Open Space, Sport and Recreation Needs Assessment and Audit An

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Open Space, Sport and Recreation Needs Assessment and Audit An Northampton Borough Council Open Space, Sport and Recreation Needs Assessment and Audit An Update Report by PMP September 2009 CONTENTS Page Section 1 Introduction & background 1 Section 2 Undertaking the study 5 Section 3 Strategic context 15 Section 4 Parks and gardens 32 Section 5 Natural and semi natural 57 Section 6 Amenity green space 78 Section 7 Provision for children and young people 98 Section 8 Outdoor sports facilities 142 Section 9 Indoor sports facilities 168 Section 10 Allotments 188 Section 11 Cemeteries and churchyards 201 Section 12 Green corridors and green infrastructure 210 Section 13 Northampton Central Area & Civic Spaces 222 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Introduction and background The study 1.1 During February 2009 Northampton Borough Council appointed PMP to undertake an open space, sport and recreation needs assessment and audit across Northampton Borough. The study builds upon work undertaken by PMP in 2006 and evaluates needs and opportunities for current and future provision. 1.2 The findings of this work will enable the Council to adopt a clear vision for the future delivery of open space, sport and recreation facilities and provide evidence for informed decision making. 1.3 The study will form part of the evidence base for the Local Development Framework (LDF) and will contribute to the formulation of the parks and open spaces strategy. 1.4 The objectives of the study are as follows: • update the audit to reflect recent changes • develop new local standards to reflect the updated audit • reapply the local standards to help identify the key priorities in the borough • inform the future management of open spaces and facilitate decision making on the current and future needs for open space, sport and recreation facilities. Why public open space? 1.5 Recognition of the role that open spaces play in supporting the implementation of both national objectives and more locally in Northampton is essential if the benefits that can be derived from open spaces are to be maximised. 1.6 On a national level, Planning Policy Guidance Note 17 (PPG17) states that well designed and implemented planning policies for open space, sport and recreation are fundamental to delivering broader Government objectives, many of which are also reflective of local priorities in Northampton. These include: • supporting an urban renaissance • promotion of social inclusion and community cohesion • enhancing health and well being • promoting more sustainable development. 1.7 The value of open space is not just recreational. The strategic contribution that open spaces can make to the wider environment includes: • defining the local landscape character and providing an appropriate context and setting for built development and infrastructure • helping to achieve a softer interface between urban and rural environments Northampton Borough Council – Open Space, Sport and Recreation Needs Assessment and Audit Page 1 SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND • emphasising the presence of particular natural features within the landscape such as river valleys, canals • supporting habitats and local wildlife • promoting and protecting biodiversity and habitat creation • mitigating climate change and flood risk. 1.8 The Government White Paper (May 2007) highlights minimising climate change and the protection of the environment as two of the key challenges to be addressed through the planning system in future years. Adapting Public Space to Climate Change (CABE Space 2009) states that adaptation to climate change means making towns and cities more resilient and advises that well-designed, flexible public spaces offer the most effective opportunity to adapt to threats. 1.9 PPS12 highlights the importance of spatial planning in creating strong and prosperous communities. Consideration of the green infrastructure and the creation of a positive framework for the protection, development and enhancement of open space will contribute to the overall achievement of sustainable development. 1.10 Parks, natural spaces and other types of open space do not exist in isolation but make up the green infrastructure of the borough and the surrounding region. Green infrastructure is the physical environment within and between villages and towns. It is a network of multi-functional open spaces, including formal parks, gardens, woodlands, green corridors, waterways, street trees and open countryside. It comprises all environmental resources, and thus a green infrastructure approach also contributes towards sustainable resource management. Function and benefits of open space 1.11 Open spaces fulfil a range of functions, for example, the provision for play and informal recreation, a landscaping buffer within and between the built environment and/or a habitat for the promotion of biodiversity. 1.12 Northampton Borough contains many sites with particular designations in recognition of the wildlife present including 59 local wildlife sites, a Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) and 6 local nature reserves (LNR). The importance of these sites is emphasised in the Green Infrastructure Strategic Framework (2006) and the West Northamptonshire Landscape Sensitivity and Green Infrastructure Study (2009). 1.13 Almost all open spaces have both primary and secondary functions for example outdoor sports facilities frequently function as amenity areas and many cemeteries are also havens for wildlife and biodiversity. Provision of a balance of different types of open space is essential to meet local aspirations. These aspirations may vary from place to place and change over time. 1.14 Changing social and economic circumstances, changed work and leisure practices, more sophisticated consumer tastes and higher public expectations have placed new demands on open spaces. They have to serve more diverse communities and face competition from development. While the provision of open spaces can be Northampton Borough Council – Open Space, Sport and Recreation Needs Assessment and Audit Page 2 SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND challenging in urban areas like Northampton, open spaces can also promote community cohesion, encourage community development and stimulate partnerships between the public and private sector. 1.15 Parks and open spaces are accessible to a wider range of people than some sport and leisure facilities and are therefore better able to realise the aims of social inclusion and equality of opportunity. The provision of open spaces and recreation facilities contribute to an ideal, sustainable and thriving community. The Park Life Report (Green Space June 2007) highlighted that 83% of those surveyed feel that parks are the focal point of a community. 1.16 In addition to biodiversity and recreation, of particular note is the historical benefit of open spaces. Northampton BC contains seven scheduled ancient monuments, some of which are located on open spaces. Delapre Park also contains the site of the 1460 Battle of Northampton, which is included on English Heritage's Register of sites of historic battlefields. Local features and demographics 1.17 Northampton Borough Council is one of seven local authorities making up the County of Northamptonshire. It is located in central England and situated between London and Birmingham. Northampton Borough is predominantly urban and covers a total of 8080 hectares, with a population density of 24.1 people per hectare. The majority of the population live within the town of Northampton, which was designated as a New Town in 1968. 1.18 The current population of Northampton Borough is 206,300 (2009 estimate). Compared to the 2001 Census the population has grown by 6%. At the time of the 2001 census, the proportion of retired people was significantly below the national average, contrasting with the population between 20 and 40, which was far greater than elsewhere in the UK. Reinforcing this point, the average age was 37, compared to 39 across England and Wales. 25.2% of households do not have access to a car compared to 26.8% nationally and unemployment was also below the national average, at 3.1% compared to 3.4%. 2% of the population have a limiting long-term illness compared to 18.9% nationally. 1.19 Northampton is located within the Milton Keynes & South Midlands region, one of four major growth areas identified in the South East in the government’s Sustainable Communities Plan (published February 2003). This growth area will face increasing pressure to accommodate an estimated 370,000 more new homes up to 2031. The town of Northampton has been identified as a key focus in this growth area, with an anticipated 40,400 new homes over the next 25 years. Northampton Borough Council – Open Space, Sport and Recreation Needs Assessment and Audit Page 3 SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Structure of the report 1.20 The report is split into 14 sections. Section 2 sets out the methodology for undertaking the study and Section 3 sets out the strategic context to provide the background and context to the study. 1.21 Sections 4 - 13 relate to each of the typologies identified within the scope of the report. Each typology chapter sets out the strategic context to that particular typology, the recommended quantity, quality and accessibility standards, the application of these standards and subsequent recommendations. 1.22 Section 14 summarises opportunities for the future resourcing of open space in the borough. 1.23 There are also a number of appendices that support the report and provide further
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