Emails Posted Nov. 30 *************************************************** From: Paul Fleisher <
[email protected]> Date: Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 12:30 PM Subject: Barbara Johns deserves a place in the U.S. Capitol To: <
[email protected]> I encourage you to recognize the heroism, courage and leadership of Barbara Johns by selecting her to represent Virginia in the National Statuary Hall Paul Fleisher 2781 Beowulf Ct. Richmond VA 23231 *************************************************** From: Dave & Jane Kearney <
[email protected]> Date: Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 10:35 PM Subject: Request for Proposals; Virginia's U. S. Capitol Statue Commission To: <
[email protected]> To: Virginia’s U.S. Capitol Statue Commission From: David and Jane Kearney, Richmond, Virginia
[email protected] Date: November 27, 2020 _____________________ In response to your request for proposals, our top three suggestions for the “second” of Virginia’s statues in the U.S Capitol’s National Statuary Hall Collection, to replace the statue of Robert E. Lee, are, in no particular order: · Abraham Lincoln · Pocahontas · Maggie Lena Walker The strengths of the foregoing three proposed candidates have been covered very well by many others. We would stress the following elements: Abraham Lincoln As researched and pointed out by Virginia’s Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Subcommittee, Abraham Lincoln had “deep Virginia roots.” The Subcommittee noted that Lincoln’s great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents lived in Virginia; his parents met, married; and lived for a time in the Shenandoah Valley; and his great-grandparents and multiple relatives are buried in Virginia in the Lincoln Cemetery at the Lincoln Family Homestead in Rockingham County.