6E>2 HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES o*'LEICESTERSHIRE* further sum of five hundred pounds J in the year of our Lord 1693, to the parish of Brcdon : aged 87 years6." the interest of which sums were appointed The benefactions or works of charity and gratitude ' to pay a school-master, for the education of Tobias Rustat, esq. taken Feb. 6, 1684 K of the children of the poor of the said parish of Bredon. A benefaction to the fellows and £. d. She departed this life, about the eighth scholars of St. John the Baptist's col- lege in Oxford, dated 16th of Decem- day of November, MDCCXLV.' ber, 1665, as may appear by the deeds 3. "Influenced in the tower of the said college 1000 by a principle of gratitude td A donation of £1000. to the vice- perpetuate the memory of chancellor, masters, fellows, and scho- his ancestors, lars of the University of Cambridge, Edward Dawson, for the purchase of £50. per annum of Long Whatton, esquire, for ever, to be laid out by them in the • caused this tomb to be erected best and most useful books for the anno Dora. 1774. , piiblic library there, as may appear His great grand-father> by the deeds dated June 1, 1666, 1000 d 6 Edward Dawson^ A purchase of the fee-farm of Wa- late of the fame place, gerit. ter Beech and Denny, being £134. y. was the eldest brother of ' §d. per annum, settled by him for ever John Dawson and Henry Dawson, upon Jesus college in Cambridge (where whose remains are deposited his father was educated), for eight or in a vault underneath." more scholarships, for the sons of de- ceased orthodox clergyman, as by the On a head-stone in the burial-ground of Sr.
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