Except Jaiiuary \ "
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) . -------- JOURKALS - 1901 • .except Jaiiuary \ "-.... • • / / ~ .,~ La Grippe and Consumption " "c CURED BY Absolutely Pure and Unadulterated. "', i. , Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Hl (P"or Medicine' U ••.) C ~" The old family remedy, the standard of purity and " excellence for nearly half a century, is the only abso ~, lute cute for Grip and COI\$Uniption. It not only .." cures the dread disease, but tones up the system and ~ stimulates the heart action. I< DR. Wn.l.ARO H. MORStt, F. S. Sc., American Di '" rector of the Rureau of Materia Medica, says: , "DuffY'1I Pure MAlt Wltiskey is the only reliable and.hNO ;~. c lulely alUe enre for tbe Grip/ Pneumonia, Bronchitis, COli " ;; RI1TUlllioll "D(\ ""aaUng dil!e&&t8 rom whatever cause." , '-' ••h Ov... T ,000 dooto,. who think •• Dr. MD'•• ••••• p ........lb. .nd reaommend Duffy'. ••~ Pu,.. M.lt Whl.kel'. ~ Hl1ffy's Pnre MAll Whillkey is a food for hocly lI.url bmin. "~ It has IItooc:t levert te:llt1i for forty ),eanI. IIud llM always heel! c· founrl absolutely purf', AU druggtlltli and grocera,$I.oo. or_ ,t,1,. lvill be lI~llt you, ltxpreu prepAid, on receipt of price. drlok bent Iree. .. , '1' DUfFY'S MALT WHISKEY CO •• ROCHESTER. N. Y. • -.;., -....... - .-- , • ' ~ _ ~-'-"I~ !'= :d ===THE=== ,ELECTRICAL WORKER OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHER HOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS , Single copies, 10 cents ~ Vol. 10, No.6 ROCHESTER, N. Y., FEBRUARY, 1901 I $1 per year in advance <f~ At this point, Bro. Sheehan gave a brief ~I" Executive Board Meeting. history of the strike in Hartford against the Hartford Elect. Light Co. He said the '. Held at St. I,ouis, Mo., Jan. 5 to 8, W company wanted to reduce the men's pay. I90 r. They refused to accept and went out on o strike. He said while the constitution had <{ FIRST DAY'S SESSION. not been followed, he thought the Board fl. Meeting was called to order by G. P. should give them the same support it had r- ' ~ Wheeler, at 10 o'clock, with the following the rest. Moved by Bro. Maloney, sec members present: Sheehan, Tripp, Rus onded by Bro. Russell, that the appeal be sell, Roth, Wissinger, Maloney and Sher- put in writing. Carried. man. The Grand Secretary read an appeal G. P. Wheeler stated his reason for call from Grand President Wheeler's decision ing the meeting was that there were strikes in the matter of Local 41. Grand Pres. on' in Texas, and many other matters had Wheeler was allowed the floor to defend arisen since the last meeting of the E. B. the stand he had taken. He said his rea that justified the meeting. sons for deciding the way he did were that Bro. Sherman said he would like to have he thought it for the best interest of the Bro. Tripp give the full details of the Brotherhood. Inasmuch as there was lots strikes in Texas. He moved this be made of work on the Pan-American Exposition, a special order of business. Seconded by he thought all electrical workers with paid Bro. Wissinger. Carried. up cards should have a show and not quar Bro. Tripp then gave a full account of rel among th~mselves. the trouble. He said the members in Texas Moved by Bro. Wissinger, seconded by were putting up a gallant fight for $3 a day Bro. Russell, that the decision of the Grand and eight hours. President, in regard to jurisdiction, be up . Moved by Bro. Maloney that a commit held. Carried unanimously. tee be appinted to 'draw up suitable reso The decision not allowing Local 41 to hitions outlining the best policy 'to pursue charge $10 for a card to work on the Pan in the Texes strike. Carried. Committee American, but allowing them to charge on -Tripp and Maloney. all other work was then discussed. Bro. The President said the constitution re Maloney offered the following motion: quired the E. B. to have an auditing com " That the decision of the Grand Presi mittee go over the G. Secretary's and G. dent be sustained. That any local can Treasurer's books yearly. He would there charge an additional examination fee not to fore appoint Bros. Sheehan and Roth to go exceed $25 for local protection. That each OVer the G. Secretary's books, and Bros. and every local union of the 1. B. E. W. be Russell and Gale, on books Cif G. Treasury. allowed local autonomy as to jurisdiction Bro. Maloney moved that a committee and control, but this decision shall not ap be appointed to draft suitable resolutions ply to temporary exhibition or exposition asking President McKinley to use his good work. offices between the Boers and British. We recommend that a closer affiliation Carried. Committee-Maloney, Sheehan be maintained between outside and inside and Wissinger. unions, and that under such circumstances b 2 THE ELECTRICAL WORKER as are cited in the controversy between I. The ballot was illegal from tho e fa l and the Grand Se. creta.ry be ir Locals No. 41 and 45 of Buffalo, temporary that superfluoush namesD we"reS u~edth RIn Sa':"no11 'f y locals of this actIOn.. d t balloting, sue as" enver" ml , oun ' The committee appomte 0 permit cards be issued. We can guard house" Smith, II Rox" and "Roxy," a' , I . to forward tc against attack from the outside, but dissen- said ballots could not be counted for an able .reso tlO~S, d th followin! sions from the inside have a destroying in- one. McKInley, 0 ere e 2. That Irwin was not an officer of the st. Louis, Mo., ] al fluence and must be discouraged." union and was therefore not eligible to Moved by Bro. Roth, seconded by Bro. office of president. , Whereas, There is now -:vagi: Tripp, that the motion lay on the table un- 3. We hereby give notice of appeal . nown as the Transvaal, In, SO IS k of extermination in which til to-morrow morning for final action. the E. B., which convenes at St. Louis la" a war 'h ' h 5, 190 1. Signed, J. E. TAANDT, f the said country, who ave ~ Carried. R. P. GALE. ,0 d to take up the w?rk of pi . Bro. Coughlin, business agent of No. I" hoo due an hitherto wild and 1 Moved by Bro. Roth, seconded by Br , sub. are the principal suffere and a committee from No. I, asked the region, 1ft ' Whereas, The ~ve 0 coun ry privilege of the floor, He said he was not Sherman, the protest be sustained and" new election ordered. Carried. the hearts of thiS oppressed I prepared just at teis time; that he had ex 10 use them to cling doggedly I pected the E. B. to stay in St. Louis until Local 52, of Newark, N. J., asked tha ca l'nation never to surrender term h'ld , the next meeting of Local No. I, as they one of the E. B. be sent to work in that te' one man , woman or c I rema had many important matters to lay before ritory. Moved by Bro. Sherman, seconde tinue battie, and . by Bro. Tripp, the matter lay on the tabl " Whereas, The ternble or the E. B. He cordially invited all to at slaughter that has caused ~he • until to-morrow morning. Carried. d world to stand aghast, IS sue tend the open meeting and smoker to be Ize .. t' given by No. I to the E. B. Many of the Adjourned. for ali pOSSible Inter.ven IOn on neutral civilized natIOns, th~ref( members of the E. B. said it was impossi SECOND DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. Resolved, By the Executive E ble for them to stay until then. In regard to the appeal from the decisio' International Brotherho.od of Bro. Coughlin suggested, inasmuch as of the G. P. on the matter of charging te " Workers, in regular ses~lOn ass the members could not remain over until hereby ur~e upon Presld~nt M dollars examination fee, it is the opinion 0 , take cogntzance of the sa!d stal Tuesday, that he be allowed to place their this body that the I. B. E. "V. has no powl and use his good offi<:es In an matters before the E. B. Monday. Bro. to prevent local unions from charging what' fort to arrange an a.mlcable ad: Sheehan moved that No. I have all data ever sum the local conditions may deman'; the differences eXistIng between ready by Sunday evening, seconded by Bro. nation and the people of the Tr or warrant, to protect the interest of th Resolved, that a copy of the ; Russell. Carried. trade in their locality for Building Trad I lutioil be offered to the press f. Bro. Wood ward, of Local No. I, said he cards or other Central Labor Union carda tion, that a copy, duly a.tteste< wished to appeal from a decision of No. I which it may be necessary for said loca bossed be at once transmitted t. in regard to placing a fine on its members McKinley, and th~t a copy of tl to furnish the member, to enable them f' filed in the archives of our B for not turning out in parade Labor Day. work under the jurisdiction of said loca' for future reference. Bro. Sheehan said as this was a local mat unions, outside of the regular work in , (Signed) J. H. MAL' ter he did not think the E. B. had any ju F.