FOMC Minutes, January 28-29, 2014
_____________________________________________________________________________________________Page 1 Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee January 28–29, 2014 A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee was Nellie Liang, Director, Office of Financial Stability Pol- held in the offices of the Board of Governors of the icy and Research, Board of Governors Federal Reserve System in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, January 28, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. and continued Stephen A. Meyer and William Nelson, Deputy Direc- on Wednesday, January 29, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. tors, Division of Monetary Affairs, Board of Gov- ernors PRESENT: Ben Bernanke, Chairman Jon W. Faust, Special Adviser to the Board, Office of William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman Board Members, Board of Governors Richard W. Fisher Narayana Kocherlakota Linda Robertson and David W. Skidmore, Assistants to Sandra Pianalto the Board, Office of Board Members, Board of Charles I. Plosser Governors Jerome H. Powell Jeremy C. Stein Trevor A. Reeve, Senior Associate Director, Division Daniel K. Tarullo of International Finance, Board of Governors Janet L. Yellen Joyce K. Zickler, Senior Adviser, Division of Monetary Christine Cumming, Charles L. Evans, Jeffrey M. Lack- Affairs, Board of Governors er, Dennis P. Lockhart, and John C. Williams, Al- ternate Members of the Federal Open Market Daniel M. Covitz and Michael T. Kiley, Associate Di- Committee rectors, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors James Bullard, Esther L. George, and Eric Rosengren, Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks of St. Jane E. Ihrig, Deputy Associate Director, Division of Louis, Kansas City, and Boston, respectively Monetary Affairs, Board of Governors William B.
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