; an' that if the Klan business oh Broad street at Red ward Rittor, Frank Ayers, Frank son of Millard Fillmoro Tetley of son avenue for $7,500 as an in- Miss^Ethel Brandon, to whom ford was for twelve^,years or more would assure him the money would Bank. Before ho. opened tho busi- Snyder, William Perry, Mort Van- 'put where the best results can be Hudson avenue.' The wedding Trill vestment. The sale •waa made by awarded a radio outfit. Mrs, Bi a bookkeeper with the First Na- be" turned over to. the firemen for ness- he was employed by a large Sauter, Harry Hammond, Robert obtained. There is a tremendous take place ' October 4th at tho Edward Hayes. The property ,is trice GurreA oi Seabright won the monument he would go to the sports goods store at/ New York, Rockhill and J. N. Emley. • amount of wire and a large number bride's home. Mr. Tetley is em- just inside the Bed. Bank boundary tional bank of Red Bank, then with 1 in gold for having the best baby a< the Red Bank Trust company, and headquarters of the business men and he states vha* he has received ——' ^ •» . . of tubes and bulbs at the radio sta- ployed at Red Bank by the Stand- line and the lot is 50x358 feet. The the fair and she donated the pt]M_ tion. They are so.delicate, that un 1 afterward with the Second national and get the nioney. several offers to take positions with Song Leader Move, to Florida. ard oil company. ' • . house has ten rooms, a bathroom to the chapel. Miss Meta VonGlahn , bank and Trust company. He en- „ Mr. Rellly said he was not at all similar concerns in the city. less they are adjusted correctly and modern improvements. of Harding road received a too oi;, fussy as to his regalia when he went Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Louis Keul- they will burn out. A slight frac Dance at Littla Silver. coal, Misu Ida Fazzone of Herbert* tered on his duties at the Mer- ing, who have been spending tho ~tlon of an inch of incorrect adjust- chants TruBt company, on. Monday. for the money. He said if the Klan Got Lot. of Porgies. The guild of St. John's chapel of Chicken Supper and Dance. sheet 100 pounds of sugar, John'? wanted him to go as plain Ed. summer at Rumson, left Monday ment will cause certain portions of Little Silver held a dance last night Epps of West Bergen place a baa^l William A. Trnox of Hudson ave- for Miami, Florida, where they will the mechanism to become red hot A chicken stopper and dance wil Injured Man ImproYlng. Rellly attired in his working clothes nue and Morris Brown of Marion at William Getty's ot Little Silver. be given by George H. Wallace at ket of groceries' and Miss Editjfcf he would go that way. If they spend the winter. Mr. x'.euling was and to eject blue flames, especially The festivities took place on the Kelly of Shrewsbury a ham. - , ^, Joseph Chamberlain of South street went porgle fishing yesterday song leader a.t '.ho weekly band if a high note or a loud note is his Pear Orchard farm on the Mid- street, Who was injured two woeks wnt.ted him to go as Mr. Edward near Guyon's Point -and. caught porch and in the house. The Sere- dletown highway next Saturday Rellly he, would rig himself up in a concerto at Victory park. bVoadcasted. The same thing' will naders' orchestra of three pieces ago when he was knocked from nearly 300 fiah. Mr. Truex and happen if a musician or a slngor night. Music will be furnished by Home From,Europe. >';'• his bicycle in a collision with an "swallow tall" and go accoutered Mr. Brown took a fow fish home QUALITY BUILT HOUSES. provided music. About 100 persons the Wildcats of Matawan, with Har- in this and other habllaments be- happens to movo boyond h!i or her were present and the profits were Mrs. Arthur W. Mellen, who hat A automobile, is slowly Improving. A and the rest ot their cdtch was old Holmes at the piano. Mr. Wal- been spending the summer in Eur- > speaking the man of fashion who given away to friends. Building Srognm Begun at Silvor- designated. area in the room. It ?50. . bone in his leg waa cracked nnd whita Gardens. requires inly a few seconds for lace gives an affair of this kind at ope, has returned to her residence •, tolls not at manual labor. ' ;' his place every Saturday night ho will' be 'laid up about "ihree Auction Sale. The Tuller Construction company parts worth $75 to C100'to be at Rumson. •' / J Or if the Klan wanted him,, to go Let Bob Jo inaon solve your radio i i *» • months. .•• , • In regular .style he would pro that James P. Silo, auctioneer, 40 announces the beginning of a build- burned out whon something of this • ' . ... HI » a- ' -r ing program at Silverwhite Gardens problems for you. Monmouth Ra- Grand Opening. School Registration Day, . way, with hood and gown. He said East 46th street, New York City, kind occurs. Even when every- "Cedar Terrace, Cedar avenun -. * School-i* Opening.. will sell tho entire contents of on the south side of Pinckney road. thing is perfectly adjusted and dio Service, Second National Bank All pupils who.will enter the Sa<|' . Why not 'a fountain pen to begin that as he was not a member of the Silvorwhlte Gardens Is to be a high building, Broad street, Red Bank. and Parker road, situated on tho Bank public school this fall for thai Klan he. .had ' neither hood nor Castlo Wall, Park avenue, Elberon, when every performer •• Is standingPhone 1184. R. S. Johnson, proprie- beautiful and famous Cedar avenue first time (except thoso of the " "* • with? Waterman, Parker, and our N. J., at publio auction on Wednes- class residential park development. at his or her appointed place this (formerly Monmouth road), in the own special, f 1.00 up. Your name gown, but that he would get one day, September Oth, at 11:00 A. M., Tho namo "Silverwhite, Gardens" tor.—Advertisement. dergarton and first grade) are Htamped in gold .free on all pens. fixed up for him that'would reveal was chosen as tho result of a con- burning out of parts will sometimes heart of tho present real estate ac- queBted to register (If registry and following day, by order of B. N. happen, Especially is this the case A Requeat. tivity along tho coast at West Long not already boon mode) at the Irubm'a.—Advertisement. no part of his anatomy except the Parsons.' Also the rosidence will bo test last spring. Tho houses being Branch. Beautiful homo develop- eyes, which would show through the offered. Exhibition Tuesday.—Ad- built are very different from the when a soprano is singing. There Mrs. Surges, who had a vest perintendent's office Thursday, f . . For Luneb. . is something about a soprano voice pocket Kodak fixed at our place a ment. Restrictions carefully con- tomber 8d. School arid grade silts of the hood when he counted vertlsernent.[ ordinary speculative houses, they sidered. Opening day Saturday, ' Our delicious sandwiches and aro Quality Built in every way. In- that is hnrd on radio sending ap- fow weeks ago, la requested to call. signments will be made 'when fresh salads are always refreshing. the money, Trubin's, Store of a Thousand September 6th, 8:00 P. M. Twenty pupils register. The mlnimnm Card Party spection of theae houses is' invited, paratus. - One part of tho apparatus Items, 68 Broad street, Red Bank. acres of homo sites City improve- for admission to the kinds Special prices for quantities., Al" Mr. Rellly sold ho though'. >vas for the benefit of Spring Lake hos- during and after construction.—Ad- Is heavily chnrged with electricity perln's delicatessen, 20 Broad a shame for. f 160 to be taken out of —Advertisement. ments. Low tax rate. Lots 60x150 is four years, eight months [ .. street; Red Bank.—.Advertisement. pital at, the home of Mrs. William vertlsemcnt. • and a rail will,be built around this and larger.. High and dry. Con- rndo five vcars, eight nil circulation and locked up In the Getty, Little Silver, N. J., Soptom- to keep folks from getting hurt. Meat Market For Sale. ' venient terms. Title guaranteed by chools opon Wednesday, Si. business* men's vault, and that he bor Ilth, at 2:30. Tickets, 91.00. School Examinations. Lawyers Title Co. Bus service to . • • ' :. Ballder*. . •" .' ' ".',. An opportunity will bo given The letters WJBI have beon as- Doing good business; good loca- bor Oth,—Advertisement. waa the lad who woulf". turn it loose Refreshments nnd prlios.—Adver- tion, good route. Income In BUru- nil points. Public cordially invited. Lakewood sand and washed gra- tisement. those pupils who wish to make up signed by the government to Mrt Further Information soe Jules F. —i -M— v«l, slag, elndenrbluestone, peanut If .the Klan Would only say the word school deficiencies to present thom- mor months, $000 woekly. Price A Reqne.t. (tone. Prices reasonable. Howard ind, give Mm. his credentials as • <•» ; Johnson's station. Most of the ap- reasonable. Address Meat Market, Reuter, office on premises, or 210 School Days Ara Almo.t Har*. selves for examination Friday, Sep- paratus WAS constructed by Mr. Broadway, Long Branch,' N, J.— Mrs. Burgos, who had a VM Q. ftoaevelt, Red Bank,, Phone treasurer and Ull him to go to Itl tember 4th, from 0:00 A. M. to drawer, M, Red Bank.—Advertise- pocket Kodak fixed, at our plto*, School bags, penoll sets, school Johnson. Ho met tho entire ex- ment./ _ Advertisement. _ BOO J.—Advertisement. • He laid his motto was "anything to pads, lunch boxes, etc., at Trubln's 12:00 noon at the superintendent's few wooks ago, Is requested to cat • . • • i< i ei .. * .. office, Sonlor high school building. pense of building tho station, but please." and he thought his plan -he Store of a Thousand Items, 68 Perfect Records. . Radio I Trubln's, Store of a. Thoulel School Day* Are Almost Hire. wpnld.please the Klan.and the bust- 3chools opon Wednesday, Soptom- Home of the business me., of Red Items, 68 Broad stroet, R«d "Mt Broad street, Red Bank.—Advor- ber Oth.—Advertisement. Bank will share tho upkeep expenie -Always first out with new list. Authorized dealer for Qarod. School bags, penoll sets, school ness men's association "an * the fire- tlioment. October list now out. Prown-Coop- Zenith, DeForrest and Fnrrnnd padi, lunch boxes, etc., at Trubln's, men, eipeolally the flrjm:n. «i» with htm. The room whore the er Co., B-cont nnd % 1.00 storo, op- Godloy Products). Monmouth Ra- the Store of a Thousand Items, 58 For S*ta or Rant. I am selling at private •*)]••( Mr. Rellly said he would resign Victor Nl(ht at Tustlnf'*. broadcasting is dona Is enclosed posite United Cigar Store, Red dio Sorvlco, Second National Bank entire contents of my home a| Broad stroet, Red Bank.—Adver- Wednesday night is also Victor Store with living apartmonts ot with cloths so drhped and hung as Bank.—Advertisement. lulldlng. Broad street, Red Bank, 1 tisement. ^ •. • treaiurer of the Klan Immediate- night at Tustlngi. Victrolss, Vic- five rooms and bath; In good condi- South stroet. Have some very' ly after ht had turned the money to provont echoes and to give the Phone 1184. R. S. Johnson, proprfe plecos of mahogany, Includl tor records, pianos, radios. 14 tion. Stork near school; good op- most perfect acoustic properties. School Supplle.. tor.—Advertisement. 1 ' • New Fall Millinery. OVier to thh» fireman.man. He said Iif the Monmouth street. Red Bank, Open portunity for right party. Stock Reliable merchandise at low odd chairs, tables,' eto.—A ' • Felt, valour and hand-rn»d« vel- KtIan did not wanant the money to go tonight.—Advertisement. reasonable, as ownor must sell. Ad- It la planned to glvo a program prices consistent with good quality Sckool Supplies, ment. vet hats at reasonable price. Mrs. each Wednesday night for a time direcrect from Mm t o thth e firemefi n hho dress Business Opportunity, drawer at Trubln's, Store of a Thousand Roliablo merchandise at low School Day* Ar* Almtit ! 8, Lohmann, 14 Broad street,- Red School SuppNa*. M, Bed Bank.—Advertisement. and Inter on to produce programs Bank.—Advertisement. , would, in. the light of th« moon, or Items, 68 lirond stroet, Rod Bank. pi-lues consistent with good quality School bags, ptncll ia(i In the dark of the moon, or In any Reliable merchandise at low moro froquontly. A . number of —Advertisement. at Trubln's, Store of a Thousand '' m ie» ,' •• •• prices consistent with good quality A Raqutit. pndi, lunch boxes, etc., at' other old time of ths .un, In se- luminous man who are sharing the Items, 58 Broad street, lied Bank. the .Store of a, Thouaand J .' . '•': Beverages. at Trubln's, Store of a Thousand Mrs. Burgia, who had a vest oxponio of maintaining the new Wam*>—Waffle.—Waffles »ret or in public, pu(j the money In It«ma, JIR Broad street, Hod Bank. —Advertisement. Ilrond street, Bid Bank^ ' For roar ofcrbonated, and m»lt pocket.Kodak fixed at our plnoo a station havo nppllad for periods to and everything good to cat nt tha /l my hollow stump tr tn any hollow —Advertisement. tliement. ••i"t^ ' ', beverages call Benjamin H, Orate, :ow weoks ago, Is requested to call. give programs which will have ad- Dixlo Cafeteria, Coleman House Dr. Dunn, Surgeon CMropodlit. 14 North Brldg* avenue, Rtd Bank, ;«e Jn'Niw J«rs»y designated by Trubln's, Store of a Thousand Corner on Klngeloy stroot. As bury Office hours Monday, Wednesday , Wanted l«R«al phone I486.—Advirtiiemsnt. he Xlati, Ox If ieposltlng the Top Soil—Fill Dirt. Items, 68 Broad stroet, Rod Bank. vertising AS well as entertaining Park, N. J. R. M. Qulnnoy, propri- and Friday only. 2;00 to OlOO P. M., Grading ot all kinds. Try riy features. This In the vernacular ot modern ilk or sevfn room f monsy In a hollow stomp or In « •—Advertliemont. etor.—At! vtrtlsorqint. until after Labor day. Ring Red ilrably loo»tsd# Tha Central Shoe Repairing Shop.' hoUow^Wie wai not tn conformity irlaes, Howard O. Jlosovelt, Rtd tho wireless world is onllod "good Bank 101-W, or Asbury Park 2441. Prompt attention end good work- with thy prlnolplemr tht Klin, hi Bunk, phone BOO-J.—Advertise- Why Not Rtduii* Your Ta»«. will advertising." Several business Parquet and Hardwood Flooring. —Advertisement .' , -,; •• "'• Phone manship guaranteed. 7» Monnjonth would, If they so d«slrad, bory the mint. r by locating, at Hlllorest, the new mon outsldu of Red Bank have alio Old floors" soraped and reflnlshed. ftr*it, corner Maplt sr«nae, Rtd monry In any cross rosds In the subururb of Long Drsnch, on OceaOceann* nppllad for the right to i|*« tha ap- K. L. Nlloon, 610 Church street, Nervous Indlge.tlon. ' , Bank.—Adv»Hlnment. tnto. where the shador ol th» bin jorrtt avtnueTT Tin lowslowestt tta x dl«dl < pnrotui for glvlnff programs, stnt- North Long 'Branch,/N. J,, pliont Take two Mayplnks and forget it v A. B.iDlrhan, Phono Hod Bank 081), trlol In the county.—A<1 vortliomcnt. }<>* Mi* d««d «k f*l! «x.eUy at ng thnt they would pay for such 771.—Advertisement. A«k your druggist. 1U knows.— s l)eadqu*.rt«r*. -*Adv«rtli«nunt. m , a»» — Advoitlsennnt. ^ • of a. Thousand tglit.-ajd; hewould lmm«d|»U, tJiobl Subplle's HiadquarUr*. •ervlco. Mr. Johnson hns declined tetwaWI eonduot the flnmtn to Edlion Trubln'i, etoro o( a Thouian'l to nci'cnt any such' offers at the School Supnlle. Headquarter.. itrt.t, Trubln's, Storo ot a Thousand He«ii|t«l Items, 68 Broad itrttt, Rtd Bank. present time stating that Red Items, 68 Broad itreot, Red Bank, done by Tti -rAdvwtlitmtiit. Dank oomti first and that If the v*Advertli«mint. R«4! RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 2, 1926. f \

Mrs. Ganley received many gifts. CIVIL WAR VETERAN DEAD. t On an Automobile Trip.,. . ' ' APARTMENT FOR REN+, BUNGALOW FOR 8AIA< ,• ' WEDDINGS. DEATH OF VAN C. SWEENEY, Throoroom apartment with all Improve). New *rour.rpom buntaTow, >»tb, Hnsav DAY AT BAY SHORE. Mr. Ganley is- employed as a c«r- Mrs.") Ellen McVey and 'ion lusts, near atatlon and business section. on lot BOKUOI .lectrlcltj, «ae' waterlloff Walt—Snrdar. Fair Haven Rsiident Died Lait Frl< Spencer S. Morrie Died Yesterday George of Atantlc Highlands and Appl ait 70 Monmouth street. Red. Bank. catert tetween Bod Bank and Long Branch.' penter. ! „ 'at Daughter'* Home a- Matawan. Further particular! bj addressing Bunfai XEArfSBURC BABY PA On Tuesdty afternoon of last day ia His 86th Yenr. Mrs. James Mulrenan arid son BU1CK CAR FOR SALE low, drawer M. Had BanV. • Smlth^-TobUa. Van C. Sweeney of Fair Haven Spencer S. Morris, a civil war ,Bulcleskt touring'car In,Art condition) all RADE A BIG SUCCESS. week Miss MargaTet Kathleen George of Brooklyn are on an au- *«o4 rjibrtfcberib 111)0 takes It. Oan.be seen STENOGRAPHER WANTED., . Watt of Honolulu became the bride Mr. and Mrs.' John Percy Smith died last ^rldsy morning in his 56th veteran and a member of Arrow- tomobile trip to New England. They t Tsylorlylor''s (larsita. Pearl atreet, Rkd Bank. Intelligent stenographer, experienced i Affair Waa SponToTid bf tha CITIC ofiEarle S. Snyder of Atlantic of Conover lane announce tho mar- year. Two years ago while he was smith post, died yeete.day after- will be away a_vreek. 11 ' ' ' "KJA' U,M—MVTCSSK^—N WANTED — ' ' preferred, wanted at ooce for amall oBlae. noon at the homo of his daughter, to tajuj cure of cowl and dairy; good Good (alary to atari," chance to advance. ' Aatoclatlon—Prlsaa Awarded to Highlands, son of former Mayor riage of their daughter Marjorie employed as a painter for Frank wages 'to right party. Phone 581, Rum-Bee Mr. Bolllnt. room SS, 6th floor, Broad. Wlnnara in Six DWaloBa—Ent«r- and Mrs. Charles R. Snyder of that Ritson to William Eldridge Tobias, Chambers he fell from a ladder and Mrs. George L. Barrett of Mata- Card of Thanka. eon, or write Boa, 21». Fair n»van.> N. J. Street Bank building, Red Bank. . } wan. He served.with tha 29th New The children of Mrs. Susan Mur- aw »i», yair iiaven.f n, d. .,' , Uinraant Followad Pared*. pla'cie. Tho wedding took place at Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William received injuries which subsequent- 1 COOK , WANTED, .. •'. V f Eldridge Tobias of Broad street. ly resulted - in his ucnth. Mr. Jersey regimeni in the civil war. ray take this means of thanking at « Bh-™»7bu A' t RkDUceD pRittea -~ Hah or woman for 'amall boarding' \\ Th? baby parade at East KeanB- Mr. Snyder's home. The wedding their neighbors and friends for nonth street. "uff .venue} foot oI'Mon- house; experlettoed only; rafaronqea r«* *,tUrg Saturday was a big success ceremony was performed by Rev. The ceremony was performed on Sweeney underwent three opera- Mr. Morris •. a-s .'8 years old. He . 4th, and baginnlna; Friday. Beptem- quired; year round position. Phone 14(6, was born December 4th, 1886, at their imany acts of sympathy and miin y Red Bank, or call Elisabeth H. Powers, . ' and tha" residents deserve much Ralph W. Carr, pastor of the Cen^ Saturday, August 22d, at Ardena, tions on his leg, which' gave him kindness during the Btcknesa and * *"l 8tpt«mber Byeamora avanna; Bhrawsbury, N. J. ' '• '•, near Freehold. The bride attended temporary relief, but a short time New York. For many years he was "credit for the• splendid manner in tral Baptist church of Atlantic death of their mother. We; also _ WllirVjuh' lor; wash'lnifjr'ibttrea,; In • ' RABBIT CAGE FOR' SALE. J - ' ' ', Witch it was carried out. The Highlands. The bride's father, Stuart Hall at Staunton, Virginia. ago complications developed. These a fisherman at Bsl;'ord. Besides thank those who gave flowers and Rabbit cane for salt; painted whit* with complications brought on a genera] Mrs,..Barrett, he leaves two( other atreen trimmings and gray waterproof roof; members of the Civic association of John Watts of Honolulu, gave the 1 those who donated the use of: their In two compartments, on* anclosed. Whole) East Keansburg, which iponsored bride ,away. The groomsman was Stranko—Bowae>r. breakdown In his: health ajid re- daughters, Mrs,- George H. White automobiles for the funeral. ; about 6x8x4 feet; price 15.00. Can ba J of Paterson and Mrs. Ernest W. TWO FtjRNtsHfiD ROOMS" th« parade, worked untiringly the Howard. G. Memory of Maplewood, Miss Rosie Stranko and Aaron sulted in his death Friday. „' Mrs. Robert Phillips, for light housekeeplnii nil Improvements; seen at 820 Broad atreet, Bed Bank. : Brown of Long Island; and a'son, Dennis Murray, . Just off Broad street .at 47 •••-----••* V , , CAR8~FbR~S ALE. . , ' past month to trfve the children and, a college classmate of .the gr< Bowser of Vanderburg were mar- Mr. Sweeney was born on a farm atreet, Red *p«nk. ' Alw> two A 1024 model Ford coupe, hai lot of Louis B. Morris of Philadelphia, J crown-upi a parade to e proud of. and Mrs. Archibald W. Nelll of Ver-. ' : James Murray, '.•• '• rnnmi. . •• • ;•' •, ' *•••--••:••.•.. •••:•'-• ried Sunday morning at the par- near Marlboro. He had lived in formerly of Atlantic; Highlands. extras, running perfeotly; 1800, ttXO The parade started ;it.2:80 from 'ona was matron of honor. • Miss sonage of the Holmdel Baptist this locality ever since he was a John Murray. WHEN YOU HAVE ADVERTISto model Oldemobllo touring In good running Evelyn R. Snyder played Mendel- The funeral will "bo held at half- •Advertisement; jrour houa» ftr.aalo or rent wlthoat >r«. order, 1100, Harry B. Edwards, Little the new association . building, on churcn by Rev. John Sherman. They young . man. He leaves - a widow '.: * ...••• .... ' • -• anlta, olame) to aa and let us list It,' Had- Silver, tf. J. Fhone Red Bank .1146.-.'••• ' Seabreeze avenue and passed along sohn's wedding march. The bride's past two o'clock, tomorrow after- are living at Vandorburgv \ where Julia, and nine children. The lat- noon at the home of Mrs. Barrett. .-.•'. -/•' Card of Thanka. '. .' ../.: 1«»-Hall. =111 Oakland street. ne»r atatlon. FOR SALE. , Ocean avenue to Hudscn and back dress was •'• of embroidered Canton Mr. Bowser is employed oh John ter are C. Ray Sweeney.yMlss Anna We take.this means of thanking .Heel Hank. " Oo Bergen placel , sU rooms, nil. lm» ' to Atlantic, giving the j'idges an crepe, which had been bought in Rev. Frank H. "harmer of Middle- all those who were so kind to us TELL US THE KtNp OF A HOUSE provliTOcnte, garage; lot BOxlOOj easy par- v Sutphen'a farm. . May Sweeney, Mrs. Elizabeth town will conduct the cervtce, T,ho you want to buy or rent, wa'U do'taej wat^ menta. This means Womethlm goori when opportunity of viewing th* parade China by her father. She wore a oodenough, Wilford Sweeney, Miss during . our recent bereavement. Wa «et remits. Hadley-Hall,,m Oak- I advertise. OaU T, V. Dougherty. Upper , twice. Roy Schaefer and Miss wedding veil and carried a boquet burial will be made at Fair View Mere words cannot express our ap- land atreet. oppo>lt< station, phone Bad Broad street, phone 8088^1. Red Bank. ;-•.•] ODD ACCIDEtlT AT STATION. Ada Sweeney and William and Don- cemetery. . ' '. -' preciation of the many acts of xtanx 1888* ' - ..•.•• '•'••'••• *i ti.' vt • • "• i,.V ', HOO'REWAIU) , , , -.•• Myrtle McKeniie were the Wng and of white roses and lilies of the val- ald Sweeney, all of Fair Haven; •"•lib* Paid lor tha return, of diamond and queen. They led the parade, riding ley. The house was appropriately Kenneth Peer'a Car «ai Damaged, . . • —1 e» •} kindness by neighbors, etc;' WANT TO BUILD J WE HAVE THE LOT. Mrs. Helen Mania of Brooklyn and Mrs. Van-C. Sweeney, Xal Red iBank 18B8, or call penonally platinum, bracolrt havlni on«; diamond. In a decorated sea-shell float. The decorated with palms and cut flow- but Ho Eleaped Injury. Mrs. Julia Kniffen of Newark. • He "TWO SUDDEN DEATHS. at 111 Oakland street, opposite the sta- raining. Lost from automobile or* Tuesday queen was attended by Ruth Boder- ers and a collation was served after . and Family. tion. Let ue •, ahow you: oup : oderlnga. between Deal and Red Bank. Return to Kenneth Peer of Leonardo drove also leaves his mother, Mrs. Anna War Veteran Diea in Barn—New —Advertisement. -.. )• Hadley-Hall. • . • " H««»iy- "•", 46 Deal Ssplanada, Dial. -fnan. Martha Rhinehard, Ethel Rol- the ceremony. to "the railroad station at that place Sweeney of Atlantic Highlands, and STUCCO HOUSE FOR SALE "" land, Cecil O'Brien, Kathryn Car- "Among the guests in addition to arker Stricken on the Boach. on Harris on avenue; near completion; six in his automobile Monday night to four brothers and a sister, they be- rooms and ~bath; sun porch) all Improve- Sm»H farm for sale I alx •ore*, good toll, ter, Ella Swan, Evelyn Hart, Mil- those mentioned, were Mr. and Mrs. Dr. H. W. Hartman of Keyport, ment!. Apply on premises or phone Red meet a friend whom he expected to ing William. A. Sweeney of Red WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 Plenty, of trait j house has sli .rooms .in dred O'Connor, Agnes Higgins and Benjamin C. Dann of Maplewood, arrivo by train. Mr. Peer parked his Bank, John L.,. Charles E. and Her- the county physician, was called up- GRAPES FOR SALE. Bank 841-B. ' i •>•»•«* eonillMoni b»ro »iid other .-out- Pauline Schlafl. Ellen Boepish, Archibald W. Nelll and son of Ver- on Monday to give certificates of 58 Spring etreet, Red Bank. WE HAVE A NUMBER " , lulldlnga in A-l shape. o«4l T. V. Dough. car near the tracks. His friend did' bert Sweeney of Atlantic High- of deslrkblo houses on our: Hat for eal« or Broad street, phone 80J8-J, Dorothy Mullin, Evelyn Miller and ona, Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Rob- not put in an appearance and Mr. lands, and Mrs. Grace Heath of death in two cases where death had FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. rent.. If: interested call'K«d Bank 1488. Alice Miller were flower girls. The occurred suddenly. William .Heck- Apply 60 Monmouth atrect. Red Bank. oc call at 111 Oakland street. Red Bank. erts of New Monmouth, Miss Lucy' Peer, who had been sitting in the Brooklyn. Phone 076.W. ^, t . PIANO FOR SALE. . " fcagea were John McGrady and Roberts of New York, Mr. and ert of Adelphla, 77 years qld, was Hadley-Hall. ' • . Mahogany uprlghti splendid bur for one Doris Jonei. automobile, got out and cranked it. The funeral was held Monday found dead in an outbuilding on his SEED RYE FOR SALE. ^ POULTRY FOR SALE. whor wishes to spend only .185 for a good Mrs. George W. Conover, Mrs. The emergency brake failed to hold morning ' at St. James's church. Clean and tram a heavy yielding atraln. Fourteen yearling Anc6hae; alao Bull used piano, will take it In trade two Ralph W. Carr and Mrs. William farm by his wife. Mrs. Heckert W. S. Bray, Holmdel. N. J. Orpingtons and Houdane. Call at Saoond years ' from data at full value. Dlrhan's The judges were Mr. and Mrs. arid the car shot forward in spite Rev. John ,C. Farrell celebrated a had been talking with her husband CRAPES FOR SALE. atreet. Fair Haven, N, J,, or. telephone Bed Piano Shop, Drumroond place, Bed Bank, F. Campbell of Atlantic Highlands, of Mr. Peer's efforts to hold it back. high.mass of requiem. The burial At CO eenta per baeket. Inuulro at it Bank 885-W. 7 r phone artlouIanr-phone By. the year; sU roams, on bus line,-W Peer jumped as directed and es- 7- ion of Red Bank. — ;--— Ited Banl(. 1406. Shrewsbury; Improvements, hot water ' The priie winners were as tol- couple went on an automobile wed- Roberts had gone in bathing soon moderate. Phone Red Bank 054-R. heit, eleotrlo lights, garden, garage, shade ding trip'of ten days. On their re- caped injury. His car crashed into Charles Jackson was found dead ANTIQUES FOR SALE. ana fruit. Board owner for rent Tale- ' Iowa: • i after eating which brought on an GENERAL HOUSEWORKER WANTED. : First division—Harriet Birch, "Little turn they will occupy a new house the train. It was dragged several Saturday morning in his bedroom attack of acute indigestion. H^-had Small family, good wages; while pre- Antique four-post curly innple bed, phone SlSS-iR or address Box 106, Shrewa? - at the corner of West Bergen place ferred. Telephone Long Branch 1204. TCBter box spring and mattress complete. bury, N. J. ' Bed Biding Hood," first; Helen Ne«f, "Miss which they have bought on Lincoln feet and badly damaged. been working for the trolley com- 74 Shrewsbury avenue, foot* of Monmouth Bluebeard," second; Virginia Day, "But- enue. •• and Pearl street The discovery pany at Asbury Park for the sum- A NEW PLACE TO DANCE. atreet, Bed Bank. • ,. - MONMOUTH STREET PROPERW terdy," tltfrd and Harold Fahrer, "Jack was made by Robert Aumack and Lake Tavern, We»t Anbury avenue, Aa- for aale; two stores, two six-room apart- Dempsey," fourth. NOT THE PROMISED LAND. mer. bury Park. N. J.. gaturdar avenlnge. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. : ments and bakery shop on Monmoukh Ralph Lewis, who had stopped at Ten rooms and bath; air irnprovemahta; atreet, near depot, for sale. Brisk bulls- Second division—Marion Nevlns. "Dane- Reisa—Roach. T . GIRL. WANTED. 100 feet front by 200 feet deep; on White Ing; .lot 60x160. Particulars John SI- W Girl." first; Ernestine Trapp, "Maid Two Eatontownera Decide They Mr. Jackson's to take him in an ...n experienced clrl wanted. Atlantic The marriage of Miss Eleanorc J. EVERETT CLAYTON DEAD. hotel, Fair Haven, N. J. Phono Red Dank toad, Red Bank. Adtlresa Alfred Griffith, Flora, 128 Shrewsbury avenue, phone Red of Hist," second; Myrtle Elsenhauer third Reiss and William Rosch of Ocean- Have had' Enough of California.. automobile to his work at the bak- 485* box 178, Red Bank. ' • ' Bank 1148. ,' , . .. and Walter L. Coater, "Jockey," fourth. ery of Child Bros., where Mr. Jack- ROOFERS WANTED Third division—Clara Miller, "Acrobat," port took place at St. James's Epis- Prank McKaig and Chester He wai a Native Red Banker and a RANGE FOR SALE. to apply asphalt shingles over old roofa; $200 OFF. , son was employed as a fireman. Mr. 1 flrat; Muriel Bachelman, "Summer and copal church at Long Branch on Riddle, two Eatontown young men, Life-Long. Resident.. Gas range in sood condition; prlca »« experienced men only. G. M. Olaon ft Most wonderful of. all planes, a new Aumack and Mr. Lewis had.made a aonable. Apply 176 Mveralde avenue, Bed Co.. lne., Garfleld e,\enue, Atlantic High Welto Mlgnon reproducing piano (elec- Winter," second; Virginia Lynn, "Scotch Saturday night. William Fischer drove to California' in an automo- J. Everett Clayton, who lived Bank. •-..•-. tric) ; used for demonstrating only. List Laasle." third and George and Anna practice, of stopping for Mr. Jack- lande, N. J., phone 640.* price 11,800, will sell for 11,600, Dlr- Sehwlng, "Cold Duat Twins," fourth. f Baltimore was" groomsman and bile several weeks ago, with the in- wtih his mother at the. corner of FOR SALE CHEAP. son and of taking him to woTk. JP aquare feet 'canvas, suitable for FOR SALET*^ I " han'e Piano Shop, Drummond place, Red Fourth division—Dorothy Llbby. "But- Mrs. Hefflnger of Baltimore was tention of finding work there and Shrewsbury avenue and Catherine tehti or covers. Telephone 1160-M, Bed New dump cart, new hand cart, new flan Bank, phone 888. terfly," first; Mildred Martin, "Old Fash- matron of honor. The ceremony of living there until they made Death was due to heart disease street, died Monday morning from Bank. ' cart and ne# wheelbarrow. All hand made. FOR SALE AT SEABRIOHT, N. J. ioned Girl." second and Betty Roughgar- was performed by Rev. Mr. Brower their fortunes. Letters received and it had occurred only a few ROADSTER FOR SALE, $80. _ Myron L. Campbell, Little Silver, II. J. Semi-bungalow, ssven rooma and bath, t«n. "The Vamp," third. a complication of diseases at the Exceptional bargain, new rubber. Wolf, Phone. Red Bank 1075-W. ' electrio lights completely furnished: 86 Fifth division—Edith Bola. "Butterfly," in the presence of a number of rel- from them by relative^ and friends hours before the discovery, was age of 61 years. Mr. Clayton was a GLASS JUGS FOR SALE. feet on Ocean avenue, 66 feet on' Shrews- made. Mr. Jackson was 55 years 10O Monmouth atreet, phone 106-M, Itsd . A number of one-gallon glasa Juga ault bury river, 216 feet deep. Alls 40-foot first: Marie HcGrifr. "Gypsle." second and atives and friends. at Eatontown state that conditions son of Cyrenius T. and Catherine Bank. able for* wins- making, price 20 cents' each; Richard Wlldertter, "Style of llto.'-thlrd. old and he is survived by a widow. private beach on ooaan. R. C. Qreten, P. O. After the ceremony a wedding in California are none too good Wilson Clayton and he was a life- COMPETENT PERSON also few. wood nve-gallon casks. Heasa'a, Box 05. Seahright. K. J. . ••• .'..•• •_• Sixth division (floats)—Dorothy and He had lived,at Red Bank three for cooking, no \ laundry; references^ re- 28 Broad BtTeet, Red Sank. June Tsaksen, "When You and 1 Were supper was served to the couple ue; now and that the young men long resident of Red Bank. His quired. Apply 882 Broad otreet./lied 300-ACRE DAIRY FARM, STOCK^b. years. The funeral waa held Mon- Bank. THREE TON TRUCK FOR SALE. ' Gentleman's home, fourteen rooms, four ^Seventeen," first; Muriel Stoclcwell. "The and guests at the home of the are about to start for Florida, day afternoon at Albert W. Wor- father died ten years ago. Mr. Day Elder, two and a half to three tone; batha, bowling alley, chauffeur's quartan, Dove o( Peace," aecond; Robert Dlttler. groom at Oceanport. The 'house where they hope things will be Clayton had been employed at vari- TRAP DRUM SET FOR SALE. good condition, good rubber, flat body; will room for , seven autoi, beautiful shade •• "Tooncrvilla Trolley," tblrd, and Kenneth den's funeral parlors and burial was In sood condition, practically new; prlae sell cheap. Inquire at 69 Wallace atreat, trees-, large lawn of seven aoras, two apple and Leonard Kollman, "Doughboys," was decorated for tho occasion and more favorable. They state .that made at Whits Ridge cemetery at ous drug stores at Red Bank and reasonable. A. Glaas. 23 Wallaee afreet, Red Bank after 6:00 P. M. orchards. James Murphy, box 877, Free- fourth. Francis Hadlgan, "Heart cf Mr. and Mrs. Rosch were the re- obs are. scarce In California and South Eatontown. Long Branch and he was familiarly Bed Bank, . AT STUD. i . • hold. N. J. Phone. m-W. "&oes," received honorable mention. cipients-of many gifts. " Thoee that the wages paid are small, duo known.as I'DJJC." ..Tho.funeral will .MAN'S BICYCLE WANTED. Black cocker spaniel for ssjle, a hlack MODERN HOME FOR SALEi" Racer or eoaeter; must be in good con- cocker: female, houae broken, e.-lovely A modern" homo, six rooma and bath, ; '. After the parade all the children present included Charles Rosch, to the prevalence of Japanese labor. be held tomorrow afternoon at two dition. • Write Hanley, 26 Spring atreet. home'pet for young or old. Gibson Ken- two-car-garage; will aacrlAca. Terms to and a number of their parents gath- ilrs. Peckinelly, Mr. and Mrs. They state that the Japanese will DIED AFTER OPERATION. o'clock at the house and the sermon Bed Bank. nela, phono Eatontown 21&0-J. ault, On tha Leonardo-Villa road, near ered at the association hall, where will be preached by Rev. James PIANO BOXES FOR SALE BLACK SUITCASE LOST Campbell's Junction, Ownar M. -Weiss, eorge Benson, Miss Elizabeth work a\ starvation wages and yet Vincent Pace of Oakland Street for upright and Brand pianos. Dlrhan'a from an automobile between'Leonardo and 825 West 180th street. New York City! /the prizes were awarded by Howard Durnell, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fealso, save some of their. earnings. Dykema. Burial will be made at Piano ehop, Drummond place, Red .Bank, Newark, probably near Leonardo. Reward Telephone Wadaworth 5981. Died at Long Branch Hospital. •phona 085. . 1 ' Roberts of New Monmouth; a mem- Mrs. J. Feales, Captain Benjamin Vincent Face of Oakland street Fair View cemetery. of IS if returned' to Mrs. Frank Behrle, SEA SKIFF FOR SALE. ber of the association. All the chil- \ PEARS FOR SALE. Washington avenue. Leonardo. . Length, 18 feet, engine 4-cyllnder, 21 Eldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth BELFORD FIREMEN'S FAIR. died last Thursday morning at the Sheldon pears..»1 per basket. Harry B FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT. h. p. Mets, detached from boat; painted dren received ice cream and soda. West, Robertjleisg, _Mrs.J .JWilspn Edwards, Little Silver. N. J. Phone Re4 black, with Phillpplna mahogany wood- ! J Long-Branch rhospitaWollQwing-. E._L._HAIGHT DIES SUDDENLY. Steam heatejl : , tyro rooms,' bath and ~".~ AfteF:the prizes were awarded a It*~vflH~"WInH Up"""With i Su'ppei' DHKli;^~ •' ' —— fcltfiilUe" ""'" • I eqUlpiiVequippd with every eonvehTeonvehT- workTO»pobl«6rabDut2workTO»pobl«-6r-abDut"20 miles parhBilr Mrs. Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lem- operation for appendicitis. He was etce; desirable residential sections, near wheh n In goodd- runnini g orderd . Price (75, program was given by Ada Buehl, mel Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Labor Day Night. Former 'Red Bank Resident Died at GIRL WANTED , center. Phone 1221. Red Bank. with engine. Now lying at m Broad Doris Klogg, Francis McHugh, Vir- 37 years old and had lived •at Red Philadelphia Friday. for general housework in Mlddletown; no atreet. Red Bank. Strykcr, Alexander Boross, Mrs. The annual -fair of Chemical fire Bank a number of years. He was -mulling and no Sunday work. Phone Rei~ BANK STOCK WANTED. ginia Kapell,'Robert Higgins, Adel Elizabeth Bareford and Leslie Wol- engine' company of Belford, which Edgar L. Haight of Philadelphia Bank 1768. One to flvo aharea, of atock- of. Broad FOR SALE. • . Kaplan, Andrew McCarty, Irene employed as a tailor at Davidson's formerly of Red Bank, died sudden- WIDE AWAKE YOUNG MAN WANTED Street bnnk or Merchants truet company. .Beautiful; home on Bergen place. 1>«. :ott waa held the last three _days__ol clothing—store. His parents, Mr. to sell'garage for Hadley-Hell. real estate Give number of shares and price.' Axldreas tween South street and Branch avenue) Stein, Bubbles Price, the Misses ly last Friday. .News of his death Bank Stock, drawer M, Red Bank.i < eight rooms, all Improvements; newly des- i Lato in the evening Mr. and Mrs. last week, will have .1 grand wind- and Mrs. Clement Pace of Red brokers. 111 Oakland atreet. Red Bank, orated; large lot 60il08; garai/e, chicken Carson, Briggi and McHugh, Bertha Roqch left on their wedding trip. up Labor Day night when a clam was received in a telegram by his Phone 1888. QAS RANGE FOR SALE. house, plenty of fruit; 110,600 for quick Howard, Alina French, Fred Bretz, Bank, are living. He also leaves a OARAGE FOR RENT, Four Durners, also ovsn, broiler, elm On, their return they will live in chowder supper /will be served and wife, who was visiting her parents, merer, pjatt warmer..trnnnth tnn: In wo ' Miss- Morris, Harry McNally and widow and flvo ohilrirari. A aiatar •Mr. and MrsrTrSrKlnBTof~Belnrar J 1 Privat•*• !!•""e• •flFIHIgarltre1*''. ' renf^'est, IB.OTSJIVBV nefiasa..—lar ranntli u uiuu. ins order. W. W. Taylor. 41 Reckl the house owned by "Mr.-RbTchr when "l^'ftSJtfmoBilsT^and a Hope and two brothers live at Red Bank. Applpp'y 37 Shrewsbury a.'enue, Red BanK, WEEK-END SPECIALS. : Irene Malone. At the close of the Besides his widow Mr. Haight phono 580-J. ": ' place. Bed Bank. Phono 180-M. Mr. Rosch is an interior decorator chest will be.disposed of. The fire- They are Mrs. Dominic Mazza and PIANO FOR SALE. For Friday and Saturday of this week, entertainment a Charleston non- who has always made his home at men hope, hy this supper and by leaves two children, Kingsley and STEAM COOKER FOR SALE. Golden Bantam corn (and it Is delicious)', prize contest was held and about Valentine and Dominic Pace. Tha National eteam pressure cooker for tale; Behnlnff upright piano; wonderful buy 26 cent! a dozen: llmas (and they are Lois. Mr. Haight was vice presi- price SIS. Address 3K«m Cooker, drawer for a musician, wfco .would _, appreciate..* thirty children entered. Charles Oceanport, Mrs. Rosch, formerly the fair held last week, to clear body was brought to Wordon's fu- good piano. Dlrhin'a Piano Shop, Drum- tremendously good)r 10 cents a, quart; of Long Branch, has been living in $1,000. They disposed of a num- dent and general manager of the M. B«id 'Bank. yams, two pouhde for te cents. "Yum Rupp acted as announcer of the neral home and prepared for burial. Auxiliary fire alarm and telegraph CARPENTER AND JOBBER. rnond place, "Red Sank, phona 088. yum." Be on the job early. Mrs. Dodge's program. Oceanport the past six years. ber of articles last week. Arthur The funeral was held last Saturday company of Philadelphia. He con- When you have acme carpenter work to CAKE SALE. Market.'Rumson road, Little Silver. N. J. Glass received a luncheon set, Mrs. be done just drop ft postal to Joseph 9 benelit Ann Mny Memorial hospital, in the HOUSES TO RENT morning at St. Anthony's church. ducted an electrical business at Red Lake. Red Bank. former Salz store on the corner of Broad Mrs. Fred Butten was chairman Palise—Tilton. Jacob Dennis lace scarf ends, Mrs. Rev. Nicholas Soriano chanted a and Mechanic streets. Red Bank, on Satur* In Shrewsbury, five minutes! ride from in charge of the baby parade. She Bank for several years and was well MALE HELP WANTED. day. September Bth. at 10:00 A. M. Red Bank or Camp Vail; ten minutes' walk Miss Elizabeth' Marie Palise, Charles Casler a cake, William W. high mass of requiem. The burial known here. The funeral was held Experinced presaer on dresses, good par. to Little Silver atntlon; one of'four rooms was assisted by Mrs. T. Cruse, Mrs. Miller $5 in gold, Albert Northcott was made at Mount Olivet ccmo- H. Hodas. Lewis street, near Main atreet, FURNITURE FOR SALE. and bath, one of flva rooms and bath: A. Linderstruff, Mrs. Louis Dittler, daughter of Frank Paliae of Fair 'in Philadelphia Tuesday afternoon. Eatontown, N. J. Dining room furniture, table, bullet, alx furnished or unfurnished! all modern Im- Haven, and Harvey Tilton, son of sweater and George Ynrnall a tery. chairs; pries SCO. Also beds, sprlngit, mat- provements. Phono 1408, Red Bank,' or' Mrs. George McCabe, Mrs. G. Law- YOUNG MAN WANTED treai and rugs. Anderson's Storage Ware- call B. H/ Powers, Sycamore avenue, Charles Tilton of Runuon, were sofa pillow. to work in laundry; must ba willing TO Shrewsbury. M. J. son, 'i Mrs. William Schaffer, Mrs. DIED OF BLOOD POISONING. INFANT'S SUDDEN DEATH. -vrork. Apply Dona Id'• Laundry, 44 Marlon house, Mechanic atreet, Red Bank. William Roughgarter, Mrs. V. married yesterday morning at St. •trect. Red Bank. HOW ABOUT THOSE RENT RECEIPTS? WHERE WILL YOU LIVE, THIS FALL7 ames's church by Rev. John C. ' SOLD AT RUMS6N. Havo you found tho person who will Shrewsbury Manor offers unusual op- Rupp, Mrs. Garside, Mrs. Otto Tha Sudden Death of Mre. Arthur Daughter of Howard A. Hubba a HOUSE FOR SALE. cash thorn? Why not buy a'housa and portunity for charming home Ufa, excel- Kniger, Mrs. Frank Schwarz, Mrs. Farrell. The bride was attired in Hamilton of Leonardo. Victim of Cholera Infantum. At 26 East Sunset avenue, seven rooms, have something for your money T Hadley- lent homo cooking, beat of .service, large white georgette trimmed with lace New Owner for Mrs. Jennie Long's bathroom, electrio lights, gas and garage. Hall, 111 O»kland street. Red Bank. ' aunny rooms, connecting or otherwise, F. Shear, Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. House and Laundry Building. Mrs. May Hamilton, wife of Ar- Grace Emily Hubbs, youngest Call on premises. some with private bath and running water! H. Holland, Mrs. J." Bauderman, and she also wore a veil caught thur Hamilton of Leonardo, died daughter of Howard A. and Emily ROOM TO RENT JUST "FIGGER" UP lawns, (hade trees, milk, cream, eggs Mrs. Charles Manley, Mrs. Thomas up with orange blossoms. She car- Mrs, Jennie. Long has sold her for gehtlaman; nice and homelike: electric, the rent you have paid in ten years. Yon and fresh -vegetables fr6m own farm: sad- house- and laundry building1 ^on suddenly Tuesday of last week of thorne Hubbs of Leighton avenue, bath and phone service. At 46 Monmouth could - havo bought a house. Buy oni dle horses, tennis. Ted mlnutaa" walk O'Brien, Mrs. j. McGrady, Mrs. ried a boquet of white roses. Her blood poisoning. She was 25 years died suddenly Saturday night of street. Red Bank. now. Wo have some "dandles." Hadloy* from Little Silver station, one! hour and ten Madden, Mrs. George Steitz and sister, Miss Madeline' Palise, was Black Point road at Rumson to Hall, 111 Oakland street, Red Bank. minutes from New York. Moderate rates. larcnce Pillings of Little Silver for old and a daughter of Capt John cholera infantum at the age of one F.ORD FOR SALE. IT IS NOT HOW WE LEAVE Phone Ite4 Bank 1406, or call B. K. Pow- Miss Esther Rolland. maid of honor and she wore shell Raynor of Leonardo. Her mother year. Grace was sick only two Ford coupe*. 1029 model. In good Tunning our children but what we leave them.— ere.. Sycamore avenue. Bhrewabnry. N. J. pink crepe de chine and a hat to $11,600. Patrick F. Kennedy made condition. Can be aeon at 21S Monmouth Wm. Penn. A good home is the beat the sale. -The house has eight died about a year ago. Before her days. Mr. Hubbs is employed at street. Bed Bank. legacy. Why not own yours T Had!ey< READ THIS. , match. She carried pink roses. Wil- marriage Mrs, Hamilton was em- Charles Allaire's produce market on ROOM FOR RENT. Hall, 111 Oakland street. Red Bank. Corner property, with modern nlna (*>> BUILDING HOUSE ON WHEELS. liam Gaynor of Rumson waa rooms, a bathroom and modern im- Large, light, airy fronb room for. rent; room houee. Also adjoining property with provements. The laundry building ployed as a clerk at B. HurwiU's Wharf avenue. He has three sons. plenty closet room. Apply 868 Shrewsbury HAVE YOU THE HOUSE 7 aix (6) room house. Both' equipped with" oomsman. Grace Jnnnarone, store at Red Bank and she was well The funeral was held Monday after- avenue. Red Hank. We tisve the tenant. We hold a wait- all improvements, two <2) garagea, every- Harry Lanrendorf and Family Will is 20x40 feet. Mrs. Long has con- ing list of out-oMown clients anxious to thing in good, condition. Frontage.on . Leave Soon for Florida. daughter of Michael Jannarone, ducted a hand laundry business a known at Red Bank. She leaves noon at the house and the sermon ROOMS.FOR RENT. locate near town, Hadley-Hall, 111 Oak- Bridge avanua of one hundred feet (100 two children. The funeral wa» held was preached by Rev. Z..T. Dugan. Light housekeeping rooms, furnished or land street, opposite station. Red Bank. Harry Langendorf of Lincroft is was ring bearer. number of years and she has been unfurnished. 2 Newman Springs road, Bed feet) * and ona hundred saventy.one. feet After the ceremony n reception Friday morning at St. Agnes's Burial was-, made at Green Grovo LOST. (171) on cross atreet. At little expanse building a small house to be placed very successful. Mr. Pillings will Bank. Phone 120-W. Envelope containing flvo' anapsbota and weuld make a aplendld business location. on the chassis of an automobile ivas held at the bride's home and conduct the business along the same church at Atlantic Highlands and cemetery at Koy^ort. ' WAITRESS OR WAITER WANTED negatives lost on Broad atreet,.Red Bank, Rental about ona hundred, fifty dollars was attended hy 100 persons. Songs burial was made at Mount Olivet for small boarding house; must be th Tuesday afternoon. Finder return to (1150) per month. Beven thousand flva truck and used to take him, his wife ines as those followed in the past nughly experienced; references required. United Statea Store. Fair Haven, N. J. hundred dollsrs (|7,60O) cash, balance.on and his son Fred to Florida. The were rendered by John Ryan of and Mrs. Long will superintend the cemetery. , Death From Stomach Trouble. rhone 1405. Red Bank. ~ PIANO FOR SALE. . easy terms. O. Irving Patterson, 10 Broad Langendorf family expect to begin Scabright, who was accompanied work for a short time, She expects Beatrice Grace Jacobs, infant • FEMALE HELFWANTED. Full size mahogany upright guaranteed! atreet, Red Bank. Phone 1628. iy Mrs. E. Leaderhaus of Keons- Eiperlenced presser on dresses, good perfect In every detail! fins aound, mallow the trip in October and to travel in to retire from active work and to DIED FROM \HEMORRHAGE. daughter of Eugene R. and Grnco pay. H. Kocias, Lewis street, near Main tone. Price »125. Dlrhan's Piano Shop, RAISED DECK CRUISER a ' leisurely manner, stopping at urg. spend the winter in Florida. street. Eatontown, N. J. _^_^ Prummond place, phone Red Bank »»>, for sale, . 28x8 fast, 10 Inches, fully Mrs. Anna C. Millar of Rlvar Plaia gtubbings Jacobs, who live near CHEVROLET TOURING FOR SALE. places of interest along the route. The couplo left on n wedding Passed Away SuaeJajr. Middletown village, died Sunday LARGE ROOM FOR RENT. aqulpped with mooring and dinkyi prlca Part of the time they will sleep and Model 490, S75; In good running condi- Facing the river; two cloaets, twin beda; |I,!O0. Floyd Brady, phone Bed Bank ;rip to Washington, D. C, nnd on morning from stomach trouble. Mr. tion. Apply nod Bank Steam Laundry, will rent, with garage, for light house- •at In their automobile.house and SOLD FOR DEVELOPMENT. Mrs. Anna C. Miller, widow of White street. Red Bsnk. 58B-J.. ;heir ' return will live with the Augustus J. Miller and one of the Jacobs is herdsman on E. D. Lcn- keeping or to men. Apply 87 Shrewsbury part of the time they will stop at rido's parents. The bride received S. L. deFabry'e Place Bought by BOY WANTED. avenue. Red nank. Or telephone SBO-J. notela. They have not yet decided oldest residents of River Plaza, tflohn's dairy farm. Ho has another Bor. 18 years old. wanted to lairn SALESMEN WANTED PROSPECT APARTMENTS. many gifts of cut gl&BS, silverwnro, Sylvester Scutollaro. daughtor and five sons. The fu- trade. Apply at Fraser'a gold leaf factory, to aell electrical appliance!: splendid op Four and flva rooms to rant! all Im- at which town they will live in Flor- died Sunday morning f 10m cerebral 17 Union street. IUc" Bank. chlnawnre, furniture, etc. Mr. Til- Sylvoster Scutcllaro of Red Bank hemorrhage. She had been sick two neral was held Monday at Albort portunlty for right men to better them- provements, beautiful situation, newly ida.- They expect to spend most of ion is n chauffeur. has bought S. L. deFabry's property TWO ROOMS FOR RENT. selves. Apply In person after 6 tOO P. M. ranovatedt eorner Prospeat avenua and tha winter In the South and while days. Mrs. Miller had lived at River W. Worden's funeral parlors and If you want aomothtng different In llsht Joseph Edgar. 83 Pearl atreet, Ited Bank. of fifteen acres on the west side of housekeeping rooms, I have It. At 46 McLaren street. Inquire 11 Esst Front, they are away Fred Lnngendorf's Plaza eight years. She loaves a burial was made at Fair .View cem WELL KNOWN YOUNG MAfJ WAITED Conine—Ely. Willow drive at Little Silver for son, August Miller, and a lister, etory. Monmouth street. Red Dank. to aell garaiee on time payment plant ex- 'atreat, phone Alfl-Il. automobile repairing business at $15,000. A house of eleven rooms LOT FOR SALE. cellent commission! splendid opportunity Lincroft will be in chnrge of Har- Miss Lillian B. Conine, daughter Mrs. Sophie Tlnpl of Maplewood. •»•«. Cholc* lot, 50x330; Improved; Hirrlion for the right man. Hsdley-Hsll, ill Oak' Valuable Hotel For Sale. is on tho property. Mr. Scutcllnro Card of Thanka. *v«nu*. Apply owner, Hanry O. Yoorhoa, Isnil street, opposite atatlon, phonion e lflflB. old Severin of Phalnnr. if John D. Conine of Allentown, The funeral wai held last night at 62 Spring street, Red Hank, On North Shrewsbury rlvir, within easjr bought tho place as an investment. Mrs. Miller's former homo at New< We desire to thank all our friends • LOST reach of Keir York) three acres>, shaded MI 4 DcForcst Ely of Red Bank, Patrick F. Konncdy mada the sale. and nolghbors for their sympathy GRAPE ,«_ __ en fliabrlght pullio beach, a lady's light, ion of J. Lc Grande Ely of nenr ark and biirlal was, made at Wood' SUteen-quart grape crates^ complete blua sweater and compact Wedneaday lawn, sandy beach, tide ebbs and flows, 40 Mr. deFabry expects to move to land comotery at that place. and kindness In our bereavement with eight two-quart tllti, 2S cents each. evening. Finder return to Miss Maude guest roomi, bath houses equipped with • LEG BROKEN IN ACCIDENT. lishtstown, were married Sunday caused by the death of our husband, II. llano at Hona, Red Hank. , Parker, 16 South street. IUd Bank, phone Florida. The now owner will divide 1*21. ^_ fresh water showers 1 also 11-room ccttaf*, iftcrnoon at tho homo of Mr. nnd the property Into lots which will be « • m > son and brother, Vincent Paco. Al APARTMENTS FOR RENT. eleetrlally, all open fireplaces, library, fine Leonardo School Teacher Now in tin*. Leon A. Conine on Mechanic Died at Hospital. so for the floral pieces and cars. Desirable apartments with alx rooma. PRIVATE SALE ! Lone; Branch Hoipltal. placed on the market. Mrs. Lucy Paco, bath, heat, at IB Monmouth atreet, Hod of household furniture, consisting of bad, shrubbery, tennis court. Jamss Murphy, street, Red Bnnk, Tho bride in n Ercd Young of Leonardo died Bank, rhone Red Dank 18U. • rugs, dresser* writing deek» lampf glasa- box 817, Freehold, N, J, rhone I5I-W. ;' ttlsa Phyllis Smith and Minn Lil- nlcco of Mr, nnd Mrs. Conine. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Clcmonto Paco, ware, garden Implement*, lawn mowar» Benafit Show at Highland!. early Monday morning before day Mr. and Mrs. Dominlck Mnzza, .ROOMS FOR RENT. garden hose, ate., OB Hudson avenue, Raw lian Vanes, teachers at the Middlo- William E. Brnlstod of Red Bank light nt a New York hospital, where Domlnlck Pace, Twn furnished rooma, «lmle or double] Bank. • AD AND JOB MAN WANTED. towii township high school nt Loon- performed the ceremony. Elijnli A motion picture show and en with all Improvements t In private family, The Red Dank Keglstar requires the- tcrtalnmcnt will be held/next Sun ho had been a patient a few days. . Valentine Paco. . 108 Hudson avenue, H«il Dank. • REAL ESTATE GIVES fcrdo, w«r« riding; home from school Ely. of near Hightstown, a Ho Is survived by! his mother, Mrs. —Advertisement. CANOE FOR SALE; I , • greater Income than anything else. In- setvlces of an additional man In Ita corn- Monday In an automobile owned brother of tho groom, wan grooms- day night at the Auditorium thenter naraaln, beautiful eighteen-foot oanoe, Test In real estnte. Increase yoar Income. posing department on advertlssmonts and it Highlands for the benefit of Ar- Ellinhoth Young- of Leonardo. Mr. perfect condition) price 140, Addreas B. "We have a number of excel lent houeea for iob work 1 one familiar with country office ind driven by Miis Smith. An man, and Miss Clarn Muo Conlno Young also leaves a wife and two Card of Thanlci, llesss. fs Hroad etreet, lied. Bank. aale, llailley-llall, lit Oakland street. thur Smith of that plnco, who ,1s. n. Wo wish , to thnnk our mnny Red Hank. . preferred. Steady employment In rleai- •utomoblle shot out "fa side rood of Allontown, a sister of tho bride, children. ' CXI«V>OR~SALE; • ant aurrourdlngs (or proper 'man. StaU and In order to avoid a collision WBS bridesmaid. Only tho lmmedl- patient nt a N,owark hospital, whore friends and neighbors for their A 1»JJ Ford coupe IJ50 and a I'll HOME OPPORTUNITY^ sympathy shown us durlne our ro- Maxwell two.paieonger coupa . Ills, New six room house, bath, all Iroprore- In application experience, at a, whether MUl Smith ran her car Into a gaio- ite families of the couplo nttcmled his leg was amputated, Mr. Smith Infant Dlaa at Hospital. mentfl lot 4Bal40) prloe 17,000, •1,100 married or single, and any other Informa. lint tank. ' The car and tanV were linn, been nt tho hospital several cont bereavement, Especially Rev, Charles K Wynne, Hiimeon »47-W. cash, ISO per month. Courtlandt While, ho woddlng, Mr. nnd Mri. Ely Ruth El««nor Harvey, only Mr. VanCleai, Mr. Wordon, lUr. Eu- Monmouth itreet at Broad street. Red tlon that will lead to a personal Inter- tadly damaged and MUs Vanes re Jiving on Worthloy street, Tho months. Jacob S. Hoffman, C. M«U daughter of Frank and Margaret Will par the highest pries i ththe eonill Bank, ptione I8H-J. ' ylew with applicant IQiTsrad a broken leg. She li now gene Mugoo, the pnllbonrorn nnd on doesn't matter. Write.' about what jroohi Is employed by S, R, Thomp- Johnson, Jr., nnd Ronnie Brown are Moore H«rvoy of MIddletown town' those who sont flowers ant) cars, you hen to no. Its. freehold, W , JJ. Timerwsu&rrdR BALK: pttl«nt at the Long Ilronch hot- ion'& Co, of Ited Bank, n chargo of the benefit perform' •hip, near Lincroft, died Friday at Charles Holmes nnd Family. ,..._ . _.. JXCki Tins moilern Ited Qank r»sld«n«a| ' New Ford Tudor For Sale. IUI ar>CQ. , tern 00n at the Long Branch hos- Advortliemont. hlll* erlb for salei needt new eoal of ItO.OOO rhalf eash.i. Also'two naw houeaa Ran 1,600 miles | win MortOtt for cash. ,-• <• • e* , enamel! mettrsai Ineluaed In isle. Ad- Hearing completion; Knollweod seetjpn. Balloon tires with spare, Holllday bumpers, Ervlng—Ganley. pital, whore the had been a patient '- .»..«».. . dr««s Chilli's Crib, drawer JH, Bed Bank, l»,B0O eachl terms. W. B. rowler, It Recaption for Pallor. Card of Thanln, MX>rwXrmtf Broad alreet, -Red Bank, Werner speedometer, laek tilt wheel, spa. Two Drolbtra 1st Hespilal. MUs Gladys Ervlnif, daughter of about three weeks. Tha funeral Wo wish to thank our relatival MX>rwXmtf alal psdals, automatic windshield wiper, . A fnrowell recaption will lie giv was held Sunday afternoon at the to drive ford sen one who worked In fltutao• housa vmrtjiiof six rooms, all Im- nald and John Milts, sons of lfnrvey Ervlnif, nnd John T. Gunloy, on for Rev. and Mri, A. II. Sutphen and frtonds for their symaptliy and grocery and fcvUher ihoe preferred. • Ap- provement" l b«eullfu| flreplaee, lot 10x110, fool »oba, Spartan horn, apeelal radiator P. MlUs of Loomrdo, undor- both of VandorburK, were ninrrie,d Friday night In the Sunday-school houis and burial was mad« at kindness shown during our recent plr John lllnlelmann, lne., Itumion, N. /> with garsgel best buy whan 1 advertise. •ap and III drum head lightsi a de lute ©p#r»tloni ttfll wetk it tho lnit Wednesday afternoon at St. Mount Olivet cemetery. bereavement! alio tnoiia who sent irorwHKTnroTrmE. Cell T. V. Doughtery, Upper Droad atteat, roid, brand naw| will not refuu any rea- room of the Now Monmouth Bap- —'Abouit 110 tuehels, Leeeh I'rollnel alto phone 1018 •J,JWJ ll«**i>. m • sonable offar. Inquire at IU4 Dsnk Ant. ;ruotlon hosplul at Naw Mary'* church at Colt'a Neck by tist church, Mr. Sutphen resigned floral plflcts and ear*. . two farm waions for sale) In good ur- Ptifc BALI, RID tlANk. : Uia. The Register's Want Depart- Ilortlin linker, derAb. t(l.O 1 . ll.ndrlikson, WltkatunV, W. i. lion House, ||.it "Monmouth street, Bs4 tomll trouhl*. Thty art Itov. Jatnei Lurk In. After the recently as pastor of the church and House of itvsn rooms and balk, stl Im- Bank. . . c«remony thorn wai a reception at ment xor avtry n««d of th» home, ChnrU" G. Lionnrd, fOUTION WANTlD. provements | fins loiatlofit near depot! on- and at* #xp«ct*d horns he and Mrs. Sutphon will move soon farm or buslnns offlct.t-AdvtrtlM- David C. Leonard. ResMitabl* colored girl wishes • posi- reitrlst«il| fan malia a buslntss j>laa«. " ' loon. th« horns of thi llrldo'a parents. to tholr litw house at River PU tion at plain looking or gsneral houif. Pile* |i.k»«. Caleb taker, Belf.rit, N. »., (WMI »4r«rUaeo<*enl« HaUtnad asj mtnt, •Advertliimint, work, Call ail 111 River ilmt, Red Dank, Phone ,ti.r-|l. KeaosWig, ,.

-it * ,'.•-:.*..l.i.; RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER

iiTAIM ANP DOORS FOR BALE. FARM WANTED. HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. PLUMBERS WANTED. - ' . HOUSE FOR SALE. FOR SALE " RESIDENCE AND BUS.. Innside.,t»lrs , and doon fo«fo<« ••!•• • Apply Want to buy farm for cash,'from fifty Bargain; abeut five acrea Improved First class plumbers wanted at once. One block from main road In Fair Ha- Mills Villa, eleven room honse and two* My hone and lesl eitat. WANT ADVERTISEMENTS, Bontellart ll o OnnniatloConstructioatloan CoCo, ^11 HonHo. nto 100 acrtl, with good meadow) and good land, running to middle of brook on Brown Apply Kenneth Jeffrey, 85 Linden "place, ven; five rooms. Apply Mra. K. JefTrey, tory bungalow; large plot df ground, on Little Silver are lot t»l, | hou, (Conllmml Irom •mtdujrv mouth .treat. Bid BnBankk . bulldingi. Address Farm Buyer, drawer dock road. Inquire John Turnbull, Woi- Hwl nsnk. 35 Linden- place, Red Bank. Itate road, near Atlantic Highlands) roomi, hot water heat, light, aom Cove road, Red TIank. •rice - $0,600; cash required 81,800, ' bal*. FOR SALIK. ~ ' HIOHBST PRICES PAID M. Rad Bank. FLATS FOR KENT., FOR SALE. and b««t location In th, vlila|«, „„ Two beautiful data, each, containing four mco easy terms. Inquire Caleb Luker, shad., fruit, benrl««, grape,i,gara«( i . VnK Hill Karm, OcaanporY, W. for all klnda OFIITB) poultry. Jacob Beck. STORE FOR SALE.' UPHOLSTEK1NQ. Oak four-foot flat desk (10, bureau J12. onl estate. Belford. N. J. . • . .• er, 171 flhrewsbnrr avenue. Red Bank, or Fixture,, etc., garage and roadatand; on Upholstering and roOnlehlng of all klnite rooms and bath; fine airy rooma, good "Idcboarii tlO, Iron bed and aprlng 35, beehouae, 20x82 with - eament floor. *1 STON.....BJ OARAOE FOR RENT. ' , phone 1680-W. Red Bank. of furniture. Prank Howard, 121 Weat aurroundlngs, etc Pater DePontl, phone FARM FOR SALE " I. 87x200 feet. Real astat, and Inr Inquire lit 7B Wallace atreet.-Bed BanV. good road I store In operation fifty yssr.. cduchh, apring and, mattress *9797.. stesteall ffour- vTr^AVE'SKVEKALTuita ALOrjQ .. •' w. A. Hopping, 40 Broad atreet,, or phone Front atreet. Bed Bank, phone, ahop aO9-J i 464-J. or call at 24fi Shrewsbury avenue, ddrawer , filingfili case -SGSG, C. H. JenkJkB 8-8LL Sovenly-flva acre farm or will aril av part. ance business ofTora rare opportunity .STUMP PULLER FOR.! rtildcnc 880.W. Red. Bank. Red Bank. „ ' wolvo room house, electric, toilet and beginner or other d«,lrlng to ohanu, ' MUB.Ml«!»r the staU road for said alao a nice (Wa- Red Bank 807. - - - • • - • • . Wcit front atreet, Keyport, J *8. fore., rn buniatfijw. Caleb L, I-"i—• B.»._I eXP RT AUTOMO FOR SALE. mth; hot and cold water; usual outbuild. tion.. Was establishad 1010, Pa.rtKP.MTtr bin' 75-y-lfr Keanabprg, . KEYPORT, N. J. now In oharga of the wash itand a* the. Rumaon, ten room, house, and bath, else' ALL YEAR NEW HOME,. , Ings; less than three miles ito Red Bank. at interview. The bualnes, and propeftyi FURNISH ED-ROOM TO RENT. • Green' Grove avenues nine room houae, Boro I Busaea, Inc. Globe Court and Mo- trlcity, gas and heat; lot 60x200 feet; thrco bedrooms, (also furnished home, six Price 116,000. Caleb Luker, Belford, N. J. will be Bold aeparately or combined, FOR SALE. bedrooms) for rent or sale, upon easy Phone 7f)-.l''-31, Keansburir^ C. Baker, real eatat, broker All: improvement., 60.Linden »!•«•,, Re* Antlau, mahogany aldeboard, mahogany first class condition I all Improvements: ehanlo street. Get your car washed while grggaragee and ahudeu ; pricpice 80,5000,50. . CaleCaleb ankV ' *•;• '-;•-"••-: H" Bun parlor; term, to suit. H. F. Collins, In town. Service guaranteed. Lk Blfd N. J. I"honI"h e 7G-F-317GF31, terms: "at Gooseneck Point. Little Silver. ATTRACTIVE SEASHORE HOMES. - HILLCREStv : tiptop tabl. and mahogany long ao'a. Lukcr, Belford, Choice restricted colony on South ShrowB- LAUNDRY WORK.W*«TED._r Phone Ixmg Pranch 27B4-J. Keyport 870-R. •' • GRAPE CRATES-TCHEAP. Keonaburg. ' Homes and estates In Monmouth Beaah, the new suburb of Long Branch, on Oseaiw' Call at 168 Catherine •trMt,-, Rtd Bank bury • river. Open for Inspection. Lang Branch, West End, Elbcron, Deal, Al- rort av«nu,, your opportunity. Tilt wJ«S:Si T" LETTERS MULTIPLIECL ~ FOR SALE. . ; 8lxteen>quart gropo er&tcs. complete FOR SALE. vantage, of buying here air. many. Thtvi! Phon'a 1»4. ' ' Whitney baby carriage,-reversible; year with eight two-quart tills, 26 cents each. ' New six room cottage, all Improvements; ."' TWO SLATE ROOFS~FOR SALE, lcnhurat. Loch Arbor, Interlaken. Asbury at short notice with atyloBraphed signa- It. Hance & Bonn, Beii Unnk. in a llrst class condition. Buyer to take Park. Inspection on appointment. Ray tax rate I, extrenuly. low. .very lot la-'^i; • '••• ••' ' • H RrttAt). " '*" ture. Good as-first copy work., ReaBon- nidi good condition: BpafTord Sohanck, good location; nCHr schools, on a good high, and ha, more than ,u Inohea of iott <•«]> rcmoVti of deedanlmala, Rtd aaoM, IIS. Broad street, Matawan, N. J. Fhone lot; $1,000 down, balance ae rent. D. W.elates from roof. Can bo Been at buildlnir H. - Stillman, state highway, Eatontown, able prices. Phone 16B0-R FOR SALE, 69' SOUTH STREET. and barn at 07 Monmouth atreet, Ued N. J. Phono Eatontown 2178, ill; It lies on th. most.direct and travel.)' IA Phone .gp.VV.; .••.-•„•-••—. ,' . •• - : 284-J, Matawan. Blx rooms, .bath, all'improvements, two- Martin, 240 East Front street, Red Bank. Bank. Apply Scutcllnro Construction Co., romad from Long Brandh „to ited Oank, Pub* t'J HALF HOUSE FOR RENT ear garage; immediate occupancy. • AnyPhone 1138. _j ' CARPENTER JOBBING optrtjr bbE8iRABL B APARTMENTAA S _r_6RRENf6 . I ft Spring street, between Wallace and WATCHMAN WISHES POSITION 112-Monmouth street, lied Hank. by competent man In any branch of work. Ha busies running p«it tb« pro •;APPI anywhere Mwenty'yeara' experience as a broker or. H. B. .Gould, owner, Orchard HOME BUILDER AND M1LLWORK. T half hour , about on«halone-halohalfff mill** .f frof m LttUeMtt«utUt) V ,chanlo atreets. Inquire .of owner,' 174 FOR SALE OR RENT. Np'job too largo or small to receive prompt Hll...r ,_,lnn' n.. .!>• Na>« Vn.L _ *ijt I I...M ^ *. atrect, Huntlngton, New York. • * Many plans to choose from or wlU 'esti- Silverlr ' B• tatotattoo on tt^tt NNew York und MttLonUv ^ ranch avenue, Red Bank.' guard with the UnUnitet d StateStat s governmentgvernmnt. Elffht room hnunc, .nil Improvements,, attention, tiash cord and glazing. Esti- BeaB t off referencesf , AddreseAddL' Lock k BoB x SAXAPHONE INSTRUCTION. - mate your plans. Screening, porches, trel- Branch iVllroiVllroadVllad . City wateratertr, eleotrllo a ll|ht*ht* ( APARTMENT FOR RENT. lises and porch boxes. Fencing. Robert completely furnished, and Karaite; Fair mates furnished. Screens a specialty, telephonlphone anandd. saa. Lots 1100 and UUp*p> ...... price reasonable. Phon, 17, Belford. W.'J. ' Learn >to play this popular Inatrument. Haven; possession October l»t. For par- prices right, o. H. Bennett, 127 Mon- Steam heated apartment; all improve- I will teach you.. Saxapho'nes bought and L. Cook. 87 Sunset avenue. Red Oank. wardid . laiidd on en»r payment planl i ad dlil * JtO-B. Rad Bank., ' '•••••• ment,. Inquire I'rank J. Mamon, 10 CASH' PAID Phone 1498, ticulars set! William II. Hintelmann, Rum- moutii street. Ited Bank, phone 124-R. count for cash. ' The Uom* Sit* Dtvilop* "••.'•''• TYPEWRITER> WANTED. .- . - . Bold. MuaiclanB for nil occasions. Fhone non, .N. J., or phone Rumaon GOD. ment. Inc., Oceanport avanua, Ooatnport Drummond .place, Red Bank. for false teeth, dental gold, platinum, die Arthur Boyce,_312rM. Rumson. WILLIAM V. DIETRICH. HELP WANTEDI—MEN." " f "-••' Bemlriliton or -Underwood preferred. .HORSE AND COW FOR SALE.- carded Jewelry, .diamond and magneto FURNITURE1 FOR"SALE. men, with gasoline nnd oil expcrl- Phon, Red Danlt 880-M.. points.i.' . Hokas_- SmeltinI •••g A Refinin' g Co." , O- k - HALL FOR DANOES. plumbing, heating and tinning. Pumps and enco'and following among dealers, for lo- Work'horsa for late chvapr also milking W. O. W. halt .over Clayton & Magce',, windmills repaired, Agent for Master car- Handaornc living room, bedroom' anil TilEOROE H. ROBERTS, cow. William V. Carney, Fhalanx, N. J,,aego, Michigan. buretor coal saving duvlce. Fits any fur- dlnlnK room suites, Chlncec rUKS and oddcnl It-rrltory: either .pnrt or full time, to GOING SOUTH, auctioneer; New Monmouth, N, J. T«ls> phone Mlddl»town.278-F-32. • . - .. ' LOT FOR SALE. 19 Broad atrect,' Red Bank, to lent for naee. 4'1 Lelghton avenue. * Red Bank, pieces, lamps: "prlvato Bale, no. dealers. promote Kusollno ttonlcrs* association. will sacrifice household furniture, Fhone phone Mlddlctown 27B.nl. On Bergen place, between South street dancea. Fine dance floor. See Albert IS. E»pecially. KOOII commission. Wrlta Room JAMES SODEN, Snydcr. roorn a, Elaner'building. phone 882.W. •_• . ? . Phone 203-K. Reil Hank. Only .tho.n wish- C04. 40 Clinton street, Newark. N. J. 1406-R. ned Banli. •••''-. APPER30i< CAR ~~. contractor and bullderj all klndi of Job-and Branch avnue: alto 60x200; will sell HOUSE FOR RENT. ing high grade" furniture ni*eil apply. for isle, In-good condition, Apply 62 bing- done. Dealer ID building material for 12,000. Applppiy 112 Broad street, phone SAVE YOUR OLD CARPETS. Modern, six room and bath, enclosed' LOOK—FOR SALE. .COTTAGE WHEN MOVING ', Red Bank 18« Beautiful reversible ruga made from old Attractive renting offer Bridge avenue, ltea Bank. ' Jamea Soden, Llneroft. N. J. - i-j.. porch, cement cellar, best'Central location Six-room house and a little over thre. g er to desirable Call Anderttoa Oroth«ri. T^ltphont ft*4 HAVE.YOUR CLOTHES\ carpeta arid chenille portieres. Write for of Bed Bank; $65 to desirable tenant. B. tenant, partially furnished cottage, six " ARE THREE HOMES • IN NEED : FOR'SALE. ^7^ ^^ circulars. American Rug Manufactory, 2U6 acree of land along coni'tjie rot.d on cor- Bank 704 end net our rates. Aiiywh««.^ Ten beautiful black retriever pupplea for cleaned at the Oity Dry Oleanlag and Dfe^ Vermont atreet, Brooklyn,. N. Y. L. Sutcr. 1318 Edgcwood avenue, Wanu- ner at Hopping'a Croaaing, near Camp- rooms andd ImthIh; allll iimprovementst ; low of three dogs I Call up and bear • about ing Worka. 9 Meobanio atreet, nea^ Broad masMB, N. J. i ' " bell'a Junction. $7,500. "Caleb II Luker, rcntnl for winter; ten minutes' walk to. Any tim*. the dogs. Red Bank BOS, . • •ale cheap; beat companion on earth. Bry- atreet, kti Bank. Phone 108.R. William FOR SALE. stntion. Owner, 79 Avenue D, corner FARM HORSE FOR SALE. an. Portaupeck. Long Branoh. A 925.000 alx per cent, flrat mortgage SADDLE PONY FOR SALE. Belford. Phone 7B-V-31 Keanaburg. Oatrov,\prpprletor. x EXPERT UPHOLSTERING" Leonard avenue. Atlantic Highlands. N. J. . .Ohaap,. good home deBlrdesiredc . George ' • WANT TO BIT? ^ now on a 276,000 property. ROBS M. Twelve hands hiich, safe for girl or BUS FOR SALE. Handrickaon, Navealnk, N. J. . ohlokena ,and duokat wlli, pay beat-prloa. . JUST ARRIVED. Clayton, 102 Asbury avenue, Occnn Grove, boy; pony,-snddlo and bridle, very hand- Overaturfed furniture. eutihlonB, slip cov- " FOR SALE. Very, cheap to rfaick buyer, one and '•!• ''' Large -'ablvmeht of gae ranges in all ers made to order; auppllea. tapestry, cre- New house, alx rooms, modern improve- ; . V BUY Phone B10-M. Rad Bank, or eall 72 Bridge N. J., phone A.bury p«rk_2G7V Homs. Cnn bo seen at' Magnolia* Farm* half ton truck, elghlcen panaenKeri. I'hon*} 1 avenue. Bed Bank. B. Adler. ' alxes and colora at low .prices. Samuel Freneau, N. J.. Phono Matawaa 244-W, tonne and leather; lamp shade alike, wire ments, Hrcplu.cc, steam heat, aun" porch, men<< and boye old shoo.. P. Yallen, SO Swarts, 14 West Front atreet, off Broad HUDSON HOUSE. Clarence Weil. tramea, trimmings. 11. Chart's furniture . e: lucntcu in residential section; prlce< Highlands 11C0-W. ^ ,Waat Fiont atraet. Red Bank. ORAPE CRATES—CHEAP. street. Bed Bank. • Boarding; centrally .located; hot and store. 80 Monmouth street. Re'l Bo k. S12,CO0. Good terms can be arranged^ , - POOL TABLE FOR SALE. . Blxteen-QUart grape orates, oomplete GOOD PRICES PAID cold running water; ideal for commercial AUTO FOR SALE FOR^SALE." This is worth while. D. W. Martin, 240 FOR SALE: V Large alae pool table for aale; price 16. with eight two-quart, tills, 25 ctnta each. for men'a second-hand elothea at the City people. Reasonable rates. 131 Hudson at a bargain, Twin Six Packard Car, tools, Knut Front street. Hod Ilank, phono 1138. R, Hance & Bone, Bed Bank. avenue, phone Bed Bonk 11S-W. two extra Bhocs and tubes; line condition, Going to Florida, therefore will sacrifice Leader gasoline engino with pump, good* Fred Diett. Mlddletuwn, N; J. Dry Cleaning Works, D Mechanic street, for-large family or jitney business. Plant, bungalow of five ms- on'd " bathr PIPELESS HEATERS. condition; also gas ftxturei. Krebs, btrt , HEAVY HAULINU NEW TIRE, TUBE AND RIM FOR SALE. near Broad atreet. Phone 108.B, • WUllam FRESH PICKED VEGETABLES. Bay , avenue, Kcanuburg, N. J., phone lot 60x150 feet; near th...e. Shrew Summer reduction; installed anywhere. of all kladat ratca reaaonable. Andarioa- Brand new Filk cord tire, tube and Ostrov. proprietor. ' If you haven't tried them, dont delay,. Kennsburjr 3fl5. river; Jartro garage on property. Ilaruain Four room house $08. llvo rooms $116. Bix 34, Leonardo. N. J. ^ Brother!, phone Had Bank 7*14. rtm, 88x4; a bargain. C. F. Doetock, Mark- OIL STOVE FOR SALE. Corn, limaa, egg plant, tomatoes and won. to quick buyer. Phone Ited Dunk 405. rooms }186 and seven rooms (145. We ham road. Little Silver. N. J. derful raspberries. Mrs. DodRe'it Market, MONEY TO LOAN. • guarantee to heat house or refund money. STORE FORWENT. " •••.,.. , « FLAT FOR RENT. Oil stove with oven, 15.00; been used On bond and iriorLtcagti on real eatate LOTS FOR SALE. , ' Six roomi, all Improvement!; Call at v LOTS FOR SALE. one aeason, perfect condition. Can be seen Itumson road, Little .Silver, N. J. Choice building lots for snlc on Madison Cash or Installment. Kalamazoo Stove Co.. Lars* store* two windowi; iteam V.fit Saturday morning. C. W. Jennings, Red Bank or vicinity in Bums of SbOO to nuthorlzcd branch. Bradlpy Beach, N. J. 1!B Catherine itreet, Red Bank. C have several lota near high aehool, Red FOR SALE. SCiO.OOO. Apply John A. Lovely, counaelor- a.venue, a restricted residential section: furnished. Apply A. CI tare lla, 79 Moo* Bank. Prlcei right. Caleb L Luker. Del- Shrewsbury, N. J. ' Six room house, all Improvements, near at-law. South Amboy," N. J., phone South For particulars apply to Vernon W. Hose, Phone U020-R. :'. . -, LAWN MOWING. ford. Phone Keanabnjg 76-F-81. river and Broad street, tied .'Bank; 16.600, mouth atraet* R«d Bank. >. Planting, pruning, .grading; experienced HOUSE FOR RENT. Amboy 1S1-M. ^_^ agent for owner, Broad street. National BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WANTED. . ' GIRL WANTED. 'Five room house with 0aa and electric; 88,000 cash, balance mortgage: Caleb L. hank building. Red Bank, phone 1072. Automobile engineer, ten yeorB' praetl. men, • A. Lambert. Rumaon B60-M; Luker, phone 76-F-31. Kennaburg: HOUSE FOR SALE. Carpenter Work Wanted. Young girl wanted to assist with gen- furnished complete; rent very reasonable. Five rooms nnd bath, ail improvements; NINETY PER CENT LESS cal experience, construction, repairs and " BUNGALOW FOR RENT. eral housework. Apply & 26 Drummond' tested: would invent limited capital in Al—l kind, o--f Jobbin_g attende- d to by w : ~ AH' improvemanta;- garage;' on River ava* 'Owner going South. Address Box. 660, LINOLEUM. two blocks frbm Broad street: reduced overhead than that of other dealers la onl nue. Rumaoh, N. J. Phone »0»-W. place, or telephone Bed Bank 446. Port Monmouth. N. J. Large atock to' select from, in all quali- from S6.E00 to $6.6.00 for. quick sale. W. one reason .why the piano purchaser gets small growinq g concern In outto repaip r busl- Experienced carpenter. Writ, or WINDOW GLASS. AT STUD. ties, at low prlcea. See us before buying A. Hopping, 49 Broad atrect, or phone more for hla money at Dirhnn's Piano nesa na a working pnrtner or would buy Marvin. 83' Harding roaxL Reel Banlb •LIVE' . ' " ' All eliae carried la stock. Glaalng done elsewhere. Samuel Swartz, 14 West Front Red Bank 397. Wareroom and Shop (rear of residence) a small place. Write K. Stone, South -eatila, 'ealvaa, hoga'and poultry wanted. Pedigreed' and registered police dogs. Broad street. Keyport, N. J. . Phone 8S0-J. at reasonabl"e prices" . Phon- e .0-J. MiHUer'sl , Morris Joseph, box 154, Leonardo, N. J.,street, off Broad street, Red Bank. FOR SALE. Drummond place,_phone UJJ3, Red Bank. W. Rudaji phone 867-R, Bank. »» Weat Front- street. Bed Bank.i , -... or telephone any evening" after 7100 F,~M. HOUSE- FOR RENT. — , MAN. RHODE ISLAND RED PULLETS Divan, dining room table, buffet arf3 FURNISHED" "ROOMS'/FOR "KENT. BARGAINS IN CARRIAGES. Atlantic Highlands 41. ^^^_ With nine rooms and all Improvementp s china closet, combination bookcase an'l Kewly decorated; v/ith privilege of llgtl We will mnitc Interesting proposition to FOR SALE. for sale! five month, old; $1.25 eaon, Large stock to select from at the right at 25 Riverside avenue, Red BBankk: aarattc rclinble man; full time or part-time. The Ford delivery, panel body, self starter, ' Gray, Main, atrect, Op'eanport, U, J, ' WANTED desk combined, leather rocker, and two oak housekeeping, In private family; alao boar< prices; Samuel Swarts, 14 West Front on Lake avenue'or Harrison avenue or Inon premises. Apply to Samuel Sch!p&.nl, bedsteads. Mrs. E. C. Soffcl, 163 Spring if desired. Third house from station o work is soliciting orders in suburban and new battery, several extra tires, paint ••' TYPEWRlTEfCHEAQQlJARTERS. street, off Broad street, Hti Bank. Eastslde Park, house of six roomB and 114 West Front street. Red Bank. ttreet. Rod Bar.*1. Willow avenue. Mrs. Carltnn, Little Si county districts. ' ProAtable and perma- nent. Write JIoopcs Bro. & Thomoti Com- and rubber good} $100. Address Ford* Typewriters ranted, bought and ,old. BAYSIDE HEIGHTS bathroom: large lot. Phone Red Bank FORD TOURING FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE, ONLY *5,200. .ver. N. J. Phone Red Dank -1027-11. Trubfn'a, 58 Broad, atreat. Red Bank. ha, moat prosperous future of any devel- ', AVcat Cheater, Pa. COO acres in drawer M, Red Dank. * 406. Edward Hayes. A 1018, shock absorbers, bumper, spot- Five nnd one-half acre farm-for sale, FOR RENT. cried. Established 72 years. DAY'S WORK WANTED opment \s!on(T th.'seashore. J. Crawford NICE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED light and Decker lock wheel, four new two miles from Long Branch: six rooms Fine large room. Southern exposure, : PUPPIES FOR SALE, by young girl. Telephone Bed Bank • "etford. N. J., sole agent. room', every Improvement; $12 monthly shoes, ,185. Apply at 172 Monmouth with bath, electricity, good barn, all kinds private family, Prutestant; brcakCmt- if STUCCO HOUSE FOR SALE. 202-M. or 20 Pearl atreet. Bed Bank.' BAY3IDE HEIGHTS to lady going to business; convenient to street, Red Bank, J. P. McCue Co. of fruit. Itay H. Stlllman, State Highway, desired; steam heated. 87 Maple avejiue, Seven rooma and bath, electric, gas and Two fern Hi o Irish letters, Ave month! has most prosperous ,future of any devel- Long Branch-Red Bank, bus, 15' minutes. Eatontown, N. J. corner Peters place, handy to trains and I modern improvements; located at White CARETAKING WANTED - FLATS FOR RENT. business section of town. Phone &01-U. /cnue, half - block from Brond street, old; three wire haired fox terriers. male#v by a reliable Scotch couple thle fall. Ad- opment along the aeaahorel J. Crawford Gay, Oceanport. N. J. • One seven rooms, all modern Improve- MONEY TO LOAN two months old. Sycamore Kennel* j dress Caretaker, drawer M. Red Bank. Compton. Bslford. N. J.. aole agent. ments; one five rooms, all modern im- hrewsbury, H. J.; lot 37.6x125 feet. • APARTMENT FOR RENT on first and second mortgages In amounta TOP SOIL, FOR SALE. rice $li,600; easy terms. For pnrticu- Shrewsbury. N. J. Phono Red Dank 104/ TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS. on Broad street. Red Baok; fine apartment, provements. Call at 126 Shrewsbury of SI.000 to (20,000. Will also buy good Rich top soil for sale at Franklin park, HOUSE FOR RENT. avenue, or phone 1143, Red Bank. irs npply Scutcllnro Construction Co., of- Six-room house, city water, Mo per Typewrltera rented, bought and aold. six rooms, two batba; garage, heat and second mortgages. Phone Red Bank Broadway fi^. End Looust avenues. West ,ce 112 Monmouth atreet,, Keil Bank. .month'. A. F. Budd. Eatontown. N. J. Trubln'a, B8 Broad atreet, Red Bank. janitor aervlce. Ray H. Stlllman. agent, OIL STOVES. 196-M. Edward Wolf. 100 Monmouth Long Branch, N. J. Inquire at office on HAMILTON S. BATTIN, , BORO AUTO STORAGE. phone Eatontown 2178. Florence and New Pertection In all sizes street. Red Bank. premises or Ray- H. Stillman, State High- NEW HOUSE FOR SALE. Insurance broker, represents the aiaurtcV BOY WANTED at low prices. See us before buying elee- way, Eatontown, N. J., phone Eatontown On BerKen place between South atreet for atock room. Apply Power! Clothing Mechanic atreet and Globe Court. Will SEA SKIFF FOR SALE. FURNITURE FOR SALE. id Branch nvenue; large living room, and not the company. Telephone* Rect etore your car by the hour, day. week, Twenty-six feet-long, six feet, alx Inches where. Samuel Swartz, 14 West Front All kinds of furniture, piano, rugs, etc.: 2178. ' Company, .200 River street. Red Bank. mo nth or year. Day and night aervlce. street, oft B».ad street. Ited Bank. ntng room, kitchen, threa bedrooms and Bank 1270 and John 1304. All kinds of FUR COAT FOR SALE. -beamm, ForFod marimarinne motort; ; also well fo fr also concert cornet for sale cheap. Thomp- BANG—BANG-^BANG. it hi All modern improvements; ca- Insurance. New York office, 80 MildtaV Lady's- black fur cost, practically new; IT HAS NO RIVAL. lobsterslbt ; prici e S4O0S4O0 . SiSidned y VanSchoickVShik, HOUSE FOR RENT. son, corner Harrison avenue end Harvard Get new tires on your car or you will pre. Lot 60x200. Restricted reaidentlnl 180, cost »160. Address 12/ Red Bank. To reaoh the homes in this section.noth- Gen. Del.. . Red BankB . Seven rooms and- bath, all improve- road, one block from Harding road, phoiie hear the aanae thins- You can find Fire- action. Small amount cash. Apply 112 ing else can equal . The RegUter, wblob POLICE PUPS AND DOGS. . ments, at 10 Peters place, from Septem- Red Dank 1405-M. stone and Brunswick tires at a low price road street, or telephone Red Bank 184-J. J. G. ESCHELBACrt ft SON. goea Into over 7.300^Jriomea every week. A few police pups for eale where they ber 1st. Apply Mrs. J. B. Pharo, 17 ICEBOAT TYRO FOR SALE. at the Red Bank Auto Radiator Works, " STORE FOR RENt. 196- West Front street. Red Bank, phons HOUSES FOR RENT. Petcra place. Red Bank, phono 1128. lia West Front street.' ReiT Bank, phone BUNGALOWS FOR SALE 1276; Auto acceasorlcs and vulcanising. will have a good home} alao partly grown Third clava Ice yacht, complete with 1177. < , ow under construction, containing five At 76 Monmouth itreet* formerly w» Twelve minutes to atatlon. one hour to dogs. Priced low for quick sale. Trewer GLASS HEADQUARTERS. Bpara and two Bets of sailg. Buy this oms and bath, electric, eaa and heat; all cupled by Consolidated Gai Co. Immedlf ' DOCK AND BULKHEAD BUILDEh. New York. G. G. WIgglna. box 11, R. O.Kennels. Freehold, N. J. All sizes of elngle and double strength boat now and have It ready for the Ice; ANTIQUE FURNITURE FOR SALE. Portable docks - and Boats • epeclalty. lodern improvements; lot 37.6x125 feet, ate possession (riven* Apply Jersey CeiW^ ^ A. 8. White. IS Oakland street. Bed Bank. No. 2. Matawan. N. J., or Freneau, N. J. FOR RENT . window glase. Plate glasa windshields our 5300. Benjamin L. Atwater, 253 Maple Mahogany bureau, Empire period, {100; icnted nt White avenue, hnlf block from HOUSES FOK SALE, PORT MONMOUTH. on Wallace atreet, single houie. eight specialty. MIller'B Hardware Co.. 88 West avenue, Red Bank. mahogany night stand 135, rush bottom I road street. Shrewsbury. N. J. Price trol Power ft Light Co., 06 Broad • —: WIRE WHEEL SERVICE. ~ . Have aeverai houaea for aale at Fort rooms and bath; garage. . All In good Front street. Red Bank, phone 79-J. STUCCO HOUSE FOR SALE. rockins chair $16,* and one band-made 4,000. caay terms. Apply Scutcllaro Con- Red Bank. ' Win wheela rebuilt. John B:ns«n. 43 Monmouth, N. J. Caleb L. Luker, Bel- condition. Henry Eoaehatock, 65s Broad- TAKE NOTICE. Six rooms, all improvements; garage, "tippy" table. Can be seen Saturday truction Co., 112 Monmouth itreet, Red •West Front atreet. Red Bank. Phone 72-R. ford. N. J. Phone.Keansburg. 75-F-Ct. way. Long Branch, N. J. . I have several used gas stovea and cook good lot; possession at once. . Owner morning. C. W. Jennings, Shrewsbury. lank. .. . T ! LEM SUTPHEN. . , stoves to sell at a bargain. Coma and look N. J. . LANDSCAPE GARDENER. T FLAT FOR RENT. OGDEN McCLASKEY, leaving town; $1,000 down, balance month- Pruning by experienced me paper hanging and decorating. 188 ' Me. , Four rooms, electricity, laundry tub, slag roofer;' tin roofs ooaled and made them over. Samuel Swartz. 14 West Front ly. W. A. Hopping, 49 Broad street, or CURCHIN'S,FOR REAL ART. FOR SALE. chanlo. strest. Red Bank. Phone 1141-W. street, oft Broad street, lied Dank. phone Red Bank 307. Curchln's barber shop Is the til ace where House of seven rooms and. bath, newly laying out of grounds, larg* tc smalL A** water. (18.00. Apply to*. 10 East Front tight. Chimneya repaired. Roofing ma- enoyated, electricity, gas, city water and ROOM FOR RENT street. Red Bank. The Land ft Loan Co. terial for aale. 138 Hudson avenue. Red MONEY TO LOAN. MAN WANTED. art mean a something,' For-real prccf try vie* siren as to what. wh«u And how If-r. Y 'Mo gentleman in private family: all 1m- Bank, phone 400-J. ' us once, and then you will always. TMs iprlne wntcr; corner lot, 65x200 feat; good CUT FLOWERS. Money to loan on first bond and mort- Reliable man wanted for position cntion, ten minutes' walk to station; plant. TT H. Stiles, 121 Hardlncr road,' /J ' -provemsnta. 70 Wallace atreet. Bed Bank. Gladioli are beautiful, 40 centa a ddzen. STORM ENCLOSURES. gage on Improved real estate worth double night watchman', must be steady, honest also applies to ladies and children. Sec- the amount loaned.' Alston Beokman, at- ond National bfank building. Red Dank, up- jlieod to leave town; price $5,200, $2,000 Red Bank, phooa 1188. GRAPES FOR SALE. Other old faahloned flowers. Mra. Dodge'! Mow IB the time to have them put up, and sober. Tbl» Is B sood position for wtalA. . ' ash, balance on mortgage. Owner. 70 Slngla basket or quantity. Mra. A. O.Market, Rumaon road, Little Silver', N. J.uont wait until bad weather. Phone Red torney, 10 Brood street. Red Bank. elderly man. Write Night -Watchman, Vvcnuc D, corner Leonard, Atlantic lligh- A REAL BARGAIN. Cottrell, Blngham avenue. Rumson. N. J. UNION BEACH Bank 1408 tor Ralph B. Olokela, the ear- RUGS AND CARPETS SHAMPOOED drawer M, Red Danlt, "' '• WINDOW CLEANING- . .ands.-N. J. . ^ rURNISHED ROOMS lot, for aale, 40x100 feet, Block 14, lota panter and' builder. and dry cleaned. Old carpet made Into FOR SALE. We make a tpeclalty of clcanlna win* New six room house, all Impruvem Or board and room; northwest 82 Bridge "TRRY CURCHIN'CURCHINS FFORR FACACE VALUE. rugs. Rag TURB woven. Call UB. Mon-Two s3.Igl.tly used 84x4H Flsk cord dowa of stores. ofQces and. private reat- FOR RENT ALL YEAR ROUND. ctmttt% w.lk. .nj «,,„ „„ bloek 8 and 0. Price $300 caah. Anthony J. dencea; also general ofllce cleantnu. Ratts ' avenue. Red Bank, convenient to atatlon. DilonDillon. Boox 404, MonroeMnr., Orange Co.,. N. Y. Let ua be your barber We know how mouth Carpet Cleaning Co.. 2216-J, Moa- tires and tubes, $25 for both; also two to pliaael . Expert ttonsorlal aervloel . OuO r mouth Bcaoh. WtlHpmJSronB(-mnnngcr.-— Firestone tlffls undtubes, 34x4',4, 120 forreasonable, Stitlsfnotion gunranteod. .43 £,SZlu^n^£&n£S&& »+ «" •-l««~ to .u.l.., «.««.- MASON CONTRAC ,, JWLTttV , BOUGHT- iiND-SOEBT^ ahlrfr-Barber Shop, Sseood-National Bafla Washington street^ Red Bank, phon bber .1st, four_nn(ljlye roomsrespectiyely, Teirof; _PhoniLi8Mi ^ed Bank* _ JEdm I Bstlniatea ehaefully given. Eugene Alive or freih dr*i««d A Bengal kltahen 'atove, with warming hy family of three. In ned nank, Fair WANTED. Monmouth county, also village homos, Red Bank Reslster building) atri* phone 12IS. _„_. lars wrlta J. Crawford Compton, Bctford, line town, river and shore properties. Send let- tenant: located at White avenue, halt •helf; one year old; price |20. 201 Ber-Haven or Llttla Silver; four or five room.. N. J. Man with car to sell complete block from Uroad street; reasonable rent; paney July let. All conveniences; Rlfhi. "^~ MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE. getr place, Red Bank, oppoiite Arthur with or without sarase. ATddrest Perma- quality auto tires and tubes; exclusive ter- ter with full description of property t( Shrewsbury, N. J. l-'or particulars apply Thirty faet long*> with eafalnt Grar en- place. ncnt, drawer M, Ited Dank. FOR SALE. . . ritory ; experience not necessary. Salary, Ray II. Stillman, State highway, Baton Scutcllaro Construction Co., 112 Monmouth the heart of town; no better loeatloav' gine: rsaaonable. Sea Will Pontln* Little Cantaloupes at fifty cents a basket. $300 per month. Milestone Rubber Com* town. N. J. anyone desiring a single afllfW* QRAVEL FOR SALE. AUTO. Apples 'fifty centa a basket. Corn $1 nerpany, Emit Liverpool, Ohio. street. Ucd Hunk. Bllvsr Point. ; Fine gravel for roads i ean aland Inipeo- LaU Colt coupe, first class, condition; HOUSE FOR RENT. Thomas Irving Drown, Red Oank K«gUt«f; 100 ears. Buyers must furnish baskets BAYSIDE HEIGHTS, Eleven rooma, ojt improvements, bath POLICE DOCS. "~" FOR 3ALB. tloni thirty cente per cuolo yard. ZL Rlt- demonstration by appointment. B. W. Co- and bags. Stilwell & Williams, Everett, oflQce. Cider pmi, large, cost J42.K0, -will sell tau, phone 26-W, Bed Bank. Alse concrete vert* contractor and builder, 13S Bergen restricted residential development; new newly decorated, lame narnsrc; flvc min- Dobermnnd, Chows, Uaatons, Airedales, for (25. Han Handy, Fair Haven, N. J.gravel. place. Red Bank, phone 726. • -^ N. J. five and nix room bungalows, with ill Ihv utes'from station: 94 Urnnchport avenu. Fox Terriers, Setters and Great Danes. rovements (Including heat), Lonjr Branch; rent $75.00., Apply ownci Noted dogs at stud. Dogs boarded and SEWING MACHINES. Phone U01-M. .' BARRED ROCK PULLETS FOR SALE. HOUSE FOR RENT. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS. pro\ 1 city carriers, $1,700-12,700 year; men. 18- for inspectionpton.. Officffi e oon property, open P. I . Robinson, McClcllaA avenue, Lonj conditioned. A few very exceptional pup- All th« latest Improved eleetrlo portable OFFICE ROOM FOR RENT. . April hatch, aeleeted strain; two to four Seven rooms, all the_ latest mprove every day, at Belford^ N. Branch, N. J. pies til veil to rvlinblo people on breeding Over Rid Dark Candy Kitchen, at 009pounds each, fltty cents per pound. Fhone merits: located at 75 Riverside avenue; 46, Steady. Common education, Simple y dy t Belfd N J bnsls, Police doKt, Dobcrtnands, Alre- Singer sewing machines, motor rttaofatd* Broad• , strsot-*—-.* ^'Appl y «t the e Bed Bank Engltshtown 64-F-12. Charles Wester- possession October 1st. Carl J. Diett, 123 examination coaching free. Write today. Eb BANK WANTED, ATTENTION. ea ond Setters trained by noted German Franklin Institute, Uept. J-144. Rochester, Old machines taken In ciohang*. 0Mb of '^ Candy Kitchen. velt. West Front street, Red Bank. apartment house, Bcvcn rooms each siside,, I want a married mnn willing to wor trainers at reasonable fee*. Stronnheart time payments. Singer Shop, Gaorfct N. Y. tw ellarsll , hhott aii r henth . bathbh, electricitlii y neat appearance and active; n stendy pos Kunncla Knston nvenue, New Uunswick, ..'ANTED, TO RENT, . EAST FRONT STREET HOUSE FOR SALE. Woods, Jr., agent, 29 Monmouth atntt* ^ modern atx or aeven room house, desirably of eight rooms and bathroom t lot 60x150 Going cash repeat-order business, selling TITLE EXAMINING. nnd nas, tubs, sidewalk*, lot £0x125. tlon with chnncc for ndvanecmciit; rctv N. J. Phiinej413-\V-U t Certified abstracts of title carefully pre- Price $14,000. Caleb Lukcr, Belford, N. J.ences required. Aildronn K Ilurrow. Red Bank. located,'by business man and wife. Thone fatfact;; gagaragr ee on propertypopertyr ; price 90,0090,000.. A garages, exceptionally well established, RIVER HOME FOR SALE. Red Bank H7-W. ' ' bi Cll Rd Bk 40S Edpossibilitied s unlimited. Address Postoftlee pared on short notice. Vernon W. Rose. Phone KcansiwrK 76-K-S1. Jr., room 420, Ilnntn" n butldtne. Port bargain. Call Red Bank 40S. Edward title examiner, room *30, Uroad street, na- Amhoy. N. J. Beautiful country home with five aeres FOR SALE. . - RDWOOD FLOORS. Hayes. Wax 622, Asbury Park. N.JJ._J GRAPE CRATES—CHEAP. of Kruuml on the Imnks of the Mnnaaquan tional bniik building, phone 1072, Red Slxtcen-qunrt srape crates, corrplet* HOUSE FOR SALE Two screw machines, apa.d drill* two _ Any kind you want. Give us a call for AT STUD. . - THREE LOTS FOR SALE. Bank. river; twelve rooms nnd alx baths, elec- •Vtlmats. RalDh B, Slektla. carpenter and One on Thomas avenua, ntar Broad with eight two-quart til 1«, U5 cents ench. on Main ntrcot, Uclfnrd. N. J. Cnn IK tricity, Ptonni hcut, hnrdwooJ floors, care- lathea, power hack saw. National cash ragi Importeiport d Osrman polloe dog, pedigreed; FOR SALE. K, Hanco & Snn». Kcd Hank. seen at any time. Kor key nnd Informn Poliasl. Rladeekendurg Cekermark •trett, on* on West Front street and one tnkur'd cot tii no. linrna nnd outbuildings. Ister, Royal' typewriter, check protector}"; OrlmIn a! at Falrfleld Gardens. Carl J. DUti, 113 shares of stock In lutomoblltj .HOUSES AT NAVESINK. tion tnquiro of Elmer Coinpton, corner oi All In flno condition. .' Hpnutiful grounds WANTED. strain. Telnohons Highland, 12D8. P. O. manufacturing company, spcclallxlnK In Walllntc nvcnuo nml Church ntrcvt, llL-lford nnd sliruhliery, 1'rlcc (45,000, vasy terms. two desks, threa chairs For information^' About five) aero,, with small house, suit- West Front street. Red Bank. Five room house, in good condition, 1 ouse, su box 281. trucks. Do Ins good bun. no Ha, For Infor- newly dtcorntcil throughout; U)t 60x150 j or write owner, M, 13. WHIHUK, Iluvro d Many other (JoMirnblo ocean and rivur call William O'Hrlcn. West Front str.el,, ablel , fpf r poultrypult . < AdAddresd s O, A. IIII., UPHOLSTERING. Ornco. Mnr/l.ind. COOK WANTED. mation addretis Motors, drawer M, Red$l,B00. Fnur room house, in good condi- fnr nak*. It y II. Htlllmnn, phone Ited Oank SS9, drawer M, Rail Bank. Upholitertng and rtflnlshlng of all kinds Bank. A nra't clais cook wanted; must have of furnttur«. Frank Howard. 121 Wast tion; lot G0xl3&: 81.300. Also lots, plota, PULLETS FOR SALE. Ktiite Eatontown. N. £. FOR SALE, references.' Apply to Mrs. Slgmund Eis> ncrcago. J. V. Andrew, owner. ,Qae stove,' laundry stove, wardrobe and r"ront itrset. Rsd Bank, phont. shop SOV-Jj CEMENT BLOCKS.^ Twenty-flvo Hhodu lulnn'l Rod pullet: •STENOGRAPHER" ner, 84 West Front itraet. Rod Bank, residence HRQ.W. H«ri Bank. Sidewalks and mason work; 8x18 cement LANDSCAPE GARDENER. hatched under hens nnd knit on unn Think of owniiiff your own home close to Younir lady stenographer with sMrt* one-bulb radio aet for *sale. Apply ait, 5 phone 06. blocks, sixteen cents In yurd, seventeen strtctud range; also nix hnmoinndu Kim place,-Had Bank. FOR SALE, RED BANK. Landscape gardenifnKn . beddinn planti and Rcl Hunk wlivro you may anchor your tarlal experience wanted for Rail Ddnk^ tents deliveredeli d In town, Peterr DePonttePontt, vegetable plants laaidl out nnd ,planted!. . rugs, cut and ncwrtl by hnnd; new tin motorhont right at your own dooryard. "" BpFictTFOR RENT. FOR SALE, flftsen lots 50x165 feat, restricted, high 'Zib ShrewsburShb y avenue, ItItedd BsnkBk, phonh e clean rngs. Mrs. V. VanDurn, HnlC-MIl manufacturing concern; azctlent opp4r«. Good lcltehm ranae, fln« bakeri real tltvatlon, along good 'strtet. For thZibt S Plnnts grown under glassl . AdvicAdie ldl Good uwlmminic and flshina In the summer Detlrablt offlnffls f for rent tI In the Elaner 464-JJ. Rlvon. Alfred Sander, Sevan-Bridge road, mad, Red finnk. nml iltntinit nnd lee boating In tht winter. tunlty for on, pjnesslnir Inltlatlv, an4-' "building. Apply at the offlee at Slgmund bargain for $10. Addraii M». T, K.whowholle f5,B00 cash, Caitb Luksrt Mel ford, H, JJ. phonh e 78-F-8I78F8I , KMntburrKMnbu . FOR RENT. box 68. Llttlo Silver, N^J. •_ Hero Is n snutf llttla elKht-roora house with capable of assuming rasponiltillltr. Al»/,j Eisner Co., "Red Bank. Compton, Kunflbura, N. J.( plion* K«»ni- House, with six room* nhd bath, elco- liniinivctnentn, open flrcplnco, garage and burg 480. GARAGES A SPECIALTY. I HOUSE FOR RENT, An* plac* to •tor* your oar for . dress 8. W.^(Irawer M, He,! llank. OIL STOVE FOR SALE, trlclty, gas, tubs In kitchen; irood loca- sh«d or unfurnlihedt seven roomt, period of time, open day and night; Ju nn aoru of KTOUIHI rlitht on the river bank, Thr«i-burn,r oil stove and oven, Mrs. FOR SALE. 1 builld garsgts ffro m 11081000 up . LL*t m« tion for rent Hrptrmhcr 1. Call Ucd Tlnnk modern convenienceconv*niemj«; clallithtfuctalightful a block from Urond Mrcot: plenty uf roti fur only Sin.000. Thin Is • bargain mni JTsrry Johnson, tl Harrison avenue, Red Houie of six rooms, with lmprovcmtnts, show you lomt o( th* many t haVt built, 01-W-W, or It. V. R. II. Stout, Red Hank reiirhbarhoodi $70 monthly furnished, |6b for either Indoor or outdoor purklng. Hoi otic «f th" most attrActive homo In this BUNGALO'A Bank, or phone 8«0-J. ' lot 60x1(10 foil price |8,700i must htvs alph D. Blektls, carpenter nnd bulldar. 84 8300-MM . ' unrurnlahed. Edwanl W, Llntncr. fi Wist Auto Sturau*. Mechanlo alreet miU Glo nrctliHi. liny II. tit 111 man, Stnt euwn strest. Rtd Bs.nk._ _ . Ki.tniitown, N. J. turnlslied, for the wlnur, on Uarrl,C|/v' 11,000 down, Kdwsrd Hsyea, phone H«J R FOR SALE. Maln_ atreet. Freehold. N. J. court, lied llnnh. avenu,i five rooms, Lath, laundrr, elltttl*,/ Paper hanalng and daoorstlngl Interior Bank 4P6, • *~ GENERAL^CONTRACTOR and bulldtn Jobbing dona, , Jacob Kulrloh. ThirteeThrtenn geese, etulit aro sprinipir r g; DOUBLE HOUSli FOR RENT FARM FOR SALE. F. H. CONKL1N REAL ESTATE AGENCY, lights, telephone, vlpelis, healer, kltlhsa). and .xl.rlor painting. 14 Worth).* atre,t FOR SALE AT RUMSON. eornar of Appleton and Hamilton nv«nu«. slxtlt / WhWhiWhiti t . LenlLLeninrnsli , Hooil rubbebb r tired on corner of tihrowithury nvunuo nnd Oak- fimnlt farm of live »nd H hulf nrrcn ; hi Phon, 14 rubber tired Finn homo urtir hitch nchdol, 10,600 eoal rinn.'and hot wat,r tanlii poi,,i,loa)v S«v*n room houie, all Improvements 1 .. Addrtal b imy, harnesshah , ,t tentte, two enmp cots anil lnml street, «lx rooms enoli aide i toilet, a new nfy-roofyr m lioiisu with nun rnon Itiiiwdlnw, nil Itn.irovcinants, one corne Ootsn Vlt n««r Leonardo, nnmn; xvotiM nwiUu at onea if* more oonv.nl,nt. LOTS FOR SALE. plot BOxlBOi convenient to Rttl Hank and Leonardo P. boa 17 e. frond ffarmhouseh . DDion e EtEatontowt n v//»tcr, elodtrlalty and Ran, Kant 13R perchickehik n hhntii o ; tM U lot fitixloo nnd (in*) lot DOxLOO; thin cntlr* Two corner lots, SOxlOO, (or "ale at Btabrlsht bunts. T. O. Bo* 881. Hum~ 2<8I-M, month cnoh Hide. Apply \\2 Ilrond itr««t, jooil poultry fnrm, IHCIIUMll I nenrMl Mnrllli t'iirct-1 $K,&QO. lh-ro In n bnritnlii In a lot Uunnalow, box 312, Rail Qanki or t,lej .River Plata. Apply Bofihla Daron, Chapel lon, N, J, FLAT or telcphtmo Kcd Unnk 1S4-J. I). W. Martin, 2-10 Knst Front street, It tin a I'nvi'tl fltrrvt In ifuwd roildantlnl std B01.M, II.,! llanh. • Hill, Box ISO, R,d Bank. _ ' __ on- Ballroad aveoue. Delford, EroDtag. SCO Unnk, phono H3H, TWO OARAQE5 FOR RENT. feat br 1*0 feet deep, feeing two avunu.s. Six rooms anil Imth: nil Improvement*, STLENDIDHOME KOR SALE tlon, I'itbiT to build your homo un, or BEDSrMVTTnESSES AND SPRINGS. Brand new, on' Monmouth itrttt. n»r Price 11.000. CaltV U Luker, Deliord. with water nnd i trnni hent. Apply at 10In Freehold. 16.000, I7&0 cash dvwn, bal- """OWN YOUR HOME.' " own it* on tnvcntinenti 100 fnet frontage, ID all she, ami nualltl.a at low prlcaa, tht tutton. Apply to O. Alltr. 180 Mon-Phone 1»-K.«1 KtaDsburf. Kaat Front street, llcil llanx. Newton •no* «ftriy terntit iU nloe rooma, rath, hot D« tint to llvo In a new houxo, lloiiitA 12,^00. A daublo houie near ra" New grouod, laid out and planted, Ramuel Hwarli, 14 West Front atreat, off mouth stntt, or at Hollywood's drug itort, H and nuld water, now heatcrj Urg* oornar for sal a, nil Impruvrnivntn; bent locntion nUitlim rmt lio httuifM for I7,o0l} troumlr Improved and beaullflwl. T Jlread strrat, Red Dank. Ktd IWnV, WHEN MOVING Int 60x100. IMwnrd W. Lintrnr. * Waal In Ited Unnk. A • tun II |iny mrnt a*4< R6eFLEAiO 'CHICKENS WANTED; Boiti losal and long distune* moving, bag- Twelve acr«B, IU room IIUUBD, grapes. Muln iitrert, Krechold, N. J. Ur.l HitnU. I'lian- 17-M. It so. how la the time U> *»»•]• »•: asparaRils. fruit anil berries; on irooil road SEE' iiAYSIDE" i iilun of i.unllty, hulltlor nnd owtu>r, pliono rice gladly alven. N. DutUibMb. ,iag II WlU pay hlfheat market prleea for fowls ••• und txprait, 87 Mapl« avtnut. ltt(l nan-it. U.HI iunk, _ _ Fair lla*,n. W. J,. phone Kail Daig 411, paired, Juat nhon. Red Bank 1401 andand bralUra. Call or write Alex, Zwlekl, ?lank. Anytime. iinywh»r«. ^ anil near town. Tries 110,000. Caleb lu- IlffnIt«nt *H-year-roundl ilsvelopment along MONEY FOil ante'fur tlii* roof dotlor, If North. DtoaHwar. Long Dianoh. N. J herker, 1llslford e . N. J., phone Kealiaburg thn Hfituhnris) locntnl nlonit highway ba- riUNOALOW i-OR SAU:. On t)nl(p(l KtntoH jroyqmitnint plan, Th ~ tt"X i 15»Q. 75-V-Sl. twffn Lfloiinrilo mul Ilolford, only five Nonr CnmploU'p i Junction, IMfnnl, I'vilurnl Kami flunk, tht only furmcra' mu dtaler In sfoontl hand furnltur*! booth* mlmitcn to oltlicr rnllrnnd nation, Ofuea cellnr, rt.Ttrlrlly, hit ttml Imrik, tlie nut asrnlnu* of rtitii((4iit d#t>r#i, bu Men', onlyi'mUBl be Irs „ — --- H. J., phone Mldilletimn itto^k, maIcit Improvement*, tte. If you church, irooil school, ttoslolKs. ami (he11 Call et 1, Karber',. JIB Monmouth atreei. Jlntiis ami eliihty aor.i- of land n,ar 87HK»a nil lin|iritv«*mont« J i|t»» to stilt. Apply to ' sKii-*i' FOR'SAI.1-:.'" lied Ilank for sals for ta.OOOi lulubla for farm is In Mmimouth onuntr and tou wan uf biiti^hi'r and gructry star,,, wvtorV R,il flank, nhi Two lots on'WestsMs avenus, 140MOO0 eaeh DANDV COHN. your own tirolitr or tb« Lsml A L»oan Co., flon iktrT "(Ininter" for HIIIO, 11,100, n loiiii, ntim ma. I am tn* trortttry for 1 a enuntry home (or a gentlsman, Addrsi, 10 Kast 1'ronn t streot,, llntl DunkU, and «l»otrl«lt»i Ay, par esnl aft fe»,-i omr 1700 for both. Thomta aiasssy, r..i J, II., drawer M. lt,d Ilank natter than .vert .at It ivlilln wr have ttnrunln. JO II. 1'. K*rm»tJi Diiulm*, IIWII- Mnn mouth county, Html for alrtular, A •ieohil.hind oororn h»rvsit»rharvnt*r, InioAil a.taU, 81 South Ilrldle nvernit, Had Bank, It. Hnon will he tlmo IIn shnkl n that old IIUICK FOR SAUi. Ing nml luxnl, |i>.ili>tl Jilxt iivcrltnuird, II.Miry (J. WmU, KurmlntfilaU, N, 1, I'hona or t*ty psymstit plan to right M'tlff>'f A iaeahd-hinil t uplendlilly «(jul,»pf il, n* U'">«l nniitw. Cm, •ondltlon, iWint«(t. Uohn O. Bohanok, R. Phone 4II>J, hAILRoAb. fRWBRtY~Feir53mr furnace ami eating rannod HUIHI«. . MM, Knven pAiitinitar, whiter top. heater, two It, I'urKar, Um I, rrnip».l arfllHt. tM D, No 1 rh N J •htspi plflot of land BOO r*«t alnnr rail Dodga'a Market, Itumann road, Little HII. mmrr* mul rim*, chick, wlieel loett, >lup lie RfPii nt \^iititiiiuritty Hoiim*, (loitieni-eli .no. vv, _ . roadoatl, former fair Rrounds altllna*, for salt) llitht| pnlnt. tlrm mul engine Ilko new| HlVKli I'ROi'KIVrY"^^ DKVEf.OI'MRNT flllvtr, N. J. , .V i] lCltht rooms, on But* highway, nil Im- 11,10' "0.01 . . . AililrasAililrisai Itsnjamln«njamln U Atwater. 1 Hoil"lop duk intt «h«lr Tii'tood «c n di rovtmtntsi OBPONIU tolf Hnka, it, c, r cAKWA9iIiSf(rM¥SiECIAXtV: 9 m tn Any kind of a dttnoiistUnllon. —••- AoilrnaT"" " " ' llrHUtlfiil twttlvo Here *ntHla on North flNlRl •hllehtlnr, KlriB't highway,, Rid llntik. in. >Maple avenllt, It'll Ilank. rtinnn Atlanta illulitHndfi 4fiB-W. 'I'ha Hliriinmtonli hit a Ininirnnrti C!ftrn- niirtw*lniry rtvtr fur ilsvvlnitnttnti two tlon dh»p, Mm. W. II. lltndrliW.on, 101 B I (uarantssa you • satlsraotorisatlsraotorir lob. . LeLett imny of Uonnoko. Vn. U tsppn fur * f«w aaw, vailatr m*Maf, Phons 4g|«J, _ VLE; me £rovv. my abilitybilit . UhUharleal AA. J Jones, |(KM8TITCH1NO. t lino hiMJflrM, nil Inii'fitveinintnf rnmit nu thln,, hollow ililitl Ifi Jlindiomt flaring niniUI, fur trtmmtd expart autontolii)auto . washer at floro Rnsaea, MexIcNn, wlil#. nltmtlriB, void nml •llveri infii (M HK 11 llfit Inmirniirr. Wo tiuvn • ri'iitly Ulit uiit mid itr«v*Uil. Or up Ihla •oil* tti« 40i worn but twlfl*i r*Minn Ins.,, GGlolobbe Court and Maahanla atraet, rhlitfttoneii attactu I to tnitlirlatii tiuttum, HO(i nITor If you rnn prff' ntuuirtMMlly to m-niilro nna uf tht [$* rt«•aw, ball sanil.r, hiiir* Btliii.* _„. - llftM produttt, In Mon< JUlUbU flijMng part* ftffti.lUMl" Mar, fnr Btlllni, too Urtt*. Ofill TtiurNiUy from RRfrl l IIlankl nk, plnklnw. plaltlnifi machine embroider/. itiHlnlntr rlvrr frnnl vr»V"r\\. Anotn«t •aw itllsr ami flier, h mouth «Qunty, If Tn(tr«ft«il wrKt for «P- flitilUB jr ••Illnn, day ui\f n\uhi ttrvltc) ILiOO A M. until «i00 r. M_, lUdT nank Il«ndi mul tioveltlei (or •alt al the Handy N -I iloHlrnMt* rlvrf tini|irr(y of up* air*, Html pftlntmant. ' Ivfiton Mina«tf, Dsimar. nissh HfVin wharf, 0. A. CM Iff, Rsieh WOKk. * IHIUHO, all Impnivemnnlsl tnr«« inlnii*v« shlna, prsi, drill, hlak Family wai Hhop, 1(1 Hnmd street, H«d Hank. i. «• •• ; lUv«n, N. J, • " w«t, not aia««(llni 18 r In Ntntlnn. I'rltffl for n*ilok i«l* IU,00». •haar. anil pumh f J.. odt, It A lictm toiirhm ^ifi " Tt «'« •* i»"l«r, w, n. n. h OR RENT. rough ilry wash, 8 oanta Aitnth*r tipmitIrul ntniN *l"«« tu rU-r with • , \ nUNQALOW TOR 1ALC fllx momi anil tiath ( all , Imprnvemente (rood tlre#, ti«w l«4 newly paliiUd | aUo l«v«ly uni.Jii.tit fur 1(1,000 _ A]( Ijlfpj ...., .... liMftvtmrilil if/ lounltli «nd Ira ban, Com- anil n.wlly painteditd, |I n Ron.I| ItInofttlobn n«ar ll«nll « «tfl»'t t wn«

MIDDLETOWN CAMP MEETINGS 8HEHllfl"S winter he sent a special mttiage to COURTING A CENTURY AGO. f t. fa. to »• dl« TED BANK REGISTER. the legislature asking for the repeal a1 Court of Cbin. ' Getting the Consent of th. OldThey will be Held on tha Grounds *&flSGfA&&w Jamr wul U H. OOOK. WIIOT and Publisher. of: the" law which created this of Zion Methodist Church. «tr w. wv am* vt *i* •"'•aey, wui vm , B a HANOI. tiiooUt* Mltar. monopoly. The Republicans were Folk* in January, 1B23.: naoied to,tt4t at publio vendue onatoa* •• : Two letters have recently come Camp meetings' will be held to- day, tha 11 tb, day of Bepttrober, int. bt.,-' TflOMAB OtVtHO BROWN. in power in both blanches of the •ween the hours ot UlOO o'olook and H00; Bttsinota Iliiiitw! legislature. They absolutely re- to light which illustrate the formal night, tomorrow night, Friday night o'eloek (at llOO o'clock, Bittern StandtroA fused the governor's demand that methods which were common in and Sunday on the grounds of Zlon Time). In the afternoon of asld day, at . TeltphoastK-Ked Bank » . courtship affairs and in getting the Methodist church of Red Hill, near JW.ld. County „ of* Monmouth; Mew Jersey, time you shall think most proper I satisfy a decree of tald Court amount. et rates fixed by the insurance long as they can keep the people until the general election :a Novem- •V,W .approximately 149,006.00. • divided on party names and canshall be happy to make her myber. This was decided on at'last All those certain lots, tracts or parcel* trust. bride. »f land an* premises hereinafter psrtlcu- keep the people fighting, among I remain, week's meeting of the commission- «ly. described, situate, lying anl being themselves as to whether a man ers in order to save the cost of a n the Borough of fair HavonT In tht TJfe law went further than that! Your most obedient servant, M nmouth labelled a Republican, or a Demo James Frost. special election, which would en" ' • ? »n and the great uncer- southi tide of tho North Shrewsbury or mywheie, except In the grave. The Liggett Drug Stores. First, that you can save money bV buying your drug needs from us, secondly ,that favesInk river) at a locust stake, the insurance trust law ia fastened on direction, with turnout room be- tainty in all cases of such a con- termination of the third course of a tract tween them. , The traffic demands nection. . -But if you and sne have the goods are always clean, new arid fresh. - - ' ' \_ \" T »ni (i,""!b«l5 i« « deea given by Meta the people as securely as ever, or c u / such a road'even under the cdndi- agreed to enter into such an union • ,5- , d*«Hi Truitee ind jil to -William (perhaps more securely than ever. I shall not object but yield my as- This enormous business, not approached by any other drug store institution, makes it possible for U-Xtwtr.~reeorded In Book 61S of Deeds tons which have existed during the or; laid Monmouth County, pagt 4711 past tyro or three yearar -Besides sent; and .further, it Js ctfntrarjr to us to buy at Jhe lowest, costs and the goods move off our shelves so fast tilere is no time for -ageing." ">;nce; (1) .along said third cburie and my principles to interpose in such extension thereof along line of WHltMa A. The. state of New Jersey has athelpresent traffic the new Coop- cases, except whenever I should Lewis touth, four degrees forty nlnatee department of banking: and insur- er's bridge will drawan additional think it calculated to involve misery sett,'two! hundred and forty-nine foot to a ance. The duty of that'department amount of travel over this road •Jone, the termination of the third course and distress. Size Size Size Size of tha premises nrstly described In a deed is to decide whether an insurance next year, as soon as the bridge is As to the time, you must also given by Abram H. Cornish and. wife to [company is financially qualified to finished. ' agree between yourselves; hoping CREAMS and LOTIONS PILLS and TABLETS OINTMENTS FACE POWDERS, ROUGES George O. Btnneker, recorded In Book-101* and COMPACTS of .Deeds for said Monmouth County, page Jdo business in New Jersey. If the * * • at the same time that you will con- .SO Angelua Lemon. >eun 39c San-gri-na. Reducing Tableta 1.29, .78 Baumo Anal. Bengue . .47c •82; thence (2) still along said Lewli'a State.'department of banking: and duct yourselves in Buch a manner 1.00 Angelua Lemon Cream 69c ..50 Djer-Kiss Face Powder ,39c line and line fence south, thirty-two de- This locality is building up fast 2Q'a AtophanJableta-S gr.. 65c .50 Mmterole ...... 43c grees forty minutes eaet, two thousand _decides_that_a_company- —.25 D. & R. Cold Ci-eita r. :19c .00 Mantholatum ...... 67c .95 Pivei'e Face Powder . .73c y p wlth^newhomes and almostnBverr •as-tcrproniotjrths-liaiipliiesa of each 20'a Atophan Tab. 7M gr. 95c 50 Java Face Powder .... .37c one hundred, and nineteen feet to the cen- las the financial' stability to donew family has an automobile. other, and become useful citizens .50 D. & R. Cold Cream . .39c Bayer'. A.pirin Tab. (100'a) 79c .50*Mentholatum . ...•••• .37c ter ot the publio road leading- front Bed and ornaments to society; -which is .50 Hind'a H. A A. Cream .31c Bayer'a Atpirln Tabi. (24'a) 23c .60 Reiinol Oint- ent 39c .60 Mavia Face Powder ..41c lank to Oceanic or to Fair Haven: thence trasiness in New Jersey, it gives This natural increase of population .60 Pompeian Beauty Pow. 3to (•>) north, tlxty-seven degrees I twenty the sincere prayer of 1.00 H. & A. Almond Cream 69c Bayer'. A»P>rln Tab. (12'») 16c .20 Reiinol Ointment ..•••77c minutes ent, along the center line of said • that company a charter or a certifi- will still more greatly increase the - ;35-Froalilla ;..... Jr. . .21 e .75 Levy'a LaBIacha Face cate permitting it to go ahead and : • Yours, &c, .25 Brandreth't Pilh 19c .50 Ungaentlne ...39c lubllo road two hundred and eighty feet travel over this road. The tunnels James Hopping. .60 Pompeian Night Cream 39c •50 Cuticura Ointment . .. .39c Powder 37c two Inches: thence (4) north, thirty-one (place insurance in that company. under the Hudson river will add .60 Doan'i Kidney Pilla .. .43c degrees ten minutes west, along the wenti To Mr. James Frost. .60 Pompeian Maaiaga Cr. 39c .75 Bell-Ana Tablet! .....49c .75 Ashes of Rosas or erly line of a lane one thousand six hun- more yet to the traffic. A greater .65 Pond's Cold Cream ...43c .25 Caecareta . .. 19c Mandarin Rouga ,.... ,87c dred and seventy-nine feet six Inches td a width is necessary to insure the The young folks wexo -wedded, .50 Harmony Lemon ord Cocoa FOODS .50 Pompeian Rouge .... .39a stone standing in tho southeast corner of But that company has to operate and from all the tales that have .50 Ca*eareta ...37c ands of Charles and Mary Ann Cross, and rtander the insurance law which the safety of those who use this high- .Butter Cold Cream 39c .25 Beecham'a Pilla 19c .80 Mary garden Rouge . ,39c come down through tho annals of .36 Plexo Gnaieleia Cream 31c 6 on. Horlick'a Malt. Milk 73c 1.50 Violeta Ambro Royal n the westerly line of Battln's land; New Jersey legislature passed and way. If possible, the -work should the past century they lived happily .60 Pape'i Diapepiin 43c Hoapital aixa 2.79 hence (5) along tht Una of said Cross , which no legislature has been suf- be begun this fall, in order that the .30 Pav'.ola 23c Face Powder ...... 89c and south. flUy-elght degrees -west, one forever afterwards. Their descend- .60 Partola 45c .75 Mead'a Dextri Maltoia 51c .75 Hudnut'a Three Flowers mndred and forty-three feet t<* a stone ficiently free from trust bosses to road will be ready for use by theants have spread out over Middle- MISCELLANEOUS .75 Imperial Granum 65c n the most southerly corner of raid Cross' repeal.' The legislators go to Tren- time the new Cooper's bridge is Lutein tTableta 2.19 Face Powders 54c land; thence (8) still along the line ot town township until the names of .65 Kotox, pkg of 12 49c .40 Midol Tablet CSc .40 Imperial Granum ....25c said Cross*.land north, thirty-one degrees ton presumably to represent the opened. , Hopping and Frost are found in .25 Imperial Gra-um .,. .85c ten minutes west, four' hundred and sev- people, but in this matter they go •«•••-• )-»•.• .50 Phillip'a Milk Magnesia 33c Verocolata Tablata 89c .75 Mellon'• Food B9e TOOTH BRUSHES enty feet to a locust stake upon the shore j every locality, and many are. those .70 Sloan'a Liniment 47c i>henolax Wafen (30'a) ...21c 1 of said Naveslnk river: thence (7) along to Trenton to represent the insur- ' The new Cooper's bridge and the who rise up and call their forfebears .60 Faircbild'a E«i. Pepain 47c .50 Formamint Taba 39c 3.25 Eikay - Food 1 2.79 .50 Prophylactic Tooth '... the said shore of said river the various ance trust. .80 Oraltine 69c courses thereof two hundred—and- fifty*' widening of the King's Hif'Yway will blessed. .35 Pluto Water 29c B/uah 33c ssvtn feet tight inches, more or lets; to • « • not only make travel safer for the .60 ICongdon'e Jellg ...... 45c Roblnton'a Barley (Ige. >i 39c .80 Dr. West's Toota Brush 48c :he point or placa of beginning. Contain- public, but i1; •will bring into this Agar Afar . .79c Roblnion'a Barley 21c ing fourteen acrea according to a survey ; Emerson Richards of Atlantic SIDEWALKS ON PUBLIC ROADS HAIR PREPARATIONS, made by George D. Cooper, C. B., dated bounty and a senator from Hudson locality an increased number of .50 Squibb'e Milk of Mag. 45c June 4th, 1010. county are the only two senators new residents. The large number If Present Laws Prohibit This the Sedatole 1.S9 RESTORERS, TONICS, LAXATIVES .50 Bicycle and Tally-rlo SQAPS tthat I recall who ever made an of new homes which ari now being Laws Should be Changed. SHAMPOOS, DRESSINGS .15 Boal'a Rolls ...... 10c - [effort to get thiB wicked law re-built hereabouts is a Bign of what Card*.:... 43c .25 Cuticura Soap 19c, 3 for 55c .40 Fletcher's Castoria ....25.25ca c ._ StlJed as the property of John P. To the Editor 2F*The Register: .50 Rexall Milk of M.gne.ia 39c 1.40 Pinaud'a Eau de Quin. 1.09 Smythe * Co., Inc., et alt, taken in execu- pealed. But the insurance trust is coming. One may not hove much .25 Woodbury'i Facial Soap 19c .60 CalifClif . SyruS p off Figs.. ,37e tion at the suit of Louis B. Brown, and to I have read with interest your 2.50 Abtorbine, Jr. ..2.09 •50 Palmoliva Shampoo ...34c 3 for 55c bt sold by .. i •was too powerful for them and had faith in ordinary signs and omens, recent editorial on the subject of .60 Caldwell'a Syrup Pepsin 43o but when people are backing their 1.25 Abiorbine, Jr.- 98c .10 Palmolive Soap, 3 for . .20c 1.80 Agarol 95c JOHN H. VAN MATER, too many adher.nts in the legisla- construction of sidewalks along .05 Adami, Chidata, Beeman'a 1.50 Van Eat Dandruff ture and the law Temains. faith in a locality by tho erection Remedy 1.09 .30 Reainol Toilet Soap i .80 Ex Lax ,48c Dated August 26th, 1026. much traveled roads, as well as tho and Black Jack Chewing 3 for mi .36 Ex-La: ...,,..23c QUIMN. PARSONS & DORBMUS, '! of as many fine homes as are now favorable comment on same in last 1.00 Wildroot Hair Tonle ..79c « • * Gum 3 (or 10c .50 Hatr Groom 39c .17 Peara Unicer.'.jd Soap • ' • Solicitors. going up in and around Red Bank, week's Newark Sunday Call. Tho .35 Kalak Water ...3 (or 1.00 . " for 25c (108 lines) f4B.lt ' Senator Whitney has had a lot\to it is certain evidence that this part Wyelh'a Coll. lum 59c .50 Glottora'. ,. 37c NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. •ay about the high cost of living death of Charles A. Carhart is .50 Hennafoatn .39c .25 Paekere Tar Soap 19c, ANTISEPTICS of Monmouth county Is on the di-proof that the subject is one that .10 Steriio Canned Heat 3 for BSc Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids and the need of economy. If he is rect road to rapid growth and great 12 for 87c 1.00 Newhro'a Hcrpicldo ...74c 1.00 Lavorla '. 63c will : be received by tHe Council of tht should be given considerable .50 Newbro'a Herplcida... 39c .15 Phyaician'a and Surgeon'* Borough of Little Bllvtr, N. J., for tht re. in earnest, why hasn't he done prosperity. thought. A. P. W. Toilet Paper 4 (or 1.75 Soap Oe .80 Lavorla 37c eonstructlon of Church street, Prospect > something during all the years he 1.25 Wyoth'a Sage tt Sulphur 84c .10 Lifebuoy Toilet Soap 7c, 1.00 Llsterlna 69c avenue and Willow , drive, with a rein, | has been in the New Jersey legisla- Everyone knows it is unsafe to 1.00 Weatphal'a Auxiliator 73c .80 Llsterlne ' 39c forced concrete pavement for a distance 1.00 Danderine Hair Tonic . .63c 3 for 20e of l.m miles, with State and County iture about this insurance trust law, BACK FROM DETROIT. •walk on the highways. It does TOOTH PREPARATIONS, 10 Ivory Soap ea. 8c .80 Lyael 37e aid, and opened and read In publio at. the v .70 Marchand't Golden I which certainly is ond of the rea- seem that those who must walk .28 Lysol ...... ,.r.. 21c roomt of eald Council, Borough Hall, Little Walter S. Nobla Home After a Vi.it PASTES, POWDERS Hair Waih 45c gllver, N. J., on September Slst, 183B. at aons of the high cost of living? Un- should be able to do so in safety. .28 C. N. DislnfacUnl ,f..19o "•0b P. M. Standard Time. " to Hia Brother Charloi. It they are unable to use the high- .60 Forhan'a Tooth Pa«to..3S .65 GloTer'i Mange Cure '.49c TOILET and BATH .80 C. N. DitinfecUnt . ...39o ( ,det this law the insurance rates l.SO Brownatono 1.29 Drawings and tpsclncatlons for the pro- charged are two or three times the Walter S. Noblo of Kector place ways for which they contribute .30 Kolynoa Tooth Paate ..19c POWDERS 1.00 Zonlte 69c posed work, prepared by Oeorge K. Allen, returned last week from a trip to .75 Bleachodent Comb. . , .'.67c .50 Brownatono 30c .80 Zonlte .39o ' Jr., borough engineer, have been filed In 'rates which prevailed in some com- their share it does not soem unrea- .30 Lyoni Tooth Powder ..19c 2.S0 Feronda Hair Grower. 1.29 .25 Mavis Talcum ... 3 for 60c the office of said Engineer at 60 Brotd Detroit, where he went to visit his sonable to ask that footpaths be ,i25 Djar-Kiia Talcum .... .10c 1.25 Glyco Thymoline 83e etreet. Bed Bank. N. J., and may be In- panies before the law was put into .50 Pebeco Tooth Paste . . .31c l.OO Rexall "9"" Hair Toni- 79c .60 Glyco Thymoline . ....4Bc brother, Charles P. Noble Charles provided so they may walk in safe- .50 Pepiodont Tpoth Paito ,34c 1.50 Goldman'a Hair .25 Squibb'i Talcum •••..18c tpaeted by prospective bidders during bus* operation. has boon quite Kick and ho wasty. It is undoubtedly true that tho .30 Glyco Tbymollne 33c' Intst hours. The ttandard propose" form 1.00 Pyorrhocida 73c Reatorer . 1.19 ' \ ! ' Is atttchad to the speclncatlons, copies ot • « • taken to a hospital for observation. walking class is in the minority. .30 Ipana Tooth Pai.( 34c •50 Polymol •••.*...... ,39c which will ba furnished on application to If one company enn bo moro For two dnys his condition was RAZOR BLADES the Engineer, That howover, is immaterial, as .30 Calox Tooth Powder. . .21c .50 Mulalfied Cocoanut Oil ELECTRICAL DEVICES Plant and speculations will be fur* Economically managed than some thought to be very sorious, but they have Tights as woll ns the ma- .35 Ret elation 24c . Shampoo 34e Gem Raxor*Bladet <7'a) ...33c Electric Cof.'.a Percolator. .2.98 nithed to prospective bidden upon psy* other company why should not that he has since greatly improved. jority and thoso rights should be .75 Stacomb 83c ment of Ten Dolltrs (110.00), wWoh .38. Ever-Ready Blades ... ,27c Electric Flat Iron 2.98 , amount will bt refunded upon return of company be permitted to reduce in- Charles spent his boyhood and arespected. 1.00 Auto Strop Razor Blades Electric Table Store 2.98 »lsnt and specifications before the time •urance rates to a figure which largo part of his llfo at Rod'Bank DEPILATORIES (10'e) 69c Electric Curling I-on ...... 70a apaclfltd for the opening of bids. gives it a fair profit? If an Insur- before moving to Detroit and for It might be said that the coit Bids must be made on the etandtrd pro- would bo too great to construct 1.00 Delatone 79c SHAVING CREAMS,' Electric Marcel Iron 1.29 posal forms In tht manner dtslgnated ance company finds it agreeable to many years ho owned r.nd conduct- therein and required by tht sptclflcatlone, i, Pay it* officers smaller salaries than ed n men's .furnishing; goods and sidewalks or paths. Wo do know POWDERS, STICKS PERFUMES and must be enclosed In ssaled envelopes, •'the officers of some other companies hat store *bn Broad street. that, many hundreds of lives nro DEODORANTS TOILET WATERS CLEANING COMPOUNDS bearing tht name and addrsss of tht bid* lost yearly in similar accidents and •68 Barbaaol n 43c der and name of proposed work on tht »> idemand, w) y should not that com- .60 Odorono 43o .38 Palmoliva Shay. Cream 27c 1.50 DJer Klse Perfume.., .1.39 1.00 Carbona ,,..*.. 73a outside, • addrasttd to the Council of the t ;P»ny be allowed to give tho public that this number would be materi- 1.78 Djer-KUa Toilet Water 1.43 .60 Carbona ...-...... 39o Dorouth of Little Bllvtr, and mutt bt sc. To Attend Firemen's Convantlon. ally decreased if walks wero pro- .35 Odorono 23c .38 Wllliom'i Shav. Stick .. 25c eomptnltd by a certified check for a aunt •> '• part of the laving so mado? That .25 Mum ,, . 10a .25 WilliarVt Sharing 1.50 Plvcr'a Vagelals 1.09 .30 Carbona 23c not lest than tan (10) per cent, of the Is whnt should bo done, but under Raymond Davlson, Clnrenco Lit- vided. Where human lives can bo .BO Non Spl , ric Stick (refill) 19c .20 Carbona ...... 13c amount bid on the work, payabla to the tle, Charles P. Cross, Charles Van- saved cost should only be a second. 1.25 Pinaud'a Lilac Vegetal 83c order ot the Borough Collector and a sure; this Iniquitous law the company ty company certificate, ttallng that ttld Which did so would be mado to suf-Brunt and Arthur Little of Fair ary factor. aurety company will provide tha bidder Haven will attend the convention ot If tho board of freeholders or tho with the required bond, and mutt bt de. fer a very severe penalty and its llvertd tt the plaoe and before the hour tho firemen's relief nuociatlon on state highway commission have not Pratarve the pleasant t would be sent to jail. Here Again I A remark. To Take Home >ve named. September 17th at Atlantic City. power to construct walks it ilooi What '.Tirybody Needa: memorial of ycur fh Council of the Borough of LUlle On September 18th the Fair Haven seem that tho attention of tha leg- ably good amoke (or vacation days— Silver rettrves the right to reject, any e Newbrook Ice all bids If deemed to the best Interttto oi Did you* evor hear of a worse or fire company will tnko part in a pa- islature should be diroctod to this the Borough to to do, *5. feiore unjust law than thii| That n rndo at Coney Island. The borough situation and Its nsslstnnco asked. Reduction By order of th* Council of tht Borouih V Company which tha stnto depart- flra truck. Is being repainted and If it becomoa my pleasure to bo Black & White Cream et Little Silver. ed meat of Insurance declares li fully will be dri 'on in the pariule. Alarm Clocks on our entire «tock of new J. KLLWOOD HARVEY, one of this county's representa- (Londrci) plnl qu rl Kodaks and Eaitma*. Cam- Z, capable financially of operating an tives In the lowor branch of the leg- Attest r— . Insurance bmlnou, should thon be 20c " 40c •MKRBON qUACKBNUUnll, Cl.rk. Paving Plans Approved. islature I would favor proper legis- 1.00 Imparted Sumntra Llttie Silver, N. 1., Bnteml.tr I, Kill. fhrMtenod with a heavy financial lation on thln^subjcct. penalty and the lending of Its Plant and apflclflcatlons for pav- Wrnpped Of particular excellence. Do- NOTICK Or SKTTLKMKNT OP ACCOUNT ing Church (treat, Willow drlva and .Very truly youn, They got you to work on time. Ksttte el Mar; Allen, d«e«ied. AtenU to jail If they divided their llcloui, rich, velvety. Con- NotUe Is n«rebr given that Iht el jarlni* with tht public 1 Can any.pnrt of Prospect avonut were ap- "'* J. Frank Wolgnnd. Remind you of appointment!. .VA1I Long Filler veniently packed In pint or 10% Redaction taunts ef |he tu Harlot, August 2Bth, 1026. eoncelvi law going proved by the mayor and council Hand Made quart brick*, » } Ui lerob«r tytd. ,' tUtmtnt, I I tlED BANK BEGISTER, SEPTEMBER 2, 1925. ' ~ • Page Seventeen

PIRSONAU/ marly owner of Schroeder's drug DIIMCANN FlAY flP SPORTS JUNIOR CLUB BREAKFAST. store at Red Bank, was a visitor RUWaUn 0 lift I W OrUIUO DON'T FORGET Mn. Albert Hurley and h«hen Sunday. KB W«S accompanied Will ds Held Tomorrow at diughUr of Ntwsrlc iraipending by Mrsl J3reisUy, Mrs. Seltc and LABOR DAY PROGRAM CHOCK . Thomat's Inn. two wetki with Mn. Albttt Wymbi Mill Chndwick, also of Philadel- FULL OF EVENTS. The Junior Woman's club of Red . ;• the f of Sunitt avtnu*, phia. , . . ank will hold a breakfast at one ACKER, MERRALL • Motrell Moor* of Little 8Uy«r, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Conover Victory Park NexFlrlonday will be 'clock tomorrow afternoon at •who li empl?y»d M • »»" carrier of Arthur place have returned from the Sees* of Atbietie Cantette, Thomas's inn on West Front street. Rumson Fire Dept. •t Red Bink, It tnJoylnK • v«c»tlon Manhasset Bay, whore they attend Water Sporti, Tennis Finals and Mary S. Daniela of Ocean of two w«eki, < ' ' the gold cup races. They made the a Motion Picture Show. rove, second vice president of the & CONDIT CO. W»lt« Harrlion of South street trip In their crul:er Congar II. Rumson is preparing for a bigstate federation of women's clubs, CARNIVAL has bought a Chryfler coach and n« time at Victory park on Labor day. iss Gertrude Norman of Maple Mr.' and Mrs. Herbert C. Mur- vdnue and Homer Methot of Hard- U building a garage in which to doch of Trenton, fprmerly of Red The program: will Include athletic 11-13 Broad Street Red Bank Bank, were visitors in town yester- games, water sports, tennis finals ng road will bo guests of the club. !wilmoat Robinson of Berg«n day. and motion pictures) and there will A program of music will be given Telepitone I860,1561,1562.1563 place, who Is employed \>y the Cen- be something doing all.,the. time by Mrs. Matthew W. Greig soloist The ladles' ald'sodety of the He nd_ Miss Lillian Terhune pianist. September 4 and 5 tral railroad company, nai been de- formed church met last week at front: half-past nine- o'clock in the tailed on a special Job at Bivalve In morning until ton o'clock at night Buy Your Table Requirements Where Quality, Service Mrs. Albert C. Murfl It's at Blver 1 CHAS H. RUDLOFF, th* southern part of the state. Plaia. , ; The athletic conjerls will be run off t pays to adyertiae In The Register. FAIR GROUNDS and Value is the First Consideration, Always * Mr. and Mm. Howard Ftey and Robert ,8. "Johnson of White first. The water sports will be held Distributor for "Frigidaire" .their daughters Alice, LuelU and street: took rthree representatives of at half-past- one o'clock ! i the af- Corner River Road and Porlt of South street spent part of the Garod radio corporation on a.ternoon and thV tennis finals will for Monmouth and Ocean Counttea lait weeV at High' Bridge. be, held at eleven o'clock in the tn trip to Sandy Hook in his cruiser We Buy You a Ford Bingham Avenue Norwood Are., Elboron, N. )• BrannieS, * Superior Bran Bt.cultl If*, pkg ,35 Edward , running broad jump, and bas- '. AdJr..., E. H. B., Made and bottled in Italy large bottle ,69 typrk state the past ten day*. They Bed Bank have gone to Miami, ketball throw. The water sports Drawer M, Red Bank,' N. 3. TELEPHONE 72-R are expected homo Sunday. ' Florida, for the winter. will comprise Bti-yard,' 75-yard and > Theodore Nestler, son of Edmcmd ;. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lee have 10p-yard swimming races, fetching a 4 SoSutlerof f Broad street, has re- moved from Wilmington, Delaware, races, half-mile canoe race, divln Corn Flakes Shredded turned his studied s at RRyded r business to Buena place at Red Bank. Mr. contests, umbrella race, - balloo NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Service car is Estat* ot_StQckton-Hornor, deceased. KELLOGG'S sehpol at Trenton alter a. vacation Lee U «mBJoy_ed_aB_cmployed^aaL_aa, jsusjsrlnten&_u5gl^i race, Siamese—twins—rnooj tandem Notice Is berebjr given that the ex Wheat ¥nt of .railroad construction workT race, hand paddle boat race, relay count, of the aubaorlbera, surviving exec . always ready. ft pk(. par pkf., weeks. utori of the estate of eald deceased, will RecraM .malt jar .27 street and Mrs. William W. Sham- Mrs. Conrad do In Motte of Long large Jar .49 pariore of Little Silver represented Branch, formerly of Red Bank, Is a ing speed with which it cleans— John Hansen you would prefer it; theGyra- the auxiliary of the American le- patient at the Long Branch hospl- Castile Soap, E*«'°> made with pure olive oil cake ,10 gion of Red Bank at a convention tal. foam Principle creates a more 42 West Front Street at Atlantic City last week. Daniel Burnett of West street Is highly energized, turbulent and ' dozen eakaa 1,00 MJBS Anna Hoffman of Leroy tack at work at Harry Knrks's fur- continuously effective water ac- RED BANK, N. J. tion. There is no idle water. bo place has resumed ha? duties, at the niture store after hav'-qr been laid MIGHT PHONE 1209-W ., Candles, Vassar Drawing Room ...... »•«' * .80 office of Hylin & Sail after a -vaca- up with sickness several weeks. BUT—this is only one of nine tion of two weeks which she spent Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jcnos of Sun- outstanding advantages of the A Variety of Colors and Sizes to Suit Every Occasion , at Elmhurst, Long Irtand. Miss set aventre .spent Monday with world's leading washer. Tele- Camembert Cheese, imported, Rodler, tins olf *4 portions ,52 i Theodore Stilwell of Everett. VHoffman's cousin, John Hoffman, GLOSSINE phone us for a free home dem- tins of 6. or 8 portions ,81 Jr., accompanied her to Red Bank Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hill of onstration. for a visit of a few days, Reckless place have returned home A clean and fragrant preparation that makes the Crab Meat, '•«' quality, Name ...... y2 «» .45 • - Miss Alice Nelson of Locust avs- from a visit of twe weeks at Harris^ •most unruly hair: obey your wlflhosr Greaseless, stain- "Aw has returned from a vacation burg. less, non-sticky. It aids the scalp. --—:, , Charles K. Hopping visit of two weeks In Connecticut Mrs. Harry Marks of Drummond 1 and she has resumed he? -duties with place return-! home Monday from . Sold at all drug counters, beauty parlors Phone 2053-J Cocoa Powder -i the Second national bank and trust Carlsbad; Czecho-Slovakia, to which and barber shopa company. 1 Red Bank, N. J. place she was called by th- sickness Mfgd. by The Odell Co., Niwark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Glblon and of her fa.her. Mrs, Mark's father - their sons Robert and.; John GWOTV -Tho-trlp ~Sf Maple.avenueareupending "a va- home was made on the LevlAthah. cation in the. Poeono" mountains. Mr«. John Peterson oi West Col- I They are expected home next week. Iingswcod is visiting Miss Flora Tea, special blend, A. M. &'C. ... 1-* P«« .57 Frank She/.-wood and family of Mount of Monmouth street. Leroy place are tn an automobile Mrs. Julia Keiugh of Maple, ave- Makes Delicious Iced Tea vacation-trip. Among other places nue, tax collector, is spending a va- California Sherry-WinenSeagoiiing Hho^bot-,75- they will make stopi at Buffalo and cation in the P.oconp r-ountalnii— t For Cooking Purposes . ••- Petrolt. -v •'""""" • "~"i" Dr: William H. Lawes of East a 'Miss Grace Roclthlll of Vlneland Front street is on tho sick list. f Claro Syrup, Virginia Dare «• >»•">• .39 is Ji spending three weeks -with her Mr. and Mrs. John Kearney of T Delicious with Lemonade, Punch or Iced Tea lister, Mrs. Walter Hamilton of Chestnut, street spent Sunday with Kippered Herring Snacks, G°W« Net .3 tin. for .28 Catherine street. - friends at New York. T Harry iT.nlth of Harrison avenue | . ' A Dainty Hellsh Mrs. Harry Finnegan has t bot - turned to Saranac Lake after a stay is substituting for John J. Many as T Olives, selected quality, A. M. & C. "" »*• - .29 with her sister, Mrs, Edmond Nest- a mall carrier at Red Bank while Mammoth Queen 16 ox. bottla ,47 Jar of Brdad street. /Mrs. Finnegan Mr. Many is in service with the cav- f Tomorrow, Thursday, September 3d B returned from a trip to Germany a alry troop at Seagirt. T Ritz Clear Green Turtle Soup with Sherry '»• " Tl.2S Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Murray of AT 1:OO O'CLOCK, F*. 1VL, AT few daya ago. . . T Coffee, special blend ••>& pki .SI . Mies Catherine Woods and her Sunset avenue have returned from f nephew of Jersey City have been a vacation trip o' two weeks to' " "'tim" t friendfriendss here. . , Niagara Falls and places in Canada. T Mr. Murray owns a bakery "and this t Mils Evelyn Shaw has resumed •ms the first vacation ha had taken Meat Department Specialties hw studies at Dickinson high school in eighteen years. t »t Jersey City \ • . Red Bank Auction House Mr. and Mrs. Paul de la Reussllle r Squabs Broilers L. I. Ducks Calves' Liver Mrs. Rftymond Madden of'Broad of Broad street are on an automo- r street _and her parents, Mr. and bile tour to Thousand Islands and Sweet Breads Smoked Tongue ,, "Mrs. Paul Duplessis of New York, other places. T 31-37 Monmouth Street, Opp, Telephone Building Fresh Killed Jersey Chickens and Fowl •re on an automobile tour in New Miss Dolores Srumtriond of East York state and Canada. Front street is able"to be out again •I* Miss Maybelle Lau.y, secretary after having been confined to the to J. Lester Elaner, and Miss Kath- house three weeks with' water \pn Choice Fruits and Vegetables ryn Busse, who Is employed In the the knee. | Household Goods, Antiques, Oriental Persian bookkeeping department at ithe The ladles' auxiliary of the Elks' in Season at Attractive Prices, Fresh from SlgmunR theid rEisne vacationr factorys a, tar Portlande spend, lodge will meet tonight at tho Elks' Farm to Your Table Maine. " home on East Front street fox the Mrs. George tarrlson and Mi«« first time since June. The meeting Rugs and Rare Books Hazel Larrlson of TowerhiU avenue will start at eight o'clock. ire on an automobile trip to Can- A. M. & C. Hard Candy ada. Miss Larrison Is ' avlng a va- , CAUGHT BIG SWORDFISH. will be sold to the highest bidder, regardless of prices. Many of the <> Mada from Pure Sugar cation from her position es cashier Rumaon Man Hat Excltlnf Tim* Off •t the,telephone-combany office. S.abrlght. . valuable household effects have come from the large jar 29c Miss Marguerite • "vnl of Balti- more npent Satur and Sunday Frederick Barbour of Rumson with Miss Alma Thompson of caught a ewordftsh nearly seven BABYLAND MIXTURE Chmtnut street. . ' feet long and weighing about 100 Mr. and Mrs. William Lay ton and pounds while fishing offshore from I Hosford Home at Chapel Hill. Lemon Drops, Opera Mintt, Sour Balls, Sour Oval* John VanPelt of Sunset avenue Seabrlght .last Wednesday. He was accompanlod by his brother. Mayor •pent last week touring New. Yorh fin u state. Warren IJarbour and' D. S. An- - Consisting of Rugs. Runners, 3 early American Antique Sofas (very Roquefort Cheese, »" >« »"«y. imporiod, ,,' per th .65 drews. The men were fishing for ' Miss Amy Olsen of Spring street, tuna at the time, Old fishermen X valuable), Living Room, Dining Room, Breakfast, Wicker and Parlor Pineapple, sliced, A. M. & C •*"•• i" ,70 borough cleTk of Red Bank, Is en- •ay that this Is the first time In Joying a vacation of twi weeks. , Extrn Fancy Hnwaiian many years that a uNordfloh of tWs Table and Bridge Lamps with beautiful shades; 4 Poster Mahog- Sugar Wafers, ••••»••«•. sumhin. 3 Pk( for ,25 Mrs. Martyn Shaugeniey of Wall ernd once It leaped over the stern Olive Oil, Imporled, RUInf Sun 4 oi. bot jg] street spent part of last weak with of the boat. her mother and ion at Eiit Orange. «£ any Beds with box springs and mattresses; many valuable Oil Paintings, "t oi. bot ",43 John L. Hubbard, WI11U Clay, Church News. X Antique Chairs, Tables, Dressers, Piano, Victrola Cabinets, Grand Vic- Grape Juice, Sunbaam, abaolulily pure pint bol ,27 ton, WlllUm A, Truex and J«cob Sunday morning's sermon topics W. Cornwell, Jr., all of Bed Bank, at the Baptist church Will be "After quart boUU .gjj spent last Tuoiday at Barnegat Bay Vacatlon'rana "Ohrlrt First In All." *j* trola with 200 Records, Banjo, Cornet, Mandolin, valuable Pictures, 4 lot as guests of Captain Andrew 8, At night the pastor will give a L Palm and Olive Oil Soap 3 <•«" .19 White. bor d»y serrrton. The toplu will be Solid Mahogany Book Cases, Baby Carriage, Bed and Chair; Antique . Kenneth Davis of Bottom for* "Understanding and Co-operation," merly of Red Bank, wa» a recent At the young people's service Sun- Mirrors, many valuable Books, De Luxe, suede editions autographed and cuest of his father, 0. E. Davla of day night the subject will be "Wll< Free * Deliveries To !KWet»ia« avenue.' )iam Booth) the Friend of the Low< privately printed editions; hundreds of miscellaneous Volumes; sets of Mr. and Mrs, M. M. Davidson of Jy." AtUnhurst Monmoulh Hlllt place have b., — tU-M _ Atlantlt Hiihlanda Mlddl.town Rev, W. Rolland Raver will re- New Monmoulh Mr. and Mri. Fred Duvldson of turn this week from • vacation trip Kipling, Crawford,.Rider Haggard, Stevenson, Bret Harte and many A»bury Park Seheneetady, New York. Bran.hporl Nav.slnlc and he will preach Sunday morning Campbtllt Junction Oceanport Irving Tlsi.ct, a mtmber of the at th* Methodlit church. At nigh' others. Also Imported China, Crockery and Kitchen Utensils. Chape). Hill Perl Monmoulh firm ot Reliance ft 8ons of Broad an elaborate musical program will Deaf R«d Bunk itr«st, It neovirlng from an attack ba rendered by the Oeetn Grove Elberon Rumann of lumbago. qutrtat and then will be an organ Open until 10:00 P. M. tonight for inspection. Eatonlawn Hlv.nldi Drlya Claud* Oakinon of William recital by Mrs. Jay J. Wllley. The Fair Havtn Rlvar Plan »tr««t spent Friday fishing at Dsi- qusrtet comlsts of Mrs. It. H. Ap- Meadflin't Corner Rlr.rild. H«l|hl« nkgat. H« caught several bluiflih, plcjntc, MUs Helen L«w|i, J, Rut- GEORGE H. RQPERTS, Auctioneer. Highland. thrvwtburf th« largtst ot which weighed ov«r sell Woolley and Allen R. Woolley. Lqng Branen S«a Brlthi flva pounds. There will oe loloi by each of th«ie Loiust Slona Cnurib Copland Kill of Little Silver hm LIIIU Silver • Wattr WlHh •Ingirs In addition (o aelectlona by MONMOUTH CLERKING CO., Clerks. Mo,nnievith Baaib W..I Jlifd , , • ' -llllaM ,Wol|k*mP'i houit tht quwt*t> , ' Eighteen \ RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 2, 1925. noon. On/their return the bat in fe FRQM~KEYPORL.which they were riding collided with a water wagon and Mr. Van- AUTOMOBILE ' AGENCY Jilater was thrown to the floor and DOES YOUR WATCH KEEP PERFECT TIME? OPENED ON BROAD STREET.C badly bruised and shaken up. - Miss Mary Steers of Matawan, IF NOT, LET OUR EXPERT WATCHMAKER itauot" H. Mason Marries a LonV formerly of this place, visited ADJUST IT. HIS ADVICE IS FREE TO YOU ;,4tland Girl—MM. Howard Irwin\ friends here on Tuesday. ' to Attsnd Lodge Convention at ^* Miss Gertrude Brown, who com- -BE UP-TO-DATE. LET US REMODEL uto Storage g mutes to New York, is home on a YOUR OLD JEWELRY. OUR LATEST l Morchouse has opened a twjp weeks' vacation. • aler auto agoncy in Joseph" B. miss Msrjorio Ely returned on WHITE GOLD AND PLATINUM By the Day, Week, Month or Year fan's block on Broad street. L. Tuesday from a visit with a friend MOUNTINGS WORK MAGIC ,/er Walling has taken a posi- at Rohie, N. Y. -.•-.-- as office man mth Mr. More- Charles Brown has a position WITH YOUR DIAMONDS. Thia is the popular place; the place that- at D. V. Perrine's store at Freehold. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mason C. H. Patterson is haying a mod- WE SET THEM WHILE never closes. If you want day or night storage id Miss Lcona Mason.attended the ern dwelling erected on the south^ YOU WAIT. we have all the name implies.. "& ,ding of Mr. Mason's ;soii) Sam- side of the lot ho recently "pi JHJfkman Mason, to Gladys Etta chased from the James 'H. Baird ,1a Patten nt Hockville Center, estate. " Distance-\blume-CIatity Yes, we wash cars also. Day and night serv-- I., Saturday afternoon. Miss Florence Heyer of Brooklyn ice. Expert washer on hand at all hojtfs. Store Mrs. Howard L. Irwin will leave is the guest of her sister,- Mrs. J. D, These «re •J spent the week-end with Mr. and and children of Long Branch spent 69 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J, i»Mrs. Art Seidler of Pldnfield.' Thursday with relatives here. Special Commuters Service. Our storage "• " Mr niidvMrs. J. Harold Hendrick- The fair and supper held last - facilities for commuters cannot be excelled.* We *on were week-end guests of Mr.Tuesday at St. John's church was a DON'T BE TROUBLED and Mrs. Alex Cadoo, Jr., of Sum- great success. More than 500 sup- are near enough to the depot for convenience mit. per tickets were sold. WITH YOUR EYES. OUR and your car will be cared for properly during Harry West has purchased a new Mr. and Mrs. D. P. VanMater CMU utd quL» lottd. k — EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL your absence. , • , ^,1. Hudson brougham. and children and Miss Sarah Baird There U an underlying reason lor the excel- . Eagle hoso company cleared motored on- Saturday to Lake Wa- lence ol Stiombcis-Cailson Receiver*. The» GLADLY EXAMINE THEM WITH- $4G5 at tho recent carnival held at wayanda, N. Y., on a vi.it with Mr. tnstrumenis are sdentiBcally correct. They rep- OUT CHARGE—WE GRIND ALL LENSES the foot of Broad street. and Mrs. Danie' VanMater, return- resent the best thought and experience ol u ing home on Monday. establishment which has been manulacturtng ON PREMISES AND DUPLICATE BROKEN e- Miss Anna H. Beole is spending •voice transmission and voice reception apparatus FRANK VAN SYCKLE \ Ef- pome time at Boston, Mass. Mrs. Earl Dunfee and son. of lor 20 years, and whose products are Kjndird GLASSES ON SHORT NOTICE. IT WILL tr Mrs.'Fannie Morris spent last Cranford are stopping with Mrs. throughout the world., week with her daughter, Miss Elsie Dunfee's mothc, Mrs. Carrie Gor- PAY YOU TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH US. 149 West Front Street Red Bank, N. J. Morris^of JJrooklyn. ••_ . don. D. A. JOHNSON CO. AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS Telephone 1296 -!' Mrs. Morris Cohen was the re- lB.i7MccKHm5-Sf.-r Red-Bank- cent guest of friends at Scranton, Sportsman Dead. f Pa. Patrick T. Powers, for. many Telephone 103G >•»»>>>•»•»•••»«»«>»•>••»•••••»•>•>»•)«••••••)•»•) -»». Miss Johnson, local community, years prominent in professional '"-; nurse, will resume her duties next sporting circles, died at his summer «•;' week after a month's vacation. home at Belmar last Thursday of •""iS j>*' ' Miss Betty C. Hendrickson has diabetes, aged 63 yearsJ Mr. Pow- Sj returned from a couple of months' ers was the organizer of the'six-day I* vacation in Vermont and Canada. bicycle races at New York and had •?' Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Duel! of also been interested in boxing and i' Brooklyn were the guests Thursday baseball. k- ot Capt. and Mrs. Va,".in Curtis. Monmouth County Surrogates Office. estate ot-Margaret F. Robinson, deceased, FINAL CLEANUP SALp In the matter of the estate of Margaret '• notice is hereby given to the creditors ot ^ Mr. and Mrs. E. Raymond have P. Rabinaon, deceased. said deceased to exhibit to the subscriber, I returned from a vacation in theBumsteadsWormSynip executor as aforesaid, their debts and de- /••••••. J- •••••'• , '.'., •'•'- •-;:••••• •' • •;• ••'"•'?•'• - •:;, • *To children an anted of merer." Whers Notice to creditors to present claims mands ngoinst the snld estate, under oath, jS Y.'iito mountains. OlrKtkms are - followed. II NEVER against estate. within alz.months from tho data of the ; Miss Marguerite Schultz has re- FAILS. Despite scsxcltr and enozmous Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. aforesaid order, or they will be forever gxt at SANTONIN. It contains fun dona. Donahajr, surrogate of the County of barred of their actions therefor against Of All _' \ ' turned to Toledo after spending the Stood slitT ytan' test, sold trerjittxtn MoDmoutb, made on the twenty-third day the eald subscriber. or brni^L-SOo'.a bottle. r r* of June. 1925. on tho application of Dated Freehold. N. J.. June 23d,' 1925. * summer with her grandparents, Mr. EH. a-ArVuoitocs.-M.~ Frederick W. Robinson, executor of the FREDERICK W. ROBINSON. ^ and Mrs. William C. Muth. f' Mr. and Mrs. Albert • M. Haigh ,"' and daughters Constance, Gretchen 3-, and Lucille have leturned from a *- two months' vacation at Ocean . City. They are visiting at Buffalo, ' N. Y., this week. . SUMMER SILKS ». William Culver has rented the ''. Sherry bungalow on Osborn street, t Mr. and Mrs. Sherry having moved to their new bungalow on. Broad

f street last week. -:"••:(•• ' • . Mrs; Oliver A. Brown is spending *y' several days at Bigwin, Canada, Every Yard Must Be Sold - •where she isjjttending the conven- ? tionof tho Boia .Theta PLJErater- f nity. '• ESSEX COACH Regardless ofc Cost ^ ;- Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Smock of • Bed Bank are making their home ' for a short time with Mrs. Smock's ; father, William Hoffman of Divi- »" sion street. Everyone Says It BARONET SATIN . ; ^ — Miss Harriett—Smith recently- SILK BROADCLOTH ' spent her vacation in the Pocono ~~Sales Prove It 40 inches wide. Beautiful high lustre.1 ' mountains. -—Neat designs.- Sold for $1.98 yard. Clean- St. Joseph's parochial school will Clean-up Sale price, yard - $1.19 ', re-open next Wednesday. •.2. up Sale price, yard - - S1.19 Mrs. Charlot.e McGuire of New PRINTED GEORGETTES York is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. SILK and COTTON MIXED CREPES ; , Hendrickson. Large assortment of choice patterns to Regular $2.50. Clean-up Sale price, Mrs. Emma Tucker of New York HUDSON C yard - - - - $1.69 lias been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Belect from. Regular prices up to $1.49 yard. RADIUM SILKS...... M. Tucker. Clean-up Sale price, yard - 79c , Earl H. Cherry has purchased a 36 inches wide. All colors to selectvfrojn.' • Hudson coach. J. Harvey Bowne is having a ga- PRINTED CREPE DE CHINE T Regular price $1.29.: Cleanup. Sale price,t rsge built on ths rear of his lot on 'yard' -. .- ':,.-..*'•.I <• ••• •'• •'•'89c"-' , Warren street. ' 40 inches wide. Large assortment.'' Our <* Joseph Hajer of Elizabeth, a for- *CREPE DE CHINE mer resident here, spent several regular $2.50 grade. Clean-up Sale price, <__ days here last week. yard '- - - -1 $1.89 40 inches wide. All .colorsip choose from.'.•';• Miss Mildred Bedle spent last Regular $1.39. Clean-up Sale"^riee, yd. $1.09 v Week at Jersey City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul ,T. Ash, who ' have been living in E. E. Morris's Hudson Brougham *1495 Hudson 7-Pass. Sedan *1695 house on Osborn street, will move to George M. Collins's house 6n At- ' All Prim Freight and Tax Extra : i lantic street on October 1st. JOSEPH Mrs. W. H. Hornby of Asbury Park is visiting her daughter, Mrs. KE3PSTWOOD MOTOR SALES CO., Inc. '. Vadin Curtis. Broadway Long Branch, N. j. Mrs. Isaac N: Johnston is visiting 116 Monmou* Street Red Bank, N. J. her daughter, Mrs. David Matthews of Red Bank. Telephone 1318 k Miss Bernico Post of Bayonne •wns.the recent guest of Miss Helen Drexler. , . Victor Ansorge spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob King at Asbury Park. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Russell Whnrton and daughter Virginia n;-e making a two weeks' trip to Nowi'oundlnnd. Miss Carol Cooley hn« returned from a trip to Europe. PUBLIC MARKET William S. Holmes and C. V. Krusor will spend tho winter in Florida. Mrs. Ella Shook of Miami, Flor- 10 Broad Street, Red Bank,'N. J. ida, IK spending a couple nf months •with her pnrcnts, Mr. nnd Mrs. John 8 Matthews, Sr. Thomas W. Brown is spending Our Motto Is: "To Sell the Best for Less!" Specials in High-Grade Poultry ! the week nt Portlnnd, Mulno, vis- iting his elsccr and her husband, Boiling and Chopped Beef Mr. and )In. A. Morntcs. Cala Hams Sugar Cured Roasting and Leg Lamb' Mr. and Mrs. William A. GUI Corned have returned from , a several Chuck Chuck Rump Corned Frying Rib weokn' trip to Indlnna. Kclncy A. Cnrhn'rt is nnjoying a vacation from Ms duties with llic Xaynort bnnkinir compnny. Beef Chickens 1 Roast Steak Beef Mrs. Goorgo M. Mnaon and Ml»a Roast IiAOnn Million will spend the -week- end nt the Drcnkors nt Anbury Park. Mr. nnd Mm. John S, MnUhew*, •'• 3f,t have roturned from n vncntlon •t B««ch lUvcn. , Mr. »nd Mrs. Ffnnk Cottrcil hnvo from n vacation nt Snocu- y , ^ * .dtrtrude Wondliouno npont ' at Hobort, N. Y.


fonkanikt, J. H. r wont Fancy Broilers 34c Fancy Young Fowl 34c}Jb T Fryini ChicChickenk s 34c RED BANK REGISTER, SEPTEMBER 2, 192b. ' three children of West Orange 1 f-.jj 'V »« > NEWS FROM H1DDLFT0WN spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., John Heins of Belford. J- IE!, ROADSIDE STANDS ttePORT, A Mrs.~Annie Croxson and her BIO SEASON. daughter of Freehold have been vis- iting Mn. A. H. Sutphen of New Mora Stand* Than Ev.r bat Tier Monmouth. in bi>e minute All Did VOts* Bai|aesa—Inda. Miss Mildred Meyer of ^Leonardo peadeat Ifira Conpaar of 'Belha. s returned home, from a vacation No*Wring* needed ford to Hold a Harr»t Horn*. visit of-a week at Union Beach. Ownm of roadside booths in the New York. : • : - /,• V •. il FREE Buttons Saved ' township almost without exception Mr. and Mrs.. George Stalfa of -."READY''for yonr Hands Saved report having; had their most pros- Newark were' guests at the Day, need* with'modern sqoip- - 1 perous season this year: There are home at East Keansburg over the rnent, expert handler*. ^ Your( N«me Stamped in Gold v^^-iQolhei^Sayeid- ;-- more booths ihls year than ever be- Be aura of aarrlc* at week-end. •. • > , lowatt rate*, arrange FREE on AH Pane Purch«»ed fore, but in Vts of this they did The ladies' auxiliary of the, Port with; m now. : a burger business than ever. They Monmouth flre company- will meet Hara. also provided markets for many _,„ MJKTIIUO WINIflO WMBIKS next Tuesday at Mrs. J. Henry farmers in the township who state Walter's. , ' that they disposed of, thetr crops VANS i. STOWAGE TRU BIN'S The ladles" aid society of the Lour. DISTANCE MOVING THE HALL MARK OF. ^ to jnucm batter advantage than if New Monmouth Baptiirt church will ' 88 Broad Street ':•< •;-;?".;: iPUWTxi^v-Ov Jig they sold their produce through commission agents. The roadside meet tomorrow afternoon at the booth business Will end In about church. " '. • frEABN :to (as»oclate.'Vflun8." Mrs.; S. Louise Palmer and her ^f' Samvm's smiling, healthy,., three weeks; when the; last of the peach crop is harvested. granddaughter of Port Monmouth face, -with the Sweet Clover,J- are spending a week at Asbury White Star Taxi Service The members of Independent fire Park. ..•'.••...• - .•..•.,•:„! . Dairy Farm's milk. He Is a ' company of Belford are1 preparing P-HONE 747 or 506 ?' XOU CANNOT COOK Bymbol'of Its purity and of The annual fair of the East to hold a harvest home September Keansburg. fire.company will begin B our Responsibility. ' ' ' • 28d and 24th.\A fancy pillow made onr stove Is cracked or broken, tomorrow and will end Saturday. by Miss Emm* Plahn was disposed David Schnoor of Belford spent fl rathe* .than go to the expense of by her lastVeek for the benefit JOSEPH EDGAR jDISTJlftVTORS FQR., of the. company and |25 wapars t of last week at Trenton, mak- ******* tig'new parts for it, why i GORDON PRODUCT cleared/ ing the trip in his automobile. - Local Representative James McLean ofxNew York employ us to do the Accessary VASMNOTON ST I , The annual baby parade held Sat- 83 Pearl 3tr«.t Red Bank, N. J. spent Saturday and Sunday at Bel- \ Special for Saturday ncT Correct welding will ,5WEET CLOVER FARMS urday at Ideal.Beach by a commit- ford. with William Sutherland. DAIRY tee > of summer residents of that . your stove or other metal Phona 861-R s Mrs.:, Hulda , Morford of New, POUND CAKE V place wat »- great success,' It was Monmouth has returned home, from Sle,tlf we do tlio work for you. W.JS-JA. attended" \>y the .largest gathering Raisin, Walnut, Citron, Plain, Cherry, Marble which has evet turned' out Ao • ana visit: of 'a week at Soselle. affatr.of this kind at Ideal Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Palmer and Then were many beautiful floats. their son of Port Monmouth spent pound Sunday at Ocean Grove. A very successful dance was held All Kinds of Meringue and Custard Pies, by the Mardean country club . Sat- 'Frank Poston of Leonardo'spent fn\ i nw THE CROWD TO urday night. A large, number of Saturday and Sunday wfth his Dispatch' signalizes our taxlcab Peach and Banana Short Cake. folks was present .and everyone had brother/ at Long It'-ind, ....•'• Mrs. C. Jaeger of Jersey City service, for having adequate equip- OL-.D-F\ASI-HOIMED HOMEMADE BREAD fine time. The'affair wound up spent; last week with Mrs. Herbert ment, of the best type we are- able with' general sociability »nd with : : Carroll-of-Belford. — - to meet service demands PROMPT- WALNUT BROAD the serving of refreshments. ; : The ladies' auxiliary of independ- John McDonald of New York is LY. ~ "".'.'- ALL KINDS Ofr LAYER CAKES " ent fire company of Belford cleared a guest of John Riordan of Port FRENCH STREUZEL $40 Saturday hf a' food sale' atMonmouth. • . . • Our cabs are.clean, comfortable, Herman" Labrecque's pavilion at Mrs. Jennie Trimble ' off Belford safe. • ' ALL KINDS OF COFFEE CAKES Campbell's Junction. Hisses Emma is sick with rheumatism. '•' CHEESE CAKE, DEVIL FRUIt CAKE and Elizabeth Schnoor' were in New H. C. S. Taxi TRY OUR DELICIOUS RAISIN BREAD charge of the sale.. • ' RUMSON NEWS. Mew Dodga Sedan • HOT BREAD AND, ROLLS CONTINUOUSLY Bev. Holland J. Beasley of Jobs- 1 Piramen to Hold a Carntval on Fri- Call 747 or 506. School own preached Sunday at*the Kew day and Saturday Night*. Monmouth Baptist, church as a. can- Oa Friday and,Saturday nights CHARLES BOTTAGARO, Prop. WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SCHOOL SPECIALS didate: for the pastorate. x There of'this .week the EurAson fire de- was a large congregation and Mr.partment will hold a carnival on the OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 68 Broad Street Phone 19^3-J Red Bank Beasley made> good impression.' fair grounds on the corner of River Office* Red Bank, N. J^ Opp. Depot PENCIL BOXES - LUNCH BOXES PADS . BeUfcfcd returns from the* recent avenue" and Bihgham avenue. ' all sizes. Bte selection fair held by the Port Monmouth fire Dancing Will be one at the features all styles and colors ' For All Children company have raised the profits to ' . in different aizes and colors. ... •.>"'•'• 5c each' ' :. of the fair and blankets, dolls and 10c to 98c en. more than *1,000. The money will household'articles will bo sold.* Loose Leaf Note Books . Composition Books be used to help build a combination ' Miss1 Josephine Deisler, who had SCHOOL BAGS flrehouse and community house. ' all kinds' . and Refilla Host Pages Hard Covers' been spending the summer, here, 1 Leslie Nienjan of, Newark and died of pneumonia Sunday at the. 29c and up 10c each "•' • • -. '• 5c each ' . ' Harry Steger of Nutley spent Sat- Jersey City hospital. She was taken urday and Sunday with William sick, hero and wad removed to the calce Werner of East Keansburg. Mr. hospital last Week. Miss Deisler WAB Werner and his guests motoredHo 24 years~old and, was the daughter 6c cake Palmolive Soap 6e Barncgat Sunday. , ' of Margaret and John Deisler. The Mr. and Mrs. BIbert H. Walling, family occupied the Wyckoff cot- and their daughter Ethel have re- tage on Lafayette street. 'fi: turned to Havre de Grace; Mary- Miss Ellen Logie of New York land, after having spent a -week spent the week-end with Mrs. Otto with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coe ofStrohmenger of Lafayette street. Port Monmouth. :- - Miss Elizabeth Sinclair spent the Hiss Gertrude" VanOoalen of week-end at Morgan. ' '• ------^-* Brooklyn, who has just returned Joseph Etrohnienger,' Jr., is a from a trip to ' South America,, Meat Market new employee of the telsphpne com-. spent Saturday and Sunday with party. ___• her aunt, Mrs, Henry "VanDaalen of Misses Ellen and Elisabeth Keach 22 Monmouth Street, Red Bank. N. J. O'Cedar Mop Leonardo.' ; Tea. Pots are spending a few days at Brook- Bread Boxes and Pollih Clothes. Pins • The women of the Belford Meth- lyn. •:•• ' "and Carf Avenue, Keansburg, N. J. Roll top, white enamel All sizes- r 36 for 5c — odiBtrchurch-cleared $35 Saturday James and Edward Zella of Ho- """-; all for ••• Values up to $1.00 by a food gale onlhs shore.at Bel- 98c ea. t Sale Price 29c °"" boken will take part in the running flflc Save on this necessity ford. The sale was directed by races Labor day at Victory paTk. Miss Lydia Post and Miss Alma Edward. Zella will also go to St. 1VIE3AT, MONEY and HEALTH! Osborn. ~ Louis, where he will run in the BARGAINS IN OUR BASEMENT Justice Louis H. Meese of Bel-championship races. Most essential things in life. Eat more meat—be healthy! ford, who has been very s^ck since The Humson baseball team de- last winter, is now gradually im- feated Kennsburg Sunday by a BUY IN CHARLIE'S—SAVE MONEY! proving. He left Monday for a stay score of IS to 2. at HUlsdale, in the Orange moun. Storm sewers are being laid in tains. ' Tarnfly Park by Patrick H. Ken- J. E. Johnson has closed out hisnedy. The job will cost about tract of land at Ocean City at a big ?8,000. profit and he Is now building a \Miss Margaret Gallagher of New Boiling Beef house for his own use at that place. York spent the week-end with Miss Mr. Johnson formerly lived at Bel- l Florence Coulter. • ford. . • • Norman McDonald, who is em- Mrs. Alvin F. Blacksmith of Port ployed in the office, of a New York Monmouth gave birth to a son last hotel, is enjoying a week's vacation. Beef -week at the Asbury Park hospital. Charles Wymbs has bought a The newcomer has -been named Maxwell coupe. Policeman Charles Daniel Alrin Blacksmith. Blaessius is the owner of a Hup mo- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stout and bile car. , their eon of Jersey City have been Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marchant spending several days with Mts. and family have returned from an Chuck Roast Stout's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wal- automobile tour of New England. PRESERVE POTS ALUMINUM SAUCE PANS ing of Port Monmouth. 10 qt. enamel pot with grey cover. A nice Pannelled At East Bethel, Vermont, they vis- Mrs. Robert M. Seeley and her ited Mr. Marchimt's sister, Mrs. M. article at a cheap price. Regular 30c item. Our price daughter Edna and son Robert and 1 G. Smith. 79c each 25c each Sirs. Mary Walling of Port Mon- Miss Nellie Ward of New York Chopped Beef mouth visited Mrs. Edward Helm of is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jersey City last week. Frank Ward. Eev. and Mrs. Calvin Meury have .Colored Eleetrlo Mrs. Thomas. Ansbro has been Electric Brooms returned to New York after a stay entertaining Miss Gertrude Flatley with Mrs. Meury's mother, Mrs. of New York. Light Bulbs; Light Bulbi • a eopd Daniel T. Hendrickson of Port Chuck Steak Miss Evelyn Porter, who Is a stu- quality Monmouth. dent at Newark normal school, will 10, to 60 watt in all shades Mr. and Mrs. John Heins and start practice teaching next week 39c Miss Mabel Luker, of Belford will at the Oakland street school at Red 29c ea. 29c ea. ' eave next week for an automobile Bank. Cala Hams •»ch trip to Washington and Mount Vernon. FAIR HAVEN NEWS. The Christian Endeavor society of the Leonardo Baptist church Novel Danes) to b» Held Tonifht by cleared 128.80 by a cake and bread Playara' Baal Club. SPECIALS ON MAIN FLOOR sjile last week at Mrs. William No. , Ar"mlsUken idtntlty" dance will BOOKS bl' be held tonight by the Players' boat Rump Corned Beef r POCKET Everett Oliver of Port Mon club. The men will wear women's mouth Is enioylng a vacation. He clothes and the women will be st- Ofhese bags are | ^ These make an and his>family expect to spend the tired in men's clothes. regular |2.00 all T« excellent preitnt, week-end at Atlantis City and Cam- The young daughter of Joseph Fresh Rump Roast We sell a big d«). Hendrickson is laid up with a brok- ^crer. New quantity of these en arm. She was injured in a AH. because1 our price Otto Schnoor of Belford, -who has designs in this been working as a fisherman for, Miss Helens Conrow has returned is right and we Bchnoor Bros.) has resumed his home after having completed a : grot new numbers Legs Spring Lamb Lamb Chops ' ' } week. : in each week. itddtsi at the Ltonardo high school. summer course st the University of Dickinson Smith of Ellzabtth Vermont. ;H$1.00ea, $1.00 ea. and Walter Sehnsider of New York The chapel club of the Episcopal * All Cuts of Steaks %«r* gassts at FrahVlin Park at church cleired $27.60 at a peach Belford Saturday and Sunday. ' festival Issb week. At a recent Chops Roasts Hams The Isdio' aid socUty of therummage sal* the proceeds amount- Leonar4o Baptist church will hold a ed to 920.00, Both events were cake and brjad sale in the church held for the benefit of the parish Roasting, Frying, Broiling bawmont1 Saturday «ft«rnoin. house fund. ' The chapel elub will tiiu* Ha««t Craven of New York hold a beach party on Friday' nljnt and Fricasseeing Chickens •nd two gjrl frlende sptnt Sunday of this week at Seabrlght. with Miss, Oravan's mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Edwin 0. Jones of <3ath#rln« Craven ot Btlford. New Vork arc vfsltlng Mlis Elisa- Cottage Hams Fresh Ham Mrs. Bartha Skldmort and 0. W, beth1 Bcoworoft. Boyd of TotUnville, N«w York, are Ross Oelles hss bought a Stud a. Loin Pork ' Pork Chops (rueiU of Mr. and Mrs, J. H«nry bsker touring oar.' >, ALARM CLOCKS WalUn* of Port Monmouth. The King family will leav* next ' 10-INOH DOUBLE) DIBO • Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vollmor of week for Atlanta, Georgia, where Guaranteed New York vlsitod Mr. and Mrs. J6 v,| BANKERS WIN AGAIN! TtiEATRICAi: -^ EAT AT THE SPORTS ON TO RIVERSecon. d National • and Truat' Com* 6 6 6 The Onto CLEANERS and OVERS It • praatriptloavfor RACES SUNDAY MORNING AND • O pany Trims Fireman. Does Your Shoes Flex?- • AKTERNOON. The Second national bank.and Office <1 StT Tea. S40.W Colds, Grippe, FlU. Dengue, STRAND RESTAURANT trust company baseball team won Bilious Feyer and Malaria. #. rig hon* and ptay^aa.' Put batqr'b Red Bank in Bird Clata Da- their second game 'with the West - NOT-A-TOY and ,700. can l*ayt Wn Whan Cooking Ii an Art and Easing i> trill kf«P Un dtan aa wall, 1 65c Luncheon Branch 'on Saturday afternoon by antilever not crawl around ditty flopn other Series Next Sunday;V~ a score of 11 to 2. The banker* ex* tbtaca to put In hia month. At Served From Eleven to TKrM P. M. Thev second event of the invita- celled at batting, scoring eighteen tion series between boats of the hits, and their pitcher, Charles Neff, FOR LU^NCH ' bird class of the Rum son country allowed only six hits and struck out a Noon day lunch is probably the most individualistic meal of thirteen smoke-eaters.. Joseph Neff U&OVSKY'S club and the North Shrewsbury ice Hie day. Some eat heartily and some sparingly. "Some like it boat and yacht club was held at led in batting, driving out two two- hot and some like it cold." Business pressure or noon-time errands Red Bank Sunday afternoon and baggers, and a single. William Jef- Flexible arches often limit one's time. But when one eats at the STRAND, all frey abo got a clean two-bagger these things' do not matter. The. amazing variety of STRAND resulted in. victory for the Red Bank craft. -The first' event be- and two singles. The Bed Bank Real Bargain Sale for comfort foods assures a dish for every mood and taste, and quick service assures time-saving when time is the essence of. one's needs. tween these clubs was held the pre-players wore Harry-Mazza catcher, tor» A lojr atatf^ J vious Sunday on the South Shrews- Ernest Hall second base,' Charles i» being continued until the close of bminejs They fit snugly. They. Have lunch today,at the STRAND and settle the "where-to- bury in front of the,Rumson coun- Neff pitcher, Frank Reilfy short- lunch-prbblem" for good. .' , ' • ; ••"..• try club, and was won by the Rum- stop; William Jeffrey right field, ' give' restful, support. •BBBfl son boats. - After last Sunday's Cornelius MuyWns • left ' field, SA^TUROAY NIGHT, SEPT. 12th race, on the toss of a coin, it was George Macfarlane first base, Jo- - Foot muscles can ex- decided to hold the third race of the seph Neff center field and Harold Every department in the store is contribute ercise and acquire series at Red Bank next Sunday Hurley third base. irig to this important clearance of seasonable afternoon. The Second National bank and springy strength. Weak DfrfriMaW Sunday's race -was exciting trust company team, of which Al- merchandise. KawTmhO) throughout. Ten boats started, five phonso M. Gaskill- is manager, has Thrifty shoppers will do well to come early arches are prevented from each clubb. TThh e race was over ,won six out of ten games played as the merchandise is moving rapidly. a course starting and finishing op- this season. Their next; game is or corrected. Circula- posite Captain' CharleV, P. Irwin's" , with the Asbury Park bankers and tion is better. Walking NOT-A-TOY boat works. In the moderate south- Will be played on the Ocean Park BLANKETS and QUILTS - , FOR SALE AT, west to westerly breeze the boats diamond at Long Branch on Satur- is eaisier and more changed^ positions many times, es- dda y afternoonf ' at three" o'clock. Full siaje Blankets, part wool ... $2.87 R. Hance & Soni pecially on tho windward courses. This is the deciding game., of the . pleasant. . HED BANK ;;{ Harry Lufburrow's boat finished series' with the Asbury Parkers and first, covering the • course, four- is expected to dravz, out a large Full size Quilts „ .$2.87 time's around, in two hours and 21 crowd of rooters. The batteries BACKACHE IS A WARNING minutes. Herbert McClees's, boat will be-Neff and Mazza for the Red Ladies' Middies ...... Special ,47c was a close second, being only eight Red Bank Folks are) Loaning Hi Bankers; Kaufman an-1'Knlpshield to Head It. ' 1 seconds behind the winner. Other for the. Asbury Park team. William Ladies' Hats Special 98c starters in the order of their finish Are you miserable wi'.h an M Fleckner of the Long Branch bank- ing bacfrj Do you get up lame, a were .boats owned by Jay . Elkus, ers' team will be umpire-in-chief Pillow Cases, good quality. .5 for $1 stiff: drag through the, flay tttV, Let our Gas Holder John L. Riker, Arnold Leach, Wil- and will have as his assistant an- tiled, weak and depressed? , "Sh liam Heller, Robert Shlppee, Eliza- other member of the same team: Ladies' Assorted Pumps Special $1.87 yon. should help your kidneyi, JBa< beth Douglass, Samuel Riker and ache is often the fli.t elgm of fi Bin WlrrdBOf" Shipped—Thg-boatTsailed ing- kidnoya. Urinary troub by Windsor Shippee was with- , BOXINQ. GET THE CHILDREN READY quickly follow. Neglected /itirti; •"VfEVER a worry about yonrcoalsapply if you drawn, due to being disabled. > danger of gravel,' dropsy 6r,.fa A^i warmyonrhoasewlthanlDEAl«GasBolIer. . Variety of C,laiae> in Friday'* The CANTILEVER Brleht's disease. Don't wait-J Two , races were held Sunday , Night's Show at-oLnfr Branch. > FOR SCHOOL serious kidney sickness! Use Db# Yon pay for yoar fnel only tfter you ute it, morning. In the-24-foot class En- cot in advance} and yon draw it from our gis- .A card consisting of four bouts shoe has a real flexible Pills, a stimulant diuretic to;1 bolder only as requirements demand. wood Powers's Miana, tailed by Girls' $2 Gingham Dresses .... 87c kidneys, before it is too lateiT Harry Martin, with Mr. Powers and bringing into action: boxers in BS arch. Audit's a stylish, The (nper-coovenlence of gaa heating has many classes has been arranged by Red Bank resident tells an> exp« Ferdinand White as sheet men, cap- once:' ' ,•.••••••• • •-••% banished coal ehovels, ash cans, and cirvu the Long Branch boxing club: for Boys' 3-piece Suits .. ...Special $4.87 gloves from many homes*. tured the race from Mayo • William quality shoe. Patrick Hackett, Vaggaee mast H. R. White's .Dolphin with 'the Friday night. The headline num- 55 Jyocuat Ave. Bays: Mybi Nowthlawonderfqlluxury caabeyourav T«et ber is scheduled for ten rounds, Boys' Pants at .. .'. . .87c us give you an estimate for your home. It coats mayor at the helm and Delford EXCLUSIVE ached constantly ard this condltj while tho other three will .be, over kept'me all run down.; My kldni nothing to find out about gaa heating, and the' Fisher and Edgar Denyse as sheet AQiJNCY convenience and reasonable cost, considering enders, and from Sarah Clay the eight round route.' Boys' Blouses 37c; 3 for $1.00 v;ere weak and frequently I had tho permanent advantages, will bs a revelation . Lightweights have' been; engaged get up during the night,to paw I to you. • ' Brown's Elizabeth with Harry Clay MANY OTHER BARGAINS . secretions. I used five boxM as captain and sheet tcr.der and for the final. Johnny fiocco of New See the IDEAL Gas Boilers on display at any Rochelle will meet Johnny Darcy of Raymond Bowne Doan's Pills aiid thev entirely «UJ of -the offices listed below. Coma In and Ut ua Thomas Irving Brown at the cen- *.*>• - •: : - . •' :---'.:-' erboard. The Elizabeth was out-Bayonne. Rocco is on the climb. talk over your heating problem. Ths proven He has just come to the front of H. LIBOVSKY'S Bargain Store Price «0c, at t>U dealers, -Da efficiency of tbe modern gas boiler meets every distanced shortly after passing the 621 Cookman Avenue simply ask for a kidney remed; heating requirement, as thousands of Inota'li- outer mark on the first turn and it late, Darcy is the most formidable get Doan's Pills—the same that 1 tlona in other parts of the country have rhown* was then a nip and tucjc race opponent he has been asked to face 141 Shrewsbury Ave. Red Bank ASBURY PARK, N. J. Hackett had. FoBter-Milbum , < IDEAL GAS BOILER throughout between the Miana and thus'far.' ' . , Mfrs.. Buffslo. N. Y.. , , ..^ the modern way to JERSEY CENTRAL POWER the Dolphin', the Miana winning the Light heavyweights''are' in the Comer Herbert Street heatyoarhome. Clean, ' 1 semi-final. Steve Maiikus of Eliza- The Register's motto—"A »*! & LIGHT COMPANY event by fifteen seconds. »•>>»)»•••»•»•••••••••«•>»•••••»•»•»•»•»*»•»»)»«••< In evury home."—-..!«.; There will be several Taces next Memorial, Tablets for Presidents BOYS' and GIRLS' Sunday morning preparatory to the Promised to Elboron Church. Accessories Undeniably Smart Labor day races to be run under the auspices of the North Shrews- The fund beingj'raised in aid of. bury ice. boat and yacht club and St. James's Episcopal .church at El- OVEL acceasories that one would expect' to find only SCHOOL SHOES the Monmouth boat cliiri. It is ex- beron continues to grow. Af Sun- N. in the BoU amidst a throng of vivacious Pari- pected that five boats will start in day's service it was announced,that - slennes have found an intereiling place among tho Louis V. Aronson of Long Branch the 24-foot class and at least six- displays of the Stehibach* shops. All have been cane* teen boats in the bird class. and Newark had agreed to have The September meeting of the memorial tablets placed in the fully chosen by Steinbach buyers whose aim is to keep North Shrewsbury , iceboat and church for Presidents Hayes, Ar- keen, intelligent watch on the feminine fashion center* thur, McKinley and Wilson, all of yacht club will ba held tomorrow of Europe and to buy for us "Les Chosea Distinctive." _• Regular $3.50 value night, at which the, Labor day re- whom" had attended services in the In black and tan; all sizes gatta program will be completed church while summering along the and preliminary plans for the com-Jersey coast. Tablets are now in ing iceboat season will be formulat- the church in memory cf Presidents ed. After the business session Grant and Garfield. Special for Ladies! there will be steamed clams, hot . V', corn on the cob and coffee. Attended Boya' Conference. Eusaell Vanderveer of Freehold, BASEBALL. Ernest Lokerson of Farmingdale PUMPS $2.65 and Marian Walling', James. Bedlo Bradley Beach'a Lead' Cut in and Everett Simonson of ICeyport Regular $5.50 value County Seriea. were delegates to the; high school ,• I Bradley Beach's lead in the young men's Christian association' in black, tan, patent, satin, suede and velvet county baseball series wns reduced conference at Frenchtown recently. considerably on Saturday and Sun- day. On Saturday afternoon the Simultaneously with cables telling the vogue •Norwoods of Long Branch defeated J. Fred Mollcr to Wed. at Paris races Steinbachs present these and Special for Men! Bradley Beach by a score of. 14 to The engagement is announced of other equally chic accessories • to fashionable 6. In this contest Bradloy Beach Miss Helen Lillian Beuter, daugh- women. Smart trifles of importance upon made a poor showing inxcomparison ter of Mrs. Johanna Reuter of Jer- which smart Paris has set her seal of approval. with its other games in the series. sey City, and J. Fred Moller of Oxfords or Shoes King Philips did the pitching' for Hasbrouck Heights, formerly of Long Branch and he held his oppon- Leonardo. $2.95 ents to ten hits. The Norwoods con- The revival of an old" favorite—the tinued their winning streak on Sun- Altentown Preacher mt Rumion. draw string bagi—has resulted in a new Regular $6.50 value day by defeating the Highlanders Rev. B. F. Campbell C- Allen- "Vogue." Kffectlve indeed the above by a score of 3 to 2. Fox was on town, Pennsylvania, an evangelist! model of black and steel beads $10.00. Tan or black; all sizes the mound for Long Branch in this preached Sunday at the Presbyter- A gay kerchief tucked in the contest and he allowed seven hits. ian church. Ho will preach there pocket of one's frock or coat, Following this game tho Highland- Take advantage of this sale as it means a again next Sunday morning. v"d th,e, ?Dfoct ia astonishing. er*, dropped another, their oppon- Especially if designed as novelly great saving to you. Every member of the fam- ents being Freehold. The score In as these of crops do chine. 41.80. ily should be able to have a new pair of shoes this game was 1 to 0. Snyder did OCEANPOKT NEWS. the hurling for Freehold and ho Firemen Called Out for an Early at the above prices. held the Highlanders down to f6ur i.Us. Morning- Blaxa. 1 The firemen were called out at Next Saturday Atlantic High- 3:00 o'clock Sunday morning: when I. WEINSTEIN lands will play at Bradley Beach. A'coessory Shops On Sunday tho Norwoods will play the house owned by Louis Blanc I 70 Monmouth St. Red Bank, N. J. Freehold in tho first gamo of a on Main street was destroyed by . First Floor Under th« arm of every smart Part- flre of unknown origin. The fire- Between Drummond Place and Maple Avenue double header and the Highlanders alenaa one finds the undor-arm bag. will oppose Freehold in the socond men saved an adjoining; store from Novel Indeed these sketched. Ono of game. Labor Notlo« to creiJMore to prtianl clalma Bated Ileii Hank. N, J., Auttmt «t, 1025, Bradley Beach will clnah nt Brad- with Mrs. Louis Millar. • atalnat aitate. CHARLES IJ. nODINSON, Smartest glovoi boast novel cuffs> a ai» ex- Futauant to the ardor uf Jntrpti I*. Don* loy Beach nnd Freehold nnd tho Tho Methodist church will ba Conatalile Monmoulh County, 'amplifie~ ~m ~ ~ —d — * b.—jay1 thes•-»• ^^e^ sketched^**varva• v 14a. Thrf*• •BJDJyF i laaffj^ ahav. surrogate of the- Cnunty uf Mun- Norwoods will como together nt closed Sunday as the Ocean Grove raouth. tqada en the twenty.Arat flay of Beautiful void btads deftly combined be white kid with black velvet cuffs Auiuit. l»2t, on the application uf Oenrnv NOTICE. Long Branch. camp meeting is being: held, and with an exquisite rosa design results in gold stitched or black kid with orange V. OJell. «aeulor of the eitata of EITol Rev. and Mrs. Craig ara vtsltlnpr and gold trimmed cuffs. »4,»8 and Odell. fornnrlr Ertel Auitln, Hectaatd. no. C this lovely bag above. Flnlihed with tlce It hereby slvan to the crailltor* uf Tnko notice that I will aell at nubile ' Killed by Train. relatives in'Burlington county. sold and bUolc fringe and rose silk •6.00. •aid deceased to exhibit to Ilia aubaorHicr, auction on Monday, the fourteenth cfiy o Mr. and Mrs. Louis Millar and Itning. $38.00, \ ueoutor ai aforeaalil. thalr dolila and de- Hfutemljer, Iliad, ,t two o'clock In the af Clir.rlcs Moore, who was em- mand* amalnat the aald aatata, utidur tmili, ternocin. Hi Ulaon'a varapa, on State high' ployed in tho Morganvlllo pontof- Mm Leigh are spending the day at within a|« monthi from the ilate o( Ilia wny, MMillttown, In Mldilletown townthlp Now York. They will meet their aforaaald order, or they will l>» forrvar county of Monmouth, Mew Jeraey, one Col< flco, wns killed by n trnin Saturday barred a>f their actloni thutfor agalmt Ilia nutnmuhllr, the aame to U aolil accord night shortly nftor ho had placed a son Don, who <• returning from eald aubaorlber. Ing ti> tin uruvlalona of Chapter 111. I.awi ninil bnft In tho bnggngo enr of tho Europo on tho liomtjrle. Datea Kre.bold, H. J.. Auguit 21, 1»Z&, of N»w J«ney. 1D10, for • hill of 121,20 The annual harvest home supper aKonoic K. ODBI.I.. fur atorime and rapalra on laid automobile, train, Mooro ntartcd to walk due in Olaim'a Karaue. iicroBs tho track In front of tho en-of tho ,Mothodlst enuroh wai itrved NOT1CB. DataJ Had Hank, N. J,, Auguat II, 1025, nXNIlY 001IKN, Oil TO WHOM IT MAY UIIMU.KH II, KOIIINRON. gine. He wns slightly den? and whs to a record brtakinc number of GONCBHNi Comtahla Mntimouth County not ablo to hour tho onglno start. poopto. Roportt to date show nit Take llotUe that I %lll eel) at jpubtlo Moth his logs woro cut off and he rcclcpU of 1403,80. ' Thla amount Park* New Jers auction an Monday, (he fnurUenth ilar nr Changea of Raaldence. Hepteraber, loa*, at ele»en o'eloak In the (lied In a fow mlnutos. Mr. Mooro will bo Increased when money from maififaf, fcefe/a) neon, at Demul'e i.tniio, Chantfot of roaldonco can „. was 5B vontti old. tho sale of tlokets is turned in.' We«t alraat, Irt the boKiuah of Kail llauli, quickly nndd •aUifaotorll•aUfaotorlly msilo by awnlr «f MeBWetlth, Na» Jer.ey, mie unliflllrifc the aorvlco f lk L Mill Edna Taylor of Duncan, pMM tetlrliur ••r, engine or motor N«. nrfc the aorvlco jf l.uko Lone ,If. •thqro's wo"k*t« bo- had, The Oklnhoma, has r«tum«d horn* after Vtrftl. Wi "me i» be anM aMonllnit \a hond ntul Tho Itofflitor'i want 4 to fr«V]WM •* Chapter MI, Urn of jinrtmont.—Advertfiometlt. Want Department will spending several months frith htr llnd it for you.^Advortl««meui, ,J: »untt MM. J»mi. "" BED BANK BEGlSTER, SEPTEMBER' 2, 1925.

L WON TWO. TROPHIES. DOGS mtWMMi TO,, COURT. LUGOAOE ON CAMPING TOURS. pie foods-and, since there art stores been tried out enough to ba sure alone* the main routes, it is leldonr that it is in condition need only onh^wW Mm Fined *Z0 Outlnte Do Not CalP for as Bis;worth while to carry food supplies know ho has with him the things • Old • Equipment as Formerly. for more than a couple of days un- rhost likely to "be needed in an at Vandall*,' Ohio. ' for Lattlair Bon Run at Large. George White of Monmouth Before the automobile, indastrjr less one is going into an uninhabit- emergency. But if the car has been >?*AWe*t h, Ivini'bf Bed Bank re- ne 20 lB changed our »ode pf life ndlaally. ed region. i in service for several months or B«»eh, WM ' 4 * °t Saturday id home Sunday from .Van- the idea of going camping was not Meals In camp can be made as more ho ought to give it a careful i, phlo, with a silver diih and a by Keoorder Morris A. Potter of indulged in by any.great propor- good as meals at home. You caninspection before- starting. penknife whicfi ho won asLong Branch on a charge of, train- tion of our population. Camping use the fireplaces and firewood pro- ^.. .in the) events' held by, theing his' hound dogs at night. • Mr. then Involved worlds of preparatiou vided at most state park camp sites, The Black "Would Net Come Off. and numerous other problems. The 1 Amateur trppshootine association White was arrested In Eatontown or you can carry a folding gasoline "Johnny, ' said the mother as she township by Gam-] Warden Arthur motor vehicle has changed all that. pt -America, Mr, Ivlns won the sil- Now almost everybody contemplates stove or a folding gridiron. vigorously scrubbed tho small boy's ts* dish at second prise by making Davlson of Aibury Park. Mr. a camping experience and most The tourist who goes by auto face with soap.and water, "didn't L "ore, of 197 out of a' po«lble 2Q0 WJiite said he let two hound pup- folks use. their automobiles in onofully . prepared for emergencies, I tell you never to blacken your ha first day of the shoot and ha pies out of his automobile for away or another In the process of however, is seldom out of luck. A face again? Here I've been scrub- In TU i. th« penknife as, a member of short run. He said the dogs were enjoying the great out-of-doors. little breakdown of one kind or an- bing for half an hour and it wont only a short distance from the car other will not inconvenience him come off." „.„ New Jersey" five-man team, To prepare for camping via au- greatly. Bad weather will not im- "I—I—ouch 1" sputtered the tolieh team won fourth prize in the and that he was near the dogs when tomobile involves no great outlay ho was arrested, Mr. White also pede his progress. In fact there is small boy; "I aint your little boy -'-fte. contests.' > The contests were of time or expense. There are just nothing that is liable to prevent I—Ouch! I'o Mose, de colored itlnued for- a week, and moat of states that he was arrested at half- a few simple facts to consider to him proceeding happily dn his way. lady's little boy," "Die News is There I ',' IVlps's 'scoroa were better than past seven o'clocfaat night and that be prepared when going on a tour. The speedster knows little about m • ei ha did not think he was violating A little experience makes one thine the pleasure of touring, nor does j., , ofnt at exactly a certain time, to It. A five-passenger car with a guch a person spends so much time "Yes; he remembered me so well Tlie<'. Circulation There I ~ country was represented. light outfit, two or three fewer pe.ru.slng the maps of the roads or that he left my name out altogeth- Ad ANCIENT BILL. passengers than there is room for, er" ^___^_^»____ and nothing on board that is not ab- watching his clock that the beau- „ JlACINp AT LONG BRANCH. William Wi!»ff7f~Red Bank Pick* ties of nature lavishly, provided for Fixing the Prica. solutely necessary, represents a sort him are enttroly loit. 7£ptt!ng ETBIJU to be Hold on At- Up a Cariosity at Freehold, of ideal to be striven for. Make Patient—-How much will the op- a tentative list of articles one pro- The man who is starting out for eration, cost i lantic Avenue on Labor Day. William Wtkoff of the Fred D. Wikoff company of'. Red Bank, In poses to take and'then weigh the a tour with a new car which has Surgeon—I'lP.give you cut rates. ;in:iyottlnisr races under tho auspices value of'each one of them in service That's What pfctjie'Norwood riding stableswill collecting a bill at Freehold the before completing the final list. be"-held Labor Day afternoon on At- other day, came across a twenty- A falling of many campers is to lantic .avenue .at Long Branch, dollar; bill wbjeh brought: remem- take too'much outfit. When camp NOW is the time to buy LAND Etteflj will be t.wt.rdeS. There will brances of old times at Red Bank* is to be made, every night and Makes So The bill was issued by the Second BUY it near.New York City—the greatest center . , j'ej:,h8if:mile heats in which tho en- broken': every ..morning equipment p arle». are Frederick Schaar's ftativa national bank in the days, when the should be easy- to handle. ' Some of population in the country. . • - . V 5Vlsco, Alex Hcyer's Colonol, John bank was located on East Front outfits take hours to set up and as Mamj People street. It bore the signature of long to take down and pack away BUY it near New York City—the greatest center Heyor's Prince, Henry A. Muhleji- in the morning. They make, work •bjflnk's. Model Fortune, Everett J, A.- Throckinortonrf, who at.that of wealth in the country. ! time was president of'the'tankj and out of camping: instead of recrea- Sstfelle'a Bay Mare, Oscar Becker's. tion. ... > ; BUY it near New York City—the greatest com- Advertise **it;iei 'James R. Mount's Truck of Isaac B^ Edwards, who' was cash- ier of the bank. The bill was ab- A tent should weigh not more mercial center in the world. ~ _dy,', Daniel Asay's Tar" Baby,'and than thirty pounds. Every detail solutely new- and had never been of camp, making.'from pitching; the BUY it in Monmouth County—the greatest farm JosophVICIrby's Jewel.. There will folded until It came in possession / There 1 bpcQ running race run off in quar- tent or making the beds or handling productive area in the East. of Mr. Wikoff. The engraved date the food containers, building the ile heats. Tho entries are Jo- on the bill was 1896. •••• fires and preparing the meals, BUY it where commuting is the best of New ip Johnson's Dotty, Herman should be easily within the strength York'ssuburbs.; —. dhe&eman's Snaka' Eye and. Wil- : 1 Died at J of every! member of the party. Jjto'Lane's Chess. . One of the favorite forms of tent BUY it where you have a year round residence. Mrs,. Isaac Haddon of Jersey City, provides a sheltered dining room BUY in RED BANK—the gateway to the Jer- FOR WESTERNERS. an aunt of Mrs. Alex TOacPherson under the extension; In stormy of Wharf avenue, Red Bank, dlei} weather this protection ' will • be sey shore. ' ierrymaklng *t the Home of Mr. last week at the Jersey City hos- welcomed, as one can set up a gaso- Don't Gamble—Don't Speculate—Invest ! In The Register! jCnd Mr». John Zantiinger. pital. She was 74 years old anlinde stove and continue operations; her death was due to general de- Look for a tent with a sewecMn BUY land-where every penny will return to you _Jr. and Mrs. John Zantzinger of floor and provision for keeping mos- Bverett'.gave' a party last week for bility. The funeral was held last quitoes out; with interest. their 'daughter, Mrs. W. T. Adkia- Saturday at Jersey City. Mrs. Blankets are essential, but many BUY land and buy IT NOW and HOLD IT. jjpfi', aiid their granddaughter, Car- Haddon had visited at Red Bank camper*1 dispense > with a cot and ipl&n'Adklason of'Tulsa, Oklahoma, many times and was well known Bleep on the sowed-In tent floor. If HADL,EYrHALL XQ have been stopping with them,here. '.-..'• this is done, spread a rainproof pro number of relatives and friends tection under your blankets. . . 111 OAKLAND STREET RED BANK ._ra present arid the festivities To Viilt In Main*. i Camping creates a taste for aim- took place amid decorations of gol- Mrs. Mary Holier of Hasbrouck 9en Tod r.nd purple asters. Radio Heights, formerly of Leonardo, will mUtlc,' dancing and' other attrac- leave Friday to spend a month in tions were enjoyed. Mrs. Adkisson Maine with her daughter, Mrs. F. arid,her daughter Carolyn will leave W. Bauter, who formerly lived at JIYIdoy; for Jacldon, Mississippi, Leonardo, MM. Moller will be • ac- Where,..they will join Mr. Adkisson. companied by Mrs. David.Mi Coffin who is with the Marland oil com-i and Miss Helen Reuter of Jersey City. ; WILL ENTER NOTRE DAME. Real Eitate and Airplane Ridei. Two Graduate! of Leonardo High Cedar. Terrace, a new real es- ; y School to Attend College. tate development near Long Branch, Lawrence A. Carton of Mlnne- will be put on the market Sat- slnlc Tafk and George McDonnell of urday afternoon. A feature of tho Kearisburg will enter the University opening event will 'be free airplane if, Notre - Damb - last: week.- .Both rldoa In tho Waco machtno owned -'% young men graduated last June and driven by Jack Caaey of Red from the Middle-town township high Bank, school at Leonardo. Both havi been -.working during the summei Fair Havener! at Asburf Park. and have earned enough money to Frederick V. Bowers and Tony NO\V—Until November 1st—is a period of exceptional opportunity for pay their way through college for E. Hunting: of Fair Haven were in theflrtt tetrm. general charge of an entertain- Ralph Plxley of. Fort Hancock, ment given Sunday night at As- those who select choice locations at Fairfield Gardens at present prices/ president of last year's graduating bury Park for the benefit of the class Of Mlddletown township, wll Temple .Beth El of that place. prices which cannot be duplicated after this season. enter Ohio state university. \ WAYSIDE NEWS, v A WONDERFUL RYE CROP. • No Church 'Service* Sunday Be- great Yield of Grain on William S. catwe>' of Campmeetlng. • Bray'a Farm at Holmdol. No Sunday services will be held The greatest yield of ryo yot re- In tho Methodist church owing:, to Prices of Lots ported on any farm in this locality campmeeting- at Ocean Grove. was gathered by William S. Bray uf The annual clambake held at the Holmdel. He got 64 bdshela of rye Community house was a big success, AT from one Hold of an acre and aabout.475 persons being, served. quarter of land. Altogether Mr. 1 Bray hod seven and a quarter acres Mrs. E. M. Wilson qf, Brooklyn in rye and his total yield was 204was a recent visitor.here. bnliols, On the field which pro Miss Harriet Bockel of jSrooMyn duced 64 bushels Mr. Bray had is visiting Miss Edith Battjer. . crimson clover for a cover-crop last Mr. "Wood and. Mr.. MiUer of Fairfield Gardens Season. Elizabeth were the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nowbold Saturday. Card Party at Fair Haren. Mr. and Mrs..* William Cook, of Over 100 persons attended Brooklyn have, returned homo after (About One-Half Mile from Red Bank) card party given last Friday after visiting Mr. and Mrsj D,. Battjer. noon at tho Pltiyors' boat club at Miss Lottie Kosonowicz, Miss Louise Fair Haven. Prizes were won by Kidney, Mis» Milliard Kidney and Mrs. Edith Waldon, Mrs.' Louise Alfred Kidney of Jersey City were Will Remain Until Bay re, Miss Jan otto Smock, Mrs. guests of Edith Battjer Thursday. Houghton, Mfs. Lillian Ely, Mrs. . Miss Elsie Watson of Red Bank Tony E. Hunting, Mrs. Harry spent tho week-end with Miss Lonn Worwiley, Mrs. Walter B. Connor, Hiltbrunnor. Mrs. Arthur Little, Mrs.--Joseph Harry Palmer of Roselle recently Bray, Mrs. George Conrad and Mrs. visited his brother,.William Palmer. November 1st, 1925. John O'Keofo. Jack Sparling, Ern- Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred VanSchoick tst Van, Ernest Otto and Harold spent Sunday with "Mrs. Susan Laros gavo an entertainments Truox of Green Grove. Oliver Dangler, an. employee of Afed Morganvlile Man Killed. tho telephone company, la enjoy- On that date all Unsold Lots will be Withdrawn from the Market. William Moran of Morgnnvllle ing: n wcoks' vacation. «ras killed by a railroad train last Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Dangler, Saturday night. Ho, conducted a Mrs. Fi-nnl: Jackson and daughters teed store at Morganvlile and he nl. Cora and Gladys- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Worles of lo carried the mail; betwoon tho Present Prices of Lots $90 to $450. Korganvillo postofllce and the rail- West Lena Branch. road station. • The tragedy occurred Ml»» Kelon Smock of Summer- liter Mr, Moran had put the mall field spent tho wpek-end with her >n the train. Mr. Moran loaves two grandmother, Mn. Selena Dangler, After Cooper's Bridge is opened in the Spring of 1926, Lots at Fair- laughters, Mrs. C. M, Toller of Bed Miu Gladys Jackson spent Sat- Bunk And Miss Bessie Moran of urday with Mlis Beatrice Anderson field Gardens Will be Again placed on the Market with a New Price New York. Tho funeral was bold of Anbury Park. Monday and burial was ma do at .Mrs, Lydln Dangler and no; golmd.l. ! Joseph culled on Mr. i.nd Mrs. n List. Fary of Soabrlglit on Sundny. To Attend-Fireroen'i Convention. Henry Mount of Spring I.nko In ' -Chief Borden White, John Thor- visiting his coiuin, Albert Dangler. Fftirfield Gardens is a Community of Homes for Persons of Moderate Means.' an, William Bronnan and Alfred J. Miss Althon Longstrcet of llol- llocum will represent the Senbrlght mar Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Leu- Maps and Price Lists may be obtained from re companies at tho stato firemen's tor- Pitcher. •lief association convention at At- Miss M. Smith has returned to lantlo City Septombor 17th, 18thBrooklyn after visiting Mrs. Oeorue JOHN H. COOK, Owner, Red Bank, N. J. And 19th. Tho alternates are Wa|. Taylor. N J. Swtenoy and Henry Slooum. MrV and Mrb. Fred Lawrence, The flr*m»n cleared about 1600 at ft dino« held recently at" the Sea White, Mrs, Dprinda" Jackson' artd to««M>avHlon ' •" WJlfred; Jackson motored td Phil adtlphla Sund.y. •MMIIM||» ' Croquet Tournament. Miss Amelia Armstrong of Hum- • Thi children of Camp Edalla of ion recently viilted Miss Cora ttamson, had a .croq^t tournament Jackson. . Mpndnypnny,, Pxlita worn nwnrdnd and Mill Florenea • Wolf of Ocq'wn thth«itfa'•iptfatont , as wellll a> hthe con- flrovo spsni Thursday with MM. " itsnti, took- k««p Inttreit In thoC-rroll D»n»ltr. . , oi. In .the Junior g-nmos KUlo Miss Eva Qrnn hai returned nof.ky w*s the winnerwnnr,, iinn thehome after vitltln* MUs Bllqon m«dUU mi IdIda O Ooheh n Gilmore tt Oakhurst. 8 ft! 02& » P«M to Ailwrtiw WOW lUftfiUr, , J s SEPTEMBERS, 19&5. .:T'.T «. W« on matt Iramxlltt* ,d«llYiri«« on A surprise party was given at Mr. J VirHOI.ESALE AND RETAIL new J 8-foot railed d«4k uno boat, tully New Jersey. " ' Mrs. Maurice Murphy and 'her equipped vtth toilet, K*ll«y and rmls.d and Mrs. Lester Pease's at Middle- Silas Taylor has had a new porch daughter Margaret of New York DEALER, IN deck, pow«red with neir NJM motor. ThU town village last Wednesday night boat Wai built to >eU for *3,200.00. TiVUI nit on his house at Maxwell, spent' Saturday and ..Sunday with t«ke. J2.BOO.00 ca.h. in.celebration of the birthday of Walter Woleott is milding an ad- James Bly. ' Mr. Bly^s children We alio have lornf tarsalni in open Mr. Pease. The dining room, where dition to hit house on tha Tinton Mary and Thomas are returning the »e» ikiffi *nd hl»h ipied JERSEY FLYER a feast was spread, was attractively •. 'THEATRE .bullB, ,Al.o. one n«ir JKRSEY 'FLYER Falls rojwL JCharles Mitchell is do- visit v equipped with 'new Hall-Scott motor, 85idecorated,.;the color scheme being ing the work. RED BANK, N. J. ,. .,,' > Phono 696 mllei per hour, *1.450;OO, . , lavender' and white. In the, center LITTLE SILVER NEWS. 'I. MlMIn** D«Uy 3tOO P. M» Satturdny Si3O t>. M, Mew KJM Motor* »old in ««»T payment of the table wa» a lar^e birthday SHREWSBURY MEWS. PtlArinanea Oontl'nu6ua 7ilB P. M. to I0i4B plan. v. .': ••' '•'•••.'•. . ••• .•.••••-•;•' S NEW JERSEY' MOTORS.' INC, 'cake,-attached to which was laven- Methodiit Churdi Harroat Home PKOr. HAROLD LAItOSt M. H. MCKf, der and white crepe paper, tied icbool to Re-Open Next Tueaday Boat Shop, 1ST Front Street, will ba Held Tomorrow Night, ,at the Organ ; Managar BTt ' :—— ——New-Jer around favors for each.person pres- , with a New Teacher. The annual harvest home for tho ent. Mr. Pease received many gifts, School will re-open for the fall benefit of the Methodist church including money and gold. Guests erm next Tuesday with Miss Marie will be held tomorrow night on tho were present from.Red Bank, Key- Johnson as teacher of. the inter- church grounds. Last Time Today, Wednesday, September 2 port, FreehoM,. Union Beach and mediate department in place of Newark.' .'••' ':•..' • *• • Mrs.1 Anna I. Otterson of Farming- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rothwell lale, who will be transferred .to are on an autpmobile trip to'Can- ada in tholr new "Willys-Knight car. EATONTOWN NEWS. the Tinton Falls school. Miss .Sara G. Chamberlain will be principal at Mr. Rothwell will spend most of tho time fishing. MARION DAVIES The Schoolhouae Put in Readinen this place for another year. The for the Opening of School. )ther teachers for the school here The public school, will reopen —IN—/ The interibr of the schoolhouse re Miss Helen Lang and Miss Ella next Tuesday. has been redecorated by George H. 'oiler an. Little Silver's'baseball ter.m was Bennett and the plumbing has been The athletic club will hold a ball defeated Sunday by Fort Mon- LABOR HAY NIGHT repaired by Woleott & Pflster. mouthiby a score of 7 to 1. Rob- .; - "••• :•••' . AT 8:lS -•• :-.'•;-•.-• ... tonight at the firehouse. The ball School will open next Tuesday.- , was to have been held last Wednes- inson pitched a no-hit game for the Earl Patterson has moved from soldiers and fanned 17 Little Sil- Zander The Great day night, but if was postponed on America's Greatest Holiday Entertainment rooms over G. Edward Smock's verites. The home team's single store.to Amityvile, Long Island. account of the death of Allen BOBBY VERNON in "AIRTIGHT" PATHENEWS rilHn. • ' • .• ,' '. - run was made on errors. . . •. Stanley ^Roberts was operated on : Charles'B. Champlin is how in for appendicitis at the Spring Lake The baseball game at this place Sunday with the Ovals - of Red Bank charge of the Union hews stand at hospital. Saturday. He is improv- the railroad station. \ Thursday arid Friday, September 3 and 4 ing. ; ' •.••• . -• .••,-. was a bad'"scald" for'Shrewsbury. The Ovals won by a score' of 2 5 :to Mr." and Mrs; Aiberf XeaV of "•• One of the prettiest places in the The Shrewsbury boys are prac- Trenton i speht" the week-end with (HIMSELF) AND HIS ; village just now is an acre of ticing up strong and they hope for Mr. and Mrs. ''Clifford Herbert; dahlias in full bloom on William H. better fortune at their next game. W illiam O'Brien and G eorge Ar- 1 .•Waitt's' property on the Tinton Mrs. John Saguerton, Sr.v whorants visited , Vw and Accero man.unttl her.husband' Palls road. The property is' occu- ives on the Tinton Falls road, is Marro on Sunday aAi Farmingdale. 'pursued anotKer womaYV> pied by James' Horan, who hasipendlng two months with her son, •-Mra. ^Gertrude Derieso and": her ORCHESTRA charge of it. '.The beauty of the Edward Saguerton. Mrs. "Saguer- son Roger of Elmhurst- spent ;~-3Ken the fun\begja.n.v flowers is enhanced by a" Rose of toa.ihas. been 'sick with rheumatism, Thursday with Mrs. H. B. Sheffield. Rare enfcevtammenb bu Reserved Seals^Now^onTSaleat~Audit6nuiniBoxr Sharon hedge owiied by Justice K. "JohB Foster; ef Parker avenue is Herman Stoyei which marks the but she is improving. The cellar has been dug foinstallinr g an electric water pump- "the rate LUB1TSCH- Office. Phone Asbury Park 2448 •> boundary between tho Waitt and ing, system in his house, i Stoyo pr6perties.' Michael Megarity's new "house on the east side of the Red Bjtnk road • Miss Anna Kennedy has built a Prices $1.00. $1.50, $2.00* Plus Tax Chester and' Edward Cain of and the foundation is' partly ,up. garage on the'rear of her lot on anErnst Holyoke, Massachusetts, are spend- The lot where the house is being Branch avenue. The garage has ing three weekj with their brother; built was overgrown with trees and been rented to Robert Rothwell. 3,000 Seats at $1.00 Arthur Cain. • - • weeds and it has been > cleared. Miss Matilda Oschwald has been LubHscli James Woleott, Jr., is a new em- George Schanck is now-employed entertaining friends from Newark. ployee at Ira "Wolcott's Monmouth in the real estate business at Red Ludwig Sheffield, of, New York Production meat market. ^ Bank. He formerly worked for the) spent part of last week with hie ' Joseph Mazza has had his build- Shrewsbury dairy company. uncle, Dr: H. B. Sheffield. [vrm\ ing on Broad street repainted by Fred G. Dunnell of Oceanport Joseph Anderson. New walks have been put down around, the rectory of' Christ has moved into his hew house at MARIEPREVOST Mrs. Archie Mosby and her son Foxwood part. • . THEATRE Noble are spending two weeks at church. , Miss Anna Nicholson and- Isaac Atlantic City. - It Pays to Advertise in the Register CLARA Bovt JOHHROCKE! Phone 344 > LONG BRANCr} . ;•;, TWtrs. Ada B. Nafe-w, the postmis- Under Personal Direction of Walter Randa tress, has returned from- the post- VTL" B. W. Suydam, Reildent Manager masters' convention at Cleveland. JfidCCTSDfiV Matinee 2:45 • Evanlng 8!lS Hurry Andrus made an automo- bile trip" to IjTew York Sunday with HELD OVER a party, of friends. Mr. and Mra. James Winter am JOR ANOTHER WEEK Today, Wednesday, September 2 json of Brooklyn spent Saturday and v Added Attraction-FRIDAY ISIOHT, SEPTEMBER 4th Sunday with Mr. Winter's mother, , Matinee and Evening. Mrs. John Winter. BATHIISIG BEAUTY CONTEST Mrs. A. M. Clark of Long Branch Pick the Peaches that Grace the Beaches Prizes Awarded . A. H. WOODS Presents has received $0 in gold which was disposed of by the brass band of Mermaid Comedy, "Step Lightly" . Felix Cartoon 11 this place. < Summer Clearance Sale II Mrs. Arnotto Dangler has re- Setter come at once as there are only a few items left. MABEL NORMAND II opened—her- clothing—factory—on Fint Appe the Stage In Lewis street after having closed It I want some of my customers to have an opportunity to Saturday, September 5 a week in order to give her em get in on this exceptional sale. ployees a vacation. "THE LITTLE MOUSE" . The improvements -which hav At the same time look over my Fall line—Buy Eatly and "" A Comedy in 3 AcU by Otto H»rl>ach been under way at John Read' Save Money. ' • • f —With— ' : house are nearing completion an RICHARD TALMADGE Mr. Read expects to move in th RUSSELL MACK -houss-soonr—Temporarily-lrerlrW! -IN- AND AN ALL-STAR CAST cupying the Casler house. » - —r -S^SGHRAMM-—=— Staged by NOEMAN HUGSTON Edward Chasey is employed as 24 Monmouth St Red Bank, N. J." plumber by Woleott & tester. PRICES—Evening- $2.50, $2.00,$1.50, $1.00 "•Mrs." Minnie DrUnVmdncl is: mak- -~-_ AEfBUSSES PASS THE Matinee $1.60, $1.00 and S0a ing many improvements to hei house on the Tinton Falls road, t&- 60 Feet Off Broad Street which is occupied by-Asher Parker, He vr-a twenty and had never soon a woman—then—walking in his deep— ; ho did meet one—a charming girl—graceful aa a swan—beautiful as an Autumn - Thursday, Friday. Saturday, Sept, 3.4, 5 sunset—i-and he stood before her clad only in his—pajamns! Matinee Saturday Billy We.t Comedy—"FIDPLING AROUND" r Screan Sn.p.hoti and Othtra A. H. WOODS Presents An Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. September 7, 8, 9 All All Dressed Up Star A New Play by Arthur Ricfcman Show With a Brilliant Company including Norman Trevor Jamea Cr«n« Leads the World in Moin Kay Johmon Louia Bennlion jThe?(Sreatest Romance T. Wigney Percyval Elliot Cabot * Lillian Kemble-Cooper Malcolm Duncan Gf.Them All— gfe r Staged by Guthrie McClintic stirring film drama' of Love's Gilded PRICES (Plui Tax) $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Matinee $1.50, $1.00, SOe A Age. ? A spectacle of power, beauty, and ambition! A haunting romance and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 7. 8. 9 die treachery of a woman tetrayed! Piracy) Matinee Wednesday and intrigue amidst the ancient glory that .•was'Florencet i Sacrifice, brutality;"love, PRIOR TO ITS NEW! YORK PREMIERE human interest and adventure. [They are DOWLING and j\NHALT offer all in this motion picture triumph jylthi A Daihins New Comedy of American Life, Entitled - J.illian .Gish at her greatest( ^••fi- Friend Wife EVERYONE IS TALKINCTABOUT With * Diitlnguiihed Cast of Favorite Artitti, Including , Donald Fos!er John Daly Murphy Clara Mooreo Will Deming Frank Connor Mayo Methot 'TheNew / John S. Clubley Adrian Rosley SPECIAL SIX SEDAN The Production Staged by FREDERICK STANHOPE 4-whecl brakes, full balloon tire* and 5 dlac wheels included at no extra cost - THE GREATEST PLAY IN 20 YEARS Thursday. Friday, Saturday, Sept. 10,11.12 A. H. WOODS Present* , < The body of this new Special Six Sedan is an original Nash'Seaman The Green Hat conception and brilliantly exem- A HENRI?' KING A Romanea—by MIcKaal Arlan Production With a Diatinguislnjd Company Including plifies the ablest work of craftsmen Katherino Cornell Margalo Gillmore known the world over for the Iwptratlim Pbtwaa Letlie Howard Eugene Power*. ChM Gordon Ash A. P. Kayo distinctive beauty of their designs. and 20 Other* Play 8toged by Guthrl* MoOlintie SEATS NOW ON SALE „ Red Bank Nash Co. DIrtet from ono your In Chicago. Thla attraction will prob- COMING SOON — ably play Maw York for two ycori and -will cot you flv* dollar* . 77 Monmouth Street • ttek»t SEE IT HEItE. Lon Chaney in 'The Unholy 3" Ch&rlet Chaplin In 'The Gold Ruth" AtalMUlr No FrM Lttt ' Sa.li «... 8ala Now Phone ^60 Red Bank, N. J. Mmnr Pi^ford in 'Little Annie Rooney' D. W, Griffith'. "Sally of the Sawdust > ' R«itmtloni Tnk«n—rhono Long pranch 844 Erlcn von Strohelm** production^f • "QuoVadf* . .Why NotJWako Your Reiervatiom Now? 'The Merry Widow