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S77_,7 24, 2017 TG7 T+7`1RFJAG S`31 J` O3J`1 TJ_7 TG7 T+7`1TFJAG S`31 J` O3J`1 TJ_7 PB7 1 H`J`B S. MB7 F. T`1V PY7 A HJ-`7 R7YJ7A S`31, O-,7 1 St Thomas US Virgin Islands You are invited to a celebraon honoring Sr. Margaret I am asking for your charity and generosity for a friend Van Velzen for 50+ years of service to St. Hugo of the of mine and of the parish. Bishop Herbert Bevard, the Hills School and the Parish community. Bishop of St. Thomas preached a mission here about three years ago. As you can imagine, the island was one Please join us on Sunday, October 1st, for the 12:00 of the places devastated by Hurricane Irma. noon Mass and recepon immediately following in the Parish Hall. Full message and details on page 3 S. HB A G7 HJYY M`31 E*7`J`B R7YJBJ E3-J` Begins Monday September 25, 5 R6:00 PM S-GY H N7+ Page 9 AJ` PJ`-JY7! Meet Nicole Regenk, page 9. S`31 LJB1 A G7 W3 Begins October 1st S. HB H Open House today, September 24, for families who have N7+ YG MJ`J7! registered for Sunday Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Welcome Chelsea Wilde, Page 6 Page 9 P17 A CYY7B7 S37`: R3 CY7 AY7 We have received noce from the Bloomfield Hills Public Help us update our College Prayer List (page 10). If you Works Department that from Monday, September 25 have a student aending a new college or have through Wednesday, September 27, Opdyke Road will graduated, please email [email protected] and help have intermient lane closures due to road work. We us keep the list current, thank you! have been told that work will begin Monday morning. Please plan accordingly. +++.GB.B PB7 2 S. HB A G7 HJYY PJG, BY_AJ7Y3 HJYY DJ7-1 A S. HB A G7 HJYY 2215 OPDYKE ROAD, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MICHIGAN 48304 PARISH OFFICE 248R644R5460 FAX 248R644R1758 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Pastor Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Tocco Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance by Associate Pastor Rev. Timothy Wezner contacng Pay Sinta at the parish office: Pastoral Associate & RCIA Sr. Barbara Rund, OP 248R644R5460 ext. 2212 or [email protected]. Senior Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph Szewczyk SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Senior Priest Rev. George Hazler, I.V.Dei Arrangements must be made by contacng Stephanie Spinale Senior Priest Rev. Joe Grimaldi at the parish office: 248R644R5460 ext. 2202 or Weekend Associate Rev. Mark Wendling, SOLT [email protected]. Bapsm preparaon Permanent Deacon Rev. Dc. Michael T. Smith takes place once a month, usually on the first Wednesday at Permanent Deacon Rev. Dc. Oscar Brown 7:00 PM. Celebraon of Bapsms take place on the second Business Manager TBD and fourth Sundays at 1:30 PM. Parish Accountant Ms. Carol Pates HOLY EUCHARIST FOR THE SICK OR HOMEBOUND Accounts Receivable Coordinator Ms. Cathy Seifert Contact the parish office at 248R644R5460. Fr. Joseph Music Director Mr. John Siard visits sick parishioners in the hospital, nursing home or Associate Organist Mr. Mitchell Garcia private home. Carillonneur Mr. David Enos HOLY HOUR (EXPOSITION OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST) Maintenance Team Leader Mr. Tom Crane Monthly: Adoraon is held on the first Tuesday of the month Marriage Prep. Coordinator Mrs. Pay Sinta beginning a er the 8:30 am mass and will connue unl a er Parish Administrave Assistant Ms. Ruth Whitesell the Holy Hour at 7:30 in the Chapel. Infant Bapsm Coordinator Ms. Stephanie Spinale Daily Exposion of the Holy Eucharist: A er 6:10 AM Mass Weekend Administrave Assistant Mr. Mason Brown unl 7:00 AM MondayRFriday (Chapel). Youth Minister Ms. Chelsea Wilde ROSARY Bullen Coordinator Mr. Bryan Clifford MondayRSaturday immediately following the 8:30 AM Mass. PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 248R642R6062 REGISTRATION Parish Catechecal Leader Mrs. Barbara BacciRYugovich All new parishioners are encouraged to register in the parish Rel. Educaon Administrave Assistant Mrs. Angela Venos office. Address changes, moves or deleons may be reported R R in person, by phone, by fax or by eRmail. SCHOOL 248 642 6131 Principal Mr. Joe Vincler FORMED: CATHOLIC VIDEOS ON DEMAND Assistant Principal Mrs. Nicole Regenk www.FORMED.org Password: WH3XEC Office Manager Mrs. Kelly Ryan CONVENT 248R642R8331 M S-G73Y7 CLOTHES CLOSET and FOOD PANTRY 248R646R0920 Winter Hours: Mon T Tuesday 8AMV1PM ; Wed 9AMV1PM Saturday Weekday SAINT HUGO HERALD [email protected] 8:30 _ CG7Y M`RFJ Deadline for submissions is Mondays by 4 PM via email only 5:00 _ VJBJY CG-G 6:10 _ CG7Y 8:30 _ CG7Y* YOUTH GROUP [email protected] WEB www.sthugo.org/youthRministry Sunday *During the school year 7:00 _ CG7Y WED Masses in Church SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions) 8:00 _ CG-G Saturday a ernoon 3:30 R 4:30 PM 10:00 _ CG-G Before and a er each weekday 6:10 AM Mass. 12 N` CG-G Holy Day 5:00 _ CG-G 6:10 _ CG7Y St. Hugo Church WiRFi 9:00 _ CG-G Network: St.Hugo Guest Network 12 N` CG-G Password: sthugoguests 7:00_ CG-G I`370 Altar Guild 12R13 Sr. Barb/ Fr. Tony 3 Respect Life 13 This Week/ Calendar 4 AOD 14 New Parishioners 4 Military 15 Banns of Marriage 4 Prayers for the Sick 15 Upcoming Events 5 Deceased 15 EventsRatRaRGlance 5 NonRParish Events 16 Vignernon Excerpts 6 Music Notes 17 Stewardship/ CSA 7 PJG OAAJ-7 H Readings/ Scripture 18 Offertory 7 Mass Intenons 19 MonRFri 8:30 AM R 4:30 PM School News 8R9 Ministry Schedule 20 Religious Educaon 9 Saturday 9:00 AM R 5:00 PM College Prayers 10 Sunday 9:00 AM R 1:30 PM While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of bullen informaon, we offer apologies for any errors or omissions that might occur. S77_,7 24, 2017 TG7 T+7`1TFJAG S`31 J` O3J`1 TJ_7 PB7 3 Y`B P7Y7: PY A-J*J1 4. Resources: It is important to help young people be familiar with Jesus and the Sacred Scriptures, especially using the method of Leco divina. In our noisy world, we are to provide the youth with opportunies to appreciate silence and contemplaon, to reflect on experience and to listen to the inner heart. Complete text of the of the October 2018 Synod of Bishops Preparatory Document: “Young People, the Faith, and Vocaonal Discernment.” hp://www.vacan.va/roman_curia/synod/ photo credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales) R documents/rc_synod_doc_20170113_documento by Sr. Barbara Rund, OP preparatorioRxv_en.html. In Chapter 4, Step 3, Pope Francis reflects on programs R Next Week: Preparatory Document, Chapter 5, for young people (ages 16 29 years old). Quesons 1. Walking with Young People: In caring for young people, we must walk with them. Pope Francis says: “Vocaonal pastoral ministry is HJ-`7 R7YJ7A: F_ B7 1 learning the style of Jesus, who passes through the places of daily life, stops without being hurried and, by The people of this diocese are very poor and obviously looking at our brothers with mercy, leads them to have no home owner’s insurance.Bishop Bevard called encounter God the Father” (Preparatory Document, me in desperaon telling me there is devastaon p27). To walk with the youth involves “going out, seeing and calling” (Preparatory Document, p28). We everywhere. I would really like to help these vicms of “go out” to young people with an openness recognizing Hurricane Irma so I am giving you a challenge. I am they make significant contribuons to the Church. We personally going to send $1000. If any of you want to “see” opportunies to be, to listen and to aend to match my gi (or give more), Dr. Bob Facca and I will young people. We recognize Jesus is “calling” the prepare a dinner at the rectory as a way of thanking youth by hearing Jesus’ words in a new way by “asking you. However, I know that many of you cannot match quesons which have no readyRmade that amount. Any amount you can offer from $10 on up answers” (Preparatory Document, p29). will be greatly appreciated.If you are able to contribute to the St. Thomas Relief, you will be helping the poorest 2. Agents: Young people are essenal to the Church and world. of the poor. If you choose to help, please make your Each Chrisan is responsible in educang and involving check out to St. Hugo, and write ‘St. Thomas Relief’ on the youth in the Church, especially parents, clergy, the memo line. If you offer cash, you may put the money Catholic teachers and others “bear witness to the in a plain envelope and write on the front your name human and Chrisan vocaon which is accepted and and ‘St. Thomas Relief’. We will be offering a second lived with faithfulness and dedicaon, arousing in those collecon this Sunday, September 24th for this fund. who see them a desire to do likewise” (Preparatory Bishop Bevard and I will be most grateful for anything Document, p31). you are able to offer. 3. Places: Pope Francis reminds adult pastoral workers who Cheers in the Lord, minister to young people are “to adopt a suitable Fr. Tony operang style of “going out,” “seeing” and “calling” (Preparatory Document, p33). The threeRfold operang style is to be found at World Youth Day, parishes, universies and Catholic school, in social acvies, volunteer work, centers of spirituality, seminaries, houses of formaon and the digital world.