WWW.TALONMARKS.COM WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2014 VOLUME 58, NO. 17 FIRST ISSUE FREE, ADDITIONAL COPIES $1 SUMMER SHUFFLE Active Minds Club was on campus with multiple events Yeah, vacation’s almost here, but before you get there, one must to help relieve any negative things that the students might face the dreaded finals. Don’t worry, we got you covered. be going through as finals are approaching. Denny Cristales Full story on talonmarks.com summer getaways from both you, the students, and us and what summer school News Editor has in store. [email protected] That sure is a lot to deal with for a supposed vacation time, isn’t it? Look, just take some deep breaths. You’ll nail it. It’s not like this final is about INSIDE THE MARKS he spring semester’s doors close, and summer quickly approaches. 25% of your grade, about two hours, covers an entire semester’s worth of material Are the legends true? Could it really be May? and practically makes everything you did prior to it irrelevant. Right? Juan Ramirez is on the Boy, oh, boy where has the time gone? The birds are chirping, the weather is Just think about after. Vacation time. You’re at the beach. You see that sexy guy 2 outs, Miles Aiello’s Tundergoing some weird mood swing; unable to make up its mind on whether or not or gal tanning. Ah, it’s paradise. But maybe the beach isn’t your taste? Which is why turn as president. it’s summer or winter and it’s vacation time, baby! we have differing opinions. Go check out page 8, you fool. Oh, wait. You mean to tell me we still have one more week of -- do I dare say it? But, hey, perhaps you’re just flat-out crazy -- er, responsible -- and wanted to Looks like there will -- finals? take even more classes right when the semester ended. Good for you. See that QR 3 be a real Cerritos We all cringe at the thought of it. It’s become so overwhelming, finals and Volde- code on the bottom of this page? Scan that sucker. Falcon next semester. Image taken from mort are practically synonymous. As hectic as it gets at this time of the semester, it is indeed bittersweet. Sure, MCT-Campus Not to fret, because for this final edition of Talon Marks classes are ending and that’s absolutely amazing. But what about the people that Social media battle: there is a little summer package that is in place for your viewing you’ve made connections with? The relationships? 5 Snapchat or Instagram? pleasure. Because when you’re cramming and crying over finals, Cherish this last week. Give your acquaintance a pat on the back. Tell your you’re going to make time to read a newspaper. teacher “Hey, thanks for the hard work, sir.” Because before you know it, we’re back Who’s graduating? Yes, it’s that time of the semester. However, it’s not bleak. Be- in this cycle again. And it’ll be the end of fall, spring, whatever; and you’ll be suffer- 6 Full list. cause with this package comes an exploration as to how you can ing a severe case of deja-vu because you’ll be wondering why you’re reading some- conquer that anxiety that comes with your final, the preferred thing like this again. Summer hot spots for 8 you college students out there. The anxiety Whexican: A short begins to 9 film by Cerritos College alumni. build-up: From Germany to A recap of the 10 Los Angeles: About FINALS WEEK the band Derogatory. Spring ASCC Daniel Green Freelance Writer 11 Diagram highlighting [email protected] sports accolades. Awards Banquet All semester college students try The end of the sports to keep up with class work while bal- 12 season has arrived. ancing other priorities in their lives. Finals week is the true test of the skills and knowledge students have FREE SPEECH ZONE mastered throughout the semester. “Between work and 16 units, it’s What would be your pretty stressful,” said Eric Delatore. dream summer Q: Image taken from It is not uncommon for students getaway? MCT-Campus to find themselves struggling to cope Jasmine Collins with the stress the final weeks of school can cause. Summer escapades for you Falcons Robert Lonvelin said,“There’s a lot of stress, especially when you’re tak- Alexandra Scoville ing like four classes and it all comes in Editor-in-Chief at once. It really gets stressful.” [email protected] Even experienced college students can find that the stress of finals week Some students are overjoyed with the thought of a summer break, and some dread can differ from semester to semester. the fact that just about a week later the first summer session starts. “I (usually) feel stressed but this But either way, the summer is a chance to chill out for a bit and spend some time do- semester I feel really calm. On a scale ing some stuff you didn’t get a chance to do during the busy spring semester. of one to 10, I feel five (or) six,” said, “Hawaii, because of the With all the classes, school events, clubs, sports and studying maybe you’ve uninten- occupational therapy major, Destinee beaches and the water.” tionally neglected other parts of your life. See more on page 4 Whether it’s friends, family or your loved one, they deserve a little attention this Bernal. summer before the busy fall semester picks up. There are many ways that students And let’s face it, you need a little fun. can relieve some of their pent up frus- CERRITOS’ HISTORY If you aren’t sure what to do, or want to do something different than the last few sum- tration. mers, Talon Marks has a few choices for you to choose from. One of the most popular ways is by staying active such as working out This month in Cerritos But we realize, you basically broke the bank trying to afford all your classes, so there’s no price shock attached to these activities. or just going for a walk. College History: If you want to relax with your significant other, we’ve scooped out some places in L.A “I work out. Running helps a lot. May 1, 1964 for you two to enjoy. Just going out,” said Bernal Try. First Annual Space, Science Feeling like getting a little adventurous with friends or family, we’ve dug up some Delatore said the most important and Technology Show is adventures for you. thing for them to remember is that And if you just want to chill and check out the music scene, we’ve got you covered. opened by a light beam laser college has new demands and expec- So head over to page 6 to check out some local, affordable hot spots for summer. tations. cutting the ribbon. Read story on page 3 “Focus. It’s not like high school. I Gustavo Olguin/TM Read more on page 8 May 19, 1970 mean you can choose what you want ASCC sponsors a Ray Charles to do, but it’s college now. It’s time to concert for $1.50 per ticket. Are the new summer classes the ones we deserve? Those fo c u s .” Along with focus, new students May 16, 1984 responsible for choosing them think so. should plan out their schedules and not expect too much of themselves. Brooklyn Dodgers Hall-of- New class sections bolstered the schedule for the upcoming summer semester. But are these the classes that “Make sure they really know how Famer Roy Campenella visits the students need? According to Rick Miranda, Dean of Academic Affairs, the method in selecting these classes to plan out their schedule of what campus as part of Community were for the widespread success of the students, not just one sole person. their going to do and how they’re go- College week. Scan the QR code, or go to talonmarks.com to read the full story. ing to do it,” said Lonvelin. 2 - NEWS Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com Three years of leadership Ramirez moves on with no regret

Denny Cristales winner was announced that same night. I remember News Editor driving -- and I’ll never forget -- getting out of the [email protected] parking lot and seeing AJ, she was the coordinator of student activities and the interim dean at the time, and Juan Ramirez leaves behind three years of respon- she just told me straight-out, ‘You won.’ I had no idea sibility, relationships and experiences when he leaves what to say.” Cerritos College and transfers to UC Davis. He continued, “It was phenomenal. It felt like nir- Graduating Saturday and moving beyond the vana. I remember calling my mom and my dad and sanctuary that made him the leader that his colleagues they just started crying, because they never imagined paint him to be, it’s made him reflect on what he has me, being the shy kid, taking that extra step to become accomplished and experienced at Cerritos College. a leader.”

Implementing nutritional changes Passing of the torch

The current ASCC president has been instrumen- Charles Caguioa, the next ASCC vice-president, tal to the implementation of many changes on cam- teaming up with Miles Aiello, has been with Ramirez pus. This is a result of his passion for nutrition and since he really first got to student government. He re- go-green initiatives. calls a certain conversation. “This campus means, really, the world to me, even “I remember Juan and I had this conversation on though I’ve had some bad memories,” he said. “The whether or not Juan was a good and successful leader students I’ve encountered have all been supportive of … He would always sort of question whether or not what I’ve done, even though we might not see eye-to- he’s a great leader -- and he’s a great leader -- he’s an eye on certain issues.” amazing leader, because he not only took care of us as Ramirez will transfer to UC Davis as a nutritional part of the student government and with the students science major, where it morphs into clinical nutrition. and what he promised, but he did all that and more His affinity for a healthy lifestyle is what sparked his just to make sure that it was for the betterment of the tenure as a member of student government and even- college.” tually, president. Aiello and Caguioa will follow the same pattern as “One of the things I really disliked was the lack of Ramirez. healthy food provided here.” Caguioa said, “It’s going to follow a lot of what Juan He had a crucial role in getting the new food ven- has done here in the college, especially with the food dors approved by the board of trustees. As a result, and the sustainability on campus. He does inspire a lot Chicago Harv’s, Frantones and Oh No Tokyo! will be of people and one of them has to be me. I was taught replaced with new vendors, like Fresh and Natural. by a very great leader.” “When it got approved about two months ago, it felt like this hard work wasn’t for nothing,” Ramirez The end game said. “It provided change for the campus. Little things like that really cumulate and causes you to go back and Ramirez wishes he could have had more time to say, ‘Wow. We accomplished so much.’” accomplish more things, but overall, “In the one year that I had … what we created is beautiful.” Becoming the ASCC president UC Davis is what awaits the soon-to-be-former- president. What he learned as a Falcon is what he It was over a year ago when Ramirez was elected hopes to carry over as an Aggie. ASCC president. He calls it a “highlight” and one of “Being involved, and being in a leadership posi- his “most memorable moments.” This was all in the midst of a trying time in his life. tion, you realize you can help a massive amount of Ramirez said, “It was a very difficult time in my people if you were really to go out there and try to ac- life, and I don’t mean this in a family situation -- my complish these tasks. family was extremely supportive -- but in academics. I “Right now the future is open for me, but I’m ex- was so booked, and I was lacking sleep for like the last cited. I’m going to tackle it the same way I tackled my two weeks for election, but I wanted to win. I had that presidency, with ambition, with a lot of heart and try- burning desire in me to provide change to the campus. ing to make other students, or other people who are It kept me going.” interested in this field, become leaders themselves. He’ll never forget when he found out he won. “Honestly, no regrets. I love Cerritos College. I love “So we were actually all hanging out at (Buffalo being a Falcon. And I know that 10 years from now I’ll Wild Wings) after the last day of elections and the still feel like I’m a Falcon.” Photo Illustration by: Denny Cristales/TM

Walker, new director of college relations Katherine Grijalva programs. affect change through communica- Copy Editor With many warm welcomes and tion. [email protected] joyous comments on her newly ap- “I’m excited about being here at pointed position, Walker is more Cerritos College has appointed than thrilled about working with Cerritos College, and being able to Miya Walker as the new Director of such a welcoming team at Cerritos apply the knowledge of my back- College Relations. College. ground to this position.” As a Cal State University North- Toni Grijalva, coordinator of Walker knew she has every intu- ridge Bachelor’s Degree graduate in community relations, said, “When Emphasis of Public Relations and former boss Mark Wallace left our ition of staying the education field; USC Master’s Degree graduate of department, it was broken up to that intuition has led her to a pres- Strategic Public Relations, Maya different departments and every tigious and well respected role in has pursued goals and aspirations employee reported to different de- Cerritos College. within her career. partments. But now with Miya on She began her career at Santa board it has brought the team back “I believe wholeheartedly in the Monica College, and then made her together.” mission of community colleges. I’ve way up to a university. Walker said, “I was discovered always understood the importance Her previous experience in her in college at Cal State Northridge. of community colleges from experi- field includes Public Information Public Relations was work that I al- Officer at Los Angeles Southwest ready had been doing even though I ence, so I wanted to remain in this College, and working for a pub- realized I wasn’t doing it.” are a .” lic relations and public affairs firm Walker has always been intel- Walker plans on staying with called MMW Group for five years lectually curious about things and Cerritos College long-term, ful- as a consultant with MMW Group wanted to know how things work. for the Los Angeles Community She is intrigued by the power of filling her dream of working with College Districts bond construction communication and being able to community college students. Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com NEWS - 3

FalconGustavo Olguin mascot in the works ally cheap,” Sanchez said. “I think Managing Editor that we should go for it, but it would [email protected] need to be approved for it.” Jony Nader, the commissioner The Associated Students of Cer- for fine arts and convocations, feels ritos College have approved getting a that a mascot on campus can help school mascot after passing the mo- break the isolationist idea of the stu- tion through cabinet and senate. dents. Michael Timoney, the president “Everybody goes to their de- of General Improvisational Peep partment and they just stick there,” Show Club, had presentations for Nader said. “They don’t really ex- both bodies and was the driving pand out or try new clubs. Our clubs force behind getting a mascot on are very small in comparison to the campus. whole scope of the school.” “You see all these great commu- While a person to man the mas- nity colleges, great universities and cot has not been chosen, Timoney they all have that one mascot that feels that he is more than capable everybody knows,” Timoney said. for the job because of his experience “You represent the school and every- with the Los Angeles Kings. thing that it is all about.” “I have a lot of skit ideas that ASCC vice president Aldemar would be good and that can be used Sanchez agrees with Timoney and with our film department,” he said. feels that there is a lot to be desired “Show those at senior preview day. when it comes to school events. It’s another way to get information “He’s right,” Sanchez said. “A lot out there about Cerritos College.” of our sports events and stuff like He is also attracted by the energy that aren’t so involved or enthusias- and the mystique that comes along tic because we don’t have a mascot.” with being behind the mask of a The mascot suit comes with a mascot. price of $10,000, but the price will “When I first joined the Los An- be split from when the order is first geles Kings and saw how much fun placed and when the suit is finished. the mascot had, I thought that it was Sanchez sees the price as a big a cool job,” Timoney said. “Nobody deal, but is not scared by the price knows who that is and yet everybody tag. loves him.” Joe Zermeno/TM “I’ve heard worse. $10,000 for a The mascot suit plans to make its More than a vision: Michael Maloney works as the Kings professional mascot as his handler. Now, this student wants the Associated Students of Cerritos College to nice mascot uniform like that is re- debut in the fall semester. spend over $10,000 dollars of ASCC funds to buy a Falcon mascot costume. The motion has been passed through cabinet and senate.

Scan to see what the editors of Talon Marks have to say about Cerritos College’s Students earn spring awards new mascot at our online editorial. da clubs. have had Miles Aiello, Charles “I felt that it was really fun for a long Caguioa sworn in to go up there, because I didn’t time in my We“ are in for a feel that I would be recognized life and it very thrilling, Or visit http://bit.ly/SZkUAn at the Spring ASCC so many times,” she said. “It’s an also feels a exciting but also

amazing feeling to go up there and step closer very scary roller- Awards Banquet. it makes you realize how much to providing coaster. ” work you put in throughout the the students Charles Caguioa Gustavo Olguin y e ar.” a voice that ASCC Vice president Managing Editor ASCC president Juan Ramirez they need,” [email protected] was the Master of Ceremonies for Aiello said. the banquet and was glad that he Caguioa felt reminded of when The Associated Students of had the opportunity to do so. they were first told that they had Cerritos College 2014 Spring “It was a really magnificent ex- won and said, “Miles (Aiello) and Awards Banquet gave out awards perience. It was the first time that I had a conversation and said that to recognize students for the work I MC’ed an entire event,” he said. we are definitely in for a very that they have put in for the se- “I enjoyed it, but I still believe that thrilling, exciting but also very mester and inaugurated the new Charles Caguioa is one of the best scary rollercoaster ride. Him and I ASCC president and vice presi- MC’s that I have seen.” agreed that we are very excited for dent. Charles Caguioa was the MC what is to come.” Bea Caballero won the Woman for the last banquet and got the At the end of the banquet of the Year, the President’s Award crowd laughing and involved as Ramirez and Sanchez gave their and presented the Athletes of the he presented awards such as the closing remarks on what it was Year awards at the banquet. Frantone’s Outstanding Student like to be able to represent the stu- Caballero enjoyed the banquet Award and the $150 ICC Scholar- dent of Cerritos College. ceremony and said, “I didn’t really ship award. “Time looking back it’s stress- do it for the awards. I did for all “I love it. Part of my passion ful with all the work that we had the students and for ASCC, but I is speaking and being communi- to do,” Sanchez said. “Everytime greatly appreciate for it. I really cative ... It’s funny, because when I think about it I want to pull my love the feeling of getting recog- I personally talk to someone, I hair out, but it’s great seeing all nized for the stuff I do.” tend to stutter a lot,” Caguioa said. the events myself and my peers German Sanchez handed out “When I talk in front of people, have accomplished.” awards, because he won the title of it’s a whole different mode and a Ramirez shared how much Mr. Cerritos earlier in the semes- whole different feeling.” he appreciated everyone that he ter and was excited to do so. After the awards were present- worked with ASCC and made sure “I knew the people getting the ed, Ramirez and ASCC Vice Presi- that his emotions didn’t get the awards but at the same time they dent Aldemar Sanchez swore in best of him. don’t tell you who is going to win the new ASCC president and vice “It was a little emotional, but I the awards until you hover over president. didn’t cry,” Ramirez said. “I hope the table and see the names,” he Miles Aiello and Caguioa won that the next ASCC president will said. the runoff election and felt the im- do a good job and I know that they Marison Arcilla won the ICC portance of what the future holds will. Overall, I have a lot of love Scholarship Award, a Silver Falcon for them. and respect for this institution and received awards as a represen- “It feels one step closer to ac- and I wish to see it be successful.” tative for the STEM and Kabarka- complishing some goals that I 4 - EDITORIAL Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com

“WhatsFree your dreamSpeech summer get away?” Jessica Cardenaz Raiven Ellis Joel Alvarez Brian Delgado Lorna Laycock Anayanci Becerra Zone Graphic design major Kineseology major Commercial music major Graphic design major Undecided major Math major “South Korea. I want to “I would go to Brazil “Japan. I’ve always been in- “The Bahamas, I really like “The coast of Europe “I would have to say the Compiled by: because of the beach, the terested in japanese culture, going to the beach. I hear because it’s supposed to be island Bora Bora because its Solmayra Mendez visit South Korea. I think it’s reaally pretty, I’ve seen food, the sand. Just chillin’, definitely be there the whole there’s warm climate over beautiful over there and I’ve really pretty. The water looks Photographs by: pictures and I just really hanging out.” summer.” t h e re .” never been to Europe and I’d really clear.” Amairani Mendez wanted to go over there” like to just go exploring”

Alexandra Zeinab Chahine Scoville •EDITORIAL• Staff Writer Editor in chief zeinab.chahine@ editor@talonmarks. talonmarks.com

TALON MARKS TALON com MARKS TALON All should Frats are follow rules As we grow up, we are often told in the past to follow the rules, don’t break the The idea of having fraternities at law, and don’t get into trouble. Cerritos College may come to mind We need role models as we grow for some students, but if students to instill this into our lives, but take the time to weigh the pros and that’s hard to do when we see some cons, they would see clearly that it is not be a good idea. of the biggest role models breaking First off, a fraternity would sup- the law. ply students with many opportu- This demonstration of role nities. For example, students can models breaking the law can be of- learn how to take responsibility and connect more with other students ten seen in police officers. within the fraternity; however, they Police officers are set in place in would have to watch out for the fi- society to “serve and protect,” but nancial and time commitment. we all know it goes beyond that. Fraternities would bring stu- dents together as brothers, it does It’s hard to respect a law if you not necessarily mean students can- see “the law” ignoring, disrespect- not make friends outside the frater- ing and breaking it. nity. While driving I often see police In a sorority it may feel great to have that sisterhood, but don’t officers drive in their patrol cars kid yourself, being in a sorority talking on their cell phone. you can’t choose your sisters. Some This is frustrating because there maybe nice others may not. Hon- are a lot of people who get stopped estly, it’s better to choose your own friends. It is important to choose by police and cited for the use of Laurie McAdam/MCT friends that you genuinely like. their cell phone while driving. Oh and lets not forget the haz- It’s hard to listen to someone ing. Hazing alone can convince stu- telling you “stop doing that” if they dents not to go join a fraternity. It’s On the right track for summer meant to be hard and challenging, are doing it themselves. It’s more than just vacation and getaways where there were not only less of these fashion proves that Cerritos College has put so basically if you don’t pass, you’re It’s ridiculous to think that out, which is a little demeaning for this summer. What’s a break from college courses, but just less of an availability for forth the effort to have summer school a someone may have to pay a fee some students who cannot pull without even more college? Especially when these courses in general. priority for students. them off. while the police officer citing them there’s more classes. Now those who were faltering in classes, The simple fact that the pleas of need for What’s the point of a broth- is going around doing the same The new summer school sections that needed a certain class to graduate or just new courses did not fall on deaf ears, it’s a erhood if you decide to exclude things with no penalties. have been added have been an adequate couldn’t get a hold of a class have this oppor- testament to the individuals who claim that people based on what they can and representation of what the students have been tunity to do so. What will society think when a they make decisions based off student needs. cannot do? asking for. There are always going to be issues. Sadly for Cerritos it’s not the police officer gets into an accident This recent initiative is proof of that. It was announced weeks ago that the new There’s always going to be someone that gets same, the only time being in a fra- while talking on his/her cell phone? Hopefully this is a step toward a fuller summer sections were to be implemented for left out of the loop. ternity matters in these situation Do people have to get injured or future summer sessions. Future students will is if students join fraternities at a both sessions. Not everybody is going to get what he or killed for this issue to come to the prestigious school and normally The decision came to be as a result of she needs; for instance there is only one Math be thankful for the progress made today. point of officers stopping this of- students that do join these frater- the Social Equality Club advocating for this 80B course available throughout the entire nities come from pretty wealthy fense? change during a Wednesday, April 2 meeting, summer tenure. Scan to view the list backgrounds. It’s always “do as I say, not as a and general student demand for said courses. However, it’s something. Prior to the of summer courses The point is, if students focus on I do” as children are often told by As of right now the sections are available implementation of the new summer courses, other things such as their school- their parents. But no, lead by ex- for enrollment on the My Cerritos website. that math class was non-existent, complete work, clubs and events that interest them then they will have more than ample. Don’t go preaching some- Scanning through the classes, it is evident with the other courses that have been added that there are a generous amount of high-need throughout the new sections. enough of an opportunity to suc- thing you don’t follow yourself. ceed. If anything, a fraternity will courses. This summer, there are going to be Don’t let this double standard go on be time consuming and distracting. Classes for general education that are students with butts in their seats, making edu- any longer than it has to. There are So no, Cerritos College does not generally difficult, such as English 100 and cational gains as a direct result of the courses need a fraternity. Cerritos College so many consequences, seriously Math 80A are present for those who wish to that have been added. has plenty of better things to offer, the risk is not worth it. be in them for summer. Using widespread methods to reach out http://bit.ly/Qb6Ceo things that will be better for stu- This is an upgrade from last summer, to students and have their input in a holistic dents in the long run.

Did one of us write something that ground your gears? Do you want to congratulate Talon Marks is a First Amendment publication. Editorials express the views of the Editorial Board. Other opinions us on the great job we’re doing? Whatever the case may be, we would love to hear express the view of the author and are not to be considered opinions of the publication’s staff, the Editorial Board, the from you, our readers. Send a LETTER to the EDITOR. We accept electronic mail advisers, the Cerritos College Associated Students, the college administration or the Board of Trustees. Production and at [email protected] and boring regular mail at our office in FA-42. If you printing of Talon Marks is partially funded by the Associated Students of Cerritos College. want your letter or e-mail to be printed, you must proudly sign it with your real name. Letters in poor taste will not be printed. This means we don’t want any hate speech or Facilities and academic supervision are provided by the Journalism Program. Newsroom offices are located in the Fine Arts Building, Room FA42. conspiracy theories (unless they’re hilarious). We only edit your letters for length to print them, but they appear in full online. Cerritos College is located at 11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 If the subject of your letter is campus-related, then it will be given priority. Telephone numbers: (562) 860-2451, ext. 2617 FAX (562) 467-5044 Vol. 58 © 2014 Talon Marks

Faculty Adviser Talon Editor in Chief Copy Editors Associate Editors Staff Rich Cameron Alexandra Scoville Marks News Opinion Instructional Lab Tech. I Luis Guzman Grester Celis-Acosta Spring Managing Editor Online Editor News Editor Multimedia Editor Katherine Grijalva Gildardo Aquino, Alexus Aragon, Alicia Edquist Gustavo Olguin Maria Lopez Denny Cristales Kristopher Carrasco Armando Jacobo Arts Multimedia Erin Archuleta, Zeinab Chahine, Mario Jimenez, 2014 Gustavo Lopez Carlos Holguin Daniel Linares Larissa Morales, Jacqueline Naranjo, Jessica Pacheco JACC Pacesetter Award Sports Editor Opinion Editor Arts Editor Solmayra Mendez and Joe Zermeno 2009-2010 Staff Sports Sebastian Echeverry Alan Leyva Amairani Mendez Akeem Ivory Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com OPINION - 5 Don’t become a Snapchat over Instagram any day ed. The pros and cons Overall, Instagram is perfect for robot of both social media users that love to document their life events in pictures. Instagram Alexandra applications. not only lets users post pictures, but Scoville it also lets people explore other us- Editor-in-Chief Jacqueline ers’ photographs. editor@talonmarks. Naranjo The other application that is

TALON MARKS TALON com Staff Writer gaining rapid popularity is Snap- jacqueline.naranjo@ chat. Snapchat is fun and an enter- In today’s society everyone is TALON MARKS TALON talonmarks.com taining application that lets users consumed with electronics, usu- “snap” photos or send video mes- ally in the hands of teens, smart Instagram and Snapchat have sages to either a specific person or phones and iPads are taking over. quickly become the new favorite But smartphone and iPad us- for everyone of your friends to view. social media applications, but when The impressive part about Snap- age has spread to young kids, and it comes to the features both are ex- when I say young I mean when chat is that it lets users set a time tremely different. limit for how long people can view they learn to grasp something Instagram is a fast and easy to a snap. The time limit is 10 seconds, they are reaching for an iPhone use application that allows smart- after the time expires the message or iPad. phone users to share photos or vid- disappears and can no longer be Kids around ages three-13 eos with others. The fun thing about viewed. This means users can have are just too young to have their Instagram is that it lets users add fun with the app and send fun goofy minds warped by electronics. different filters to photos they have pictures since it will only exist for a Teens, young adults and even taken making them look sophisti- short amount of time. middle aged adults should slow cated. Snapchat recently released a down and enjoy pure life a little The app also gives the option new update where users can now more than technology life. of posting photos onto other social have full conversations and can also At least teens and adults know networking sites like Facebook and the risk and accept the respon- Twitter, which is great since many video chat with other users. With sibility of basically giving their people love to use those. this new update Snapchat can do lives to technology. It also has a direct messaging everything from sending pictures, Now, I am not a parent, but feature that lets the user send di- text messages and video chat with often see at grocery stores and rect messages to another user and it people. even with kids in my own family, also has a strong ecosystem for us- The downside of Snapchat is when kids cry parents say “here ers to find pictures from all over the that people can screen shot the im- play with this” and hand them a world. ages sent and can embarrass the cell phone or tablet. The biggest downside about sender. This means users have to be Magically the crying stops, Instagram is that with a click of a careful of what they send to others their eyes get glazed and they are button anyone can become a pro- especially if they do not know the stuck playing like that until mom fessional photographer with a good other individual. or dad takes it away so the kid looking picture. Snapchat is the perfect app can eat or something. Another negative is that many of for people who like to use various Peace and quiet is quite rare the photos taken with a smartphone forms of media; for example, the when having children around, are too big and must be cropped to picture messaging, real time Face- but there are better, more effec- fit. This is an inconvenience; there- Time and text messaging. This is tive, educational and recreational fore, many users must download why it is a better application than ways of dealing with crying brat- other apps that resizes the photos Instagram. ty kids. to the proper Instagram size or the Even though Snapchat is better, There are plenty of parks Daniel Linares/TM Head on: Social media outlets Instagram (left) and Snapchat (right) compete for student interest. Students use the apps. picture can be cropped within the it comes down to the individual and around with awesome play- Instagram app in order to get post- what he/she prefers. grounds for children of all ages. Take them out, let them get some fresh air and interact with a tan- gible world rather than the false reality of electronics. Let them experience life and New social media commands attention interact with children. This will help the child figure out who they them know what is going on in their day and what they Katherine Grijalva are inside, what their likes and are up to. dislikes are and you will be able Copy Editor [email protected] Others simply use it to have a conversation with to see how they handle situations. people. Then there are those people who use these apps The fear of young children TALON MARKS TALON to brag about their lives or about their looks, taking having electronics at a young age photos of themselves, which is known as a “selfie.” is that they won’t take time to Snapchat and Instagram have sparked interest and Most people would say they have had an Instagram adapt to the outside world, they gained rapid popularity in the past three years, becom- won’t learn how to truly interact ing a means of communication amongst millions of for years, since it is has been in the apple store or google with real people on real issues. people. play store for almost four years. We will soon turn into a ro- Unlike other social media networks or apps, such as However, Snapchat has gained massive popularity botic society, without tuning into Facebook and Twitter; Snapchat and Instagram differ and praise from Apple and Android phone users due to our true feelings, without know- in the way that it is based more on photos rather than its newest chat features. ing people, without traits or emo- statuses or a simple caption. So what’s next for communication in the future? tions. These social networks and apps have become a fad; How will individuals respond to the changes technol- People would be robots wan- if people do not have one, they are considered “not cool ogy will offer? dering around with glazed eyes enough.” The answer is simple; adaptation. It is common for staring into a screen. Everyone who is in high school or college and has a people to adapt to new things, especially technology True, not everyone will be smart phone has one of these if not both of the apps. If like this. There are the few who they do not, they most likely have Facebook or Twitter, since it is popular and everyone interacts with it. are “so above social media” and there is just no escape from having any of these social Luckily, we have all been accepting and have learned live their lives just fine without media apps. to conform to the various technological advances that the constant social media update Snapchat and Instagram users post photos or videos have been created and will be created over time. Illustration by Phil Geib/MCT-Campus or game addiction. for the matter of entertaining their friends or letting Checking Facebook a few times throughout the day isn’t bad, it’s when someone becomes obsessed with it is when it goes too far. When they have to be con- stantly looking at it, and it’s like something didn’t happen in life if they didn’t hear about it on the internet is when people need to take a step back and take a break from it for a while. “In what way Enjoy life, take a walk with In w friends or your pets, go spend does some time with loved ones, go aht bike riding or read a book, but technology fit don’t feel obligated to tweet every Speech second of it. Matt Jordan Mariah Perez Yuliana Estrada Armando Villa into your life?” Sociology major Culinary arts major Biology major Graphic design major The only thing that matters is Zone that you enjoyed it. People don’t have to know Compiled by: “Most of my homework and “Technology is huge. It helps “I get in contact with every- “The social netwroks, you’re every move. Grester Celis-Acosta doing online classes because you communicate, it helps on e .” Facebook, Instagram, keeps Live your life for yourself not I can’t be here everyday. I’m you learn new things. It you updated with what’s for others. Experience life to the Photographs by: able to finish classes.” fullest and show our younger Gustavo Lopez obviously helps me do my happenning.” generation it’s okay to do the homework.” same. 6 & 7 Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com Class of 2014: The Falcons Soar from the Nest

Certificates of Alexander Mc Kenzie Jr. Christal Jimenez Marilyn Sanchez Ricardo Konz Speech-Language Juan Urrieta Eduardo Quezada * General Office Nycallette Barron Geology - Transfer Ruben Medrano Sophia Valencia Cristy Baum * Kevin Florimon Suzanne Nerison * Gina Gonzales * Completion Michael Medina Vanessa Kehrer Kassandra Sandoval Nicole Lepkosky Pathology Aide Leonardo Vasquez Stephanie Flores Amanda Kimble Erik Borjas Salvador Amador * Shirley Mejia * Erin Bergmann * Oscar Franco Shanell Noji ** Reina Gonzales Spanish - Transfer Christy Mendoza Steffi Kim Ann Sandoval-Lunn Cesar Melgoza Sara Chadwell Guadalupe Vazquez Marco De La Cruz Jose Carrillo Victor Mejia Medical Assistant Pedro Burgos Jr. Bryan Goettsch ** Jaemy Oda Cesar Gonzalez * Edgar Batun * Speech Communication Denise Michael Lenetta Laney Sofia Santoro Glen Pena Ivon Flores Michelle Velazquez Benjamin Hernandez Jr. Secretary/Administrative T’Keyha Duren German - Transfer Aleida Mendez Alexandra Acosta Hannah Cary Victor Ibarra ** Shivanjali Reddy ** Karina Gonzalez Alma Zarate Chiyaukaa Archer Carol Mogle Dana Lopez Klarissa Sarabia Daniel Perez Jesus Jeronimo Ariel Veliz * Alondra Hernandez Assistant Luis Estrada Rafael Mata Casey J Miller ** Mao Cha * Ann Castaños * Claudia Martinez * Sarah Sherman * Mariana Gonzalez Martha Mesa * Nycallette Barron Roger A. Montgomery Gloria Martinez Emily Shultz Jesse Perry Laura Martinez Denise Villasenor Boris Hernandez Rachel Ehrlich Natalie Felix Roxana Rico David Miller Nicole Esparza Ana Castillo Jay Siritaranukul * Stephanie Gonzalez Devin Ocampo * Mary Ann Edward Anthony Moran Tremaine Mayhand Nicole Slocum Erin Richardson Rosemarie A. Mendoza Kelly Willis Dong Hwan Hyun Dalia Llamas Michael Fialho Byron Monterroso Jasmine Herrera Jennifer Chau * Associate in Arts in Tetsu Suwabe * Desiree Hernandez * Jose R. Orejel ** Candelaria Garcia Bobby O’neal Maria Midence Hubert Suh Rigoberto Sanchez Jr. Victor Zepeda Boram Jeon * Candelaria Garcia Associate in Arts in Shanelle Moore Rodriguez * Natalie Conde Psychology for Transfer Nhi Thi Tran * Jaqueline Jauregui Gisele Powe Philip Gohata Dorothea Overland Sandra Moreno Amy Teng Gary Sanchez Welding Fabrication and Davion Johnson Biology - Transfer Diane Garcia History for Transfer Jennifer Munive Kelsea Lee Moore Judith Contreras * Janice Acevedo Jose Manuel Uriostegui * Robert Jimenez Veronica Prado * Lydia Gomez-Bustamante Steven Polenske Marta Muñoz Vannie Thoeun Joseph Sanchez Layout Degrees: Associate in Daisy Juarez * Claudia C. Abbott Philip Gohata Shellv Candler * Teresa Navarrete Susan Marie Nevares- Dan Cui * Karla Aguilar-Arreola Jennifer L. West Nylesia Jones ** Martina I. Salguero Christopher Hamilton Patricia Rodriguez Elleniezel Namuco Cortny Tippit Ronnie Smith Eric Baez Arts Hyong Jun Kim * Aisha Diakite * Diana Hollmann Sergio Contreras Jazmine Navarro Garcia * Catherine Dam Yapheh Ayala * Kristal Woolley ** Lindsay Kline Diana Hollmann Carla V. Rojas de Molina Ashley Nuno Bryanna Tolmasoff Jancys Solares Efren Barriga Tae K. Kim Dennis Garcia * Nikolai Ilagan Kaela Crone ** Nicolas Navarro ** Neil Reyes * Jennifer Dang Christopher J. Barreras Nali Knox * Speech - Transfer Carlos Jimenez Benjamin Rueda Belinda Orozco Danielle Torres Byron A. Sy Jose Becerra Autobody Collision Derek Klotzer * Anthony Gomar Meliza Jacobo Diana Giraldo Jessica Navichoque Latricia Taylor Concepcion De Guzman Britney Benitez Business Real Estate Janet Larios Cody Clements Erick Lazcon Judy Rueda Eduardo Osorio Gloria Torres Eng Tang Eugene Bourgeault Repair/Technician Phally Lay Zareeb Lorenzana Erick Lazcon Jacobo Jauregui * Lisa Northern * Lyon M. DeLarrazabal Eulices Briseño ** Ramon Ross Christopher Luna Stephanie Diaz Mayra Lopez Monica Ruiz Desiree Quinonez Lloselyn Toscano Jesse Tellez Everardo Calderon Joseph Perea Kendy Perez * Hugo Mora Natalie Lenarduzzi Paulina Jones Christel O’Kelley ** Mathematics - Transfer Mayra A. Del Muro Gabriela Burgueño Rashada Miranda * Andres Neria Dorienne Ordaz Jessica Sanchez Fernando Ramirez Lynny Ung Ivan Trevino Eduardo Gonzalez Jazz Vechayiem Alejandra Magdaleno Iris Moran ** Brittney Lobos Jody Lindsay Karenn Arias ** Robert Casas * Eisha Dulce Del Villar * Diana G. Cabrera-Perez Speech-Language Cindy Muñoz Marissa Plascencia ** Justin Pascual Monica Sanchez Marlene Reynoso Carolina Uribe Brady Woodside Omar Guillen Diana Martinez Marilisa Santacruz * Mayra Lopez Carolina Morales Jennifer Osornio Jeovanni Cruz Valya Doncheva * Alexis Carrillo ** Pathology Assistant Jazmine Navarro Adrian Prieto Erik S. Sims Esmeralda Rivas-Ancira Lissett Valencia Josue Herrera Business Accounting Linda Masters ** Laura Martinez Danielle Trujillo Lissa Palacios Jose De Vicente * Karlina Dunston Maria Casco * Sheila Aguilar ** Javier Ochoa Theatre Arts: Acting or Michelle Silva Katrina Swafford Thais Rivera Claudia Vazquez Engineering Technology: Jorge Llamas Jainelt Camacho Helen Mendoza Culinary Arts: Cristina Muñoz Aaron Wilson * Cristina Pascual Gerardo Franco ** Katrina Le Duong-Ha Hector Castillo Marjorie Alvarez ** Megan Ogo Technical Vanesa Villarreal Richard Swanstrom Jr. Jessica Rosales Amanda Velasquez Mechanical Engineering Evanni Marroquin Ritesh Chandra Carol Mogle Professional Baking Kryxiane Nimuan-Ramos Erin Wroe * Ammon Pavone ** Zachary Gauderman * Nicole Encarnacion * Jose S. Ceja Joseph Armsberger * Angelyca Osnaya Alice Zamora Gregory Torres Miriam Sanchez Sharmeisha Wheeler Technician Luis Mejia Janet Farias Elena Nikitina Analisa Aguilar Elizabeth Osuna Aracely Zambada Albino Esparza Frankie Jimenez Love Joy A. Encio Lizzette Ceja Eva Arroyo * Yuliana Pacheco Certificates of Ruben Torres Keiry Santos Andres J. Valenzuela Eric Oden David Gonzalez Jaenenne Nunez Karen Febles Marissa Plascencia ** Lilibeth Perez Alan Loera * Ruth C. Enriquez Angelica Chagollan Marisa Brunner * Nestor Padilla Inert Gas Welding Achievement Louis Uzochukwu Paulina C. Villamarin Esthetician Jeff Pichardo Angela Illes Joanna Ocampo Jennifer McNiel Adrian Prieto Interpreting/Translating Gisele Powe Nicole Osife * Pamela Evangelista ** Laura Chavez * Eunice Chong ** Cristina Pascual Jeremiah Bartosch * Andy Vargas Maria Vitkauskas Brittany Absmeier Intersegmental General Howard Sackett Chunlan Jauw * Julie Juhyun Ohm ** Itzel Suarez Angelina Quiette Lisa Cedillo * Anthony Ramirez * J. Jesus Duarte * Monica Farmer Sophorn Chea ** J.P. Gilbert Concepcion * Ja Taja M. Patterson Autobody Collision Ilse Morales Carissa Walker Melanie L. Alvarez Education Transfer Benjamin Thurston Margarita Lozano Virginia Olguin ** Isaias Ramirez Claudia Rojas ** Randy Ramirez Boheri Rivas Cheryl Ferguson Juliana Contreras Crystal Contreras ** Maria Perucho Pipe Welding Repair/Technician David Veit Jae We Amanda Aoun (IGETC-CERT) Richard Uribe Lucero D. Lopez ** Martha Olmos ** Culinary Arts: Chef’s Julie Shelton ** Gabriel Ramos Pooja Thakker ** Timothy Fox Sara Delfini Liliana Fierros * Elizabeth Ponce Benjamin Brotchner * Peter Atalla Patricia Zamorano Tamika Whittiker Aracely Arreola Brenda Cervantes Jefrie Velasquez Jay Aaron Pangilinan ** Matthew Olmos ** Training Willie G. Svendblad Associate in Arts in Marissa Ramos Robert Frankera Yasmin Diaz Ivon Flores * Olivia Richards Evanni Marroquin Eric Bible Natalie Bergeron Alexander Duong Brandon Ybarra Roselle Rosenberg * Omar Ornelas ** Joshua Calderon Ashley Valencia Journalism for Transfer Christabel Rayas * Journalism - Transfer Linda S. Frias Stephanie Elias Monica Gomez ** Lizette Rodriguez Matt F. Hall Small Business Child Development: Rebecca Castaneda Jorge Rodriguez Brandon Taylor Maria Peralta Cheree Duran Darien Whittaker Gustavo Olguin Stephanie Rea Ever Diaz * John Gamboa April Elliott * Elizabeth Hey Fatme Salame Arc Welding Al Krueger Management/ Infant/Toddler Teacher Priscylla Castellanos Gas Tungsten Arc Elma Treto Eric Quezada Karen Febles Larissa Rodriguez Nadia G. Rendón * Michael Garan * Saleena Fennessy ** Lisa Jefferson * Brenda Sanchez Eugene Bourgeault ** Edward Regalado Entrepreneurship Jessica Esteves Noemi Chavero Interpreting/Translating Welding Alejandra Ramirez * Milagros Flores Cosmetology Kathleen Rocha Mental Health Worker Cristina Garcia De Alba Marilu Garcia * Jesus Jeronimo Cindy Tamayo * Carlos R. Martinez Jazz Vechayiem Cindy Castro Melba Garcia Margaret Ferguson Lisa Cedillo Christopher Amaya Microcomputer Darlene Ramirez * Thaniel Flores Jennifer Aguilar Associate in Arts in Aléjandra Rodriguez Ivan L. Gavidia Jonathan Garcia Ivan L. Gavidia Jennifer Lee Kao ** Teena Taylor Clarence S. Scott III * Dorothea Overland Martha Montes Martha A. Flohr Eric Baez Accounting Clerk Jocelyn Ramirez David H. Garcia Amanda Aoun ** Kinesiology for Transfer Kristal Rodriguez ** Jaqueline Gonzalez Laura Gomez Marco Gomez Jr. ** Pollyanna Lacerda ** Silvia Tejeda * Business Accounting Gayle Parks Esmeralda Rivas-Ancira Lorita Harrington Paralegal Efren Barriga Virakneary Rath * Marcia Ramos Karla Holguin Gabriela Coppola Michael Inman Yesenia Rodriguez Elisea Hughes Era Hawk Jaqueline Gonzalez Miya J. Lau ** Casey Tope Woodworking Joseph Barrancas Patricia Zamorano Graciela Rizo Stacy Henderson Yara L. Alpuche Eugene Bourgeault Ja’Quea Willis Qua Redditt Mariana Juarez * Chloe Gomez Michelle De Rivera Lucila Jessica Rojo Lizette Lozano Sharon Hernandez Jessica Gonzalez Rosanna Lopez Adilene Vargas Manufacturing Chunlan Jauw Mariana Tapia De Briauna Hicks Blanca Alvarez Omar Guillen Stephen Reitter Jr. Eun Sam Chamail Lee ** Ruth Hamm ** Joel Perez Monica Roman * Crystal Roberts Erica Hosfeldt ** Arturo Grajeda Ollin Marino Ja’Quea Willis Technology Gary Maldonado General Office Vasquez Catherine Host Erick Amaya Jorge Jimenez Administration of Justice Christopher Rivero Jessica Pasillas * Juan Ramirez ** Maria Rosas Tony Siv Samantha Houghton Belinda Hernandez Laura Martinez Uriel Zamarripa Joshua Dyczewski ** Roselle Rosenberg Amanda Kimble Carissa Walker Kelani Jakahi Marissa Andag Danny Johnston Joana Alvarez Carla V. Rojas de Molina Amanda Mathews Esthetician Delia Rubio Jessica Taylor * Norma Huayhua Steven Hernandez * Karoline Matts * Kimberly Zendejas Bradley Joplin ** Nikki McClure Jae Yeon We Cynthia Johnson John Brennan Frankie Jorquez Jr. Jorge Barragan Jr. * * Jennifer McNiel Natalie Aguirre Liberal Arts and Elisa Ruiz ** Richard Huk Zenny Hernandez ** Rosemarie A. Mendoza Advanced Lilibeth F. Kazemi Valerie L. Brown Carlos R. Martinez Alwin Faapouli Viridiana Ronces * Jessica Otero * Sarah Ramirez Sciences: Art and Culture Martina I. Salguero Machine Tool Alexandria Ishak Elizabeth Ibañez * Sherilyn Nakano ** Sociology - Transfer Woodworking Microcomputer Secretary/Administrative Child Development: Maria Llanes Mario Cablarda Luis Mejia Kristal Gastelum Ana Ronquillo * Eddie Perez Naenee Kim Diana Sanchez ** Technology- Numerical Sarah White Marcos Jimenez Mary Newton ** Yadira Carrera Manufacturing Accounting Clerk Assistant Preschool Director Chantha Lor Shardé R. Carrington Osvaldo Munoz Rene Sanchez Katherine Vacharabul Court Reporting and Adriana Saravia Control Tool Candis Kang * Nathalie Lopez Edith Ponce Erwin Constantino Technology - Furniture Shanon Henry Rachel Ehrlich Hanjin Chu Vicky Lucero Anna Cordero Eric Oden Administration of Justice Deepika Sareen Lorena Zambrano Captioning Careers Liberal Arts and Gonzalo Saucedo Programmer Shannon Keys Jazzmine Lorenzana ** Norma A. Portillo Benisha Garland * Making Word Processing Claudia Contreras Ariana Malone Abimael Córdova Joseph Pedroza - Transfer Yoon Mee Seo * Marlene Zuniga Sciences: Communication Rochelle Serpas Duane Dunavan III ** Esther Hyojin Kim Lizette Lozano Rosalyn Reyes Luz Gordon Juan López Microcomputer Nikki McClure Beatriz Delgado Victoria Murillo John De Jesus Joe Perez Tambra Carter * Stephen Starkey Child Development: Vanessa Estrada Tony Siv Darrell Eaton Ha Young Kim Stephen Manuwa Rosemillie Romero- Leo Jenks Accounting Clerk Edward Reantaso Melba Garcia Brianna Orozco Nancy Espinosa Jeff Pichardo Adriana Garcia Bryanna Taylor Early Childhood Dental Assistant Lydia Gomez-Bustamante Charnetta Smith Mimi Lee Emanuel Michel * Lopez ** Verenice Magana * Women’s Studies Lizzeth Garcia Maria Gutiérrez Emily Palma Margaret A. Gibson Christopher SanNicolas Jose Hizon * Jonathan Vanderlinden Sandra L. Advincula Rubie Anissa Acosta Daniel Gutierrez * Ryan N. Somohano * Music - Transfer Anna Leonard * Sarah Naley ** Carmen Soto * Brandon Manriquez * Cindy Muñoz Shanon Henry Culinary Arts: Laura Martinez Carina Perez Mailelyn K. Guaderrama Andrew Smith Yessenia Iniguez John Vega Elizabeth Alcala Karen Chin Myrna Sotelo Cameron Johnson Jennie Jr Bantilan Gabriela Orozco Anna Stevens Jennifer Munive Jay Pangilinan Professional Baking Brenda Quintero Andrea Pizzarella Erika Gutierrez Joshua Smith Jeshica Martinez Louis Vega * Rocio Alcaraz Julio Cruz Liberal Arts and Susana Suarez Logrono Nidia Padilla Ana M. Velazco Jeanelle A. Nocon Zoology Virakneary Rath Analisa Aguilar Esmeralda Rivas-Ancira Megan Porschen Lisa Hernandez Benjamin Thurston Lizbeth Ramirez Grace Vela Neriah Alvarez Hilda L Lopez Sciences: Culture and Madouna Tadros Music - General Diana V. Lopez * Cecilia Palomera Amy White * Megan Ogo Brenda Pedroza Lizzeth Balbuena Tiffany Woolfolk Lizbeth Ramirez Christopher Herrin Richard Uribe Francesca Recart Enrique Velazquez Erin Anderson Krystle Martinez * Society Crystal Tello Shaun Bryant Mireya Loza Alexis Perez Amanda Ramirez-Larriva Architectural Technology Marcella Ballesteros Wendy Romero Mariza Johnson Solkin Yin Nicole Zeltner * Rosa Venegas Cynthia Astorga Mari Ohnemus Freddy A. Campos Jr. Andrea Torres Eunsun Han Patricia Luu * Daniel Perez * Associate in Arts in Jordan Reise * Honors Kasem Sriwong Joselito Barrera Child Development: Regina Sands Joohyun Lee Alina C. Ventura Martha E. Camacho Melissa Opah Mariana A. López * Angela Torres Donny F. Kawano ** Laurie Linares * Rebeca Perez Sociology for Transfer Adilene Vargas ** Highest Honors Dominique M. Cadilli Special Education Michelle Steele Linda Macias Pipe Welding Anthropology - Transfer Gerarda Vivero * Christina Campos Victoria Parra Oscar Salcido Reyna Torres Yesenia Segura Sylvia Malek Vanessa Perez Jennifer Alatorre * Andrea Walker Automotive Mechanical Joseph W. Dickson Jr. Nareerat Juhasz Tasminique Thomas- Marjorie Madrid Eric Baez Shadi Abuhani Meiyan Walgenbach Lizbeth Chavez Zuzana Rhoads Brenda Tovar Michelle Manasan Juan Pesina Christopher J. Barreras Repair - General Alyssa Escobedo Martha Mesa Lundy Paulina Morales Benjamin Brotchner Salvador Amador * Savatha Yem Chanel Choe Amber Sibrian Liberal Arts and Gabriela Urbina Natural Sciences - Alfredo Marques ** Jorge Prado Winnifred Boeckmann Technician Rodolfo Figueroa Jr. Yessica Morales Laila Treadway Denise Muñoz Jorge Llamas Lilly Enriquez Karen Zapien * Jasmine Conchas ** Bianca Tepaz Sciences: Literature and Miriam Uribe General Janine Marques Daisy Rivas Yadira Carrera www.talonmarks.com Joseph R. Alvarado Ralph E. Fulton Sr. Sandra Moreno Ashley Tucker Jacqueline Ochoa Carlos R. Martinez Valerie Ercse Jasmine Conchas ** Languages Esau Valle * Arsani G Abouelyamin Lliani Meehan Crystal Roberts Ruben Chairez Scan here to look at Samuel Apodaca Matthew Hernandez Graciela Rizo Magda Vankanegan Devika Patel Laura Mejia Artemisa Hermosillo Business Administration Mariana A. Covarrubias Dance - Transfer Megan Black Erika Vazquez Rosalina Acuna Jessica Mendez * Delmy Rodriguez Gustavo Davalos Commencement list online Eric Bolden Iris Herrera Jessica Rosales Lilia Villaseñor Jennifer Remigio Luis Alfonso Mejia Raeleen Leos - Transfer López * Areal Hughes ** Amanda Calderon-Cary Victoria Velasco Cristian Alvarez Cheryl Navarro * Martha Rodriguez Elitanya De La Cruz * Fernando Campos Joon Kim Vanessa Rosales Tamara Weaver Kelly Saunders Jeff Pichardo Andreana Salazar Natalie Aguilar Joanne Irene Dalton Bonnie Hsin-Yih Lee Brenda Garcia Juan Velez Marissa Alvarez Albert Nguyen Diana Rosales Gina Diaz * Sara Candelaria Charity Long Mariana Tapia De Joanne Zamudio Gwendolyn D. Taylor Miguel Pulido Erika Santacruz Adam Aguirre Cynthia Davies * Faith Lewis * Abraham Venegas Christian Ambray ** Camilla Nguyen Jose Ruiz Aleisha D. Dinisi * Israel Castaneda Theresa Long Vasquez Carissa Zug Alan Thomas Cecilia Sepulveda Armando Alvarez Patricia De La Torre Dental Hygiene Elva Muniz Christine Wang ** Josephine Ambray ** Kimtu Nguyen Paulina Ruiz Mariaelena Dueñas Rodolfo Castro Abel Lozano Debbie A. Uzueta Jonathan Valadez Arc Welding Genesys Soto * Kevin Alvear * Glenda Flores * Jasmine Balala Alma Oropeza ** Lindsey Woodward * Jeff Anderson * Loan Nguyen Ariel Salazar Mariana Figueroa * Martin Chavez II Kaitlyn Luch Susan Watanabe- Court Reporting and Laura Valdez Eugene Bourgeault Karla Arreguin * Ivon Flores * Amanda Barney ** Alex Villa Rigoberto Arenas Anthony Njoroge Karina Sanchez Edgar Ford Robert Chavez Isabel Marquez Navarrete Captioning Careers Annette Zapata Matthew Brand Architectural Technology Michael Baez Maria Del Carmen Kristen Braman ** Jonathan Villa Liberal Arts and Annell Arguello Marilyn Noguez * Karla Saucedo Kelly Fuentes Francisco Diaz Alejandro Martinez Martha Raygoza Omar Guillen David Duarte Alfredo Banuelos Galvan Rachel Connolly ** Sciences: Self- Cecilia Armenta Marilynn Luna Jodi Stecher Benisha Garland * Christopher E. Gavilanes Sabrina Matteau CIS: Network Marlene Zuniga Medical Assistant David Hailey Hussein M. Farhat Caryn Barron Melba Garcia * Niloofar Fathi * Liberal Arts and Development & Social Ariday Avellaneda Kelly Owen * Traneaka Turner * Auburn Gascon Angel Gomez Jennifer McNiel Technicians/Operators Isavel Abrego Mike Long Brayan Jimenez Jesse Beltran ** Elizabeth Gorden Elena Franco * Sciences: Media Studies Behavior Jessica Avina Carlos Panganiban Andrea Abel Leal Angela Mendoza Synaeun Chhob Proofreader-Court Alexandra Acosta Laura Mejia Sara Lopez Olga Buendia * Evelyn Gutierrez Gerardo Gomez * Julian Christian Ahumada Ashley Banks Chelsea Panopio ** Villanueva Jonathan Martinez Daniel Padua Chandara Lim Reporting Method Caryn Barbee Luis Mejia Marlene Camarena * Robbyn Harris * Lori Hayashida * Quintin Mattear Marissa Alvarez Eric Bañuelos Brittany Paulsen * Jessica Yuen Eduardo Mesa Elsa Ramos Gildardo Vasquez Elizabeth Davis Marlena Batista Osvaldo Munoz Architecture - Transfer Erica Campos Geraldine Herrera Katie Herbold * Cristina Navarro Chiyaukaa Archer * Robert Benson * Alicia Perez * Christian Victor Ortiz Brittney Sanchez Natalie Derrico-Lindsay Larissa Campa Eric Oden Louie Hernandez * Sean Caudill Angel Higginbotham Sergio Hernandez Jonathan Bazinet Bryan Bonnet Jessica Pham Zarate Brian Steele Dulce Sanchez Cosmetology Tara Haque Mao Cha Joseph Pedroza Oscar Hernandez- Richard Cervantes Monica I Jimenez Elmer Herrador * Liberal Arts & Sciences: Amineh F. Beltran ** Lisbeth Caballero Angelina Quezada Gloria E Adam Testa Van-Eric M. Stone Jr. Jennifer Aguilar K. Megan Neal Amanda Chavarria Jeff Pichardo Ramirez Maribel De Haro Mervat Keriakous * Liliana Jones ** Social & Behavioral Kelli Blair ** Cristina Campos Alicia Rambo Zavaleta Robert Verdugo Itzel Suarez Angie Alcaraz Dinoshka Serrano Itzel B. Contreras Armando Reynoso Brayan Jimenez Heba Elhelbawi ** Steffi Kim Alicia Lauderdale * Science Alyssa Cabral Alejandra Castillo Luz Ramirez Ryan Walker Krystal Taylor Angelica Alfaro Ashlen Woodard Karina Elizalde Christopher Andrew Sara Lopez Aya Elhelbawy ** Gloria Martinez Halyna Le Irene Aceituno Heidi Calderon Lissette Castillo * April Routh Psychology - Lesley B. Tello Keylyn Valenzuela Nicole Esparza SanNicolas Andres Neria Jorge Esqueda Tremaine Mayhand Steven Peltier Jeremiah H. Acosta Tyler Carrillo * Cynthia Coria ** Rachelle Routh Transfer Automotive Management Alma Trinidad Anna M. Anderson Realtime Rapid Text Erika G. Garcia Richard Uribe Guowei Fan * Samantha Mealy Deena Pham Cosette Aguayo Priscylla Castellanos Dan Dabasol Pablo Perez Janice Acevedo Stevie G. M. Smith Jennifer Ybarra Adelaida Arechiga Entry Tracey Granados Brandon Ybarra Computer Animation Lorraine Gaeta Maria Midence Chelsea Robertson * Anna F Aguilar Maria Contreras * Lyon M. DeLarrazabal Janette Ruiz Kelvin Daisy Zambrano Amanda Ashteokenyan Angelica DePompa Mayra Guerra Solkin Yin Jose Alcala * Kimberly Galeana Jennifer Nunes ** Erica Romero * Andrea Alonzo Jasmine Cornejo Patrick Dicorato Fiorella L. Runciman Albritton * Automotive Mechanical Mirella Ayala Dinoshka Serrano Kelsea Moore Jose Gonzalez * Diego J. Garces * Ashley Nuno Lidia Romero Jasmine Alvarez Jose Diaz * Brandy Escobar Ray Saavedra Alejandro Repair - Manufacture Culinary Arts: Chef’s Andra Ball Marlene Zuniga Ariel Munday Woodworking Jonathan Vanderlinden Julieta Garcia Eduardo Osorio Ildiko Shirazi Guadalupe Andrade * Keldric Drake Kimberly Fisher Alina Salazar Armenta Specialty Training Elizabeth Biscotti Susan Nevares-Garcia Manufacturing Yesenia Garcia Cynthia M. Padilla Kristin Sims * Alannah Arenivar Hussein M. Farhat Jose Flores Jr. Melissa Skorka Ashley Cabrera Jose Alvarez Mayra Alejo Amanda Briggs Scopist for Court Abran Perez Technology Art and Design - Transfer Paula Hirsch Alejandra Ricalday Twiggy Vo Alejandro Arroyo Sebastian K.A. Frutos Jocelyn Flores ** Alexis Smith Jose S. Ceja Mario Barboza Arcadia Araujo Jennifer Buenaventura Reporters Olivia Perez Bradley Joplin Diana Alcala ** Jin Hao Huang Esmeralda Rivas-Ancira Jennifer Yuson * Kirndeep Badesha * Katherine Gabayeron Omar Flores Stephen Soung Lizzette Ceja Christopher Brightman Elba Arriaga Anissa Bueno Laura Fife Diane Rios Drè Jean Monica Bey Anna Hutson Thais Rivera * Elizabeth Bansberg * Timothy Garnica Sandy Garrido Sharon Del Villar Vanessa Cobian Edgar A. Carrillo Xavier Bailon Beatriz Carrillo Tara Haque Jennifer Rodriguez Woodworking Crystal Duenas Kevin Intarattana Graciela Rizo * Economics - Transfer Lisbeth Caballero Sandy Garrido Skailer Godoy Stanford Carissa English Victor M. Carrillo Marcella Ballesteros Beatriz Castillo Eliezer B. Salazar Latricia Taylor Manufacturing Edwin Espinola Shardae Jackson Misty Rodriguez Edgar Solares Andrea Caceros Tiffany Gray * Gisela Gonzales Mony Chan Tan * * Alberto Contreras Joselito Barrera Brianna C. Cery Ashlen Woodard Dafne Torres Technology - Furniture An Na Lee Rithy Khen Rosemillie Romero- Sothy Sok ** Daisy Calleros Daniel Guizar Esau Zuno * Juan Tolentino-Catalan * Johnny Estrada Jose Esparza Maria Becerra Alejandra Chavez Marlene Zuniga Milagros A Zambrano Making Nicole Martinez Natalie Krag Lopez ** Scott Camarena Arianna Hernandez Armando Gonzalez * Peichien Tsai Gabriella Felix Timothy Fromm Ricardo Berumen Karla Chavez Jane Blake Desireé Muñoz Kathrine Kurtz ** Ana M. Velazco Associate in Arts in Edwin Canas * Crystal Hernandez Nataly Gonzalez * Lillian Tseng Jason Guillen Anthony Juarez Miguel Borja Vivian L. Cisneros California State Journalism Marcos Lopez Maria Vicencio English for Transfer Edgar Cantera Gissel Hernandez Tanya Gonzalez Julia Vazquez Belinda Alexander Parkes Christopher M. Bozant Gabriela Coppola University General Gustavo Olguin Degrees: Associate in Art and Design: Drawing Diana Medina Maria Vitkauskas ** Estephanie Amaya Candice Carr Breanna Hunter * Stephanie González * Tructhu Viep * Hernandez Jesus Perez Kacee Braun Jessica Cortez Education - Breadth Larissa Rodriguez Science and Painting Hilda Medina * Carissa Walker * Jessica Anguiano * Cynthia Castro * Patricia Hurley * Catalina Guzman Angela S. Wang * Yessenia Eric Reyes Paulina Ceja Kelli Cox Eduardo Ayala Nieann G. Ocampo Carla Mejia Jacqueline Williams Michael Arambula * Claudia Cazares Samantha Judan ** Zainab Hassoun ** Karla S. Wong Iniguez Shawn Rutkowski Danny Chan Jasmine De Leon Irene Bouzas Mental Health Worker Associate in Science in Victor Mejia Alejandra Zepeda Kathia Avila Gloria Chang * Oscar Lopez * Maria Hernandez Daniel Young Carmen Labra Nathan Tejada Adrian Constantino Diana Delgadillo Chanthavy Hang Johnny Estrada Administration of Justice Art and Design: Graphic Karina Delgado Rogelio Avila * Nancy Charcas Stephanie Martinez * Anthony Hilario Belen Lomeli Joel De Vera Desiree Delmore Oscar Hernandez- Paula La Breche for Transfer Design Karen Montano Child Development: Alexa Bazua Wendy Chavez Darveonnah Miller Tracy Huang * Physical Education Jazzmine Business Administration Marliz Dobbins Vanary Deth Ramirez Alexandra Novac Daisy Aguirre Eduardo Carrillo Prisma Mora Educational Allison Beemer Deedee Chukuka Monica Morales Young Lee Im * Allen Keo Lorenzana ** Aurora Bravo Albert Dukes Darrell Dotson Kristy Huerta Denise Palmero Jose Aguirre Stephanie De Jesus Fauni Christopher Narvaez Paraprofessional Abner Caguioa ** Brittney Cleveland Dijonnae Murphy Alana Johnson April Tamashiro ** Marisel Matos Kelita Camez Disrael Farr Guadalupe Duenas Anai Lopez Miguel J. Ramirez Stephanie Alfaro Jaya Hemnani ** Nicolas Navarro ** Eun Jin Ku Rebecca Equihua Erwin Constantino Kryxiane Nimuan-Ramos Allen Keo ** Denis J. Collado Eric Felix Nicole Dutch Stephanie Magdaleno Celina Rivera Leslie Almanza Tiffany Jackson Jonathan Olmos Wendy Estrada Jennifer Cordova Jennifer Nunes ** Jinmi Kim * Exercise Science - Rodolfo Samuel M. Corbin Ana Zamora Samantha English Alfredo Marques Crystal Roberts Karam L. Ayad * Michel Macias-Saucedo Alma Oropeza ** Child Development: Mirella Garcia * Diana Cortez Dorienne Ordaz * Ji Young Lee ** Athletic Trainer Aide Medina ** Jocelyn Encalada Milagros Flores Esai M Esparza Cristo Molavy Karla Saucedo Daniel J Banuelos * Daniel Montano Argelia Perez Infant/Toddler Teacher Claudia Gonzalez Talia Cortez Bianca Padilla Erik Jr. Leon Susana Mendoza * Nataly Joseph Falcon Nicolasa Franklin Carolina Estrada Maria Perucho Maria G. Scott Edgar A. Bautista * Jesus Nunez Argelia Perez Jessica Esteves Christopher Hamilton Cynthia Cuevas Marvin Perez Taylor Lloyd ** Monrreal * Diego J. Garces Ralph E. Fulton Sr. Rida E. Fatima Barry Yousling Alberto Bernal Sara Postma Christian Peña Samantha Montanez Miguel Hernandez Charles Dale Chad Prusha Anai Lopez Exercise Science - Fitness Jessica Murillo Arthur A. Garcia Isaiah Gaitan Angie Flores Dental Assistant Gloria E. Zavaleta Oscar Blas Ernesto Vazquez Beatriz Ramirez * Alejandra Zepeda Lauren Hunter Loyda De Castro * Lynnette Roccazzella Nancy Lopez Specialist Priscilla Naveja Nathalie Godinez Isaac Garcia Johnnisha Franklin Rubie Acosta Amber Bopp * Blanca Ramirez Paulina Selene Jones Heidi De La Luz Valeria Rodriguez Nathalie Lopez April Tamashiro ** Gabriela Marco Antonio Gudino Ryan Garcia Maria Fuentes Sofia Barraza Machine Tool Technology Scott Camarena Associate in Arts in Art Virakneary Rath * Child Development: Joshua Kaanaana William De La Torre Rebekah Romero Valeria Lugo Gregory White Orozco De La Cruz Jonathan C. Gomez Kathryn V. Garcia Karen Chin - Machinist Alexis Candelario * History for Transfer Samuel A. Raya * Preschool Director Iliana Navarro Mark De Los Reyes Timothy Roque Mohammar El Mairena Nidia Padilla Michelle P. Henriquez Karen Gurrola Nancy Garcia Megan Crow Oscar Cazares Miguel Castellanos * Nayely Martin Ronnie Reyes ** Angel Higginbotham Danielle A. Pace Vilma Romero Alexandria Salone Brandon Manriquez * Pharmacy Technician Melissa Pedroza Isabel Hernandez Rita Hernandez Priscila Garcia Julio Cruz Jean Che Perla Chavira Jessica Rios Esmeralda Rivas-Ancira Vuthsaramany Pin ** Rosario Diaz Nina Martha Santos Hamid Mansoor Dwayne Campbell Daniel Perez * Phally Lay Sarah Hernandez Ruby M. Garcia Melissa Opah Duane Dunavan III Sergio Delfin Jr. Automotive Mechanical Richard Rios * Gregory Poblete * Lauren Didio * Michelle Silva Lloyd Marchan Rene Caudillo Carla Brittney McKean Luis Izaguirre Maria Garibay Victoria Parra Josephine Leon Bianca Diaz Repair - General David Robles * Child Development: Gisele Powe Mary Ann Edward Ashley Sinkler Krystle Martinez * Andrea Enright Rodriguez Dorothea Overland Kenny Khim Celena Gonzales Jazmin Rios Brigette Duckworth Technician Stephanie Rodriguez * Special Education Lucila Rojo Valerie Ercse Christian Taylor Juan Martinez-Galvan Afsana Faruqui ** German Gayle Parks Ji Hoon Kim Valerie Gonzalez Amber Sibrian Machine Tool Technology Gabby Escareno Maclance Godinez Kevin Romero * Melba Garcia * Alexander Stanley Raphael Estioco Lizbeth Trujillo Abraham Mata Kristan Felix Sanchez * Chaerish L. Powell Joon Kim Mara Guijarro - Numerical Control Christina Faragalla Abel Leal * Jose Salazar Martha Mesa * Kathryn Violago ** Natalie Felix Juan Villa ** Rafael Mata Daisy Luna Liliana E. Gloria M. Torres Theresa Magabilin Ruth Hamm Educational Technology Machine Operator Erick Farias Deepak Sareen * Yessica Morales Saleena Fennessy ** Crystal Viramontes Dudley S Meade * Tracy McElroy Sanchez Erik Sanchez Jose Martinez Elizabeth Hernandez Nareerat Juhasz Oscar Cazares Alejandro Flores Automotive Management Sitharith Seng English - Transfer Larrisha Fields Jasmine M Young Lizzette Medina Ayrra Perez Karla Saucedo Rene Sanchez Amanda Mathews Norma Hernandez Monica Morales Jean Che Ana Flores Stevie G. M. Smith Andrew Solorio Chemistry - Transfer Gloria Basulto ** Jessica Garcia * Lliani Meehan Edgar Pinto * Myrna Sotelo Sokoeun Suos Asia Mays Sandra Hernandez Duane Dunavan III Sandy Flores Yi Jiang Sun * Gerardo Franco ** Jason Cueto * Ramon Garcia Paralegal Michael Melindo ** John Quitiquit * Andrea Xochilt Valle Jennifer McNiel Veronica Hernandez Engineering Design Josephine Leon Adriana Garcia Automotive Mechanical Loc Tien Nhu Tran Hussein Hijazi Kelly Fogg Shahara Garcia Diane Aguilera Jason N Moats Shirley C. Sencion Villanueva Louis Vega Shane Ortega Desiree Hodgden Technology Raul Rivas Mayra Gomez Repair - Manufacture Frankie Jimenez Adriana Gualito Victor Garcia * Manuel Bueno Michelle Nino De Rivera Eric Tang Enrique Velazquez Santiago Ortiz Rebecca Hodges Ana Aguilar Gina Gonzales * Specialty Business Marketing Audrey Ortiz Nathalie Gutierrez Auburn Gascon Anna Cordero ** Ken Pena Freddie Thompson Physical Alina C. Ventura Jessica Otero Sofia Horchin Martin DeLamora Machine Tool Adrian Gonzalez * Alejandro Alvarez * Daniel Bardales Diana Sanchez ** Gabriela Gaytan Thomas Davis Ayrra Perez Ernesto Verduzco Therapist Junkun Wang Nathan Patino Karla Iribe Victor U. Gonzalez Technology- Numerical Maxx Gonzalez Jose Alvarez Dayana Cruz Computer & Information Melissa Saucedo Karen Giron Susana Del Cid Cynthia Peñaloza Assistant Patricia Zamorano Eddie Perez Kristin Johnson Jairo Grijalva Control Tool Roxanna Gonzalez Christopher Brightman Sciences: Microcomputer Skailer Godoy John Dunwoodie Neil Poole * Philosophy - Transfer Jackelyne Norma Ramirez Jina Kim Carlos O. Ontaneda Programmer Jasmine Guerrero ** Human Resources Specialist Engineering Design Gina Gonzales * Nancy Espinosa Monica Quezada Tori Harris * Alcantara International Business Jahlani Rice Kaylee LaValley David Ruvalcaba Oscar Cazares Daisy Guzman * Edgar A. Carrillo Management Clark J. Rocafort Technology Diana Ramirez Linda Evans * Darlene Ramirez * Rhiana Little Jennifer L Dorothea Overland Ronald Rodriguez Diana Lara Catrina Sanchez Jean Che Ashley Haddock Matthew Cervantes Isabelle Maciel * Edwin Diaz Cesar Gonzalez * Brenda Garcia Patricia Ramirez * Rodolfo Medina ** Backstrom ** Adam Schmalz Ariana Levine Duane Dunavan III Carlos Hernandez Nicholas Crestani * Marisel Matos ** CIS: Network Victor U. Gonzalez * Johana Gonzalez Johana Gonzalez Ryan Rodarte Alex Moffett Daniel Bruno * Business Management Kenneth Williams Alexis X. Linares Engineering Design and Sam Jaramillo David Garcia Liz L. Miles-Henderson Technicians/Operators Jairo Grijalva ** José M. Gonzalez Katherine Guerrero Lirian Rodriguez * Sage Crum ** Velvin Atkins Jennifer Ybarra Jennifer Lontajo Production Technology Machine Tool Technology Francisco Jimenez Alberto Lopez Dorothea Overland Michael Magallan Carlos O. Ontaneda ** Wendy Gonzalez ** Sarah Hunt Yvette Rodriguez Photography Eric Cuesta Ramon Bonilla Alejandro Zaragoza Damian Lopez Alejandro Diaz - Tool and Die Maker Jae S. Kim * Jesus Perez Anna Rodriguez * Daniel Morales Catrina Sanchez * Gabriela Granados Peanut C. Jackson Clarissa Romero Jessica B. Figueroa Christina Allegra Celestine Yvonne Zarate Elizabeth Loya Victor U. Gonzalez Oscar Cazares Amanda M. Maat Victor Perez * Monica Ruiz Eric White Elizabeth Guadamuz Laura Lara * Priscilla Romero * Tanielle Gilbert Esparza Denis J Collado Margie Lozano Med Heng Jean Che Briana Di Jon Madere Miguel Ruelas Monica Sanchez ** Engineering - Transfer Nelson Guerrero Jr. Joy Christina Lavayen * Timothy Roque Celina Flores ** Mario Denicia Child Development: Nancy Magaña Elias López Duane Dunavan III Richelle Marroquin * Sean * Computer and Stephen Espinoza * Monique Guerrero Karina Lopez Delia Rubio Physics - Transfer Carlos B. Michael Munoz Early Childhood Ericka Martinez Carlos O. Ontaneda Josephine Leon Angel Martinez International Business Information Sciences: Jorge Ramirez Daisy Guzman * Beatriz Martinez Romeo Saldana Robert Casas * Galang Jr. * Dorothea Overland Candie Aguilar Ariana McMurray Catrina Marie Sanchez Christopher Matzen Business Accounting José M. Gonzalez Programmer Deborah Herbertz ** Beatriz Martinez * Luis Heredia Gerardo Franco ** Julie Ann Lisa M Roldan Rocio Alcaraz Rossana Moore Pharmacy Technician Liliana Mejia Joseph Barrancas * Lisa M Roldan ** Raymond Mangahas ** Engineering Design and Carol A. Hernandez Jennifer McNiel Jannelle Sanchez J. Jesus Duarte * Graves Joseph Romero Neriah Alvarez Monica Ngov Engineering Technology: Ruby Garcia Geovany Menbreno Michelle Waggoner * Production Joseph Hernandez Sonia Michel Crystalyn Sharp Andres J. Valenzuela Joanna M. Jessica Shepard Margarita Capitaine Huong Nguyen Industrial Engineering Tracy McElroy David Mendizabal Business - Advanced Business Management Victor U. Gonzalez * Scarlett Hernandez Ennes Pena Jihyun Shin Helbig ** Junkun Wang Ana Carrillo Baioni Oliver Technician Elva Muniz Shirley Miramontes Accounting Iris Caballes * Computer and Med Heng ** Yesenia Hernandez Joseph Searcy ** Sheena Spurling Composite Inspection Alicia M. Patricia Zamorano Rosie Carrillo Jamie Ortega Hector Ayala Ayrra Perez Gema Monrreal Albert Heng Allegra Celestine * Information Sciences: Carlos O. Ontaneda ** Geraldine Herrera Silvia C. Tamanaha ** Andres J. Valenzuela Craig Fedornak ** Kahancza * Claudia Cervantes Cecilia Padilla Oscar V. Chavez Jenny Perez Sora Motlagh * Denis J Collado Systems Analyst Catrina Sanchez * Raeshema Holland * Gwendolyn D. Taylor Chaz J. W. Villaver Denise Klaren Business Marketing Lizbeth Chavez Gloria Padilla Jason Cilloniz Althea Rae D. Roxas Derrick Nubia Business Administration Samuel Correa Raymond Mangahas ** Ian Horne Laura Valdez Kathryn Violago ** Composites * Dorothea Overland Mariana A. López Yasmin Parra Oscar Cisneros Amy Otero-Villa Joseph Anesta * José M. Gonzalez Helen Omorojie ** Film Production Shawn Igercic Carla J Villegas Alan Yoeun Manufacturing Jennifer Kubo Gayle Parks Joanne Dalton Kimberly M. Pech Gabriel Cortez Plastic/Composite Tool Kenny Palacios David Anguiano Stephanie Munns * Clark J. Rocafort Horacio Garcia Daniel Iturribarria Diana Voorheis ** Salvador J. Gomez * * Linh Vo Cynthia Davies Dania M. Quintero Fredrick Coukart Design Edgar Perez * Darline Beltran ** Carla Rojas de Molina * Julius Villarosa Shardae Jackson Nursing - Associate Anita K. Legro Jacqueline Diaz-Ruiz Alexis Ramirez Robert Diaz Jeffry Padin Lindsey Perez * Marcus Betanzos * Junkun Wang ** Computer Science - French - Transfer Maria Jimenes Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree Plastic/Composite Tool Yannis Lubana Retail Management Jahaida Garcia Tanesha Ready Luis Duarte Linda Portillo * Hector Briceno Jr. Transfer Ava Shadi Afshari * Victoria Kernen Karla Arreguin * Mina Afshar Design Matthew Vanessa Aguirre Karina Garcia Araceli Rodriguez Steven Espinoza Business Real Estate Alan Quiñonez Andrea Caceros Retail Management Elise Hill Claudia Martinez * Ji Young Lee ** Michelle Bringman Shahrzad Jeffry Padin Luongo * Ashley Bertell Yanira G. Gaspar Robin Rodriguez Pascual Flores Jr. Elvira Jimenez Gabriel Ramos Kelita Camez Vanessa Aguirre * Jody Lindsay Sonya Gonzalez AghayouseFkordestani Elyce McKenna Christina H. Bishop Elizabeth Gorden Araceli Rosas Miguel Flores Andrea A. Preston Abel Raygoza Denis J. Collado Miguel Gonzalez Associate in Arts in General Studies Marla Logan * Carlos Jimenez Yenisei Aguilar Plastic Manufacturing ** Lorena Eulloqui Debora J. Grandin Sydney Ross Ryan H. Fogarty Ada D. Simpfenderfer Rodrigo Robles Matthew Cortez Communication Studies Veronica Campos Denise Lopez Brittany Keele Bianca A. Alfaro Sergio Bautista Karla Mejia Joseph Falcon Laura Guerrero Carissa Rudman Amanda Garcia Arturo Rodriguez Krystal De Biasio ** Small Business for Transfer Eva Lopez Darveonnah Miller Stephen Anderson Jr. Veronica Eric Fleming Evelyn Gutierrez Crystal Ruiz Adam Gore California Real Estate Jose Sanchez III Katherine De La Torre * Management/ Omar Alamillo * Geography - Transfer Jorge Lopez Ronald Rios Boaz Assi Political Science - Mendez ** Ken Hughes Nora J. Guzman Roberto Ruiz Christopher Halbeisen Rania Gayed Jarrod Schultz * Ramona Dennis ** Entrepreneurship Roxanna Arteaga Bradley Bounds II * Mayra Lopez Maria Romero Ramjoyt Badesha Transfer Jason Mou * Tracy Lynn Hulecki Nelida Hernandez Lumina Salinas Edgar Huerta Cynthia Hodges Genesis Sicairos Santiago Diaz Juan López Eduardo Ayala * Chindy Luch Reyna Macias Jose Sanchez Morgan Baldwin Richard Borjas * Gabriela Santos Lopez Jr. Geraldine Herrera Laura Sanchez Kennean Joseph Ada D. Simpfenderfer Isabel Torres Vanessa Farias Nija Wade Laurie Ayala Elyse Warren * Krystle Martinez * Juan Santos Sharlene Baluyut ** Cintia Chavez Negrete 8 - FEATURE Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com ARTS - 9 ‘15ers’ Hartl’s film reaches festival show off Gustavo Olguin Managing Editor [email protected] creativity “The Whexican”, a short film that was put together by a crew of Solmayra Mendez predominantly Cerritos College Copy Editor alumni, placed as one of the nine fi- [email protected] nalists at the Tucson Film Festival. The finalists have a chance to be The creative writing program shown on NuvoTV, a cable channel held its second New Writers De- that is partially owned by Jennifer but event on Tuesday, April 29 and Lopez, as part of a showcase to dis- presented various students who au- play emerging Latino filmmakers. thored and read their own written The movie was directed by pro- fiction stories or poems to a large fessor Forrest Hartl and the movie group of people. was based on previous experience The event, which had its first with his grandfather from Mexico. presentation last fall, had a much “(We) didn’t really know each bigger audience this semester and other, but when I graduated from was held in a science hall and had college he lost his driver’s license a high attendance of almost 80 peo- and I needed a car,” Hartl said. “So ple. I bought my grandfather’s car from Dubbed the “15er” for its de- him and I would take him on er- buting of new writers, the event rands, so I got to know him over a took place from 2-3:30 p.m. in the Science Building and presented couple year’s.” seven distinct students who had He used that as a base for the been picked for their unique way of script and show a grandson that Courtesy of Forrest Hartl writing by creative writing profes- getting to know not only his grand- Whexican: A still from the movie “The Whexican” shows Forrest Hartl (right) sitting across from Alejandro Patino, (left) who plays his grandfather in the film. sors who recommended them. father, but the Mexican culture that Alejandro Patino, who is a Cer- oped friendships with.” sideration for winning the compe- tions such as “The Bridge” and “Al- Professor Frank Gaik, a creative he wasn’t familiar with as well. ritos College alum and has over 100 James Mills, also a Cerritos Col- tition. ways Sunny in Philadelphia”, but writing professor and host of the Hartl was involved with every credits on The Internet Movie Da- lege alum and cinematographer for Mills wasn’t surprised by the doesn’t see that big of a difference event said, “I asked three professors aspect of the movie and felt that he tabase (IMDb), played the grandfa- the movie, studied under Hartl in accolades that the film received as when he works with small produc- who were teaching creative writing had to act in it as well because he ther in film and always looks for- theatre before transferring to USC. well as the positive response that it tions like “The Whexican.” that semester, to select someone was the grandson that the movie ward to working with people from “(Hartl) is probably one of got from the film festival. “It’s just the money. The prod- who’s either in the class or has taken was based off of. Cerritos College. the very best writers I have ever “There aren’t many short films uct and the outcome is all the their class and that they think has a “It’s three times as hard to be “I was at Cerritos for a bit in the known. One of the best actors, fun- that can tell a full narrative, while same. We’re producing something different kind of voice, something acting and to be thinking about niest people (I know) and his taste mid 1980s and I hung around for still being funny and emotional for people to see and enjoy,” Patino unique, some perspective that no how you are directing the scene, quite a bit practicing my art,” Pa- is very singular. He’s a masterful one has and something that would and leave you with something to said. “For any scale, even with mu- giving suggestions to the other ac- tino said. “So I have a history with talent.” inspire other writers to be creative.” think about,” he said. “It’s all For- sic and theatre, we put in all that tors and I wrote the script so on Cerritos and I always look forward There were over 400 submis- He continued saying that the New rest’s work.” hard work in rehearsing and the the fly, we were changing lines or to collaborating with any up and sions and “The Whexican” was part Writers Debut would be held every Patino has worked on produc- outcome is always the sam e .” tweaking dialogue,” he said. coming students that I have devel- of the nine that are now under con- semester. Each student who read their writing had very different pieces and ways of reading their creation. From writer Mariana Gallardo, who read a frightening yet intriguing fiction story to Jade Sterling, who read her story in different character tones, to Mel Bernstein, who read a variety of short poems, there was a sense of differentiation. Gallardo, one of the “15ers” was the first one up to read her fictitious story which lead with an undertone of sadness and ominous events. Gallardo, who took a creative writing class last fall, and is also an English major and aspiring writer, said she had initially just turned in her story for a ghost story con- test as an extra credit opportunity. “I wasn’t really expecting to get any type of recognition but it was received very well and I placed fourth.” She said. This is marking her first time publicly reading her own work, she said, “This was very nerve wrecking for me I was really nervous about it today but I was really excited too.” An attendee of the event, Chris- tina Ramirez, said it was her first time hearing about the New Writ- ers Debut event and attended when she learned about it from professor Gaik who she’s taking a creative Armando jacobo/TM Art is born: A student art exhibition attendee stands in an empty gallery after the award ceremony and gazes into “Gestation,” created by Antonio Perez. writing class from. She expressed her feelings after the event saying, “Creativity comes in different forms, speakers didn’t look shy about presenting their Awards aplenty during student art show own art and I really like that. However she also mentioned Juan Manuel Vanlenzuela, Deborah Conroy Christina Mar- students. the way she would feel if she ever Armando Jacobo tinez; Photography Faculty Choice Award- Samantha Cox, Also, receiving recognition for her artwork, Itzel Romero had the opportunity to debut “I Copy Editor Andre Roland; The Victor Hugo Scholarship- Hope Gar- was surprised to hear her name called out. [email protected] would be nervous but then again it cia; Cassady Familiy Award- Sarah Arroyo; JoAnna Scilling “I wasn’t expecting any kind of rewards for it, I just want- would be my own work so I think I scholarship- Olivia Love. ed to put it out there for personal satisfaction,” said Romero. The Cerritos College Fine Arts and Communications De- would be more comfortable.” Hope Garcia was the only student to win two awards For the first time in Student Art Exhibition history was partment along with the Associated Students of Cerritos Col- Professor Gaik, who seemed (placing second in Painting/ Life Drawing, first in Freehand the presentation of the Schilling Art History Award. pleased with the turnout, voiced his lege presented its annual Student Art Exhibition followed by Drawing and the Victor Hugo Scholarship) and a scholarship. The award was created by Dr. JoAnna Schilling, Cerritos opinion on what he would like peo- an award ceremony on Tuesday, April 29. “I’m overwhelmed. I’m almost speechless. College Vice President/Assistant Superintendent of Academ- ple to take from this experience. He The exhibit highlights the work of over 137 emerging and I mean the teachers here at the school have such talent ic Affairs who contributed money and a membership to the said, “I want people to recognize mid-career students in the areas of: ceramics, painting, free- behind them in itself, in a way they’ve been mentors for me,” Huntington Library to a deserving student. that all great writers have readers, hand drawing, printmaking, 2-D design, graphic design, ani- said Garcia. “The event is meant to boost the students morale by rec- and listeners and that most literary mation, film editing and photography. Garcia wants people observing her artwork see it from an ognizing their exceptional work done throughout the semes- movements start with a coterie or Several awards were handed out throughout the ceremo- abstract perspective, “I want them to open their eyes to the ter”, according to James Mac Devitt, curator and director of team, a group of people who read ny; in each category there was a first place, two second places, their work.” fact that society isn’t one-sided,” stated Garcia. the art gallery. two third places and two honorable mention awards. “I just want people to be in- The fine arts and communications faculty selected art- “It’s really just about giving deserving students encour- The list of first place winners include: Ceramics/3D- -Er spired to write more”. he added. ists to include in the art exhibition and a jurist, Mario On- agement and maybe a little money on the side and help them ika Juarez, Painting/Life Drawing- Erica Figueroa, Freehand The New Writes Debut is held tevaros, art history professor at California State University to make the difficult choice of continuing to pursue a career Drawing- Hope Garcia, Printmaking/2D- Juan Manuel Va- every semester by the creative writ- Northridge, was brought in to select awards in seven different and a life in the arts…I think it’s a worth-while event,” said lenzuela, Graphic Design/ Digital Illustration- Elizabeth ing department and usually debut categories. Mac Devitt. Garibaldi, Animation/ Film Editing- Christopher Thomas, seven to eight unparalleled indi- Over $4500, collectively, was awarded through various The art exhibition extends through May 16 and is open Photography- Michelle Tigrero. viduals with unique ideas and writ- scholarships (Demont Award, Cassidy Award, Photo Faculty from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday through Wednesday; but ings that can potentially make them Special Awards and scholarship recipients include: John Choice Award and Schilling Art History Award) to deserving closes at 4 p.m. Thursday and Friday. future writers. Demott Awards- Dominique Luna, Jonathan Hernandez, 10 - ARTS Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com Jazz and pop rock students From LA to Germany team up for concert at Burnight Center Building Jaqueline Naranjo work toward mastering its instru- Staff Writer ments and understanding the dif- [email protected] ferent styles of jazz. The jazz ensemble especially The Cerritos College music de- have to learn how to play together partment will be presenting a Jazz in groups, since it has to listen to and Pop/Rock Exchange Concert certain cues. on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Bur- Throughout the semester the night Center Building (BC-51). pop/rock ensemble learn how to Although the concert is named work together without the director an exchanged concert, it will only giving them all the information. feature Cerritos College students They learn how to put together from the jazz and pop/rock en- their group, how to put together a semble and will be composed of a song list, how to rehearse. variety of music. Alos, how to get all the equip- The jazz ensemble will be pre- ment together, and how to manage forming various kinds of big band time so eventually the students can songs. do it on their own. David Betancourt, director of Victor Hugo Herrera, political bands and orchestra, said, “We try science major and trombone player to vary, so we’ll have stuff from dif- for the pop/rock ensemble, is excit- courtesy of ‘ derogatory’ ferent eras from the early big band Death Metal: “Derogatory” is a band consiting of Cerritos College students, currenly working on its second album, already produced its first album “above all else.” ed to show the school how much 1940s and then all the way up to they have progressed through the Amairani mendez music has an underlying message for fans. friends to check them out, I pass on the stuff that has been written lately.” semester. Arts Editor Ordonez said, “Every song has its own music. I guess that how it’s all made, tell- The pop/rock group will be [email protected] “I just picked up the trombone topic, some talk about reality, death, the ing people that they’re here and that they composed of a variety of genres in- this semester so I’m excited and meaningof life. Things that everyone can should listen to them.” cluding funk, rock, latin, pop and Solmayra Mendez nervous,” Herrera said, “We do relate to.” Daniel Alonzo, undecided major, is not any modern type of music. Copy Editor a lot of work, I know people just [email protected] With so many shows under its belt, the only the band’s bassist but also one the guys “The goal for me as a teacher think we just throw it together and band is bound to have recurring and dedi- who decided to start the band. “Well the is not to work toward this perfor- jam but that’s not true it is a lot of The death metal band ‘Derogatory’ has cated fans. band it all just started with us just jamming mance. work. played over 800 shows all over the Los An- “I’ve seen a lot of familiar faces at the out one day and we were like let’s start a This performance, documents The goal of the concert for Be- geles and Valley area. This summer, they are shows multiple times. Sometimes we have band,” Alonzo said. everything they’ve learned prior tancourt is to have the students be- planning on touring all over the coast. people willing to help us with out stuff, they The band is largely recognized in Ger- to the performance, so it is more come independent. The band, which has been together for volunteer.” Ordonez said. many compared to the U.S. and is looking of what I would like them to learn “At the performance, if they a little over two years has a unique name, Among those fans that help the band to expand and become better recognized throughout the semester,” Betan- learn what I’m hoping they have, I Christian Ordonez, lead guitarist said, “I is Jorge Montes, who has a close relation- here at home. court said. won’t be at stage at all.” Betancourt actually found the name out, I saw a sign ship with bassist Daniel Alonzo since high Alonzo says that people in Germany are “I want the audience to listen said. “I’ll just be listening in the school. just with the definition and I figured it suits “crazy about them.” to (the bands) and hear the evi- audience just like everybody else Montes said, “I’m one of the great fans,” dence of what they have learned. to the music and the style.” Germany is where a lot of the band because they would have figured He is very dedicated to ‘Derogatory’ and They might not know exactly what The band, made up of four members, member’s fans are located. everything else out and they will said, “Daniel told me about all this stuff and they’ve learned but they would be debuted last December with the album title The band is now currently working on sound fantastic.” it’s really cool ‘cause I know what’s happen- like ‘wow that was really cool, how “Above all Else” and distributed worldwide its second album. Michael Enriquez, music ma- under the record label FDA Rekots. ing in the band before it announces their they do that.” he said. jor and drummer for both jazz and stuff so it’s pretty cool.” You can also purchase merchandise of Over the course of the semes- With song titles such as “To Escape the band by going to derogatoryband.big- pop/rock ensemble, encourages What Is Now” and “Above All Else” their Montes has contributed to the band ter, the jazz ensemble’s goal is to other students to go to the concert. by spreading the word of its music “I tell cartel.com Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com SPORTS - 11 Spring sports tip their hats to a proud season FINALE:Spring sports season fully counted until year round Athletic director Dan Clauss proved fruitful for athletics turn in their points and Dean of athletics Daniel for the contest. Smith was very optimistic of Cerritos College. That means spring also had spring sports. Sebastian Echeverry to battle to bring the points Sports Editor home to give the home of Spring offered its fair share [email protected] the Falcons a fighting chance of sporting accomplishment against highly athletic sport- Fall sports left behind great set out by the strict yet fair points to put Cerritos College ing schools like Long Beach leadership of the coaching in the top rankings for the City College and Mt. San An- NATYCAA cup contest. tonio College. staffs and the heart of the ath- Even though the cham- Basketball’s hard drive into letes sliding into home, diving pionship achievements ac- the playoffs gave the Falcons into first, vaulting over the quired by fall sports like good points to start the spring women’s soccer, wrestling and season with but where de- competition and serving the Sebastian Echeverry / TM water polo, the scores are not nied bringing the title home. opponent a hefty challenge.

Pitcher Jared Robinson named player of the year Baseball head coach honored Coach of the Year Mario Jimenez Mario Jimenez Staff Writer Scan to see more on Staff Writer [email protected] Scan to learn more Jared Robinson [email protected] about Ken Gaylord Being the pitching coach,Ben Coach Ken Gaylord says his Gonzalez got to spend a lot of time players deserve the most credit for working and developing Jared Rob- his award because they’re the ones inson over the past two years. out on the field grinding toward “He (Robinson) won 10 games their goal everyday. throughout the season, he was in Falcons pitching coach Ben the middle of our lineup, he hit for Gonzalez thinks that Gaylord’s rec- power, he had a bunch of RBI, he ognition is well deserved because of hit for average and was a leader on http://bit.ly/RCOY3y the surprising bounce back season Taken from cerritosfalcons.com he led the Falcons to. http://bit.ly/RCOY3y our team,” Gonzalez said. Taken from cerritosfalcons.com Falcons bringing Focus is the name of the game Sebastian Echeverry Sports Editor [email protected]

home the glory Adam Aguirre placed first in the Southern California champion- Sebastian Echeverry ship on Saturday in Riverside. Sports Editor [email protected] By his side were a couple fresh- man that were not intimidated by the experience of the other athletes s the season came in the meet as they placed high in to an end, the world rankings and gave Cerritos the of sports at Cerritos CollegeA brought home many third place spot. achievments and accom- Freshman Thomas Philips Che- plishments that many of the val ran a decathlon for Cerritos. sporting staff are proud to Saturday tested Cheval as he origi- Taken from cerritosfalcons.com have been a part of. nally was planning on competing The story snippets sur- in the four by four event by head rounding the Cerritos Col- coach Christopher Richardson lege Falcon emblem provide thought otherwise for the athlete. Scan to read more “Coach said, ‘let’s focus on do- QR bar codes, that when on Adam Aguirre’s scanned, will send the de- ing the decathlon’ so he knows vice to the website version jump what’s best,” Cheval said. Adam of the Talon Marks brand Aguirre also made a splash at the where the longer story can meet as he placed first in the high be accessed. jump event and will also be com- Relive moments such as peting at the state championship. track and field athlete Adam “I jumped my new personal Aguirre’s jump toward his- best, 72.25 meters, its a pretty big tory. jump for junior college,” Aguirre How about head coach said. “Usually that’s division one http://bit.ly/1jdINPg Kodee Murray’s historic jump right there.” pace to victory no. 400. Seasons come and go. Who is going to state championships?

Katherine Grijalva Cerritos recognizes Murray’s 400th win Staff Writer [email protected] Scan to read more The Cerritos College Track & Scan to read about about State Kodee Murry’s win Field team qualify for the State Championships; if they win in the championship quali- Southern California Champion- fiers ships. With 40 qualified athletes par- ticipating in the regional champi- Mario Jimenez / TM onships, Cerritos College’s track and field team has gone through a Mario Jimenez through the program that long road to get to where they are Staff Writer have come and fought and now. [email protected] done those things and the Some of the Southern Califor- 400th win stood for all the http://bit.ly/1mPBO1D nia schools will compete against http://bit.ly/1gg99Qu “It’s on my record (the former athletes that helped top competitors including Mt. San 400 wins), but it has been to achieve that,” said Kodee Antonio College and Riverside the players that have come Murray. College. 12 - SPORTS Wednesday, May 14, 2014 • www.talonmarks.com Swim and tennis both bow for the finale Swim and tennis teams both new personal records,” Abing said. of 75 percent this year. “We have a lot of fast swimmers returning Even with crucial players transferring to oth- end in spring playoffs. next year, so hopefully we can place higher than er schools next semester, Kim looks forward to fourth next year.” next year’s season. Kristopher Carrasco Swimmer and physical education major, Mutimedia Editor Moreno, has not swam for about four years and “It’s kinda sad when you have to transfer out [email protected] decided to take the advice from his water polo players, we have our number ones both transfer- coach and join swim again. ring to division one schools, but hopefully we Both men and women’s swim and tennis After a lot hard work, Moreno was the only recruit some people and keep trying,” Kim said. teams end their season on great terms. swimmer from the team to qualify for the state One player in particular, business and mar- The men’s swim team started off the season championships with a backstroke time of 54.00. keting major Nathan Eshmade, had a great sea- strong by winning its first invitational meet and “Last year after water polo was over, I waited son ending with a record of 30-0. later winning the golden west invitational. and started to practice in January. This year once Ending with a strong finish, the team got water polo is over, I’m going to practice harder Eshmate also went on to win the state cham- fourth place in its conference; and swimmer with the club throughout the year as well in hopes pionship and is looking forward to continuing Marlon Moreno qualified to the state champion- that I get faster and place better,” Moreno said. his tennis career at UC Santa Barbra next semes- ships. The men’s and women’s tennis team did re- ter. Swim head coach, Joe Abing was proud of ally well this year as well. Men’s team won state “We got both titles up there and I’m happy to the Falcons and how hard they worked at getting singles and state double’s. feel like I’ve had the perfect season,” Nathan said. their own best personal times. The women’s team lost in a very close semi “A lot of what ends up happening in swim- finals of state championship. The Cerritos College tennis team is already Kristopher Carrasco / TM ming is, you’re trying to get everyone to individ- According to head coach Alvin Kim, the practicing for next year’s season and is currently Swim and tennis end valiantly: Both teams left its mark in spring. Marlon Moreno dug deep into the state playoffs and held a 54.00 backstroke time. The Ven- ually swim faster and everyone did that and set women’s tennis team had an estimated win rate recruiting more players. ezuelan will also make an appearance in the fall season on the water polo team. Softball hits hard at Super Regional but misses trip to State Daniel Linares Kodee Murray said.” “We came out bad in the shin, while playing Ven- for the end of May, its a long sea- go well, on account of the good, es- Associate Multimedia Editor hard, the other team tied it up and tura about a month ago, and was hit son; and so keeping them focused tablished program they have. The [email protected] we didn’t finish strong enough.” in the same spot during this tour- is keeping them moving in the right greatest part about it is that there With Softball’s Super Regionals Murray said, “Super Region- nament; and she pitched all the way directions.” are so many good schools around ending just last week; and according als went outstanding. We walked through it.” As for what’s next, the coaches Cerritos, so the kids will be split to assistant coach Jenel Guadagno in and beat the team that had been Jenel Guadagnos said “Some can agree, its time to rebuild. between Cypress College, Mt. San “they fought hard but fell a little ranked number one in the state, and good things that came out of Super “Next, as far as the coaching staff, Antonio College, and Cerritos Col- short.” we didn’t finish against Santa Ana Regionals; they learned to fight, our we are just moving into recruiting, lege.” For their first match the Cerritos but we were right there.” backs were up against the wall, and and to rebuild our freshmen. They The Cerritos Falcons will be Falcons beat the playoffs, and man- Pitching coach Dennis Drulias they came out and did what they are sophomores now, so now were back in the fields in August. Now aged to be the number one ranked said, “They did really fantastic but were supposed to do. They need to looking for some freshmen to come with the season over, the only team in the state but not everything we had few misplays due to over- come back with that hungry men- in and fill some big shoes. We have course of action is to look forward, went as planned for the Falcons. effort. Leading up to Super Region- tality next year; to be better, and 8 sophomores leaving; were losing a as the time for rebuilding what once “We won our first game but lost als they were getting stronger and get better, every day. To get through lot of key positions, but we do have was is here. Taken from cerritosfalcons.com our second game, putting us in the stronger all the time, and playing as those tough days, when you don’t a good recruiting class coming in so Murray said, “We were not play- Till the end: The coaching staff at losers bracket, and we ended up a team; doing the best they could. want to practice and you don’t want that’s good,” Guadagno said. ers entering, but a team, and we Nancy Kelly softball field are very proud of the Super Regional results. losing the final game,” head coach Our number 1 pitcher got hit really to be here. Its getting you better Murray said “the recurting will played all the way through.”