Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-10-10
Fair MCNterate ·,to hea", rro.t. war.er DA.tty IbWA &biI <ehaooA. -=1 1was~ T1D ••lOlllATUI ..... IOWA CITY, lOWA TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1944 VOLUME XLV NUMBER l' ! his ha\t. ! laws ot, e Q tUIsl" GERMANY MAY BE THUS DIVIDED BY ALLIED CONTROL nerged the ·,ig·F.QUf I enviousl, . th delini~ Ick into bie Release World U~S ... Dri-ye Sha,kes Aachen; !nt arriVed 'or on her You're not Peace Plan ~ afe you?" Stalin'., ,C nfer 1 Cn:urchl.ll, righteOUs almly an. , ~Iay Verdict i our dO&." On ~ggressor's POLAND Dumbarton Oaks- 'Veto' Power Elen Molotoy .. ::'~~:::':,~":,,~p:: Aite~d. Parley· [JeweiOkays enforcing agel)cy, backed by pow- . ti'ful land and sea forces and by ALBANY, N, Y. (AP)-Gov·Tsteps.,." special I\erial ' armadas ready to Thomas E. Dewey yesterday en- Thus Dewey apparently sought slash swiftly at any aggreSS()l', was To Organize Final dorsed the Dumbarton Oaks post- to allay any fears that a change Cut All Main Roads, rMde pupllc yesterday by the big Military llIow war security recommendations as ! in administration would alter Fight in Duren, fOur of the united nations. "a fine beginning," but declared America's fundamental post-war ;The plnn is incomplete, and Agc;ainst Germany there still was much to be done to foreign pollcy as enunciated at 20 Miles From Cologne pUblication at this time had • the complete the structure "we plan." the recently concluded four power effect of summoning world opinion MOSCOW (AP) - Bri~sh In a statement issued after pub- conferences in Washington.
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