APP/L3055/V/09/2102006 26 May 2011 Dear
Victoria Redman Our Ref: APP/L3055/V/09/2102006 Bond Pearce LLP 3 Temple Quay Temple Back East Bristol BS1 6DZ 26 May 2011 Dear Ms Redman, TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 – SECTION 77. APPLICATION BY VEOLIA ES NOTTINGHAMSHIRE LIMITED LAND AT FORMER RUFFORD COLLIERY, RAINWORTH, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE NG21 OET. APPLICATION REF: 3/07/01793/CMW 1. I am directed by the Secretary of State to say that consideration has been given to the report of the Inspector, R W N Grantham, BSc(Hons), MRSC, MCIWEM, who held a public local inquiry which closed on 26 October 2010 into your client’s application for the construction and operation of a waste combustion/Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) together with ancillary infrastructure, including a waste bulking/transfer station, administration/visitor centre, landscaping and creation of new internal haul road, on land at the former Rufford Colliery, Rainworth, Nottinghamshire, NG21 0ET, in accordance with application reference 3/07/01793/CMW, dated 29 November 2007. 2. It was directed on 18 March 2009, in pursuance of Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, that the application be referred to the Secretary of State instead of being dealt with by the relevant planning authority, Nottinghamshire County Council, because the proposal may conflict with national policies on important matters. Inspector’s recommendation and summary of the decision 3. The Inspector recommended that planning permission be refused. For the reasons given below, the Secretary of State agrees with his recommendation. A copy of the Inspector's report (IR) is enclosed. All references to paragraph numbers, unless otherwise stated, are to that report.
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