Agenda Item 8.1

Meeting SPA Resources Committee Date 10 September 2019 Location SPA Headquarters, Pacific Quay, Title of Paper Request to Declare Surplus: Police Property at Carradale Presented By Phil Collard, Head of Estates Recommendation to Members For recommendation to SPA Board for approval Appendix Attached Appendix A – Engagement/ Consultation plan


The purpose of this report is to seek the approval of members of SPA Resources Committee to request that the SPA Board declare the existing police station and house at Carradale, PA28 6QG, surplus to operational requirements and to approve the other recommendations contained herein.

SPA Resources Committee Request to Declare Surplus: Police Property at Carradale 10 September 2019 OFFICIAL 1 OFFICIAL


1.1 The SPA Board, at its meeting on 22 May 2019, approved a new Estate Strategy which sets out the strategic vision and principles in relation to the transformation of the future Police Estate.

1.2 Divisional Commanders, in conjunction with the Estates Transformation Team, will shortly complete Divisional Estate Plans which will identify their optimum Divisional footprints to meet operational demand and also future potential co-locations/ collaborations with partners. Discussions are also continually ongoing with Divisional Commanders to identify their immediate opportunities and priorities.

1.3 Carradale Police station (and house) is a small, rural station located 15-16 miles north of which is the main market town in the area. The Station comprises a room within a four apartment house built around 1937. Both the station and house have been vacant since November 2018, with officers now being deployed from Campbeltown.


2.1 The new Divisional Estate Plans (to be prepared) will not change the operational position on Carradale, which is that the property is no longer required for policing purposes. The ACC for Local Policing West, ACC Bernie Higgins, and the Divisional Commander, Chief Superintendent John Paterson, are sighted on, and supportive of, the proposal to dispose of this property. Taking the above into account, it is recommended that action to dispose of the property is undertaken now, rather than waiting several months for the full Divisional Estate Plan for ‘L’ Division to be prepared and approved in its entirety.

2.2 ‘L’ Division has already entered into public consultation with stakeholders (Elected Members, the Community Council, the local Community Planning Partnership and relevant partners) in relation to the closure and disposal of Carradale Police Station. The responses received are detailed in Appendix 1 and no objections were received.

2.3 If it is agreed by the SPA to declare the Carradale property surplus, it will be advertised for sale in terms of the Scottish Public Finance Manual (SPFM) via “The Trawl”. If no interest is expressed, it will then be included in the Disposal Programme and advertised for sale on the open market. SPA Resources Committee Request to Declare Surplus: Police Property at Carradale 10 September 2019 OFFICIAL 2 OFFICIAL


3.1 The sale of Carradale has not been accounted for in our 2019/20 disposals target.

3.2 It is anticipated that the sale will conclude in Q4 of 2019/20.

3.3 The sale will also remove the ongoing revenue and maintenance costs of the property which were £5,046 per annum in 2018/19.


4.1 The Disposals Programme is being managed by existing Estates Department resource, supported by Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) and our external commercial real estate partner - J & E Shepherd Chartered Surveyors.

4.2 There are no personnel implications with regard to the sale of the property as it has been vacant for some time with operational policing resources deployed from elsewhere within the Division.


5.1 The legal conveyancing in relation to the disposal of this property will be carried out by Police Scotland’s Legal Services Department.


6.1 If not sold the property will continue to deteriorate which could have adverse reputational implications.

6.2 There are positive reputational implications associated with this paper. The sale of the former police station would bring an empty building back into use within the community.


7.1 There are no social implications associated with this paper.


8.1 Extensive local engagement and consultation was undertaken prior to seeking approval to declare this property surplus. This ensured

SPA Resources Committee Request to Declare Surplus: Police Property at Carradale 10 September 2019 OFFICIAL 3 OFFICIAL

that any concerns raised in relation to this disposal were considered and addressed.


9.1 There are no equality implications associated with this paper.


10.1 The disposal of the empty property will reduce running costs, generate a capital receipt and provide sustained savings, helping the organisation to achieve financial sustainability, whilst contributing to a reduction in the carbon footprint.


Members are requested to recommend to the SPA Board to approve the following:

1. To declare Carradale police house and station surplus to operational requirements.

2. To approve the marketing of the property.

3. To instruct the Head of Estates and the Head of Legal Services to act as required in connection with the marketing of the former police station and house at Carradale, PA28 6QG in accordance with the Scottish Public Finance Manual (SPFM).

SPA Resources Committee Request to Declare Surplus: Police Property at Carradale 10 September 2019 OFFICIAL 4 OFFICIAL ENGAGEMENT PLAN EXTERNAL ENGAGEMENT (STAKEHOLDERS / COMMUNITY) Proposed No. Affected Station Person/Group Consulted Title Method Date of Engagement Timeline 1 Carradale Local Councillors Letter 09‐Mar‐19

2 Carradale Community Councils In person 07/03/2019

3 Carradale Local Community Planning Group In person Feb‐19 4 Carradale Chief Ex and Bute Council In person Mar‐19 5 Carradale Scutiny Board In person 14‐Mar‐19 6 Carradale Community Local weekly paper 15/03/2019 7 8 9

INTERNAL ENGAGEMENT (STAFF) Proposed No. Affected Station Person/Group Consulted Title Method Date of Engagement Timeline 1 2 SPA Resources Committee Estates Disposal – Carradale Police House & Station - Appendix A 10-Sep-19 OFFICIAL APPENDIX A

Divisional Person Responsible General Feedback (both positive and negative) CI Marlene Baillie No concerns raised The CC understand due to the low crime and incident rate the current model was not sustainable. They welcome a CI Marlene Baillie Community Officer being appointed to attend their meetings and acting as a point of contact for any Community concerns. PI McLeish No concerns raised Ch Supt Hazel Hendren No concerns raised Ch Supt Hazel Hendren No concerns raised CI Marlene Baillie No concerns rasied to date

Divisional Person Responsible General Feedback (both positive and negative)