Rosh Hashanah 2009
[email protected] 020-8546 9370 Minister: Rabbi Michael Rosenfeld 020 8399 8689
[email protected] Chairman: Anthony Cowen 020-8942 9417
[email protected] Vice Chairman: Marianne Cohen 020-8549 6837
[email protected] Wardens: Alan Lyons 020-8399 1452
[email protected] Louis Temple 020-8942 1469
[email protected] Financial Rep: Perry Gold 020-8398 9111
[email protected] Secretary/ Carol Abrahams 020-8224 2073 Administrator:
[email protected] Editor: Simone Halfin 020-8398 5776 Advertising and Proof Reading: Anne Lyons 020-8399 1452 SEPTEMBER TISHRI 2009 5770 14 December 2009 28 January 2010 c/o The Synagogue or email to:-
[email protected] Telephone: 020 8398 5776 Mobile: 07944 644007 The views expressed in Chadashot are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board, or the Shul Council 1 Page 2 ▼▲ Personal Page MAZAL TOV to: Ellen and Ian SHERIDAN on the birth of a GRANDSON Betty KLABER on the birth of a GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER Sandra and Michael ZEFFMAN on the birth of a GRANDSON CONDOLENCES to: Clarice MALACH on the loss of her HUSBAND Karen DODD on the loss of her MOTHER We would like to thank the following for providing KIDDUSHIM: Jacqui and David Joseph, Elise and Martin Wolfson, Etta and Ivor Ralton, Israel Awareness Committee, Leonie Lax and Tony Lax, Simone and Alex Halfin, Andrea and Leslie Samuels, Pearl and Harvey Gordon, David Green. TO AVOID DOUBLE BOOKING PLEASE BOOK KIDDUSHIM AS FAR AHEAD AS POSSIBLE WITH SARAH NAAR .