Battle West District Athletic Association Spring AGM- MINUTES Tuesday, April 5th, 2016 1:00pm @ J.P. II

1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 1:20pm by Brad Nemish

2. Roll Call: Vic Stynsky: JPII, Lane Buswell: Hartley Clark, Heather Berezowski: Lawrence Elementary, Brad Nemish: , Eric Cawood: St. Vital, Bryan Cottini: NBCHS, Ryan Nickel: Maymont, Greg Mamer: Wilkie, Troy Snider: , Ryan Barnstable: , Myrna Nelson: BCS, George Tough: Macklin, Ken Parker: Unity, Kelly Schneider: Medstead, Greg Knot: Medstead, Kelvin Collier: Light of Christ, Sabrina Macdonald: Cut Knife, Chris Williamson: , Alana Kennedy: Little Pine, Dave Sandomirsky: SHSAA, Amy Laventure: Leoville, Cornell Williams: Pelican Lake

3. Adoption of Agenda: Motion made by Ken Parker to adopt the agenda, seconded by Troy Snider

4. SHSAA Report- Dave Sandomirsky  Thank you to all the host sites from Battlewest  Wrestling: o Entries were up in the rural areas o Discussion about possibly moving the wrestling championship back a week  Hoopla o Travel was fantastic o New format went over well  Executive Meeting next weekend and in May o Lots of open bids for anyone wanting to host in the fall o Deadline April 8th  SIAAA leadership training April 24th?  Regional Badminton May 7 in Unity  Provincial Badminton May 14  Track entries due May 30th  Youth Officials Conference o 6 person limit for each district o U of S June 10th  Coaches Symposium August 23-24 o District funding available  Graduate Letters o Please pass on the letters to your graduates regarding officiating  2016-2017 Conferences on the website after the executive meeting  School Sport Week October 15-19  Update contact info for Athletic Directors on SHSAA website  Coach Education: Respect in Sport, Concussion Protocol  Sport Advisory Groups will be happening again. If you are interested in this please keep in mind come AGM time.  Interschool Sport Policy – looking for feedback on these policies  Championships 2016-2017 o Cross Country – Delisle o Curling – Mosse Jaw o 2A Boys Soccer – Prince Albert  Few spots on the Executive coming open this year  SHSAA AGM June 22-24 o Any “white” pages in the handbook can be changed by the executive o Any “blue” pages in the handbook can be changed by the membership . Resolutions submitted by May 11 . Awards submitted by April 30th (Merit, Service, Official, Coaches)

5. Minutes of Last Meeting (Exec. Meeting Dec. 14th, 2015): Motion made by Lane Buswell to adopt minutes of last meeting, seconded by Vic Stynsky

6. Business Arising from Minutes 6.1 Battle West Clothing o Not happening this year due to expenses from AGM 6.2 Award Nominations (Merit, Service, Male and Female Coach, Official) o Deadline for nominations is April 15th, 2016 to be sent to the President 6.3 Transgender Policy Discussion: o Will get more information at the AGM, for now we will be allowing our transgender athlete to compete in the gender they identify as

7. Correspondence  Keep coaches and staff up to date with dates and information through the website

8. Reports 8.1 Presidents Report o JP II Bronze @ Hoopla o Thanks again to those who helped out with AGM o Welcome Dave to the SHSAA 8.2 Officials Commissioner Report o Basketball went well this year. It was much easier to find officials then in past years. o Make sure you fill out your officials registry on Xnet o Lots of volleyball clinics this year and a basketball clinic o Thank you for all your help identifying officials 8.3 Financial Report (see handout) 8.4 Winter Activities Report o Jr. Curling (Unity)  Mixed: Spiritwood, Luseland, Unity  Girls: Unity, Medstead, Spiritwood  Boys: Spiritwood, NBCHS, Kerrobert  Starting to see an increase in curling teams which results in issues with a 2 day bonspiel . Possible Solutions:  Addition venue may be needed if entries exceed a certain number? Determine a backup host at fall meeting if we need it?  Limit the number of teams?  North and South playoff before districts? o Sr. Curling (Spiritwood)  Boys:Spiritwood, Unity, JP II  Girls: Unity 2, Unity 1, McLurg  Mixed: Spiritwood, Macklin, Cutknife  Some of the same issues as the Jr. Curling o Jr. Girls Basketball (J.P. II)  JP II, NBCHS, Unity o Jr. Boys Basketball (Unity)  JP II, Unity, NBCHS  Outstanding young official (Wyatt Gibson)

9 New Business 9.1 Spring Activities (see activity rotation) o Badminton  No host sites have changed from the spring  Jr. Conferences Tues. April 26  No Conference 5 this year  Jr. Districts Fri. April 29  Sr. Conferences Wed. April 27  Sr. Districts Sat. April 30 o Track and Field  Wed/Thurs. May 25/26  Booth- Day 1 - Maymont, Day 2 – Medstead  Fri. May 20th is the deadline for district entries. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.  Midget girls have a smaller shot put (3 kg). Peewee/Bantam/Midget Girls will all throw the 3kg shot o Jr. Golf (Unity)  Tues. June 7th 9.2 Fall Activities o Sr. Golf  Wilkie will host at Jackfish Golf Course (hopefully Tues. 13th) 9.3 Provincial/Regional Hosts for next year(s) o Any applications coming from Battle West??  Medstead 2A Volleyball  Maymont 1A Soccer  2017/2018 Spiritwood Curling  2017/2018 Hafford 2A Volleyball 9.4 Battle West 2016/2017 School Enrollment Projections (handout) 9.5 SHSAA Youth Officials Conference – June 10th and 11th in o 6 applicants per District (deadline is Apr. 22nd) o If we have more than 6 applicants, how do we decide?  Spiritwood – 1  Medstead – 1  Kerobert – 1 or 2  Cut Knife – 3  Deadline for applications from youth officials is Fri. April 15. Send to Brad. Can access the application through the SHSAA website. 9.6 Notices of Motion o Section 2: Basketball f)  Motion Passed o Section 4: Curling j)  Amendment: Motioned by Ken Parker, Seconded by Troy Snider. . $300.00 per District Championship host shall be paid per facility rental – if requested. In special circumstances, this dollar figure may be negotiated with the approval of the District President and the Executive. . Amendment passed  Motion Defeated o Section 4: Curling j) (Motion made from the floor by Ken Parker, seconded by Ryan Nickel)  Be it resolved that we add: . j) $300.00 per District Championship host shall be paid per facility rental – if requested.  Amendment: Motion made by Ken Parker, seconded by Brad Nemish . $300.00 per District Championship host shall be paid per facility rental or $600 if it can be held in one facility– if requested. . Amendment Passed  Motion Passed o Section 4: Curling (Motion made from the floor by Greg Mamer, seconded by Amy Laventure)  Be it resolved that Feb. 1 be the withdrawal deadline for Jr. & Sr. curling districts.  Motion Passed 9.7 Battle West Resolutions for SHSAA AGM o Greg Knot’s volleyball resolution motioned to take to AGM by Lane Buswell, seconded by Greg Mamer (with a revision to the rationale) o Motion Passed 9.8 AGM 2016 – Saskatoon - June 22-24, 2016 o Notices of Motion discussion (see 9.7) o Gift Suggestions (send ideas to Brad) o Delegates  Trustee- Ron Kowalchuk?  LEADS- Kelvin Collier  Administrator- Greg Mamer  Officials Commissioner- Lane Buswell  Delegates (3)/Observers- Brad Nemish, Ken Parker, Kelly Schneider, Vic Stynsky, Heather Berezowski? Myrna Nelson, Ryan Nickel, Troy Snider 9.9 Other?? o Basketball Officiating Fees: Situation this year where 2 officials wanted SABO rate without being SABO members. Willing to pay the extra? Register officials for them? o NEED TO TALK ABOUT AT FALL MEETING

10 Election of Executive for 2016/2017 o President: Lane Buswell - Nomination made by Ryan Barnstable, Seconded by Heather Berezowski o Vice-President: Ryan Nickel – Nomination made by Brad Nemish, Seconded by Lane Buswell o Past President (one year term) – Brad Nemish o Officials Commissioner: Ken Parker – Nomination made by Brad Nemish, Seconded by Ryan Nickel o Secretary/Treasurer- Appointed o LOCCSD: Vic Stynsky – Nomination made by Brad Nemish, Seconded by Troy Snider o Independent Schools: FALL MEETING o LEADS: Kelvin Collier o The Elementary: Eric Cawood – Nomination made by Brad Nemish, Seconded by George Tough o Member at Large: Greg Mamer – Nomination made by Eric Cawood, Seconded by Brad Nemish o Member at Large: Greg Knot – Nomination made by Kelly Schneider, Seconded by Ken Parker o Member at Large: Troy Snider – Nomination made by Ryan Nickel, Seconded by Brad Nemish

11 Next Meeting: Date TBO at J.P. II @ ?? (Possibility of having the meeting after our NB PD day in the fall

12 Adjournment: Motion made to adjourn the meeting by Greg Knot, seconded by Greg Mamer. Brad adjourned the meeting at 4:53 pm.