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Published by the ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY of OHIO Published by THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO Editorial Office Business Office 199 Converse Drive 1150 Virginia Ave. Plain City, Ohio 43064 Columbus, Ohio 43212 Officers President — John Sarnovsky, 423 Washington Ave., Elyria, Ohio 44035 1970 Vice President - Ensil Chadwick, Route 3, Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 1970 Executive Secretary - Larry Cronkleton, 1337 Cambrian Ct., Columbus, Ohio 43220 . 1970 Recording Secretary — Ed R. Hughes, 121 E. Russell Ave., West Lafayette, Ohio .... 1970 Treasurer - J. Grant Keys, PO Box 637, Elyria, Ohio 44035 1970 Trustees Kenneth Black, R.R. No. 2, Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 1970 Harley W. Glenn, 1394 W. Third Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43212 . 1970 Summers A. Redick, 35 W. Riverglen Dr., Worthington, Ohio 43085 1970 Leonard H. Brown, R. F. D. No. 3, Newcomerstown, Ohio 43832 1972 Dorothy L. Good, 15 Civic Drive, Grove City, Ohio 43123 . 1972 Jack Hooks, R. D. No. 5, Mansfield, Ohio 44903 1972 Editorial Staff and Publications Committee Editor - Robert N. Converse, 199 Converse Drive, Plain City, Ohio 43064 Technical Editor—Raymond S. Baby, The Ohio State Museum, N.High & 15th Ave., Columbus, O. Associate Editor-Martha A. Potter, The Ohio State Museum, N. High & 15th Ave., Columbus, O. Chairman of Regional Collaborators — Richard Patterson, 519 Front St., Marietta, Ohio 45750 Regional Collaborators — John C. Allman, 1336 Cory Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45406 Jeff Carskadden, 2686 Carol Drive, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 Elmer H. Grimm, 7123 N. Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria, Ohio 44035 Olaf Prufer, Department of Anthropology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44240 John Kinn, 335 W. South St., Fostoria, Ohio 44830 Jerry Hastings, Rt. 1, Box 411A-1, Ironton, Ohio 45638 Larry LaBounty, 1432 Lake Road, Conneaut, Ohio 44030 Claude Britt, Jr., 3401 N. Columbus, 26 H., Tucson, Arizona 85716 Ralph Servey, 1726 Baird Ave., Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 Kenneth Goodman, 2528 Swansea Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43221 Leonard H. Brown, Rt. No. 3, Newcomerstown, Ohio 43832 Ray Tanner, 5220 Warren Ave., Norwood, Ohio 45212 MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Annual dues to the Archaeological Society of Ohio are payable on the first of January as follows: Regular membership $5.00; Husband and wife (one copy of publication) $6.00; Sustaining $25.00. Funds are used for publishing the Ohio Archaeologist. The Archaeological "J Society of Ohio is an incorporated non-profit organization and has no paid officers or employees. The Ohio Archaeologist is published quarterly and subscription is included in the membership dues. BACK ISSUES Back issues may be purchased at these prices: $1.50 per issue, set of 4 issues $5.50 except where one of the following issues is included; double issues $2.50 (Vol. 12, Nos. 1-2 Jan.-April, Nos. 3-4 July-Oct. 1962). Mail your remittance payable to The Archaeological Society of Ohio to Larry Cronkleton, 1337 Cambrian Ct., Columbus, Ohio 43220. Ohio Flint Types (Vol. 13, No. 4 Oct. 1963 revised) and Ohio Stone Tools (Vol. 16, No. 4 Oct. 1966) $2.00 each. Mail your remittance payable to The Archaeological Society of Ohio to Robert N. Converse, 199 Converse Drive, Plain City, Ohio 43064. Address all articles, personal news, queries, comments, etc., to the Editor. Address dues payments and questions related to dues to the Treasurer. Address membership applications and other correspondence to the Executive Secretary. OHIO ARCHAEOLOGIST VOLUME 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS NUMBER 4 Officers, Trustees, Editorial Staff second cover Editor's Page 109 An Archaic Gouge from Auglaize County, Ohio 110 Plummets in Ohio 111 A Perkiomen Broad Point Cache from Pennsylvania 112 Archaic Hafted Shaft Scrapers 113 How to Identify Projectile Points 114 A Note on Tar Burner Rocks 115 Earth Resistivity Archaeometric Field Tests 118 The Brown Mound Hopewellian Site in Muskingum County 119 Ohm's Law Aids the Archaeologist 121 The How and Why of the Fluted Point 122 "Rotten" Point 126 The Small Grooved Hammer 127 Double Grooved Axe from Van Wert County 129 An Unfinished Pipe 130 FRONT COVER Three fine hematite plummets are pictured on the cover of the October issue of the Archaeologist. All three are from the collection of Dr. Stanley G. Copeland, Worthington, Ohio 108 Editor's Page It seems that the last few months have seen dealer or trader will be more than willing to unusual activity in the fraudulent artifact bus­ have a piece examined by an expert. In add­ iness. This is not to say that the problem of ition, he will be willing to offer your money fakes has not always been with us, but more back if not satisfied. Be suspicious of some­ recently it has become particularly serious. thing for nothing — fluted points by the One antique publication which I receive has inch — birdstones of strange shape and exotic three ads offering "Indian Relics" — all of materials for a low price — 8 or 9 inch spears them are fraudulent. A letter from an Indiana sold by the inch — all being offered by un­ member tells of fraudulent material being off­ scrupulous dealers. Flint fish hooks — turtle ered for sale. A whole collection (the asking effigies — thunderbirds — snakes — eccentric price of which was several hundred dollars) flint pieces — are all nearly 100% fraudulent. was found to be completely fraudulent. Sel­ Axes and bannerstones, as well as other dom does one of our meetings go by that strange pieces, made of so-called cave onyx (a someone does not ask my opinion on the au­ soft material which would not last ten years thenticity of a piece — and in most cases it is buried in the ground let alone ten centuries) not genuine. I have seen collections of pat­ are all no good. Fancy and unusual slate ently fake material in the hands of novice col­ pieces are especially suspicious. lectors, most of it acquired by mail. The buyer must beware. Do not invest a lot But talking about the problems does not solve of money in Indian artifacts only to find that it. How can the buyer of an artifact be sure you have a worthless collection of fakes. he is not getting cheated. Unfortunately, There are plenty of good, genuine, artifacts there is no sure way of telling whether an for sale and on display at our meetings. When Indian artifact is genuine. The best way for in doubt ask one of your Fraudulent Artifact the buyer to protect himself is to become ac­ Committee members for an opinion or ask quainted with material which is known to be him for the name of a dealer you can trust. good — by studying collections of archaeolog­ The fake business can probably never be com­ ical material in museums; by talking with, and pletely eliminated but it can be brought examining collections of, more experienced under control by a little common sense and collectors; and by using common sense when reliance on those who are willing to help. buying. In the first place, any reputable Robert N. Converse Editor 109 An Archaic Gouge from Auglaize County, Ohio by Claude Britt, Jr. Dept. of Geochronology The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona As noted by Converse (1966:116), the lection it went into the collection of the late true gouge is an extremely scarce artifact in Dr. T. Hugh Young of Nashville, Tennessee. Ohio. This implement is a diagnostic artifact Dr. Stanley Copeland brought this specimen of the Archaic culture of the northeastern back to Ohio, and it was added to the Britt section of the United States. The gouge illus­ collection in 1964. trated in Figure 1 was originally collected in Converse, Robert N. Auglaize County by the late Dr. Leon 1966 Ohio Stone Tools. Ohio Archaeologist, Kramer of Columbus. From the Kramer col­ Vol. 16, No. 4. Columbus. Fig. 1 (Britt) An Archaic gouge from Auglaize County, Ohio, a, side view; b, top view; c, underside view. 110 Plummets in Ohio: Their Probable Use and Cultural Affiliation by Jerry Hastings Route 1, Box 411A-1 Ironton, Ohio Plummets form a class of polished stone first capacity they might have performed the artifacts found in the Ohio Area, whose func­ additional service of sounding or feeling the bot­ tion was considered for many years to be pro­ tom, as modern fishermen (the writer included) blematical. This article attempts to describe employ a lead plummet-like sinker. plummets, to present a summary of the theo­ Robbins (1965:71) says: ries advanced over the years to explain their Prehistoric man was a fisherman as well as a hunter. Plummets and weights—probably line use, and to reveal their cultural affiliation. and net sinkers—have been identified as part of We are indebted to Fowke (1902:556) for his fishing equipment. the following description of plummets: Plummets have apepared in widely scatter­ The specimens known as plummets vary con­ ed parts of the eastern half of the United siderably in form, size, and degree of finish. The States including West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, general shape is ovoid, sometimes quite slender, Illinois, Kentucky, and New York. They seem sometimes almost round; the ends may be either to be associated with Archaic complexes in blunt or pointed. They may be grooved near the middle or near either the larger or the smaller most areas. However, they evidently persisted end. Some have two grooves, some are only par­ as a cultural trait, at least in Ohio, until Mid­ tially grooved, while others have the groove ex­ dle Woodland times. Starr (1960:23), in de­ tending in the direction of the longer axis. Still scribing a Hopewellian earthwork that once others have only a crease, scarcely larger than a stood in what is now downtown Cincinnati, coarse thread; many are drilled or perforated; says: while a few have "necks" or slender prolonga­ tions at one end.
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