Morinaga Milk,Milk Morinaga | 320 pages | 24 Jun 2013 | , LLC | 9781937867317 | English | West Hollywood, United States KISSES, SIGHS, AND CHERRY BLOSSOM PINK THE COMPLETE COLLECTION ENGLISH MANGA | eBay

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other Kisses. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. When the cherry blossoms bloom it means the start of another school year—and for the girls at Sakuraki High, it signals the birth of new Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection, fears, and relationships. Fourteen stories of blossoming romance between girls are interspersed throughout this heartfelt and adorably illustrated manga collection. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Cherry Lips 1—2. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Feb 01, Jaylee rated it it was amazing Shelves: queer-litf- f-booksreviews. My love for Milk Morinaga's work knows no bounds, and this is no exception. I was outright giggling aloud through most of the book. The part that makes her work special, though, is that she doesn't just write cute girls in love - she writes real people in real relationships. These characters have super sweet romance, using all the tropes of manga romance, while also discussing how to make a rom My love for Milk Morinaga's work knows no bounds, and this is no exception. Like, these girls are trying to see a future for themselves and deal with their Kisses in a very real way, in the middle of all the adorable squee moments. I just. My love for her work is boundless. And if you haven't read Girlfriends, you need to. View all 3 comments. Jul 07, Ekene rated it it was amazing. Every single story was just so cute and adorable. May 09, Alexandra rated it liked it. Dec 21, TC rated it liked it Shelves: yurimanga. When I began Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection this, I assumed it was a coherent story, but it quickly became clear it was instead a collection of short stories, about students at an all-girls high school, falling in love with each other and learning how to express that love. The stories are all warm, sweet, and mostly innocent. But they're also frustrating, because they are so short. Some of the characters overlap, but their stories don't. At one point, it looks as if the first few chapters will introduce different chara When I began reading this, I assumed it was a coherent story, but it quickly became clear it was instead a collection of short stories, about students at an all-girls high school, falling in love with each other and learning how to express that love. At one point, Kisses looks as if Kisses first few chapters will introduce different characters and their situations, then intertwine them in future chapters as they interact with each other. Instead, what actually happens is the very first chapters' characters get an additional nine stories, back- to-back starting with chapter four, and consuming most of the book. Their otherwise simple tale suddenly gets a bizarre two-chapter wrap-up which feels improbable, rushed, and way too happy-contrived-ending. Then the book resumes with more chapters of one-off stories, all of them compelling and all of them frustratingly short. In fact, this is a frustrating collection, partly because of how it's structured; but also because any Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection of these mini- stories could have been its own full-length story. But at the very end of the book, the author explains in a note that these are, indeed, a collection of one-offs published over the course of nine years; and the Kisses multi-chapter coherent story itself was lacking an ending, which she provided here in two new chapters never Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection published. So, in essence it's a conceit of ideas put together over a long period of time, published occasionally, and resolving presumably because the author decided to move on, and not because the stories were fully told. That doesn't make this a bad book. They're still sweet tales Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection, while formulaic, Kisses pretty much what you want that formula to give. These are mostly emotional stories, with Kisses explicit drawn or discussed, and little more than some hugging or hand-holding and a few gentle kisses shown. It just leaves me wishing there was more to each of these. Sep 06, Bob rated it really liked it Shelves: manga. When I was a humble manga reviewer for another website, I was given a considerable amount of yaoi manga to review. I remained hopeful that one day I would get to read about the flip side, and review some manga. Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink is a collection of short stories built around one longer one in an omnibus-sized tankobon about life at Sakurakai High School, an all-girls institution where love blooms among several young women in the student body. Created by Milk Morinaga, author of the excellent two-part series also available from Seven Seasit gives us short-form glimpses into the world of yuri, as well as one extended tale that shows how long it can take to build up Kisses the eventual romantic climax. Jul 26, Sarah rated it it was amazing Shelves: mangaqueerromanceSighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collectiongraphic-novels. I can't lie. This was ungodly adorable. If you like blushy girls falling in love with other blushy girls, you'll like it. The characters - particularly Hitomi and Nana - are great. It's sweet fluff of the best kind. Jul 15, robin emery rated it really Kisses it. Feb 19, Elizabeth rated it really liked it Shelves: lgbtqcomics-manga. I go into Milk Mornaga's manga expecting two things and two things only: fluffy cuteness and girls kissing. Needless to say, this collection of short stories more than delivers. Feb 28, Mel rated it really liked it Shelves: romancemangaorcomicyuri. Beautiful and sweet. Just what I needed to get back into my reading swing. Nov 23, Artemis rated it really liked it Shelves: young-adulthumorouslbgtqtear-jerkercontemporarymysticism-of-liferomancefeminismfantasysweet- and-cute. It has to be one of the cutest headlines ever. It is a relatively soft yuri manga collection by the author of 'Girl Friends', which I really liked. It is a sort-of anthology centred on the various teenage girls who go to the all-girls school Sakuraki High - but it's mainly about Nana and Hitomi and their blossoming relationship and trials - and their experiences with same sex attrac 'Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink' - I admit, I was attracted to this manga by the appeal of the title alone. It is a sort-of anthology centred on the various teenage girls who go to the Kisses school Sakuraki High - but it's mainly about Nana and Hitomi and their blossoming relationship and trials - and their experiences with same sex attraction. It is more common than they think, if they'd let each other in and talk about it more freely. Amid the realistic slice-of-life genre, there is a supernatural element in one issue that has a ghost in it, but even that story becomes charming and touching, like the others. They are relatable in ways that could have Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection come from life experiences. It is about teenage girls going about their lives as confused, uncertain, scared, but passionate and loving teenagers. There are hardly any male characters in sight; no one to break the girls down and make them feel small and undervalued. They have each other, platonically and beyond. Nana and Hitomi remind me a little too much of Mariko and Akko from Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection Friends', however - they look and act very alike. But they are strong enough characters in their own Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection - Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection and insecurities and all that baggage - and it doesn't take them long at all to realise their feelings for each other and become a couple albeit secretly and plan how they are going Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection spend their future together. It's not perfect, but at least the two girls express wanting to be treated as equals to each other. The road to adulthood can be frightening for any young girl, but if they have one another's unbreaking support, anything is possible. Recommended to fans of the mangaka's other yuri works. Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection, sugary, lovely, refreshing, poignant, and unforgettable. Girls' power strikes again! Final Score: 3. Mar 14, Bryan rated it it was amazing. So far this is my 3rd book I've read by "Yuri icon" Milk Morinaga. I Kisses with Girl Friends and just previously finished The Secret of the Princess which both were fantastic. However, this collection I must had read 4 or 5 times and some chapters several more times as this is how invested I became in the two main characters. Their story was SO SO adorable. Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink | Seven Seas Entertainment

While true serious ground and deep emotions Kisses tread upon across the stories, it is in general a much fluffier book than her series Girl Friendspreviously published in English by Seven Seas. Despite that, there's still plenty for yuri fans Kisses enjoy here; it simply doesn't feel like it has the cross-over potential that its English-language predecessor does. The main storyline here, which sporadically takes up most of the fourteen chapters in the thick volume, follows high school girls Nana and Hitomi, who definitely bear a passing physical resemblance to the heroines of Girl Friends. Nana and Hitomi have been close friends since elementary school, and Hitomi begs Nana to apply to Sakurakai, a girls' school with a cute sailor uniform, because she really wants to see Nana in it. Nana assumes that Hitomi will also apply there, but receives a rude shock when Hitomi tells her that she's going somewhere else. Thinking back, Nana is able to find the root of the problem — in the ninth grade the last year of middle school in JapanHitomi kissed her. Uncertain how to respond, Nana laughed it off, but she now realizes that not only did she deeply wound her friend, but that Nana herself might also harbor romantic feelings for Kisses. The two get back together fairly quickly, and the rest of their chapters are devoted to trying to simultaneously hide their relationship from others and to making it work. In a lot of ways, the troubles that Hitomi and Nana have letting the world know or not that they are more than friends is the most interesting part of the volume, and an issue that the other couples in the book don't really deal with. While Morinaga doesn't do much with that other than make the statement, its simple inclusion makes an impact. It is too bad that the Hitomi and Nana chapters aren't grouped more consecutively, with the unrelated short stories placed either ahead of or behind them. While there is some effort made at linking them — many of the tales take place at Sakurakai, Nana's school, and feature her friends or Hitomi's — they mostly serve to interrupt the girls' narrative. This, it should be noted, is no fault of Seven Seasas Morinaga notes in the back that these stories were written over a long period of time and were published in Japan in this order. She also laments that her art style has not changed at all over time, and for the most part, this is true — before reading her note, it is very difficult to tell that this book wasn't written in one shot. Going back, one can see the small changes, particularly in terms of eyes and comfort with body language, but in all honesty her unchanging style really helps with the book. There is no jarring effect as her art abruptly refines itself, which sometimes happens when an author's older works are published alongside her newer efforts. Artistically, the book reads very smoothly, which is important when the main story is separated by shorts. Kisses, Sighs, Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection Cherry Blossom Pink can get a little too pretty at times in its artwork you've never seen such lovely soft art Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection sex scenes and is a bit broken up as far as the best and longest story is concerned, but it is still Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection book yuri fans or the yuri-curious should check out. Morinaga explores some of the social worries of being gay and coming out while also covering very sweet romances and bittersweet one-sided loves, and there's a lot to enjoy in this omnibus edition. It isn't a good as Girl Friendsbut it is still very readable and enjoyable. The last two short stories are also strong and Morinaga's relationships exist in the real world rather than in a yuri fantasy land. Girls have real relationships with their parents. Art can be almost too pretty at times when more emotional heft would have Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection good. A little more niche than Girl Friends. No account yet? Registering is freeeasyand private. Discuss in the forum, contribute to the Encyclopedia, build Kisses own MyAnime lists, and more. Everything chronological archives Features incl. Game Reviews Columns incl. Anime News Nina! Industry Comments. Login or Register forgot it? Review by Rebecca Silverman, Sep 14th Hitomi and Nana have been friends forever, but one day Hitomi surprises Nana by kissing her. Uncertain what to make of this new development, Nana brushes it off and then Hitomi, assuming her love is hopeless, enrolls in a different high school. Nana soon regrets her actions, but will a chance meeting with Hitomi enable her Kisses start again? In the other stories in this collection, a ghost longs for her former love, a princely girl pursues her princess, and friends find themselves wondering if it is okay to be in love with another girl. Production Info:. The no Unlike many other game adaptations, this one is available in English Myles takes an early look at the newest entry in the Bakugan franchise and finds a game perfect for scratching that monster-catcher itch. And he wasn't kidding. In addition to its Armored Alliance series dropping on Netflix soon, a new season Oct 20, 6 comments. Subaru's death count has continued growing but we're far from answering the mysteries of Re:Zero. Nick and Steve look back at the Kisses recent season and see where Subaru currently stands in a world full of witches and intrigue. Nick and Steve look back at the most recent season and see where Subaru cu The title is not meant literally but rather metaphorically: each one of these short stories is sudden, short, and challenges the idea of what is beautiful and ugly. After all, none of the tales are Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection allergies, colds, or other things that make you sneeze, nor are any actually about people sneezing. But on the table of contents, t Oct 20, 0 comments. It's a match made in Halloween! Onee Chanbara Origin Oct 19, 6 comments. You know what you're here for, and that's cutting monsters into chunky giblets and doing sick flips. In many ways it is perfectly serviceable — a game I had fun playing for the Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection I spent playing it. Is there any other metric to measure a game by, really? But by the same token, it is yet another third-person action game in a cro Thurman tweeted on now deleted Twitter account: 'It's all there, it happened. Wasn't an accident. The earlier published article Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection below. Voice actor Chris Thurm All rights reserved. Features Reviews Columns. Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink: The Complete Collection by Milk Morinaga

This ongoing manga series is illustrated in a delightful shoujo art style that features a color insert in each volume. As a child, Sasami Aoba fantasized about becoming Kisses defender of justice, like the magical girls and "Sentai Rangers" she admired on TV. Years have passed and now Sasami has become a Kisses officer herself. Her first assignment is to infiltrate Hanagaki All-Girls High School and ferret out any trouble she may find. On her first day posing as a student, Sasami is shocked to discover that an apparent Sighs and Cherry Blossom Pink: the Complete Collection thief at school is actually another undercover police officer, Sakuraba Midori. What's more, Midori insists that she herself is the officer in charge of the school, not Sasami. Will the two girls become rivals, partners Fado VIP. Duty Free. Fado Outlet. Gakuen Polizi Vol. Still Sick, Volume 1. Citrus Vol. If I Could Reach You 2. Grade Level. Item Weight. Product Dimensions. Reading level. Customer Reviews. Best Sellers Rank. Cute story, some parts you should keep a magnifying glass on hand so you can read the dialogue, good story pacing and progression. Beauty and the Beast Girl. Whisper Me a Love Song 1. Growing up Japanese reading manga. Manga: An anthology of Global and Cultural Perspectives. Manga from the floating world. Manga shoujo ai. Can't Defy the Lonely Girl manga. Fado Global. Indonesia Viet Nam Cambodia. Messenger Zalo.