Laszlo Nadai Senior Developer / Architect / Project Leader ______11717 Kiowa Ave #307 Laszlonadai@Gmail.Com Los Angeles, CA 90049 Tel: 310-207-2324
Laszlo Nadai Senior Developer / Architect / Project Leader __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11717 Kiowa Ave #307 Los Angeles, CA 90049 Tel: 310-207-2324 Sun Certified JAVA Developer since ‘99 OBJECTVE: Looking forward to a challenging opportunity where I can utilize my many years of experience, exceptional innovative, and problem solving skills as a true team player with result-oriented approach. EDUCATION: Masters Degree - Mathematics , University of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. (Has Erdos No. 2) PC ENVIRONMENT: • Java, J2EE, Spring (MVC, Security, Batch), Hibernate, Servlets, Struts, 9 • :eb Services, SOAP, :SDL, 5AX-:S, REST, SOAP,I, Dojo,/Json9 • ORION Rhapsody, JavaScript, A5AX, DOJO, JSON, X6L, XSLT, JSP, JSF, 6aven, 5,nit, 9 • Eclipse, 6yEclipse, Net/eans, Java Studio Creator, Tomcat, GlassFish, JRun, I/6 :S, 9 • 6S SAL, 6ySAL, Oracle, SALite, I/6 D/2, 9 • JD/C, JPA, ADO, 7isual FoBPro, 7isual FoBEBpress • 7isual Studio .NET, ASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET, Iron Speed Designer9 • Tablet PC SDK, :AP, :6L, :6LScript, :ave6aker • 7isual /asic, /asic, Clipper, d/ase, FOC,S, Prolog, ColdFusion, • Access, 6F CO/OL, Assembler, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks • ORION Rhapsody, 1L7, NeBtGate, 1L7Spy,... MAINFRAME ENVIRONMENT: • CICS, DL1, TSO/SPF, ICCF, 7SA6, KSA6, /TRIE7E, DEC/76S • I/6 3D0, 370, 4341, 37BB, 7AX, Siemens 4000, 1oneywell DPS-4 • OS/7S, 67S, DOS/7SE, /S2000, /S3000, GCOS APPLICATIONS: • 1ealth Care, e-Commerce, 6anu.acturing, Accounting, Inventory Control, Order Entry • Real Estate, Financial, /anking, /rokerage, 1ealth Care • FOREX, Stocks E /onds, FiBed Assets, , Auality Control, Procurement • Education, Point o. Sales, Cost Analysis, Payroll, Insurance, Statistics PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: November 2013 – April 2017 ORION Health Senior Implementation Consultant at Orion 1ealth, a global company that develops so.tware to drive e..iciency in health- care.
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