JASON R. WERKEMA, Ph.D. 1165 59th Street S.E. Kentwood, MI 49508 616-272-2834
[email protected] www.JasonWerkema.com CURRICULUM VITAE January 2020 EDUCATION Ph.D., Higher Education Leadership, 2009 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology Dissertation Chair: Andrea L. Beach, Ph.D. Dissertation: Making Sense of Roles and Responsibilities: A Socialization Study of College and University Music Department Chairs A qualitative interview-based study that describes the process whereby college and university department chairs learn how to function in their multiple roles and responsibilities. Guided by the theoretical framework of adult socialization, this study identifies and discusses administrator experiences, role-facilitating strategies, relationships, challenges, etc., during the anticipatory, encounter, and adaptation stages of organizational socialization. • Dissertation selected as “Exemplary Research” within Western Michigan University’s College of Education, 2009. • Doctoral coursework emphasized university and community college leadership, educational technology, higher education governance and financing, quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, legal issues in higher education, and curriculum design. M.M., Music Performance, 1998 Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH B. Mus., Music Performance, 1994 Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, MI A. A. coursework, Music Performance, 1991-1994 Grand Rapids Community College,