ISSUE # 227 JUL - SEPT, 2018


• Nature PEI News; • Nature PEI Field Trips; • Special Raffle Results; • Groundhog at West Royalty; • The Elusive Bobcat; • 2018 Bain Bird Count; • Aggressive Hummingbirds; • Red Foxes with White Feet or Toes on P.E.I.; • Raccoon Attempts the Hillsborough; • Cat Treed by Mink; • Investments in Bobolink Conservation; • Canada Warbler International Conservation Initiatives; • News from About; • Strong Supporters of Nature - Now Gone; • Weather Events; • Great sightings: Capelin; Ruddy Duck; Wilson’s Phalarope; Black-headed Gull; Least Bittern; Little Egret; Turkey Vulture; Broad-winged Hawk; Black-backed Woodpecker; Eastern Phoebe; Blue-gray Gnatcatcher; and Northern Cardinal; • Environmental Calendar. NATURE PEI - NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF P.O. BOX 2346, , P.E.I. C1A 8C1

Meetings are held of the first Tuesday of the month from October to June at 7:30 p.m. at Beaconsfield’s Carriage House, corner of West and Kent Street in Charlottetown. Each meeting commences with a brief business meeting followed by a nutrition break and our guest speaker. Members and non-members are welcome.

Membership is open to anyone interested in the natural history of Prince Edward Island. Membership is available at any meeting or by contacting the Treasurer at P.O. Box 2346, Charlottetown PE C1A 8C1. Annual membership is $20 and renewals are due in January. Multi-year renewals are $20 per year for which you wish to renew. Membership expiry dates are shown in the top right hand corner of the mailing label or by a notice provided to those receiving electronic newsletters.

The Society is directed by a volunteer Executive elected from its members. 2018 Executive: President ...... Rosemary Curley, Stratford 902-569-1209 [email protected] Vice-President ...... Gerald MacDougall, Charlottetown 902-368-8092 [email protected] Past President ...... Ian Scott, Charlottetown 902-892-5796 [email protected] Secretary ...... Robert Harding, Summerville 902-838-2699 [email protected] Treasurer ...... Francine Desmeules, Charlottetown 902-626-3304 [email protected] Director- Program & Publicity ...... Connie Gaudet, Stratford 902-367-5774 [email protected] Director - Field Trips ...... Kathleen MacNearney, Montague 902-838-4204 [email protected] Newsletter Editor...... Dan McAskill, Donagh 902-569-4351 [email protected]

NEWSLETTERS are normally published quarterly and are available in Acrobat Reader colour format via E-mail or in black & white hard copy delivered by mail. Hard copies are printed on recycled paper. Articles, notes, reports, drawings, bird sightings, plant records, pictures, etc. are welcomed from members and non-members. If you have seen anything unusual, please share it with us. It is important to have your nature observations recorded so that others may learn from them. All contributions should be sent by mail to Dan McAskill, Newsletter Editor, Nature PEI (NHSPEI), 368 Brazel Road, Donagh, P.E.I. C1B 0T9 or via E-mail to [email protected] The next deadline for articles, sightings, or other newsletter information is December10th, 2018.

Illustrations/Pictures: Our thanks to Vanessa Bonnyman, Daphne Davey, Fiep de Bie, Jesse Francis, Janine Gallant, Debbie Hill, Bob Harding, Lois Kilburn, Rosanne MacFarlane, Brett Arthur MacKinnon, Donna Martin, Emilie Morrell, Doug Murray, Brian Simpson, and John te Raa for using their photos or illustrations.

Reprinting: Editors of other newsletters and teachers wishing to copy classroom materials are welcome to reprint articles from the Island Naturalist (except when copyrighted). Due acknowledgment must be provided to the Island Naturalist, the author and illustrator.

Web page: Facebook: Nature PEI gratefully acknowledges support from the Department of Education, Early Learning and Culture which enables distribution of newsletters to schools and libraries desiring it. The Society has representation on the board of the Island Nature Trust. The Society is a registered charity and a non-profit organization (Part 2, PEI Companies Act). Tax receipts are issued for donations to the Society and these funds are used to further the work of the Society.

Cover Illustration: This luna moth (Actias luna) was attracted to light at Summerville and photographed on July 2nd, 2018 by Bob Harding. The larvae of this North American giant silk moth species feed on the leaves of deciduous trees and shrubs including those of birch, sumac, and alder. Its species name is derived from the Roman moon goddess Luna.


Thankfully for the Executive Council members, the summer is devoted primarily to enjoying nature. However, amidst the more fun side of enjoying nature, members were active on the following activities.

‚ Holding one Executive Council meeting and developing the draft minutes for the June 5th meeting; ‚ Recruiting tour leaders for a field trips and speakers for the autumn meeting schedule; ‚ Correspondence respecting various requests (Canadian Urban Forest Conference; Research and Discovery Centre; Information and identification Requests); ‚ Donating $500 towards a PEI Invasive Species Council Wildlife Conservation Fund project on oriental bittersweet control; ‚ Meeting with various parties respecting a fund raising initiative to move the Flora of PEI project; ‚ Recruiting a new Nature PEI representative for the Island Nature Trust Board; ‚ Developing and submitting an award nomination for the Angus MacLean Natural Areas Award; ‚ Developing Island Naturalist Issue 227; and ‚ Collecting flower flies for submission to Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre.


Songbirds at Hyde Park in Cornwall - Trip Leader Brendan Kelly: On July 8th, eight participants met at the Hyde Park Pond and the Cornwall Lagoons on Pond Street at 8:00 am. Besides the birds in and around the lagoons, the participants walked along the woodland trail beside the Hyde Creek. Brendan shared information on bird identification as well as tips on nature photography. Besides having a great field trip, the group picked up 27 bird species with the highlights being an Eastern Wood Peewee, an Eastern Kingbird, a Mourning Warbler, and a Bald Eagle.

Early Morning Birding - Trip Leader Luke Peters: On July 15th, 14 participants met at the Winter River Trail at 7:00 am for a birding trip along the Winter River Trail. They found ten species of birds, picked up an owl pellet which they examined, and seen a red fox. The highlight of the day was observing a family of five recently fledged Downy Woodpeckers. In addition to these sightings, they picked up an Osprey and a Bald Eagle.

Eagle Banding - Trip Leader Gerald MacDougall: On the morning of June 17th, 20+ people met at the Orwell Farm Museum and travelled to Lower Newton for an eagle banding Nature PEI field trip. Gerald was the tour leader and he was ably assisted by Matt McIver who, using climbing ropes and safety harness, climbed to the nest some 20 metres up the tree. The adults were out foraging but Matt found two eaglets in the nest, the younger of which was the right age for banding (~6 weeks). This eaglet was lowered to the ground in a basket and, taking care to avoid being seized by its talons or beak, a numbered band was clamped closed around its leg by Gerald. A rapt audience watched this entire process as Gerald explained the once dire circumstances of eagles in the Gerald MacDougall handling a 6 week old Bald Eagle during 1970s with a single eagle at a nest in Georgetown to the Nature PEI’s Eagle Banding Trip Photo by Brian McInnis present 50+ nests on the Island and a population of several hundred eagles. Karalee MacAskill, the Watershed Coordinator for the Cornwall and Area Watershed Group and Simon Land, a reporter from Great Britain helped with the field trip. Brian McInnis photographed the event and subsequently posted a story to social media. This story led to many responses.

3 Wildflower Walk Trip Leaders Doug Murray and Rosemary Curley: On August 2, seven people took part in a wildflower walk at Fullerton’s Creek Conservation Park in Stratford. Many weedy plants of old fields were identified and, in the woodland portion of the trail, several native ferns and colourful shelf fungi were observed. Reeds and rushes attracted attention and shutters were open for a display of dogbane and fireweed. For some it was an introduction to the trail system in the park. Doug Murray is maintaining a list of species for this site and has been capturing photographs of many of them.

Shorebirds and Seabirds - Trip Leader Brendan Kelly On August 4th, I was joined by seven participants at Covehead Wharf where we discussed shorebird and gull identification. Although the tide was quite low and the birds were a fair distance away, we did manage to see several great species and learn the basics of shorebird identification. Thanks to the spotting scopes provided by Dwaine Oakley, we were able to have great looks at many birds. Two participants were lucky enough to find two "life" birds. One person saw a Caspian Tern for the first time and another their first Ruddy Turnstone. After Covehead, we headed to Tracadie Harbour and again the tide was still not in our favor. However, we did get better looks at Black-Bellied Plovers and several Osprey.

Shorebirds and Waterfowl - Trip Leader Brendan Kelly: On September 9th, I was joined by six participants again at Covehead Wharf. Just minutes after arriving, we were treated to close-up views of a dark Peregrine Falcon hunting around the bridge. After birding the wharf area and driving a few hundred meters west to the little pull off, we witnessed three Merlin fighting and putting on an acrobatic performance. A few minutes later, at the small lagoons just behind Covehead wharf, we observed a dozen Short-Billed Dowitchers along with Greater Yellowlegs, a few Black Ducks and Gadwall. Afterwards, we stopped at Tracadie Harbour where we were treated to a large flock of 140+ Red Knot. One participant from Ottawa had never seen this species before and it was surely the highlight of the morning. Shortly after that, we witnessed a dark Peregrine Falcon chase a Red Knot high into the sky. Presumably the same peregrine from Covehead. A final stop at Allisary Creek allowed good views of several Wood Ducks, two Northern Shovelers and an aggressive swarm of mosquitos. However, the Ruddy Ducks seen in late August were not found. The group recorded a total of 38 species and these were posted to Ebird Canada.


Nature PEI raised $255 with the sale of tickets for a special raffle. The draw took place on June 5, 2018 at the monthly meeting. • 1st prize winner - Bushnell Refractive Telescope: Kristin Harding • 2nd prize winner - Bird Nesting Box: Flo Wood • 3rd prize winner - One year Membership: Johanne Lemieux

Thank you to all who purchased tickets as well as to Ann Greyborn who contributed the 1st and 2nd place prizes. The funds from this raffle support Nature PEI’s education and citizen science programs.

GROUNDHOG (a.k.a. WOODCHUCK) AT WEST ROYALTY: Adapted from emails with Helen Flynn & a conversation with Chuck Gallison

Prince Edward Island has a new species of mammal present although, depending of its fate, it may only be a temporary resident. In late May, residents in the Saddlewood subdivision, especially the children, were quite excited about a strange animal being seen around their properties and going under at least one deck. It was first seen in late 2017. Helen Flynn contacted Chuck Gallison of the P.E.I. Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division and advised him of the sighting. On May 28th, she sent a picture of it to him and he identified it as a groundhog (Marmota monax). The last confirmed sighting was on May 28th at the J. Frank Gaudet Tree Nursery. (Note: Pictures were obtained and, if permission can be obtained, copies will be in the next Island Naturalist)

4 THE ELUSIVE BOBCAT: By Jesse Francis

My children and I were walking on the Hackmatack road on October 1, 2017. We saw an animal walk out of the woods and cross the road into some long grass, moving northward. We saw it at a distance of perhaps 200 feet for 2 or 3 seconds. Our first thought was "there's a coyote" due to the overall colour of the animal. We have seen coyotes often. However, we immediately knew it was not a coyote due to the way the animal moved and its shape. Then, by process of elimination, we determined that the animal was not a house cat (it was much too large), not a fox (it was larger than a fox), and not a coyote. Thinking about the sighting, which was over quickly, we determined that we had in all likelihood seen a bobcat. When we arrived back home, we took the car back to the spot where the animal had crossed the road and photographed these tracks in the soft mud and sand at the edge of the road. The object is a loonie for scale. The tracks are larger and of a different shape than those of a house cat, and totally different from the coyote tracks which I include for reference, Bobcat tracks at Hackmatach Road photographed a few feet away. October 1, 2018 I would say it was not a great sighting, but enough to leave us Photo by Jesse Francis confident of what we saw. I visited the provincial forestry office on the Hackmatack Road the next day to let them know of our sighting.

2018 BAIN BIRD COUNT: Dan McAskill, Ray Cook, Dwaine Oakley, Ron Arvidson, Jean and Yvette Blanchard, Vanessa Bonnyman, Brett MacKinnon, Ben MacNeil, Lucas MacCormack, Paul & Arlene McGuigan, Gerald MacDonald, and Jean Watts

There were four teams that participated in this year’s Bain Bird Count on May 26, 2018. The weather was quite good. It was partly cloudy during the early morning hours with a temperature of 11E C before daylight and it dropped to 6E C by 10 am. There was almost no wind to start the day but it picked up after dawn and rose to ~25 km in the afternoon with mostly northerly wind but a few periods of easterly wind. There was a light sprinkle of rain in late morning. Ray, Dwaine and Dan birded Charlottetown, Dromore, Elliotvale, , Five Houses, Dingwell’s Mills, Little Harbour, Black Pond, East Point, North Lake, Cow River, Selkirk, Savage Harbour, Anderson Road, Pigot’s Trail, Tracadie Harbour, Covehead Harbour, Rustico Island Causeway, Oyster Bed Bridge, Chapel’s Creek before returning to Charlottetown. The team drove 404.4 km and walked 0.5 km during the period from 1:25 am to 8:50 pm. It ended up the day with 124 species. There were 45 Common Merganser and a flying female Hooded Merganser and a Common Loon at Dingwell’s Mill estuary but, for the first time in years, there were no gaspereau nets at this site. The team had no luck with some birds which it has gotten pretty consistently such as Red-eyed Vireo and Black-throated Blue Warbler amongst others. The numbers for some common species were lower than those of five plus years ago but we did reasonably well diversity wise on warblers with the more common ones plus Canada, Wilson’s, and Palm Warblers. At East Point, there were lots of fishing boats and it was fairly quiet bird wise. However, while there, the team picked up 7 Harlequins, a small number of Common Eider, ~60 Black Scoter, ~75 Northern Gannet, and 2 Razorbill. For this team, the highlights of the day included 5 Barn Swallows (1 at , 3 at Black Pond and 1 at Dalvay Lake), 2 Bank Swallow (1 at Little Harbour and 1 at Dalvay Lake), 2 Gray Jays at Selkirk, 3 Boreal Chickadees at East Lake, a male Eastern Bluebird at French Village, and some of the birds above. Ron Arvidson, Jean Blanchard, Yvette Blanchard, and Vanessa Bonnyman birding 5 hours in the morning covering the area from Cavendish to Cymbria. In the afternoon, Ron went to the Borden Lagoons and adjacent area and Vanessa birded Horne Cross Road and Ebenezer. Their team in the morning picked up 46 species with their highlights including an Eastern Kingbird, a Bobolink, a Blue-winged Teal, and 2 Red-eyed Vireos (the only ones of the day for the four teams). During Ron’s trip, he added another 10 species including 4 Northern Shoveler

5 and a Northern Harrier and, during Vanessa’s separate field trip, she added 7 more species including a Red-tailed Hawk and a Wilson’s Warbler at Horne Creek Road and 2 more Bobolinks at Ebenezer. They drove about 120 km and walked 1 km. Brett MacKinnon and Ben MacNeil commenced birding at 5 am and birded through to 7 pm. They covered Mount Herbert, O’Keefe’s Lake, Little Harbour, Black Pond, Basin Head, MacVane’s Creek, East Point, North Lake, Souris Line Road, Eglington, Cherry Hill, Pigot’s Trail, Robinson’s Island, Tracadie, Savage Harbour and Battery Road (Ten Mile House). They drove 209 km and walked 2 km. In response to a cell phone alert from Dwaine Oakley, they went to French Village and were able to capture a picture of the Eastern Bluebird. Other highlights of their day included: 3 Boreal Chickadees at Barr Road in Eastern Bluebird at French Village Cherry Hill, 4 Merlin, Wood Ducks at Black Pond, 2 Northern Shoveler and 2 May 26, 2018 Pied-billed Grebe at Pigot’s Trail, and a photograph of a Northern Harrier Photo by Brett Arthur MacKinnon gathering nesting material at Little Harbour. They seen or heard 65 species. Lucas MacCormack, Paul and Arlene McGuigan, Gerald MacDonald and Jean Watts birded eastern P.E.I. driving 128.3 km and walking 1.5 km. They found 74 species including their highlights of the day - a Great Egret at Little Harbour and an American Coot at Priest Pond. To top these off, they also seen a Glaucous Gull at North Lake, a Bobolink at Hartsville, at least one Boreal Chickadee at the north end of New Zealand Road, and a Blackpoll Warbler and a Wilson’s Warbler at Little Harbour. Of course, they also held their traditional lobster feast!

Collectively, the four teams seen or heard 129 species of birds, namely:

Canada Goose Virginia Rail (at least 2) Double-crested Cormorant Wood Duck Sora Great Cormorant Blue-winged Teal (1 at Little American Coot (1) American Bittern Harbour & 2 at North Black-bellied Plover Great Blue Heron Lake; 1 at Cavendish) Semipalmated Plover Great Egret (1) Northern Shoveler (5 male & 1 Piping Plover Osprey (9) female at Pigot’s Trail Spotted Sandpiper Bald Eagle (8 adults/3 and 4 at Borden Lagoons) Greater Yellowlegs immature/11 unknown Gadwall Willet Northern Harrier (4) American Wigeon Lesser Yellowlegs Sharp-shinned Hawk (1) Mallard Dunlin Red-tailed Hawk (1) American Black Duck Least Sandpiper Barred Owl (3 at Dromore & 2 at Green-winged Teal White-rumped Sandpiper (5) Peakes Station] Ring-necked Duck Semipalmated Sandpiper Northern Saw-whet Owl (3) Greater Scaup 10 UID Peeps Belted Kingfisher Common Eider Wilson’s Snipe Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Harlequin Duck (3 males/ 4 American Woodcock (Lorne Downy Woodpecker females) Valley & Riverton) Hairy Woodpecker Surf Scoter 1 UID Alcid off Sheep Pond Northern Flicker Black Scoter Razorbill (2) American Kestrel (2) 4 UID Ducks Bonaparte’s Gulls Merlin (7) Hooded Merganser (Female at Ring-billed Gull Alder Flycatcher Dingwell’s Mills) Herring Gull Eastern Kingbird (3 at Cavendish Common Merganser Iceland Gull Grove, 2 at Allisary Creek Red-breasted Merganser Glaucous Gull (1) & 1 at East Point) Ring-necked Pheasant Great Black-backed Gull Blue-headed Vireo Ruffed Grouse Caspian Tern Red-eyed Vireo (2) Pied-billed Grebe (2) Common Tern Gray Jay (2) Rock Pigeon Red-throated Loon (8) Blue Jay Mourning Dove Common Loon (14) American Crow Ruby-throated Hummingbird Northern Gannet Common Raven

6 Tree Swallow (over 200 at Black European Starling Ovenbird Pond) Cedar Waxwing Northern Waterthrush Bank Swallow (1 at Little Harbour House Sparrow Black-and-White Warbler & 1 at Dalvay) Purple Finch Common Yellowthroat Barn Swallow (1 at Souris West, Pine Siskin American Redstart 3 at Black Pond , several American Goldfinch Cape May Warbler at Naufrage Harbour, & 1 Chipping Sparrow Northern Parula at Dalvay) Savannah Sparrow Magnolia Warbler Black-capped Chickadee Song Sparrow Blackburnian Warbler Boreal Chickadee (4) Lincoln’s Sparrow Yellow Warbler Red-breasted Nuthatch Swamp Sparrow Chestnut-sided Warbler Winter Wren White-throated Sparrow Blackpoll Warbler Golden-crowned Kinglet White-crowned Sparrow (2) Palm Warbler Ruby-crowned Kinglet Dark-eyed Junco Yellow-rumped Warbler Eastern Bluebird (1) Bobolink (1 at Cavendish, 2 at Black-throated Green Warbler Veery (1) Ebenezer, 1 at Canada Warbler (2) Swainson’s Thrush Hartsville) Wilson’s Warbler (2) Hermit Thrush Red-winged Blackbird Rose-breasted Grosbeak American Robin Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird (2)

During the field trip, the first team seen 2 Red Foxes, 1 Muskrat, 1 Beaver, 10 Raccoons, 1 Striped Skunk, 2 Red Squirrels, 1 domestic cat hunting, 1 porpoise or dolphin, and heard Spring Peepers and American Toad and a few Northern Leopard Frog. The team members also seen 5 moths flying and a few Cabbage Whites. There were no black flies and only a couple of mosquitos. There were two small forest tent caterpillar clusters at Campbell’s Cove shrubs. The fourth team seen 2 Snowshoe Hare, 3 Red Squirrels and 1 Raccoon. The following plants were in flower: Marsh Marigold, Dandelion, Wild Strawberry, Blue Violets, White Violets, Leatherleaf, 1 White Ash at MacMillan Road, Service Berry except for area East of Northern Harrier gathering nesting material at Cow River, Blueberry, and very few Red-berried Elder. Field Horsetail Little Harbour during Bain Bird Count was at the strobilus (terminal cone) stage. White Birch catkins were Photo Brett Arthur MacKinnon open at East Point. Coltsfoot had gone to seed and American Beech was largely leafed out.

RED FOXES WITH WHITE FEET OR TOES ON P.E.I.: By Rosanne MacFarlane and Donna Martin

Three red foxes with unusual feet are pictured here. A fox with a white left hind foot was photographed by Rosie MacFarlane at the Upton Road Office of the Forests Fish and Wildlife Division in Charlottetown on August 28, 2014. Donna Martin photographed an adult male with white toes on its left front foot near the west end of MacKenzie Drive in Summerside on April 14, 2018. At Reads Corner, Summerside, Donna Martin snapped a fox pup May 3, 2018 with white toes on its Red Fox with white hind foot at Upton Red Fox with white toes at Read’s left hind foot and a smaller amount Road in West Royalty Corner, PE May 3, 2018 of white on its right hind foot. August 28, 2014 Photo by Donna Martin These are unusual sightings Photo by Rosanne MacFarlane

7 but not unique. Six red fox pups with white toes were previously reported by Dick Dekker in Alberta. When red foxes live among us, we may get a better look at them. A local trapper, Clarence Ryan, says he has encountered a few of them over the years, most often with white on the hind feet. Reference: Dekker, D. 1983. Denning and foraging habits of red foxes, Vulpes vulpes, and their interaction with coyotes, Canis latrans, in central Alberta, 1972- 1981. Canadian Field-Naturalist 97:303-306.


I stopped on my patio to look at the bird feeder filled with sunflower seeds, as well as the much closer hummingbird feeder. I had seen males around the feeder the day before. There on the deck I noticed a badly injured humming bird. It had obviously hit the window. The tail was almost at right angles to the body. It most have broken its back. What to do? Dispatch the obviously injured bird that seemed to be vibrating on the deck. I hesitated, perhaps postponing the necessary action.. Then I looked more carefully, There were two heads!! Upon more careful observation. It was two hummingbirds. Were they mating? No both of the hummingbirds had distinctive ruby throats. Two males. What was this? I opened the patio door and the top hummingbird flew off, followed immediately by the other. Within seconds the two hummingbirds were chasing each other around the feeder, soon joined by a third male, darting at each other. I knew they were not a friendly species, but wondered what happened if they succeed in ramming/poking the other humming bird. From this observation the dominant bird dropped onto the recipient covering the lesser bird to show dominance. You are never to old to see new (at least to me) natural history activities.

RACCOON ATTEMPTS THE HILLSBOROUGH: by Anne Wootton and Rosemary Curley

On August 13, 2018, 20:45 hours, Anne Wootton saw a raccoon below her house on East River Drive, Stratford. It was on the beach at low tide and the river was calm. The raccoon entered the water and swam out of sight across the river. It is not known if it got to the other side. Straight line distance across would be about 1.5 km (Google Earth). If on a rising tide, it might easily avoid going under the Hillsborough Bridge. Raccoons are fat and buoyant and used to being around water.

CAT TREED BY MINK: By Jesse Francis

On the morning of February 10, 2013 during a snowstorm, we let our cat outside and sat down to a family breakfast. I happened to look outside and saw a mink running around the yard. We live beside the river in Wellington, so it was a very nice view of the animal, but perhaps not unusual. My children and my wife and I moved from window to window enjoying the view of the mink and following its progress as it made its way around our house. After a few minutes, it seemed that the mink was searching for something, purposefully, as it went under our cars, under the porch of our house, on our porch, etc. The mink returned to the north side of our house and began to climb a large maple tree. It got well up into the tree when we noticed that our cat was in the small branches near the top of the tree. Apparently, our cat, Lily, and the mink had had an altercation and the mink had then followed her to the tree. The mink got about halfway up the tree to where the cat was and seemed to be trying to get higher so I decided to intervene. My son and I headed outside to help our cat; I grabbed a hockey stick on the way. I climbed a short distance up the tree, (yes, the mink, cat and I were all in the tree) hoping to dislodge the mink from the tree. I could now see that both my cat and the mink had blood on their faces. I nudged Lily the cat treed by mink at Wellington and pushed the mink several times with the stick, but couldn't get Photo by Jesse Francis him (it seemed like a male) out of the tree. The photo of the mink

8 with his mouth open were taken just after I had been pushing it with the hockey stick, and he was hissing at me. I couldn't get the mink out of the tree, so I decided to back away and give him some room. The mink then came down from the tree but stayed very close. I then climbed higher up the tree and managed to get hold of my cat. I got down from the tree with the cat in my arms and the mink stayed close to us and followed us as I took the cat back into the house. As soon as the mink saw that the cat was inside the house, it slid down the riverbank and ran off on the river ice. (Story adapted from an Email shared with Chuck Gallison, Feb. 13, 2013) American mink objecting to human intervention to save our cat Lily Photo by Jesse Francis

INVESTMENTS IN BOBOLINK CONSERVATION: Adapted from Shawn Hill media release & Island Nature Trust newsletters

The Bobolink is one of many grassland birds that has dramatically decreased in population, an 88% decline over 40 years up to 1988. In 2010, the Bobolink was placed on the COSEWIC’s list as a threatened species. One of the causes of this decline was the change in hay harvesting practices that came about with silage production and the early harvesting of hay. The nests of Bobolinks in hay fields that are cut early are often destroyed or the recently fledged young or females are killed. Recognizing this, the Island Nature Trust developed its Farmland Birds Conservation Program in 2013 to partner with and encourage Island farmers and land owners to modify their harvesting practices. A number of farmers have been voluntarily implementing these delayed Male Bobolink viewing its grassland territory harvesting practices. As part of this program, the fledgling dates at Brackley in May 2017 for Bobolinks on P.E.I. were determined and their productivity. Photo by John te Raa The Alternate Land Use Services concept was developed to recognize the ecosystem services farmers provide to society. Prince Edward Island became the first province in Canada to implement the ALUS program. On June 22nd, ALUS Canada and the Government of Prince Edward Island signed a $90,000 agreement over three years to provide an annual payment of $25/acre to qualifying farmers to delay their first cut of hay until July 15th thus allowing nesting Bobolinks to fledge their young. This program is administered by the Province of Prince Edward Island through P.E.I. ALUS. These annual payments come through the generosity of The W. Garfield Weston Foundation’s land conservation initiatives.

CANADA WARBLER INTERNATIONAL CONSERVATION INITIATIVES: Adapted Jon McCracken’s “International Progress to Conserve Canada Warblers”, Featured News Story BSC Feb 2018

The Canada Warbler is a rare species on P.E.I. It has been listed as Threatened on the COSEWIC list since 2008 because of a population decline of ~75%. Four years ago, it was named by the United Nations Environment Programme on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals as a species of high conservation concern. 80% if this warbler’s population breeds in Canada and it overwinters in South America. While the primary threat is habitat degradation and loss in South America, there are also threats in its North American breeding grounds. Bird Studies Canada (BSC) has led many bird conservation programs across Canada as well as

9 international efforts to conserve birds. Jon McCracken, BSC’s Director of National Programs, has been a member of the Canada Warbler working group which is developing conservation strategies for its breeding and wintering grounds. Ana González, a PhD candidate at the University of Saskatchewan, and her research team have been researching its habitat needs, the impact of shade-grown coffee plantations, and the forces driving population decline. A new video has been produced that provides vivid imagery of the habitat. BSC’s Motus Wildlife Tracking System is instrumental in tracking movement patterns from local to large scale. In addition to this work and international meetings to collaborate conservation efforts, Dr. Kevin Fraser, a postdoctoral fellow of the Canada Warbler at Strang Road University of Manitoba, has used geolocators to identify Canada Warbler May 30, 2018 migration strategies and wintering areas as well as the relationship between Photo by Donna Martin its wintering and breeding areas.

NEWS FROM ABOUT: Compiled by Dan McAskill

Thanks to the generosity of Stephen S. Hessian, 23 ha (70.5 acres) of land in Georgetown has been donated to the Island Nature Trust. This woodland forms part of the well field buffer for the town. The Trust is in the final stages of the natural areas designation process for this property which has been named The Hessian Farm 1810 Woodland Natural Area. (Adapted from a release by the Island Nature Trust and a conversation with INT staff) Congratulations go to Dr. Kathy Martin of Stanhope and Vancouver on her April, 2018 election as the President of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) for 2018-2020. For the past two years, she served as President Elect of the AOS since it was formed by the merger of the American Ornithologists' Union and the Cooper Ornithological Society. Kathy has been a leading ornithological researcher and mentor to graduate students in mountain and temperate forest ecosystems for decades. She is a UBC Professor in the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences and a Senior Research Scientist, Science and Technology Branch, Environment and Climate Change Canada. The AOS is a world leader in promoting and supporting ornithological research. (Adapted from an April AOS press release) On July 15th, Dr. John Calder launched his latest book Island at the Centre of the World: The Geological Heritage of Prince Edward Island at the Confederation Centre Art Gallery. His book tells the 290 million year geological history of the area that is now Prince Edward Island. Dr. Calder will be Nature PEI’s guest speaker for its November 6th meeting at the Beaconsfield’s Carriage House. (Adapted from an Acorn Press July release) Whimbrel have the second longest annual, non-stop migration over open water of a shorebird flying between North and South America. To prepare for this multi-day flight, they must build up their energy stores through consumption of foods one of which is blueberries. For many years, there was conflict between commercial berry growers and the perceived impact of Whimbrel on blueberry fields. Recent Monitoring of Whimbrel populations and their blueberry consumption has allayed many of the misconceptions regarding actual costs to scare then verses potential lost production. A Globe and Mail story this summer provides a good overview as does a Whimbrel Fact Sheet prepared Whimbrel in St. Eleanor’s Strawberry Field by Julie Guillemot and Lisa Fauteax (see websites May 30 2017 below) Photo by Donna Martin


How would you like to be part of the six member team that recorded in a 9 hour period an estimated 720,000 warblers at one place? It happened on May 28th, 2018 at Tadoussac, Quebec. The article is available at: (Adapted from Audubon June 1, 2018 posting by Andrew Del-Colle; thanks to Donna Martin for drawing it to our attention) Thanks to the generous donation of land by the MacGillivray family through Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program and other donors contributions including Nature PEI, the Nature Conservancy of Canada was able to acquire 52 ha of coastal property at Blooming Point. This land includes freshwater and saltmarsh wetlands, dunes and forest. The adjacent Tracadie Bay is identified as an Important Bird Area. (Adapted from a NCC release to July Issue of The Buzz)


In the past half year, the Island has lost several key individuals that were instrumental in conserving wildlife lands and wildlife on Prince Edward Island. We will miss their dedication to nature and the energy they contributed to making our world a better place. Harry Baglole was one of those incredibly gifted individuals equipped with both a creative mind and the ability to conceive projects, build teams of like-minded people, and bring these projects to fruition. Besides being a passionate volunteer to his community, he was a teacher, historian, author, publisher, administrator, advocate, and much more. His accomplishments include: writing scholarly articles on Island history on the Island’s Land Question and the Escheat Movement; co-authoring Prince Edward Island and Confederation: The End of An Era with David Weale; compiling the Island’s first Island history textbook Exploring Island History for high school students; serving first on the Editorial Board of the Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation’s The Island Magazine and then as Editor for Issues 4 through 8 plus serving as their education officer; co-crafting with David Weale Angus MacLean’s rural renewal platform which led to the PC victory in the 1979 provincial election; becoming a community studies specialist with the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs; establishing Ragweed Press; serving on the Island Nature Trust Board of Directors and leading the recruitment of Diane Griffin as its first Executive Director and designing the Island Nature Trust Update newsletter. He was chosen as the first director of UPEI’s Institute of Island Studies, and helped develop it’s cultural and public policy research and publication programs and expand them into world wide island jurisdictions internationally recognized much more. After leaving the Institute in 2003, he went on to help establish the Quality of Island Life Co-operative, co-founded the Iris Group and led the establishment of the Vinland Society of Prince Edward Island Coop. Besides these activities, he brought his many skills to variety of organizations including the P.E.I. Fixed Link Plebiscite, Every Vote Counts on Electoral Reform, Quality of Life Cooperative, Belfast Historical Society, Sir Andrew Macphail Foundation, P.E.I. Association of Community Schools, the Bonshaw Community Hall, Farmers Helping Farmers, and the Rural Development Council. On May 29th, 2018 Harry passed from this sphere of influence at age 76. On June 4th, Susan Hornby was the MC for a wonderful celebration of life for Harry with words and music from Keith Baglole, Sebastian Baglole, John Cousins, Jim Hornby, Roy Johnstone, Rob MacLean, Mary MacGillivray, Nora Mallett, Ruth Mathiang, Cian O’Marain, Allan Rankin and David Weale. Ever an opportunist to support his Island community, donations went to the Bonshaw Community Hall. We will carry fond memories of Harry and miss his enthusiastic approach to our community. Helene Marie Van Doninck, DVM, dedicated much of her life to the treatment of injured and orphaned wildlife. In 2001, she and her husband Murdo Messer established the Cobequid Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. She willingly shared her expertise on the recovery of injured and abandoned wildlife. She was an internationally recognized expert on the treatment of oiled birds. She researched the impacts of lead on wildlife and subsequently developed and advocated strategies for the removal of lead fishing sinkers and ammunition from the environment. She provided presentations to Nature P.E.I., other groups on P.E.I., and professional biologists on the impacts of lead on wildlife especially eagles then raised the necessary funds in Nova Scotia to exchange lead sinkers and ammunition for alternatives. In early August, Helene passed away.

11 James Munves, naturalist, author, publisher, decorated US Army veteran, peace activist, and a strong advocate for our natural environment and local issues such as public transportation passed away on August 31st at age 96. He lived and worked on three continents as a freelance writer. He and his wife Barbara Parsons Munves purchased an old farm on the Morell River in Bangor in 1988 to manage a large acreage dedicated to wildlife. While farmers were interested in growing crops in their fields, the Munves insisted that their land could not be managed using pesticides. Over time, the fields naturally regenerated and wildlife diversity increased. They commuted to the Island each year until they moved to the Island and became Canadian citizens. James and his wife Barbara were committed to each other and to nature conservation and, as their legacy contribution to Prince Edward Island, they designated the Barbara P. Parson’s Natural Area in 2001 and expanded the designated area in 2008 to an area of 124.2 acres. In 2012, mindful of the passage of time and their desire to ensure the land was conserved in the long term, they donated this natural area to the Island Nature Trust.

WEATHER EVENTS: On June 3rd, it was snowing in St. Theresa’s in the morning (AMacD) and snowed again on Jun. 6 at Stratford (CBC Radio). During early June, there were three hard frosts that did considerable damage to strawberries, blueberries, young red oak, and balsam fir plantations in low lying areas (CBC, JDM, GK). A very hot (25 to 30º C) and humid period with little rain occurred in July except for 4.7 of rain which occurred on Jul. 29 (JDM). AES Canada issued 18 heat warnings during July and registered the lowest monthly rainfall of 9.5 mm in the last 140 years. The hot muggy weather continued in early August with the exception of a rainfall of 15.8 mm at Harrington and 12.5 mm at Charlottetown. Torrential rains and lightning were seen in many areas of P.E.I. on Aug. 9th (27.8 mm at Harrington and 34.4 mm at Charlottetown), and rain and hail on the 10th (3.7 mm at Harrington and 12.8 mm at Charlottetown), and light to heavy rain on the 18th (66.5 mm at Harrington and 52.6 mm at Charlottetown) (JDM, AES).


PLANTS: Red-berried Elder in flower at Donagh on May 30 (JDM). Wild Apple in flower at Webster’s Corner and Maple Hill and Pin Cherry in flower at Glenfinnan on Jun. 1 (JDM). Mountain Ash leafed out on Jun. 1 (JDM). Calla Lily in flower at Donagh on Jun. 1 (JDM). Red Oak, Butternut and Hawthorne started to flower at Donagh on Jun. 2 (JDM). Horse Chestnut in flower at Stratford on Jun. 2 (JDM). Butternut in flower , bud caps were off White Spruce and Balsam Fir and Red Pine candles were expanded 3" at Donagh and White Pine candles were flushed 2" at Canavoy on Jun. 2 (JDM). First Hawthorne blossoms open at Donagh on Jun. 2 (JDM and in full flower on Jun. 3 at Donagh (JDM) and Red Oak in flower at Donagh on Jun. 2 (JDM). Horse Chestnut in flower at Stratford on Jun. 2 (JDM). Twin Flower and Bunch Berry flowering at Hardy Mill Road on Jun. 3 (JtR). Lilac in flower at Stratford on Jun. 3 (JDM). Blue Bead Lily and Red Oak flowering at Milton on Jun. 4 (JtR). Ash in flower at Donagh on May 28 (JDM). Heavy frosts killed leaves on 7 year old Red Oak at Donagh on Jun. 8 (JDM). Cotton Grass in flower at Bedford Bog on Jun. 7 (JtR). Buttercup and first Lupin flowers open at Lake Verde on Jun. 7 (JDM, DRM). First Choke Cherry and Sarsaparilla blossoms open at Wright’s Creek trail on Jun. 9 (JDM). First Bush Honeysuckle flowers open at Donagh on Jun. 10 (JDM). Pale Bog Laurel in flower along Confederation Trail at Vernon River on Jun. 10 (DO). Lupin in flower at Mount Herbert and along Bypass at Sherwood on Jun. 13 (JDM). First Buttercup and Lilac in flower at Donagh on Jun. 13 (JDM). Goats Beard in flower at Donagh, Mermaid and Bunbury on Jun. 16 (JDM). First few Canada Hawkweed in flower at Donagh on Jun. 17 and in full flower on Jun. 20 (JDM). Vine Honeysuckle and Clematis and the first Dutch White Clover and one Ox-eye Daisy in flower at Donagh on Jun. 20 (JDM). Dame’s Rocket in flower at Cherry Valley and first hay seen harvested at Orwell on Jun. 20 (JDM). Blue Flag in flower along Confed Trail near Morell on Jun. 20 (JtR). Heal All starting to flower at Fort Augustus on Jun. 22 and at Donagh on Jun. 27 (JDM). Alternate Leaved Dogwood in flower at Donagh on Jun. 25 (JDM). Smooth Bedstraw in flower at Donagh on Jun. 26 (JDM) and huge amounts ditch side and field edges in Queens and Kings Counties on Jul. 7 (JDM, DRM). Blackberries in flower at Mount Stewart on Jun. 29 (JDM) and at York on Jun. 30 (JtR). Haskap berries being taken by Cedar Waxwings at Hardy’s Mill Road on Jun. 30 (JtR). Yellow Iris in flower at Andrew’s Pond in Charlottetown on Jun. 30 (CR, JDM). Purple Vetch, Wild Raison (Vibernum spp), Wild Rose in flower in Donagh and Johnston’s River on Jul. 2 (JDM). Peony in flower at Donagh on Jul. 4 and Foxglove on Jul. 7 (JDM). Rose Pagonia in flower at St. Nicolas on Jul. 5 (DRM). On Jul. 7, Grass Pink Orchid, Labrador Tea, and Pale Laurel in flower at Glenfinnan Bog, Low Hop Clover in flower at Glenfinnan and at Lake Verde, Spirea in flower at Rose Pagonia Jul. 5, 2018 Pigot’s Trail, Orange Hawkweed in flower at Donagh (JDM) and True Forget-Me-Knot at Lake St. Nicholas O’Keefe’s Lake on Jul. 7 (DRM, JDM). Cow Parsnip in flower at Mount Herbert on Jul. 7 Photo by Donna Martin

12 (JDM). First few blossoms of Fireweed open at Coles Creek in Milton on Jul. 9 (JtR) and at Donagh on Jul. 10 (JDM, JCz, FRC). Heal-all and first Evening Primrose blossoms in flower at Glenfinnan, Thyme in flower at Scotchfort, and Bird’s Foot Trefoil in flower at Pigot’s Trail on Jul. 10 (JDM, JCz, FRC). Sweet Clover in flower at Fullerton’s Marsh on Jul. 11 (JDM). First few Chicory blossoms in flower at Pigot’s Trail on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM). First Hosta in flower at Donagh on Jul. 20 (JDM). Linden flowering at Summerside on Jul. 23 (JDM). Goldenrod and St. John’s Wort starting to flower at Pigot’s Trail and at Tracadie Cross on Jul. 26 (JDM). Brown-eyed Susan in flower at Eldon On Jul. 26 (CR) & at Webster’s Corner on Jul. 29 (JDM). First few blossoms of Hydrangea open on Aug. 11 and continued into Sept. 25 (JDM). Evening Primrose starting to flower at Rustico on Aug. 15 (WFB, EM). First Puff Ball mushrooms flushed at Donagh on 15 (JDM). New England Aster in flower at Donagh on Aug. 25 (JDM). Tall White Aster in flower at Borden on Aug. 30 (DRM). Wood Sorrel in flower at Donagh on Aug. 31 (JDM). Seaside Goldenrod starting to flower at Savage Harbour and in flower at MacPhee’s Shore (Canavoy) on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM). Bumper crop of large Red Oak acorns on at least some of the Canavoy Oaks on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM). Small numbers of Russula and some boletes flushed at Canavoy Oaks on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM). No Showy Mountain Ash berries this autumn in Donagh and Butternut leaves skeletonized in September (JDM).

INSECTS: Clouded Sulphur butterfly in flight at Donagh on May 28 (JDM). Mustard White butterfly on dandelion at Lake Verde on Jun. 7 (JDM). Good flight of damselflies and dragonflies at Pigot’s Trail on Jun. 7 (DRM, JDM). Dreamy Duskywing butterfly captured at Afton Road on Jun. 7 (JDM, DRM). First Canadian Tiger Swallowtail seen flying at Pigot’s Trail on Jun. 16 (JDM) and small numbers on Jun. 20 at Donagh, Johnston’s River, Fort Augustus and Cherry Valley (JDM). Honey bee swarm in white spruce at Canavoy on Jun. 20 (JtR). Common Ringlet at Andrew’s Pond on Jun. 30 (JDM). White Admiral butterfly at Donagh on Jul. 4 & in late Aug. (JDM). Luna Moth attracted to light at Summerville on Jul. 2 (RWH). Summer Fishfly (Chauliodes pectinicornis) photographed at Reeves Estates on Jul. 16 (DO, RWH). Maple Callus Borer Moth on Jul. 5, Bee Moth (a.k.a. Bumble Bee Wax Moth) on Jul. 7, & Red Cross Shield Bug on Jul 23 photographed while attracted to light at Summerville (RWH). Banded Soft-winged Banded Soft-winged Flower Beetle in beach side dune grass at Pinette on Jul. 15 (RWH). Flower Beetle Black Swallowtail photographed at Savage Harbour on Aug. 6 (JDM). Pinette Jul. 15, 2018 Much higher level of Fall Webworm this summer (JDM). ~100 Photo by Bob Harding Cecropia Moth Larvae Cabbage White Butterflies gathered in 30 ft section of Confederation Pisquid Aug. 27, 2018 Trail near Bedford on Aug. 17 (JtR). Cecropia Moth larvae at Pisquid on Aug. 27 (EMo). Silver- Photo by Emilie Morrell bordered Fritillary on the lawn - first of the year - at Donagh on Sept. 13 (JDM)

AMPHIBIANS/REPTILES: Approximately 50 Northern Leopard Frogs crossing road in light rain at French Village on Jul. 28 (JDM). 1 very small American Toad at Canavoy Oaks on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM).

FISH: Schools of Capelin spawning for over 400 feet distance at White’s Cove near Campbell’s Shore on June 16th (TV, JD- B(CBC))

MAMMALS: A Groundhog seen in late May at West Royalty was reported at the June Nature P.E.I. meeting (see article in this newsletter)(HF). Striped Skunk at Pownal on Jun. 7 (JDM, DRM). 3 Red Fox kits at Stratford den with adult watching from a distance on Jun. 6 (DO, UPEI). 20 Harbour Seals at Waterside Drive in Pownal on Jun. 6 & 2 at East Point on Jun. 7 (DO, UPEI)(DO, UPEI). Minke Whale at East Point on Jun. 7 (DO, UPEI) & 1 found dead but fresh smelling with large gash in side at West Point on Aug. 31 (DRM). Two small Raccoons using the movement of frogs across the Savage Harbour Road to capture and eat them on Sept. 19 (JDM).

BIRDS: This checklist order has been adjusted to conform with the November 2017 American Ornithological Society’s Checklist of Norther and Middle American Birds. Canada Geese - 20 in a sprouting grain field at Bunbury on Jun. 3 (JDM), 22 adults in field and pond at Weisner’s Pond with 3 broods of 4 & 1 brood of 2 browsing on Jun. 7 (DRM, JDM), 20 at Harvey Moore Sanctuary on Jul. 28 (SH), 200 Confed Trail Mount Stewart to St. Peters on Jul. 28 (JK&WD), 56 at Long Pond on Jul. 29 (C&BH), 100 at Wood Islands on Aug. 1 (PK), 42 at Brackley Beach Covehead on Aug. 6 (MAM), 127 at Confed Trail Union to York on Aug. 12 (JtR), 75 on Glenfinnan saltmarsh on Aug. 30 (JDM), 10 geese landing at Pisquid River WMA on Aug. 31 (JDM), 75 at Webster’s Corner, 185 at Pisquid River WMA, 25 at French Village, 60 at Rollo Bay & 60 at Leslie’s

13 Pond on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 80 at Augustus on Sept. 18 (JDM); Wood Duck - 3 males at Mt. Stewart Lagoons on Jun. 7 (JDM, DRM), 9 on Aug. 10 (VB), 11 on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 15 on Sept. 6 (GSh), 3 at Borden Lagoons on May 30 (RA), 2 on Jun. 8 (BJ), 10 on Jun. 17 (AM&LM), 7 on Jun. 28 (RA), 8 on Jul. 22 (DRM), 10 on Jul. 28 (RA), 15 on Jul. 31 (DRM), 11 on Aug. 26 (DRM), 12 on Sept. 2 (B&TM), & 8 on Sept. 7 (RA), male at Crapaud Lagoon on Jun. 16 (DD), 1 between Alberton & Tignish on Rte 12 on Jul. 6 (DL), 1 at Long Pond in Park Corner on Aug. 4 (BF), 20 males at Mt. Stewart lagoons on Aug. 5 (SCS), 15 on Aug. 15 (PTa), 21 on Aug. 17 (WFB, JDM), & 11 on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), family at Woodville Mills on Aug. 11 (JDS), 7 along Confed Trail Morell to Mt. Stewart on Aug. 17 (JtR), 2 at Black Pond and 1 at Priest Pond on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 3 at Black Pond on Sept. 8 (F&KZ), 9 at Lagoon on Sept. 10 (DRM); Gadwall - 8 at Borden Lagoons on May 30 (RA), 3 on Jul. 2 (BJ) & 8 on Jul. 22 (DRM), 11 at Dock River Alberton on Jul. 5 (DL), 12 between Alberton & Tignish on Rte 12 on Jul. 6 (DL), 8 at Alberton on Jul. 9 (DEJ) female with 8 ducklings at Gulf Shore Parkway on Aug. 6 (MAM), 1 at Deroche Pond on Aug. 15 (PTa); Blue-winged Teal - 2 at Darnley on Jun. 1 (DEJ), 1 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 2 (BJ) & 4 on Jul. 22 (DRM), 4 at Mount Stewart lagoons on Aug. 10 (VB), 1 on Aug. 17 (WFB, JDM), & 4 on Sept. 6 (GSh), 1 at Allisary Creek Impoundment on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 2 at Long Pond in Park Corner on Jul. 31 (BF), 15 at Cymbira on Sept. 3 (JSv), 5 at Black Pond on Sept. 8 (F&KZ); Northern Shoveler - 2 at Borden Lagoons on May 30 (RA), 3 on Jun. 8 (BJ), 10 on Jun. 17 (AM&LM), 4 on Jul. 22 (DRM), & 2 on Sept. 6 (SLa), 2 males & 1 female at Mt. Stewart Lagoons on Jun. 7 (JDM, DRM), 3 on Aug. 10 (VB), 1 on Aug. 17 (PTa), 1 female on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM), & 3 on Sept. 6 (GSh), female with 2 chicks at Chapel’s Creek on Aug. 13 (JtR), 2 at Miscouche Lagoon on Sept. 10 (DRM); American Wigeon - male at Lake Verde on Jun. 7 (JDM, DRM), 4 at Borden Lagoons on May 30 (RA), 2 on Jun. 17 (AM&LM), & 3 on Jul. 22 (DRM), 20 between Alberton & Tignish on Rte 12 on Jul. 6 (DL), 25 at Long Pond on Jul. 29 (C&BH), 30 at Black Northern Shoveler with chicks at Chapel’s Creek Pond & 12 at Leslie’s Pond on Aug. 26 (SCS), 11 at John Archie’s Pond Photo by John te Raa on Sept. 6 (GSh); Mallard - 16 at Borden Lagoons on Jul. 22 (DRM), leucistic individual at Wright’s Creek on Aug. 22 (LJD); American Black Duck - 7 at Borden Lagoons on Jul. 22 (DRM), 20 at Pisquid River WMA on Jul. 29 (SCS), 22 at Long Pond in Park Corner on Aug. 4 (BF), 37 at Brackley Beach Covehead on Aug. 6 (MAM), 80 at Sheep Pond on Sept. 7 (F&KZ), 300 at Pisquid River WMA on Sept. 19 (JDM); Northern Pintail - 2 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 2 (BJ) & 1 on Sept. 7 (GSh), 4 at Black Pond on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB); Green-winged Teal - 8 at Alberton on Jul. 9 (DEJ), 11 at Borden Lagoons on Jul. 22 (DRM), 19 at Pigot’s Trail & 22 at John Archie’s Pond on Sept. 6 (GSh); Ring-necked Duck - 14 at Borden Lagoons on Jun. 28 (RA), 9 on Jul. 22 (DRM), & 10 on Sept. 6 (SLa), 8 at Deroche Pond on Aug. 15 (PTa), 25 at Black Pond on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM) & 19 on Sept. 8 (F&KZ); Scaup spp - 1 at Borden on Jun. 17 (LMo); Greater Scaup - 1 on Hillsborough River off Pigot’s Trail on Jun. 7 (JDM, DRM), 3 at Jacques Cartier Prov Park on Aug. 1 (GSau), 3 at Borden Carleton on Sept. 7 (GSh); Common Eider - 800 off North Cape on Jun. 9 (JDe), 2,500+ on Jun. 21 (RA), 20 on Jul. 6 (DL), 12 on Aug. 17 (GPo), 45 on Aug. 31 (DRM), 16 on Sept. 7 (SBr), & 11 on Sept. 10 (DRM), 19 at Point Prim on Jun. 16 (LMo), 1 immature at Borden on Jul. 18 (M&EL), 12 at East Point on Aug. 1 (DEJ), 10 on Aug. 17 (SCS), 15 on Aug. 14 (PTa), 45 on Aug. 26 (SCS), 28 on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB), 8 on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM), & 73 on Sept. 8 (F&KZ), 4 of Mossey Road on Sept. 8 (F&KZ); Harlequin Duck - 1 at Cape Tryon on Aug. 4 (BF), 2 at East Point on Sept. 8 (F&KZ); Surf Scoter - 4 off Linkletter Beach on Jun. 22 (SB), 1 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM); White-winged Scoter - 20 at Cavendish East on Jun. 19 (DMB), 2 off Confederation Bridge on Jun. 23 (SB), 3 at East Point on Aug. 17 (SCS), 1 off Black Pond on Sept. 8 (F&KZ), 1 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM); Black Scoter - 4 off Augustine Cove on Jun. 20 (RA), 6 at Point Prim on Jun. 16 (LMo), 5 at Cavendish East on Jun. 19 (DMB), 5 at East Point on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM), 1 on Aug. 26 (SCS) & 2 on Sept. 7 (F&KZ), 3 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM); Long-tailed Duck - 1 off Augustine Cove on Jun. 20 (RA); Common Goldeneye - 2 at Borden Carleton on Sept. 7 (GSh); Common Merganser - 1 at Sturgeon on Jun. 28 (AL): Red- breasted Merganser - 1 at Point Prim on Jun. 16 (LMo), 2 at East Point on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB); Ruddy Duck - 1 male at Allisary Creek Impoundment in Mount Stewart on Aug. 5 (SCS), 3 photographed on Aug. 10 (VB) and 2 males on Aug. 17 (WFB, JDM); Gray Partridge - 2 at Darnley on Jun. 1 (DEJ); Ring-necked Pheasant - male at Fort Augustus on Jun. 6 (JDM), 1 at Springhill Northam Road on Aug. 7 (LC), covey of 9 at Donagh in early Sept. & 5 on Sept. Black-billed Cuckoo at Strang Road 16 (JDM); Ruffed Grouse - drumming at Strang Road on Jun. 1 (DRM), 2 at Aug. 1, 2018 Photo by Donna Martin Cape Tryon on Aug. 3 (BF), 4 at Bubbling Springs on Sept. 2 (BJ); Turkeys - at

14 least 3 photographed at Panmure Island Road on Jul. 28 (DH); Pied-billed Grebe - pair and a single at Allisary Creek Impoundment on Jun. 7 (DRM, JDM), 3 on Aug. 5 (SCS), 15 on Aug. 10 (VB), 18 on Aug. 17 (PTa), 15 on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 3 at Deroche Pond on Aug. 15 (PTa), 1 at Noonan’s Marsh on Sept. 7 (RA); Rock Pigeon - 25 at St. Andrew’s on Aug. 15 (PTa), 6 at feeders on Sept. 1 & 7 on Sept. 5 (DEJ); Mourning Dove - 12 at Winsloe South feeders on Sept. 1 & 10 on Sept. 5 (DEJ), 16 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM); Black-billed Cuckoo - 2 at Spring Valley on Jul. 22 (NT), 1 at Georgetown Royalty on Jul. 28 (SCS), 1 at Strang Road on Aug. 1 (DRM); Common Nighthawk - 1 calling along Confed Trail near Larkin’s Pond in Selkirk on Jul. 23 (JGM), 5 at Carleton (Noonan Road intersection) on Sept. 7 (DRM); Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 at Winsloe South on Jul. 27 & 1 on Aug. 29 (DEJ), 2 at Cape Tryon on Jul. 28 (SCh), 4 at Keppoch on Aug. 4 (MAM), 2 at Horne Cross Road on Aug. 26, Sept. 3, Sept. 6 & Sept. 9 (VB), 1 at Canavoy on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM), 1 at Rattenbury Road on Sept. 10 (CP); Sandhill Crane - 1 in field at Community of East Point in Jun. (FC); UID Peeps - 150 at Augustine Cove on Sept. 3 (M&TB); Black-bellied Plover - 1 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 22 & 15 on Jul. 31 (DRM), 10 on Jul. 28 (RA), & 34 on Sept. 7 (DRM), 1 at Covehead Harbour on Jul. 28 (BK) & 15 on Aug. 15 (DRM), 2 at Chelton on Jul. 28 & 9 on Jul. 31 (DRM), 1 at Souris Causeway on Aug. 7 (SF), 25 at Boughton Island on Aug. 23 (SCS), 55 at Tracadie Bay on Sept. 2 (DRM), 13 at Miscouche on Sept. 3 (BMa); Semipalmated Plover - 3 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 22, 35 on Jul. 31 (DRM), 11 on Jul. 28 (RA) & 185 on Aug. 26 (DRM), 35 at Covehead Harbour on Jul. 28 (BK), & 205 on Sept. 7 (DRM), 85 at Chelton on Jul. 31 (DRM), 40 at St. Chrysostome on Jul. 31 (ACou), 30 at Souris Causeway on Aug. 7 (SF); 40 Common Nighthawk at Carleton at Canoe Cove on Aug. 12 (NS), 15 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 15 on Sept. 7, 2018 (DRM), 65 at Tracadie Bay on Sept. 2 (DRM), 12 at Miscouche on Sept. 3 Photo by Donna Martin (BMa), 36 at Augustine Cove on Sept. 3 (M&TB) & 25 on Sept. 7 (RA), 4 at North Cape on Sept. 7 (SBr); Piping Plover - very high tides and wave action destroyed many nests the weekend of Jun. 1-3 (RWH), census of Island showed 67 present between Jun. 2 to 9 (SMacD), 15 fledged of 18 in PEINP this summer (CBC, Guardian Aug 29); Killdeer - 3 at Chelton on Jul. 22, 28 & 31 (DRM) & 4 adults with 2 chicks on Aug. 6 (DRM), 3 at Covehead Brackley on Jul. 30 (PK), 2 at Jacques Cartier on Jul. 31 (GSau), 3 at Wood Islands on Aug. 1 (PK), 2 at Cedar Dunes on Aug. 1 (GSau), 1 at Tracadie Harbour on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI); Whimbrel - 1 at Brackley Beach on Jul. 15 (SGC), 1 at Annandale on Jul. 27 (SCS), 60 at Dekker & Lyle Roads in St. Eleanors on Jul. 30 (DRM), 2 at West Cavendish on Aug. 8 (PEL), 2 at MacCallum’s Point on Jul. 31 (RES), 1 at Covehead Harbour on Aug. 3 (DEJ), 3 at Boughton Island on Aug. 4 (SCS), 2 at West Covehead on Aug. 8 (PEL), 1 at Greenwich on Aug. 14 (PTa), 1 at East Point on Aug. 14 (PTa), 1 on Aug. 26 (SCS) & 1 on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB), 13 in unharvested blueberry field along Confed Trail in Canavoy on Sept. 6 (JtR); Hudsonian Godwit - 1 at St. Chrysostome on Jul. 31 (ACou), 2 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 30 (BK), 2 on Sept. 6 (GSh), & 2 on Sept. 10 (P&PT), 1 at Souris Causeway on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB); Ruddy Turnstone - 1 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 28 (RA) & 10 on Aug. 7 (CC), 21 at Chelton on Jul. 28 & 27 on Jul. 28 (DRM), 3 at on Jul. 31 (C&BH) & 10 on Aug. 1 (CJ), 7 at Cabot Park on Aug. 7 (LC), 1 at Canoe Cove on Aug. 12 (NS), 18 at Doyle’s Cove in North Rustico on Aug. 19 (RMa), 10 at Boughton Island on Aug. 23 (SCS), 5 at Summerside on Aug. 23 (BB), 12 at North Cape on Sept. 7 (SBr) & 17 on Sept. 10 (DRM); Red Knot - 5 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 28 (RA), 3 at Covehead Harbour on Jul. 29 (BK), 1 at St. Chrysostome on Jul. 31 (ACou), 29 at Tracadie Bay on Aug. 30 (BK), 15 on Sept. 2 (DRM) & 140 on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI), 30 at Souris Causeway on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB), 2 at Victoria on Sept. 6 (GSh); Stilt Sandpiper - 1 at New Glasgow on Aug. 10 (JFB); Sanderling - 2 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 22 (DRM), at Covehead Harbour on Jul. 29 (BK), 1 at Boughton Island on Aug. 23 (SCS), 45 at Rustico Island on Sept. 2 (DEJ), 8 at Augustine Cove on Sept. 3 (M&TB); Baird’s Sandpiper - 2 photographed at North Cape Baird’s Sandpiper at North Cape Aug. 31, 2018 on Aug. 31 (DRM); Least Sandpiper - 4 at Stanley Bridge on Photo by Donna Martin Jul. 23 (RCu), 5 at Covehead Harbour on Jul. 28 (BK), 50 at

15 Chelton on Jul. 28 (DRM), 5 at Canoe Cove on Aug. 12 (NS), 11 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 15 (DRM), 2 at Boughton Island on Aug. 23 (SCS), 15 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 30 (BK), 2 at Carleton Cove on Sept. 7 (DRM), 60 at Tracadie Harbour on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI), 3 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM); White-rumped Sandpiper - 2 at Covehead Harbour - Brackley Beach North on Aug. 4 (VB), 5 on Aug. 5 (BK), 1 on Sept. 6 (GSh), & 7 on Sept. 9 (BK, VB, NPEI), at Chelton on Aug. 6 (DRM, PT), 6 at Wood Islands on Aug. 11 (BLB), 35 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 15 (DRM), 8 at Boughton Island on Aug. 23 (SCS), 27 at Borden Carleton on Aug. 26 & 24 on Sept. 7 (DRM), 8 at Souris Causeway bar on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB), 2 at Rollo Bay WMA on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 2 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM); Pectoral Sandpiper - 1 at Chelton Beach marsh on Aug. 6 (DRM) and Aug. 8 (BSa), 1 at Covehead Wharf on Sept. 6 (GSh); Semipalmated Sandpiper - 3 at Dunk River on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 1 at Borden Carleton & 1 at Chelton on Jul. 22 (DRM), 6 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 28 (RA) & 140 on Sept. 7 (DRM), 40 at Covehead Harbour on Jul. 28 (BK), 3 at Chelton on Jul. 28 (DRM), 22 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 15 (DRM), 6 at Boughton Island on Aug. 23 (SCS), 85 at Black Pond on Aug. 26 (SCS), 40 at Tracadie Bay on Sept. 2 (DRM) & 120+ on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI), 300 at Augustine Cove on Sept. 7 (RA); Short-billed Dowitcher - 70 at Dunk River on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 1 at Chelton on Jul. 22 & 15 on Jul. 28 (DRM), 10 at Stanley Bridge on Jul. 23 (RCu), 35 at Pisquid River WMA on Jul. 29 (SCS), 5 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 31 (DRM), 19 at Chapel’s Creek on Aug. 5 (JtR), 15 at Souris Causeway on Aug. 7 (SF), 17 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 15 (DRM) & 13 on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI), 11 at Tracadie Bay on Sept. 2 (DRM); Wilson’s Snipe - at Little Harbour on Jun. 7 (DO, UPEI); Spotted Sandpiper - 1 at Dunk River Central on Jun. 22 (LB&LA) & 2 on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 1 at Union Corner on Jul. 13 (PMc), 1 at Boughton Island on Jul. 23 (RCu), 1 at Apple Tree Road on Jul. 27 (RM), 2 at Jacques Cartier on Jul. 31 (GSau), 2 at Argyle Shore on Jul. 31 (RW), 1 at Canoe Cove on Aug. 12 (NS), 1 at Black Pond on Aug. 26 (SCS), 2 at East Point & 1 at Black Pond on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 1 at Doyle’s Pond (St Felix) & 1 at Alberton on Aug. 17 (GPo), 1 at Sheep Pond on Sept. 7 (F&KZ), 1 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 7 (GSh), 4 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM), Solitary Sandpiper - 1 at North Rustico on Aug. 8 (BSa), 5 photographed at East Lake on Aug. 26 (SCS), 1 at Leard’s Pond Coleman on Aug. 31 (DRM), 1 at Joey’s Road & 1 photographed at Sheep Pond on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 1 at Greenwich on Sept. 5 (DWa), 1 at Miscouche on Sept. 7 (BMa), 1 at North Lake & 1 at East Lake on Sept. 8 (F&KZ); Yellowlegs spp - 71 at Chelton on Jul. 22 (DRM); Lesser Yellowlegs - 35 at Dunk River on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 2 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 22 (DRM) & 4 on Sept. 7 (DRM), 8 at Stanley Bridge on Jul. 23 (RCu), 12 at Covehead Harbour on Jul. 28 (BK), 28 at Chelton on Jul. 28 & 9 on Jul. 31 (DRM), 20 at Pisquid River WMA on Jul. 29 (SCS), 10 at St. Chrysostome on Jul. 31 (ACou), 12 at New Glasgow on Aug. 10 (JFB), 10 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 15 (DRM), 18 at Tracadie Bay on Sept. 2 (DRM); Willet - adult with 3 chicks at Tracadie Harbour on Jul. 2 (SGC), 2 at Waterside Road on Jul. 13 (SGC), 2 at Pisquid River WMA on Jul. 29 (SCS), 3 at Covehead Harbour on Aug. 4 (VB), 8 at Pigot’s Trail on Aug. 4 (SCS) & 2 on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI), 4 at Carleton Cove on Aug. 7 (CC), 6 at Wood Islands on Aug. 11 (BLB), 1 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM); Greater Yellowlegs - 7 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 22 (DRM), 9 on Jul. 28 (RA), & 2 on Sept. 7 (DRM), 2 at Stanley Bridge on Jul. 23 (RCu), 33 at Covehead Harbour on Jul. 28 (BK), 7 at Chelton on Jul. 28 & 17 on Jul. 31 (DRM), 12 at Pisquid River WMA on Jul. 29 (SCS), 5 at St. Chrysostome on Jul. 31 (ACou), 1 at New Glasgow on Aug. 10 (JFB), 7 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 15 (DRM), 15 at Tracadie Bay on Sept. 2 (DRM); Wilson’s Phalarope - 1 photographed at Charlottetown Experimental Farm on May 28 (SGC), 1 at Borden Lagoon on Jun. 8 (BJ); Red-necked Phalarope - 1 at North Cape on Sept. 21 (DRM); Parasitic Jaeger - 1 seen off Northumberland Ferry before mid- point on Sept. 9 (GSh), 1 at East Point on Sept.10 (Ebird Canada); Greater Shearwater - 1 at East Point on Sept. 10 (Ebird Canada); Razorbill - 2 at East Point on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM); Black Guillemot - 3 at Orby Head on Jun. 7 (DRM), 15 at North Cape on Jun. 21 (RA), 2 at East Point on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM), 5 at Cavendish East on Sept. 2 (MBu), 8 on Jul. 28 (SH), 1 on Aug. 26 (SCS), & 2 on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 2 at Orby Head on Jul. 31 (RV), 1 at North Cape on Aug. 31 (BJ); Black- legged Kittiwake - 5 at Cavendish East on Sept. 2 (MBu), 1 at East Point on Sept. 10 (Ebird Canada); Bonaparte's Gull - 24 Red-necked Phalarope at North Cape Sept. 21, 2018 at Borden Lagoons on Jun. 17 (AM&LM), 26 on Jul. 22 (DRM), Photo by Donna Martin & 20 on Jul. 28 (RA), 24 at Boughton Island on Jul. 23 (RCu), 80 at Wood Islands on Aug. 11 (BLB), 45 at Boughton Island on Aug. 23 (SCS), 30 at Cavendish East on Sept. 2 (MBu), 172 at Borden on Sept. 2 (M&TB); Black-headed Gull - 1 at run from Black Pond at Little Harbour on Aug 3 (TG), 1 near entrance to the North Rustico P.E.I. National Park on Aug. 6 (DRM, PT), 4 at Borden on Sept. 2 (M&TB); Ring-billed Gull - 25 at North Cape on Jul. 6 (DL); Herring Gull - 500 off North Cape on Jun. 9 (JDe), 60 on Jul. 6 (DL) & 85 on Aug. 31 (DRM), 300 at Borden on Sept. 2 (M&TB), 200 at Souris Causeway on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM); Lesser Black-backed Gull - 8 at North Cape on Jul. 6 (DL); Great Black-backed Gull - 40 off North

16 Cape on Jun. 9 (JDe), 150 on Jul. 6 (DL), 100 on Aug. 17 (GPo), & 175 on Aug. 31 (DRM), 71 at North Rustico on Aug. 1 (CJ), 50 at Covehead Harbour on Aug. 18 (GPo), 80 at North Lake on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM); Caspian Tern - 1 at Malpeque Harbour on Jul. 12 (YS), 8 at Covehead Brackley Beach on Jul. 31 (PK), 3 on Aug. 6 (MAM), & 2 on Aug. 15 (DRM), 11 at Greenwich on Aug. 1 (SBe), 2 at Cape Tryon on Aug. 3 (BF), 2 at Augustine Cove on Sept. 3 (M&TB); Common Tern - 12 at North Port on Jul. 6 (DL), 2 at Cabot Park-Malpeque Harbour on Jul. 12 (YS) & 30 on Aug. 10 (JBo), 1 at Waterside Road on Jul. 13 (SGC), 4 at Murray Road on Jul. 14 & 2 on Jul. 18 (GR), 4 at Boughton Island on Jul. 23 (RCu), 23 at Covehead Harbour on Jul. 30 (VB) & 50 on Aug. 19 (LMe), 128 at Greenwich on Aug. 1 (SBe), 20 at Wood Islands on Aug. 1 (PK) & 12 on Aug. 11 (BLB), 20 at Boughton Island on Aug. 4 (SCS), 5 at Pigot’s Trail on Aug. 5 (SCS), 6 at Brackley Beach-Covehead on Aug. 6 (MAM), 24 at Souris Causeway on Aug. 7 (SF), 10 at Montague River on Aug. 10 (ACh), 75 at Boughton Island on Aug. 23 (SCS), 5 at East Point on Aug. 14 (PTa), 19 on Aug. 26 (SCS), 60 on Aug. 17 (SCS), 15 at North Cape on Aug. 17 (GPo); Arctic Tern - 1 at East Point on Aug. 14 (PTa); Red-throated Loon - 1 at Bothwell Bridge on Jul. 12 (SMe); Common Loon - 4 at East Point on Jun. 7 (DO, UPEI) & 1 on Sept. 8 (F&KZ), 1 at Cavendish East on Jun. 19 (DMB), 1 at Deroche Pond on Jul. 31 (DMor); 8 at Brackley Covehead on Aug. 4 (MAM), 9 off Victoria Beach on Aug. 18 (GRo), 1 at Deroche Pond on Aug. 14 (BAM); Northern Gannet - 50+ at East Point on Jun. 7 (DO, UPEI), 20 on Jul. 28 (SH), 60 on Aug. 14 (PTa), 80 on Aug. 17 (SCS), 1,000 on Aug. 21 (BJ), 40 on Aug. 26 (SCS), 75 on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB), & 120 on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 20 at Cape Tryon on Jul. 28 (SCh), 14 at Blooming Point beach on Aug. 15 (PTa), 2 at Argyle Shore on Aug. 26 (DWa), a small number dead on Feehan’s Shore during 2nd week of Sept. (BH); Double-crested Cormorant - 220 off North Cape on Jun. 9 (JDe), 400 on Jul. 6 (DL), & 100 on Aug. 17 (GPo), 335 at Cabot Park Malpeque Harbour on Jul. 12 (YS) & 350 on Aug. 1 (RV), 250 at Tryon Point on Jul. 31 & 500 on Aug. 3 (BF), 20 at East Point on Aug. 14 (PTa), 55 on Aug. 26 (SCS) & 100 on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM); Great Cormorant - 6 at Cape Tryon on Aug. 3 (BF), 2 at North Cape on Aug. 31 (DRM), 1 at East Point on Aug. 26 (SCS) & 3 on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM), 3 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM); Little Egret at Montague River on Jul. 6, 2018 American Bittern - 1 at Little Harbour on Jun. 7 (DO, UPEI), Photo by Debbie Hill 1 at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS); Least Bittern - 1 seen at the Pisquid River Ducks Unlimited Impoundment below Route 21 Road Bridge on Jul. 1 (DLM, KMcR, A&EM); Great Blue Heron - 25 at Dunk River on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 37 at Murray Road on Jul. 15 & 25 on Jul. 18 (GR), 10 at Long Pond on Jul. 29 (C&BH), 59 at Covehead Brackley Beach on Jul. 31 (PK), 22 on Aug. 4 (BK), 62 on Aug. 6 (MAM), 19 on Aug. 18 (GP), & 22 on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI), 11 photographed in a ripe grain field at North Lake on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 24 at Tracadie Harbour on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI); Little Egret - 1 photographed at Montague River on Jul. 6 (DH) [FIRST RECORD FOR P.E.I.] and 1 photographed at Kelligrew NL on Jul. 12 (Brad James Wilder); Glossy Ibis - 2 photographed at Covehead Harbour Brackley Beach marsh on Aug. 15 (VB) and 2 photographed on Aug. 15-16 (DRM); Turkey Vulture - 1 photographed perched on building at Tracadie Cross on May 15 (BCou via MTM), 3 photographed along lighthouse road at Cape Egmont eating a dead skunk in early June at (JG), 1 at Wedgeport on Aug. 11 (MSa), 1 at West Royalty on Aug. 6 (PT), 3 flying at Campbellton on Aug. 17 (GPo); Osprey - 1 at Alberton on Jul. 6 (DL), 5 at Long Pond on Jul. 29 (C&BH), 5 at Chapel’s Creek on Jul. 29 (JtR), 12 at North Rustico on Jul. 29 (CJ), 3 at Doyle’s Pond (St Felix) on Aug. 17 (GPo), 7 (2 adults and 5 fledged young) along Confed Trail Morell to Mount Stewart on Aug, 17 (JtR),1 juvenile tangled in waste built into the nest died at Wheatley River on Aug. 22 (CBC), 1 still standing on nest on Johnston’s River power line on Sept. 18 (JDM), 3 at Rustico Island on Sept. 2 (DEJ); Bald Eagle - 25 at Naufrage in May (W&SF), 15 at Clarke’s Pond in Cavendish on Jun. 20 (RA); Northern Turkey Vulture at Cape Egmont in June, 2018 Harrier - 1 at Five Houses on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM), 1 at Murray Road on Photo by Janine Gallant Jul. 18 (GR), 1 at Little Sands on Jul. 25 (SV), 1 at Community of East Point on Aug. 1 (DEJ), 1 at Orwell on Aug. 1 (PK), 1 at Basin Head on Aug. 7 (SG), 1 at Rollo Bay on Aug. 7 (SF), 1 at Cardross on Aug. 13 (PTa), 1 at Mossey Road on Aug. 14 (PTa), 1 at Greenwich on Aug. 15 & 1 at Cable Head West on Aug. 17 (PTa), 1 at Brackley Beach North on Aug. 21 (JK&WD), 1 at Community of East Point on Aug. 26 (SCS) & 1 on Sept. 8 (F&KZ), 1 at Johnston’s River along Donagh Road on Aug. 30 & 31 (JDM), male at Campbell’s Cove on Sept. 5 (DRM,

17 JDM), male at Augustine Cove on Sept. 5 (GSh), male at Campbell’s Cove on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 1 at Argyle Shore on Sept. 6 (DWa), 2 at Greenwich on Sept. 6 (JSv) & 2 on Sept. 10 (P&PT); Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1 at Hazelbrook on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM), 1 at Cable Head on Aug. 13 (PTa), 1 at Ives Point on Sept. 2 (BMa), 2 at East Point on Aug. 26 (SCS), 1 at Dromore & 1 at Savage Harbour on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM); Northern Goshawk - 1 juvenile delivered to AVC with detached retina from York Point Road on Sept. 10 (BPEI); Broad-winged Hawk - 1 photographed on electrical wires at Poole’s Corner on Sept. 9 (FdB); Red-tailed Hawk - 1 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 2 (BJ), 1 at Darnley on Jul. 12 (PMc), 1 at Hazelbrook on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM), 1 at West Covehead on Jul. 25 (SV), leucistic individual seen at Bungay Road on Jun. 11 (JS) and at Hunter River on Aug. 6 (JtR) - fourth year one has been seen in this area (JS, DO), 1 at Crapaud on Aug. 10 (LC), 1 at Covehead Harbour on Aug. 19 (LMe), 1 at Augustine Cove on Sept. 5 (GSh); Great Horned Owl - 2 recently fledged young at Rollo Bay on Jun. 10 (SAB); Barred Owl - one at White’s Road & 1 at Dromore on Jun. 4 (DO, UPEI), 1 at Confederation Trail bear Souris on Jun. 8 (WB); Northern Saw-whet Owl - at Gay’s Road in Peakes on Jun. 4 (DO, UPEI); Belted Kingfisher - 1 at Pigot’s Trail Broad-winged Hawk at Poole’s Corner and 1 at Johnston’s River on Jun. 16 (JDM), 4 at New Glasgow on Aug. 10 (JFB), 4 on Sept. 7, 2018 at Jacques Cartier Prov Park on Aug. 1 (GSau), 3 at St. Peters on Aug. 14 (PTa); Fiep de Bie Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - female tending young at nest cavity at Brookvale on Jul. 13 (DD), 1 at Horne’s Cross Road on Aug. 25 & 1 on Sept. 10 (VB), 4 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB), 1 at Dromore on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM), 2 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 7 (GSh), 2 at Camp Tamawaby on Sept. 10 (DRM); Downy Woodpecker - 1 with young calling at Village Green on Jun. 7 (JDM, DRM), regular sightings at feeders (WFB, JDM, DRM); Hairy Woodpecker - sporadic reports during the summer (JDM, DRM); Black-backed Woodpecker - 1 at St. Georges on Jul. 9 (JDS), 1 at Woodlands Trail PEINP on Sept. 18 (BH); Northern Flicker - 1 feeding young at Priest Pond on Jul. 3 (IF), 5 at Cape Tryon on Aug. 3 (BF), 9 at Strathgartney Prov Park on Sept. 6 (DWa); Pileated Woodpecker - 2 at the north section of St. Charles Road and 1 at St. Margaret’s on May 25 (LM, JGM, A&PM), 1 at Peakes Tee in late May (W&SF), 1 at Harvey Moore Sanctuary on Jul. 28 (SH); American Kestrel - pair tending nest box on side of building at unspecified location on Jun. 1 (KDM via BPEI), 1 at Tryon Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk at Hunter River on Jul. 2 (AL), 1 at Darnley on Jul. 12 (PMc), 1 at Rollo Bay, 1 at on Aug. 6, 2018 Lakeville & 1 carrying vole at Priest Pond on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM), 1 at Photo by John te Raa St. Teresa’s on Jul. 23 (KMcK), 1 at Borden on Jul. 28 (RA), 4 at Linkletter Beach on Jul. 30 (GSau), 1 at Greenwich on Aug. 1 (SBe), 2 at Cedar Dunes on Aug. 2 (GSau), from Aug 9 to Sept. 1, 1 was being seen almost daily on the wires along the Donagh Road mostly in Johnston’s River but sometimes in Donagh and 2 were seen along this stretch on Aug. 24, 26, 30 (JDM), 1 at Cable Head on Aug. 13 (PTa), 1 at New Harmony on Aug. 14 (PTa), 4 at Elmwood on Sept. 4 (BJ), 1 at Lakeville on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 1 at Green Bay on Sept. 7 (GSh), 1 at Basin Head on Sept. 8 (F&KZ); Merlin - 1 at Borden on Jun. 1 (BJ), family back nesting at Bedeque in May for the third year (DS), 1 at Black Marsh Trail on Jun. 21 (RA),1 at Mermaid on Jul. 9 (JDM), 1 at Clyde River on Jul, 23 (NS), 1 at Stanley Bridge on Jul. 23 (RCu), 1 at Chapel’s Creek on Jul. 29 & Aug. 4 (JtR), 1 at Cedar Dunes on Aug. 2 (GSau), 1 at Blooming Point beach on Aug. 15 (PTa), 1 at Brackley Beach North-Covehead Harbour on Aug. 19 (SCG), 1 on Aug. 30 (BK), & 3 chasing each other on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI), 1 at Argyle Shore on Sept. 2 (DWa), 1 at North Lake on Sept. 6 (JSv), 1 at Green Bay on Sept. 7 (GSh), 1 at Pigot’s Trail on Sept. 9 (BK, NPEI); Peregrine Falcon - 1 took a crow at Tracadie Cross on Jul. 28 (MTM), 1 at Cape Tryon on Aug. 3 (BF), 2 at East Lake on Aug. 14 (PTa), 1 at Borden on Aug. 14 (VB) & 1 on Sept. 5 (SLa), 1 at Alberton on Aug. 15 (VB), 1 at Deroche Pond on Aug. 15 (PTa), 1 at East Point on Aug. 18 (GP) & 1 on Aug. 21 (IF), a dark individual at Covehead Wharf & at Tracadie Harbour on Sept. 9 (BK, VB, NPEI); Olive-sided Flycatcher - 1 at Afton Road on May 28 (DO, UPEI), 1 along Confederation Trail at Hermitage on Jun. 5 (DO), 1 at Afton Road on Jun. 7 (DRM, JDM), 1 singing at Glenfinnan South on Jul. 10 (FRC, JCz, JDM), 1 at St. Georges on Jul. 30 (JDS); Eastern Wood Peewee - 1 singing about 1.5 km west of Route 21 along the abandoned rail bed on Apr. 24 (DLM), 1 at Currie Road in Hampton on Jun. 22 (RA), 1 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 (LB&LA), 1 at Hyde Park Trail on Jul. 8 (BK, NPEI), 1 at Maple Hill on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM), 1 at Harvey Moore Sanctuary on Jul. 28 (SH), 1 at Cedar Dunes on Aug. 2 (GSau), 1 at Confed Trail Douglas Station on Aug. 6 (JtR), 1 at Selkirk Road on Aug. 7 (SF), 1 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB) & 1 on Sept. 7 (GSh), 1 at Horne

18 Cross Road On Aug. 25 & on Sept. 3 (VB); Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1 along Confederation Trail at Hermitage on Jun. 5 (DO), 1 at Panmure Island on Jun. 27 (AL), 1 at St. Georges on Aug. 8 (JDS); Alder Flycatcher - at least 10 singing at Lake Verde on Jun. 7 (JDM, DRM), 7 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 & 6 on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 3 at Summerside on Jun. 22 (DRM), 1 at Borden Carleton on Jul. 22 & 1 on Aug. 26 (DRM), 2 at Jacques Cartier on Jul. 31 & Aug. 1 (GSau), 1 at Deroche Pond on Aug. 15 (PTa), 3 at Canoe Cove on Aug. 19 (LMe); Least Flycatcher - 1 at west end Mickle Macum Road on May 25 (LM, JGM, A&PM), very few reported this year (JDM); Eastern Phoebe - 1 at Murray Road on Jul. 18 (GR); Eastern Kingbird - 2 at Pigot’s Trail on May 28 (DO, UPEI), 2 on Jun. 7 (DRM, JDM), & 2 juveniles on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 1 at North Cape Black Marsh Trail on Jun. 21 (RA), 1 on Aug. 10 (VB), & 2 immature on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 1 at North Port & 1 at Glenwood Pond on Jul. 6 (DL), 1 at St. Georges on Jul. 11 (JDS), 1 feeding young at Hunter River on Aug. 3 (BK), 4 at Central Kings (Cumberland Rd.) on Aug. 10 (BAM), 3 at New Glasgow on Aug. 10 & 5 on Aug. 19 (JFB), 3 at Cardross on Aug. 13 (PTa), 1 at Deroche Pond on Aug. 14 (BAM), 1 at Glenfinnan on Aug. 15 (JDM), 4 hawking insects along Con Fed Trail at Selkirk (JGM), 1 at Cabot Park on Aug. 17 (GPo), 1 at Canoe Cove on Eastern Kingbird at Deroche Pond Aug. 19 (LMe), 4 perched along a fence line at Hermitage on Aug. 24 (HH), 1 at on Aug. 14, 2018 Mount Albion on Aug. 24 (JDM), 1 at Horne Cross Road on Aug. 26 (VB); Blue- Photo by Brett Arthur MacKinnon headed Vireo - 1 at Summerside on Jun. 22 (DRM), 1 at St. Georges on Jul. 22 (JDS), 5 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 7 (GSh), 1 at East Point on Sept. 8 (F&KZ); Philadelphia Vireo - 1 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB), 1 at Donagh on Sept. 12 (JDM); Red-eyed Vireo - 2 at Blue Shank Road on May 28 (DRM), 13 at New Harmony (4.5 km) on Aug. 14 (PTa), 15 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB), 4 at East Point on Sept. 8 (F&KZ); Gray Jay - adult with 2 juveniles at St. Georges on Jul. 5 & 2 adults on Jul. 31 (JDS), 10 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 7 (GSh); Blue Jay - 30 during 296 km field trip Central to Eastern P.E.I. on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM), 8 at Horne Cross Road on Sept. 6 (VB); American Crow - 95 during 296 km field trip Central to Eastern P.E.I. on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM), 75 at Mermaid flying towards roost on Sept. 18 (JDM); Common Raven - 3 during 296 km field trip Central to Eastern P.E.I. on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM); Tree Swallow - 15 at Strang Road on Jun. 1 (DRM), 6 at Borden Carleton on Jun. 17 (AM&LM) & 5 on Jul. 28 (RA), 10 at Pigot’s Trail, 12 at Leslie’s Pond & 8 at Priest Pond on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM), 4 at Miminegash on Aug. 17 (GPo), 200 at Borden on Aug. 26 (DRM) & 30 on Sept. 2 (M&TB), 3 at Dromore on Sept. 5 (DRM), 3 at North Lake on Sept. 8 (F&KZ); Bank Swallow - 2 at Strang Road on Jun. 1 (DRM), 50 nesting at Union Corner on Jul. 1st & 11th (PMc), 60 at North Cape & 8 at Northport on Jul. 6 (DL), 8 at Lower Darnley on Jul. 7 (AWa), 13 at Cabot Park-Malpeque Harbour on Jul. 12 (YS) & 20 on Aug. 12 (JBo), 50 at Darnley with 25 cavities on Jul. 9 & 60 on Jul. 12 (PMc), 50 at Canoe Cove on Jul. 23 (NS), 2 at Little Sands on Jul. 25 (SV), 5 at East Point on Jul. 28 (SH), 20 on Aug. 14 (PTa), & 3 on Aug. 17 (SCS), 30 at Jacques Cartier on Jul. 31 (GSau), 13 at Argyle Shore on Jul. 31 (RW), 5 at Cousin’s Shore on Aug. 1 (BF), 35 at Wood Islands on Aug. 1 (PK) & 8 on Aug. 11 (BLB), 55 at East Point on Aug. 1 (DEJ), 7 at Cape Tryon on Aug. 3 (BF), 20 with active nests at Rollo Bay on Aug. 7 (SF), 20 at Miminegash on Aug. 17 (GPo), 100 at Borden on Aug. 26 (DRM) & 30 on Sept. 2 (M&TB); Barn Swallow - pair on nest at Five Houses on Jun. 24 (W&SF), 8 at Borden on Jun. 3 (RA), 2 on Jun. 17 (AM&LM) & 2 on Aug. 26 (DRM), larger number than last year at Augustine Cove this summer (MH), at least 2 amongst a group of 15 Barn and Tree Swallows at Donagh on Jul. 29 & 31 (JDM), 1 at Brackley Beach on Jul. 30 (PK), 10 at Jacques Cartier on Jul. 31 (GSau), 6 at Basin Head on Aug. 1 (SBe), 5 at Wood Islands on Aug. 1 (PK) & 25 on Aug. 11 (BLB), 3 at Hunter River on Aug. 3 (BK), 8 at Linden Pond on Aug. 3 (RA), 12 at Georgetown on Aug. 10 (BLB), 5 at St. Peters on Aug. 14 (PTa), 2 at Miminegash on Aug. 17 (GPo); Cliff Swallow - 1 at Miminegash on Aug. 17 (GPo); Black-capped Chickadee - 6 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 7 (GSh), 12 at North Lake on Sept. 8 (F&KZ), 11 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Boreal Chickadee - pair nesting in bird house in garden at unspecified location last 4 years (LDu), 2 at Cavendish east on Jun. 19 (DMB), 2 at Chelton on Jul. 22 & 5 on Jul. 28 (DRM), 2 at McKenna’s Marsh on Jul. 23 (KMcK), 1 at Greenwich on Sept. 7 (PW), 1 at Tignish on Sept. 9 (SBr), 1 at Homestead Trail in Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at Community of East Point Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Red-breasted Nuthatch - 12 at Bubbling on Sept. 5, 2018 Springs on Sept. 2 (BJ), 3 hawking insects from electrical wires and tree Photo by Donna Martin

19 tops at Lakeville and Fairview on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 5 at North Lake on Sept. 8 (F&KZ), 52 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 at St. Georges on Jul. 19 (JDS), 1 at Riverview Estates in Charlottetown on Jul. 31 (WFB), 1 at Victoria on Aug. 17 (BClo), 1 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Brown Creeper - 1 at Bubbling Springs Trail on Jun. 22 (VB), 1 at Robinson’s Island on Aug. 20 (JK&WD), 1 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB) & 2 on Sept. 7 (GSh); 1 at Trout River (Millvale) on Sept. 10 (P&PT); Winter Wren - 1 at Alberton on Jul. 6 (DL), 1 at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS), 1 Confed Trail Mount Stewart to St. Peters on Jul. 28 (JK&WD); Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1 photographed at Community of East Point on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM); Golden-crowned Kinglet - 10 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Aug. 23 (BJ) & 2 on Sept. 1 (M&TB), 8 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 at Greenwich on Sept. 10 (P&PT); Eastern Bluebird - 2 males & female near nest box at Suffolk on Jun. 7 (LB), not seen and did not respond to call backs at French Village site on Jun. 7 (DRM, JDM); Veery - 1 at Shore Road in Cap Egmont on Jun. 10 (DRM), 1 at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS), 1 at St. Chrysostome on Jul. 13 (BAM); Swainson’s Thrush - 5 at Greenwich on Jul. Veery at St. Chrysostome on Jul. 13 , 2018 11 (YS), 1 at St. Georges on Jul. 30 (JDS); Hermit Thrush - 1 at St. Georges Photo by Brett Arthur MacKinnon on Jul. 3 (JDS), 2 at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS), 1 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 1 at Primrose Road on Jul. 26 (SV), 1 at Harvey Moore Sanctuary on Jul. 28 (SH), 1 at Cedar Dunes on Aug. 2 (GSau), 1 at Greenwich on Aug. 14 (PTa); Wood Thrush - 1 heard at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS); American Robin - leucistic robin at Experimental Farm on Jun. 5 (BAM), 1,000 flying over Stratford morning Aug. 24 (LM), 10 at Strathgartney Prov Park on Sept. 7 (DWa), 8 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Gray Catbird - 1 at Ives Point Road (Miscouche) & 2 at Shore Road in Cap Egmont on Jun. 10 (DRM), 1 at Point Prim on Jun. 16 (LMo), 1 at Cavendish East on Jun. 19 (DMB), 1 at Cabot Park-Malpeque Harbour on Jul. 12 (YS), 1 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 (LB&LA), 1 at Borden Carleton on Jun. 28 (RA), 1 at Jacques Cartier Prov Park on Aug. 1 (GSau), 1 at Cedar Dunes on Aug. 2 (GSau), 2 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); European Starling - good numbers around certain farms in central P.E.I. (JDM); Cedar Waxwing - 9 at Strang Road on Jun. 1 (DRM), 1 at Kingsboro on Jun. 1 (MGS), 5 at Shore Road at Cape Egmont on Jun. 10 (DRM), 60 at Black Marsh on Jun. 21 (RA), 27+ (mostly juveniles) during 296 km field trip Central to Eastern P.E.I. on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM); House Sparrow - 3 at Charlottetown on Aug. 17 (PTa), 1 at Borden on Aug. 17 (GPo), 7 at Joey’s Road on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM); Evening Grosbeak - male at Hermitage feeder in Jun. (HH); Pine Grosbeak - 2 at Point Prim on Jun. 16 (LMo); Purple Finch - 2 at Blue Shank Road on Jun. 1 (DRM), 1 at North Port on Jul. 6 (DL), 3 at Cape Tryon on Jul. 28 (SCh), 8 at Deroche Pond on Aug. 15 (PTa), pair tending 4 young at Keppoch on Aug. 4 & 8 on Aug. 18 (MAM), 3 at Horne Cross Road on Aug. 29 (VB), 2 at Dromore on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM); White-winged Crossbill - 6 at Hermitage on Jun. 10 (DO); Pine Siskin - 8 at Cavendish East on Jun. 19 (DMB), 1 at Dunk River on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 2 at Cape Tryon on Jul. 28 (SCh); American Goldfinch - 11 at Horne Cross Road on Sept. 6 (VB); Chipping Sparrow - 2 at Blue Shank Road on May 28 (DRM), 2 at Linkletter Beach Park on Jun. 22 (SB), 1 at Alberton on Jul. 6 (DL), 2 at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS), 1 at West Point Cedar Dunes on Jul. 12 (PMc), 1 at Chelton on Jul. 22 & Jul. 28 (DRM), 2 at Winsloe South on Jul. 27 (DEJ), 2 at Cable Head West on Aug. 17 (PTa), 3 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Dark-eyed Junco - 2 at Chelton on Jul. 28 (DRM), 3 at Horne Cross Road on Aug. 29 (VB), 2 at Winsloe South feeders on Sept. 5 (DEJ), 1 at Bubbling Springs trail on Sept. 6 (GSh), 2 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 7 (GSh); White-crowned Warbler - 1 at feeder at junction Hermanville & Northside Roads on May 25 (LM, JGM, A&PM); White-throated Sparrow - 3 at Black Marsh Trail on Jun. 21 (RA), 1 at Northport & 1 at Glenwood Pond on Jul. 6 (DL), 1 at West Point Cedar Dunes on Jul. 12 (PMc), 4 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 & 1 on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 8 at Glenfinnan South on Jul. 10 (JCz, FRC, JDM), 10 at McKenna’s Marsh on Jul. 23 (KMcK), 1 at Covehead Harbour on Aug. 4 (VB), 1 at Greenwich on Aug. 15 (PTa), 1 along Confed Trail Morell to Mt. Stewart on Aug. 17 (JtR), 1 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa), 3 at Miscouche Lagoon (DRM) & 1 at Greenwich on Sept. 10 (P&PT); Lark Sparrow - 1 reported at East Point on Sept. 16 (F&KZ); Savannah Sparrow - 3 at Apple Tree Road on Jul. 27 (RM), 12 at Cape Tryon on Aug. 3 & 20 in freshly cut hay on Aug. 6 (BF), 1 at Greenwich on Aug. 15 (PTa) & 3 at Greenwich on Sept. 10 (P&PT), 2 at Covehead Harbour on Aug. 19 (LMe), 1 at Carleton Cove on Sept. 7 (RA), 2 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Nelson’s Sparrow - 1 heard at Little Harbour on Jun. 7 (DO, UPEI), 1 at Cavendish West near the pond on Jun. 7 (DRM), 2 at Cavendish East on Jun. 19 (DMB), 6 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 & 5 on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 1 at Borden Carleton on Jun. 28 (RA), 2 on Jul. 22, 3 on Jul. 31, 3 on Aug. 26, 1 on Sept. 7 (DRM), & 2 on Sept. 7 (RA), 2 at Glenfinnan River saltmarsh on Jul. 12 (JCz, JDM), 1 at Covehead Brackley Beach on Jul. 13 (VB), 2 on Jul. 31 (PK), & 2 on Aug. 19 (LMe), 1 at Covehead Harbour on Aug. 4 (VB), 3 at Mossey Road on Aug. 14 (PTa), 1 at Grand River on Aug. 17 (GPo), 1 at Rollo Bay WMA on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM), 2 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM); Song Sparrow -18 at Dunk River

20 Central Bedeque on Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 8 heard or seen during 296 km birding trip Central to Eastern P.E.I. on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 3 at Winsloe South feeders on Sept. 5 (DEJ), 3 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa), 14 at North Cape on Sept. 10 (DRM) & 11 at Greenwich on Sept. 10 (P&PT); Lincoln’s Sparrow - 1 at Currie Road in Hampton on Jun. 22 (RA), 1 at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS), 1 at Cavendish on Aug. 3 (BF), 1 at Chelton Road on Aug. 8 (BSa), 1 at Strang Road on Aug. 1 (DRM), 1 at Community of East Point on Sept. 5 (JDM, DRM); Swamp Sparrow - 13 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 & Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 2 at Glenwood Pond on Jul. 6 (DL), 7 at McKenna’s Marsh on Jul. 23 (KMcK), 3 at Apple Tree Road on Jul. 27 (RM), 1 at Noonan’s Marsh on Jul. 28 (RA), 2 at Chelton on Jul. 28 (DRM), 2 at Greenwich on Sept. 10 (P&PT); Baltimore Oriole - 1 at Cavendish East on Jun. 19 (DMB); Bobolink - males singing and displaying at Pigot’s Trail on May 28 (DO, UPEI), 3 at Darnley on Jun. 1 (DEJ), 1 at Kingsboror on Jun. 1 (MGS), 1 at Borden on Jun. 3 (RA), 1 at Hampton on Jun. 22 (RA), 1 at St. Georges on Jul. 3 (JDS), 3 at Lower Darnley on Jul. 7 (AWa), 1 at Union Corner (Nick’s Lane) on Jul. 12 (PMc), 25+ in a field of goldenrods in Mount Herbert on Aug. 24 (LM); Red-winged Blackbird - 7 at Borden Carleton on Jun. 28, 8 on Jul. 28 (RA) & 2 on Aug. 26 (DRM), 3 at Glenwood Pond on Jul. 6 (DL), 12 at Alberton on Jul. 9 (DEJ), 15 at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS), 5 at McKenna’s Marsh on Jul. 23 (KMcK), 2 at Winsloe South on Jul. 27 (DEJ), 15 at Pigot’s Trail on Aug. 5 (SCS), 2 at Deroche Pond on Aug. 15 (PTa), 10 at New Glasgow on Aug. 19 (JFB), 4 at Horne’s Cross Road on Aug. 25 (VB); Rusty Blackbird - 1 at feeder at junction Hermanville & Northside Roads on May 25 (LM, JGM, A&PM), a dozen at MacKinnon’s Point (Pisquid) on Aug. 28 (DLM); Common Grackle - leucistic individual at Priest Pond on Jul. 11 (LK), 32 in flock at North Rustico on Jul. 31 (CJ), 25 at Foxley River on Aug. 17 (GPo), 9 along Confed Trail Morell to Mt. Stewart on Aug. 17 (JtR), 5 at Winsloe South feeders on Sept. 1 & 4 on Sept. 5 (DEJ), none seen or heard during 296 km field trip in central to eastern P.E.I. on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 20 at Camp Tamawaby & 3 at Miscouche Lagoon on Sept. 10 (DRM) Brown-headed Cowbird - 2 at Blue Shank Road on May 28 (DRM), 2 males at Robinson’s Island on Jun. 15 (VB); Ovenbird - 1 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 (LB&LA), 1 between Alberton & Tignish on Rte on 12 Jul. 6 (DL), 1 at St. Georges on Jul. 11 (JDS); Northern Waterthrush - 1 along Confederation Trail at Hermitage on Jun. 5 (DO), 2 at Leucistic Common Grackle at Priest Pond Ives Point Road (Miscouche) on Jun. 10 (DRM), 1 at Dunk River Central on Jul. 11, 2018 Bedeque on Jun. 22 (LB&LA); Black-and-white Warbler - 4 at Strang Road Photo by Lois Kilburn on Jun. 1 (DRM), 2 at Blue Shank Road on May 28 (DRM), 1 at Chelton on Jul. 22 & 28 (DRM), 2 at Apple Tree Road on Jul. 27 (RM), 3 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB) & 2 on Sept. 7 (Gsh), 12 at Dromore on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 1 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa), 5 at Camp Tamawaby & 1 at Miscouche Lagoon on Sept. 10 (DRM), 1 at Donagh on Sept. 12 (JDM); Tennessee Warbler - 2 at Ives Point Road (Miscouche) on Jun. 4 (DRM), 1 between Alberton & Tignish along Rte 12 on Jul. 6 (DL), 1 at Malpeque Cove (Cabot Park) on Jul. 12 (YS), 1 Confed Trail Mount Stewart to St. Peters on Jul. 28 (JK&WD); Nashville Warbler - 1 at Strang Road on Jun. 1 (DRM), 3 at Ives Point Road (Miscouche) on Jun. 4 & 10 (DRM), 1 at Cavendish East on Jun. 19 (DMB), 2 at McKenna’s Marsh on Jul. 23 (KMcK), 1 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Mourning Warbler - 1 at Blue Shank Road on May 28 (DRM), 1 at Strang Road on Jun. 1 (DRM), 1 at Dromore on Jun. 7 (DRM, JDM), 1 at Ives Point Road (Miscouche) on Jun. 10 (DRM), 1 at Valleyfield on Jun. 9 (DMur), 1 at Hyde Park trail on Jul. 8 (BK, RA, NPEI), 3 at McKenna’s Marsh on Jul. 23 (KMcK), 3 at St. Peters on Jul. 26 (SV), 1 at South Melville on Aug. 4 (PF); Common Yellowthroat - 2 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa), 7 at Camp Tamawaby & 7 at Miscouche Lagoon (DRM) & 2 at Greenwich on Sept. 10 (P&PT); American Redstart - 2 at Alberton & 2 at North Port on Jul. 6 (DL), 1 at Cable Head West on Aug. 17 (PTa), 3 at Strang Road on Aug. 31 (DRM), 1 at Black Pond on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB); Northern Parula - 1 at Chelton on Jul. 22 (DRM), 3 at Dromore & 1 at Community of East Point on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 2 at Homestead Trail in Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Cape May Warbler - 1 at South Melville on Aug. 4 (PF), 1 at Robinson’s Island on Aug. 20 (JK&WD), 1 at Strang Road on Aug. 31 (DRM), 1 at Black Pond on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB), 1 at Dromore on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 1 at Miscouche Lagoon on Sept. 10 (DRM); Northern Parula - 1 at Black Pond on Sept. 3 (SCS, FdB), 1 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 7 (GSh); Magnolia Warbler - 1 at St. Bay-breasted Warbler at Horne Cross Road Georges on Jul. 7 (JDS), 1 at South Melville on Aug. 4 (PF), 1 at on Jul. 11, 2018 Cable Head West on Aug. 17 (PTa), 1 at Black Pond on Sept. 3 (SCS, Photo by Vanessa Bonnyman FdB), 3 at Dromore on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 2 at Homestead Trail in

21 Cavendish on Sept. 9 (LMa); Bay-breasted Warbler - 1 at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS), 1 at Cable Head West on Aug. 17 (PTa), 1 at Horne Cross Road on Aug. 29 & Sept. 3 (VB), 1 at Dromore on Sept. 5 (DRM), 1 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB), 2 at Camp Tamawaby on Sept. 10 (DRM), 1 at Donagh on Sept. 12 (JDM); Blackburnian Warbler - 1 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 (LB&LA), 3 at Greenwich on Jul. 11 (YS), 1 at Cable Head West on Aug. 17 (PTa), 2 at Strang Road on Aug. 31 (DRM), 1 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB), 2 at Bubbling Springs on Sept. 2 (BJ); Yellow Warbler - 11 at Strang Road on Aug. 1 (DRM), 5 at Cable Head West on Aug. 17 (PTa), 11 during 296 km field trip in central to eastern P.E.I. on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 9 at Miscouche Lagoon on Sept. 10 (DRM); Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 (LB&LA), 1 at Cable Head West on Aug. 17 (PTa), 2 at Robinson’s Island on Aug. 20 (JK&WD), 3 at Strang Road on Aug. 31 (DRM), 6 during 296 km field trip in central to eastern P.E.I. on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM); Blackpoll Warbler - 2 at Borden Lagoons on May 30 (RA), 3 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB), 1 at Bubbling Springs trail on Sept. 6 (GSh); Black-throated Blue Warbler - along Confederation Trail at Hermitage on Jun. 5 (DO), 1 at Cavendish Green Gables on Jul. 30 (PK), 1 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB), 1 near Souris on Sept. 3 (WB); Palm Warbler - 1 along Confederation Trail at Hermitage on Jun. 5 (DO), 1 at Ives Point Road (Miscouche) on Jun. 10 (DRM), 1 at St. Georges on Jun. 20 (JDS), 2 at Cable Head West on Aug. 16 (PTa), 1 at Camp Tamawaby on Sept. 10 (DRM); Yellow- rumped Warbler - 1 at South Melville on Aug. 4 (PF), 1 at Pigot’s Trail on Aug. 17 (PTa), 5 at Strang Road on Aug. 31 (DRM), 6 during 296 km field trip in central to eastern P.E.I. on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 5 at Camp Tamawaby & 16 at Miscouche Lagoon (DRM) & 1 at Greenwich on Sept. 10 (P&PT); Black-throated Green Warbler - 3 at Bonshaw Prov Park on Sept. 1 (M&TB) & 1 on Sept. 7 (GSh), 7 at Dromore on Sept. 5 (DRM, JDM), 4 at Camp Tamawaby on Sept. 10 (DRM) & 2 at Greenwich on Sept. 10 (P&PT); Canada Warbler - at 3 locations on Afton Road on May 28 (DO, UPEI), 2 at Strang Road on Jun. 1 (BRM), along Confederation Trail at Hermitage on Jun. 5 (DO), female at Afton Road on Jun. 7 (DRM, DO), 2 at Ives Point Road (Miscouche) on Jun. 10 (DRM), 1 at Miscouche on Aug. 21 (BAM); Wilson’s Warbler - 1 at Borden on Jun. 17 (LMo), 1 at Bubbling Springs trail on Sept. 6 (GSh); Northern Cardinal - 1 at Chelton on Jul. 22 (DRM); Rose- breasted Grosbeak - 4 at Blue Shank Road on May 28 (DRM), 1 at Ives Point Road (Miscouche) on Jun. 10 (DRM), 2 pair at Hermitage feeders in Jun. (HH), 2 at Dunk River Central Bedeque on Jun. 22 & Jul. 13 (LB&LA), 1 at Donagh on Jul. 4 (JDM), 1 at Glenwood Pond on Jul. 6 (DL); Indigo Bunting - 1 at East Point on May 31 (T&DC).

Errors/Corrections: There was an editing error on the species of woodpecker on page 16 of Island Naturalist Issue 226 - it should have indicated a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - thanks to Daphne for pointing this putting this out. (JDM).

Thanks to the following contributors who provided records for this listing, namely: PA - Phil Arbing; RA - Ron Arvidson; BB - Brenda Brennan via Ebird; DMB - David M. Bell; JBo - Jean Boulva via Ebird; JFB - Jean François Bédard via Ebird; LB - Lynne Bradley via BPEI; LB&LA - Lucas Berrigan & Laura Achenbach via Ebird; M&TB - Megan & Tom Boucher via Ebird; MBu - Matthew Burden via Ebird; SB - Susan Berrigan via Ebird; SBe - Seth Benz via Ebird; SBR - Stephan Brigham via Ebird; SAB - Souris and Area Branch - P.E.I. Wildlife Federation; VB - Vanessa Bonnyman; WB - Wanda Bailey; WFB - Bill Bowerbank; ACh - Adam Chandler via Ebird; ACou - Andrew Couturier via Ebird; BClo - Benjamin Clock via Ebird; BCou - Brian Court; CC - Chris Cloutier via Ebird: EC- Elwood Coakes; FC - Fred Cheverie; FRC - Rosemary Curley; JCz - Joan Czapalay; LC - Linda Chowns via Ebird; RC- Ray Cooke; RCu - Robert Curry via Ebird; SGC - Sharon Clark; SCh - Shawn Chapman via Ebird; T&DC - Terry & Donnie Cheverie via BPEI; BD - Billy Dockendorff; BPEI - Birding on P.E.I./Nature P.E.I. Field Trip; DD - Daphne Davey; FdB - Fiep de Bie; JDe - Jim Dehnert via Ebird Canada); JD-B - Jessica Doria-Brown; KDM - Kathy Demone McCormack via BPEI; LD - Lois Doan; LDu - Linda Dunne; LJD - Lou Daley; PEL - Pamela Edward lafrate; RES - Rasha El Sissi via Ebird: BF - Ben Freeman via Ebird; G&SF - Greg & Sandra Feetham; HF - Helen Flynn; IF - Isobel Fitzpatrick via BPEI; PF - Peter Feldstein; SF - Scott Frackenthall via Ebird; W&SF - Warren & Sherron Foulkes; CEG - Chuck Gallison; MGS - Meg Green Sullivan; SG - Shirley Gallant; TG - Ted Glas; BH - Ben Hoteling; C&BH - Carla & Bill Hill; DH - Debbie Hill; HH - Heide Hitzelberger; MH - Martha Howatt via BPEI; RWH - Robert Harding; SH - Susan Hoffman via Ebird; MH - Megan Harris; BJ - Bill Jamieson; CJ - Catherine Jarjour via Ebird; DEJ - Don Jardine; BK - Brendan Kelly; GK - Glen Kelly; JK - John Klymko; JK&WD - Janet Kelly & Warren Dunlop; LK - Lois Kilburn; PK - Phil Kenny; AL - Aaron Ludwig via Ebird; BLB - Bruce LaBar via Ebird; DL - Dominique Lavoie; M&EL - Michael & Ellen Lam via Ebird; SLa - Stéphane Lair via Ebird; A&EM - Angus & Evelyn Mellish; A&PM - Arlene & Paul McGuigan; AM&LM - Ann McMican & Leah Mould; BAM - Brett MacKinnon; BMa - Barbara Mansell via Ebird; BMacN - Ben MacNeil; D&GM - Don & Glenda McLelland; DLM - Dave McRuer; DRM - Donna Martin; DMor - Dave Morgan; DMu - Doug Murray; DMur - Dale Murchison; EM - Evelyn Martin; EMo - Emilie Morrell; GMcC - Gail McCourt; JDM - Dan McAskill; JGM - Gerald MacDonald; KMcK - Ken McKenna; KMcR - Ken McRuer; LM - Lucas MacCormack; LMa - Laurie Maynard via Ebird; LMe - Louis Messely via Ebird; LMo - Leah Mould; MAM - M.A. McCar; MMc - Matt McIver; MTM - Mark MacLeod; PMc - Pat McKay via ebird; RM - Ryan Mitchell; RMa - Richard MacKay; REM - Rosanne MacFarlane; SMacD - Shannon MacDonald; DO - Dwaine Oakley; BPEI - Birding on P.E.I.; CP - Colton Prins via Ebird; GPo - Guy Poisson; LP - Luke Peters; SP - Shirley Prowse; GR - Gordon Robertson via Ebird; GRo - Gareth Ross; JtR - John te Raa; AES - Atmospheric Environment Services; BS - Bruce Smith; BSa - Bryan Sabourin; DC&ES - David & Elaine Seeler; DS - Doug Sobey; GS - Gary Schneider; GSau -

22 Gordon Saunders; GSh - Gina Sheridan via Ebird; IS - Ian Scott; JS - John Sylvester; JDS - John D. Somers; JSv - Joan Sveen via Ebird: MSa - Mitchell Sanford via BPEI; NS - Nathan Staples; SCS - Scott Sinclair; YS - Yves Scholten via Ebird; NT - Nature Tracker; P&PT - Paul and Priscilla Thut via Ebird; PT - Peter Thoem; PTa - Phil Taylor via Ebird; RV - Ron Valentine via Ebird; SV - Steve Vines via Ebird; TV - Toni Vary; AW - Anne Wootton; AWa - Andrew Wagstaff; DW - Dave Wake via Ebird; JW - Jackie Waddell; JWa - Jean Watts; PW - Pam Watters; RW - Ron Wilson via Ebird; UPEI - UPEI Ornithology Course; WCT - Wildlife Conservation Technology Class; LY - Lorne Yeo; F&KZ - Fred & Kay Zagst via Ebird; and JLZ - Julie-Lynn Zahavich.

ENVIRONMENTAL CALENDAR: Note: All Society presentations and field trips are open to the public. Society meetings start at 7:30 PM at Beaconsfield, the Carriage House, corner of West and Kent Street, Charlottetown. YN = young naturalists encouraged to attend or participate

Sept. 29 - Neil Bennett Autumn Birding Classic Fund Raiser. The more teams the better as this event supports natural area conservation and contributes to our knowledge of autumn bird migration. If you wish to participate, contact Barb at 902-892-7513 / [email protected] or Dan McAskill at 902-393-4385. Oct. 2 - This one’s for the birds: How we can help conserve bird populations on P.E.I. Brendan Kelly with be Nature P.E.I.’s guest speaker. Meeting starts at 7:30 pm at Beaconsfield, the Carriage House, corner of West and Kent Street, Charlottetown. YN Oct. 13 - World Migratory Bird Day. Nov. 6 - Island at the Centre of the World: The Geological Heritage of P.E.I. Dr. John Calder will be Nature P.E.I.’s guest speaker featuring some of the highlights from his new book which he launched this summer. Afterwards, he will be signing and taking questions. The meeting starts at 7:30 pm at Beaconsfield, the Carriage House, corner of West and Kent Street, Charlottetown. YN Dec. 4 - Orchids of P.E.I. Nature P.E.I.’s guest speaker is botanist and lichenologist Colin Chapman of the Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre. He will be featuring some of the orchid pictures from the first section of the Flora of P.E.I. Meeting starts at 7:30 pm at Beaconsfield, the Carriage House, corner of West and Kent Street, Charlottetown. YN Dec. 14th to Jan. 5th - The Audubon Christmas Bird Counts. These are held annually across Canada, United States, Latin America and the Caribbean. Nature P.E.I. hosts four of these 24 km diameter count circles. Jan 8 - Nature P.E.I. Monthly Meeting. The guest speaker is to be announced.

Fledgling Bald Eagle at Springbrook nest Male Variable Darner at Fullerton’s Creek Conservation on Jul. 8, 2018 Park on Sept. 9, 2018 Photo by Daphne Davey Photo by Doug Murray & Identified by Bob Harding

23 American Crow anting to relieve parasite load Recently fledged Bald Eagle at Springbrook on Sept. 16, 2018 July 23, 2018 Photo by Daphne Davey Photo by Donna Martin

2018 was a great year for dragonflies and damselfies on PEI. A Meadowhawk spp at Fullerton’s Creek Conservation Park June 6, 2018 Photo by Doug Murray & ID by Bob Harding

Maple Callus Borer Moth at Summerville on Jul. 5, 2018 Photo by Bob Harding

Red fox pups playing with a bottle cap on July 7, 2018 Photo by Donna Martin