Ultimatum Is Quickened by the Lusitania Tragedy
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United Press Service Must Complete Telegraph And illustrations In the Southwest Give Fully the Latest Facts Outside the Big Cities VOLUME XV VALLEY PRESS FOUNDED MAY, 19U1 EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY EVENING, M U 10, 191.'. DAILY STANDARD FOUNDED‘AUGUST, 1906 NUMBER 8 Italy to Enter the War Tonight Ultimatum Is Quickened Barbara Worth Hotel Is Formally Opened to the Public By the Lusitania Tragedy ROME, MAY in.—ITALY HAS the attack on the Lusitania was jus- GIVEN AUSTRIA UNTIL MID- tified because the ship was carrying munitions of war.. agree NIGHT TO MAKE A SATISFAC- Officials that the expression of sorrow and TORY REPLY TO THE DEMANDS good will, while not eliminating all FOR TERRITORIAL CONCESSIONS, difficulties ahead, make possible de- IN RETURN FOR ITALIAN NEU- liberate consideration by both govern- TRALITY, ACCORDING TO CIR- ments. The president remained in se- clusion. He has CUMSTANTIAL REPORTS. IF not yet asked ad- vice or intimated his personal views. VIENNA TO COMPLY FAILS IT IS Tomorrow he is expected to lay be- UNDERSTOOD ALL NEGOTIA- fore the cabinet a tentative plan of TIONS WILL BE BROKEN OFF. procedure. Thousands of messages THE SINKING OF THE LUSI, are arriving expressing confidence in the president. TANIA HAD A NOTICEABLE EF- FECT HERE. MANY ITALIANS Pope’s Sympathy. WHO WERE ONLY LUKEWARM Rome, May 10.—The Pope today ex- TOWARD WAR ARE NOW DE- pressed horror at the Lusitania af- MANDING ITALY’S ENTRY. HUN- fair, sympathy with relatives of the DREDS OF AUSTRIANS AND victims and hope that methods willbe GERMANS ARE LEAVING ITALY found to avoid similar acts in the fu- ture. AND THE TELEPHONE SERVICE ON THE FRONTIER IS INTER- Blames England. RUPTED BY GOVERNMENT OR- Berlin, May 10 (By wireless via DERS. THE GOVERNMENT HAS London) —The German government TAKEN OVER TRAINS FOR THE has cabled the state department at TRANSPORTATION OF TROOPS. Washington the deepest sympathy over the loss of Americans on the Lusi- lit! Victims Buried. tania, reiterating that the responsi- bility rests England. It expresses (By W. S. Forest) on regret that Americans Eng- Queenstown, believed May 10.—Caskets land’s promise of safety instead of draped with British flairs and con- Germany’s warning. taining the bodies of 146 Lusitania The note of condolence added that victims, were interred in the harbor British merchantmen are generally churchyard today. Of this number, armed and frequently tried to ram out of a total of 1,149 who perished, submarines. For this reason, it was 76 were identified. The entire city stated, they cannot be treated like wears crepe. Hundreds sobbed in the ordinary merchantmen. streets when the fiower-sinothereu heirs of many infant victims passed. Carried Cartridges. The babies were buried in a great New York, May 10.—Herman Win- grave lined with cushions of blos- ter, assistant manager of the Cunard soms. Most impressive services were line, admitted today that the Lusi- held at the cathedral and the ceme- tania carried 4,200 cases of cart- GREAT DISASTER dropped. Eighty bombs had been ac- GASSETT FACING crashed the bottle down upon his BANQUET AND DANCE tery. ridges. counted for at 8 this morning. Many head. The COMES NEAR HOME ASSAULT CHARGE CELEBRATE EVENT city has left nothing undone to failed to explode and were extin- At the resumption of court this aft- •‘how sympathy. Every business guished. The happenings in the near-drama house Frohman’s Philosophy. It is learned that two sisters of ernoon, Kirby again took the stand, The Barbara Worth Hotel is fin- if closed and flags are at half-mast. enacted in the Oyster Loaf cafe at London, May 10.—Miss Rita Jolivet, John Waters, who lives on the Harvey and Attorney J. F. Seymour, for the ished and furnished and tonight, with The entire population formed in lines, Dunkirk Bombarded Again. which is an actress, rescued from the Lusitania, were Calexico on March 10, in it through which the caskets were ear- Bradley farm, south of Iloltville, has been defense, fired the opening question in banquet and ball, it will be formally told how Charles Frohman philoso- Paris, May 10.—Dunkirk Kirby, an employe of i ned, Lusitania, ap- alleged L. B. mounted on lorries, and escorted passengers on the and by heavy the cross-examination. opened. phized as the liner sank. again bombarded German Calexico bank, sustained a scalp wound • y English soldiers and Hun- lost. The jurors who are hearing the This beautiful building has an in- sailors. “We were standing on the deck to- parently were artillery, it is officially announced. dreds of citizens at the hands of 11. M. Gassett, who case are: J. B. Parazette, El Centro; followed in the wake gether,” Miss Jolivet said, “with con- The sisters, both young ladies, were dividuality which is certain to make °1 the last casket, The damage is unknown. bottle, were re- C. R. Courtney, Ileber; Harry Bealey, and men and wom- fusion everywhere. Mr. Frohman nurses in New York and came here was armed with a it one of the most famous of Califor- en sobbed alike. The bombardment began at 6 this morning before a jury in Brawley; Boyd Davenport, Holtville; Almost every woman turned to me and smiled. last month for a visit with their broth- counted this nia hotels. In design and workman- in the line threw Judge court. Louis Kliendienst, El Centro; more flowers on the “‘Why fear death?’ he said. ‘lt’s er, remaining II weeks. They left morning. The official communique re- Superior Cole’s D. R. ship, and in the touches of art, paint- iorrie conveying the babies’ Kirby was the first witness to take Crawford, El Centro; G. R. Enney, caskets, the most beautiful adventure in life.’” here about 2 weeks ago, just in time ported heavy fighting along the en- ing and sculpture, it is made in and which, before the cemetery was the stand the direct examination Holtville; Russel Jones, Holtville; F. to take passage on the Lusitania, on tire battle front and claimed 3 Ger- and of the desert —a monument and a re- reached, were entirely hidden by blos- by District Attorney Nichols and Dep- E. Fender, Holtville; G. O. Barnett, Useless Suggestion. their way to Ireland for a visit with had cital of local achievement. And yet soms. man attacks in Flanders been re- uty District Attorney Simon occupied Imperial; Henry H. Hoppin, El Cen- London, May 10.—A discussion of their mother. it is a structure with purely modern As this passed, the women wailed pulsed. most of the morning. tro, and John L. Weinert, Imperial. the possibility of neutral governments conveniences and taste, plus those un- iloud, many throwing Kirby and Paul Dato, a brother-in- themselves on acting generally in stopping the Ger- Reign of Terror. usual elements which local climatic the ground in paroxyms of hysterical Anti-German Riot. law of Governor Estaban Cantu of Patents.. man submarine warfare occurred in New York, May 10.—The German conditions have made desirable. Chief sobbing. Victoria, B. C., May 10.—Following Mexicali, were seated in the Oyster U. S. A. to Tyler W. Seal, lots 8, the Commons today. Premier Asquith reign of terror on the seas had its ef- of these is the cooling system, which, In the afternoon Bishop Brown of 1 of rioting, martial law pre- Loaf cafe on the evening of Ihe al- Hi, 12, 16, St: SW ’, and SW said there is nothing to lie gained by a night Vi reversing the usual temperature pro- the Cork diocese intoned high mass in fect today, when the White Star line leged assault, when a Spanish family SE 'i of section 31, 15-15, 1908 sur- making such suggestions to neutral vails here today. The damage done vision, puts cool air on tap in every *he cathedral, which was filled with received 90 cancellations of passengers entered and walked into a booth in vey, 127.07 acres. prepared to property is loom in the big structure. relatives and friends powers unless they are the liner Cytnbric, which by Britons to German the cafe, according to Kirby’s testi- of the dead, of- 1 ooked for U. S. A. to Violet A. Mead, assignee There is a little chapter of history ficials of the take action. ! to for Liverpool Fri- heavy. A guard surrounds the gov- Later, he testified, Dato raised Cunard line, town offi- is: scheduled sail mony. of Charles C. Meirs, SW Q section 5, which it may be well to recite. The cers and gentry. The remaining day. This leaves less than 60 hooked, ernment house, barring a demonstra- the curtain and both looked to see places Captain at Inquest. 13-16, 160 acres. Barbara Worth Hotel Company was were filled with townspeople. The crew numbers 550. Lieutenant where the family had seated them- j tion against the wife of Li. S. A. to Mary E. Thompson, E ‘organized by local men to build a fine Silently the great Kinsale, Ireland, May 10.—Captain selves. throng left the Governor F. S. Bernard, who is a Ger- 6 SE 'i section 20, and NE hotel on the northwest corner of Sev- cathedral, stepped iTurner of the Lusitania said today Zeppelins Visit England. sent to It was at this juncture, according V V 4 NE into the church- iman. Instructions have been and lot 1 of section 29, 13-16, 125.98 enth and Main streets. •'a d overlooking the (hat he had received information that lo the testimony, that a teapot full of 1 harbor. Around London, May 10.—South-End-on- Vancouver to send a military guard acres, 1908 survey, being E V& SE Vi About that time the Bell Develop- (he gates the sobbing an attempt would lie made to sink the hot tea hurtled through the booth of men and the Sea, West Cliff and Leigh-on-the- to patrol the city.