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THE TOGGERY Nea Po WAUBAU PILOT. The Official Results. PERSONALS. First Insertion Nov. IT, last 22. Wausau Pilst Election returns from the state Dec. Notice of Sheriff'* Sale. with all of the counties except .Mil- —John Kiefer. Sr., went to Milwau- TUESDAY, NOV. 17, 1914. •itiite of Wisconsin. Circuit Court. Marathon waukee official, show the following kee last evening. County. —C T. Edgar went to Chicago f ri- Jami:> McConnell vote on governor and United states Plaintiff. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. day on a business visit vs. \\ senator. Governor Philipp, Hep , Mrs E .1 Cronk of I>ancy is vis- a xta. Defendant. weekly at the Post 141,181: Karel Dem., 119,937; Am- iting Mrs. Sarah Dodge. ■ Published *nd entered M.v virt (>of a judgment of foreclosure Office at Wausau as second class matter. Wallace at sale and eringer. Social Dem., 26,797: Blaine, Connor spent Sunday duty mane in the above entitled action on his home in Auburndale. the Hth day of November 11*13. duly docketed the new cur- Ind., 32,738. Philipp’s plurality, in the otiice of the Clerk of the Circuit Cburt Yesterday, Nov. 16, —P. T. Stone went to Waupaca of Marathon County on the Ml: day of Novem- 21,244. States senator, Mc- A |). 1913. rency system wen*: into effect all over fJnited Sunday night on legal business. and duly recorded on page 22tl of volume 4 of the judgment re.*ord in the 134.221: Dem., Opoiiiiig office 12 Govern, Rep., Husting, —W. W. Albers left for Milwaukee Saturday of the said circuit court of Marathon the country. The regional govern- County. 135,321: Seidel, Social Dem., 30,461. and Madison Saturday evening. ment controlled banks went into Herinan J. Alirahani. trie undersigned Dusting's plurality,l,loo. CLher plu- —C. E. Guenther of Know lton, was sheriff of Marathon County, will sell at the business as banks for bankers. This in the city Saturday on business. wwt front door of tlie court house In the City ralities were: Dithmar, Rep., lieute- of \\ ausau, in said Marathon County, on the system contains the best and most —Mrs. P. W. Sawyer is home from THE •etn nay of ai l>ecemher. lt'l4. ten o’clock In TOGGERY the governor, forenoon day. valuable features be in the nant 36,559; Johnson, Rep., a three weeks' visit with relatives in of that the real estate ami to found Boston. mortgaged premises directed by satd judg- state treasurer, 37,02: Owen. Rep., ment to be sold and describe*! as banking systems of the world, lows: therein fol- entire Mrs. A. C- Dawley of Antigo, is a The East one-half of the Northwest attorney general. 44,419: Donald, Rep., quarter - and it will be the of the son, E. C. WILL OPEN THE NEWLY of Section twenty-seven 427) in Town beginning guest at the home of tier ARRANGED STORE ship number twenty-eight (28!. secretary of state, 38,259. All of the Dawley. Northof Ranee greatest era of prosperity ever known, nund“r Nine (t>) East, Marallion County, Wis- constitutional amendments were de- S. Alexander departed today consit. and it will be an era that —J. Dated tills 14th day of no panics feated majoriDes ranging from on trip November lt*l4. by a business to different points Herman J. Abraham. will able to puncture. great _ . County. be The 56,060 to 107,002. The recount l)e- in the state. „ Sheriff of Mai athon Kroner & Rinolk. Attorneys for Plaintiff. benefit to be derived from these new --tween Husting and McGovern which —Mrs. J. F. Ross arrived home banks is explained. For in- is going will favor Husting if Thursday morning from a week’s Saturday, Summons. easily on, visit in Nov. State ok Chicago. 21 Wisconsin t stance, suppose a bank loans SIOO,OOO anything. M arathon County - s>. V—Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Bisseii and Mr. City or Wapsau ' In Justice the business of its community, go Court to men The Republican party has no con- and Mrs. W. W. Gamble will to We have equipped our store with the most modern dust- To F\ L. Passehl: Chicago revolving= hereby and more business men wanted make, no repentence to tonight. You are notified that a Warrant of fessions to Attachment has been issued against you ami —Chas. E. Gill went up to Gurney, your property another $75,000 which the bank could submit, no part of its to dodge proof cabinets for hats and clothing, including a attached tosatisfy the'Oeniand record Iron Cos., this morning to join E. C. mirror alcove which of Scheffer A Possum Company, a foreign not spare. Under the old system tne none of its political tenets to alter— Daw ley in a deer hunt. corporation. amunuCncr toforty-two ami tifty- enables you to see the back and sides of a garment or nine hundredths dollars. last set of men would go without the Wausau Record-Herald, Tory Rep. Louis Dessert came down from hat as well as Now unless you shall appear before N Lamer, U. busings sorry to hear You his family resort near Minocqua last a Justice of the Peace in and for said loan, and so and industry We're that. the front/ This modern cabinet County, at his office in said city on the 14th evening for a short stay. \ revolving is constructed in such a day accordingly, in tiiat ought to repent over the panic of of December. A. 1). 1914, at ten o'clock in would suffer —Judge A. 11. Reid and court re- the forenoon, judgment will be rendered 1907. when banks suspended payment way that a can against you your property town or county. Under the new porter W. A. Evers came down from customer with a touch of the finger bring 280 suits be- and sold to pay tiie and hundreds of thousands of men debt. system, the local bank will deposit Rhinelander on Saturday. Dated this 13th day of November. A. D. ICI4. were idle and hungry. You ought to —Miss Alice Kielty returned fore him with the same convenience as if a Sciiekfkr & Kossum Company. Plaintiff. the securities it received as collateral salesman would show H Kroner A Kim.i k. Attorneys. repent over the Payne-Aldrich tariff Wednesday from a visit in the loan, with the lengthy for first govern- which was written by the special in- St. Paul and Minneapolis. him one suit at one time. First Insertion Nov. IT, last l*ec. 8. Notice to ment regional bank and borrow the terests for the special interests. You —W. G. Norton of Marvel, Ark., Creditors. State of Wisconsin. County Court for $75,000 therefrom. So under this sys- to repent for Penrosism. Can- spent Sunday in the city, a guest of Mara- ought Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gooding. We want you to see our store thon County.—ln Probate. tem no legitimate industry can ever nonism. You ought to repent over Notice is hereby Riven that the time up to, —J. F. Ross went up to the logging ami including the first Tuesday of June. 1815. money, and finan- your failure provide currency is hereby allowed suffer for want of to anew camps of the Bj-ooks & Ross Lumber I to creditors of Charles J. law. Tories have a Rreltriek, deceased, to present their claims for cial panics will be impossible. In short, you got company yesterday morning. examination and allowance. Also that all heap if repentfhg to do, and you’re —Mrs. Richard Powers of Mosinee, SATURDAY, NOV. claims so presented, v. ill lie examined ami ad- scope operations 21st justed The o? the of the at a special term of said County Court a lot of time to do it— was a guest at the home of Mr. and to lie at twelvefederal reserve banks was de- going to have held the Court House in the City of Mrs. Louis Dessert on Friday. We Wausau on the second Tuesday of June, 1815. Milwaukee Journal. are making the following , fined for the first few months of their —l)r. T. inducements of for Saturday Dated Nov. 13, 18' 11. Schlegel and Joseph 10% P.r tlie Cot rt, existence in a circular issued by the The democrats have not only re- Schneider spent Saturday and Sunday only. Take off a F. E. Rump, County Judge. in Winchester visiting Dr. Hickey. discount of of regular price on all Overcoats, Kroner & Rinolk. Attorneys. federal reserve board. elected all the old U. S. senators 10% —Edwin K. Schuetz. went down to Suits, h, For the present, the banks will not whose time had expired but have also Mackinaws, Sweater Coats and Flannel Shirts. First Insertion Nov. 171 last Dec. Bth. Milwaukee last Saturday to be in at- Notice To Creditors. exercise all the functions given them replaced republican senators in Wis- tendance at the Consistory meeting. Dakota and California State of Wisconsin, County Court for Mara- by congress. The board urged this consin, South —C. S. Gilbert came down from thon County :—lu Probate. and the senate has a democratic Deerfoot Lodge, Lake Laura. Satur- All Dress Shirts, including Notice Is hereby given that the time up to. • $2.50 the fine Mushroom amt including procedure: Monday the first Tuesday of June. 1815. is majority of 16. The majority was 10 day evening, returning morn- hereby allowed to creditors of Frick Erickson, of deposits of reserve plait, will be sold Saturday d* The Buckingham with the deceased, to Acceptance last year.
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