April 7, 2008

An interview with: some more points to keep up with the way Stanford has been playing offensively? : I think it's definitely important to be efficient on offense and put up more points. But at the same time it comes down to defense and boards. So we just have to step up our defense in case our shots are not falling in.

Q. Candace, did you ever in the past year have, for better or worse, a Matt Leinart moment where you thought maybe I'll stay at THE MODERATOR: We'll take questions Tennessee, take a couple of grad courses and for the student-athletes first. After about 15 finish out my final year of eligibility? minutes we'll let them head to their breakout : Obviously I've rooms, and then we'll entertain questions for the talked about living in the moment and just staying coach. day-to-day. That's what I'm trying to do now. I'm We're joined up here by Tennessee head focusing on that. I haven't had time to really think coach as well as student-athletes about it. Candace Parker, Alberta Auguste, , and Alexis Hornbuckle. Q. Candace, can you talk about your When you're ready, Coach, an opening relationship with . I know you statement. guys have spent a lot of time together with COACH SUMMITT: Obviously, we're U.S.A. teams. And I had heard that somebody excited to be in the position to play in a national showed you a box score from when she put up championship game. This group has -- they've the 44 against UTEP, you smiled and shook been there before and we know it's going to be your head. Have you smiled and shook your against a great Stanford team. Obviously a team head at what Candice has done through this we lost to earlier in the year at Stanford, and I whole tournament? thought that was probably a defining moment for CANDACE PARKER: Candice is a great us in terms of making a commitment to our player. I remember watching her play when we scouting report defense and stepping up and were in eighth grade and we were watching the making plays. championship national game. Nicky Anosike was And I think it's going to be two great teams playing her team in Orlando, Florida, and she was going at it. Hopefully we'll be a little better on the a ball of energy, always moving. offensive end. But I'll let you hear from the players She's progressed and gotten better every and I'll talk to you afterwards. year. I think she's a great leader for her team and THE MODERATOR: Questions for the she really inspires by her play. She inspires her student-athletes. teammates. Obviously we're great friends. We've played on a lot of the same U.S.A. teams and Q. Alexis, I'll start with you. As things like that. She's a great person as well. efficient as Stanford has been offensively, Coach just said you need to be better Q. Shannon, that first meeting with offensively. Do you feel like you need to put

1 Tennessee - 04.07.08

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Stanford, I think Wiggins only took 12 shots in focusing on the little things. You can't get a home that game. I want to ask you about the run unless you touch third base, which is what supporting cast and the other players at we've been focusing on the whole season. Stanford and maybe what the toughest aspects So our strength and conditioning coach of defending the rest of their players will be made these shirts up for us and we wear them to tomorrow night. bed every night just to remind us that it's the little SHANNON BOBBITT: Yeah, she only things that count and we can't get to our ultimate took 12 shots and Tennessee players did a great goal without doing those little things. So it's really job limiting her touches and making all her shots helped us just reiterate what we want to do. tough. And she has a great supporting cast and they can all shoot the 3 ball as well. Stanford is a Q. Candace, what do you remember great team. So we all have to compete and guard from Kayla Pedersen from that first game? all of them. And, secondly, she says that their plan is to force you to your left tomorrow because your Q. Alexis, JJ Hones wasn't in the left-handed shots appear to be short. Do you rotation when you played them the first time. think that's a dangerous tactic for them to From what you've seen of them since then, attempt? what has she added to the dynamic, CANDACE PARKER: (Laughter) particularly with her size and particularly as a obviously I remember the Stanford game in my defensive player? mind like it was yesterday. We talk about how it ALEXIS HORNBUCKLE: She's stepping ruined our Christmas and ending the year on a up, hitting big shots, whether it's going to the loss. Obviously Kayla has really stepped up her basket, hitting pullups, knocking down the 3 ball. play throughout the NCAA tournament. Glad I got She's adding a new dynamic to their offense. So some insight on what they're planning on doing. we have to be ready to defend not only Candice And obviously I'm just going to continue to try to and but the other three as well. It's play my game, and obviously if I step out on the going to be 1 through 5 is good, and they're court, then all's fair. playing together, so we've got to defend 1 through 5. Q. Candace, I'm sure you're getting really tired about talking about this, but how is Q. Alexis, Candice Wiggins singled you your shoulder feeling now and what have you out as one of the better defensive players she's done between the time the game ended last gone up against. I wondered what your night as far as rehab and getting rest? feelings were going into that matchup against CANDACE PARKER: Jenny Moshak is her? the best trainer in America. She obviously has me ALEXIS HORNBUCKLE: I know I have a on rehab programs, just do going strengthening tough defensive assignment. Like Candace said, exercising, stim, ice, getting circulation back. she's a big ball of energy, never stops moving, she Obviously the stiffness from yesterday was tough hunts for her shot. They do a great job of getting this morning, but it feels great. One more game. her open, running off screen. She's going to get Just get through it and worry about it later. handoffs, so I know I have a tough defensive THE MODERATOR: Thank you. assignment. I can't rest and I can't take a Questions for Coach. possession off. Q. They've played two beautiful Q. Nicky, you're wearing a T-shirt that games the last two games, that two says "Touching Third Base," I don't think that's good teams made runs at them, they never got a softball shirt. Can you tell us what that rattled. How much better do you think they are means? from what you've seen in these last two games NICKY ANOSIKE: We all just kind of and what you saw on December 22nd? And the made promises to each other we would touch third other question would be: They played you man base, which basically means you don't make it to to man pretty much straight up. A lot of teams the finish line unless you do what's necessary don't dare do that because of Candace. What beforehand to be successful at the end. So just

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visit our archives at asapsports.com do you think is it about them that allows them floor better. She's a big play person. She steps up to do that? and provides great energy. COACH SUMMITT: First of all, I think I think she brings a lot of energy to her Stanford is a much better basketball team. They're team. She's very positive, a very positive leader. running their offense with great efficiency and And she just -- she's one of the best players in the getting great looks. And I think the question about country, there's no doubt about it. And what she the defensive part of it, I think they have the size to brings to her team, I think, gives them a lot of match up with us. And I think that's what allows confidence and keeps them motivated. them to be able to defend us in man to man. When you have a player with that kind of And Jayne Appel has got a great presence energy, it filters throughout your team. We get that inside. But if you just look at our two teams, it's not from Alexis. But I think Candice is such a skilled like we have a distinct advantage from the offensive player and a player that makes good standpoint of our size. decisions on the floor, she makes everyone else better. Q. Pat, I know earlier in the year out of Candace Parker, obviously very similar in frustration at times you compared this team what she brings as far as the points, the maybe to the '99 team, not playing 40 minutes. contributions, her passing skills. Much like Have you changed your opinion somewhat of Candice Wiggins, Candace Parker is very this team now that you're at the Final Four? unselfish. COACH SUMMITT: This team has Even last night when she came down the changed my opinion of them. And this started after floor and hit Nicky Anosike, when I anticipated our loss to LSU. When the wheels came off in Candace would take that shot, she saw the Knoxville and the next day we went into our opening and made the great pass. But with conference room and had a board meeting, Candace, I think that Candace Parker is just a coaches and players, and just pretty much laid out great all-around offensive player because she has what they would have to do and expressed to them been in the gym and expanding what she can do how mad I was. I was mad at them, real mad, and with the basketball, meaning going left, going right. disappointed in how they -- I thought they quit in Unfortunately, the shoulder's preventing her from that game. And that's the first time I really felt that going left as much as I wish she could go left, about this team. because she is very strong in that regard. But once the coaches expressed how we Hook shot, left, right. Pull up, 3 ball. Just felt, we left the room and they had their own the versatility of a six-four player in this game, you meeting. We got to Nashville. We went to play don't see that very often. Vanderbilt. I was really concerned about what And I have great respect for what Candace might happen. And that's when Alex Fuller has done in terms of getting in the gym to expand dropped a note in my lap when she got off the bus. her game. When I read it, she said: Coach, everything is going to be okay. We've had a meeting, we're Q. Can you talk a little bit about your ready to play. This won't happen again. history with Tara. You've known her for a long I felt better. I knew when it's their idea it time. She hasn't been here for 11 years. Did works a lot better. And I knew that they were you think the game had passed her by? embarrassed and I think from that moment on COACH SUMMITT: I didn't know it had we've been a different basketball team. been 11 years. No, I never think the game will pass Tara by. Tara VanDerveer, she's a great Q. Pat, could you comment a little bit teacher. Great coach. Obviously she's showing on the contrasting styles between Candace more emotion than I've seen her show in post Parker and Wiggins, but also their similarity in season. being great leaders and getting their teams to And I think that's been a good thing for her this point? team. Typically she doesn't get up. It's good to COACH SUMMITT: Well, with Candice see her get out of her chair and encourage her Wiggins, I mean, she's got great skill set. team. When you talk about the great coaches in Obviously a player that can shoot the 3, that can the game, I mean, she is someone that I have felt create off the dribble, makes everybody else on the

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visit our archives at asapsports.com was one of the very best at her teaching of the she's going against size, I still think she can make game and just game management. And doesn't shots going either way. surprise me that she's back here. It surprises me And I've had situations where I thought we that it's been that long. had to do that. You know, even in national championship playoffs, and if that's what it takes, Q. A lot of the talk has been about that's what you do. I guess I go back to our first Wiggins. I wanted to talk about their front championship, and I thought our scouting defense court, Appel and Pedersen. Having two of forcing them left, we went and played Long six-four players like that, is there another front Beach State, I think that was key to our victory. So court you guys have seen this season that has it can be effective. that kind of size from two players and how would you compare those two with the front Q. Do you think that you've ever had a courts you've faced this year? player that's come to Tennessee and really COACH SUMMITT: Obviously Appel and fully understood the expectations there? Pedersen, they've got great size, and we typically Because realistically you never find too many have faced teams that have one six-four post coaches who say I found a fault with a team player. We haven't really had to face two as going a 34-2 season, a Final Four season. At skilled, as talented as they are. They're what point do they start really understanding aggressive, play well together. what it means to play for your program? Their high-low game is one of the best in COACH SUMMITT: Well, I try to explain it the country. It beat us when we went to Palo Alto in the recruiting process. And I start by saying: If and played them. There's no doubt in my mind the you're not a great competitor and you're not high-low game beat us. Because we did not committed to hard work, and there's a reason they defend it well. They can stretch you out. call it hard work, don't come here. Because you'll Their spacing on offense is obviously very, be miserable and I'll be miserable. And when I very good but particularly in the high-low action ain't happy, ain't nobody in the camp happy. with those two. And, I mean, I've had a lot of one-on-one conversations. And even with the parents. I've Q. Just to continue that a little bit, can had players that I've said: I like your game in you talk about Pedersen, specifically your terms of how skilled you are. But I don't like the impressions of her, and if indeed they do try to way that you take possessions off, you don't bring force Candace to her left, what are the dangers the intensity all the time. I like to watch them of spending so much energy trying to force a practice more than watch them in the game player to go one particular way? because you learn so much more about players COACH SUMMITT: Well, first of all, I when you watch them practice every day. I mean, recruited Kayla. Went out and watched her you see who they really are and what they're practice and loved her game. And I thought that willing to bring, to get better. she was very, very skilled as a high school player And I've made some mistakes, obviously, and just had a great stroke, which she obviously in players. And it was a long four years. And they has demonstrated and fit in extremely well with the didn't play a whole lot. Stanford team. But what was the second part of -- Q. This team's confidence obviously has served it well in the last couple of games. Q. If they do really try to force Candace Do you think earlier in the year, when you to her left, what are the risks of doing that? weren't so happy with them, that COACH SUMMITT: Well, I mean, we've overconfidence might have been an issue with been in situations where we've tried to force this team? players left, not because of an injury, but because COACH SUMMITT: Oh, definitely. I they didn't have a good left hand. I think Candace mean, they thought they were going to win every can -- I think she can go left. I don't think that's a game. They thought they were real good. I'm not problem as far as taking the ball off the dribble. sure they thought they had to work as hard as they Will she shoot the ball left-handed? worked the previous year. I think that goes with Probably not. But with her size and obviously

4 Tennessee - 04.07.08

visit our archives at asapsports.com winning a championship. It's tough. That's one some of the media folks out there wanted to make reason I want to go back to touching third base. I it about Pat and Geno. And it's all about the asked Larry Pratt when we donated or dedicated players. the Pratt Pavilion, which he obviously committed to significantly. Q. You talked about Stanford being an I asked him if he would speak to my team even better team now than when you originally before we played. And he came in and he talked played them earlier in the season around about touching third base and there being no Christmas. What is it going to take to beat shortcuts to success. Of course, I spent a lot of them now at this point? Can you talk about the time with him telling him how this team was driving play of the game? me nuts and that they really needed to understand COACH SUMMITT: It's going to take a attention to details matter. tremendous defensive effort. It's going to take And he did a phenomenal job. And I think control in the boards better than we have. They're that had a great impact on them, just knowing such a great passing team. They run the triangle there's obviously -- always say there's no shortcuts offense with great efficiency, because they're so to success, and we took a lot of them. But I think skilled and they pass and they read and they make that was also something that helped us be more shots. attentive, and also realize that we're not as good And they've got people, obviously, that can as we really thought we were. make plays. Create. So we've got our hands full. We have a great challenge. But I have a lot of Q. When did he talk to them? confidence in this team. They've been on this COACH SUMMITT: The day after the stage. They understand what it's going to take and dedication. they just have to bring it. It's not a time to do anything other than step up and bring your A Q. If my short memory doesn't let me game, individually and collectively we have to be down here, you were talking a lot about paint on. points in Oklahoma City. Looking at the stat sheet from last night, you guys only went to the Q. Along that line, do you guys have to line seven times. Are those two numbers score more tomorrow night than you have been related, and what's the focus? Maybe is there a to win this game? focus on getting both of those up Tuesday COACH SUMMITT: Absolutely. We've night? got to make shots. Alexis Hornbuckle has got to COACH SUMMITT: Well, we win in the score for us. I challenged both those guards last paint. We win in the paint over and over and over. night. Alberta made shots, made plays. Shannon. I thought Candace settled for too many jumpers I gave Shannon the green light. I was in her ear early and shied away from the contact. And once constantly telling her get in the corner, look for the she started going inside, and obviously I thought 3 ball. I thought she and Alberta responded really, Alexis and Alberta, if you look at what Alberta and really well. Shannon brought to our team last night, without For whatever reason, Alexis just couldn't those two, we don't win. make shots. I don't know if she put too much I just go back and thank my staff for pressure on herself. Hopefully we get in the bringing those two in. But we win in the paint, we national championship game and we can be a little couldn't, for whatever reason, could not get to the relaxed, a little more relaxed with certain players. line very often. And then we didn't make free I thought Vicki Baugh played with a lot of throws. freedom last night. We had Alex Fuller come in, she's been shooting the ball great. Rushed. I Q. Is it just a little bit of you that's would have said that she would be a player that happy that this whole press conference is not would come in and help settle us down. Pat and Geno and the whole feud? So we were overanxious. We were really COACH SUMMITT: I would say I didn't overanxious offensively. And after watching the want any -- I wouldn't want any of that as far as tape, I'm even more convinced of that. So we've being a distraction. It's not about the coaches. got to have some composure and be more relaxed This is all about players. And unfortunately I think

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visit our archives at asapsports.com offensively. COACH SUMMITT: Yeah, it was out on Staten Island overlooking the water. Q. What do you remember about recruiting Shannon and Nicky? Q. I know you have family here, Mom's COACH SUMMITT: Well, with Nicky, here, and others who helped teach you obviously I just remember going up and going to basketball. Everyone knows it's competitive. school with her and going and just sitting on a Where does that drive come in you, the drive bench with Nikki Caldwell and just getting to know that makes you swing at a raccoon and try to her a lot better. put your own shoulder back in place? We went over to visit with Nicky and her COACH SUMMITT: I grew up on a dairy coaches and her mom came, Ngozi. She's about farm and cows don't take a day off. You milk twice five-foot-four. That may be stretching it a little bit. a day. Fortunately we were in school. I didn't Ngozi came in and sat down and she goes, oh, Pat have to milk in the morning. But I went and helped Summitt -- she said, I just want you to know that my mother and my dad. My parents are the my daughter's going to play for you. And Nicky hardest working people I've ever known in my life. was sitting between us and she punched her And I just remember my dad taking me out mother, like, Mom, because she already set up to a hay field and leaving me there and saying, you visits to go to Georgia and Duke, and come to need to bale this hay. And I said, Dad, I've never Tennessee and her mother was a big reason she done that. Or actually rake it. I said, I've never came here. done that. He said, well, you're going to do it And I asked her mother why. And she just today. said, I have watched you coach for many years. I So I got on the tractor. He drove off. And I think you're a strong role model for women and I got it done. And he came back in about four want my daughter to be in that setting. hours. And I said, how does it look? He said, it's And even when Nicky came on a visit and fine. Got in the truck, took off. And we raised she called her mother, she said, put Pat on the tobacco. I was in the tobacco fields early and phone, and she goes: She's coming there, don't stayed there late. Typically if I was going to plow worry. (Laughter). So Ngozi, I don't know if you tobacco, I would take a sack lunch with me. And I know the story, but when she came from Africa to did that for hours upon hours. New York, and they lived in the Projects. She had And as far as the basketball part of it, at Nicky and some of the older children help raise the night, after we finished all of our chores, we went younger son. And she went back to get her and played in a hay loft. We had lights. And we degree and she -- her first classroom she walked in had the neighborhood kids come over and we had was in the sixth grade. And she went on to some knock-down, drag-out, one-on-one, graduate from high school and go to nursing two-on-two. My brother Tommy, who played at school. She's a self-made woman and a woman I Austin Peay, I'm still mad at him because he didn't have tremendous respect for. go to Tennessee, because he was recruited to play And Shannon, I never actually went to at the . He chose a New York and visited with her family. They came different route. on an official visit. Her mom and dad were very But he was just tough and they didn't take supportive. Rutgers got involved late. I thought it easy on me. They just would run over me. But there was a good possibility there that we might that was okay. So that's just a little bit of lose out in the end. But I think the fact that they background on how I grew up and I just -- I admire had so many guards, and I said: Shannon, look, my parents so much. My mother, she's here. just look around. It's not a matter of will you play, She's 84 years old. She's had seven ankle it's a matter of you've got to come and play a lot of operations. She's had all kinds of -- she had to minutes here at Tennessee. And I think in the end have her knee fixed, her shoulders. She just I think her parents and her high school coach, they keeps going. She's my inspiration. were very instrumental in helping us seal the deal in the end. Q. In your time, in all the NCAA tournaments, can you remember anybody Q. Do you remember sitting on a bench having a tournament like Candice Wiggins has with Nicky?

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visit our archives at asapsports.com had carrying her team, scoring over 40 points mean, we had the best attendance we've ever had twice, putting up the 25 last night? Anyone this year. you can remember coming close to that? And just seeing all the orange when I COACH SUMMITT: . walked out last night, it was amazing. I had no Texas Tech. I don't know how many points she idea that we'd have as many people here. I know put up. I know in that championship game she we had about six charter flights come in on private dominated when they played Ohio State, I believe planes, which was great. Bruce Pearl was here. I it was, in Atlanta. didn't get to see him. But I just appreciate the That would be the only person that comes relationship I have with Bruce and obviously to my mind right off. And I don't know her stat line. Dr. Petersen and his wife Carol. And our But what Candice did in the regionals and what administration is there to support us in a huge way. she did here, it's just so impressive. And obviously But our fans, a lot of these fans come are from all just the confidence that she's playing with and the over the country. efficiency. Nashville I had a lady walk up and say that she was from Montana. And I'm like: What are Q. I'm not trying to be antagonistic and you doing here? And she said: I've just been a I hope you don't take it this way, but is it fair to Tennessee fan forever. So I just appreciate all of blame the media for the feud angle when you our fans. and Geno have been going tit-for-tat back at that end. When the series got cancelled, Q. I wanted to get you to talk a little bit you've been around long enough to know that about your starting five, because it seems like this was going to be a story, and when there's the more you talk about the way they come been no definitive definition before, can you through for you, it seems like -- that last play in really say it's unfair that this story is still the game last night, it's like they do exactly around? what you need them to do in those crucial COACH SUMMITT: No, I think it's fair to situations. Kind of like an autopilot situation say that because of all the unknown, that people for you almost. are still digging and interested and writing about it. COACH SUMMITT: Well, just like what we I can respect that from the media. It doesn't mean did last night, we flattened out, and we've practiced that I'm going to reveal anything. But that's just -- this, late-game situations. Probably not as much when I make my mind up, I'm as stubborn as my as I should. Because we haven't had the close father was. games in the regular season at times that you're going to have when you get into post season play. Q. You say your mom's your But I think that the composure comes from inspiration. How does it feel to have her here the experience and the confidence that they have. at the games? And then also how important is They're a team that -- I don't think people like the role of the fans at these games? How do appreciate how they play defense. And you those two things tie together? One, your mom, really -- it's hard to explain it until you go against it. how do you feel about that, and how important And like our practice guys have made us so much are the fans? better. They go against our practice guys, it's COACH SUMMITT: Well, it's great to brutal. It's like we got in post season, I tell the have my mom with me. She's spent a lot of time practice guys, don't foul anyone, don't touch with me in the last couple of years after the death anyone. of my dad. Everyone else lives at home. She's They were I'm sure they felt like little got 18 grandkids and great grandkids combined. sissies out there standing around. Because of how So I brought my whole family here. My brothers, our team, they know one way to play on the their wives, kids, everybody. I said, I hope I get a defensive end when they're in their man to man, good bonus. But my family is just -- they're just so and that's just to go after it. And coming down the important. stretch last night, the composure they had I think is And our fans are amazing. It's like senior because they've been there. They've been there. night, I'm standing out there with those seniors and They were there a year ago. And I think the fact there's probably 22,000 people in the gym, and, I that they've been to Final Fours and they have a

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visit our archives at asapsports.com lot of confidence in each other, I think that really COACH SUMMITT: Her tank was just helps us. about empty last night emotionally. I think it's more the emotional part of it than anything. I'm hopeful Q. How do they rate against past that she can get some rest. That's a key thing. I teams? think she's spent a lot of time with Jenny in COACH SUMMITT: The Holdsclaw, rehabbing, but I think her shoulder responded and Catchings, Jolly, Randall group, that group was a hopefully that time won't be as extensive now that great starting five. she is in a better place. I think if you compare, the Holdsclaw But she needs rest. She needs rest. I group was -- that they were a better offensive mean, Candace Parker was not Candace Parker team. Not necessarily a better defensive team. last night, in terms of offensively. And I think she'll But they were a better offensive team from all be much better on Tuesday night. spots. Q. I'm going to ask you the same Q. To follow up on the comment about question I asked Candace. To what extent was Coach Auriemma, did you anticipate if the there any conversation in terms of maybe game had come to play that you were going to allowing her to stay another year or did she have to answer the questions about the series, just come in and say: Coach, I've made up my what was your tact going to be? And, mind, I'm going even though I've got eligibility secondly, can you give us an indication of what left? it's going to take to mend the fences from your COACH SUMMITT: Candace, I didn't point of view, if in fact there's a rift that needs know what she was going to do. There's always to be mended? rumors flying all around, until she said she was COACH SUMMITT: I hadn't really thought going to go through senior night, and she did ask about the questions that I might get asked, me, why haven't you asked me to stay? And I because I wasn't going to really talk about said, well, Candace, I would love for you to stay, anything, other than players. I have tremendous but it's strictly your decision. She's a very bright respect for Geno's coaching skills and abilities and student. If she stayed she'd be in grad school. I think he made us better. They beat us enough But I think Candace has mapped out that it made us better. everything from wanting to win a national And the fact that we're not both here championship to then playing in the Olympics and today, it's not going to change what I want to say the WNBA. She kind of mapped out her path or or talk or what it takes to mend it. I haven't even the path she wanted to take for the next couple of gone there. My mind right now is on trying to years at least. figure out how we can win one more game against a great basketball team. And that's pretty much it. Q. I'm going to ask you to look back a little bit and forward a little bit, if you don't Q. A moment ago you talked about the mind. You talked about Tara changing as a composure your team has shown. Can you talk coach. Can you think about the coach you about Stanford's composure, especially since, were in your formative years and how you aside from Wiggins, they're a pretty young might have changed? And then looking roster and what they've done in this forward a little bit, have you thought about how tournament to this point? much more time you want to give to this crazy COACH SUMMITT: Great composure. sport, how many more titles you want to win? Well-oiled machine. They are clicking on all COACH SUMMITT: I've changed so cylinders. They have great composure. They much, I don't even know myself at times. I think answer runs. They make plays. I'm just totally when I started out coaching I think I was so tough impressed with their team and how they all fit on players and so demanding and I think I've come together and play together. to realize that they really don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Q. Candace Parker has been through a And it wasn't that I didn't care about them, lot. Are you worried about how much she has I just don't think -- probably this is how I grew up -- left?

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visit our archives at asapsports.com that I had the skills of sitting down and communicating and knowing when to raise my voice and when to be soft, and I think I treated every player about the same. And that was just my inexperience. I took the job when I was 22 years old. I had four players 21. I thought I was going to be a graduate assistant. Well, I made a stipend of $250 a month. And not having ever coached a day in my life, I was just trying to get through it. I was reading books. I was calling people. Coach Moore, who is my Olympic coach, my mentor, helped me tremendously. My brother, Tommy, who also coached high school basketball. I went home. I met with him about what are we going to do here, what am I going to run on offense, what am I going to run on defense. I remember I coached my first game. I call home and my mother, my sweet mother, answers the phone. She didn't even ask me if we won. And all she wanted to do: How are you doing? Are you enjoying it? How's your team? I was like, oh, just put Dad on the phone, let's get this over with. So my father, who never has said hello in his life, he goes: All right. And I was waiting for it. And he goes: Did you win? I said, no, sir, we got beat. And he goes: By how much? And I go: One point. Long pause. I knew he was going to blame me. Long, long pause. And he goes: Well, let me just tell you one thing, Trisha. Don't take donkeys to the Kentucky Derby. And I knew what he was telling me. You gotta get players. I thought I had a pretty good team. But that stuck with me. And it's all about recruiting great players and having the talent. And I think I learned so much in those first years about myself and I've changed because I want these student-athletes to know they are family to me and they're daughters to me and they will to be for the rest of their lives. How long am I going to do this? I don't know. When I walk on the court for practice, I love practice. I mean, I love practice. I can't wait to go to practice. It's like the highlight of my day. When I go to practice and I step on the court and I don't have that in my heart, I'm not going to cheat the players. I'll walk away. I don't think I'll do it in the middle of the season. THE MODERATOR: Thank you, Coach. FastScripts by ASAP Sports

9 Tennessee - 04.07.08

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