8 5 7 1 8 4 2 - 1 P ARADISE

aint Domenico Savio, a Salesian sash was wrapped around his waist, it S , died in 1857 and was was embroidered with precious stones so canonized in 1954. After his death, he close together that they touched each appeared to Saint . The Holy other. From his neck there hung a garland Founder recounted the apparition to the of flowers of a kind never before seen; young members and superiors of his they looked like diamonds connected Congregation in this way: together. These flowers sparkled with “I was in my room, in Lanzo. light. On his head was a crown of roses. Suddenly, I saw myself on top of a hill. His hair hung down to his shoulder in My gaze was lost in the immensity of a waves, and gave him such a beautiful plain which was divided by broad appearance, so affecting, so attractive avenues into vast gardens. The flowers, that he looked – he looked like an angel. the trees, everything was very beautiful, I trembled and could not speak. and everything else was just as magnificent. Then Dominic Savio said: While I was contemplating this – Why do you remain mute and beauty, I perceived the most pleasant dismayed? music. There were a hundred thousand – I don’t know what to say – I instruments, and each one producing a responded – So, you are Dominic Savio? different sound. Choirs of singers joined – It is I! Don’t you recognize me any their voices to the sound. more? – It is impossible to tell you. There As I listened in ecstasy to the heavenly – And how does it happen that you is no mortal man who can know what harmony, there appeared a huge number are here? one enjoys in Paradise, as he has not yet of young people coming toward me. At – I am to talk to you. Ask me any left this life and been reunited with his their head walked Dominic Savio. All of question at all. Creator. them stopped in front of me at a distance – Are all these wonders that I see – Now then, my dear Savio, tell me: of eight to ten paces… Then lightning natural? what gave you the greatest consolation at flashed, the music ceased, and a great – Yes, but they have been embel- the moment of death? silence fell. Dominic Savio stepped lished by the power of God. – What comforted me the most at forward a few more paces and stopped – To me it seemed that this was the moment of death was the aid of the near me. How beautiful he was! His Paradise! mighty and lovable Mother of the Savior, garments were unusual; his white tunic, – No, no! No mortal eye can see the Mary Most Holy. And tell this to your which fell all the way to his feet, was eternal beauties. young people, that they should not embroidered with diamonds and sewn – And you, what do you enjoy in forget to prayer to her as long as they together with gold thread. A wide red Paradise? live!” © Associazione Carlo Acutis