A Geographical Description of the States of Maryland and Delaware : Also of the Counties, Towns, Rivers, Bays and Islands, With
ffitbrarg ItttwrHtta of 3Pttt0b«rgI| Darlington Memorial Library look f BALTIMORE, SATURDAY, SEl'T. 8, 1966! Ar>'U •iq. Miles. f ; BALTIMORE, SATUfiDAY, SErT.S, 1866. A School Geogbaphy op Maryland. We have from the publishers, D. Appleton & Co., of Kew York, per Cuehings & Bailey, of this city, a Geography of the State of Maryland, designed for schools, and intended to accompany Corneire Grammar School Geography, which contains a new map of the State that can hardly fail to meet fally the ends for which it is designed. The general questions on the map of Marvland are such as will imi^rees on the minds of the pupil the exact location, as well as the general ctaracter^ of Burface, etc. On the last page is •given, in' convenient tabular form, the urigin of the camee of the counties, with date of forma- tion, area, etc., from which, on ac':ount of their interest, we take the following: Area Population CoWiiies. rcrmed. Sq. Miles. in 1880. St. Mary's It334 300 15,213 Anne Arundel 1«50 360 :i3,900 Kent 1650 SIO 13,267 Calvert 1(.«4 S50 10,447 Charles ItcS 4o0 16,517 1059 COO * Baltimore -) ''^fifi Talbot 1C60 280 14,7i« Dorchester 1066 600 20,461 Somerset 1666 50<J 24,993 Cecil, 1673 S.50 23,862 P.ince George's 1695 -100 23,327 Qi-.ecn Anne 9 1706 4'» 15.901 Worceeter 1 742 5G0 ^'0,061 Frederick 1748 580 40,o91 Montgomejv 1766 425 18,322 Caroline...'. 1773 270 11,129 l'«rfor4 1773 400 23,415 W.isl.in^fcou 1776 525 31,417 ^lieganv 1789 1,100 28.;347 Carroll 1836 425 '^^,533 Howard 1850 240 13,388 ^Baltimore citv.
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