2020-06-16T00:21:02+00:00Z ._ NASA Pocket Statistics 1997 Edition NASA-TN-I12623 -" -"*+'_ _ "_" __ "- -,II! ... "¢" About Mars Pathfinder on the Surface In Ares Vallle Reglon of Mars the In this first color panorama mosaic, the Sojoumer rover sits on a solar CoMer: panel of the Sagan Memorial Station (the lander) waiting for the command to roll off onto the Martian surface. Pathfinder landed July 4, 1997. POCKET STATISTICS is published by the NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA). Included in each edition is Administrative and Organizational information, summaries of Space Flight Ac'dvity including the NASA Major Launch Record, Aeronautics and Space Transportation and NASA Procurement, Financial and Workforce data. Foreword The NASA Major Launch Record includes alllaunches of Scout class and larger vehicles. Vehicle and spacecraft development flightsare also included inthe Major Launch Record. Shuttle missions are counted as one launch and one payload, where free flyingpayloads are not involved. AJlSatellitesdeployed from the cergo bay of the Shuttle and placed in a separate orbitor trajectoryare counted as an additionalpayload. For a yearly l_eakdown of charts shown by decade, referto the issues of POCKET STATISTICS published priorto 1995. Changes to this book may be made to Ron Hoffman at, (202) 358-1596, cx E-mall;
[email protected] NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION HEADQUARTERS FACILITIES AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Washington, DC 20546 For saleby the U.S. Government PrintingOffice Superintendentof Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328 ISBN 0-16-054675-3 Distribution To NASA Installations Following is a list of individuals who control the distribution of the NASA Pocket Statistics at their respective NASA installations.