Clim. Past Discuss., doi:10.5194/cp-2016-89, 2016 Manuscript under review for journal Clim. Past Published: 14 September 2016 c Author(s) 2016. CC-BY 3.0 License. 1 THE LAST GLACIAL TERMINATION ON THE EASTERN FLANK OF THE CENTRAL 2 PATAGONIAN ANDES (47°S) 3 4 William I. Henríquez1,2, Rodrigo Villa-Martínez3, Isabel Vilanova4, Ricardo De Pol-Holz3, and 5 Patricio I. Moreno2,* 6 7 1Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand 8 2Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad, Departamento de Ciencias Ecológicas, Universidad 9 de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile 10 3GAIA-Antártica, Universidad de Magallanes, Avda. Bulnes 01855, Punta Arenas, 11 Chile 4Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Avda. Angel Gallardo 12 470, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 13 *Corresponding author:
[email protected] 14 1 Clim. Past Discuss., doi:10.5194/cp-2016-89, 2016 Manuscript under review for journal Clim. Past Published: 14 September 2016 c Author(s) 2016. CC-BY 3.0 License. 15 ABSTRACT 16 17 Few studies have examined in detail the sequence of events during the last glacial 18 termination (T1) in the core sector of the Patagonian Ice Sheet (PIS), the largest ice mass 19 in the southern hemisphere outside Antarctica. Here we report results from Lago Edita 20 (47°8’S, 72°25’W, 570 m.a.s.l.), a small closed-basin lake located in a valley overridden by 21 eastward-flowing Andean glaciers during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Lago Edita 22 shows glaciolacustrine sedimentation until 19,400 yr BP and a mosaic of cold-resistant, 23 hygrophilous conifers and rainforest trees, along with alpine herbs between 11,000- 24 19,400 yr BP.