4-H YOUTH DEVELOPMENT LEADERS’ GUIDE TO PROJECTS Otsego County Education Center Outreach Office 123 Lake Street 31 Maple Street Cooperstown, NY 13326 Oneonta, NY 13820 (607)547-2536 Ext 225 (607) 433-2521 Fax: 547-5180 Fax: 436-9682 http://cceschoharie-otsego.org
[email protected] Cornell Cooperative Extension of Schoharie and Otsego Counties provides equal program and employment opportunities. Accommodations for persons with special needs may be requested by contacting Cornell Cooperative Extension Otsego County prior to a program. TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT AREA PAGE Citizenship and Civic…………………………………...4 Communications and Expressive Arts……………….…7 Consumer and Family Sciences……………………..….8 Environmental Sciences……………………………..….9 Healthy Lifestyles………………………………..…….13 Personal Development and Leadership……………..…16 Science and Technology…………………………..…...17 Cloverbuds…………………………………………….25 2 NOTES This guide to project selection is intended for use by 4-H Club Organizational and Project Leaders involved in the 4-H Program and is designed to assist club members in the selection of suitable projects. Each 4-H Project offered in Otsego County is described. The leaders, members and parents are encouraged to plan together a program suited to the needs, interests and abilities of members. Members should be encouraged to select only those projects they can complete by the end of the club year. *All projects are open to Traditional 4-H Members within Otsego County. See age requirements on page 20 of the Youth Development Program Offerings. 4-H CLOVERBUD projects are described in a separate section. There is a charge for each project guide. Please see project order form for prices. 4-H Leaders have the option of photocopying the additional project guides needed.