m:W;i(m bind Woklr. Eat*r«I u SMOH&OIU* af*tt«r «l tt# ?<•*• REGISTER. YOLUME XLVIII, NO.; 4fflH M «U4 Bsak. M, Jl. (Ban U»M<i< aUlrt. III. lit*. RED BANK, N, •%; VTONESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1925." \^^:™&i^M^!^^SSBi TWO STORE£ RENTED. BACK TO SCHOOL AGAIN. SUIT ABOUT OLD BILLS. J. B. PHARO IN COLLISION, Tenanli far'ibe Ln«t of ,'tke M*neo MRS. EFFEL OPEL'S WILL. BOND ISSUE FOR RUMSON. THEY WANT HANDCUFFS, 1 CHAMPIIN^ . 'A' Storai ad MonmDuth Slrfet. Two' Sailors and a Colored Man PUPILS WILL, RESUMfe THEIR IT WAS MADE BEFORE SHE ORDINANCE/TO SELL $20,000 Mads Lot* of- Trouble For Him. STUDIES NEXT WEDNESDAY, FRED STIER OF RED BANK VS. The two Inst rernalning stores in MIDDLETOWN'S SPECIAL OF. IT WASN'T. A^SUCCES^BI^l.,, MARRIED GEORGE F. ODELL. OF IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Councilman J. Birdsall Pharo of THE HENRY CRAP ESTATE. the Itfanee block on the north side FICERS MAKE REQUEST. LEARNED' \ LOTT' FJtQIrl;: ITp .Tomorrow Will b» RegUtrallon Day Mr. Stier Brought Suit for «S82 of Monmouth' street wero rented Her Whole Estate Goes to Mr. Red Bank met with an accident Bond I»ue Will Cover Cott of La/- Tuesday of last week near Mana- The Township Committee Deferred ll and Friday Will be Examination and the Court Awarded Judgment last week by-Hawkins Brothers. The Odell, His Three SUter* and a be Band, of .Ve«or« w**"Ma*f>>,1,,« Day, lor Pupil* Who Wbh to ins- Sldovralki and Water Main' squan wMe driving a Fordsedar^ Action on. the Matter at Th'air ol 4U3—A Large P.rt of HI. smaller ' stpre, .12x00 feet, was PrUnd at Atlantic City—Charle. and .Repair* to" Dock-—fran of Champlln, Fred FrleW, Dl«fe|1 Main Up Deflelenoie*. Bill was Outlawed.' rented by/~Lucille Gohberg of New Carh.rt'. Will and Other .Will*. which lie recently bought. "Mrs. Meeting""!-* it— W«eW—Atl.nllc Hamper Progret* of Sidewalk Job Pharo was in the car at the' time. Avenue Section to be Drained. School will re-open at R«(J Bank Jud(rm«nt for filS was awardod York, who will put in a stock of Mrs.. EUel Austin Odell of'Red An ordinance providing for a • ry.VanBrunt 'anil' Pete> V.»le*Hmi|s| The machine was struck by a car in Some of the men who servo as nej* f Wednesday. Edwin 0. / Oil- to Fred Stior of Red Bank last ladies' wear'goodn and who expects Bank, wife of George F. Odell, who bond issue of ?20,000 was intro- Charllo Champilh,-who: is biill^Mj to open her stow this week. Mis3 which wero two sailors and a col- special policemen of Middletown land, the principal, has called « week in a suit which he brought died about a month ago, left a will duced at the meeting of the mayor ored man. Mr.. Pharo's machine ing a fine, bungalow on. tho- cortieiSli meeting of tha teachers to be held against the Henry Graf estate of Gohberg, has taken a lcaso of the which she had made May 16th,and council of Rumson last ThuTS- township without salaries went be- of Broad street and WikofT pla.co.M^lL store for-nineteen months;with the was turned' upside ' down and its fore the township. committee last - nt tho high school next Tuesday af- Bed Bank. The suit was tried be- 1923, before she had married Mr. day night and passed its first read- occupants were caught beneath it. off on his annual thontricaiitowlmi ternoon. There will be a general fore Judge Bartley J. Wright In privilege of renewal of the lease for Odell. She left.» large estate! In ing, The bond issue will cover a Thursday night and asked that they* Whonever tho location of his woup^pli two years more,' Mr. Pharo broke out a window in be provided wtih .handcuffs for use discussion of school work and in- tho second district court of Long her will she referred to Mr. Odell number of improvements made by the automobile and he and his wife makes it possible for hjm to'dqi|'(»Ji|s struction*, -will be issued. Tho Branch. The other store rented adjoins as her friend and she left him herthe 'borough within the past year. in arresting prisoners. ' The com- he runs down to Rod Bank toldokAl crawled out from beneath the ma- mitteemen said they would consider schedule of studies for all-the var- Stier started the suit for $682, the Gohberg store on the- west and house and lot ori'Broad street. Red These improvements include new chine. They wero not seriously over the construction of hlj'nsy?|ft ious schools has been arranged. In but because of the fact that tho is the most westerly of the Man.ee 3arik, all the furniture in tho house sidewalks and water mains and re- the'matter. home. \, V • • . "-. •'-W'ifsl 1 hurt, but the car was b"ad_]y dam- the past this has required^ sover.il court lacks Jurisdiction to try suits block,-This store is 15x60 feet and and |10,000 '.in cash. Miss Austin pairs to the boat dock. In the or- aged. ' . The question of draining water Ha was In Bed Bank last Satur>MI days and tho schools ran '''on part for more than $60tt the claim was will bo occupied as a grocery.' It had another friend in 'Mrs. Chris- dinance it was stated that the bor- from the Atlantic avenue section of day nnd he wns tolling h group, of:M| time until tho schedule was ironed reduced to this last named figure. was'rented* by, Henry Schroeder, tina Lupardus of Atlantic City, who ough debt, .including the new bond The car of the two sailors and the East Kcanaburg was discussed and colored man struck two other auto- friends about his first real buiinessjif tout. Mr. Gilland states there wil Mr. Stler claimed that he did book- wflio" has occupied a store in, the had lived with Miss Austin for n issue, was $103,300, or less than the committee passed a resolution theatrical venture. He had always;;: jio^rio such loss of time this year. keeping for Mr. Graf from 1017 to Sutton building on the east side of time. To this friend Miss Austin two per cent of the total assessed mobiles and a wagon before it end- that it would pay two-thirds of-tho ed its flight. In each instance the been fond o£ helping in plays-unA% Pupil t -who want to make up de 1021, or for 10G weeks. He claimed Broad street for fsoverol years past. bequeathed $5,000 in cash. Miss valuation of all' the properties in cost of laying drain pipe, provjded entertainments and ho believed hi? compensation of %5 a week or a Mr., Sehrosder will move-his busi-. Austin named three other friends the borough. The ordinance will sailors and their dusky companion that "Keansbutk would pay ono- ficlencies In 'studies will have an did not stop but calmly continued was cut out for an nctor and athe^J;,. opportunity to do so Friday morn- total of (526 for this work. He ness to the new location-about Oi:-J in her will. These friends wero come up for adoption at the next third of the cost. " The Atlantic atrical manager. Ho had takertifjl claimed compensation of ' $50 fdr tober 1st. He lias a two-year lease Mr.* Odell's sisters and were Mrs. meeting of the commissioners, and on their way as though nothing had avenue section is partly in Middle- Ing of this week by presenting happened. Each was puffing a big part in many church and lodge ep¥| themselves, for examination at the taking inventory of Mr. Graf's stock of the new store with the privilege! Mame - Vo.prheen of Irving place, tho rate of interest on the bonds town township and partly in Kcam- tortainments and ho had proven stti and compensation of $17 for two of another, two years. Red Bank, Miss Florence Odell o£ will be determined at that time. cigar. In the various collisions all burg. Tha coat of tha work is es- .superintendent's office, between tha the tires on the autoonobile of tha popular local actor and a good man-, hour* of nine o'clock and noon. To- hair cuts and ten shaves. Red ' Bank, and Mrs. Evelyn King- timated at $18,000. agef at those performances. - Alii 1 sley of Ocean Grove. These three Councifman Frank Benson re- sailors and the ..colored man were Frank Scott, the township Buper- morrow will be registration day for A number : of witnesses ' were BUSINESS BUILDING SOLD torn off, but this apparently did not this work was dons Iree. ':•. \;>V; pupils who will enter school for tho called and their^ testimony was con- women became MISB Austin's sis- ported that the contractor was visor of Toads, recommended that ters-in-law when she married Mr. ready to lay new sidewalks and disturb the equanimity of the men. When ho was about elghtoens!; firs time, " Pupils who attended flicting. Mr. /Graf conducted \ a Moninouth Title Company Gets three streets in the Ocean View sec- years old he thought the time had: Property for a New Homo; Odell. Each of these women was curbing on Washington and. Alien They kept on riding. At length tion'of Leonardo be improved. He school last year will not register, shoe store and some of the wit- they were arrested and at their come for him to begin a real thca-! but all new.
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