Greek Inscriptions
GREEK INSCRIPTIONS 4. Small fragment of Pentelic marble, broken on all sides, found on February 6, 1937, in a late fill near the Valerian wall in Section OA. Height, 0.078 m.; width, 0.064 m.; tlhickness, 0.043 m. Height of letters, 0.011 m. Inv. No. 1 4481. HH F' P1-HII PrFI-1[1] 4 No. 4 This stone belongs to the so-called "first" stele of the tribute-quota lists. The general disposition of the numerals and the shape of the symbol for 50 drachmai indicate its probable association with S.E.G., V, 3, 4, 6, or 8, though no join has been found as yet witlh the other preserved pieces. 5. Small fragfmentof Pentelic marble, broken on all sides, found on February 23, 1937, in Section OA. Height, 0.218 in.; width, 0.078 m.; thickness, 0.069 m. Height of letters, 0.011 m. Inv. No. I 4538. American School of Classical Studies at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Hesperia ® 78 BENJAMIN D. MERITT -. HFP MaQ[ov]I-at F' 1-0El[la]Tot H Oi[VCl]ot This fragment belongs to the tribute-quota lists, and joins the preserved fragments of S.E.G., V, 8 to give the text of lines 26-30 in Col. I as indicated above. The spellingf 'I6IliZg instead of 'IdvSeis is N . noteworthy, as is also the confirmation given that in the second assessment period the quota of O'cJaot was 100 Dr. See Meritt and West, Trans.
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