Reviews the Control of Breathing in Clinical Practice*
Reviews The Control of Breathing in Clinical Practice* Brendan Caruana-Montaldo, MD; Kevin Gleeson, MD; and Clifford W. Zwillich, MD, FCCP The control of breathing results from a complex interaction involving the respiratory centers, which feed signals to a central control mechanism that, in turn, provides output to the effector muscles. In this review, we describe the individual elements of this system, and what is known about their function in man. We outline clinically relevant aspects of the integration of human ventilatory control system, and describe altered function in response to special circumstances, disorders, and medications. We emphasize the clinical relevance of this topic by employing case presentations of active patients from our practice. (CHEST 2000; 117:205–225) Key words: carotid body; chemoreceptors; control of ventilation; pulmonary receptors Abbreviations: CPAP 5 continuous positive airway pressure; CSF 5 cerebrospinal fluid; CSR 5 Cheyne-Stokes 5 1 5 2 5 respiration; DRG dorsal respiratory group; [H ] hydrogen ion concentration; HCO3 bicarbonate; MVV 5 maximal voluntary ventilation; OSA 5 obstructive sleep apnea; pHa 5 arterial pH; PIIA 5 postinspiration inspiratory activity; PImax 5 maximal inspiratory pressure; RAR 5 rapidly adapting receptor; REM 5 rapid eye 5 5 5 ˙ 5 movement; Sao2 arterial oxygen saturation; SAR slowly adapting receptor; VC vital capacity; Ve minute ˙ 5 ˙ ˙ 5 5 5 ventilation; Vo2 oxygen uptake; V/Q ventilation/perfusion; VRG ventral respiratory group; Vt tidal volume; WOB 5 work of breathing his review is intended as an overview of human response to changes in blood chemistry, mechanical T respiratory control. The first section will briefly load, metabolic rate, and respiratory neural receptors describe the physiology of respiratory control includ- enables the respiratory system to adapt to special ing the sensors, the central controllers, and the physiologic circumstances such as sleep, exercise, effector systems.
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