ISSUE 4 · 2015 《中国人大》对外版 NPC National People’s Congress of China CONSTITUTION, THE CORNERSTONE OF A NATION A symposium is held to commemorate China’s second national Constitution Day in Beijing on December 4, 2015. Sheng Jiapeng SPECIAL REPOrT China, Laos pledge to 6 further develop ties Contents Special Report In-depth 6 22 China, Laos pledge to further The Anti-terrorism Law timely develop ties enacted 8 Legislation Enforcement of the Constitution key to China’s rule of law 26 The Law on National Medals 10 and National Honorary Titles Constitution, the cornerstone of a nation Focus 30 China’s first law against domestic violence 18 Mapping out success New five-year blueprint lays 32 down specific objectives for Farewell to one-child policy a prosperous China with law amended 4 NATiOnAL PeOpLe’s COnGRess OF CHinA NPC Constitution, 10 the cornerstone of a nation Mapping out success New five-year blueprint lays down specific 18 objectives for a prosperous China 42 Xinjiang’s rise Six decades of development makes the autonomous region a promising land ISSUE 4 · 2015 Nationality 42 Xinjiang’s rise Six decades of development makes the autonomous region a promising land NPC General Editorial Supervision Office Address: 23 Xijiaominxiang, Xicheng District Beijing 100805,P.R.China 34 Tel: (86-10)6309-8540 When ‘audit storm’ blows again (86-10)8308-3891 E-mail:
[email protected] Topic ISSN 1674-3008 CN 11-5683/D COVER: Volunteers answer Constitution- Price:RMB35 related queries raised by passersby during Edited by The People’s Congresses Journal 38 an activity marking China’s second national A bigger role to play Constitution Day in Yongchuan District of Published by The People’s Congresses Journal Measures taken to improve performance Chongqing Municipality on December 4, Printed by Beijing Zhong Ke Printing Co., Ltd.