Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ) as a pre-assessment of prior learning in the Area of Nursing Care. Please self assess and complete with out assistance, if you have not competed a formal post registration education course/programme in Diabetes Care/Diabetes Nursing (See examples listed in Table 2 ). When you have completed the MCQs, download the answer sheet , also on the HSE website, and score your result. If you score higher than 80% you may register for the foot screening programme as a standalone masterclass/update.

1. Which cells produce in the pancreas? Please tick √ answer A. Alpha Cells B. Beta Cells C. Hepatocytes D. Lipocytes

2. is characterised by: Please tick √ answer A. B. Complete insulin Deficiency C. Partial Insulin Deficiency D. Declining beta cell activity

3. The gold standard for the diagnosis of is: Please tick √ answer A. A 75g Oral (OGTT) B. A 125g Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) C. Serum D. Serum glucose blood test

4. Which of the following is not a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes? Please tick √ answer A. BMI > 25kg/m2 B. Have delivered a baby weighing > 4.1kg/9lbs C. Rheumatic pain D.B/P ≥ 140/90 mm/Hg.

5. Patients with diabetes should be advised to maintain a healthy weight in order to maintain a BMI between: Please tick √ answer A. 20 24.9 Kg/m2 B. 25 29 Kg/m2 C. 30 32 Kg/m2 D. 18 20 Kg/m2


6. Which of the following is not a key self-care issue to be covered with the patient? Please tick √ answer A. What is diabetes? B. Diabetes Complications and targets C. Lifestyle factors D. Eye and foot care E. Ear care

7. Which of the following are key self-care issues to be covered with the diabetes patient? Please tick √ answer A. Medications uses and side effects B. Hypo/ C. Self monitoring D. Allowances and entitlements. E. All of the above

8. What are the recommended pre prandial blood glucose targets values? A. 3.06.0 mmol/L B. 4.06.0mmol/l C. 5.08.0mmol/l D. 6.09.0mmol/l (Ref Harkins 2008 )

9. Metformin: Please tick √ answer A. Is most suitable in slim patients B. Is recommended as a first line drug treatment C. Is safe to use in liver failure and heart failure D. Might cause hypoglycaemia (Ref ADA 2010)

10. Which of the following is not a sulphonurea: A. Chlorpropamide B. Metformin C. Gilbenclamide D. Glipizide (ADA 2010)

2 11. Which class of drugs target the liver, adipose tissue, and muscle and increase insulin sensitivity: Please tick √ answer A. DPP4 inhibitors B. Insulin – secretagogues C. Thiazolidinediones D. None of the above (ADA 2010)

12. Which of the following is not a structured education programme: A. DAFNE B. XPERT C. DESMOND D. LILLY

13. What is the target total cholesterol level recommended in people with Type 2 diabetes: Please tick √ answer A. 5.0mmol B. 6.0mmol C. 4.5 mmol D. 3.5mmol (Harkins 2008)

14. Which of the following is not a microvascular diabetes complication: Please tick √ answer A. Nephropathy B. Retinopathy C. Peripheral neuropathy D. Myocardial Infarction

15. Hypoglycaemia is said to occur when the blood glucose is: A. Less than 5.0mmols/L B .Less than 4.5mmols/L C. Less than 2.0mmols/L D. Less than 4.0mmols/L

16. Which of the Following is not associated with CVD in diabetes: A. Myocardial Infarction B. Lipohypertrophy C. Erectile dysfunction D. Retinopathy

3 17.Which of the following blood tests help predict renal impairment with diabetes: Please tick √ answer A. RBC B. WCC C. eGFR D. LFTs

18. Damage to the small blood vessels in the kidney is termed : A. Nephropathy B. Neuropathy C. Nephropexy D. Nephrostomy

19. The target of glycaemic control is an HbA1c blood level of: A. 6.0% ( 42 mol/mol) B. 7.5% (59 mmol/mol) C. 8.0% (53 mmol/mol ) D. 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) (Harkins 2008)

20. Which of the following is not a symptom of hypoglycaemia: A. Shakiness B. Palpitations C. Sweating D. Vomiting