Coming Together
THE vallEY coNNEcTIoN ALUMNI MAGAZINE SUMMER 2014 COMING TOGETHER CNN Hero Advocates for Female Veterans “NEvER lEavE a fallEN coMRadE” Without education, permanent progress Was impossible. Without education, Without education, permanent progress Was impos- sible. Without education, Without educa- tion, permanent progress Was impossible. Without education, Without education, permanent progress Was impossible. With- out education, Without education, per-per manent progress WasWas impossible. Without education, Without education, permanent Without education, progress WasWas impossible. Without educa-educa permanent tion, Without education, permanent prog-prog progress Was ress WasWas impossible. Without education, impossible. Without education, permanent progress Give an unrestricted gift to the 1950 Wasas impossible.Annual Fund Drive - Without $19.50, $195.00, education, With- $1,950.00, $19,500 to cultivate our campus exceedingly and abundantly - VALLEY out education,VIVACITY! Gifts canpermanent be made at progress Was im- - Dr. James H. White possible. Without education, IT STArTS You! MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY WITh 1950 1950 GIVE TODAY ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY 1950 1950 ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY MISSISSIPPI VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY 1950 1950 ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN contents SUMMER2014 THE vallEY coNNEcTIoN
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