The Oxford Democrat.


Oirran took the turf km of what ah* bmmL Errrj om A TROUHLlSOME TRIBE. nit ti hltoMlf At a cost of tweaty-three ficimtly engnawiug. pa- mw that OF BICHES. AMONG THE FARMERS. ceata for Km Ire little par Inane with kiln, and we parted with tiMtkwl a* bar aow. I plaluly PENALTY RM»«^rnW».* po«adt. Very TIE MOTS DBIFPUIUCB 11> ■tuiity WmIi IK> A|>whH Mil TMr M- Ooun—lors, cora la IhU town. M we at mom nun ah* «m boar lldialBC. AtV>rn>T« GRADUATE a«eet U raUed Um hope getting light ( bM. rnioa SAYS THtV ARC *|r h»*r no canning factory. Vfllow corn tj WlLim LEIOHTW. Mt day. "I h«*r Dtana Margtllivrajr'a COLONEL INQERSOLL will be »ery rood If we have m front Tbi light Mfttlalj did not com, but an lb* at air," ah* aild A WCARINQ LOAO. i (C«aeta4e4.) WaMIIMTM, Sipc 10.—T1k» a °y«m>«y v^,r>,«»si!!itos^ for Um next t*e week*. WiMifraM there wm mow oun offldti inquiry aa And llw wirdi wm aearraljr apukaa l*»M tar UU hi IUII D. II an- not do It wm with uiinda Terr ill tn»l«> I j 01 (torcruor Zullrk tA Art**** ^ pass. .IriittlMHt the Bight of the Mk which did prrpuni boar a ix .ufn««l of * blkM OtlM4 wall aaeoergy. Olmn, it an aarly when ►hufflm* footat*pa Uoao, A(TtraMitnU HmmnM, much to tho ?Im oo mm fur ■ with ibt mmemm that YM Ik* Or»»t (Intar mm! U»)m R»H** •mln»t t)f rvtarti of fKnmiiu'i, lh« fWK Ma. harm, except meeting ef tba forenoon, took Um bland ttalnrd «ta heard lit Um lobby. Thadour opan- low Ooe bow alio built we Utonk nuwlm ilnal 9 o'clock la A Mm ml YwIm jui ehirf, Attorn#?• eenaoa. paprr •d, MPTCMBtR CROP BULLKTIN. (hli John F. Talbot. th*> evening to liorthwlrk'a lloaa Wa NwMr* rr»- h w» fMH Ki'iml lull-real ill lliia that Um awwf waa ao much impreaard Lrothrr AofM mm! rt*Ml«| Itnfill; nrrii MXflRU*. found muim buuw of with ot»rt» t)l»»lthlr»tjr » •hSJS'S •tannm rwni (ixnmu comn. with the itiaa|MM« of atory "What uaanlnf H—< k liw ri tha darkM* T1m> l*it tin*** UvruoiuKi miitnnW*»1 Now U o Ubm to Bikt dralna the ibadtiwi ml In raal "A doaan food that ba bad reaolred upon handing It eriad the «p dignitary. 1 • hrrrvrr seeded, u the U la of IhM) hoar*, And all appearanree be- fl>i«rtei Orrnpo*4»»f.l «M ill IMC. lit- life I IflTrQ hllUM If up * HOLT, UKXMAKK. fround ow to the flacal Nor did ba fall in h»Ti« n*t ma and told km I haw condition for each work. IaH Ma- nttrr The hoars paopla New Yom. rtrpt >0.—Colonel Ml tlifM orrMlntu, to food tokening bopalemtMwa aa kd« a wall bill brn d*ad and bftrinl fi* fl>« l« f- in.-1 tu a auit * Ooansaior, Tha great quratloo with linwti U to opeo without any better reckoning appeared frt lutf-r- brvak »«r«jr from tbo rrenratioti <■« Attorn#* paaeed which, about 1 o'clock, glared in rarlnua "Aim! thai I morderad my ain broth- make i (mid pile of manure, iad then Intervale, ooa elfhtr rods loaf, four the ilWw in the atrvet of rtkJOM nt-ar the tup of one of the 1*11* wbirb bo w«« nrtii.-l »ft.r tbo »ur »y. than Incrvmlng U» tffrrt that An „,*« ami «hm to It. Dif- M lire wide at the a ad two of Um city the rr." rrlad tea*. o tI bow, whan, ipplj deep, top Md the uf the uu- parta nit I>111)• 111.iiii Wallatrwt Tii. tr r« ii'l< r iu i«ari* > .*>*> and drtute hliuwlf gathering gloom waa written "And aan 1 am mUmI Um Iattl.n k-a ferent loitllllH dllfcrrut ways, and one-half feet at bottom; another whereaa a paprr on whirb ljr k». their flonra, tlf*. 'M% % HUL«»t, adju«t Speo- fruit and our M other of a boot earn* but not alight un alreet la at m<> aixl wlnaaevra offer imt P>*tMjrtbUwurd, tlfutfbnpr«»- ing. hay tattling objevta, lenfth, found Uie High of Edinburgh, fwnl of haft hare m>ittHT eo We are door. w.»»l, rarf^t in< riixigli III liM'lf, •!<•« not, Im »uw tacle* and Glaaac*. w no get better returns. method, •inite deep. And theee drain* a at ba to the h«r baud woman," ha c**» J My reward ft would |irai IVggy, u< to I'fak kiiiimI tif at Law, Eye use of much value. We have alto a well Man started, and wa r ro.r |Im> fnnlitf|H of lt« ul iiii>a»' in of • Attorney I have imrsurd It three years, la to Maogillirray written the aaitenta of aa ha wml round and look hia fr>«|ti« plarw prmn who bail IIddnI Th« it)«ki and rbaln an* of th«< mains. • on the (rasa that defined «v«trm of underdralnlnf In view. were not Im anrprlaed—nay, 1 hare no ordinary oillilrr cotirrjr aii n< ti. r.uiiito and hl« twnd of frl«'ii riw,o r. r»>M THK and f| by servant; or to who would »*»T M1M U (round over, tod tnr (round Is ready of nitidern Idea*. of Intenee thoufht ing IteMif, anjr pmun what Dial in MAIMS. on tha tramp tranip—ao hitiiM If know* precisely Tb« y Wf» ul in Ariiton* and WLLlUlx. ne*t one ahead. Now as the farmer U by Mrp paa»g> Information toahow where Urn** PgCVAT, spring week rapid profraaa lm|»elled give tending come frimda aoniewhat fauilllar with w%a«> *!■* ( lika una wall known that (lirran rjar- la, ritt iitato about an hoar ineatta of irettlmr rid of It lie pt< <•«• u r j«m, d n 1VMUUT. taking ami the individual* who v«wu« ra' about the same as usual. hud Been the mlaaing men on the ilay at AM. M.D., age ha did nut imn to ia aw to to the aollrltatioti of I'M X»T WiNMtSCST, wsre charmed, yw4 which the dMnnr« wu fin yield HiniC»l>«UI<rotnot«-ra of acl* nea, and lu> • ul')««t thrill ||). || rAKin. SUCCESS. comprehend Hut nothing came out <4 tbe bill or In a rertig<\ with nothing In her brain Pnr«»ician * Surgaon, 1 him what it contained realltfalltltf tin*' •t'h^niea aa lie outflit tin* wur»t mtl* atate fair U paat ami although atked toward of her boaband, received. It rut her U correct, and The thirty-third the prvrogiittioua tending any flird ucrpt the Image ouo- riui, maims. etc., just Yea, Andnai ha could not attif a word. Mra. Mao- he |Hita hla IWM'J into them. Aa a lira mhI imlitfiil' •i»nil baa left Ua record. While for good aulTk init to the miml or in- received a ui •taring 17* II «» l»M,p» aooner or later we *hall all come to the theory atay through pair he often flnda him— lf out of I • r, Iiyw were rr wm find him. an«> aeqnencr, ti<-« TWU»»>I and auftlclent reaaona the receipts gi 111 ay's eye apon if we a atateim-ut Gow didna toll liiiAtfliuMn. w I'r, |i«M u4 VmU, point of "finding out that tbrr* U in rod dam belief, eicrpt "Aui»i' nf tin ir iu'«l cartridge* to thf tork there U In a follow," and <|ulte up phenoaienal myeeif made a man, a clerk in the naitmued b* u ho looked round upon porkcL h i and character of man. liy young It ia not an nntter to find not M U. > 1*1, In the extent iug what ailed tba en«y rimerfu! pra>'- HK«l*»t ST. ed alno load- wheu •• |rt titer* the jurat ion to aolve coach iiffl.*, o|>|««it« which the bhaid aa all ■till in amajrinrul. price*, cartridge* Ua eihlblta, and In the methodic and "Can no rtmAI" mid the officer. what Colonel Initwdl ia dotntf. Il< U tlii« wim t«» y It, how ah all wr makr <>ur farming oper- y •taiurd had Inn found. He went the Wlfo aa ahn be- Nary handling of the multifarious |u|»t "K<\" rr*|«ittn and waa |»m- gan to rrcorer here-df. "What had re- running machinery on •elf In fart, nothing can »Ji. tt d o»• 41 laborer* require* If theae bulletin And the Mm* word* trembled tha tiki im k r wit 'tU lint I* I»I**mM; our nhot- atari to flnlah. It haa never been excelled, (s^iuMvd f.jr lb* fl-al to tie* effect that to trlir* Kxamine $8.1)0 tan makr thla clear to the major- of tha dearonem from him dirvrtlyreirardiiiKtlMtuiattm lull*, whriv »xl ItMMHWrMUlM. we lipa I he arance he aaw that had V and claim never haa been eoualed by un tin» day of di»a|i|a "Ja»t Angna and I rum of the farmer* of Maine, they will Oat It catue at and tha affart thai omipjr hia at tenth in. Ileum wnalil lx ,*(• • Mn.bM* «imi former Brta other of the kind In all the length, m< n whom m>t know mount to kha' to am oar brother »l't«d atti ntloti l«jr tin- lu»« t» • it- given All faklra, chance trick*, cheata, I look paper of time to la vu half drunk when I liy price* no doutK, making better fanner*. mn*e- pmn, and without having pay thrir It Johnny a*. arhemea and showmen hi* ability aa an orator and lawyer !■«>- tug th" U*.- ami 7T ever better farma. rambling nolajr %• htch calculated htm thr and th« this than U-fore. paving No Bor> fare*, they |«obably gnre iMMf, itipMiiv th.w who year •jueiitlr were ruled oat and kept oat from the plr, particularly •ympatiiiat* tjuivriiitf ft* al* from th" boo**. Tlila Smith A Machinist. imm inliture u*ed In thla aectlon, u|>xi M illing at the other mil of thur had helped to mairdrink, and the drink examine rminiU tad their vlclnltv. IVeaident with hla writ known rb wa, ar>< Inter- aouml Ilk" tu MtIM Pleam* call and though there ought to be If It I* a ru»t h»l ilrlfdi I.mi may il«*y, »KI\ haa been to make Juwaey. ata|it■■■ — before {•retentive, the annual atate fair a model In all r*> One of tie* men, who waa am! Why. x* •>»«' frfcl—ry. and get or le«« afTivtt-,1 «Ith ru»t «Uhln the Uat alaiut him. He ateruly trfu«« top.»»■ (If ral Ira, ih" il to win in th« Mtt"U !• ltxWbt««l • • t»l trill* M>W *» t few their gn r w*> art Up*. IW* clue where. dajr*. digging poU- In th« belief that were murdered, lu — moral standard of our at larfe. the y| purchasing toe* to tlie rut that fol- people other, immediately upon prrreiting taate for detail II" <1 ■>« <>f th" trou* r«cape uaually waa of dee»l biographical f««r tli«> iTAlwIina Apacb*' : i«m. l>n thla he haa been hound the movent* behind. lie and Angua tha >f ft u»«ird not are worth writli : l» think that ,ile M<*. !(•> waa iu<-(>iiimaiir*l« r from lb* aecrrtary of war to A. I. STURTEVANT, Hakim Kakmak. to he aaw the other about replied the lUanm. aolvrd goaftrr "Kiplanallooat" to make iht iii worth remembering. n-llmrs Umml i «TIHM, •ought to win success bv an opposite than thai Ifi l<» Ari("ii4 iml ^ Mt MI < »Mfi. to take hit Mat It waa after be "What mair do jr» ihwI juat • 8uccaaaor to A. M. OBRRY.) course. That the one falla to inert run* only Colon.'I Iiiut~.11 ia not. bowiw, an again* t th* waa the -'r»- t 1 nn>l (>■4. Mllca* cam|Mlini an oc- heard a of the two Mw*gilll- aa 1 g nig up High i >ata. rye and buckwheat, with nlng ripenara, while the atate fair goea ilierriptlon aiuip|>riNt> bal b» or a reticent man. In* lasted about four month* and Cin! KarfUiiwr and Surveyor, were Angu*. who raxur to me and aaid Ap» of art our which to defrav that he began to think up »■ inl«| I —h «•( ITl, Little, If auv wheat being Ihe c«»«t of Ita la a the m< n whom he hail observed. When changed tine* Aiid pal gralna. e^ulpmenta, apeaklng eirtvillntfly eaattlh^ of liu •• v» illi lb*' Mtaio*. and <«rain baa been waa wanted the to be forgotten, and lirely rij»ri>ii< Maui rai*ed In thla vicinity. on tranagreaaora of our law, thia at<*y came to l» known, it part » a new« M»n. commentary atrrUtfth, heuetrr refn»t to bo cam* to Imih a cunb'iupt condition. The oat a to ha would the world to be aupniu* lm harveated In good and at the aame time compliment found to agn« in aurne re- tliat gire '•» Utoitk* |i> It* IHI»I>| at mM oonvcuteiitly tlftii. Ho found that >• awhil waa not *o the I of the me. refiMn the aii'I diallk* for kt>u>< >M l»l r» 11«f »lwn iTop badly injured by lie culture and refinement people with the of the Aa- frt««iparted of auming that the men a« n by the rl«rk offrtwl hand nf brother. month. ail the farmer* la thl* the week th-T ih-fdtlnl III l«ttlr, Imt alao to anl- Nearly The neather throughout read for myarlf the following worda, die two it aretned wa« *« anil>ma to be frienda again aa wer*' really the Icothera, th* liallt thre*h their grain. The potato waa In our favor, and but a manner: tuaW ami bird* Tin y wafw In vicinity nothing (■■rd in linee In thia that the deacon waa be who he. Ho maybe our hearta gut big, and all! be free from rati common probable I* aneop|e IVvthvirk'i l'ka% Kdinbnrgh, haith l. the cuarh for ialaahiala W* *r* d<>« iKir new factory dajri gus prowling (Mmml SURGEON-:-DENTIST, showing in. I u. l. what VVlfii tii'nmiiiiiiiurnn>lin«t, the far Wr*t, mi no aweet corn waa br the treaaurer were about It bad with rough uaage. hia broth* r in the at of the on the very of atariing. and An- tried rntering point ami that waa ««aib lata*. of but l<> fffu l of the direful to to Ml Ira mad* oual>million. Hart*. of « in lb* In thl* *ectl»n. I know IJ'-.i**', with aome trifling yrt a>l«UM«ml tlon to him into the ami lilat kha' to buy ahrep the neit forewarn, * dog country »t of I'lttmi and l John ll la due from the atate. Thla kiiwi the Mtm w«r» »li<>uld l»> rtuiovrd frmi th jort T««t& »itract*d without pain ulortnga. SlrkHljr [here film viUtit that of there wre.ik Ida at a diatance but that If 1 war* agreeable he woeld revenge f n<>t th*ir ItlKAM. iwella the total recelpta for the year to I would have we li.«.. iintrr lb* rutioii |«arti<-ularly— t«wtta Sfi. par Mt. Mm* writing our report kept rjrm ThU «U(1

  • (>ai>if, together. I ob)ertli•«■ r than errf t for the hrtUr. W> but »hr held oot her hand tn we maun aetxl notice to oar wirea fart. thonght to )>rW*a illtkHii hitr litnged mblingly Uut XarrantMl fit tb« mouth. The nf the year will in r Inaatnuch a* have l»en tailing under • fair eipenaea prob- i, of It, and it wm too becaoaa I 1 IP««I pla fi theiu, they kl«»ng aomewhat than laat topt j.—.-m between the two to travel together I larkxieil (low, thuoght IV work warranted. *r t«n T«H1 Bargain* In over our weather ibly t>e larger aluav* I** ii »»«• «t to a iiioaiitaluoua c»*r pre** uf nntit, wind late to oMtcmlnMiit She md could trual him a li>1 on account of the of a atteMpI Angua would have y«ir inalde also, him, fare atipance nw IIIL4' main tallt rear, building HUHKL IJH#» HH'IL ami th<> lowlamia < f Florida, •juartrr. top gallant. atuddlng It it claim', and, «• If It had b»* n hi a !lwrt) ■■■>■> m4 H. ing posters for seteral war*, ment, Ibrtu wm of nmnt marh, ami, by my troth, or •all hauled up. The late rain* have plenty ire«l htm with mnlialitjr b would not, lulu* lit, Ml the Mvrtle t'oniblna- aaid CJIrvan aa r < 11 <| « 11111 U lit r 111 11 f«- alatiou*, judgm* • U I I< W HUKoMV Tf am! thr l« ircurlng of IVek awi*il "Htaya little" f<« turn. Hn far and cer- m-*« j. yi jja my fre«hrnn| veg. tat Ion o»uutry ingeuloua to talk •UniI anything «scvpt himaelf. to I*' i>iinli)i'iii< to tha h'-alth of > \< Nil lion, which of Uaelf U underatood to be be n*» and k*& hli hat "1 will be waa to ae* ua frnnida prov* • Ut» T.» M>(t dre**ed Id It* (imt attire. The apple tainly iu the on umataiM^v not improb- Andrew ilrllghted If hia Tiaitor la inter»«ted 111 Kimfe, be Mil an Item. The debt r«>ua Uirii and t'arU>M, I* looking hrtter than tail month able. Then, aa to the paper, what more again, maybe talk about or, lu <>r rv- mkkk to «a crop if the waa at the annual will that, hiatory (Oilm 11*1 nrn r.<«tWl f>a. an|f- u* of the la meeting <|ulte (■ Kill to the officer a* to the word*, llut what the cadie de- During »tay Apacln hold. reminding language qnrvtiiio with Um< returned narh, having bmi though manage to mak'- m*mt ar that I hi* can be reduced between four Ami b* Will v wrni confined within old »'»i a» atu (Wily «»'»»»«» by n»>n the office. Ject. Florida tln Hiawatha. |n who left It at balliea' wbeu era of ceived u*. dldna y* get," he continued, aw Uol h> Norway. Malar. »n«l five thouaand dollar*. •rut Angua uj»>u tba liiniM'lf • !»*». Hut lie * • aa mH y«a aal bjr Tt-rjr ut*rtaining at M Autfu*tlu", ami Wrn» "Aa>l IW Milt trM> grrw tt>l Il|»*rl 1 aMirtaiiml that hie name wm Hugh aa he l<»ki*l Into the fare of the dea- Fort Marlon, W The total In recent at after committing th« iM aiwi of .tut f«»— •ltHr«>l|ina Tilt IW» *tw>l la all IMr t*«j, recel|»ta year* flight rt-fiiMM to p>miittb«* publication constant tlwr* I I'lilted Mi I'Ih r»> Ji, a cobbler wbo n»liM In "didna the aalluoti that Ijr guard"! •J vtll laU • »f Ml UmtI* awl U«lr | .«•»»/* the fair have tiern: U-.-irtug the mark* of fingers? Ai n«n«s ye get l»*« mil*-** It la* lu hia »» ? -Wn ..f Uto r*t*r faa bliaat; thing that *a>» Mat« • wibtl« r« After a tlm* tli« y wr* of IMr gmm ami tbt) Cowgato, and that hia account of the M ut uo the it waa killed • •» *l » ha .1 |W fur tin* motive for tbua bia Angua yuu day literatim. lit* mm 1 «(«lM |-rW« M I1IMC pnrlaimlng own worda, vi*rt*lim »t to VrfMn l«arra« k». Our corn Arid I* theclraneat we have mauner «»f It wan tliat be tra':»ferr«d Mount ■ * • •*« ta latrwlaia I-Mi obtaining the im»t element in —the IWth?" •n Mia Ukto villainy, difficult ia that no man. however h»>n*«t or on theory In Alabama. (taring tint flr*t yur ». Ml If a>l*ar rrrr *eeo It lu rear*, largely M foand It anxjig »traw the afreet right mn-rrt waa all but oaL What waa •» i« vWataU}. la M thirty-five tbe wb»l« itorjr, it have bn>a Tlie ran n* ll» or NAME. might hkI |ialnataktug, repnalni-** two tin ir life In then* «•> naw ■TATE due, we thluk. to reading T. B. Terr*'* the coach office in the High of captivity Mala a MJat j%*t «ul • o|ij«»lte might not \m win n the mind la wanting waa afterward aaoertaineiL >>( another with ••«»ur The l*r*ctlral (trhat the Idea* aii>I laugnag* among theiu. I>til their aa • Nook farming" itlvrt, from which the coarh to (laU> driver had the lUh be- gMl mortality to flml that it ia?> the wild The apffopriated • writer. So If and thr u*v of the |*t«ii»|Hw«l mt being a iboitkaad v* «m« accli- NT1 ItlMMlMliAIIV tot KT Farmer /ephenla atarted twice a week. It waa fur- ticket addrr«a In altli luiprond tbi-y u»l and ahicla mi of a bravado, a* Mr*. Mac ran* he aaw uo of upli<<1 m.Mtxi anyhow, probably pirl aihylline at courw further confirmation, in tba ble myiteritw, Home of Mr. iutimate fiwi • aa« r»m a. It It was known that Col. liiueraoH'a Mliife, table*, «ll»ln* fir. Thry Imi« T» Try come home tired ami hungry, and Although Uirvan rame agalu hurriedly luto the lolled off, and, tahold. the IN hIIm, •. IN of time, of the universal oat- cork!—"Mya- whoui be aoniefinica tullu *■ l«rf taa ntura, takm u* three month* to Jrmrd linlrrd to he of the paaeage " friend*. with ad< t« <1 i'it ili/< <1 dn-*a ami to >im* rt- at would have n«»m, It* aa If be had been | ». w. >1 m4 Jim I. Aa.W.»»r athitig hard, be tbe lerioua Ugcwla nf Kdiuburgh. »*a H*y l». (•••«»<,i>». rvea ami of the Tirtiou that, whatever might at* ail hia work, are not »o avuraa lie an- nun- •« «w»la Mrk n*l. t M, have gut over It. A. K. I*. responsibilities |to*ltton effect no doubt due mora tnit liabita of innal dlirkairia "I very W)« mxim' Ju* 14. •Tow, prealdeot, than to hia ex- »|atulal|oii« A CMILU S IOCA. |> I* 11"I to lialh' "tir»« a k, ami ««ala Mrk ru*>l, I |M, : another ami at to bia earitrmeut bodily .lay*. tiring forward candidate, wherefore, there could be little doubt of < nrloua In learu," »ald xmi of lit**** trum Waa4 l>r» U • from chotoH >» a*li tln-uiM lv* thorough* Tw lrt>« •at* are our principal grain crop. annual he waa ertion. dowu hia hat, be reenmcd Mun twl .r»»» Ihe meeting Laying tbe fate (if Deatxm And (tool h»aMa »r IkM* Ito «LUa I Iltw4 "h«iw ha wr»»te hU lacturea. I At4»ttr t»l In condition, promptly Margillivray. Ila frituila, oftdK r. • i«*r<4iliu » ha* l«mi obia>'U • 1 Have tnen lurvratrd goitd thu* the determin- a>«t, and bia hand into bia !'>• ly h«l UbIIw, re-elected. Indicating bit putting tbe same lixtiaai of affect tba TIW I'klllwl l*f*a of kol) Uaik. •■ Mrimh Injured ation of Die life members be drew paper witb Maul III Ik* jnatbw Ui». I*., «fi ou leavee. picket (iirvan along me, »« nint h ao I ranatered np roaragv •ai|- r.*U I I t a* It was the In office aoothrr tear. The meet- pa»wrlncl|>ally lilm like an wniunl T» Itltl IM \ a be- thing rallnl at the house in liorthwick'a tf* • ula ellk one and a»ked him. I learn* d. uiu«»k at aaid be aa be handed i\«(a«.tr*l ami a|>i>lau, Ik. itnl. will !«• (r«| wIthotit thraahlng. and Trwaa. K. II. Kveletb Mr- I iirvan, and another, of all tba M ileal of time on th*m. Ileworka im fart* Twltihell over I foand it to ba an »m*il brow bull. Umi imm niMlwl«< Tw Iraial tin* r»f*lu of will be bar- (llanring it, tba wtfa at TW • ■ An avrrage crop |*Hal««e were both re-elected for W<#ld tbe iwat unexpected hard to g*t tin* right word. ow that • »l M«ra. I» mIIm, unanimously for due Ulnran to An- •etft. Of FISHINa «f ICuet ha* to tour account akin*, by ANTIQUITY Jaw a. *l Y T I'Maaa iMMdU"* vetted. appeared another term. Angua Ma< gillivray herself. liar atory "I «*i •• *a«ala carry ap ika |uM will not ciprraa hia Idea. Imt rive It avrr- «*ily U. A. Tl«wa« I I Uf. !>. extent. \ rllow torn i» above the choscn were a* follow*: (na Margillivray, duly diarbargeiL Hhe a wa» eitraordinary enough. aaiil for t)»a* r to hi* *ent« or*. Ht>iuo ft mm il* fair I lr»|«tra ImmImI Aalmmf M. al llaahrl. ki»'«rtrl mmW* to at a • |>r»f«a fliythm July age. Much of our *wre< o»ru failed "What of tbia?" aaid I, uttt.rly [lUalaaatl Ika < kll lUb fa* # ttb a klaa. ..a al U. A. rwntua, FlrM IMHrtrt-Ali'aiH that ever since tbe taking out at tba lu hia lwtur«*» haw <«»! W Ilk a N»ll » uh. lvAAC A. WAl.k».u. «w<*l W. llaWMa*. to the <»f it alL paragraplia I t Ur. < J*. I 0 come well. IH4(M-II. haa kuow meaning aa tr»r mom bad hut (uMlrrlii, I ywitr hnun hartlaat lal*»r I**- • •( fart*. thirl ItUtrtrt-A.J. UbW. UwUirTowra Angua Margllllvray htm many of IIm Th art of aiulliitf uo tloabt h«t lla Jilt V. II aa>l («4 I, »>«ir*«.| I* a ma. "Kiaminath* handwriting of the two (>a til LU wi^lt, Ikae* (nn Ika maaaln* u SCHOOL i < u»i j». • e nna IHaUVS-W C. Mara*all. Ut-u • man. Ua bia Dibla tin hi into tin* »hangid read iUT. Tka •»- for* ha tfot right •ha|»* In mau'aiit'<^«altb«. Th" i«rlUwt u fu tiarkaaaa grow* Ika kwp*. urltflti Tw Irt'fl (Mi W M I* at W> Our I* motllr •wta and harlev. of aaid be. • grain Mr. la returned In Mr. pa|ar«," in tbe and showed other Indi- la or r» i»"»« lo I<« a im. •, I.lbby pIsco moniiug 4 awl, Tbrta nothing mprrpon*! •|»>nt4 r»-« .T'l of matikiiHi tnakt* r« f« l'»rt« a a-1 rrtara. reaae In It did eo ami There |« no In. miied grain*. and Mr. Marshall waa 1 immediately ejaculated, tba ha Ika *llklm*il utter ». 1 M a, at fart*, rvgutar mil a. M.T. I'ooler, catiuna of fur enmity U bMwt w* (atkMMd, Ml nrona in hia writing or of fi r f111 a Mi Mr, which to i'i cent of our will be t>n the f b«T pocket ia*ra w>r 1wn "Caitil thou r hla totitfU"with • nifl which unanimously wanted to make aurw work." Ki tkall ika kM|a ha nadr. ka MIim4 ^ItHTLKFrS •traw are worth more not to !• over- relieve the of the tbe very purpuae, "I swear by tbia boly If not contempt "A great fortune,** h« thou b tt. it ilown? t 'anat thou • the aoclety aecretarjr aura it I, Tor •rmpkoni»« dhtat-ak, »laa, i*m| anal! (ml better than laal "Ami enough la," nulled to be tba meana of writer'a "i« ou'wtt orotn>Kn ri|>e. I'otato oroepevta expense of clerk hire, the turn not to but k, wbicb I bopa Ja»ni la U'mIiIhim l\al oticn »aiil In the prvaatKw, «>k III hla nar?" llniinT, lu lha thla "but what coocluaim do jrua draw from -Caailr Itojal k l«4 Tw W W. Willi MA Kail. IW. mouth. all aweet corn In tbe salvation of aoul and that of my r ami more mllculooa I than " Nearly exceed |IUt». my 4 heavi* "IIImI, »|« aka of tlahltiif III th>w llnra PHARMACY, | awl IV f al r r»»*.«.r* aa The itarted the nth. of it r on May l« «laja •Mkm. factory ttec'y Twltchell called the attention tiu*Uuid, that Angua Margillivray, tin* oM man of tlx* at a. A man had let A* I'Mltif '!• ath la lh» (aJWIuw 1*11, »f Ma Mw hanUwa lit, 11 am to mention waa the |«UU-a t lira above the average and proapevt* the life member* to the great service "I afraid It," ao "FRENCH AS SHE 10 SPOKK." I r»-in Ik* baiit lllili lha Ua4*<> * via lit. Ta Ira.vl fr».ai Hwrway that morning when be strangely dis- ler N» ilcad than rich." It la of o«nr- aiigla » la tal tMan>, got rendered by the press of New Kngland wp'y- itated to witb ban to till* Ami It la M^filxl lu lha fry*bar* ma, aye, Mil la bal Ul >«>rf.>r (ulimil Ing*r«*>Il talk lu Oilyaafj: U aa 1 Jaaa 1 al to In appeared, Mr. OwiHlIk1! H—mm May >. la. »<. I. .lay* AMPOVUk In *o many Item* of value "Dut I'm mv" crinl the deacuoeee ■Ian Ik* r<*l la ban4. at VW>I publishing in bia that ha mourned continual* II*' liaa of ami doubt A• |>la looa AaluW a* prt'ltoa w eyta, !!• kuf|»nl*d. way. plenty Money In thi* the wltliout expense, and urged a wild "It la I thought," On a r« k tuuaM Ult •lan fry aiarr, HMI»I a»M NrV loialllj but They tlint he waa determined to a aft< r fctojta*. la Aalatn aa>l ratara. obtained thla Imither; «mii« wrrv to ri-iii* iuU r," aaiImHm capllxa II aal U, af Mila threshed. Itarley by liii: If in to conf«aa fl«urf* It * ato»a-W»l Jaaa M, II. la^aWw la and attendance. would throw bia way, brarlm hia opinion, "that I.'iH.hoi i«r»-ak« ami <4h*pa« Uua wltn oata. OaU are not the poaalble, "French m ibu U arlwul «w|alva!ent of 'lay* anxui'l th«' M«llt«rr%n^au « li lt, t COLBY, rtrta. Malaa. II Injured by huahand." swear apoke" tijrllw arly al raa>la la lw»«ll(a. are In service ao rendered. On motion to offir him bia band and hr would mi that lu-, t*>s la-lonio* to tlx- h am rutt IVtatoee rotting heartily the act paaard, clever aklt ou the Kn-iirli th<- art of aii|(lliitf l'lutar< Jaaa II, II a*>l la. a al Aalnar generally. of "Dut why abonld be pabllab UiJT. In • Itradlcnl 4af* rutt hat killed the of lion. II. U. Burleigh, a vote arviM-Htd which ba would c!a»a of luillitaiain-M." t. tl.l.a al sWtaaa, aome local It Ira. Tlie frnmUhlp, forma uf iIm inevitable iWaplard t> lla of a th«* fair Rtryp- waa to the for the In hia own handwriting?" I rejoined. play lhal part prank j.layM by JalT O ia>l W, I -»a|a al IM utrd the Bordeaui mixture lhanka extended preaa true to the of bia death." t'oloiM'l houa*ho|il earn- IU-lw*|*»lra. Jalj and are much with the retult. This remarkable atatetneut, wbicb priae », Ualih* hi« wifi' ami h< r aiatur Ta i" ailn Ira tal trvm **»aj to pleated Krenrh roarae" priM wa*f» n«l no Ihclr an- to aee •tata In It* effort to an bia rvreog*" aba cried again hyateric- of the n«ivrutinnal"flrat Aiitouy, "Th«-y rtrta a»l rrlara. One gentleman eiperlmentrd aoclety complete tba maniiea M wall aa ami hia tin- hualkiml ami which ahould waa confirmed by "liar* m« llw nvtlm IwoiUughtt-ra, ami h«-r illT'-railbl bang a aalt ft*h y Davlon Bolster & Go. laa.ia.I Uf.alC. f C, f^laf effect would br leaving exhibition fittingly repre- •iiy. order—tIi, 70a |{lliii{. ar|l what the be, hoiH«t I hararter r.f tbe woman, waa, two rhlhlmi of on** of lh«* al*af many com- brlievcd t v all of ua ami two rooaiua. Ilu ia on Fifth armo** 1 ALL ATTK1TI"* •wi one and K. II. llrlgga and Col. C. II. Osgood, wedded to tho old theray •orlfty. If*, ha* t 1 aUwml lu frraoMi of flalK-r- June. He made but application M Dot unljr to wrlta hli own condemna- plett ly when oalling on a friend whuec thrw l*oin|» r*rt*1 **** *" toon waa to draft resolution* on that It seemed aa trn- ami a aotninrr Inum* on Ibv llml» >n n< m w W WI|ITMAI*II thinka be did not commence i|ulte appointed bat the offlrvn of the law a murder by Angua uuaJl nlecea bad arrived from turn. All aloug tin* track of hiatory am k>kiblo booth America. The children's native FMl/i fouml tr.w« of thia g. ntle nation, of live Ilelfast. go paraait at ioc«n itroiMio Botton. at |l per package poundt, tion aa it waa to raiaa ber out tba a tin- from TALMAR and The of the treasurer was re- With all Umm qaallfloati««u, it waa tongue waa Hpaniah, bal evidently allowing gradual lmprm»iiM«it I MM tbJ.r.MTBAVIt.l>r. but And 1 he can buy the material report orvat of ker aorrowa "The uewa of ceived aa It Indicated that to rid of the direct ef- de|itb "Oral wwae" bad beeu u*. «1 to Bawit HaWrl J. lh>' hook of Umrtaiwt mqaipnM«t »«r 14.1 <\»y M fn*—rt t»l !*•••'* with applauae impueeible gM said Kugllah l^rlai '•» baa bcru o1 coming, woman," man to th^ li amnaa » water mark and Insure a abu; "1 will UUc>e it Angua ta nf the m>«bm — M the high good indicating thai lha deacon had and their flown n»f* tin- ami lotiginga angler to IW Tvtiflh ■»—»■. pffcaa tolff M•■ K 1'iwl.t 'iaoU *»!<•<«, Bm« enough o' a try, qnalnt high pbra«*« Doffalo «1ariii|| tb« rliralt tiiiiC. slice wined out of the debt, wnlch blmael' to ba innooaot to the W«r* Mil M««fwr»l. ki urWr «( being twen killed by mum qm, whether Angaa piovtti wem a cuiutant aoarce of mirth littU Itola-rt J, cbamphai HL Loala ^»l-DUpalch. Mirk n*i, II M Is far below the cash value of brotber'a bluld." bay griding, Uaa •!»' h>to* already officer himaelf Minted to hara •• » -i-a— aa —Usl aft. mX^mrn or not. Th« bona*hold. They invariably prefaced Ird oat «• lr*>rl.« •*•••. ii m wuwruiu (taor. tm nj the property. Adjourned.—Maine UUI JUVIiafntHMri, liMJi, Jaw II. I* Mkl I1.I'U«i»i«.ii>( n»b ao doabt, and, m for Mia. Macgillivray. each aMiteoce with, "It ia that" flour tlw l»rn. II** looked at him WW* II I* • Farmer. to front of MlM«yN«to4 in oaucluaion wm rendered er, "Ibet I have nothing fipwt brnahed Valrk IrM lara, atiw iftifi m her furmrr only "Jnanlta, why haven't yoa aud "A a man arrra two inaataral T» Ik IIM h«-n» • Ua I am rrltloally remarked, very ap.»«l» Dfigg»—Can liM * oalmneM into coming an>iI II. I kMil I'm»«. A Colorado states, after allud- qaickly relapwd appeared boa- eyed girl "Y«a," rvpllad Mr. Ilamliu; "hia fon« liar* a wif« ami a grown UaagbUr, you paper thai, what«rcr luu Utcume of yoar waa the fl M«. i« be the fxwieeqmena at reaignatlan to lha 1 failed to diamvar niy bnuh," Imt ai b««a> Nun that ing to the sale of a |30,U» ranch, that do from lega are l*ut, know.—Walcrburr. T» ■ bIIm ln««l u* nn». | m baud, bo baa received iajary nxMiieut the Vara. ranches are not la a* will of ouT " atat* At thai baby In tbetu. TIh-v ant dif- taiMf J«U«wMil request formerly, of minft ly reply. way I have faith IM the offwt had lntinmlad tbo a where- «f Tra«*li. Mm, llttla call bring made for them compar- Meanwhile ap eulra aat op piercing yell, ferent from lega »| el mm MM, I m "Thai look* Ilka naaoo," mid I, "and ed to farm*. thai Um paper waa to be and a the am aid child, with hand op- M e»l ia italMl that a train trar* AUO— 1,«.}m4I.I«iiv wiiiimi Wwbw, government traordiaary paper. aooordinalr for Our common land* have been and are hum hue- Hotiery Everybody. W WklMMrrii m>« J r NWI.»|-I"H» After the went to tha CowgaK and harlag fnond "And 1 may «a7 the of my thine U duabtfnl, whtn yoa amy t» I Ml ikr Ur*+*mg mill Uj Ika Grip still used for with sett lad tha brother'* wife "to he m vu Ml ~nt. MmmI mi l«*i competition tha man, who wm ao tha ara of going band," aaid dlaappulutad and be bliawd la dlaap- •it uw IWKjI* mi, My and at common Al.tffcRTL Al *TI*. husbandry, expense. to bad, trotewW with oar examina- not a-mining aa well m Dancan. and pulntaMOl, what tuvaiit thU mtlwM link Jn- l'«it tif Ia la said that tba I Hike of Hamilton tion. Be adhervd strictly to what ha who haa a right to mj thai the one killed atir aad outn root ion of mind? Cau your W iMkH HMr*. bail lee' nor had the other, or thai other the oae?" altar Um oaaae or unraral IMtiMklwl Mil >MlWMl Ito let* his grass lands In Scotland for the had ttatrd In tha ■oUdtada )u>I»| I«jjW. we with the of the ■4l| imMl •# *IUJ»M WmImm, W. enviable sum of 9*0 per acre par an* ha any mora to eoMmaaieala, bat Iwm etrack renaming Um intricany at hatuaa areata? Can *01 Til P4HIS, MAINS J. r «««•, poriUa fcimnink «4 <—«»T lyM. %%%%%» num. This dona not look Ilka the ex- derived thai mach fnan oar rleit thai woman, who waa belter edeoated than jov cortartty pkni through Um dual Ill 1 <4 Uifcrt. »• Mftffjr Hood's *11 tinction of British man wm deacnaieni and with a halh made UMt »» itM Uirti* U» MWwtag mum, agriculture. wa henoan mtlefWd the honoet the griatw power which tba aaprama being waa T» WMUm WmIm, zzssxz ool aooeeeory to any trick or of penetration, and the mreter7 to mortal eye ? To piutidi J UturikMfor run. II r*ures In China the landlord pays the taxes indwM Impenetrable roll RALE. T«W W WIIMirU. mom one lo take another tarn. 1 waa aboal • • ^7^7 wherety Might hara aboat again* danger by Um TW J. ¥ IMK iImniH a§r of |1 M while the tenant has the prlvl- 4eeepdan amy Important WeWM tofiiw anon what had been lael aaid tel Mf« «ttt bM Ml* Inge of raletag aa Intervening crop after been enppoeed to hara taken adraalafi to enlarge employment ot Um mo* promuitu l*!TKvtn!lN wtllilSAftMiiyirt for about Is or of tha tmaenlatlM to InfOM a when Mm Oirran laid ber band anen ■mm U Iha oMm at urtedum, bat at T*** *«*' Mur % 111 W «w*l t*Ji «r rice, wfclA »1« leosiiud, pubUo • r>Hf It ^ NMi4! Nil ••• >•*■1' li total, rico included, for hie share |M. vmMtali Mtakr WikA Ihta pdtl tfUMi Moft^Ailoaltd. A L HOLMKt, MM r»/U- ,^A'=site!r5arrfS%-. T J. f tabl* ararf. 1*.. Mr* ilia* Im WM nonataodard 1 ITarkar, A; I. Tblffr, Mlngl# rrrrtl, Kin*, ■ tbowari bar to Um though anvil, (tanmt, 4; I-yaar Mrt.O. II IbU cUm aod ability go rbompeoa kept yclt < iter 1*»», M K Morrill, A O I iblr oner, 75; I. Ilurge««, UTAILI«HKI» \m. rfcrto,Alk»M.(>artood, Park, < i tin Id. John L. Oroftr. Uabrou, 4* Norway, Kmlljr *,fi •u» *30 list at time oa a nvwddMriUNMNtdiil orrr ti < ro« «u Dm (1m Um IIm any — I. double lllow, Mr* A T krr. Mri THE FIFTY-SECOND FAIR A. TWm, hrh, Mr*. Ma Ptafw, urgod tfcal 4*7 food hU Ooaamlttre K. K. Andrew*, 0. I*. htdlcy. J; K K Morrill, 15; 11; vi *u u4 awde Um Nlabok, drives by > Ro- wu bow M nek. Hhe wall drives clip kf J I Mlltett, U; C K llyeraoti. 1 Mrkrntirjr, n*vktl#, J>». Mr* A •» 1-iH*, Wra f. II. Morwt Oiford, filly ORipW O. Nhfcoli broke arrlagtM, A. V. Warreo. KW, (Mir, •xford for Um ■«« TIm I cloee for the faet pawn la Ik* nratr, P. Parrtngtna. r 4. uo- > throw, Mrs Jhc jPemocrat, THt COUNTY AOMCULTURAk bmi Illbba, llobro*, Mr*. Tni J. niMi liM U# -W. l«(hM, N; K Krapiiun, *lnd fallen tkle got U00, H M King, A. I I alt !<• lltiriM-ll, apron, 10; C«rrW It ||a||, A SKITKMHKK iV \mi. jTw. Naah, Norway, 4-Chaao, I'aele beat, Nlchola made a great bnrat of t A. K. HuaaelT, llurkiald, do, I; J. V. PAKIH, M INK, Um mum article »»y atrlklag out Um »U kaee aad ecied aaeleady. romialttre.—A. It. Tuell, H. K. Moc- t trow. Youu*, mi. 15; Uri mj. la aad want to Um Urlfa. arret*, aaa ataadard auekar, I; w. II. clauae that nothing »Im ahall laaoa look Ike place of kle eoa, Al, ipeed fata. lim. M. SCereoa. I J Woo*l, bed *H. inn; Mr* providing Kd. went to acrond watt, Houth Carta, do. S; I- T. Krrtt, 111, Til It CATTLB. Im lakl down oo Um for one ike third beet aad •eecwded la geUlaff driven bjr Thayer, ' Vrt*. haiidkrn litrf, JI); Mo II • programme a bad —A K Morae, South Parla, ||ttr, AT WOO DA KORBKS, I IwMw H. K. Hum! Ila'e a feat colt and Thompaoa made tlafleld, do, I; A. K. Ituaaell. Ilnrklleld. Vr|rUlilM |>i|iawwl>f hoar except thU meeUag. Hi ha colt dWtaacad. }«u poaltlon II M Tinker. • djr, 15; Abbiv A NarWrd,doll-,ulu, |o' •I fMto | MfUlMj and fall bark ImiI rammed, rood mare with a foal, 13: W. T. Ab> rejfetahle dl«|>lay, that when Um race* warn BOt atartod ike aaaie aad whaa be gale rlfhl aaala braak wajr (Hi*- * lr« JulU K Mi l/4'i, blanks. f. \|i. Um la* ott, J. V. ilo, 4. touth Parla, do, Cka< KranHa, "TW boat M nf rtlllt mm ftklMllot made them lata will It. Tha of Ute llabM tad gradaally claaad gap coming Norway, do, a; Barrett, I M.n IIMNMI M ArVOMk A- «■ ••(111 o'clock U wry provo "Mfllrit K. 1: I. H Nmn, SimiiIi Parla, Hub- 'Kellw,pOlewdwee. im 4 9 m U» nmrk mi mm a to Um home atretch an *|ual Cowmllle»- Arthur II. Brig**, U. lekl, «!«•, ISj k|-r M f—r*," oworj a hoot flnlihlag, and ho thought It a*> aji t "Jmoo Iteeeell elaraya had way aaarljr South •' ard. rwM'f 15; Ujjlm I. of allh Nlchola. Illlett, Wb». Hhaw. *rd an uaah, JKV; A K J ark ton. Kurxi, Iiiwl fair of lb* Oifonl U I tbMN(h the |o*| B«M Uut abould ha started at I #1 Unu • ibl<> ararf, i-'.; Mr* II K !!•>•••, < u.M,,n TV County |WMnl vtaable Umjt hldlag tpaad." Iba l*trl«, berta, .Vi; ATfYnoker. Norway, All of the breeda nn Theo eaaaed as asdtlng bra ah for III; (•mi la a mnwm mUW. popular o'clock. Hume »« bmbI- IUM. Herd*.—BenJ. Twkrr, Norway, tur- J 5; Mr* At wood. til(blilrc<« r|V' Agricultural ?WtHy opposition t M ri'MB, l« aooM drlvar In, i\; AK J* ka..n, South Pari*, aod «m wHl Hi la which thought Um N. W. • I"I»I hu hrni ft* mow thaa jrwi Own ry by good fealed. Tho vote rraultod 14 1b favor to •Ira, !.l(. IVuley, Hooth I'arla, 11, * Unit J * ••Ufi«r. lr«) \ | illy ■nut *7 Artrt. MklM, a oa* .VI; K A Merrill, l.akr, do. of Mch claaa. 1111 of Nlcbola would have bad (all 9. ■l|«, Norway 10. Thero tr» lota of nwpk la Ikn mmlj •|#rtOMM II only part of those preeent A• Mini, ... got Illlett, Norway, Milton I idilrrwi, |>lrturo ilrai*. opimhmI, bach of bla baadlt Um reUa had — Itoawell (A, .Vi; McAlllater, bo hired to a war; a vote la ftstla Wllk*s, M. AltortM, to Um t'oniuilttrf K. M. Nohle, |>um|>klna, < omn»ltt«"*.—J. ii. W lit, Mr*. I. fL k u mitt «f oho couldn't atay TMK lltlUTKIM. voting. A* two-third* required by Jilt ; I. II Itoh* rta, Nor- if L Mrlrher A iamb. AwWrar, to break. They held all right K. II. Thbba. Houth Parla, do, the* woo Id HO our* mUa U than a girt to aa amendment, It wu lost, and Ys*l*f* H« ■■». happened 'roat, I 'ark, J. A. I«tub. Iler* to II. L llretl of OlIillfM, th* carry ir Hwmw, by aad riaa under the way, cabbage, AO; (J ft Illll. Korway, ik>, .. * though would mlaa an to attoud a tlM artlele aunda without aaiadMal. Wi*.Mra*«. ' 1 a Thompaoa Durhaiua and HerefonU -H II Mllleti, Smith union*. I ltk-b«r|«»rrta, |,alnlln*a.~MattW» twuslu ».»■■■■«,Tb*«WT»*yr. raw, « .1 The meeting adjourned. » • 4 (orway, raw, |3; grade Hereford | 'arl«. W atrr *1. k M «nMla|. hnj »f hw(M) *.>«* ...... • toon '<<1; J lllhba, llcbron. do, j&; Norway l»»r. ll|WW«r»l wtfc— Itti I Nrtm poro hlnoda, by farts. broka after getting the aame Here* gnoa. Kmrbnlr B*I4»— *««• Thompaoa heifer 3, lane 1, unw i, J, .Vi; J K j t: Mr* O A Kverybody hto fam Mt«M good tie, lluwsnl, Itartlenl, ord Hill 0, grade Hereford I. 13; W II Porter, Norway, r II -1; Maul# I Itkbard*. n nth •Ml iWht I ha. Pmhoblr lh« Sheriff llisaett b. ■■>■>*— !'•» which the former rloeed I Hebron. d<», |MlntlniT, ««K> horaea, «t«| MNMO awlfklnf Monday night r Iota of twotbrrdof HoUtrloa seven of It tho and the horaea came Into the Urrkn raw helfrr A. Norway Uhln anil fruit ami rtooer*, and n|4«ml gallon* lh|«or Ht>M*«>* l».. A. I- I d on aame 7, bull calf 3, I, carrota, VI, Norway j Ilk* M liar land, I'arl* (under II UMLK wriM. 1 11*4*4, by Ume l> K IIIII, Norwar, ha* a ihimv atatlon, and aotnebody'i calo- 7 T IN*. nearly together again. Thla tirade Durham heifer I, *ame other thing* Krrrytmdr had II Norway N*s»ll. IMMI, | d 3, calf 3, [own (arm, do. it; Jolin llmurU, S.>uih | tfbnia lllbb*. Ilrbron. do, I, «!•». .'o «t—«■ « mt t» rnl Ml IIoMm of Xt K Illll, . J t'ofinulttt*.—A Moat < ho*, \,j. j,. Mr Ik TW, will »• w^lPilMi rPM«|4»'y*?V •|«ixl hmd of HulaUrlna a ad *n»'lwa. waa •treU-h Nlctoula wu allowed to take Pari*, lomalort, .V); »f that he doeai't nerd; Uvl Kro*t of arreated aad bull 4, mw 4, Hereford ► |M M ** lb* > "'. rJ need* and thing* Norway nir MitrrMT. lereford grail* V AO; Nor- | ShattiK-k. |.>MUWr *»»« «• J. II. Martin of Sooth I'aria «u there Sheriff tiarUnd wovam'u the h«at In J:*t. Hebron waa drawn Tllt-onib, Norway,romtnbera, -it« W -I •« Mr* taw M«« I"*"-*' more than all elar, ha« a I Wednesday by Deputy ow helfar Alfln llrowa. new and I i, 3; Norway, Umu farm, do, 4.1 A variety ■ and l*h«>i.» Work J M» X «|M- la tk» iMMil with bla faotooa mUrM ha ace to *er el*e. And that for Intoxication. At hearing TNrinouil pura* Durham calf, 3; Kendall Swift, H III. hardaou vail I'trte, l^rr< '• t»TM raerybod* HaMilh l*arl« had a and ;rade nf •boara by |l n'a*h. .• rayon. %.(; miw •%i.x> woi| under A. II. Aodrawsof tiefnr«« Trial JuUlce Itavla at l*arla for woman dImi could hironi lirr horn, heet Krrol met with an accident toulh hHfer, A J pumpkin* Norwaj 1; a« n>l a a.—II 1 organ, l*t; KIiiiImbII organ, >|, part up ground* N«thaa Milieu nf X»rn» llkro the TIIK UCU field ; *' ► Mtantna, Norway, i*t*jr COMING tVIMTS. than • he honor rler would catch a rat. Mr*. M. Ilor- the Hfth beat waa to Matur- id W V Waal I'arla, la, rro|»«, ('oilillMtt»,«v—li«o W Mr. \ rriK*i ralher bjr the oitory waa <>u hand M utual poalponed ►Id 3, 3; Dunham, lloiitf, t; iNrbaa*, aod The race* thla while not charac- off Dm do, :l: A V llmrlow. S«»ulh Parla, *««<| «hlo*how yoar, rill of alio baa carried turham W (Irwaawd,; 1 In he The fakera and bend of (Jray, day. raw, J; V Noyea, S Hut k lorrltoo. «iyi*« W U* gained. with 31 good rati)*, ronalatlug terised hr aa maar cloaa and exciting corn I J-rowed, 75c; A lleaaey. iHtVRR Mi oho turn an hooeat .alwava for thle performance fur the |*at lereford K W llreen- *« Wi, powa colli*. prlie t aruM. bull, 4; IVnley, roril I) W Mlaollanrou* Mr*Nloalilbb« N.»rli Nr4»if>«il l^rirfckir* people, of uiro, and voting Itnlahea aa sometimes were vary wu Held. ae«| N-MWrd. 7A; *haw, «»*»■•»• I out of the two yean, defeated Wednesday by rood, Hereford heifer, 3; I. K krU » r !>•«■» xMMM •» M» atrU-ilt hoard prany. fair, < haa. <>f I'aria had IS grade Milton M.\lli-i.r, I •arl*. mounted tojr !»***, I'- lVokj good and gav« eicellent aatl*- Kalle North TltMBMM, C. II. TlMMMfMuM, raw South Parla, do, 30} M«rf s..>tk utii *»»-»•• oith the Mrat *lgn* of lift good Mr*. !«mb of Windham, rhayet, I'arla, raw 3, aame Durham siio* I gnwnda. Hraj. TOiker of Norway k**pa horaee were alim»*t without ex- time waa raer, South Pari*, do, AO; Harry liudlry, ralimlMKf.lUM, mere art toatlng eerond*. Mra. Morrill'* rarrlnctM. I«r4a'a MIIU. (till ord |( N Stdaoti, Weal Hum-' IM L « v.ituwl ■»■*— Mm th< o» np by Saturday night, catwa and aelU hto orilk. W«« ther* bull, in; A A <1 < alr«| Ml; Mr* K II well bred and eonnd anlmala— In lion M. of liriain, Mniwfff iHtmr, Wm aarue heifer lliM'kfleld, rarletlea |»otato.-«, *1; *UllMi)rrf, t..—l •# *«IM, *»'»«• In a *tre»m of nlrkol* for aioae ception 3:14 1-1 and Mra. Ilrady |>f id Hereford raw «, r»a|Mtn and tiNtfc with II of hto be«t cow* aod helfrra. of the AmUfpr, a a i i i >er, 7, noulh K I* Mnr- tortli Pari*, 4ronrated f*n, |l); lltnnd) « IWl f%»r I fa« t the breeding tiitt. IWbetl, I'arla, «|n, .Vk-; 4 ;<>4. __ ttrt K B"»•! to the fair; tho rihlbltora hlgh-cla«* Mlnot, made the Umu I 4 I .lr •alf f. | darnraled r*n -■■>»» «»%**.» « -«M' I Ha time prevkmt Frank of I'aria had 4 ten Kml. hf ArM, JMktat, tulnini, Vir I \ ,11.« S'ovea, tlre»»nw. mcana for paal llaMwa, kf t*r1arr|», Tlwk Tk*)«(. Committee. K. W. I'rnlry, >' • '• trkl I o ». T »ho*e advertising a one inali h*d MCtCI.K It A* r. war. II T < um- k< ll. KmIM I I dl«play <»ld terra, pair of nkvly l« Itself nun I feat everywhere •Math l*»rt«, I I .If. A Itradbury, Nor do, 2.1; Ul U-lMMl endeavor to abend of making ton, A Ion to Kali. born M. II JW" their boiloeaa get oaaa thai « * lovb*a aod »»•, "vMith fw»t '5; J K l/Hif. Nornajr, ilulr. ji, % k»>l AmmMIIm. Km4*»I girt feet, weigh that race* are and tho "*kate" I* There were three etartera In the T*ee,t-*ia.itraa. tf»i«.t*»ia. mlri^a, Parla, variety |N>tatnea, Halt at all eTenia; o bile thnao ri- given South IVU, • the crowd *t*> Iba. he Jrrarya. —Hull: H M Kln(, V J Otl«d« Id l«vri>, ito, ; \ddk* ¥ Mmhii, I'arl*, -tlendar. r>, now Um Um rare ought race. W. J. 11 of Norway, W 50; SaWTer, httutor* ohoae roward* o»o*Ut .»f • large are exception—a* bicycle 7; Y < a*»*. Kr»«l II Hiiinn M« *i>t kktisbiibit* Kldmn Stnaru* and Orra lllrd al- wai on Um on r. It. Norway, Til* Niur. >10; I) V Cummln*a, llfbrnn, Joalab A 'I'liurlow. South Parla, |m»|i >ho(>>t(ra(>b 15; ron- to I*. There evidence part •tarted scratch, like, •ham of fkvry and an lug Stoarna IIUI la I'aria, Dunham, Wr« I'aiU, 4 Hull I vrarold W*«t mounted. 50; |»-« » appro* wara here front of the driver* of a dUpo*ltlou to win, ;*» J. A. Klcharda, Norway, Ml) Who I'm ii« aiirh l lime ? The M> \«Utm *ou»e Friday, "pulling" eway J. i.i,. Miinrtlaie* ilon't get amuud aatU *oulh I; J A lloherta, Noraif, t barlea A. J. leld, |>en draw'.i'f. 40; M l» M' K> y, \ |>wh**rj The American oubllc >:.Vl. It wai evident he had much mor* and there «u nor* Mtd of conanlaUoa «Minulitee.—< Kdwarda, rolnulea after the eleventh hour. Hiurwu#. predominate. great Hull oalf: s M Kin*, .1,1; « haa T Hu. k. S'urwar, dn*<>rat#l their to *ee Um hor*e* driven • than hla contestants awl could itlrr than before. TV atartera In (Mr K nlirhL waa a Tneo- anted [•ay money |"*ed s \| •». I. 3 ^>uth m»i Utl Kaker*' llow Mlltott nf to *now'a I. row: Kin*, — I'arU. lively place K, II. Norway «|«Uo of the time had were I .alia Kmtaa P.. Call*, tirvw, I Mary lionnrv, lamp IntlMit held. have mluivil inuiklerablj Itnokh, Mranjc KstilMt •>< •laT. aa far aa the fakera* part of It went, for hto whit* facea, aod to here with SI llelfer 1 yrara old : II M Tu.ker. >Nath Norway 15; Arthur ll M'ir«*, Oiford, *. The were A. II. Merrill of l»an- lie hern forced. The contest wm ao ooe a larloa, lie lie Ink, I'op torn and •JO; I'arl* lirtn^r, 1 ; KmiriUk II >l n*. hon»ral)l<* mrnilnn. 80CTH_PARIS. •lay of t drlren lluaaell of Norway, Mra. V. i|«. pretty ;iuni ford and fharlea Cnnby Norway. orn, bjr tharlM H M CnoMalUr*.—S. It. Itradford, • wm imtitl Will «<>unU waa aot the murmur of tolcea, IIIIIKI N. Pop .Id: II M Tu.-k.-r, South I'arU, 1; J >*«■!• Sfaal i M fii-Unuont O. a ami mlUM CO* • th* J«WT« Iff thf Timer*. John llerce and II. Fletcher. Iturkfleld, made rn»h fur the pole I'. lM o«irr, Mr*. J«>*r|>h lllM#a. that a tram ha«l bot the rattle of the hammer. The A'lHMIg lb* wm J; A Y Jarkaon, I llelfer I rear WoriiH'll. J k Chaac. afir riMMHi by the r*|»ort wanted Nlct -, The show event of Wednesday the mm and a kin*, < beea or I tea la theae dart of cream We under* land the timer* got there with comparative Ilelf I. atolrn OB the at reel. All tha delegation* »ere a* bu*T a* fat •rlllnc Maine's •Id: S M Kin*, I; W Y hunham. J. Agricultural fin[>l*m*nt* Ilrajr, brru grange a* «aa made. Mr. on the track of Before thr hMt • *i»TM. W r uf S. M. ola'time out It appewranc* good abow of Itrrrd'a wrwlrf and ultlrator, towna. and iMwtltr the arraagvmrnt of their will am Dolli-r the benl bung i|wm|. •rcalf: NM Kin*, J; W Y iHiuham, I. Hebron. •hrrifft la l«o completing here of the turf." The fast pacing lorn «u collared I tha of Far* U I'aMt, for Merrill acted a* *Urter, and right "queen nnlahed h<»«»»« I'op J 0 Merrill, Houili Hrtftl IV l«t «si|In of |^«uton were notirteal U> catch hlhit* In the hall, and victuallag Ring klagle«lde mar* waa driven Jraderow: C It Kin*, South I'arU, Mt| f jrt. u* that Hr. Merrill wa* a deckled mar* tilpaev M. Till* bv Bell* IMan and the two momI «««nl I. rid- lad* were with for attract Ihr moat attention. Mr. let *ay parera A Thomaa l>uu 9 J, land tilow 3, plow, thr thwl. It aeetn* th*t aa elderly booth* lively propaiatkma tbey Iter WlllUm of An- A l(«»t»rU, Norway, 3; It »u * time. in aucce** a* a *tarter. lie waa prompt by trainer, lin«( mtlchrd In aoeed. Ilelle iNn touts harrow, .Vk ; A I. A K ► big towna drote lot" the tit-morrow. IV weather king U here wltb bend uf full bkwdt, cloaely iaiu, J. tirade heifer 3 yeara (dnw,lift t|trla( fn.iu one of the ba*k Mg day no dover, and her b*for* the and Im- Norway, < bi«N> from th* IUI« where and decided and allowed "monkey. appearance reached the wire flmt however, J; J A tioaa, l*wl*lon, lni|>lriiiriit«; K tt*#> horaea in win. one <>ur and oblkftnfl waa all that could bo de*lrrd. )u*t fair, »ld: A II Andrrwa, Simth I'arU, ilalrjr town, ml of polite lie I eland waa tlie occaaloti of hearty there arnM from the '»«t ol M «1th an «o*t wind ih*t llw nmmI amount of rib- Ing" in the up procea*. g«»t grand grand heifer 3 vara old : II of agricultural lui|d*> mrli'lMlltt »ulttDtm«l !•» hrr «4ir*i|*( opeoed cw|4wml acoring and well ll for mediately Itohrrta, J tirade Merrill, dl«|dajr waa mini•••■!. maif Rrlil* of bora** and applause might be, •land "Pull off lit* driver of Thoiupaon When cl«»odt. aom* bona aixI arr »*ry •if to * la off large promptly | crlea of, M Turkrr, A ► lai-kaon, J; I. S Swan. ■wta. |hi and hitch hrr borae. and drifting Probably to do M. I* an Oiford I; cwrrUffa It U a difficult ta*k t»lp«ey I'wiity prod- Com!** After due i|fllltrr»l|on the old r.—K. A. Ira llarriiuan, Utr (till*- out made hrr rail* and wa« were the threatening more at oar county fair. ••tUfactorlly. I'op Homh I'arla, I, tirade helfrr I year Cos, Hang right' thr lad* h».l kept aoay by Merrill ha* fit- duct. Shu waa bred by l.nn. Marafon of Mr. A. II. Merrill of th» the uoather bat If to, their ab- II. M. Tacker of I'arit bat I troooib thla. Mr. unqueatloued atartlng Judge, II M A II Andrrwa, South I- T. Ilrrtt. to *br had k»at polnti | look* of ; *ee who atlll nana her. Her aire Tucker, J; HUrtrr Merrill la *11 rttilj ikf«rt, I «»•*** for the and we liotm to Andover, Itintm, announced that the I' riKlit. ami •riH* mvle no dlffrreaiw In th* tiitl and helfrrt of place Maaa., I'arU, 1, hrlfrr t-alf: It Kin*, I >alr 1'rodwt* ami llir wl.—Mra. of in thU matrwpolla. marked IMItf tortbj la Macheth, a son of |»anle| Itoone. This y au W ''',l orre a little tardv abiuit arriving, but nur be aaUl of QmnI King of 1'arlt ] I'op Committee -II. I». Hammond, K. mrtlk' lw*e. fl; X Mlllrtt, Norway, that thr nice t**"! *1*tern entrW and nine Wm. tiregg and la a credit to his ability and aln It tnu«t I h«' ni^lklii* nun *a« with u«. • .1 of 1J7 cl*** with U driven If Iw atarted ag < ||r. • atoleo it there the aaine Th« bt» bail head grade handler Swift. <'lnv^, Mra. C II ■ffrml to hitch her bora* had they *-got |ml high Jeraej*. but as well aa Iter own. At Park laat will, 1; a nice •tarler*. It wa* a lleld. Mr. Itlgby tie with a near driver. Jaaon I(u»mII of • U « M«»« and tha rattle ol M»uatala Vie* Stuck Farm bat big ■rttn, Mr*. II i««-irfte, Il-hron. The airather cl«*rk froa»na«d flm •he callr*! f the hnokera i M. won tlie fourth beat of a Ilolatrlna.—Thorough llolatrln hull: [ililn tin, I; -da> Merrill them off In *h*pe with- fall tilpsej lluck field at om-e on the track Mr*. J la tha tlx v-'icc* of th* the lowing of th« hull. got g>**l ap|iMred IMUfteld K J I; N W Mllirtl, Mi(r I, hri|. hrr ttal U. Lata day people, Jeraey l/»u Heer l"he race In the faat time of 1:13 1-4 and at and I) I. lirrtt, (iora, •»!(»; X la hoi a got the money and lnomi It l*re*kleot J. A. Ilnberta of out tedlou* *corlng. by before the Judgea' aland addreaaed do, J; Mr* Calvin mm waa found hitched In the rear ol herd* and the aolae* mingled Norway she a mile In l> I. Ilrrtl, •». Ilol- 11 MlllHr, Norway, georral Seer the and Brother*, State Fair thla y*cr |»aced that tribunal In word* which llohtM, Norway, 7; the muni. where »h» ru«r nhkh la Ilka like* the and hat four onet got pole Young auguat 1 Ilol l(k*t»ard*on, fall t>utt«*r, I; Mra. «m.l WUawa' Hl««ck. aiactlT that hum and juat Jeraey* food went to a race on the half-mile track la J: 1.1 3-4, .trln hull calf: l> I. Brett, 3, 3, Norway, Maine Jefferson would a deal of trana- AMit* -e ••• nut fir n waiter of the rl*r on earth a round on ethlMllun. I'atlence, by require <|ulte food ntw Tu« krr, <1; II M I'u. krf, N„uih I'uU, «lo, I; Tt# alten.larn f ha.I left It. The |.renil«n notlilug eaorpt and the*c thua her to take a School •trio Henj«mln Norway, F. the fanner la wvood at the IIrat turn demonatrating ability ooalng to make good Sunday KiHilh I'arlt, do, J; Mra. A W and Kriilaa ^aarrta hit Innocence of e»ll Intew fair. A. Jatkaon, blggeat place a ll I, J. llolatrln helfrr, l> I, Swan, 7,i«ai WeditexLay. J,'""1' any their to the Itulah, a record belter than tftS ou good mile Martrr Merrill ordrrel the drlv- lirrtt, 4, decUrod that then takn pride la drlvlag aotur two kept po*ltloo* leaaon. tira.le llolatrln ww: V*Norwaj. Jo. I; Mr*. K. K. tkwi. It oa*unanlmou*ly Norway, track, M. wm an «My eg. lirrtt, ft, 1, 3, 3, 3. Nliall the or the driw t u from lilt lierd. leaving the other hor*e* uell bundled lilpsey given er of I'op lorn to retire from the race ^'uth wlimt t»rrad. I; Mr*. judgea J. A. Uah* haa a it»« clerk. Mr waa the (••od Itrp hlbltlon mile here Iler KJ llohha, Norway, ft; J II Martin, Klnft. I'arl*, 'l"hat U llae Wtii •note illitaiM* behind. In the tarnnd Wednesday. ai»l Jaaon" ordered him to Mi- I, li tml the r»wf a|a*aatl been la lite atore foi Mill l»unbam <>f l'arUo«n*a "Neighbor South • I! South I'arla, O A Itiafrr, I'arta, i|u, Vic; |*aMfrr. who haa l> Ttir II4LL of hub* at waa Ilk* the humming of a finely down 'em." I'arla, 3; I'rnley, L4I0.MT UUIttl and had aotne oan I teat there waa aom* rubbing p*clag remain and "coma with Nor a do, JV; M*'» l M lllibm, were ntlifr diUera l**«iil.-« Kit* ...n»r take a vacation for a fea !•>& of Jeraeyt food 3. tirail* llolatrln hrlfrr: A II Andrrwa, llurk, ajr, HmC* tlnie. will mare l>-»nu*. bv machine from *t*rt to flnlab. and ob- ha* ever h**rn *ern tliere. Th< the llrat turn. The bay adju*teil Mindful of hla parental affection Sumiir*. brown '>r» nl. K'nnu Nobl#, m to hern I ..if t»bl«* Hwan, ><>utli ime hundred i"mt« cat *pa*f>u« buiUllug. Hut tbe lined tearllug bull K J llohha, I; A Y Jacfcaon, Nor ••• (imta fur yo« and It to the second* and making the quarter la U 1*2, then ordered the mirahal to ra* 3; Norway, Jaaon toil! starter Sf•Trill to g.. tl,< (Hit- «ii burned, never had lt» iipaclt; lutiltrsl bt l» A l ull J. of lluckltehl ainl taking the pole holding Merrill KJ llohha, I; I'arU, do. IV. k»rt th»m «t Mr I-am'- the half In I tlie three In Norway, 3; l> I. lirrtt, 3; lie went to lluttou *••• thla tear i flnlah with Patience a second. lo - full* and eroly teated until owned l»r J. Caldwell. lie took good I, K J llohha, |. tirade Ilol- CouiitiltUv.—T II llufft»-««, Otft.rl «'o«nty farmer* j by were 1:41 and the mil* In 1:1V 11. I) lirrtt. 3; It o a* a *traln ami a cwad at the *tate tad ttie third heat the Imrac* pretty Ulpaey to do, when (liarlea whlfpt < »*■ thr flue • f l*ru» Thl* rear (lie I1r»t premium fair, tempted •trln lielfrr calf: l^mard Whitman, wood, K/ra Sltphfni, Ka»j., pnmd of dl»|d*y prod 1' out. Oonna wa* not headed M. U a beautiful little bn»wn mar* and and would have run o»er to make thr holldtng a*t<>nini<«late wha l« at line aa animal at «at etur treu on well atrung up 1'oproru South I'arU, 3; K J llohha, |. Canrtml (iood*, rti'.-llaltl# Ilr* kett.' I'ond, the r. T. lUrnuin ol mlth of Andover, up to the Oiford County fair. movement on the of thr mar*h«l. The merry-go-round |h>|*uI»r for It. part H. II. Mlllett, I'an*. d<», 1; l^raiH tiurnry, llrbron, b* calling tumiiM am* rtiLii cmtra. I'arU, Norway, (iiford, lireeawmiil ahooed that a he ba«l A lb>*ton horse paper aaya of the in- were luteft Strrra.—Brat .Ivrar-olda, ever. It ht< an aalded itlnithin ibn IU>» anxtntl place ami Thing* gettlug exceedingly J. f. fuller. OI font, do, Mlaa la tUlli&l at I'rwl a no* at Stale Kair ft: A. II. Andrawa. I'ari- ma|»N- *uftar, I; overflowed their a lifted *pao «n,l HuciflrUi each bad long ttrluf ol lot* of The f»Mirth and deciding forms of l.lpsey M. I br thla lime, and lliarln k*-pt at Norway, )f*r a pli-turr g-allery. rhey apeed. eating rrade Ourhauia, Kill* Whit- 71c; O to I'araon*. South I'arl*. do. .Vie; aw*'a. oo «Mher ikle of th< brwrr rattle. Oiford atart to "Hie 1 It had M Kdmund. a r- ami out the fat, ea|*rUlh tieat waa a great race from pace » »i « harlea ntcomhhaa been a *preod b« Kr+d lleroater. I'arla, JK Fuller, Oxford, iua|»W* •jrrup. I; ompany I), S. M of X«»r atopplnj a id •Iwaei l(i wiru tlial caa hardly mare ami I Kio and Subscriber ll a r tietokened a cuolor«a t*^ man, HurkHrld, ft; hall. Mammoth *<|ua«hea |Himp Itniah between the Andover participating. latent that llftimn, ?.V; Ij-iihk-I Wft* Ml tlx* Waali.*-* llartt«»a a fcw dart. atatr aurely A. HU-hardaon, I; 3- Alb*n llil'ba, do, Q MS, ground* hand*ome trace* of cort>, and al I any m* kty In the the of "tlK1 looked as a hot race mua| twmi and lite nurahal. M*-rrIII 3;C. tireenwo.*!, I'.rl. kin*. n(valnl bjr Itonna, apeedy daughter though ; hlmaelf (iurnrv, Hebron, d «, 75; J K Fuller. ami inad«» a tin* r, II. ItHing will goto Xttfth atteotloii from th# be the outcome. Distance waa waived *r ole llrrrforda, |(>>«-<*- Tuell, day, ap|rf>aran«-e the other form* nf elhlhit ill that line Ibey attract**! gmt Northern Ilelle Wilkes wa* very tVn u noii nerd : "Thehorae Potir<»n II Mug." Ifrat S. MlllHt. Oiford, honey, 1; t,' Ilrrtt, 0tl*lUM, the laat of tlw> waek. I o\ men and M. waa atarted to e*t«bllah I'arla, ft; II. Norway; With talrnt a* Frank «era In bewildering Ilerbrr prvaeat. cloae after the Nelaon uure for the tjliolo tilpaev l« not now legally nor rightfully In thU Sear-old C >iulli auoh hnapp W »a the i|«U »t n»«h here w ednea profusion. Sl.-arna, I; do 7.V; Mra A llrlft*;«, I'arl*, do, 'There *ho«rd over down the itrvtch a new track record. she left tlie gang the lie will not 3; Kldron I'arla, \rthur Nor-r»*i»rthv, how aoatld tl.* M luvkrr of Pari* alit] »iimi\ route and rowded her rwi If be flulahea mllr 3-year-old w a\ In tlir after I.. S. 3- •I l»n mwi, I'Hl »rr> >|mH am In tlie Aral turn and made th* In lloUtrlua, rtwan, I'arla, ft; W otlwrwla* than nrnlir. of garden vegetable* [ ami under lite wire In J.31 M, the quarter tie placed In tha aummary." Jaaon *radr II. Iiithlni<>n, Mr*. K hand inualr tM«m. All the tlurN arr»» l<»««l froa , A few flock* of were e« I :u*» |.|. ear-old Ihirham*. Y. C. ('n«nilll«t—J. of Held And thl food ahrrp Imt of the race, l-ou Hear, win- 34 1-2, reaching tli* half In "The will aurd then!" *ra«lr Ityerwm, twtntv-eldht crv|»a. K faateat plli-d: aocletjr gel W. 3; 3 A. lUuforth, Mr*. Km! Iln«r, I'arla lltHirhon Hllke*. I.' to « |v M. blbltrd by K. M. Krerett of Die turn alie like a deer to order I'aria, 4; N. Mlllrtt, Norway, Hoy, |») oaa but one e&hlbitor. Norway, ner of I lie Ural heat became unaleady Around allp|>rd Starter Mrrrlll'a neit tack waa of >>uth I*«ri» Mr iitn|i-l*tjDi| tlut ihrrr w M. I'rnlrt of (•reenwood and f*. II the atretch * Ilolatrlna, Jorl Kuater. Krult.—I. Uurney, ll'bion, eollwU'H bv tl»«' Viiuni; HrollWfs the nnreltiM In waa tn the fourth heat and •• ahe bore do«n back the other drlrera In line nmlrr the wire »<• * Among vegetable and dlatamvd beat ( 1 at lev tun «t I tie M"tt.odl«t »hil'.h Milled of and faster than a Irliron, 4; I. K. Mo.*|y, llehron, J; of fruit, #«l; I' II Ocorifr, llffbron, do, ilvanl i|U«rttr 1clip IriUy »ere neat* nf gooa* efg* furd* an« I Norway. IItat to Ihinna, aecoud to •he waa allp|dng glib while fharlM Kuaaell and wrre fraMtkl I are in | giving money Pop»'urn J. S. II. W >«»u(h 1'iri*. K W TarwUr. Admla»k»u nr. all to luto the laat stretch A. IVnlej, I'arU, 4; II Hwrtl, do, J: to «« XI* hot*' 1 hen'* egg natural and we| 1 awtx*. I'atleacc. third to llelle Wllkea and ghost. 'Che awing dlatance from Marahal yrarllnga, No n«-*il *ii|i| a »*•»• g«>urd* krrplng proper b«n J A llrad tllral. IV k1«f»f U fftli«U a and what a ter- 1 Mlllrtt. Norway, 3; 1-year grade ('uthuiao, llrbroo, a|»|iie«, I; turn trai-k In I I * a* alrnoat to dewltt the rye. fourth to la made without slip, < 'olr In the an-lualon of the end of bora* tlut MM thia J arranged Ilir vat quite well Koxy. up|ier A II. Andrrwa, I'arU. I; do. i; I> s ltr».kHt, (Hi* aionan from «|v»n. bog department ( alie struck aa ah* worketl to- a ham«, 1-year- bur*, Norway, aa lie did won't I*1 111 W »•» VMt Hp lite atretch. and them atandlng handily NNBum \lic- l»«» of I'oad wa .1 rllUol. '11m i hratert take the lead. tT.tA.kM rt glre old || l« K IliU'-r, I'ar- flrlti liorr. I; K K iMaoo, MU« llryant* ward the wlr*. At the aleuila from the atart". tturlea on" a trifle *radr ilo, Norway III tin- i* claaa. »ki it out mm II. I oU uf J. A. Holiertt of Nor b m. Mel**. till "caught «al»e«. s. W (irrrn In loan r«i>-«dtr I'arU, IkMIM, I>f eland the fieri mare la, 3; kit atarr II. M'inlarll, wiotrr «|>|»|f«, i; K IVnlfjr, > W. b» Maler grand Uregg pulled late, and rau Torn war around to •»< K. J I'Mtow* I'op I. tin1 lllea will i-at(hemili<• ('. I Huck'a »lental rooma will I* tlklu't ll>r («* <>( It, lint tin »ay. It. I.. IIrett of IHUlleld, • lHlartrld. 4; A II. Andrrwa, 1'aiU, I; wood, < Hrua In «I t I and logged under III* wire In 3:1.1 3-4, no Iia* he did not ami i'Mlt. caU'h get v\ w»a *lt. r*. In a of thi« week. l» «* f»il»"d to fultlll tin lloblaa aad K. A. Merrill of Norway, H 1.1 %IW clo«nl Thurattar apflr ctv|> IlkM. m-. bJ establishing a half-mile track record for lualde the dlatance Al Ituaarll. •|i|>l«*«, .■ imI tha K Mora* of are th« tfM A ««iu, *»i.n»r, : : i i flag. f„ II. Ilia- Hmiih I'trli, ImI<1 tlun heard at th** rln*«* cMttof. It 1 KraukMa Maxim laat work for J. A «>t Huh, A, I'arit, aiming «■»**. _ _ evcltement run ao tommlttee. -C. II. IVnlry, do, I; A K prvmlae I IWrNa. Maine. Never did tiruther of I 'harlea, and driver of Nellie » were to I eiblbltora. Kailt.kt a,i I John look viim* like It. lm^. orchard* bU h ex|»cteil jrlrl* pnutlpal Mil< aa It did here thla ami we, Wymau. win*, 1U; A TCmuktr, Nw*ir, *• H .. _ tilpaey umr failed to "line r <"he«ter «>• high day, I'ralt In thr racr, I humMt of !«rrrl» will "pan «»ut" President J. A. Roberta* I rk. I arl lit* k John Itohin- HFHHtt*, Mmlh I'trU, Northrm ?*|»r onl] Ik.h mV«, llr«H, M. will frrever live freah In tlie mlnda under lite and lie too wa* Mali Iml tattle.—Osm, "I'm to take mmik glng- r » w.-re nice one*, and bit a* « s « up" wlrr, ti I going •. NiHtf or\h»nl«, hitvrffr ami eitra _ \ |( riH»krr. do, JA; |r« H<*tn plgt •*H. all • were ao fortunate m to wit- •on, Oxford. #*; town farm, ft; Sll; N'nr«ij, dat and hau I'rlhrM 1 »U», of ho "out late", ami did aorae Norway aitai aud atay all THE WEEK IX MAINE. an im I (• Kre for Mr I>y caught gooil I \#ir AMmm(. south I'arU. II I V» hooey I have |»r«tlj nearly pro«|M> good |H>rk. II!) nesa event.*' S. II. Wardwrll. Oi«*ltr|.|, I Urmilinc*, I. |v W •tortilla thla grand Well, now, If vou think JMoa I "I h«iiifuii." ujri llrni. lidaard Ut »» > Cobertt la uia»ter of thr • ■ • • running. \ »>«tf r. Ili|< Ul> I i Ibr <>( tlr >|irtluH Norway grangt Ktaat IV. t m Jmkla*. Anl.ur» uldalrrr*: S II. Ml lrtt, <1; I* |M THI MOST IMPORTANT STATl Nk*! ijUtllll Ituaarll found any considerable degree \>.rway, i.f Sew Vmk. lie waa there. Ili-l.f'Hi i« tlw le» lln| ; ami a very umu, and when lil< Xetttr I'raU. rh m A. K KaaMlt. lUk Tllllth HA1 RACKS. S. |(i«-hard*on. Ililiroti, hin<>. V); \ K giaid. |«*rl»4|<« (Mipular a Aimon J. IVn'ry, I'arU. 4; M. SWU-r- BRIIFIV TOCO. a« Ml • • • T of conaolatlou In auch "eonaolatlon i. >f I orchard town I'ari brother Granger* get almrt of meat 1 atawta: Jmtodi I'aru, (rmi The bay mob In front of the Ilyrraou, A and }«.(M»nn l in great gathered Nnith Part*, s l» Ki. h bra-e«l*f» lu tin* had a g'» d\--.: Thrh'MiH'tltrt nl Htl«hl tHinljf |>ork. n-M. th« to win but w.hmI, I'arU. 3; K. Verrill, Nor- Kdward*. do, 1ft; a-.»unty, at clam chwwder t» Imu and talked al llarry s Kllaworth, by eatln* but Ihrt iloi»t *e»in ti «u for judgM* aland, ererrhody I»un- ar |l<*r\ Ibnv-jMNtUi, ful of K inaiiafrmrni Thapt, Jaaon Ituaarll of HurkArld. The judgra • south *«y Joarpli were mmw half d" K>lwtril<, |*arl«, thrf* only K. aurtrra lornellua tirlltln, in lie an I Hn,ham. I'arla, 3. e*. \> appeared- ham'a Wf»l«w away a from the ■ "I hat* atUndrd thla fair ry H. 11. W arrt-n of M'ealhruuk haa f< net bread i» I of lui proved made timely dlaappMrance O. .H«irl .VI; f J sawyer, Milium Mthuf«hilrhmiil. hnran I'arla manufacturer agrtcultural Km in* Weal land and !>>u H'ntUnd, both three hnl* In two of Committee —t*, K. Koatrr, A. 1 almwr In atrmlght aland and were from Ihe -rtae year*, and th»* I* tl.« o«%|» olfrred M» a teacher f»r * are re la oh hand a* u*u*l with i conreyed Arthur I. flaw, llabroa, Ihlrty |»ro*lde i|«"iiM**tk' hotter. The reuuerka plemrnt*, WrtiUnd and Victor K. fornellua wh umWr the Corbrtt, Kllla Whitman. flindll R| by which he almoat •alknl and II. li. Fletcher of South ( •ho* I haterttr aa-anoiithe** gt< I* tra«i< a •«h*ad If thr will ■ Ill* liint grounda, Ih'd A*U«|il*, M« *Ity pro*Wie fur the fa llmg off of d«>; M'houl nam. »buli u«*il to be ooe of Um ment, devlaed within • few week*. I* the Ilarrett's llilnti>n, Oiford, Ml. I; A II An- aoa-lety (H (wd way, until oVhtck ( |' .1 > I oilier of tfw Uw lU«. tooth harrow. won In |Miai|Ntned Saturday lift* Kdward*, <«ardt-n I.'«m»I, .V); ♦•id ahould l« am t!i« that 11 rhe om. la rt-tura* at the feature* uf riding floallof i|irlB( Wrat land |>«*m>I him tod starter notified the driver* that south 3; o*en, J Merrill morning. ilrewa, I'arta, working do. K K I (irav«-»< I of atate make liomMii IhU la the lint *|>rlng-tooth furrow put u» a .Hawyer. Mario, (<>i.| Inveitnimt »'• i*«> |l*> a anniiry Till UIAMU. I J7M Thlahret gave «»r*-i«jr lie would "take a collection" In a «i/n| audi- K Tltrouih, Norway, «; John Kohlnaon. can up morning k<«mI \| Pari*. 13; .1 A S ■ • lea»e." ►>.*■». I'hr I 1m u|«»u Ilie market that the driver rxr nit the bark itrrtili bHwrro Victor Saturday •trin. Vl; Kifj{, fia*e th«dr track U water tie* plurnlKy which the driver of every horae that on to "»rr the fun.** lUford, 0; Kred A Trtbou, (Jrveawood, beneflt la ikr Well com- miw an handearlv lli.*dt>u« l>« •( railMlmi rHnrna r»iae In, the the Ait gmmgr* ride. lite farmer tan ae«t hlmaelf lornellua. Thr MHrj !i. and came to tlte wire ahead of I he hnrae It aerms that Starter Mrrrlll had m*l»- I year* old, l*roy ahrn rtrlw m IwrJ and ami if rite on |«ole i;«nrkln(oiMi, t>lii n«, I; I. Ilraf, llebnm, do, ftii; (i K w. th»(nn(M u|>ou thla, wheel*, an for l*»u Wratlaml In 3:11 Wallace «■ grr fortably raay victory would there waa more m) «ii rail to lloaton, ami Im«] Krrrril, W«»t I'lria, 5; K**rrtt, J \ Ki-Jioveriior I'm ham aaya "lie I ■uikf tiithcihibiu aa thia t»»r, an ob and down hill with entire to w participate, urgent Hammond, Pail*, d«», i'»; lifadtmry, up ulrljf, »br un Irr thr Irr. The • a AI moit J South • •• new \<>rma brinf goggrd and lea* It dlfll- an excuse a number of *Hith l*arli, 3; I'rnley, ( tin iliow waa the l«eat I have r»er |lir |>rlo«-i|>al of the Ijrr law Intrllrvt rai without efToii la |o he done. Then he trotting acorlng. for placing g*>«"d ttdIn tlon *r «(>«•*, I; ha* Kr l*, (Ml*- •Wrr hi* work Wrttlatnlg<»t aecond 1. 1 ■ cull lata to a Held of I'arl*, waa an anient tint Acath haa the la\iu( «>mr mm*»bfr». Ivo-jmr-olilKnmi grt Urge green miles M«wii lii«M>lf and Jaaou Ituaarll lleld (•<>r«', !»'•( «-»*lili*-rfie«, Vl; ( lui It lui|«r«» u|M>n uiy aa|M>riutrntlrU that thrrr I* tirwdl an let the harrow ifown to any dealred In thW I'ornellua W, W, X. to athuui place heat, beating horaea away, hut Mr. Merrill'* ability real Tlwdf of South I'aria Committer —J. Rruii'lt, former t«» abnair the ett.'it -1 of the watrr thr lalldlui Tbi** BMilf exhibit*, I'arU and ride all tlie fomiMHi -If the i|ult-k. Thayer Kdwarda, l*ort*r«, V>; K K l>«Un<«, du, je»ra |>i|w (r»i>|n depth, down thr stretrh. Used waa Hiomu. |*. K. Cummlnffa. an«i with iM \ llnbir (Hi* though aeverely Krlday, e«ju«l waa In the aland •• aUrtrr. CIma J lh«»e three grange eahiblta." furthemi o|nrratk»aa |»kk »ii. aud liitlnltk uf pkrt-e Uu't loo atony. Thla harrow wa* tt| Ufiidi) Hhm4HHi li mass uunu)iuw-n iu|« to the Uak. It»r last Itrat of the > class was trot- Town Team*—John II lloMnno, Ol« II >1 •pade. Mi «.rarge mtupWil thi exhibited at tlie ttale fair, though U had Uuvn, II*In«4i, ilii. JS; Imirr, II. M. Tinker of South Pari* • XHM) J. r IUr an * * s >«t au I I four animal* -Iwio lborred a(ed point |>erferted, rrtt. IWvrlBf. son Victor rati lien the * to. s In «ai 1 WiMUal, W. A. fnak game of making IS; llm-klt*ld, yoke, llrltfK*, Maiden'* lllifh, IS; |i |(|< li- — had an arwi la a belt Matur i|l«|ilav and |»r«»MWr <|uaiitlty, matured hv all who etamlned It to hf IWtMlIx*, br tirlAa. •••Hi. Aa*lu«rr. 1 kf ind two gra.l. ( and took foaj yeara, ca«|ht % lu«tk I'arta. Ill flrat half of the mile lu 1.11. Not*.—A ha* I»e*n entered by s»t*t, W.iiu-r s In thr lead. tooth harrow# Kaaa WMltxI. by «nUi»I, Fair lew la|kM, Thom|»ou pr»K«-at initwo, Tuliuan Vl, « and torn from hla ahtNilder, In addi- unmi«takaMy the perfection of *prtng IWIla Marie. Itlraa. f. A»•»..«. I I < ^milium*. It U douMful If day, Wm In lb* second. Cirlftla third. ;he cklmi of Urr*nwood against |»«jr> llurk, d », li; J I. Itrtu t, ll'- t«* other lie will IV uthrr (nn|«t did way llealtka thla harm*, Mr. Merrill eihllf l« IWk Yaa. li» NrM»i|tt W like*. J. t. Iluw Norway, ran ihow 4 igt tion mrltilR( iujurlea. O Juolaa, HarkM, to clau «u m*nt of Uw ib»i« kwirdt. M s Urg-r pvrteut wa* » "rrTV ill ben the "Consolation" hron. «4»M-r. Vl; V\«uer llu. k. do, die. of dnvrttlif work, but their «|wa Ita a hew spring tooth uIt U at<>r. with Tla* I tl 11.1 «l. taael. faria, |>rubably lol Wa II. MNfkall. all aai on the watch for Hh»n lh« racwa Uiali><- ami a lib the ao TarWr. railed every eye Town Steer Team*.—3 ate*r Juliu \, l\: A K ifterm«»n. grand huntia( i d. garileu, kite ban »d aa to avoid the tendency to rlo| com- Ttow. I «al4;S UM.t «!»«. I'op rimi, HHjfif*. thr of and had lieen for a time walked to lloaoie Tor II. Albert south Pari*. Nodh««d, Vl. K \\ >ut It didn't *•-< ui to nuke alia iiifl.-r. 11tt«lteld ^anday ni^ht. £vu *e« ing ruotu. mon with tooth cultivator*. II* Tlir racra of the aecond were wit* long unding .J*«k«,n, •prin( day wa* won r *f one waa thr The three minute cla*< by C. around the outside of lite track—ouUlde l,e.*nd*r (uthnitii, In •( tn-ar*, .Vl; altli the rroH.I 011 the oil* *i>l< of thrta dlaahar(ml. iharfr ul with le»el land and awlvel a audience ami wrrr Andrew*, Kwl ||. l>ei-o*t*r, Ilthion, %4ii**ty IW|>le (i"d judfRH-ul, |o«d alao aftuwa hi* nraard by (ml • Id the other • *h»aldrr. A D. Ileald'a Fancy lloj In atralght heata tlie fence. A. K. II. ««rn«, O. J A i|<», IS; (. ► Hammond, frounda. werar aa tl.i> k takioc<(l«vt for declared different *erv Mm horses atartrd In thr ♦wan, II. I'enley, llradi'iirjr, 'Iliry juat opportunities comparlaon, plow*, etc., eighteen Imple- (food. mare. Mount- trriulnation la frarad. 1 with Jaa. A. Ilrooka' black The to the track had hteo I. Bird Uartlett Vl; Jotridi llrltf*;*. south •ver. fatal that there a aa nothing at the *tata fair ntenU In all. 3:4.1 i-laaa and flve heaU wrrr miulred (ate* guard |»ear*, ain Mal i, a aevood. HuUhln*' Mllde < «l and assistants, and tlie d •, John the tin* good sheriff* Cnmmltteo.—Jt. I*. Ward wall, I- II Pari*, £"•; VVviuan, Norway 1 u I* « t.ardlner H*andal whUh to approach exhibit of Norway W. K. Clifford eihlhital the lHerl*| to decide the rat*. Thr principal cou- by H". \. I'iilgtii tl>e A pit every- wu but decided to lock Torn out Cooaol. l-ak*. Ka»nri'e, VI; C I. preieiit<p'» lira}', a* on the Hw about i.ran^e; matter, t*»tu|»artaoa iimwer, for whkhtie I* agent. trat lo thla class wu between thr aoclety lull Journal UlUal. If InMly by nromUlof bey an llrhroii, l« wr>'i><<', V I* I »«•('«i«trr, | the entire »how In tha with that aud not allow him to start. Kor J AO; in »f, etar liewnl In henne- building W. C. Cole of Norwar exhibited the alallloD Mlduut, bv dam Nut- !*•< uaa-n mi #tto. Krerett, Norway, *heep, u luok a «»l l«-f Hi hi If u«r.| the rat'lrat lawault kidney, by Sheep.—<5 J ( ilay a h«»ur or more thU around llmktivid, llenrr* d'Anj-ui, Vl; « « been thr at the Mate fair cava everybody vary mow which he owned II. llutihlni of KiiI4mm It C II. walking , MO; K M Everett, gra«le buck, In* **• th*« iMn » r*»," (»• be,- owntr, haa aettled by jiwr- Chint|»ioo lug machlhe, w««od, by Wrlary famrf Hu*. by Norway, South s«• VI. running alth rrntd to Oxford llaaM. Maaw. Ill proceaa continued. finally Al Ituaarll HrljfK-. Pari*. W**l. and thr aruMtmil la ••off.' frrliuf •ell*. Auburn and thr bay atalllon Itilllliir, by i, 1/kvtlPr hiM'k, 4, alirr|i, T, lamha, »l; vartlkt of liU old fie-oN tira, Mr^»', Hebron, ft I'iNltUliM. bay grilling W. I'n4k furnil ihK At ih»t mtktn, and »> rn ii of fenthcra and position I'rirt r kl Artma*. Jr., A. wae followed <1wa. Ituaaell I. C Waterman, rut il tl. nf cri-Uti for littlnc narrowly |»eac«ck br. It., and Fox'a cheatnut uiarr, Mantle a a l cloaely by rood, kmle buck, J; itup II* U tha mtiiiil intn lajrhaaa, walk faria. with I Corn. Thla was ( J. Kan- rufi It* in mill umuv kinnI Ihiim i, *i-rd iWth. a mounted exhibited V. II II. P. Mlllett of South Pari*, carriage In the former wu moat I»f Maa- 'op gala guarded { lurk fteld, buck, I. ofuoiittr**.—|»r. C. iMiiiaoi, peacaick by W'lthera, which Ulla Knukk, hj AIMIm. A. I.. (ml* "• •! thai mump train a AAA Officer (handler tiarland, with Oeo. Me Mr* N'wliU* III* III •l>ag*-||ir|it of |!»r riiM «a who ha* jutui«d frwoi Cutuiuing* of Nora ay. tnauufacturer and repairer, allowed ancceaaful. woo the flrat beat •wlVaaiaa. by t'ommlUee.—J. K. Mclbllrf, W. W. ll*1 irit*, Hard) I'hllllpe W Jim and f r* ti*ft rr**«l friiin the to Ja* thi* luuunrr. Iflte-futH number flue vehicle* of varlou* kind*. llixlrr llkaa, Ly WIlAaa, llrrU. A. Coir of (i. II. I'orfer Jackaou. — Jn l|n of In 3:40 1-4 with Hldnut a cloae second. « Norway, *arrar, A. V. Knit Hood* Haiti* Ibi'iK'H, UVd m*t, ll«aLU.Hlu( • Mtm u. » KlaAekI «.lr aa atvuuul. Uurw, * W. II. of NHith I'aria assist* ( name that Holland woulw mill* it Uotar- In the Mcoud he«t Hldnut con- I lara Iwilr. J. A. Nurwar. 7 • Voung S win*.—J A Itoberta, Norway, «ow KV; mat, l*r* I llowr, |.*i; |^; Mr« Th» J. K. ( ha»e of made n AI-out noon a fine drizzle developed I*h«lf», tiarland ordered the Noraay good Wrdueaday more In 3 34 UUia Akaalara. Wbaakr A aula. Mr. gate J d \ T> «U1 «hortlr rrauuMr under mw tnauatfr- duplay photograph with • rood secood. In the opened II. Ilrrli, lHl*l1«ld, do. 1; K A Merrill, nf*. 11; tulttrn*, 1.1; wi»uM l«» an ntri In cr arwu and «dl. to retreat loto the Phillip* Ti«Mtj;ii.tri i; m;i«. to make a ruah direct* |«tmnlf* ijulit* enlarged portrait* people began pro- waa Itusaell attempted \ tKla- «oiuiMtxb' mat, l.>ui>« K. J m Ira ««nili| I* he% k*-l ■rat. TV Mill will ba bi a third heat Hldnut Dad the pola and i'orw4j, b**t hoar, I; I) I. Ilrt-tf, snub, XV; platv mIm-m bit operated Mlaa of hail *oma art- Uvtlon of tlie *Und and the build- Ir him with Corn, Sheriff N > Llbby Norway grand nut headed bat waa forced lo a faat mile The drat race railed Friday afternoon behind I'op A K Mora*. Mouth JV; Mr* ■Mali-'I ami left Mfw from the Im^r* of r > IU.«t..n |«rtiM utxkr th* name tlx Hoi- to i*Id, Inwr, 3; I'arla, IKroaib, iplt>lirr, latW- work on aihlbitloo. The rain wnanl bad enough ■ at the In which three faat I l( trland orders! the gate closed again in«*n a >t«<« Mr* K photograph ing*. the aou of Nalaon, being free-for-all 3, do, i; W || t'ole, drd, kintfv 10; li•.•mi, llii* »«••, ai.-l t)ic in> ariitic ii< la ad Maaufacturiuf ,lo«B|>Anj. A l«wlatob made a Interfere with the and It I* by pushed Imth prlng pig, (Mummer of trotting, pre- li«»r*e* aa a race. It waa daw I which waa done In the face of rh« .,d. tahl<> M lt..iwir» 1 Klagg undrr the wire In 333 1-4. 'IV* fourth appeared, yet, > ork«bire Utar, ft du< mat. 20; iry who teal tlri till |tla. re- t lean aud artUtk d la- turnable that the were thank- Itnraea. Mr. Oarland then took •) pneumatic 1'hr lianliofr llr|>orter-Joorual tery photographic managera heat waa a race betwrrn the aona Mild of Interval. Glpaey M., Hlack I'op IViuialtteo.—Al«In Itrown, I mit lacr, 2V«; Mr* Kn*ila »ir «u (i>J great Jo*rph wen 11I I ••• «llil Ho III » ful It held off uotll the had the bridle ami turned him t> •• Itul f k mark* h»t l.initlaaa paaalbilit play. people paid of Hldnev and Hldnut made a Nathan and Wavelaod were the aUrter*. Coru by , C. K. Slanloll M; l*atw|| Itradfurd. iiicii. ii. t I, Nelaon. tilth*, 11 > a canned their It waa endurable Charles lint nnc of litem rn«c In lil« wratli I •t reWli <>«it httur* the Malar }*ulu will*. »nly faw entrlea of guoda, money. the M.. drew the and waa driven around, and hW driver, Itusaell, IS, 10. h f, |i ••i|*h- bad break near the aecond turn aod i»lp*ey pole K shurtlelt, South Curia, : tidy, llul arr but aaaortmeuta and taste- not taut afternoon. hia threatened to strike Poultry.—A < imifr l'\ all III* Iv alio »(or* Ktra u*i« thav waking ubdrrvlotb- Urge very tltougb plea driver of the colt took ad- iuat faat enough to keep her itoae abend raised whip and (Ni, 10, oiuiHi«d>* **t, l.»; I.u.) 1% i ry, Nelaon good 1 rlo A*Uik'fowl, *1; K A tn I from wood and ae fully JuU before dark night, aon I>. but did not atrlke. Wight. , Im couldn't «>ll a liaiMlkeri hkef. in* lugrnloua arranged. Wedneaday of It to drive to the nf the popular of lloblnaon tiarland, Muring Itrown >ible «i>vrr, 11; Irtna K Mt rrill,' uiitt^n* j were been vantage I'hllllpe pole lar'a Mlllf, do, AO; hum, l.«g lf»»f. II** *1111 lloer Bian I* txxit and There ten entrlea of cheaaa. tlie ttorm, which had aeveral atand-atlll lima the had the 1 >ud Mr* l»avld linlt, I Ml going to Ml making ta|>« equinoctial and a lead. When Hldnut "act- IVaveland made guards o|»ened 1 oru K South l'ir- vaikrtj work, 10; South I'aria tbowed to get long ha drove about fowl, 1, Au*; A Mora*, [ kuflliru at the old however. hrrlo oat ul It." W. J. Wheeler of threatening, began deliberately get on lireakaand waa not "In U.'* In the rate for Al Ituaaell, and < ■nu'lird mat, IS; Mr* ft I' knit; | ilthil, tied" he made a gfeat burat of apeed '' llock fowl, I; K A Wight, K«lly. : a floe and down to butlne**. The farmer who wa* his horse i, I'lyuiouih number of organ* planoa. ihlrd heal the dlatance waa waived and lialf and stopped 1 a«-r. Ill; Annif II K'> kk rua|it *tovea and ahown W. rattle wet before he reached shelter. Her Charles made bhoiIht urn fowl, I; Kin*, Mr* \ II 11> « parlor range* by got record of a:I9 l-l eatabllahed heraelf thla J1 I M Mas«rll. af|li4». I; 1 are. K k* "I I». umming* .1 to win the race. Ho faat did Hldnut cloar bjr lug " D; Stuart,' llolaler'a Mill*, tJold- ; cana, yon .\»«l th*n fwretan a»liHrr)lB| limp l-ravltt of Norwa?. And the heaven* were aud the 1 with nample • an< o|iened, cam* »n The mare went away ru»h tor the gata I'op Corn, a|iron, i\, tidy, I*», tidy III itur" llii« win « o from taxation for ten tear*. |»r»»- the gap that the two atalllons loto Wedwaday. *" II I'ollth fowl, I; K A Wight, Sliver : as to alien the word waa but for Norway grabbed Pop- " k N'owi. r>, Id; nr*t \orwat M a of #!<■•.«■■» uncertainty great lutereet the reeult, given, 1 Uhll* fowl. «0; A K the .fit'l/t* uf (|k« ^|iiln> vaarly pay-roll l II. I:««m»u of Parla *howad a wall- It about the face of tlie Thursday. prevailed orn bridle set him ami 'ay, Wyandotte J aanif y *ky so left -eaaon did a uncommon with br the and hack, iwaii. K*'i>t'* atiN'kiiiK*. IS, yarn, *»• over. I hrrr »a» a dral of oppoalttoa. but the pace was faat that Hldnut thing very * hurl hi!, South I'arl*, trio AMalktcblcka, |mI Court. No wonder they b*»k |»»« arranged line of hia horaa and cattle It uaant neve**.»rr to a*k or sperulate two one In the home- notified his driver In unmistakable terms j1 ft; Mr* H A Turin-r. MfN Mid k>.lt hla feet sgaln In the stretch and tor, made break*, 1 ; J V Moody, III bron, do, AO; K A Mi r- ■nt. Tk« M. i roil ruttuo ailll at . *aii>r, diiublc mltlrn*. XS; Mr* came under tha wire flrat In 3 Jrt 1-4. In itretch, dnlahlng r II, |.«kf, Itrown l^rghorn > ila* Ma ua a>> A. I. A K. K. (<■>«« Co. of I/ewlaton knew there waanl an the The crowd then Norway 1 wooirn t\. •aim-, A 1 urlo*ltr in tlx- form of hi i| | ahkh ha* hrvo cloaad jr. Kvrrybody jr. lost h rough gate. I'.ir* II MiilHt, yarn, jrrnt'* the flfth, and deriding heat, I'hllllpe • ■I I M>r tu.1 u». Idcka, I; Krnral 1*. t'roclutt, Mouth \ k <<>unt a tra crtl mlurtiua la exhibited a of ;ook hold and Nellie Pratt and mm**. JS; Irttlf knit la> I *.. *«• ethlbited from the unlunl of of |»t variety dairy Implement*. •t KMIIMR AMAIN. the to Hldnut on the flrat turn and pushed '' K A S. S. h.'tuht) ( W». {*' do, SO, Wight, Hamburg a shrr* *tafted M «daradav at thr Merrltt Welch of Norway nude an en- pole Uliurr M.a \>j MirMli, lirvgg, ter sulky and driver through to the \ Ira II K strarn*. *klrt, iS; Mr* KikJ J .t»rk»on of Pari*. It grew 00 of the «uo the latter waa an easy winner of heat III; ® ili'k*, ftO; K F King, South I'arla, do, I; » waa *u a ru«h tu of clonk*. After the rain Thursday, Imhn, the the driver I V tree, t>ut U *•*!!• -I • mi ratN. I Uer» great ticing dlapLty aome- RMl Walks* br I*Umm Ii A. B. rack and cioseil gate, ami i.l VimwI, tMin**, wood'* CttoriU came out mule a and race, the Nelson colt acting haa Krarwl*, (HI* II* liorr, trio linldri • had to ha S. U. A '/. S. Prince of In hi* aplrndor, and I • < Corn with him to the ! < o||||||ltt^r.—A. I' Mr* (»i«o • from • »• It Iwr- Mum ti» work thai tbr gatra Norway on Kum>U, nurkkM, if I'op returned Ihmnry, |M»rt l}rat«oaiiln, warm didn't what and way back , olUh t-Lk-ka, I; llarry h»vt|oy. Nor- v, •howed a line of cluak*. Krldiv. The fair unsteady falling Wa«rUi*l, Weetiewl, J. f. lUrrrtl. 1 The race rt »»*ntM»ri -r in tin- latter » «'••• rloartl. >«nu» 1'rfV Land* applWd. d*y by itable, and gave up the light. I) 1 Ilannuond, Kmma Vounf. cloa# suffer much from tlie weather. account of breaks. Ila showed great Uwiii, a i a ar, Whit* Wyandotte clikk*, I, So; rtl»«-r- tlmii(li matt Iwriu Urtarrt and The White *ewing machine exhibit *aa then finished with llelle Dean first, which l« much Jlfl rriit froui th< speed however In making up his loaa Tt«*. 117; 117,111. futile, Itucktleld, trio I'll mouth li«-< k (JullK .Hpnwd*, eU\ —Mr* J r M.Alll*- Mil ion liauda atUI hold wot. waa In charge of P. II. llunt. tha Nor- [ton Carlos second, Kmma I', third, and wood'a Ka«oiiif. AKXI AL Mfck.1t NO. to como home In second ik k*, 1; K A do, SO; < ha* Kiaii- t Ml •iwllt, »l; Mr* 0 I. way aufflcWntly Id th« race C. D. Ilk* of Nor- llusaeil notified WlKbt. If( Norway, agent. bicycle Nellie I'ratt fourth. Al K •«« Ik r I Nut a fear M tlnr tow a* think that til nlacw. on «, Bront* turkey*, I; A Mo»»*, j ■« k*»n, ?•'«•; Mr* J l^<*l«, I Im* folio* Inronteraallon ju*t »•>««• uoveltle* In tha Una of furnltura Ttx aotlrty'a annual wiling wat lUrtrd acralch, J. K. Muob of lie that he the race. pair (|ulU, U aiitn! to adviat thrlr lutrr- Judges protested air gem*. I} tluu Kranrl', do. AO; <1iaa J forth Pari*, lilk IK/; Mr* (i tt In tin* grand *t unl between a li•»• I-• «hii were events table, earner labia and nIM to order at 1 o'vlock KrWa) by t 41 < Lai*. rvaaa. |IU. Auburn to yanla, II. II. Illrharda of i|Ullt, elrrtrlr railroad Pi# lataat roifeiiaTiok U(I. r I Vkln dm k#, I i K A Wight, do, | «-n« hrtrd *a«l ilurii »' rata la an mu*lc la and Pn'«U«»iit J. A. Itoberta. The flr*t but(- *I ImI, »«. Wf llnlrklM, 00 They all look H «Uf ram-U, doughty, iirorliwood, »|»r* young I.ljr my bo) racL, plu*h rope work, by nMwj, Norway yardi. a* «»• Wan »Wrtrir rail mad rail- 1 I I I I •* t. t ouimltt** miH«HH-nd | llattb* llrarkill, i• u. .1 «.•■••• . lli** n*t-e: a* In-iar afoot W. of Mechanic Fall*. ih»« «n Ihf limit* of I ticr-prMklrut Ankara, uolU the bcHiH> tirHch tu rtucbcd, Ilk* tell* (tMI, lUMMM U, fratultk-a I; runniiiK C. Uoyal l>. taNIi b, Nortk llm hiu It fro** thrwwgh Vd«|r, Haaln CMUIm, I»jr Klcbarda A i»l ll«w*i>l. llMtlonf I I I f< •llawtK I. Karrar, kdrld, ; Mi* Patwlla IJieen, <(i»rf, > otitic l.aiiv: Oh, I ilo ho|>r nine Kanfor A abow caaa which It I* naadlo** to l«l*l««o| |>. N. Tnif, ilNMMd. A I t t I t winning In 1 :M |.J. aecood, W,lltMW 1 Km t ibUMMi IImM, g llv*r Love* « S Hith Orouo, (inat Work*, Oldtoaa, ballot «ai and |>. Ham- l> I III* l»jr |l, Uray lK»rkln|(«, V); llarry ulliuc )|uilt, II; M*rr WillUm*. l»lck will win!" Mill*, •ay had a cmwd around It, waa filled Ukrn, Henry |if. E, i, CiwMr, N'nou, third. t II L Xa*couih'» 1-aud- r*. m ltarkftrl.1, Uam* lUnlaint, 11; Kroeat | JruiiW* HkH- : "Oh, go mmL J«r U. thirteen old and l»f I, 11* Krllfjr, Norway, fumfurtri, AO; wa» Htowe of I'ari*. Virgil HrvU. U«r«, yenra weighing alatjr- I k lir H AuOafonl Dentnt man laikit-g fnmi Kllaabath W«»l, mmt-n, Hith l*arl«, IVkln dm-ka, AO; l>eai«*r 11 r U« Know'* Fall*, do, D; Mr* Capo at waa rhowu accUmalkHi trutfan to awwd I I four rode Oold Ihiat, the winner. I Kit. Mttawll, Hammond, on the rvrrrtpiMMlrut KleUehuiauii A Co.'a yea exhibit by TIm, Mil, *414. ISI4|t«Mi«IT1i poonda, , VuK »«r »■■«»>■— II., Kouen «I» ak« duller thaa UM H"o«t*r, ItiM-kltfid, ducki, AO; | ! W Urwn«iNiil, Icar|*l, II; * •«ii "k*l|httllk In the Itnlahed -the lillU«r|f. This boy will be reaiemberrd u the IVnley, when he waa utiwlnl bv • • • • appetlalng product- I I *4 I 4. aljr thing terial*. br acvlauutloa truatee to ivcrml bl» ippwid. ranalag race* In yoara (Mat. lie got In ilhln't there wa» a l»'ii>"»',»i drlren AWAUIt or fRRMII Mt. K A W beat exhibit |x>*r lint will I mm >mi iIim |m 11 of the toaa." •elf. 11m gray i»tmr Krrol, by Artel, an extra heat before the raee thla year. l|fht, II.AO; | I; Mr* Calvin ltkhaid*on, Norway, do. An Ot* The Kxc*l*lor IVture Frame Coo- Itui left on the face of the earth"' br Jraklui of hid the ravtoHM Um A Tutll*, kfleld, M do, 1; K A 7 Mr* IfennU like, do, VI; Mr* II M ..f south I'arla made au exhibit. J. V. of Carta waa iboanu ac> bj Anbiira, evidently When the word waa glren Clayton TIwm »uilt in Mfejwt I* bj jj 3c; *to»d to tin* Kortuaatrly thr (ml taijoril v of oar |nii| Mug * A K brat Pari*. *ilk 50. font Hear who b) eiplalned vlaioatloo tnutfv to klMflr. of the field. II* «m a beaaty and Hwett'a "backed" and « •NtidltolttMr. lit, Uuudan*, 1; Shurllrfl, ( til Idi, Houth rug, lie* eoeu la hard tiaMa arr Ilamlln A Hlcknell uf made imwnl >H borae, Colonel, Inhabitant uf the cltr that auuMiirr rraldrnta Norway clock TtaU hone wu " bit Ailatlo fowla and rhk-k*, S AO. CoaiiulilM.—A J Clara X Kllioit. iplmll* Ao wu oflered H. 8. imced like work. refuaed to start, (iold Duat ridden — Buck Hall, *trmiU lured th* l*ort- an exhibit to delight a >poftMM aroeudnKiit bJ by HullkMM KftblMM Dean, field, O»fonl Democrat wa« a not la tbr pi* by In" u»tne the flnt beeu hat al- CoiumltlM —ii. W. Uk-lutdioo, David I Jul* 8 llrpubllcau. la tha SoiUh of Osford to ArtkU 1 •( the '•held In the atarted howerer and run nearly i W». lllftt At oaa of the Ulaad baart. It Included everything by. boy tobtaaon D.. •*>; Ortcf, Aadom, " land Trauaerlpt. lowed to the field and come down e urnejr. II. K The of the ■enw-wni'l revolveri awl 11 ta»>, which that "TV p«M around the course before the little P. II. KlorOilM, G*org*. Needlework.—lluM>*r ». haU mat, M (I ronafe. maf amount of left at Mnirtf fo* Shotgun* from 90 f-MUJO, f ®rd, 30; McKenney, Norway, round jewelry •b»ll to laid ilnwuouthe tad carried to i bmk Hector Boone, I 1 im. Weal I'arli, 1; OK Turner, Itmk- ». go, hut tlif merro g<"* akiik twrtala w**w frum »J.50 to 9* •«. Tbatr «4d atock ing pm«rraaaa« by U«M I>«H, llaMMT. Hmrwmf, Oeaaalttee.—Jeha F. HUnlej, 0. A. andkrrrhkf, 15; Mary IVn*, mwId( -«o-ro«iml l- board Mlla (* bar *ala- hav* bHUr llfht, w, huiif Uwjr •1m. The given ehanfn irnr picer Taylor. ji i( Mra Kred Wood, Mexican M"* oat fond*, and *ha where It uatll awra- I work, A0| lo a turn 00 plrdged ar» U to item waa number ta the Inal heat the A adorer am, paatpanai Saturday fesUJi« under a deaiif tak*' tha b««MUM wiaiowa, that thn Urgent nf farmer* by eldi. J. F. Berretl. Huaoer. Si F. Drmwlaf Horaea.—fred Noble, 1 Ira 0 MrKennnr, apron, Mr* thruujCli ablra. A bk-tcla waa naonf col- The aUrtlag borae* were Thomp S ymt tt; to ristrain him* to tkm of worn iiwnt the anennd awd an thla Itelle Wllken, (dieted hr Kd. Thajnr. lag. T P Morrill, «t j >hn PWrce. lit Mra Kred J Wood, la- lior»«», but maaigrd bat Ha foraarr oaarr titiaaaUila a»»rackla kaaalj day, aoo. and Qrtflfe II JO, pair, m; Norway, tatrr*l |ilniflr<, la ««• waa thn heuetol thn iaf •ell* WIlhM he* been la tvalal* by Brral, flehraa, Xlehole, •elf. ralr of. aad Um. KiklMto UMad^artiatal eealeljf »*r | In the Orel heat I r Mlilelt, 4. Maflo uoder 1000 Iba., It d •a' aearf, 71; Hybll Iamb, AO j Utile O calM woo da* aad h«Mj MTat. fife* waa the trotter latheerderaamedi i' •aa* bj Mkaa MaUta I. UloluMi, flo«* era, thn meeting »honld he an timed aa Urrgg. aaly Jk*a a>»t )rt rrturaed U. OXFORD, aa -At a laart ml I'tvkM* tokl M You make no mintako in to ANOOVKR. •CTHIL. HOW'S THIS I going Democrat Paita, «HUi aari taf Oh Oaatr af IHM4 M omci im m uum «# innw conm THB OXFORD IMm Rmil<. W. A. Ilowe, wtw forwierly w«M V« (ftr (Im Nn4M Mm itort Tw«Ut of Haft, a. I>. VTATK or MAIN*. j^^tord —m4 lurtMla la « to mm wkh Klmer II. YOM«, ku OfNNMd • m; mm at Utfarrti IM mtH ha tmm* *• Mary IImhI Urtw, TNI nrrfbedj OOtNOS Or TN« WttK IN AL L >1 Um fair. Ho n«tb«lr U ffMolaf. turnaaa repair abou mt to mwiI llair* Catorrfc Caia. yiu'iJr*vrsn>r"i!»">!r6 u*uii!tacis H. B. FOSTER THK EILL,~ c < 1»N MOTIONS Or TNI COUNTY. Wadnr«,iar tad Tharaday will bo Um •tar*, llood work U pruaatoad. r. j. cmkxkt a co, rrm* tm*u, TRR. UM af rarla la a*M «Mtatya •Maraaad, «igggpMfrtrjLT«. plMiTMlT tUn for Aadover. The drat todaMa •( Um tana wm held Wa Uw utiHlgnl, have kaava F. J iMftkf MMislf4 Ifct iiM fuf pnkill I if in want of IMMIIU, That Mfcl iimdli (1t« Mltn al lion. So tor U«t la 0o«ld areola*. A lar Um laa« II wt Mm Mi a. p. f» ► II. W. tod family toft Acidfaj Monday ClMf yaara, Um mm to all MWI Iatot*ato4, by , mni'Im RUMFORD. •* woak for thatr rlty homo. large numb* of achoUra and fnaoda pailMlrkaaanUiUill batfaaaa tmaaarttaa mMMIm mot af UiU «r>Wr Una «m4* m KM IMM,N >!«»■ '.»***' *"!? Vn. Iluaih llriwr oI > • werr Dim rral •« Itrookjra, The Motor U fa* toavtaf In ntteodaata. »< Maaartally aMa larawy aal aay ikijall* MrinlyhUaOihnl iiwii»»«i M&dfl•"^'-', aS** roapaay mM*I at I'irti, la mM raaaty, Miat lk*y My rTin t>«r-*.y KiMtH* • Y.,Uitaitli(Wrili(m, MIn 1 towo. Orac tlckrta were told UM a4a IMi tna. ***££ ry»lhl A tow rwnalo to at toad tka lair. aeveaty by imw at iWat* l ixit to b MIm m or Gents' >» aad H * Mraflri*a.Tato*a.7lllll, Half ('cm nrt C«va Iator«ally. artta laatrawat afcaaM M »m |»«al, apprt»««l m ImWimi I>t bwi UMi * MW« \a«iU Kllkxt la li i !■>**• aaf Mt.1 UHriili*»»-l^ U» Maa4 aa«l Mtrfara* • alkrtrwl M Mm Will awl IMmnM M Cr»IMur* uf of thin scason'a and Fanh- teaihln* rlngton'a to-ai(hl. Wonnell and frleada atartcd Tharaday iNiMlf apaa Mm bMMla*mM awl laM Will A Full Line Style* i« at Hon IHatrVt IS. IIm nmtm. trim TV. •ahl al i*4 Um4 a*a to Ik. I( U vlalting WtHida(«K-k. t. A. 1'rwnr'i Im>um U com* and to tba par ky aMy aft«*iM •< our g*. \a» noarlng hunting caraplag trip U taWlM■ UMt«»fI—liury.l*l*B6* iona can now bo neon an of Ml** AbMe return* thl 1 BwjHli TwOaiaalaWfl •( by inspection rwt»« •• Tfcuaip«on |Mto«. j»^a URORUR A- Putt la mM UMtr, •>• Mm im «U; l ______•«ik U> *1'*°*' '*** ■. i. MkMlrhwiHult, t'oaa., to eoa to notlc* tlw tm- wood la atUI Mac loaded on to RIAL 1STAT1 THAWaflAS. A. I». I Ml, •! Bin* M'rtur* U ll» WWHI stock. • Acvordlog provloaa l*ui|» IN»l-w wr* i„ i< lUrluw rvtwnml t< tloue tier a»llN imiUtrr mr. ,-arr. Ultw «»Wr mj to»l Uw ^ ,4 Wi-taMb loratod tin* road oo Rack Htrrot, cara la Um Hkllllnga Mill TIm hummf^ggSkt **-"• MIm yard. Join r. RTARUIT. Ruimi '»•* \r*TMUj. Anal# l*uttle and iaala M»rgar alao thr riiad to A. U. Itarrell'a hoaae »« •lie lnrk< bar* hit* baaa fall of Um O.r.TKAMK. I*rrty hate tii* M |hm to l*arU to attend the fair. lllm Mmt. loaded and cara for the three iuur. M Mmwpf of Um CMft •( I—hwy. » ihtl I* «apruok *rr * a 1 I 0,.4 tailing KMT UjMNl*. HURON. com baaa cloaad L Um factory haa af MM aatato mt *«ll *w Wwterhoure«IU.t| Tha aaaal rala atoraa oo fair watk. •Ince on aeeoaat of la II. C. I IA I.KM C. lato mt naarlj Wadnaeday belag r. r. Cfcaa-ltar fhllbrw.4. CLKMON*. lllraai. mm »r UAunu and Suits ! I?!11' from iw e Ml? of con Mr*. Jim Harrowa of Boat on la vUlt- out of com. ara to coa- la mM onatf, itaMMMil. by (ltla« l"»l m Um I Marhteof furtiaoU ha (fperatlona Working V <1 lav illiarto; Va Ikmhn M|MNi all kt«i< IVr have mlt* to lit one'* for our gr* • fi.r th« Mit»»t Ini Mm. I low®. bmbcw thla weak, haa been for Men and Youtlu. e*ery parte, X lhaier Jurlnj I'Mkint Mi|*»ny labeling L. Uacala to A. A. Baaipaa, lam 9-1. of different rotor* In Hikim*- wteralothert lu»e iIih* Krvla Karmrr of TVmpla gleea a good aUrt. Ufl— ■ll> laiNM>llaM payiaaftt, m l IImm* *Im Mil III. laalifM I* price* rang* upward*. ______• aa mom • < lirtn.i., etc., cut III t'rurk*. and ^paaivrrk early well. i.ood well lltleit mm It vlaltlog hi* atater. Mra. J. |). Htartrrant. A boot |o o'clock evening, L U. latll la U. M. 1 aay HMtak Itorraa to rtMMI Um to pun*, Wurtleii*. sKI> * «l lw»l inaltrr U •• v thl* *eaaoa and tl»e cna Iloraro l*ratt of Itoatoo la hla iU|«.K IIAMI.M I'ouble Itreaated H«i«. In fact wt have *ult« to 111 any oim whether g,„, , Mttlnf heavy vlalttag Sejd. li, A. U. I-orrjojr'» farm bulldlnga rumui rt.»BT*TK»a. fn« th» Iviw 1 will M.roe line alatera In till* he l« abort or allm or *tout. <«lltnl pm? pat eitra claai place. In Maaon wrra burned to Um ground. II AanD«vlk>n «Uh Um I*eter |Im IMHiTwaitay Myl, M Spring* Improved, blaaa, U Clark ki M. K. Carr, Lrau W. RmmII, A.l Mr«. thla place Taeaday evealag am vrliiHM aay fhalaaoag waa arreated by Detective M. H. ( try la M. K Cary, IIIRAM IIOlMlHtH, lata af IWUmI. la mM IIiIm, aa« Mi>l pMHIm, N I* by \p*' " t > UM MOM «•' •><'••««. |». ., an la the Interaata of the t truer o| who ooara thla war. It haa howi a dla- and Officer nwn. ilwttii I. totla* pnnaM I M MiilCMIIIlMlllNMllltaM Wf— CLOTHING «p«4» WorroeU Barker charged taaaty, CMMi CHILDREN'S , af arfariaUtrattoa af Um aetata ml mM Mlil liwrt 14 IVI«, ll mM »t thu H«l lino* for a »rto< ■( (M. A. I». I«, and tbta aeaaon we ran *how better value than ever before. A anting haariag J»* a< Oltonl, ua Mm |?lk »'«• » !«lb « ill mrrt thli at>tl aa* at oae time lirud for aoothrr trrm of achool. Tke "not all aata»HM laMiaMMl, t»r raaala* a caf y mt UM llwmil b> y«liWi»l >v •»prlr.f*ate. Saturday forenoon. nrtaooer pleaded •( titM, IIANI>*>MK MODKKATK IN I'ltU K. t N I* to J K. Mar**. I* tmr to Im larva warfca aai—Mraly M««|i«Kr NlMvl It Nkl Willi! oooiftt, rtfi £ »Hh Mr. an«l Mr% a kef of Mala* >l*»uld al*> Thl« oo* la to bo nloo wwka. of Aa no l*alf* |>iii>U*toal UM (»■ Templar guilty" the crime. lawyer* # la Um mtoH at Utal nn i U Uw |_n UrU. iMMiwrat. |>r1at«-l Carta, ■ arr t« « *Wk. n.C.ATTla«fMlaU.I*. i»f..rr -i»» ■» \ ul'rnlM InvM re fnaa hi* remark* that he twite*ei: Mr. Thomaa fuao haa booo •jultf were Mr. Wonnall at a mt l'n>tiaM to to i» katmm um fvt employed brought nmi'. Itoy m/ af«Mr I'uart papla Th*r* are now IM atudrata la attrod- the amount touat I'artala mM taaaly, <>a Mm UIpITm* Maria*. aa>l IMI ill rmlMara wka km pru»nl Itepabttraa •>ut of evidence, ■ YOUTHS' AND BOYS' pn>tevtl*e polk-y. required < m anj ULSTERS, U.C. K.C. ii.. «4fc»r liumml, MEN'S, wo Wlafta lrt«h, •lay mt Ort Mil, at alM aVto-fc la Mm fur thla t*rm, whU-h think la tho a deal that iku* of th« eiparU tpeotl keeping bark, however, good aa-l *Imiw If kai*. wki Um M Mkl Ml llw u>l (MM, all color* and A nice Hue of Kur Coal*. Wlutei Oterablrta In w |* Rarattl, afrat man. rauaa, aay UMy •|||»«r pWa ■ price*. j„ the a later In I ha We»t ahere he Imi oo record. C. aeceaaarr at II... wkT • IInIuki • fi 1 I n.4 W larjprat woald uot be that « iImM aat Im aJWwarf. I If Mf Imk, New .'al « oavrntkm. will j particu- J. J AI.«-4tl*C. Tarlrr. »l Knrilea* variety. Ilmt value* lu I nderwear. <>f children time. Jiiattce found UlCoRUR A. WILAO*, Jwlfa. ttkl itoUuft l« Um prajac lletivy • llr \1 realdlag. lar ICkrh < tl»e In Men'* »• '«•.!«? h«Hh probable WlTUfUIW. — Olove*, Collar*, ulft. All lat*-«t Netkwear. ^.' The u*ual at ■AST BHOWNFIILD. ao bald him AlnMMfy-attMt I|o*lery, ralav day the roaati caa«e to keep the prianner, •• A Ml MIT I». PARC. Mr. Illram who waa taken J. Hni»» u> ||. f. Warn*. AI.RRRT l». PARR. Ma«Mar. Kalr rante to Il lialchrll, wfthout ball until the October terra of »( Mkl CMH fur Mkl C*«*l; of Oifarl Hotakfr Our »l*rk In ihr Ur|r«l, according pMiilwy. wiHtiiartwa. III a week I* Wo ahall • ■••■» fall* t«» there. now we ago, nvovertnf. court. Thla IVter OIMRH.M Al (ala kakl al ami our « W I'f Maiitrill# ttait- rarely get Well, •upretnr fhalaaoog w Our Style* Iter Bral ba la to bo C- II. Ilaalla I* R. W. tifwfti «nM» t»r ik* nf •• fmt mu*t rally al the <«nton and mak* (lad when In* a|*ln able oat. la now 17 and Ila waa r>n«. (.'MBtf «'• and Mra. I.. It. tillea with a amall I*|4 or PHICKI ! it a M It Mr. born In law Novla but • VTATK IAIIK. >* > *r> l», alth liMirj* |{. grand MMSMt, iloaKIm lB Breton, iVtKla, Hi ikr patiuon Mm; V. llawklM. * uarllaa i-. party ha*e foo* on a plraaare trip to ha* worked In thla the af lk» niUr of VIOLA IIAW KIN# rl al. of • ltr«»RI» a* -4 a*r1..f laa..l«a*ry l(lk*r*M Tourn truly. '» h kW. country during BOKNj *' f«r !>• **•* Mil ml •if KRNftlirriift. liMltrM loiter |nfn. tin* tuouriUint. tan aad made It bla home Ik-IUM, I In* IU\ ill I. |«at year*, la WatllMMi, |i. C., «»H », to Um «ir» • nmifjr rrrtala (Hi NtaM UU|la| la V'TII K U Iwrfl.. flift lk*l • iwWIiHi ka«,»a lh» Kmm ral WILSON'S MILLS. Mlaa \ 1111* IVatrmlrn la teaching In with Mr. alnce I Mai antll laat t I Inn )t'\ M tia»»-r««( limjojr rml J., a m (Jante artar.) ■Ail fllalr, t»l •WwrllMl In Mf |-illl..n oa il Ikli ink iU» af (|i, A l» MM. |.tf where ah* haa nloo aao I k» l»M« M I. t»o i«* v«4*atlon in A lad? wa* In the pluw Monday can- Kryebarg taught Julv, whaa he left and took np (juartrr* la Aa>la«rr, my* I, U Ik rth »f Malter* lla la llw |'ml«k oMif •rulrl |.i Mkl I Mtl far Mkl •Ufclf. craafal terma UIMI, a aaa. (II ia>«a4a.) «•■■>» *kH. TM IW will (tit Mk« KnilHu* uf SuMktn, la lk» iu«M; nf H*" nalr hU hk-Trt» In i for hook*. already. with a Aloaao |«IIUi«rf • va«aiag neighbor, Tyler. ihr will oI II a I KM Iw W ilxiwl k Nil Malar. Mlaa Maria Manadeld la at hotoo alck. la ^unray, Br|4 ia,|.> IVrr> la ail (*r«NM lali mini, by nailu ikifaH. praylif Mr Oppanlle Ela !!•••«, Xarnif, tahrrv hr lakra thr A*her aa« la town latt aeek Mr*. Albert W. (• rover of Bethel aad a m. r. onter l« trvm all kta'1*14*. Ml*r Ikr |Vi:»' I M a> llar|wr *m»*. |>» of Ikte U |>ai>ll*ka>l MM •liar ha rya iirmakk ■ Jautra U. Illll haa had hla atore alf* of frwlor- *im I uf Ika »W«lr« uf K— with ht*a*ehokl commodltfe*. newly Ml** Anna Jordan of Woodforda, while la lllrMa, Br|4. ». lo the vwki •t>>ii«Ii la ika Oiflavwrth a a M la a»l Mi l II U Mikr*.l l.» II. I. Ablaitt of I wa* In Taea* painted. out vara iliaflOr. urral. |.rt»w*l I'lrii, KlikiMm, u|»»n i^Mkiii, pti»a rWllag Taaaday forenoon, la k*a !• ikr alfv mt llaw I Uul al a Cr» ««Mrt UM a I* ka4 \ "»* ■ I !• a Mriuhrr uf th* lllrtin, V|4 II, Mkl ..Italy, iKrjr Mr •|>|**r Mkl kw1«« V f-»»l I dav i« toan bu*ine*a. thrown from their carriage and badly anl Itaartw*. a m UM < INI ft W ha K»kl M ran.. IK* Ihlnl Tw* Ikf Iwhw Mkl I Mfl at I'arla, Ik Mi '*« Matur Mate I'nt- GHI IN WOOD. 'Uf s4ai Mr*. l*-«vltt been her •hakeo The aoi-ldeat ata caused it, I* ua wtli »l iui n a •la? *f iirl. Mil. M alaa «'rk*i la Ik* l«» I MM) of nm WnlaMMr. llw ITtk ha* vitlllug up. bjr I • • Ia«< la tKr Ml arr »kl tu hava bran aal tttum • If aar lla 1*. IMt. M >Im o'.kvk la ha hr» a: l"hta Urgrat < |n« bap- MJamMni i, IWf k*if, why ..f i*rlM hellr. the «tilrtWtrea and C. W. Bowker •f> •Uu^liter. ■ < breaking frightening wlte l« la thr hi.tort uf thr cot- i. .1 il the in la«t Sabbath. la Kryrbarel aetor, Il»f4. II, to lla ■in akottkl M I*r «iMcf. MM| Ihal aulfcr lk*r«if p*till«k»l ».m»t Mr*. Will llart and llaie lln»»k* made the borae. iMnanl, a imlilld»l la tin U with llaaaa Mrlailra. a «'n» A WIlJMiM, J»l«r II* I'lfwl Ma>|<*|«r aN-ut •». lllr Aium «Uk typhoid m* a Una a* < a trip to Camp-ln-The-Meadow* the A Irian»rr-AlM aakl I Mialf of i»*fof»l. awl #.» f«»r, and I. W. Swan ami nrlfn tat up At. II I. XT 0. I'AHk, Kagtelar. t>a*t week. al«> A. M. ii thr of the l"th. A h«*r MAARIKD. •lata lakat Ika la» ..f kaMrtag, l'« Hr family. nl»;ht M « Iteunett and Mia* AbMt. a from ii\riiKI> aa — Al •(<>** of l*mt«M k»M al ll..ra «ku ka«» ikalr l Hk»r uiDforr hrrr, rvtiirnml to •u branl nut far a«i? at Intfruli dur- Mr. I»bln*tein, Yala aenlor, jifvial wttkla i»l f«»r ika af MM lakawaM*. awaar ai mM A party c«me over Ailacooa from New wl**e hate been urn- la K»rarar, **|4 IV fcy 1W». 4. II Urtmu t'arla. LMMr •»ifori, aaf Our %h«%»U *rr > k h<>mc laa| w«*fc. fhrr thr ulght. M thrr a and York, family I Ml Ubm aa>l ikua um, II Ikrj ka»a. »ki a V V« KWhard*on UU are ing day boy IkM A. ixl Wlaala Kbfcarl*. l«4li al Ik# Ihlrl TumiU* «l "+\4 .AO Mf Friday. They inert be re on mlulona at lh» Wlliry I a.4 ka I aakl ' n?fr%. on the mountain. u«i ami of Ibc lato »f .Iwaaol. kailaa M lk» »f U* i*4iitua Ml Ibr ami thr\ t-ampiug an tm, whrn both bur and mlrt !MiD*b)r m&ls| la v.^th llrVlftoa, Itoyi. I. ••» K»« A. 4tea mill a* i" *Mr, that ihrr » ill thick and fatl. Ilf|*»rt tap hH A *«ltool i* In to he a »l tinging progrew* aouir Mra. Jamba, the vocallat, of Maiden. U all IrtrnMl, kj *aaalag nff :. •uawr old tall running In that of thr iW v. ilMtitW h. Brrol. quarter |fcte»r>lar |m la pvklliM Ikn* vwki mr»i imi taught by ll*n*o«n of H a. Mim., who haa boarded hen for all aum- OltO. (l«>br aUiut that tlnir. I s. It. Cum- •lifli la Ik* iltfupl liraarnl. |-rlala>l al l*arla. I B ~j mera la at the Otford. JUST KKCKIVHD mlug* haa had trai»a art for thrm arrrral la tall I M*lf, Ikal Ikry Mi i| |*ar al a I'm MOXBUnv. la *«tt I'arW, lital u*|kwr ml •»< «itd Auburn ao accom- Mr*. Farnaworth of North IW|4 U, laM UNI !• W knklra a* Parte, la Ml I «m I |>«»- w«rka, hut a* Ilruln la Dot George aa 1 IU»*r U her*. Thr yrt Mr. I Mn. 9. It ttowaiL |r, aa IW Ikfrl TuraUf of iu»«tnr« dtd no* touch (wtr huut- of lUddeford were at T. I. Kaatman'a • la i»«Mi ia>l M U»a ..»»:> nl thr b>M|iH«lttlM o| Ihr A frw day* alncr a crow lit In I trrr Ikry kara. a«ai..»l mm Ft»f»l *nif»«e#r, |)M>ni|» i&(, and It 1% irv hUJro Uat week. la frrttari I aatrr, VM U, IkIMI Ufcll A mi.wiV Ja-I«a FURNISHING GOODS! "*rr Mixlir. Tb Trap* thr wlwu •lult# a dlatancr from houar, tl Mr m l Mn M> laiirr. »«•! I fclftaol rtflra ara llruln U lloaaa •!*)•. aNM toarltd. and falling. The achool under Mlaaea Kva Alnrcayy m>ii • 1 »r. t Ktlltur llarrt K Will .swan, |u*t for thr fun of thr thing, primary la r«rt«, «»n Si, Mr* Maarll AlWa AI.llk.MT II. PAU, Payalai kalnllaaa "Iikt I ar««* la*t »ffk Mr. JAkr haa Walter and I/hi Weatoa on Moo- >«araai. Vn. \i>«Jrr«» flrrd at hint, not ri to do any* began t *<> uo* a parting fikii I « kilM nturr, M<, f«t mb, and In No. I achool houae. m -Al a l for Ika I xiMr afnilMl, aa N « Mr. id4 Mr*, Urgr. crow rrrr to thr Mlaa I.Ifilef. Shlrler • a la |-v || h*«*. down camr thr tnuch Wr • )u«*i mm »f k*l4U, |uMba Ite Iklnl a# a*a« A l» l«« — II — John >artt «ad hmi of urare a abort T«a»lay Mr* ( lurk* I.. • «»h I'arlhaga drlight of thr »htrr. Oar Jonathan Ileald'a on Moodajr, for atajr. ana «f a bally A Maala*. aklM al JiHkCII ll««Um Yoy't. In U»an for a hial hound. Thr aoa Uaaford Alraaa K U| ».| X. «. I I...»«. ka. l'«»kn»c that It mar k thr aamr bird on Mr. Frank l/x'ka and hla MIMXI.I.. tela of aa*-a. I. ■Ula. ui«m. *MI«h. Rm* •uggrata INifcU. Matoa kar aa all n»i M law bound* «lrv*r a t>i< hrar |>a*( Joa have (dom- home from Iowa. la# ywwakil M*1"* kr whi* h a crrtaln tfeat of votrra haw brrn of ika haraoaal »•!*♦» of Ml mil lwk«rRr.BrrMlliif1*. fHrr •».«!•• tb ► rravhaian «ho i ouaat. (Hw ri« M Imhw, thr want back u» Wal- Irry, dog »lw» thr rlrctlon. Mlaa Hat tie Ilk* iiM|i» M> H Tkal Mkl iar» *»•• Wn kllkd bt tha hnar mume her on it mm IMrMol kl Ormklrt*, may W nrirr had • largr amount of ad- tham to teaching Tweaday. %t« IWh. mm Uw Ml Mam IW llai la all (wrwee Ikiala, • «"f1 <>t iHutrtr * W were at fewtMl a a af IM< o*>la* Ikfaa ante aw kT a 1mm ul WUlaa tad wtna af llafrt- tha In tart It almoal Mr. and Mra. Fraacla Wyman Mkaa«l« rm* aa4 illta#*. paklteMa* nfl i miration for apldrr •twr kaa-l l««. n*toi*lai a •' la lla *. Mr I (mm S. W. Klfe'a on but have wariMiy tug m« n>f>l ai If naturr raaoUrd o®r to Monday. gone Tw vUl la ma M farl« la nM laaMy. Ikal Ikry May inm had day ami tm4m mMU* >»■ ^rlaM —«.rr m i riK m •»»— He I« bk hw4» la 1*91, br tl Nrru |*af Inf atlrallua* ImW bnag tl Ml H and aoa of Mr. (i. WUaoa and Goods % lllr, \ »rk. |m goad A n a rd that Inarvt. Hut nvmtly wr aaw oar daughter II*. to to U fmra aa4 ikM raaaa. If aay Mtey kai* Fancy k««f V I Uufht* r«. It U It. K Hatu U la to*a. and la was 1 Kvaaa have beea at thrlr urn tea Dry carrying off a potato brrtlr. and our rw vlaltlng «• tttmllMM am rfto- alth bU i«rtaar, John l&aad. U I'.vaaa'. i.k Mi.k A w II a. iv J»i«. and Groceries ! ivfni'lu:'! for thr varmint roar from irro to A II. la •»* tot « I i|r«i TtAriiCD WIVTI* ~mm*j I Ina <«ry kMaM lauinl' 'i«r <««n| *<«» ur4m, Mni tar attl atatH ua- Mr.« harta* -»wa«, who haa barn »UtW Ko?•king a|> uw|<«t*U In a ahort lima. ii kitr i» riu Mtka' (K U|rv atxl hla «»g And hrrr't a anakr alury ; #«t quit* la« V B» • • «aailin| tk» MllM •( and Mr* N<4t Kk harU* of Ito*- la Maaa. PMUto-. N. • ilMUl m Al a aart of Croi-aM kaM al 300 3 l-2c« Mr to aomr thr aaw arrival gowe to hla home <1lat«»e, yds. Print, r>(wal In alir uf rarte a tiki a a»l far Ika I -Mi af 11M. Im4rr, tl; ii >.'\ «■« tWr <•! br»ta{ I*MI ara brra ua a ttott la Mr. Ilk-hard*' and left on Vbmry. fcp iKtrf laMtru-iar rarwa wr Iwh Mra. shapUIgh daughter mm MH N»Ui of m | |i im and bow Ika •» 4 OA Am CWaLa* CI % n KA ( I- !<•«• • N»i their hum* In Somara- MT W W»ir*i*ar4. »4 !'• N linga. aid ban. hranl trfurt www. but at 111 mar hr worth rhwradav for iM Ika MkMaa of Raiaaa.of Aa»laf r. N. II. INK arayta# i < ika aa »i lalaaal afO I r«o«r •» ka WithhirB, ll.n for « fr» aa aiuall Imliwi worth, U8EBARNES ilifi Milf. hwarlag. A IttlW anakr, • I • »»r» oHHtiirr n« fuWt laat a«»4 k» alata- digging, thla OXrnRK mMllk. Mk» af Ika f H. Cape a»oeeU of Tkal mfl«« *Ml Morrill, .owrar. waaM la Mlaa Marv forn^rly mt mm and, aa a matt** »f I'arto aMMa awlMlkx mMi tHhH. Itea ka M Ikraa aivki Ralph tfcr f»l>i at i haa faktUkal MaaMMf, th >j l»«ii w Mw ha crawUd a ahort I'lart now IIvtag Maaa., to tklfl T—-U» mt tart 4. I> (to oater ka Ika IklH Taaa la. * tl l«M. la IwliflfM, • aa aiHttlna «a *at agata ampello. afikt, » « *«•»» « MwrMtl fr^HM ll«al(M Alaao «i |» thla week. ila lla I ami '■ ml P » t ■ |«ttta| dUlawtw thr dMrfc. tail flndlag t«eo at MUa A. V I'age'a Ika >« «M !>■ rM H*atel M Tarla, la aakl aU«ag « IVwh l.aariua M 1*1 * M*fe|M | 9^§|a kMl >f'hi arvfc. thr hr Mr and Mra. Joaeth handler of (hat hr gwt nw MM awrtner. ml Matt**, to aM itoMi, **aito« to kaao i.*||*I.K I W II t itMwaa 4 latb- home oa Frl- aoV >ol«a f* awd madr UUtarrwC rwlcwUlWw*. hrw4a. Maaa.. alerted fur k< «*U MM MX! wfWi aaal «to» to k It *UI b MH «r Wd «yH la m4 torrttto la to* ,«♦! hr rwwM aat tllmh dlrwi- dav. k««ta« aatiwhto Store! Writ Blue tb> «ti»»a tana tag rtto la to r> I al» iM a f W " • »%■«. lb law liNMrai thai lb* aar|ta» «d Mr aaaUtant la the aradrajr tow ly k|-war>l. itwrr thr -Huh waa naarly Ittkuia TW Ito mH |IIMIi II r flta kto • lb Mlw la« aad bf-aatt. Miaafta *an aad ina •!»m«< *' * m4Mw* la aj iUI a»>! ale* frltww aUrtrd Uat trwar U la towa. >■*»« *i lataaaatol. VmIIm nMrari- parpwwdkwlnr, thr iMiir •cm • • ,.m<4 %• ll» iwtiH aata d aid (Ula|» an ba4la Mra. IHU Warren weat to Itoxbury, mt tMa afto* to tM.toaa*»>l tow IbmIkm). af mm an af abail t'< and J. A. LAMBS, a ib» awglr Argrava. Ntoifh to to »il.H lto*i« i itoto *-4t ... hr V«MW fraUTMl* ad a«ta«a aad». aad ha thtah* with her Mra. IU»M» T» tw .1 ALNkNT I. t«MK»MC. bf aw narw thr Maaa daughter. mi a < mm** <4 ha mallaaJ hta uatU top CtlW iLai tot ayiaai at hh la to < fvaaa Ha>b Ur»—■ l. |« im xali «f inM i»I Fall Announcement. it «»«ai ikrw vaara. ibi yUr* bt*|*J toal to to mH at to •l atMiti fu Grand bipr- waa warn hi I. Hwt In ordar ta 4u thla hr l«ta I* to fart*, "fl|, *W> ml Mala*. laa.lifM lM4w aata thai H to a tow »• m» ! •' a Hall at fa—I •ddlaia^ttllr M* The relUr f»r Mra. Jaoe F.« <«dkdge Mttot af IH Mil. at alia (Vlat at | waa to trirrl a ah aa and TMakf T*« Mf a<4lftvl. IS*4 1MI1IU toad wMtgval np to to I mat it, awl ttoi ■ •«•». If ttf to* lr ■i«»4'lMnb>«bf N lb tha data dtla'Mia>al laafaai houae U ow the lut of iw J»l|t >f Uw awl «•# l»i luai f mU N. ft. ROUTKI), t» llir Mnr«( llnr of ataUwn. Ilhr an Ml whrw awiwi *egen punhaaed atfta >toiM MWatttM. Wrarr no* mi* • •# I>r lb hH U tb aar ar» fau la tha aid and In high houae of the UU T. «'• Ward. 1UV"V'' St Market MltTII I'AKIS, MR., rralarv la thr »ldr of tha dUah In the CMaM I «art l«« la r«rU la «aM r.«aai», S-,., * * that a» haraaatad What thto «lung la to the UIIIT P rtU. M««Mai •■a W»laaa4*r U» ITlfc >la» »f hoaae iHipoaMe. ml at Made Hats, rratal* toM mm antft aa ha dM. and I* r—* ahapa. mriilli.M -At a(«an t «IU ywtfwIiM an«f*ll»f Clothing, Caps ara aa aa« kaaa. arllhat da tar* p4Ml U Ready Mi im| lb Iimw( Mra. Hnaika of I'ortlaad O.ltlag faiK aMMa a»l to tka luaatf mt IU lilita »»Hf a; kaa-l lalltwurkf wft'wail ml*n*iai4 Vut Ilka n da Mlaa Alice lerla. M. mm to tolrl t aa»U> mt tayt, A. I» IM* l«M Uf -t «r|4 4 l» l*«. aa* aa* to IQOIIL M At.HI Mf l>. I* I MM, M.«l>lrr of IW I oarl Groceries, Goods, •*' «l h • IM4 lb* a«rk rhara to aa ladaianat hr Mra Dry Paper Mr Jmn |_ M**er«w «h» MMl tkr KmnaaChaaeitacoodUsulUalrk. lli>1.1.1* Tl •***. * lailaUtrato* mm to mi M «at-l luwli ml Oilurl. Umbrellas and Mack- 1 »da *toa lifer* I»«aiy "W lawli « ataal |aaU far»Mht*| go ivalaad U> the bad. Al.Mll Ml tolM. lata mt Furnishings, uayaay yl«H Itu |»- Mtata af >. at •l»u» whh 4*u(Wf la KLkW * 'Mi* lh>* < aa I* at aarh b>« arlraa < harUa U aoroe- to nM I I. Milti yim llall !b«« rtrainfa toaght U> Utvll i tra awk> MUa II. F. Improvlag fara. (Mtli, 'iMr Imnw aral*>t Ma arrwaat ,.( a>ta>laUtr«tli>f VW I mlfiKitr, •ifc*. II* •»• lin la I«UIh health .Uaa^MaI llWVMr* »».! M«*U' ever shown in Oxford Co. '•b* lb rata Mra. II. (Mark U at MUa II. <'.<*- Thai to a*M All>tui>, flaa Hll IM • HM IBM »*MM "•b «%• tint IIIHAH a.4ka to all rtailuanf) ««•! •- MW« ••< #HM lamUi »«Mla| l»ih m*i. Mrtrru vui gwod'a. |*r«HMlKto*«at^l.b)r tnwiUf tW- Mr. ..rlar to «krw waak* mm >iM« • *•« ■to I *m Mr. Tat4aa Oda to *Mtla| ha bratlar MUa *adU Ixxke haa returned to af tola to pabltato>l K|'W>Ml< Hair and Cem«nt. »hw*« of the |«i» • »r And aa buiwM aaaalrair to to »«f«*«t !*•».■ rat >halt I at Paints, Oils. Lirn«, t n»a- at l*»tat, X II ( »«irt DItESS SUITS, H IVtra4aT faithful. I hrlaitau bub. Farmlngton. Ctfto, I tot tor at; afpaar tl a h»laH ELEGANT of 11*1 toad to ato Fair to tohl at (a tail I mm to IMnl CALL AND a KB U». i H» ral |«ft* am wall taba Mra. /Wpah <*t»rtug anwiallwn ul I'aWxi Weat (itford \grlcultural begin* to rart*. ..«•**. W TVr aialam' | af l ilwa If tola, »Nj a haaar o«gr*ff*l»oaalUt fmftiut, raaaa, aa; toy Wj„ ,u_ I.latrr M ll*t>h*'d aad If* of to NIC® BUSINESS I «Mil IUt. II. K. Feraham at the village to aai atomkl aot tlMtl. SUITS, II* A > Fa!la ara atoltl^f at tha aaaar |tla*a. UfciKtiH A. WIIJMIN, J if l«* ua I itrc>l«T tail WwluwdBf. On T«« •UCKFICLD. S*-» h. IM «rll ratablkafcnl I* lion John II to «|Ultr *tak of there a»i « t»utdlr at thr The Mlaaea Kmmi and I.Ida Abbott ^ pAMi H W dat mrHIng Alraararr-Mtoa*^ WORK SUITS. tor f. n>#% Mr llnrry JtihaaaHi a| aihtaf- t«r*th- of and Mra. O. DURABLE • hurrh. eddreaard r.* the tlaltlng Ityron are the gueata Mr. «h<> ha* to* a at •• —Ai i(<«n uf rn>i«w mm »i •<• HI ki« f>w In |N>rtl«W, tia >1lt. Uiardiog \ of Ilcraev. FOR frBtlln Mr««ra. ouug Fnet«irg. ||. wUklt Ml for Um loaalv »f ItlM ua • m Muntata \ ka llou*#. returned W«d- I'wlt, no we can the I «>*k* b* ill Hfl luf W itrf and Fill of A. Oil* and wlfa of * l*« Our stock i* ami * M»H onaU-k of ford Dr. K. Wlnthrop Ihr Ihlnl Tur«Uy »f «*|4 0 large varied, |>lea*c nrxlat fr«»a» a tour to Mt. »*bla After llv aervloea a were In towa the weak. r.lnt U. kaavp. I N<>rth llrlilftuB. J>a*t « <». *nfl and atarttd f»»r 1 ala olleg* utr uf PRANCI* RhAPP. Uto <4 Itffwi. \ au held ta Kui'i llall an«1 Mra. Ambroae lluck, and daughter, most fiwtidiou*. reception la —hi h»* M di**-*>rth t^aahSril art the of l»>l»|l;r»im»l IJ^aellya rakr and ruff** aerved bjr thf I ad Ira of Mra. Naah of l«wtaton goeata UnKM tl a>l»lal*lrall»a of Ibc l «UI» of mH • and ! »»•* t Turadav aa truant atfkar, capturad Coods *h» <>f fait. tb» Mr. and Mra. Carlton Gardner. ilwnwl t»r iIIihum are for the celebrated to n«at. tillage. Mi l Vlar. Mk» •' Pants We agent* 'iitii I .a* H>nnl Into Ilk* four, and yrt lh»r* II. H*. I.. Ilartlett of lloaton waa In OdiiMU, TM «!«• Sporting Pants, Psnts, I I and wife, at M. A. Itarln Stephen ItoMM la ail l»Hwl»l IMrrta. * iirrtlt 1 TaltvhvM la akk hj —r tfw II. I Imm*- Mi** J. IIateH and wife. town and onlrr Ibrrr »«l« *» You want to look for |4m Painter an t wife. I». Friday Saturday. ful>li«hlM inf) of IfcM JOHNSON the most dura- at lie- a DUTCIIESS and Trouscr*, I CMlMbi Mr. « lumber* and O, ('. Kaatuiau areat- The laillea'circle gata a aupprr reaalirlt la If- OtlxH Itooorral. ar«*|>a|#r l>lta*r»tal Pari*. la *n« oaall.lhallMj «*• a. r. Bmmh mm tin* » hrUtun conference at Saco. form llall, evening, fhe crowd -2*®1 (•-inline Friday 11II II I rn1«1-' >Hlltlnl«huVlriMl>arl<,«Uli Paiitn in the world. our Piotii; will 1 I'arkef «rl/nj a SUMNIR. menu. ble Try they plea*1 waa bigger than the la aad for mH l-aaly. IM ihlnl Tue»lai .»f in- •t 4 it tb* rail-* Nellie K«»«trr ha* *<»nr tu Auburn MASON. F. IV Wlthlngton haa been v tailing In Itri. Mil al tlwv'rUk la U» f..m»—a, aa>i & BICKNELL'S • HAMLIN »- »' *1 .. «r« * while. •ik>« mix. ir aay iwy ha*». mkr im k. tn ilv|i Now ia th*> tliue to dig tha |*>tatoe« Naw York aad New Jaraay. you. I |U t It* 1 »*«iu K«W 4U<1 Wilbur Ko*ter Itwk U uulta III of alow laardauf ||rr*ey he fort* • e bate thr loug rain*. Nat tie E. Morrill A. »*»th ar»k. t oocord |'ood ri«hing lut on Water atreet. want the correct • trip tu Utt)e Aloa/o Tjrlrr hat iiwtrd out of tlie fever at hla home a Hata ! ! Do jou *tyle't ,x II t» » « a«»!*f and of p. r»««. biUM. Hats, Caps, Cap* (if hie*. III., •«vk. AH»rt <»rotrr himw and Mr. lui llilt Ida and what lw aaved Itrookllne, Maaa.. m —Al I laortaf MH al Wo have the newest and 1 ha* motrd family iiXPiiRI*. got them, very *' «r I'. ('•!• hM t*< lit* brnrlll of Ibr a a. IM of Ma, Mnrt gi»rn fur from thr llrv Into tlir above naiord hou*e. Ilonnev'a. Parta. wttkia I for Otfonl, " *»*r» aa-ut fr<>« Hni Smunrr. are a ua lhe ihlrl Tu^lay of M|4 A. ft. I«* »b»rb «»«».d T»mpl*r* at \\> will rrmrnitirr Mr. The Methodlat Society holding ever shown in town. lio|ir |M>ot>la (i. |»ana Rrtrtii, A-lmlaUlrab* <«a Ihr nlalr OXFORD COUNTY FAIR. **"* M aaa for «alr. M \ »rnr« Imi horae*. at thalr church thW N. *w*pprd Uirju^'a inudltluu and larl|* hlut get aerlea of meeting* af M ARV R. RRoW* lata »r IHtMM. •••!! 1 «>f It m*b on thr itreet ami tmily J. II. Morrill Btartrd again. H la —fcl l—aly,■ tb* • lib m>« lmr»r, thia town have to Ilrldgliam haa added to vwr»l from (dim W.'ll. raa»—I for iIWvmm «f Ian unit at llrthlr- Itarrett U fall a naw or ever Krink buying ip|i|r«. thr count v fair. tliiiK eaubllahment hydraulic iiililllli, Thai IIm ul'l A>lmlal«irai<>r gltr RIFLE, SHOT GUN REVOLVER • *b*»rt lateat «au.laa a take the lead. Neckwear, Col- tbrlr friroda «». o. t. rover hi* started hU elder mill with all the Improve- mUm In all paraoM Inlaws I, l«y ropy Qent'f ! We hor*e| of IkU hi to Ihrrr warlI aor now fresh Furnishing! NtWItV. corn fodder for ment*. a of from tlitr nrOrr puMUM-l oilercil in this All goods. |Mi»rr and l» cutting having capacity raarltrlr !• Ihr lUfoni ll< '.inh la «hi la- \!inIDf. t \ of their Scarf Pin*, Collar Button*, Cuff Button*, •In. nihil lat«*r poae aurplua applaa. afcow rauw, If Mr*. AMMUNITION kc. Gloves, Ihvrv hern l*t*l*. In hwaaa, a»l aay Ihry why CASES, 1 Ik- «qm1I f«m think >e»eral bewr* h**e caught T. waa at I*. K. Ilrown's San- Itualneaa la on the boom Bockfleld. It. K. Malna » •"». ami If It I* ih4 >U>m V l°r**W (<•( oar lut «wk. K. C. WUhlngton A Soaa, bruah rnanu- -—*-"a j.* Look at our $43.75 Pneumatic Tire BICY- Ab'I b«i our »wk. a craw and ntba tbrv* »«»«l thl* river l**t AM~-"-?Rf«lT New ones aa low aa Call on Tbr up WEST SUMNtH. commenced Monday working aveolnga CLES. $15.75. Custom I (oarl of Probata Ml al and are uow at work In Nortli to with thalr order*. OXMM>.h -AI i Tailoring week, and Allan from keep up oualr »f m wc nuke loonier. r f<»r iKM*r la call**] Mr*. Nlckeraou Mr*. |*art«. wllhla aal for Um 1 ill fori, us or ua for We tbe fl»e*t lint* of Woolen* and I'Mmmlng*, which u|> New nr. Mr. and Mr*. C. A* of Aodo- write carry a two werks vacatlou llardy Um UUrt Tora-lay of MpA A. If. IW. priccs. and o>DUlti* it titan la*t l.vna ara amending In are a l'aut or made cotue In and talk Nitiu'*r, t >r»in I* turning out f-ttrr ver, Maaa., ara vlaltlng friend* Back- Juka M. Il"llaan aulltr ibrrt U a ajwvta | Par la and Norway rrport large Tbe addition* and alteration* we lu»e ,da lu our building. •Una thl* week. at IM aaaM for PMbola l>rna M. IWkard will attrnd achool laf proMWtad are «bvala*to nn»th*ra i-allf< c<-ru h«« OUUUI. Thai Um «M MUluMt fin & beat Store* In the and our l>e«irable Stink and l-ow I'rloea, Hie Bethel altop *U*|>enilr « Ol'N TY KAMI. canning ui.til pn*ur< and wlfr Mr*, of H'ikrArIti, Mim., U af IhU orlrr !■> ha oal.lUhnl Ihrrr Wwki Mtrond to none. )ij-*lle »ure and vialt during the ar* aU*> artu.l**a fur tb< Mr. and Mr*. 0. M. Heath Soper ropy rd. TT>ev la< k «»o»e I Imr. H ub- la IM Otfonl ItawocrM i.rlaWl al we at South I'arla. ▼tailing her alater, Mr*. George iwiimlwly NORWAY, MAZN3D. Maka our Store letve your wra|»« and bundle* with u*; *f »u v»..iulilr loukrn 1 I ara visiting Parti, thai that mi al a Pmbaw CmH your headquarter*; a appear -• alauglitrrrd m IM umv Oak Kuml- '»lii* I Vat b***. an< 1 BETHll. iiKir Swift recently to M MM al Cart* la aafcl lanljr, will cart for them with |deu*ure. We are giving away intl<|ue Apricota NOHTMWIST 411 BUhee and Codln are thmk- al alaa a'rlurk li ■ old that Meaara. Ihlrl Taaatlay of Or*. Mil. I » llf lb* llt'UM- |.| fl oent t» ! t write month* |dg weighed Mr. and Mr*. K. S. Milling* at being Um forcanoa. awl »how rati**. If aar Um/ hair ura to our Cuitomera. • < an In* here. Tbejr report grain Id ran for Pitcher's Cattorla M»ut.t llohok# | <»ue intenunda. Um Mfci l aatraaiaat .houM a.« »• pn«o>l.ap Chi Cry tdltg* the count) fair dajr. Tbrjr to to why a Mra. Julia Thorn hat gone Ma**., light. aa>l allowari m tha ImI Will a»l Tr-ia r*-**nt |ra|«>laia>l ID an itilrrv«tiQj Mr. and Mr*. C. M. day •luilf ••* U her *Ut*r. Mr*. I*»n ahow. OKU. A. WIIJMI*, Jial#». M »l*iting aar It waa a — tba-rvlaa cuatrlbai Ther A irua covy,—Allarl |>raa-tU*al at thl* ! (food la to Mai* "* | M**on, place. Gardner and wife arrived home Mlaa Sarah Bradford roloc Al.HKKT II. PARK. RrcWtar NOYES aa I.. & W %a fu Mr* L ! ANDREWS, at ! ulorry Kiai»l»yBir«t Mr* Marr shield* I* *l*Ulog who haa 4 aacbuaetta aoon with the friend — FLOUR! M<>tb* thrlr four * vlalt. aa Al a lawl af PralaMa Mkl m i III Mala Hurt a*»i [VI>lallaaiMa«rB •» from OiniRIi, eudlng J aha C. nt>k, your Hour now, for you f lllaraa aal aaUit rr|* U> —m hi* l»arl*. Wednesday. be held at Madkaon, liMKUli, |MUUoMr flia 110 Main Streeti *r*d mother recently. on <» la I B Ib Id l«wl«ton 4. Grand la ail latataatfl. I.» mmUg a ropy barrel ia warranted. aiMlntfrUiaairat |»n»«td«d Mr and Mr* wood ba»< Jamra J. Abbott Thuradar, Oct. 3 and The Parana* every 1 duller Mllng arlar to ha Una vaaka aarraa nuf'rii it#rut«n arwl a < bnaantlM bualnra* for a few and Homeraet Ikla |>ul.lWM.I return**! to their borne at Caribou. day*. Trunk. Maine Central rttahr to Iha Otforl Itrmorral rrtatoit al Part , ara hone Um Arum*! lb* T»*Tabl» I •1 Heath and H. S. Doble ticket a for al a PruLala Cmu« to U Party. l*r*»f W ha* a rlaaa In vtml mu*l< II. T. Uallroada will aell round trip UmI Ihay aar appaar a t tr* i(ht ahut down aakl aa Um Ihlr aa aaatal. ad b*r* i*|«t > Weat I'arUa* have 3 and for hakl al Parta, to taaaly. is a that we have the clean- aalp) •Iburwof Mnrlj aftv |.ti|.ll.. II from they one fare, on aale Oct. S, good It positive fact, largest, Kalttlnf. \Htln«, Tallin*. \ju a will moi organijo a achool at Milan for few day*. return till the ah. V g, I i*hninf. Hi., He Hh* *ul ^ want to exchange good* of Oxford l uclnda Wataou of Worcmter C. M. Packard The autumn aeaaloo the Barrel! est and l>cst stock of tr Im U , I ;*tl«»u of Ifellaoator 91 for dried r Hair let will meet with $3.15 Maa* with friend* her* recent aj>i>le*. Count I fxxijfe per prk* •**• 1 "• wilt rail *t»p|«-d C | Crjratal Wave Ixtdft, Kaat Iluckflrld, h*d tbr llutirritk l*uMlabia "• : br c cast wATinrono. Wedjeadajr, Oct. 10. I*roframme UEO. A. WILA4IM, Julgr Aa we aro flour on the N* » aad far a* the A lm« tlaM — conatantly receiving lailirti Vurk, ojwmo. Arthur B. Jlcl>onald ha* deeded Ma. a. ropy—A BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, "* '■*» *1 and a*«adoal*ra. and ALBKKT II. PARK. W—lalar. little room for wo «4**ota The funrral of Thoma* Carr wa* hel atnre back to Mr*. A. A. I*atter*nn track and have but storage < «tiooalchurch on Hatui i,*1 OXroHli, aa.—Al a Court of Probata MM a r« r at tb«- ongrrg gooe away. ( mm shall sell at thia I ii <.a hai tr»Wi n»u*.> al vv»m»>«* wife ara fUlt- litnrt of mmWh Parta, wllhla awl far Iha Coaalr af i»*for«l price. SLIPPERS, TRUNKS and VALISES Uev .1 M M all.m officiating. Ml I llrv. ('. K. ller*ev and u» | fn*ai III* r Utrrart brrtl h day. Mrfurt LwlfW. oo IM iklH Taaailay of aapt, A. 1». MM. tarr waa ntmud and leatr ■ I Ing at W. A. llerary*. UfBcril HuiImm. IN OirOKD COUNTY. a I art- an as adtauco maf highly urtaf to ntourn bl* lo**. .1 antra I'aradU lia* moved from the DUmt. it tuanjr friend* ill<>l fi»r tb*lr oNa|m«iikM IMr.a. , Kev. J. M. W at ben prMilixd at tb llarlau llrown farm lo Newry. and Washburn's Best 0 _ iburaMbJUb ibrlr oovali I ara home IHMrVI Inwtt*. MtpnaaM mm Pillsbury's church *»undar. Mr. and Mr*. K. C. Illlton CMferrlM to oi LADIES' KID BUTTON HOOTS I >i|M*• Umdo Jonn>« I. ""l Ua pllllua 11.. — and mother from Soul •Ir la IM arokala ala *' c l**»n*rd Htooe ftar* »t Mil r- For tl* 91.30, $1 00 and $2. tba lira I toafaall ORPKRRI*. Thai nM paMUaaar giro aaUro u ).ra*iK-«lly Boston vWited friend* here la*t week. * o«»tJrt to «>f r K la hi* auia*(UM«>ntov. cwiii«»t*rt llarrv ll*ve* I la* gone to New Yorl J' U cider *** all arn la £ 1'iliMwt Bealaeaa. MEN'S CONGRESS AND LACE SHOES 'h*> maakai rally < " l|r «til enter ornell I nl*er«lty. mui. ! *"hur *>. Knight working office CUr Hall, Uwktoo, Hept. *», coapctltora, Kr^inald the tUI houaa, *tore and |to*t by | ^"^lbkkt d. r am. I. Albert 11*11'* fttlk*. raring for dwelling P.M. Programme: Grain and Feed will soon arrive. Oooda aad large Sale*. «;*mtr<»u ha* biru Mr. Nel*on Adam*. vela* •» tW • Klroj swapped UiUiHi a»l Iii««arrtal .water Gall aad Ma iu aad be convinced that our lUtcmcuU are correct. Mra. ttmle* Allen and daughter, i«f Mata«. Il«e. It- M llaath f. with A. B. t.riflltb. railed on iwffrn McOooald ha* gone t Mr*. Ella I Iran nf Portland, Youra truly, i* MU* Kaonie Tueedar. to work for Mr*. Woodman. friend* in thl* vll'age fS B.CUMMINC8&SONS, Wlnthrop iC. l« sick. Trrm Well* and children of III Mr. WiB. Howe <|ulte sho m Mr*. has been sirk for i MAINS. mziasnr stores, lier father, E. 1*. (ilbb Mr. Mover, who NORWAY, am vUiting ... i.. '•ikHlaaOr filrl*maa4 t> noi* with fever, l( » K. X. Ma number of week* typhoid VS&Sfcttsr--'IIM tUHIW tfWKTr, Manager, 'l weut to Hock port. *•> ixk. a fatal *kai | Mr. 4illli*prv >^1*' and bli »o aa to be out afalo. 1 mchu*«(t«, la*t Mondar bought wltt • • • "••ag ,aarr» mi here ara nearly through Children Cry for Pltohor'a Cattorla. Oppaalta Hal Imni Norway, Nalati • hor*« and rotorned with him Um farmer* | kilWix MAXIM. their har veal lag. Back«•*.!. Mala*. j day on the ar*. oni or net ttKKira cvolutioh. I THBOW ff AWAV# E. W. CHANDLER, COLUMN. "I>ar1ag Mr. (TereUada adtalalatra- THE BREAKING OF HOMEMAKEjfif Una.e»Oof. r»rt«r of Twiiiii," said REgWK. »l>i • polltlckl, "waa imMiM hi j of Builders' Finish I & KENNEY Um RICHARDSON the IIm that oduw, mWniMwK, hik Miiw. •lata, tad Just about I win fan** IWOM Mil WINDOW! •( Mj pnmrt for office vti IIm gr—I—« • ■he er nib * mwwMf yrtm. rt.Wro.M4 • M «f came here on the Stock of FRUIT MCIH8. friend of IV>rter'a op prt* Carry Largest I* ntibMlaw. The vlaltor «u i hide- *aaM — Window A Door Frames. iMi' T*m «*—« houod Ifemorrat, whs al waya worked Alio MBA aHOMTVABK. «■ II I "»' I'M IUni Warn for hmn, iM IflimMrfMf ImM* ur party IkMdi Ml la a*4r» Ma* Lw South Paris. to a wMla Make aad bake Um paatry m for aay who had Mm bean i eulMtt* for wart, ymmr •Ml. OMafkarl htf mm! iMajw m iMii iiaju i ark other frail ahert wk*. either an el«ctlve or aa appointive office. ta (to Iwiaiy [ Divide the layer* whao root. Umb Ila wai i mm of amllMl bailaw at* a M irtlMilty and Job ml fwiii mwft Um mil from a aaflkteat quAn- talnmenta and waa hlfaard with a wife Planing, Sawing Worfc.| n Uat n i. tkwM Im(4 f fMtiil llty of Malaga grappa, and arraaga and large family of bojra. Whan ho hod Ua vdlMrt M» M Bral E. W. IN OiroHD COUNT!'. Pianos and kf if4M, hey**M pulp* upon Um nla. (hw Um tranaacted tho bualneaa which •vital him "ftTOfo,S3a!SSitt;5S CHANDLER, THAT It TO BR rotriVD OIK Organs, n • Mtk *Mrk nil M la 4 layer of grapee pal» layer of )»Ujr« aad hare. (In. Porter aaked him whoa ho fmiMMr, ... MiIm. li mnn uw .laiitw over Um «mmt layer of grapaa a coetlag waa goiag in return to Tenneaeee tad Wmors, fcsrcjaa «a*v* "pTEBot Uw IMMT boMi pr««piijr MM o.ia >»■■■>■ M U »ly uf cream. woa told that hla frtend would leave tho Mumw NTATI: MAINS. <1 aklp(«d Piano aM tMtlif Mi l» Ik My. Mil GOOD LUCK RANGES Stools, imI, afternoon. I •IR4PK riK, MO 1. OXFORD, a* iwlli Ul |kd 11 ful of add a of queried artloM, lr la r».«ri -I «w •» w»«i i»l raa aagar, heaping teecepfal W#> al«i carry I If a tho governor. IM Mlr« at Ik* u IIkl* mil k* fl«M itWfartlon. Covers tiail—«. I (ni#*, a of Hoar and l> tableep<»onful «*!• r/.AIt TIIK KKAIM.K» tin—>11 —*tl M»a |1n mp mf "Jim aold ho would right am art, ao talk*Ik* wl•< itablukla*(Htklliklix M•• lUMflI MTAXI.KV, IIKIt\l.l>. ItANfiRM. IwMto af little butter. lUka villi two create. »•/ ml r*Mtbl M aal ifcap. AfWr MM IVwtrr told htm he'd moke an engage- rap* ml IM* «r>trr. HptWr wHk mm iMnrl MIMM» Ail* KAIfMKItH UNlk KPlVI.S. Wr«. Uirtw rnrti *■■!■»« I'wiolt I M f uNirt i*ia, mo L Tho IMrWdttTl and tafM meut tho neat morning. |o?»raor lk*(ll(M 1**1 m a MiMal ll CwW, Utaa |kn* Mail l»l I S^tssiJnuAr aftaa* ^WK-U la Imm t'ruah Um grapee, moo* lag I Mr went over to the White llonao n llule ll mM Ik* Oral |»ai*ll* all.aa iw !« a.4 <•( Our Prirr* mnnol Ihil lo Mull. I Mt MttflMI aklaa, and almmer Um aaeda and palp to» whUo later and told « leveland ttut ho Im IkM i«fMi '!*>■ ilia Mil |*m **M ( Mirl, In U k*Vl*« al Pari*. la a»l far «at-l Ha »■» lar la a krttie, wanted U» a friend over to Mlate Tii. .. ikltlar. A. I gether porvelala preaalag hrlnf TNI Iw* air. INI Mm MM af * W«ill«|M l»l Itaafkla the aeada. Mr» I through a colander 10 naon him. II. |«t, lk*l nH l>»l*aHaH an; |k>* i»l lk*i* Books. mrrnm "I Wat* M Mi«*f In «kl It* altall m* Instruction M». l'tul»W H*. Then pat aklne aad palp together, 'lle'a one of tho boat men In Teaaea* lypw 1*1 mil, If Uraa »aarm, at atlr la a of aaartt •weetea to taata, teeepooaful aee, Mr. I*realdent—a never-aav-dle KNtMII fiMT**, Hoar If aad Into a ®le and he don't want office.' J antra ial.Onrt ir ri trery Jakjr, poar Democrat, any aap Iu«*r iart »t lk» M«aia. BiltTi It baked Chapman The AUUUa tt-a plate lined with parte. pie aold IVKter. Tho Prealdent beamed. I .kMiLl.ll. I'WaMdfM (AI«lraH of Plaintiff-* Writ ) SHOES I «aa eorer. ex* OUR .«» Vakla« U • Ithaa ♦••Yon donl moaa It, Porter,' ho upper »•« l-fl $2. t*a»4.ja Dtl* ml vrtt, A «f O. uitArc JAM. t-lalmcd; 'you certainly caat ba la |«l. — Mat a»llriM f fcal IIHaraail al Or«Hfc*r Tmn. Iwraaaa I Ml Ui»« a National 1 earaeat. A who don't waat 4 •lataaunt. I'Mi.'U >»*1i.ala« la •la aw r—I. Ml aad DMMNl A ♦*» Prices. off the aklaa of Um fralt lajr k* la have taken Uto lead over Reasonable Ma I MM taM ahto la lafea Klip him over If vou iMrUmlM la ,lnaf Ik* (M* trruaal everything. a>k I They ha| a >»a«*r aa the placeI Hrlng right away, aja a.aril t them la earthen dlah, boiling a*ial far l« 41 fMf Uirw ittlt. I ^ ma bo aura not to let him at kettle Um aeeda And him, but A Ima mat* of nrW ml I <>art, «Hk *l»tra< I have become and an? iati( ». ana t-4U» «» In a porcelain Ull very |>opular growing *3[toM.I palp Ik* Wilt. I ,rr,lh..( a-~ I Ml * aM. are moat of theae can be earapo you.' Bank0-^ fMra aeperated; « it* -i » »• "Porter aaauml tha Prealdent that ba more ho are »l»l>*» h. Light, Stylish, loll once about him aad waa aa cordUl aaaa according to taale, bring Thai a«4lr» i>1 |*>alaai. H« ,>ai'lUklac aa aUMr-l Come and Me thi-m Ind'ore laiyin^ Hnvwherr talked about hla family aad hla floe rmpr ml Utla .t*»»*r, l>«d*r wUk aa alalnrt ml OMirt: JKl-LT. ami cloaed the conversation bv aak* Ik* VlalallC* W rtl. wirvr »rtk* tunaNliflf la Don't that w<> have alno a full line of boya Ik* »il.irl IUum ral a f |»r |>tlni*«l al Pari*. forget If the celUrated fralt U uaed, It Jim to In at the White flout* TIME. log drop I* Mfrl I •HtalT. Ik* Im |.uMU *l|..n U I*a4 I*** AXY Um wild Una I letter Shoen at moderate •hoald be a little under-ripe; any time be happened to be In Waah* Ikia l»»M» Ufa l*l..r* Ik* aril *| «ikl prieen. I I* knfcl** al la lal fur •al l grape may be a ted while rtUI green. atari l* Carl*, summer or winter logton. I "tali, HI lh* l* «t I •((«.>»»(. A. I> Early or late, 1 the It Into a " ate aome time Tar»l«T rath fralt, pat preeervlng 'Hreak bread with M, I Ml **M IMra-laal mar lk*a aa-l IWri *(• mlnutee. ••L. F."* \UdklM kettle, and cook for fifteen when vou get up thla way,' waa the wara»l aa*wrr lit •*»•! *all If k* tkall a**raa>* dis- strata through a Jelly bag, boll up the Prealifeot'* remark, aod Jim KMN II MITIK. Cures Liver and Stomach parting Ja*4lC»6VT which alwut family for the of When ttov. porter aaked hliu It la a r«(Hihlt pfialurt. B«k from ready aagar, dream. I tal* ml wrM. A **11 II, IM thou Id be added to each two waa I always at call. fUrrM ami oil—m bright, three plate how he liked Cleveland Jim willing IMmim.1 la kiilat nn*, l*M. F. W. Fannrr, I'lrrL, unarta of It to thee to boll for to thra*h one of hla crltlca, and A«l jr» iml m the Southern tun- Juke. any I>*r iarail->a (a *f Ik* • a«* •>• amiaal an (uklra ten after which It to to a cordial |>W« mlnutee, ready awore he had never met auvh **««■! tut 944A* are mere water ahi-e to which it NORWAY, MAINR rtllas compared kttw. be tea led up and put away. and maa. I*retty aoon A Ira* rwajr ..f mflar ml I mmrt, «llk ai»4ra> I «f Ikllltli of wuftU ri|ifni«< approachable Jim waa Ik* W rtt. to It. Fnxa thm clcan mm! appetuing Tka «(|kl •rirgii okapb*. the hotel waa reached where Nait door to Stone's Drutf Store. la iMr r «H*r will *1*» w iiirt nimrt the M-w «kM |ilwl pruf um. and Oov. porter held out hl« *. w m ftwd-prudurt. mm- Wild are beat for Ihto Al-IUCRT AI'tTIW,! tart. «•«» m inwu, nm Um hum of an irtihlJ akaaa>1 hr grapee UMkK, ahtrh ia hat should be rtemmed, waahed, boiled atopjdng, rrvuintioauinK They " *1 n;>m a •Wall, Jim, old fellow,' he aald, NTATK Or SI4IHE. art ol anal with In Ull *oft, and then preaaed through the nvkmt which. wont aee before the train cuerwaleve. To each tee pound* of the reckon I you ■■ •MMM hr«hhful*M». rtaior, anal leuvea ao I'll «. I'M »U|>ta)>ilitv Mr riMt to mi ■■fal. mM m4 *1/. thua add half the weight thla afternoon, aay good* rati.mi, Vf4 pulp prepared I l«< II H< KtnikH *1 «a. Alii kftM-lf H c\' ao other of Mur b lw mil M, uomj, ahortruinf cook- H«i aid an even of cinna- bye." lruM«« of augar, labtoapoonful •• Jii«t>k UiwIUml, A not Nf tfcaa all IIm day la Ika mm II atll II* of *1 reckon I've about concluded If Ttnl Quiet There I* ug f»t can compare. mon, a feaapoonful each lltW lufPflllM num. iKIIhlllll, Qne M MlU *mM Iklll II *M 4—4. heaping wf Ihr af Ikla mil I* In rM aad » ant- to go.' aald Jim. h4kf |*DiWl (t«ra clove*, aplre p»p|*r, g«ted •• nr aa allraU-I Loud •Not go,' e|%culatrd Porter; •why Ik* aafcl Itofrtvlaal, |»aMtaklag Thing Mr WMklM hMlAitl and two of *Inegar. Bell MW»I • meg quarta man** about IW nrlMi mm Mill to aa aa then bottle. not. im ruinallff'a Writ. Ian* »•*!• •arraaalaaly la those T users, till It thick catchup, •• about IV>Mr(!MM a M»aai of Mala •apfurt. *Whv not f repeated Mm. 'Whynntf |Im llifiiM llMMrnl, » M|»r kfltlpl II I'arta. Word «1RAI*K <'ATCIII r. la Nkl I IM tor Im M It is t Martian ik* toal. f a trail*. tiovernor, donl vou know bow Mali, Ini ^MwHm though. price. Whv, Imi .lata l«lui» Ito miI tottw wf of till atuck on Ikta l«rn|f to make Maimer three qaart* grapee I'leveland treated nw? lle'a »M I to toiMra t| In awl I'if Mkl That is going H MiMmg to a af rartoaa Mrk "lift. Ill I'arta, H eavtave. Mr vwu plaal a are aoft, then preea them through aod If I don't lielleve I'll luail),M Ito woukI uf A. none TSAO# Wkh li •* taltowl «toa •• »»r» to)i, Ibey me. doggone Tw»Uf the biggest yet add two of brown make me eon* II. IW, UtM Mill l»fr»lMt mar lto« a»l Itorr men ** riara, m ImmK vbaa la raak aal U» colander, pouada atay here aod get him to Well-dressed detest ■HH AM wal a»l antvff la •atI (all. If to akall •*• heard in the clothing bus* 00#T*l0NTa. 4r*»'« ma, a of two even table- Star, «uJ *'• avrto4 to IIm lay •ugar, pint vinegar, •ul to l.lterpoolWashington rauaa. *aa and loud, and so in mess around these zz: wmataH MAOCroSfU each of clovea, allaplce KM a II ri»«rr».R. anything parts Ml ** * am the airnta of the apuonfula T« aril geoaine. aalt Jail. Cwart —- lOj >»■««< ta A* da IM.-A ffrtUa. fianaaMNi, one teea|ioonful each of JaHtr» »U|. our of Trousers Never before so much of or DON'T. stock l1 mil To atU t'T a.jhatitutmn ; by decep- and Holl till themlit- T»o IMS atari loplktr for • rartala cayenne pepper. Iton't read (hit If v"u eipeet In Hn traaala IS Mltaa ure thicken*, to ready Jalr km t>aa. the nkl i|frw(t|in| advice unamemkd. ***• »«~u. r*tU*4. l»aic nf aril Ilk, l*tf for so little. of t)>e m aa MO*» 4 JOtUlVR. quality to (he diaMtiafarlMNi •r travaltag iIm «lay» tan** lack far boil lee. to had with cold frrt unka« Mr«arae>t at lk-»«tor Trrm, lad accord with the most (fiininf, Itonl go A'l 'lamaani iai J? cifntifif of the tkaatkar kal travaUd during Ikuw hint uUArfc Jt ICS. ltd taken ll* $racttran conaumcr, to the detriment they have beeo (tkilfd Itoa-larallwa. la aiaa af Ito i|m |m much- n.t.j waft, doesn't lack tub the heal bud and the aal mi(. being wholly ■War) af Ito wrtt- sFSBSBjs^U If jrajo I* fr*MB Ika lima Ikay « »* " "fs tugatbar day* •Numemled medical men aa aa In- Ik on the right aide all you — for there never that man by t?aHs«rfc rat he Oth. ne with from u*«d for communion purpoaee, aa a tub- I ton'I jump out of bad ImmedUtcly designs Quiet and aa a Ibk id* rrtTi: or nine. • ittelCK. k> fnae all counterfeit*. alltute for wlnee at feeUvttle*. i«ik1n| In Ik morning—but in town. daacrlbad ar* of •• AU Ik* aiinli aqual flavoring for blancmange, gelatine* and vlca U unofcnurjr. No itnr mtn wr n\r>i||h -»a|Wi laiwial I wart, la 11 ». l-rt. Wagtk Whm tkaaa ara rtgkliy riwa»J lc»«reama. The did It. raltwa, »*|4 grapee—not perfectly Iter**) kM affrrtr »a I. W Rarrawa aul and on* t»low Molkar, III ordar and a of a iv4 tk4 i r>«* by a |4arad ripe—ahould l» carefully aelecUd, Itoo't forget to take drink pur h c. urn# Trousers Ika caairwl lailar*. rwadlag — DANDY STEEL Th« N. K. ralrtenk km gtaaa, put Into a preaeevlng kettle with a half witot kfnw breakfaat It aettka tlilnjt* la Ito alaiva radllnl a|l«a, If la ila|.»a»l>. Ika luuua uf a ll/ittok TM a«4to» "f Ito uf Oil. «all to downward, will spall of water to each of tie after thr laat aaance, reducea the |v*-l*ari (lira C«mpa«y« pint threequarta night's l.i Ito aai-l hrfra-tanla l.» t aa allralwl .Hrn'« l*nnf« nt *1., ofllrar of fama. makea one nl.lUhla< Havolutluoary fruit. them to a tcalding heat, ■Iff of lb* head, tod, heaidea, wf IMa wr-tor. Inartlw a Ilk aa iMnrl wf >« — Hring rufi I $30 • 1'iMMWb t. A MMall aalllag turn Into a chee*e- Ilka i ad vocal*. TWMMMMMMgfrf Ito I'lalntlff W m. llir»» arrka»«riT in Hint will not ! atlrrlng occasionally, ipl««r temperance ail jwmt M> lti|» f««r * A mammal Itonifiirl Itoawrrat. a |ia|»r ai I'arta. m4 aaail only plaaanra inpa. loth and drain over I*re*« I tont lake walka oo aa empty prtatol —. N«v TmI, pwlaia 1 bag night. long Tut Cm It iaMlii«Mr.ltolfil NlilhaUua l<> to a<4 Kilif* nt »7..»0 flic foriiirr lk« WIO.. nrrllrnt & KlaUara A bag, augar I naHr. wa Ito anHkl wf A. and Trvmont •tmlU» maaaly. bottle and It k aofter traveling. A KiHiitdi U not rMfkUrM4.RM.Aa Tamlar llrliitar, Portland «»f Ika aoatkarn boll, aklmuiTng thoroughly, It |a4, ikal >al.l lafralMta aaat itoa aW>l ltor* | Mf WW *ha|««l 7 An lakataiaat be full, a witkmf fl • iMM*i cork. I1»e bottle* ahould quite • very for long walk, any a|>|*ar awl amarr In aal-l aall. If •hall nf Am*. *. IUimU «# V. Aul good |ilace j Itof rOHTUND *ND lOJTON. |-art (IrdUa. no below the cork, and la kx*. Ai«ar« »• ■ CTWCCM 10. of tu» leavlag airspace Uw. ***** ir to I* wfca. JaUy Iwla «d Ika bug kind I'aiarlly a R*«CII nwTRK. rw4tl* VW4. rankai, the ahould be In cool, I Hurt atart to do a work with- aa inrf Mr a«i-l»«ra»'! ««||>| *» product kept dajr'a Iri )o« JuMbr JihI I wart. t r ■ • ■ 10 awl • «a|>. /at Uo* ______aft <•! J. F. PLUMMER »in»U»< vn4*).ti dark till wanted for um. out a breakfast -If you lllartraMrf IMak«M. !"" ttak la iWljwiM. place aailng good ««*>rarUH* com- »»«•"'"« '• Mhi k».ta. *w4 a breakfast don't •» m (AMmlnf I'to! allff Wr*. kMfaal HHM »«. >WU* h|kM Ha HI. faHallto*aM> OBAI't- VIMttlAB. haven't got good »«tarw»al» An >• M«oc mid < lofliinc More, *1 MifA m4 hlorr dinner. mm n>| aMl"a a*l (•• i«f m( an Hoof, "*»? mn«—> a lima. inrnrf work until after haU wf writ. to|4 Mh. I t'urtall gay ami laava the and throw them Into M«*ia mKMUT«ween meala—If you get Mrlarar*! Im iriilar Trra, l'1. « Aa k<«k aifl laava lo davlaa. acant third ... a alone-jar, a by tmrn i wmcMtsri* co. Ail ilaaaaa. (Ifim. 31 Market South Paria, Me. !<• 4a and laava a ckarvot of adding hungry have the mania ofteuer. KOfTOW.i Itolaralka la of Ito wa ataaal aa Square, A •rtllM tueaaure of cider vinegar, rover cloaely nrwmaiin iitHMikMN |>toa raw, Inbak hot air—when the mer- • arml fw* #aa Aa mm t>a the Uilrd hrmmtk n/ and rtlr often. day pre** tour 4 I all** .1r« Y*ek <11 A Ima rofijr wf wrtor af I »gn, allh al.-lrvl wf laava • vrrU, In the nlnetka keep If Mm jr. Am Inrloaad >pa<* Mai 1 a and to the thua caarjr frta up (to Writ broach cloth, Jake or | ami laava Iwrauaa. ooac over an lord lager aomrthlng A lira* — A cam la add augar In the proportion of gained alaa that la cool. w< mr.K A l.ltt KT 1. I tork live to each three of the n»« Af'TlN, |«ounda <|uarta akk to death-- Ma aklm- Iton't talk your frknd Ibr r*lla«*l>« Miln'iati Itoll np for ten minute*, Tw fto ||n*wr»lito ll» h «w COPYRIGHTS. about " " " lu.fl Itont worry youraeif • I..». agala. and I am uad fur fcm drink. II laarra laillall* rrpiraaal, |»al»Ki nairkl me CAS I ARTlia a PATKSTV 9m I cooling to a strut of » M " kaad. ami I hahlta tha miking m Itt P* TnUHHrl. »a.l aMa rally inialma «a wf HarkArM cm. rrx .-d-trs zzxtzj: am a Ira to aal; ajfaia. and I am youraeif. H " " aoaaatklag an (• ||||n |tm>filal llliwr M i«l trra Ito f.Nl .if J.Aa l*aat»a kill, Miralto l. am U> oat Take a of gra|«e Juice, e«ju»l •* " a of water again. aad I |>lat » Mrjrla. awl llail'a i.n-lr* awl Ito illarwallaulaf wf a ptara a of waler. iura»urr of augar, and ■ hro U la cold add thr grape Juice, I'arker: "Yea, ■wm MOMIW wtnllt* tw*rtr*i> t*4 cuaiala uaaful mataU. again, ahy Ibk aaaaon, I'arker." awl writer aark arw U» ali-.aa, illrralluai awl aa (or other frultlcea. It ■ Ik a* ar* k»w>l •**»'« wiwtlk. r*Mw«Mki aal. again, ami I am a numbar, again, and freete air. If wa lire*I together 'llvnaUaaaixn aa palrttr •■airatoiara an I M "Wtwl la (*•IM mwii* Tk(Tku «MMN■»!■«»« MM.■ ao IVrhapa Tbe la an well knows, and la mora air." nwaa«Mi itualtaa. wm *m*i« Atttd«i ha* »? fat taa 1 am uol akabby. |«eaih them confidence, iWimi; Dr. few In- might give HAIR^■BALSAM MtokAtkl Aa«4 ». 1*4 for Infant* and Children. to»wl "i «IMW ml aa» wwnfc ■*» »a IM Jbcrnpp's unltfrtal a favorite, that very V kRl.TlH W a artoaltwra •«>« % I a »«•». M»>» MM«M HI'km, I wfaaMlm nourki, or other- • WlwXlM •• kaiw hitowMUK. ILMa *aa# troductory (ulti|lak' a. iKiisn, MlH to CUIIE YOt'ltNKI.r. I W|||» il nit «'«? MM NMMMk JII#u»Orii»oia. wlae, will be needed. The purpoae la w. ii. rt'Nma. I Itark Ik aaJ i* aa« r>l IWribtitur—A. hllla. 4 ll— I Mil «M »m«a. * MWwa. luiiMi at Rose Cre&nj ami rnorlar form mhim> dl- I tont large doctor'a The M fait Itat Pw a ll —W »• Ivm. Ml CwulWltf*—fW»k Wuularf. will ha aant 1W1 to the brat In the elegant colored plalea, you Vwt4wr-J«ul* U. IJucula advantage preiiaring ■EE CONSUMPTIVE ■m* Wh lw fur iliiUmi «n ut ur iirnqJuw f IfeUy < of three J-cmt In |tar Ikarl I n«i|>a i(u|rf;lR< )>nir-l Ikal Ito |rtHtorra fk Gnfcr Cm OpUr ing |Mdi 4 Dfsynsii CiM ClPiif8?5Rt-r:sv-roCiJT an Ikal aarr m Mn> Aktrm. altced. adding a amall amount of angar, reefweellito, awl Imiulrt lain Ito Tf lk*l la Musi cwulnw rrocr IWr-KliaalwU aald the lecturer, Kawf Itolr a|r|iltrall.i« la tm.lirKl. If |a na P« the with a "The aiMknta," f Octaf* Tkuwi-Alk* frwach. according to taate, pru|>er l*IMi. Ikal Ito I waalf I waaatlaakiavra ami vtUkuul Itlvllil Umi |i4a«i l »r air all tic* to the aun." Mlt'a hj lr«||Mh pH», amount of inert cream. For a light re- "used al Ito kwaaa uf \ U l>uaa,ln aaM llw k A* I I, HI worship wf iirtutor aril, al Ira of P» Tm K«— tlul X"' alvaiLI *•< |armK l>r mnlklM lu U> »1w« J Wm Uk&y ■tf %m IW l*M««lil. peat, at any hour of the day evenlug, mighty aensethey ivtalf nl "to be any Ito rlark, I. V awl I tow* pna aa I lw — a In thla Mr. Ilogan, worahlpplng «r kuuv of «h«X U U I r. a. ihi MTLErr, No. « AurMdl dlah of pmhn prepared way, malr*l la aakl |a-H r«* juur phfifclaa HMtri Kb1|M: that works overtime half the mu rm^iu. with bread and letter, make a luncheon thlog Ikta, laawltelrl^ aftor akkk lira, a toar TM tltu« m t« Mil iW • in* "f Ito |i*rtlra awl Itolr ■llaniM will P* ▼*■ Ki*W thai C'Mnrtl U * |« ikal toBw M Ito llmr. P* Tm Kmw thai '«fa«U la tW |«wa-r1|«fctfi <4 Ihf finxil !•» Kiwal 1. YmtB 1 and tbe will delicately are: thk la a AH0 •uu IhinHl Ciutvunlt: together, pcachca How loving lhey alwaya |.laarra' larrilai 1 flavor twice their bulk of Hie auna Thai II haa !•»« la uaa fur thirty a*J Uai u»*v Mi.4i« la au« auU '~y&r8T'* Hwtir. & Arm*. 1 SUau 1 Civic apidet. •are After tha drat yaar af»rr*al l Ir (lira hi all |rr**a awl mr)wn ftarlf tie mellow and of a a«tme- algn. Imim. T. Miim. 4 Muutb. I AImkox latter ahould tlmea It dont hold good. When fharka llwaa laurr«u-l. k; ramlaf a«lr*to»l rw|.toa wf of all oUht Wunlra f r rfclilroa tunUtnl F "n^e Best alU-e •at.I awl wf Ikla wilrr Itomia. |w to 10 lUbbl IL I*. »>rrU U NV ahat neutral flavor. Peel and v ami crota, |«iltlma to you grout ■I Ito rlrtk wf Ito Iwwa wf the two fmlta, and U|»r P» T— Kaaw that lha raiml CMrm |»t«n«Ml of th* HUM. •• ghi 11 (Wm IL KbmnK |« A«l«a thinly. mingling anapplng and anarling. uuabk to rallah HarfcArkl, awl a law |»a|ral after allowlug tha nke dinner you have cooked, |ial>ll«kr«l mW MulrW, law taml rirtiutva ril hia ** or to clr- arrka iirrr • rl» la Ito IVwrral, a HQ® MADE II. LMnki. few mlnntea, longer, according as there waa a ton of Iron In " " t feels If pig I a irCxw well with 5 nr»»|«a|»r I al I'arta. la aakl uaaljr wf C«*Urla ikl ila furwila, aal Utal lu imitate Umi la alata |«1*« ,\r. In rhev will be fonnd very and Is wf Ito i4tor awllira, |w to lawla. arrawl awl thai u*a of th» r*a*«a f.* U» »«ru«*l jr"~ •««kla»i (k(«|Mr lima >«u raa Nu 941. 4>r<«rapblr4U Turkey appetizing, sla, and Hitters tha only Pa Tw I—w rraatla« )•• aa the Hulphur COUGHS, al Iraal Iklrt* r k .ada. IMm peachea foliumIng revl|*a llwaa Mf lka« aa I itorw a^frar awl itoa la/ avaat »aar Ira4*t aa«i •• p> Itrmi It • plained Amaf AI.IIRUT •. At'«TI*,l totk. M I a wlUula,wt will t*KA< II M4KMAI.AH>:. ha vaO, aal thai fvm taay ha*a uatou4*a ad M|wa'» 4aalla K » o X Hi • Wun4 la toaaa It. U* k*UfUt« lU« The fruit ahould lie CONSUMPTION W«ala« Nti Ml—A IWb A«tuaylauk*U rlpe.rlcband Juicy. WA tt»at ««lith *aa to*** trmm Ji, or c tr Acmta. Baocb A'. MtlUt. IUU«, bIUui. laUu, UhmC. Juice HUMPHREYS' a third of the cut them Wknlikf«M*iwctf*kirCMMk With my itonh Ntt. Ml— Ampihii: 1 nela from pita, t Hbab—p—r—w VWa tM CklU, at* arWd fur Mtflt, i—an *f -~rr* IHEIEW HOME SEVILG HCHIUCO. acb, aiN b«for« CanllMl 1 I Dun atew In a of watrr for half an formed IWIulfb Cr»brllMk up, pint hi amt W»m. hM.l hour, then atraln liquor. w hi. to U< a, h> in wltaaHiOi tlUflt,tk my 1 HuMu MonUtfil*. 1 LjBitnacbu* ?. the peachea have been boiling fnr forty- Wk«dMki4(MlM,*«pMlk«U*i(k, •* Qrodtr'f It Won't Children for Pltoher't Castorla. roa sail Syrup llllualrml*. • Thus Aadiwtkw I l.«l> Ave mlnutea, they ahould be reduced to Ory Mt. vu f. W. RaatottAian amilto fartot my stomach MuHIbm I" Ufemtv vt Kpbnu*. II. a a mouth Jam by roaahlng; then add the vory bad liHMi thren-fourtha of Doctors /I Mu^*rd mm! 11 llubrvt d. lluntb II Nftff from the kemela, IPull larfS buqch formed ktfUawxar 11 H*»bwt ITMilcMibrblii*. 11 a pound of augar for each pound of the lo rr»y I >J^i aod llulla|lnU 11 Mr Tol«» iWlcb. fmU.and the Juice of a lemon for each idviscd worried * IIMirj St. I^HiU bub: "The gefltlenuB I juat frtat 17 AnlixUrnn*. i«* PrlM* a4 Arnwrua four Hull for ten mlnutea Teeth pounda. bowed to I* «M>e of the moat Intellectual IV NmI IStntrfkl ll»al«r Hi" d*al About roy*If. 1'ncvlta. A HalUirim. aklm and ami for uae. idc to be 11 Jum U looger, up inao: 1^ ilMliNMM »« info lo St. liOult." Chicago l*u*tli|i Kl AM» vitHrqcltNoftr CAMMkli nUCIIRa. ••doing lo bh>»« away, Hif Nor Ofentri tM but a uf«& IVel the fnilt and drop It Into cold Ileal faith oerrr wftk hir* a^vbH w water. For each four pounda, make a |mwi hjr and OfOO. UI wall. huflrrera llnod'a Extract Portable Brick Set CkcHtake « of a of and a ouart of In* taklu* I alrup pint augar rhrunlc Qroder's It to a boll. Meantime tUruiwrllU for coaiplalnta Qrodtr's water, bringing iwt the rmult will t* Jyrop, In water to ahould be A M|«f% a*aa<4l tta»* a'a*h *■ 1 place the peachea enough Corns, Monitor Furnace. arN >o I aalUfactorv. Ilood'a cam. • lk» 4all*|aaM anM Maa4 N»ik»{ It to Syrup by doiof cover them, and cook till they are NmMin ft»r Hrltknr Oalrmllnl Im aa4 I* laaa • aa-l awl W wat was of a I I**a4 »par*d water k>» urn« » -"L ><• »" f»~ || im tall »aa» l»ir»aa. H aaM tender. Hklm them from the tft •in a>«< • removed Tba 0r*> • « M4f (4 * Im*ih im aMaM. HafM surflcal operation. and them ••Where h*« wife lh« rhrtj- feM * without breaking, drop your cK BUT «i rM la • ■•»>«. irt, tar rte-aa. I had no In ninl, s*tr <"*»» ami m a* appstlts, the I'• 1 1 butn •»! tiWriu >nl tato.lto Into boiling alrup. again everywhere, It WILL curtail Blood ttulii* ll Mt-I« ol »rr> brat r I tbe was «Ji*zy, sour DUordcr. un < • > come to a boll, when they are ready for her tongue." (iriM iuhu lit® rxli^u 11> in stomach* coostl- litirc a«ajr all liac « of ranrrfou* ami MM*t irun aeallng Injara. i« *ri low c*ll»r« anJ •" ■■will It a*ll|ki *aa. * »ai a luocb patsd, h«adach«t h«i»«i Tli#* ran |n Ilood'a Hilt act mailt, yet (or CiAMimpdiM, K MitKk mm• ir* paMti if f**•—'— w i*» aa promptly «UII)r full I It lilill aod my Hvorrausrd I'KACII au i howela. Itkilaal «*M II» aa» t« »ai»»»*«»a and efflcleotly, on the llrer • kith i* • l( SrntlaU ), Stomach, I IkdimihIi III ll without rm untold •ml "wain Ifoqy nil a ahtllow pudding dl*h, or a aliul* 4.V. UH Mii1» an.I ia It) mabat Qro4cr'i Syrup has earthm m Ith Lirti, KmIik) II •in>| THE WHOLE FAMILY. use Ur WMW, perled |«aclt«e l>«« a t-laantxil titan in Inni tbe curod I lor* PfcllaUir mc, uH am la Ike on account uf ih« ill. 'i»"> aa tHannii I ■' ataiT kwuim «Nh at a ImvIb| pita •lioaii in m,'I fl MMllN to to Klbel. ••What made Mniil« think io aar» > iia t»l ail aiirU -t iaw< a* 4 willing testify flavor Imparted. Add aufllclent cold |»l|* II r»u la rl«annl lliorw
  • <* >011 lu likf, MAINE* mlautaa. The • or aoaad la zrxzn WOOD k BtSH0P C0., 6AN60R, o\r«»KH. « Viimn JfHrUIC—K. I* n »low ovea for forty-II*a t»jr buailag rwarlag your ll* ingmlkiiU air pwirljr ikmt tU|» rmHmm, •. I« «obbler ma bo aervad either hoi or cold modi Have yoa la hearlag y dWcully Nil uk- (<* I he cmc til tltrM VITAL Iwirt t Hall Mill* Jmmi ktMrr cruat cut Into aettlona and the llellurtlvf Are yoa troubled with • pliol If QUESTIONS ItUvthMtfMHWtrllM. IT I* the being USMMk, dreeaed with -ontlnaa) of Irritating iWaut, arvl ilw Umlnlgf ibrtrof U TM MIm U IW iMilNrn wit tkte »«M k* |Hm pant-bee pll«cf upon It, dmmilii mucus, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. t» U» *at I IHlmUH. k» ikUMIh (• MM*< a a eel cream. Jie throat and caealag yoa la eoagbt llw irxih of the ao umublttl mrtlical •a*OFTHEDAY.££v; for Hraa>t M.'aaa. l*a l aria «(Ikl* NHlit «Hk Ml •( aa* Cpi(TI$M. rwf>r The Hal af In which poacbaa !• jroar breath anpleaaaatlr iflktid at ii*« Iwclr* crMwIrt, AT •' aaU um rWiUI'i Uhrw i«U la podding* SPECIFICS. CABINKT PIIOTWW" GUI LAftO« ItiUU Ham Wrk. i—uglily a with roar la .•»•» • ba naad la almaet rod leat, nod bat moompaaled bad taate? la TiXflffliatU TW «(l«f Qaaa um Mfn frtiii i m nrtL May It U ■Kiliciw, all nirtlKiM, an.I ixmIh f $1,00 « Dobcm. Mm. H ka MOTICTKM 'Wa la* la* iaatai la aafcl « waatf. Ik* inl fvUMM la km mat faw aaa ba gtvaa; vat that* will aenre to leae acute? If to, yoa nave •Mkata to Na ltd TtAOt aa lar Mai A Isaa Ifeaa la«a«> >Ur« kafen Um aail ana a# of and • boa Id at ooea a lnH mrtlit inc. \V< gwaiaatc« it lu iImmIiImo m «>>' •••I II m.mM** tha hoaaewl/e to nulla a variety procara ing HUMPHREYS' POWERS * * l».| (.11 IW fcaar «ul< la ha hwliva a* la aa>l lac galda HORSE ••'•'•J* kirnu.11 a 1*1 Ira Parta, U-.l IntT la INwUmhI. • »tila of Cream the boat r«r«, anl wnaw la aMl mm. U ha akall taut relief. •thi ourrawrr.- C kMtel ftU Maka a battar of a of floar, to Of llaiMsil ^toMpAw, nxmt*. eapfal Ptyilrlw. moch which baa been addad a of % J matin J ml UMi taaapooafal ••What were about T" kU fa, tU 4n«gfaM. ridlplMMlK Worlds Kartta l«f of a yoa thlaklag tbraa-qaartert cap- eMik uffT1 Lwklag powdar, i wm tklak what • It woald eidWi ruaa,Mm T*W >*". (ibuiKat n*Mi wm.) ral af aUk aad twa baatao egga. Into bleating wta ae all If we cwd bare Urn aawld Fair, , Iiala mi arH, • Mutar Mk. Ml l hi a allr aa aiaj paalad aad altoad issisur. M. realtor la Um lammer, wbea tt la w» clover nmonm co. onuuJ RAO CARPET WEAVER, teVilrairy Tam. aa It wtt! bold, aad kSSBjm A J 4MaaM. | peachee comfortably tot, aad tbe hot weather la the wlater, AWHWA, MB. LJaaaatl Mall. Parte Mraat. tara lalo a hollared dlab, which should rbaa It !• tacowld." Mill*. 4Ja«»lto m4 «|«nli«V W REPEATING MI T* run. MAUL ba aboat lw*4bMi fall. Plaaga this »£S?r,« WAfTlit l*uat «Oa allwa. Im M, *««rwaj. Mala*. 94 ***—* Own W«k Into water, aad allow It To boil »» bailing t nU r&ir"-A.W.GfW'3S0N3,rtfanuimiMJ MimnnMM, aa* allow tba water to Try eoaklM mUdewa4 elnthea la bat- T—On|iWA44f«a Mm far tela la* M * nan par >Maa« braabav. Da m naaa» RIFLES UryM* ftrH ba aad aa tlm la Juaa ar lartaMat Cirjili al aa aaJ W aaa CHASB A MNBORN taaaa bail lag ar tha paHlag will WHallk, apreedlag gram t. T. B14UK, lto»WMartN