THE NEWSLETTER OF THE HEALTHCARE BUSINESSWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION HBA Advisory Board Identifi es Long-Term Strategic Opportunities, Addresses Changing Healthcare Environment

Lativia Ray-Alston HBA Director-at-Large, Special Recognition Programs

e 2008 HBA Advisory Board meeting has provided the HBA Board of Directors with insights into issues of interest to both individual members and corporate partners as the organization continues to strive to be the premier catalyst for the leadership development of women in healthcare worldwide. Members of the HBA Advisory Board (left to right): LYNN O’CONNOR VOS, Grey Healthcare; ADRIANN SAX, Under the direction of Advi- ; MERYL ZAUSNER, ; PATTY MARTIN, Eli Lilly; PATRICIA DANZON, e Wharton School of Business; RENEE SELMAN, ; BARBARA PRITCHARD, Intermedica, Inc.; KATHY LUNDBERG, sory Board chair Alex Gorsky, Boston Scientifi c; WAYNE YETTER, Verispan; NANCY LARSEN, PROmedica Communications; PAUL FONTEYNE, Company Group Chairman Boehringer Ingelheim; LESA LARDIERI, Pfi zer; ALEX GORSKY, ETHICON; ELIZABETH MUTISYA, 2008 HBA and Worldwide Franchise President; CHARLOTTE SIBLEY, Shire; MARK MALLON, AstraZeneca; and KATHRYN O’FEE, GlaxoSmithKline. See the full list of HBA Advisory Board Members on page 8. Chairman, ETHICON, INC. a Johnson & Johnson Company, 19 industry leaders represent- care environment, evolving challenges HBA members face in ing a cross-section of healthcare disciplines convened for a full their careers and how to best equip HBA members for success. day to facilitate a deeper understanding of the changing health- turn to Advisory Board on page 3

IN THIS ISSUE 2 THE CEO’S CORNER Novartis Pharmaceuticals to Go for the Gold Take Home HBA ACE Award 3 Participate in Governance of the novartis Pharmaceuticals corporation’s employee resource Group will take home the HBA second annual HBa ace award for its empowering women to impact novartis (ewin) 4 HOT TOPIC… and women in leadership (wil) initiatives. Leadership in 2010 the HBa ace award was created by the HBa in 2007 to honor 6 FOCUS ON… one industry company for its advancement, commitment and Proper English in a txt-msg World engagement on behalf of women’s careers in the healthcare 7 Call for WOTY Nominations industry. the fi rst recipient was Johnson & Johnson’s women in leadership initiative. 7 THE EDITOR’S NOTES Getting into Leadership so join your colleagues as we honor novartis for its ewin and wil initiatives when the HBa presents the ace award during the november 6 leadership conference luncheon. 8 THE PRESIDENT’S FORUM Becoming a Great Leader

HealtHcareHealtHcare Businesswomen’s Businesswomen’s association association | required | required experience experience for Healthy for Healthy careers careers | | 1 The HBAdvantage is published bimonthly for the members of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association, Go For the Gold 373 Route 46 West, Bldg. E, Suite 215, Fairfi eld, NJ 07004. Phone: (973) 575-0606 Fax: (973) 575-1445 E-mail: [email protected] Web: THE CEO’S CORNER Laurie Cooke, RPh EDITORINCHIEF Donna K. Ramer EDITORS Joanna Breitstein and Susan Youdovin Watching the Olympics amazed and inspired me. e spirited enthusiasm of the MANAGING EDITOR Joanne Tanzi cheering crowds, the collection of countries sharing the fi elds and China’s hercu- ART DIRECTOR DeborahAnne Chingas Sandke ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR Lisa Kelly lean accomplishments to complete the necessary infrastructure for the Olympics Please send correspondence regarding The HBAdvantage off ered a magnifi cent display of global cooperation and achievement. to Joanne Tanzi at the above address. Of course, don’t let the spectacle fool you. For those few moments on screen, HBA STAFF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Laurie Cooke, RPh the athletes endured years of discipline and focus to achieve their goal of partici- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Carol Davis-Grossman pating in the Olympics. And, of course, what you don’t see are the other parts of the DIRECTOR, CHAPTER DEVELOPMENT Mary-Margaret Armstrong puzzle: the coaches, mentors and judges that selected, trained and encouraged those DIRECTOR, CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT Marianne Fray athletes to go on and represent their countries. HBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS ere are some obvious parallels between the Olympics and our upcoming Annual Executive Committee Business Meeting. e purpose of the meeting—to be held this year on November 6 in PRESIDENT Elizabeth M. Mutisya, MD PRESIDENT-ELECT Ceci Zak, Vice President, Allergy, Chicago—is to discuss the year’s top accomplishments and present a slate of candidates sanofi -aventis FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Susan Torroella, CEO, to govern the HBA. And while there won’t be elaborate pyrotechnics or synchronized Columbia MedCom Group, Inc. choreography performed by thousands, the annual meeting does off er an Olympian SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Lori Ryan, Executive Director Business Planning & Analysis, Novartis opportunity for all members to be involved in the governance of the HBA as we show- Pharmaceuticals Corporation case the association’s fi nest athletes: the IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Cathy Kerzner, SVP & GM, Women’s Health Care BU, ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING highly qualifi ed women who will be part TREASURER Yvonne D’Amelio, Chief Financial of the 2009 Board of Directors. Offi cer & Principal, Vox Medica, Inc. QUICK FACTS SECRETARY Deborah Coogan Seltzer, Senior However, the most important role and Vice President, Pearson Partners International ▶ Date/location: Thursday, November 6 in the fi nal determinant is you. It is you who Directors-at-Large Chicago during a break in the Leadership Susan Adler, Vice President, Commercial Analytics, will vote on these candidates as they “go Sepracor Inc. Conference. for the gold” and assume the most senior Violet B. Aldaia, Senior Vice President, BrandEdge ▶ Eve Dryer, President, Vox Medica Public Relations; eligibility to Vote: Must be an HBA member HBA leadership positions. As a member, Principal and EVP, Vox Medica Healthcare as of Oct 1, 2008. Communications we need you to make your voice heard. Sheryl “Sherry” Fox, President, North America, ▶ Ballot: Board of Director o cers, open Once elected, the members of the board THE PLANNING SHOP international Arlene Kirsch, PhD, Vice President, Kaiser Team, Director-at-Large positions, two members are given the ultimate authority to oper- GlaxoSmithKline of the Nominating Committee. (Candidates ate the association within the structure Lativia Ray-Alston Leigh Ann Soltysiak Luzzi, Marketing Director, must be members in good standing of the sanctioned by our members. And, based Worldwide ETHICON, Johnson & Johnson HBA and meet stringent service criteria.) Leanne C. Wagner, Vice President, Commercial on our bylaws, you also will vote for two Diff erentiation Strategy, Wyeth ▶ other agenda items: Proposed bylaws members of the Nominating Committee, Eileen Woods, Managing Partner, Agentive Sales & amendments or resolutions. Marketing Solutions which is empowered to bring qualified Director, council of Presidents ▶ Details: Will be mailed to all members in candidates to the membership. Karla Gonye 2008 non-Voting Director early October. If you were like me, you sat transfi xed Barbara Pritchard President, The Pritchard Group / Intermedica, Inc. ▶ in front of the television watching the Proxy: If you are unable to attend, you can CHAPTER/AFFILIATE PRESIDENTS proxy your vote by returning the form in Olympics. But the HBA Annual Business ATLANTA CHAPTER—Juliann Kaiser, President, your mailing. Meeting is the time for all of us to fl ex Kaiser Marketing Group BOSTON CHAPTER—Buket E. Grau, Strategic our muscles. Don’t sit at home and wait Marketing Manager, Stryker Development CHICAGO CHAPTER—Denise Kitchen, Vice President, to hear about it. Experience the HBA’s Human Resources, TAP Pharmaceutical Products Inc. leadership Olympics fi rst-hand. ere is no time like November 2008 to expand your EUROPE CHAPTER—Florence Manger, Xolair Global Brand Manager, Novartis AG leadership acumen and to exercise your right to vote for your HBA Leaders. See you GREATER PHILADELPHIA CHAPTER—Lee Ann Kimak, Senior Director, US & Pharmaceutical in Chicago! HBa Operations, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals INDIANA CHAPTER—Cheryl Beal Anderson, Director, US Regulatory Aff airs, , Inc. METRO CHAPTER—Kathleen Milligan, Senior Director, Global Marketing/Life Cycle Management, Plavix US, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Expand Your Horizons at the MID-ATLANTIC CHAPTER—Chris Hoff man, MS, Principal, Hoff man Innovations OHIO AFFILIATE—Maureen Doyle-Scharff , MBA, 6th Annual FACME Director Medical Education Group, Pfi zer Inc RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK CHAPTER—Alison Otstot, PhD, President, A2 Analytics SAN ANTONIO AFFILIATE—Deb Wells, President/ HBA LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE CEO, StrokeGuard, Inc. SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTER—Sharon Rundberg, Executive Vice President, Internal Resources, Dorland Global Corporation November 5-7, 2008 ST. LOUIS AFFILIATE—Beth Hackett, President, The Sage Consulting Group SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAPTER—Heather Chicago Linehan, Vice President, BioQuest, LLC

2 the HBadvantage | sePtemBer / octoBer 2008 |

©2008 Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association

Participate in Governance of the HBA

Deborah Seltzer Vice President, Pearson Partners International, and Secretary, HBA This year’s ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING will be held: One of the most important responsibilities and opportunities an Thursday, November 6, 2008 HBA member has is to vote for the offi cers and directors who 5:00–6:00 PM Central Standard Time will lead our growing and dynamic organization. Each Fall at the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) new offi cers and directors are Marriott Chicago Downtown elected for the coming year. Magni cent Mile/Michigan Avenue e ABM is held during the Annual Leadership Conference Chicago, IL so as many members as possible are able to attend in person to cast their votes. If you can’t be there, or if you’ve not given your proxy to another member who can be (contact the HBA offi ce if you have not yet received your ABM materials), your proxy will automatically be given to your Chapter President… so don’t worry, your vote will still count even if you’re unable to attend the ABM. We encourage you to participate to learn more about key events and accomplishments of the HBA, meet and network with many members of the current and incoming board and be part of the governance of the your organization. We hope to see you at this year’s Annual Business Meeting! HBa

Advisory Board continued from page 1 e focus of the meeting was on three critical areas: • a substantive value proposition and revenue diversifi cation that identifi ed additional HBA programs and services that will be useful to members; • expansion strategies and appropriate approaches the HBA should review; and • ways to enhance the HBA’s visibil- ity in the marketplace and establish priorities in industry and workplace issues and appropriate communica- tion channels.

HBA Board Moves Quickly on Issues “These are important issues to our members so we already have initiated follow-up to our Advisory Board recommendations,” said HBA president Elizabeth Mutisya, M.D. According to This year, the Advisory Board meeting integrated a panel presentation to Elizabeth, the HBA Board of Directors help dimensionalize the issues the healthcare marketplace faces today. e already has reviewed recommendations and topic—Healthcare Outlook 2020: Are We Prepared?—was presented by a group of is analyzing potential opportunities that infl uential futurists and other experts from academia, government and industry who provided diverse perspectives on the future of our industry and the market’s were raised. To date, early eff orts include: readiness to meet the challenges of the new millennium. building a strategic road map for expansion KEVIN O’DOWD that incorporates insights from the From left to right: , Deputy Chief Healthcare Fraud Section, US Attorney’s Office; FAITH POPCORN, Founder and CEO, Faith Popcorn’s Advisory Board; developing a pilot program BrainReserve; CHRISTOPHER SINGER, Executive Vice President and Chief for one of the web off erings discussed; Operating Officer, Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America re-focusing on the HBA’s portfolio of (PhRMA); PATRICIA DANZON, PHD, Celia Moh Professor and Health Economist, leadership development and management e Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; and ALEX GORSKY, Company training programs; and strengthening the Group Chairman & Worldwide Franchise Chairman, ETHICON, INC., a Johnson association’s technology platform. HBa & Johnson Company.

HealtHcare Businesswomen’s association | required experience for Healthy careers | 3 FOCUS ON… CLEAR COMMUNICATIONS Proper English in a txt-msg World

Liz Joss to control the disease as early and for as adverse events that were discovered PR director and copy chief, Hetrick long as possible.” e wrong word prob- during clinical soup tastings. And heaven lem shows up, too: “ is is the program’s help the writers charged with translating Like most communications profes- second location to compliment [it should that soup label for overseas markets. sionals, I was (and am) a voracious be complement] the state’s fi rst hospital- at’s why it’s imperative that the per- reader—and that turned me into based sports performance center… .” son who turns raw information into an a good writer and editor. Reading And, of course, there’s always the plain organized document—the writer—sticks every Nancy Drew book, Time maga- old typo: “mensical” and “meniscal” on a to the rules. e subjects we write about zine and young adult novel I could single web page. are extremely diffi cult and our job is to get my hands on made good grammar and I cringe when I see mistakes in novels simplify them for the reader, not make spelling a habit before I even hit puberty. I and magazines, but unclear and error- them worse. We must not muddy the can, at a glance, spot the error on a menu, fi lled writing in the healthcare industry message with mistakes in grammar, in a newspaper, on a movie screen. can mean the difference between life spelling, syntax and word choice or by at’s why it bugs me so much to see and death. We want patients, physicians, inserting too much of our own voice and errors everywhere I turn. But I’m not regulators, administrators, pharmacists, style—because we know healthcare mes- talking about the “carrot’s for sale” sign scientists, salespeople and everyone sages get murkier with every stop along at my local farmers’ market. A farmer’s else who reads our industry’s output to the review road. job is farming, not writing. focus on the message and the message Staying in the habit of writing well I’m also not talking about the abbre- only. We want to make sure patients is getting harder and harder. E-mail and viated, shorthand, slang-y language of fully comprehend prescription-drug texting make us habitually sloppy writ- e-communications. I easily text back-and- package inserts, that physicians know ers and readers and many professional forth with my teenager; I overlook typos how to employ a new medical device and editors and writers simply are not doing clinicians wash their hands correctly. In their jobs. So we become accustomed to healthcare, we cannot make our messages seeing mistakes, which, in turn, makes I CRINGE WHEN I SEE MISTAKES clear enough. us question what we think we know. IN NOVELS AND MAGAZINES, BUT I had a friend in high school who Lite or light? Whose or who’s? Mensical UNCLEAR AND ERRORFILLED was brilliant—she got straight As and or meniscal? perfect scores on both sections of the After 25 years in the communications WRITING IN THE HEALTHCARE SAT. One day, when her mother wasn’t business, I will share the tips I use to keep INDUSTRY CAN MEAN THE home and we wanted lunch, my friend myself on track. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN was completely stymied by the simple • Look up everything! (I keep eight instructions on a can of Campbell’s soup, LIFE AND DEATH. dictionaries and style guides on hand, which, in those pre-microwave days, said including the grammar book I used in something like: “Add water and heat.” my high school English class.) in blog postings because I understand She was confused: What size pan? Heat • Read aloud what you’ve written. immediacy over accuracy. (In a way, I feel to what degree? Stir during the heating? • Ask a friend outside the healthcare bilingual—speaking the native language Before? After? world to read it. in the e-world and using proper English If something so simple perplexed my back home.) smart friend, how many ways are there • Re-read sections of e Elements of But I get more frustrated by the day for people to misread communications Style from time to time. when I see mistakes in writing produced related to healthcare, which is such a • And read, read, read—just stay away by so-called professionals. Recent ex- complex subject? By the time regulators, from soup labels. HBa amples from our own industry include attorneys, brand managers, marketers, missing words—“ ere is a lasso at the engineers and other reviewers weighed proximal end of the stent, purpose is to in, the simple directions on a can of Liz Joss is PR director and copy chief at reposition the stent in the event of incor- soup would run to four pages in eight- Hetrick, an integrated communications fi rm rect placement.”—and too many words: point type, complete with illustrations, in Indianapolis. Hetrick (www.tellhetrick. “While there is no cure for metastatic registered trademarks, footnotes to soup com) specializes in healthcare, life sciences breast cancer so it is important to try journals and black-box warnings about and healthy environments.

4 the HBadvantage | sePtemBer / octoBer 2008 | STSFQPSUFE SDIF POB TFB ES SF VH FO S I FH 8 JN F O  U I B

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HealtHcare Businesswomen’s association | required experience for Healthy careers |  HOT TOPIC… LEADERSHIP FOR 2010 Moving From Having All the Answers to Having the Right Questions

Annette Girondi, PhD, PHR manded of our industry, adaptability and pay higher prices because we have new Change Management Lead, Operations fl exibility are required of us as leaders as processes that add time or require more AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals well. Gone are the days of presiding over people without a strong connection to the work of others, loads of organizational the delivered service or product. During the Summer Olympics, the layers and a well-defi ned customer base 4. What are my strengths and my weak- announcer shared that the Interna- and competition. Today, we all need to nesses? As the nature of our work tional Committee for Table Tennis deliver faster, with fewer days to make changes, we may need to change as well. changed the rules to limit the number decisions and, yes, fewer people in our An honest assessment of what made us of teams from each country compet- organizations to whom we can diffuse successful yesterday versus what will ing in the Olympics to allow more coun- responsibility. Our customers expect a make us successful today and tomorrow tries to compete. Catching my attention, I level of responsiveness they get elsewhere is essential to know where we need to asked the television, why? Isn’t this a huge in their lives and the healthcare industry focus resources and develop new skills. change? How can this happen?? needs to respond. 5. What do I need to do better to increase e announcer explained that because So what about your approach? In- my contribution? Make sure you keep certain countries in past years have creased accountability to be adaptable asking yourself these questions, im- dominated the medals, the committee and fl exible as leaders requires that we prove and then improve again. Adopt perceived a need to include more countries ask ourselves some tough questions that a continuous improvement mindset for need real answers. is approach will help yourself and your organization! you honestly assess what you need to do True leaders have the ability to clearly GONE ARE THE DAYS OF PRESIDING diff erently to be fl exible and adaptable to and objectively identify where they add OVER THE WORK OF OTHERS, LOADS customer need. value for the customer. is type of assess- OF ORGANIZATIONAL LAYERS AND A e answers help us to make sure that ment has been around for years, executed everything we do adds value to our cus- WELLDEFINED CUSTOMER BASE AND tomers—internal and external—and why TRUE LEADERS HAVE THE COMPETITION. they do business with us; that we are the leaders our customers need us to be. ABILITY TO CLEARLY AND to increase international presence in the 1. Do I understand the work of my organi- OBJECTIVELY IDENTIFY sport. I was immediately struck by the fact zation? Business acumen is essential for WHERE THEY ADD VALUE that this may be a good change for some leaders at all levels in the organization. but not for others. Does this aff ect how Employees need to understand the FOR THE CUSTOMER. these customers, who are governed by business of the organization and what and are part of this International group, value they provide to their customers. over long timeframes in the form of pro- think about the sport? My conclusion: e 2. Do I understand my role in the process? cess improvement initiatives and coaching committee, in their choice to change the Seeing our work and how it connects to from external consultants. However, in qualifi cations for Olympic competition, the work of others in the organization today’s changing environment, this work understood the need to balance their need is essential to keeping us out of orga- needs to be consistent, continual, self-ini- to advance the sport with the needs of nizational silos, helps all employees tiated and internally led. We are required their current and future customers of the link what they do to outcomes for the to ask ourselves these questions and to ask sport including athletes, coaches and fans. customer and may provide the extra them all the time, determine the answers If the Olympics can’t remain static with incentive to drive discretionary work and act quickly to improve ourselves and a history as rich as the ancient games in eff ort from employees in all areas of our organizations. HBa Greece, healthcare can’t aff ord to either. the business. Adaptability and fl exibility to the chang- 3. How do I add value based on what the Annette Girondi, PhD, PHR, Change ing requirements of existing and new customer is willing to pay me to do? Management Lead, Operations, AstraZeneca customers is not just the responsibility of We can no longer justify our work by Pharmaceuticals, is the co-lead for the strictly consumer healthcare companies; saying, “ at’s the way it’s always been HBA Leadership Development program for the ability to change is a required tool done.” If that were true, neither the volunteers, and coaches leaders to develop for all sectors and sizes of providers in Olympics nor healthcare would change. change leadership skill in a dynamic business the healthcare industry. As change is de- However, customers are not willing to environment.

6 the HBadvantage | sePtemBer / octoBer 2008 | THE EDITOR’S DESK Nominate Your Choice for the Donna K. Ramer 2009 HBA Woman of the Year Getting Into Leadership and Honorable In a few weeks, the HBA will host its annual Leadership Conference. For the Next year will mark the 20th anniversary of WOTY… two decades of recog- fi rst time, the conference will move from the nizing remarkable women who exemplify the HBA ideals, from success in the East Coast to the Midwest, acknowledging industry to strong leadership capabilities, proven mentoring skills, dedication, how regionally diverse the organization has a commitment to giving back to women and contributions to the community. become. is year, Charlotte Sibley, SVP of Leadership Development at Shire Leadership styles come in all shapes Pharmaceuticals, was honored for her passion for leadership development, and sizes, which is the key reason the HBA strategic vision, generous spirit and dedication to HBA goals. continuously addresses the topic in The e HBA also honored Len Kanavy, HBAdvantage. VP, Commercial Operations, MARK YOUR CALENDARS In this issue, our Hot Topic is leadership in as its 2008 Honorable Mentor for this the year 2010 from the eyes of Annette Gi- The 2009 HBA Woman of the exemplary dedication to the advance- rondi, PhD, PHR, Change Management Lead, Year awards luncheon will be ment of women. is award is presented Operations, Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals, who held at the Hilton Hotel in to one man who demonstrates long-term compares changing leadership styles with the New York City on support of the advancement of women Olympics: “If the Olympics can’t remain static ursday, May 7 in the healthcare industry; has a personal with a history as rich as the ancient games in dedication to developing, mentoring and Greece, healthcare can’t aff ord to either.” An- So join us as we honor our promoting women in the industry; and other side of leadership is addressed in Focus 20th Woman of the Year, our who has been supportive of the HBA. On: Proper English in a txt-msg World, in which ninth Honorable Mentor and And it’s now time for all of us to nomi- Liz Joss, PR director and copy chief, Hetrick, Star Volunteer and dozens of nate that one woman in the healthcare addresses the issue that frustrates so many of Corporate Partner Rising Stars! industry we believe deserves the honor us: the grammar and punctuation errors in ma- of 2009 HBA Woman of the Year and that terials produced by myriad professionals. (For one man we believe deserves to be the example, in the U.S., myriad is not preceded 2009 Honorable Mentor. Don’t let this opportunity get lost on your desk. by ‘a’ and followed by ‘of’; it’s a prepositional Visit today to download nomination forms. HBa phrase that stands alone.) HBa

WOTY Award Recipeints 2008 Charlotte Sibley, Shire Pharmaceuticals 1998 Kathy Giusti, Searle; Multiple Myeloma Research 2007 Meryl Zausner, Novartis Oncology Foundation 2006 Sue Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, Genentech 1997 Maureen Regan, Regan Campbell Ward CALL FOR AUTHORS 2005 Lynn O’Connor Vos, Grey Healthcare Group Inc. 1996 Lynn Gaudioso, P zer Inc 2004 Christine Poon, Johnson & Johnson 1995 Carol A. Webb, Ortho Biotech, Inc. The HBAdvantage is seeking members 2003 Catherine Angell Sohn, PharmD, GlaxoSmithKline 1994 Carolyn Koestenblatt, Novartis Pharmaceuticals to contribute Focus On and Hot Topic Consumer Healthcare Corporation columns. If you have a concept you would 2002 Sarah S. Harrison, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP 1993 Carolyn Glynn, Ho mann-La Roche Inc. 2001 Carrie S. Cox, Pharmacia Corporation 1992 Joan Keith, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company like to share with other members, submit 2000 Myrtle Potter, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 1991 Jane Townsend, Gross Townsend Frank Ho man a short concept statement (no more than 1999 Tamar Howson, SmithKline Beecham 1990 Karen Katen, P zer Inc 100 words) to dramer@strategcations. com. Remember: You e President’s Forum continued from page 8 must be an HBA member in good standing; the try to assess myself honestly and use • Flexibility. fi nal article—which will these insights to mold my own leader- • A personal development plan, which be no longer than 800 ship style. And I try to emphasize my I revisit periodically. words—must be non- strengths and create teams that are The HBA Leadership Conference in commercial and provide good at what I am not. November—with dozens of workshops, tips and information our • Curiosity: I become engaged so I more plenaries, networking and other events members can use. Also, check back issues fully understand how my role is rel- —is a great opportunity to jumpstart or of the HBA Bulletin and The HBAdvantage evant and integral to my team’s and fi ne tune your own personal leadership to make sure your topic has not been cov- the larger organization’s success. journey. I’ll be there… and I hope to see ered by the HBA for at least two years. • Openness to feedback and new you taking advantage of the best of what information. the HBA has to off er. HBa

HealtHcare Businesswomen’s association | required experience for Healthy careers | 7 HBA CORPORATE PARTNERS • Advanstar Communications Inc. Becoming a Great Leader • AgencyRx • Alliance Healthcare Information, Inc. • Alnylam Pharmaceuticals • Alpharma Pharmaceuticals LLC • American Medical Association • Aptilon • Astellas THE PRESIDENT’S FORUM Elizabeth M. Mutisya, MD Pharma US, Inc. • AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP • Baxter Healthcare Corporation • Bay City Capital LLC • Bayer Health Care • Bench International • Big Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Communications, Inc. • Biovail Pharmaceuticals, —P F. D Inc. • Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • Brand Pharm • Bristol-Myers Squibb Company • BusinessEdge Solutions Inc. • Campbell Alliance • Recently, I ran into an old colleague and the conversation turned to a former Cegedim Dendrite • Celgene Corporation • Centron boss, someone whom we both deeply admired. As we spoke, I contemplated why • , Inc. • Chandler Chicco Agency • Cline Davis & Mann, Inc. • Columbia MedCom Group, Inc. • he was held in such high regard; why everyone who worked with him considered CommonHealth • Communications Media, Inc. (CMI) • Compas, Inc. • Compass Healthcare Communications him a great leader. • CONNEXION Healthcare • Copernicus Group IRB Countless books have been written on leadership and it is the topic de jour of retired • , Inc. • Cramer • , Inc. • Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. • Deloitte & Touche USA CEOs and politicians on the lecture circuit. But why is there a seemingly insatiable LLP • Dorland Global Corporation • Dowden Health interest? Media/Lebhar-Friedman, Inc. • DRAFTFCB HealthCare • Eisai Inc. • Eli Lilly and Company • Elsevier Inc. • First, truly great leaders are rare. Second, good leadership is critical to the success Endo Pharmaceuticals • Epocrates • Ernst & Young LLP • Euro RSCG Life • Flashpoint Medica • Fulbright of any organization, particularly in times of change or uncertainty. Leaders determine & Jaworski, LLP • Fuld & Company • Genentech, Inc. direction and move their organization from where they are to where they need to be. • GlaxoSmithKline • Goble & Associates Healthcare Communication • *Grey Healthcare Group, Inc. We need great leaders. • Group DCA, Inc. • Health & Wellness Partners • HealthEd • HealthEd Encore • ImpactRx, Inc. • IMS So what makes a great leader? I recently asked this of our chapter and affi liate Health • InfoMedics, Inc. • Innovex, Inc. • Innovex presidents. Among their responses (and I suspect yours): a visionary who “makes Medical Communications • Institute for International Research • International Medical News Group, an things happen”; someone with insight, sound judgement and wisdom who is decisive Elsevier Company • inVentiv Health • JBK Associates, Inc • *Johnson & Johnson • JUICE Pharma Advertising, and makes tough choices when needed; a LLC • The Kinetix Group • King Pharmaceuticals, reliable role model who rallies resources Inc. • LifeBrands • LyonHeart • MannKind Do you have a unique leadership tip Corporation • Meda Pharmaceuticals • Medicus and coaches others; someone who inspires NY • MedQuest Research LLC • Meniscus Limited you are willing to share with other HBa • Merck & Co., Inc. • Millennium Pharmaceuticals, others to achieve more than they thought Inc. • Motivation Mechanics LLC • *Novartis members? send it to The HBAdvantage was capable. Pharmaceuticals Corporation • Novo Nordisk, Inc. • Ogilvy Healthworld • Ortho Biotech Products, L.P. editor-in-chief Donna ramer (dramer@ We generally agree on qualities found • Ovation Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • PACE, Inc., a Lowe in great leaders. e bigger challenge is Healthcare Company • Palio Communications • Par < and we’ll include it Pharmaceutical • PDI, Inc. • Pfi zer Inc • PharmaVOICE fi guring out how we, too, can be good, if • THE PLANNING SHOP international • Porter in the next issue. Novelli • PSI Industries, Inc. • Publicis Healthcare not great, leaders. What lessons do vision- Communications Group • Publicis Medical Education ary leaders such as Hatshepsut, Elizabeth Group • Publicis Selling Solutions • L.P. • Quintiles Medical Communications • Regan I, Catherine the Great, or more recently Campbell Ward · McCann • Roche Pharmaceuticals • Saatchi & Saatchi Healthcare Communications Aung San Suu Kyi, Wangari Maathai or Golda Meir, off er? Group • sanofi -aventis • SARGA Associates, LLC • Not surprisingly, great leaders share certain crucial traits despite diverse leadership Schering-Plough Corporation • Scientifi c Advantage, LLC • *Shire Pharmaceuticals • Siren Interactive styles. ey: Corporation • Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • Spectrum Science Communications • Stryker Corporation • • envision the future, seeing beyond their immediate position and environment; Sudler & Hennessey • Surge Worldwide Healthcare • are great communicators who articulate a compelling vision, set high expectations, Communications • TAP Pharmaceutical Products Inc. • Therapeutics • Torre Lazur McCann • Verispan, and energize their followers; LLC • Vox Medica, Inc. • Wishbone/ITP, Inc. • Wolters • build their team and leadership structure before it’s needed and clarify objectives; Kluwer Health-Healthcare Analytics • Wyeth • Zimmer, Inc. * Sincere appreciation for our Corporate Partners who have • are confi dent about their team’s abilities, empower them, and harness their creativity expanded their partnership privileges beyond the US. Their increased commitment with the additional HBA Corporate and commitment; Partner Affi liate level allows their employees outside of the US to take advantage of discounted memberships and • have the courage to adhere to a set of guiding principles (even when inopportune), other key corporate partnership benefi ts. consistently model expected behavior, and create governance and decision-making HBA ADVISORY BOARD processes that reinforce shared values and objectives; Steve Benscoter, Stryker Instruments, • Carolyn Buck-Luce, Ernst & • think strategically and are passionate about the future and their organization’s Young LLP • Lonnel Coats, Eisai Inc. • Ginger goals; Constantine, Wyeth • Patricia Danzon, Wharton, University of Pennsylvania • Matthew Emmens, • demonstrate empathy, acknowledge team contributions and provide support; Shire Pharmaceuticals • David Epstein, Novartis • make rapid, accurate decisions despite ambiguity; and Pharmaceuticals Corporation • Paul Fonteyne, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • • leave a legacy Alex Gorsky, ETHICON, Johnson & Johnson Company • Toni Hoover, Pfi zer • James Hynd, How can we become better leaders? Over the years, I have found the following helpful Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • Leonard Kanavy, and easily adaptable by others. So feel free to use any or all of these tips. Genentech, Inc. • Lesa Lardieri, Pfi zer Inc. • Sharon Larkin, Abbott Vascular • Nancy Larsen, • A trusted board of advisors: ese individuals, who I admire as leaders and who ProMedica Communications, Inc. • Freda Lewis- know me well, provide advice, honest feedback and thoughtful, unbiased critique Hall, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company • Kathleen Lundberg, Boston Scientifi c Corporation • Mark whenever I face a challenge. Each brings a unique perspective. Mallon, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP • Patty Martin, Eli Lilly and Company • Lynn O’Connor • Awareness of self and context: I review each experience carefully to determine what Vos, Grey Healthcare Group, Inc. • Kathryn O’Fee, I did well and how I could improve so I learn from every situation, good or bad. I GlaxoSmithKline • Joe Pieroni, Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. • Christine Poon, Johnson & Johnson • Barbara turn to e President’s Forum on page 7 Pritchard, The Pritchard Group, Intermedica, Inc. • Tom Reynolds, ETHICON • Timothy Rothwell, sanofi - aventis US • Adriann Sax, King Pharmaceuticals, Inc. • Renee Selman, ETHICON Women’s Health and 8 the HBadvantage | sePtemBer / octoBer 2008 | Urology • Charlotte Sibley, Shire Pharmaceuticals • Wayne Yetter, Verispan • Meryl Zausner, Novartis Oncology