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KAPUNDA (Part) District Council of KAPUNDA (Part) HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE LOWER NORTH Y Department of Environment and Planning HERITAGE INVESTIGATIONS HERITAGE SURVEY OF THE LOWER NORTH (REGION 8 - SOUTH AUSTRALIA) PART TWO 8. D.C. KAPUNDA ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEETS Prepared for the Heritage Conservation Branch of the Department of Environment and Planning by John Dallwitz and Susan Marsden of Heritage Investigations, assisted by Pe nny Baker, Pam Carlton and Paul Stark. Adelaide, 1983. Funded by the South Australian Heritage Committee and the Australian Heritage Commission (National Estate Programme , 1981/2) . PROJECT South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 8 Australian Item Ref. No. 1 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Office Use 1978-80 Steinthal Cemetery ITEM No. Former or other DOCKET No . ·· .. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCAT.ION Address During 1856 and 1857 Pastor Christoph Schondorf with 180 Town nr Bethel members of the Moravian Brethren settled at a spot which Postcode they named Bethel . Steinthal Lutheran School was bui lt Section 328 on Peter Doecke ' s propert y 3 kilometres south east of Hundred Light Bethel , owing t o t he overcrowding of Pastor Schondorf' s County school at Bethel . In 1872 the Steinthal School was L.G.A. Kapunda extended and a church congregation was formed . The S . H.P. Reg i on 8 congregation prospered in the 1880s and 1890s but A.M.G. Re f. 6629- II amalgamated with t he Bet hel congregation in 1909. This little cemetery where Peter and George Doecke and t heir wives are buried is the only substantial relic at the SUBJECT complex. 2.2 PERI OD State Study Ar ea 1855- 68 TYPE OF ITEl-1 REFERENCES LAND Na t ural f eature D National Trust 2599; Hi s t o rica l site D Charlton, History of Kaounda , p. 19; Hi s t o rical Gdn . D Doecke, Saxony to South Austral ia, pp 32- 37 BUILDING D STRUCTURE ~ PHYSICAL COND I TION Verbal Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 284 Negative No. 7 STATUS Direction of view t o Vv Reg . o f St a t e Her. Items Reg. D Interim I.. D Nominated D National Estate Reg. D Proposed I.. D National Trust CL D RL CJ File~ Other S.A. Highways Dept. c:J r-i Insti t . of Engineers D co. r-i r-i. I.J') N '..,. 0 RECOMMENDATION U) 'H H (A) State D (B ) Localr:::Rl PRE PARED BY HERI TAGE I NVESTIGATIONS Da te : 1982 PROJECT South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 8 Australian Item Ref. No. 2 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Office Use 1978-80 House ruins and ce~e ter y ITEM No. Former or other Pastor Schondorf 's-House DOCKET No. ·· .. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Aad·ress Bethel was the first settlement established by Hor avian Brethren in South Australia , led by Pastor Christoph Town nr Bethel Schondorf (see also Bethel Lutheran Church - separate sheet) Post code "He was an exceptionally dedicated man to have such a unitin Section 260 influence on his congregation, that they were prepared to Hundred Li ght give up their established farms in the Barossa t o commence County again at Bethel . He organised the church, cemetery and L .G .A. Kapunda t he school. Not only did he look after the spiritual S.H.P. Region 8 needs of his congregat ion, but he was t heir banker, advi ser A.M.G. Ref. 6629- II and go-between in many of their dail y transactions regarding 54 30020 619850 their farms ... By 1876 he was worn out as a result of his ~-------------------------1 many duties and retired to live in the house he had built SUBJECT for himself t mile from the church . The following year a 2 . 1; group of parishioners broke away from the Bethel congregatio 2 . 2 and he became their spiritual leader .. Pastor Schondorf wa an outstanding personalit y in the early history of Bethel, having dedicated his life to establish the community , its unity and survival." PERIOD Schondorf ' s house is now a substantial ruin, with the high State pointed gables typical of the l arger German houses, and a courtyard bounded on three sides . Schondorf and his family Study Area and other members of h i s congregation are buried in the 1855-68 small cemetery adjacent to the house . TYPE OF ITEH REFERENCES LAND Natural feature c:J Doecke, Saxony to South Australia, pp 32- 33 Historical site c:J Historical Gdn. c:J BUILDING (:] STRUCTURE c:J PHYSICAL CONDITION Ruin, in good conditio Verbal Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 284 Negative No. 8 STATUS Direction of view t o NE Reg. of State Her.· Items Reg. c:J Interim I.. c:J Nominated 0 National Estate Reg . D Proposed r.. D National Trust CL D RL [:] FileD Other S .A . Highways Dept . r:J ..-! Insti t . of Engineers D co. ..-! ..-!. 1.{) N ........ ~ ~ RECOMMENDATION U) H H (A) StateOU (B) LocalO PREPARED BY HERITAGE INVESTIGATIONS Date: 1982 PROJECT South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REG I ON 8 Australian 4 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Item Ref. No. Act ITEM NAME: Bethel Lutheran Church Complex 1978-80 Office Use Former or other Moravi an Brethren.Lutheran ITEM No. Church DOCKET No. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION This complex includes the church and the manse of brick Addtess and stone and a substantial cemetery. Town Between 1848 and 1852 small family groups of Moravian Postcode 260 Brethren migrated from Saxony and settled in little groups Section Light in the Bar ossa Valley. In 1854 Pastor Schondorf arrived Hundred to" serve t heir spiritual needs". In 1856 he settled with County Kapunda his 180 Wendish followers at Bethel and built their first L.G.A. church and school. S.H.P. Region 8 A.M . G. Ref. 6629- II In 1895 the present church was built by D. Both at a cost 54 30050 619880 of 1- 450. 300 people att ended the opening services in June 1895. In the early 1900s the congregation severed SUBJECT its connections with the Moravian Brethren and joined 2. 5 the Immanuel Synod of the Australian Lutheran Church (see also Steinthal cemet ery) . PERIOD State Study Area 1885-1904 REFERENCES TYPE OF ITEt-1 LAND Natural feature D Charlton, History of Kapunda, pp 81- 82; Historical s ite D Doecke, Saxony to South Australia, pp 32- 35 Historical Gdn. D BUILDING ~ STRUCTURE D PHYSICAL CONDITION Ver bal Archival photographs PHOTOGRAPH Film No. 284 Negative No. 3 STATUS Direction of view to NE Reg . of State Her. Items Reg. D Interim I. D Nominated D Na tional Estate Reg . D Proposed I. D National Trust CL D RL r=J FileD Other S.A. Highways Dept . c:J r-l Insti t. of Engineers 0 00. r-l r-l. RECOMMENDATION (A) State []] (B) LocalD PREPARED BY HERITAGE INVESTIGATI ONS Date : 1982 PROJECT South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 8 Australian Item Ref. No. 8 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Dutton Memorial Church of Office Use 1978-80 e .~.. f ' .. St. Matthew ITEM No. Former or other St. Matthews Church "of Englanc DOCKET No. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Addtess Henry Dutton of "Anlaby" (see separat e sheet) commi ssioned Carol ine St. the church as a memorial to h i s wife and daughter and his Town Hamil ton uncle, F.H. Dutt on (replacing an 1857 church). The church Postcode 5373 was designed by F .T. Naish and buil t in 1896 by Evan James Section 1195 and Co. of Kapunda, its cost.,€400 (including fittings) . Hundred Waterloo Extensions were made i n 1907. County Apart from i ts associations with the Dutton family , the L. G.A. Kapunda church is of considerable intrinsic significance; its S.H.P. Region 8 interior is one of the most splendi d in the count ry A.M . G. Re f. 6629-I district s of South Austral ia, and is highly ornate. Its 54 30450 621100 f ittings include i ntricately carved wooden fretwork, silver a ltar fittings and marble font . SUBJECT The church is of stone with brick buttresses and brick string 2 .1 course and imported Marseilles terra cot ta til es. 2 . 5 4. 10 PERIOD State Study Ar ea 1885-1904 TYPE OF ITEH REFERENCES LAND Na tural f eature c:J National Trust, 2221; Histori cal s ite c:J Charlton, History of Kapunda; Histori cal Gdn. c=J Ngaiawang Folk Province , pp 205- 212; BUILDING [}0 Rev. L. P.G. Smith, A short history of the Dutton STRUCTURE [:] Memorial Church ... PHYSICAL CONDI TION Verbal Archival photographs Heritage Conservation Branch (files) PHOTOGRAPH Film No. Negative No. STATUS Direction o f view Reg. of State Her . Items Reg. CRJ Interim L c:J Nom inated D National Estat e Reg . (JD Proposed L c:J National Trust CL [] RL D FileD Other S.A. Highways Dept. c:J r-i Ins ti t. of Engineer s 0 co. r-i r-i. RECOMMENDAT I ON (A) StateGD (B) LocalO PREPARED BY HERITAGE INVESTI GATIONS Dat e: 1982 PRUJ.t:C'l' South HERITAGE SURVEY HERITAGE SURVEY REGION 8 Australian Item Ref. No. 11 Heritage ITEM IDENTIFICATION SHEET Act ITEM NAME: Office Use 1978-80 Scotty ' s Grave tc • •-:_ ...~ - ITEM No. Former or other DOCKET No. HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE LOCATION Addtess This is an interesting relic of the hazards of the small Town N of Allendale pioneers as well as the l arge, and its subsequent care Postcode is due to the sustained interest of a local community in Section 1587 its past.
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