WAUBAU PILOT. The Official Results. PERSONALS. First Insertion Nov. IT, last 22. Wausau Pilst Election returns from the state Dec. Notice of Sheriff'* Sale. with all of the counties except .Mil- —John Kiefer. Sr., went to Milwau- TUESDAY, NOV. 17, 1914. •itiite of Wisconsin. Circuit Court. Marathon waukee official, show the following kee last evening. County. —C T. Edgar went to Chicago f ri- Jami:> McConnell vote on governor and United states Plaintiff. OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER. day on a business visit vs. \\ senator. Governor Philipp, Hep , Mrs E .1 Cronk of I>ancy is vis- a xta. Defendant. weekly at the Post 141,181: Karel Dem., 119,937; Am- iting Mrs. Sarah Dodge. ■ Published *nd entered M.v virt (>of a judgment of foreclosure Office at Wausau as second class matter. Wallace at sale and eringer. Social Dem., 26,797: Blaine, Connor spent Sunday duty mane in the above entitled action on his home in Auburndale. the Hth day of November 11*13. duly docketed the new cur- Ind., 32,738. Philipp’s plurality, in the otiice of the Clerk of the Circuit Cburt Yesterday, Nov. 16, —P. T. Stone went to Waupaca of Marathon County on the Ml: day of Novem- 21,244. States senator, Mc- A |). 1913. rency system wen*: into effect all over fJnited Sunday night on legal business. and duly recorded on page 22tl of volume 4 of the judgment re.*ord in the 134.221: Dem., Opoiiiiig office 12 Govern, Rep., Husting, —W. W. Albers left for Milwaukee Saturday of the said circuit court of Marathon the country.
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