CD/INF.79/Rev.2 Conference on Disarmament 18 September 2020 Original: English/French/Spanish 2020 Session Revised list of participants I. Member States Algeria 308, route de Lausanne Tel: 022 959 8484 1293 Bellevue Fax: 022 774 3049
[email protected] M. Mehdi Litim Ministre-conseiller, Représentant permanent adjoint Chargé d’affaires a.i., Chef de délégation M. Salim Berkat Premier Secrétaire Argentina 20, Route de Pré-Bois Tel: 022 929 8600 Case postale 1856 Fax: 022 798 5995 ICC - Bât. H - 5éme ét.
[email protected] Sr. Federico Villegas Embajador, Representante Permanente, Jefe de delegación Sr. Gabriel Arturo Martínez Ministro Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente Adjunto Sr. Germán Edmundo Proffen Ministro Plenipotenciario Sra. María Jimena Schiaffino Consejero Sra. Estefanía Porta Segundo Secretario de Embajada Australia 2, chemin des Fins, Tel: 022 799 9103 1218 Grand Saconnex Fax: 022 799 9175 Case postale 102
[email protected] 1211 Genève 19 Ms. Sally Mansfield Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Head of Delegation Ms. Elizabeth Wilde Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative Ms. Vanessa Wood Counsellor Mr. Diwaka Prakash First Secretary Ms. Thuy Nguyen Policy Officer Mr. Kaylon Fleay UN Intern Ms. Monique Rafton UN Intern Ms. Amanda Gorley Ambassador for Arms Control and Counter- Proliferation, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Dr. Robert Floyd Director General, Australian Safeguards and Non- proliferation Office Mr. Malcolm Coxhead Director, Australian Safeguards and Non-proliferation Office Ms. Ruth Hill Director, International Law Security and Human Rights, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Austria 35-37, Avenue Giuseppe Motta, Tel: 022 748 2048 1202 Genève Fax: 022 748 2040 Case postale 68
[email protected] 1211 Genève 20 M.