USFS SOPA Review for Recreation Projects – April 2016 Arapaho Roosevelt Project Name Project Purpose Planning Status Decision Expected Project Contact Implementation Arapaho and - Land management planning In Progress: Expected:03/2017 03/2017 Nehalem Clark Roosevelt National - Recreation management Comment Period 970-346-5008 Forest Recreational Public Notice
[email protected] Sport Shooting 07/10/2015 Project Description: The Forest Service is considering amending the Forest Plan to provide direction on recreational sport EA shooting activities on the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests. Web Link: *UPDATED* Location: UNIT - Clear Creek Ranger District, Sulphur Ranger District, Boulder Ranger District, Canyon Lakes Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Boulder, Clear Creek, Gilpin, Grand, Jefferson, Larimer, Park. LEGAL - Not Applicable. Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests. Allenspark - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:12/2016 01/2017 Matthew Henry Recreational Comment Period 303-541-2510 Shooting Project Public Notice
[email protected] EA 06/29/2011 Description: The Forest Service proposes to manage recreational shooting at the former Allenspark Dump Site to address *UPDATED* safety concerns. Web Link: Location: UNIT - Boulder Ranger District. STATE - Colorado. COUNTY - Boulder. LEGAL - T.2N., R.71W., Section 4. Located less than a quarter mile east of the intersections of State Highways 7 and 72 near Allenspark, Colorado. Colorado State - Recreation management In Progress: Expected:01/2017 06/2017 Edward Perault Highway 7 - Facility management Comment Period 303-541-2510 Recreation Public Notice
[email protected] Improvements Plan 09/11/2015 EA Des cription: The Forest Service proposes to improve recreation opportunities at and near the Meeker Park Campground area.