PHYSIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL ECOLOGY Mexican (Coleoptera: ) Injury Affects Photosynthesis of Glycine max and vulgaris


Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816

Environ. Entomol. 27(2): 373-381 (1998) ABSTRACT Based on previous photosynthesis studies, adult Mexican bean , varivestis Mulsant, produce a different physiological response to injury in soybean than other defoliators. In 1993 and 1994, we conducted experiments to determine the nature and extent of photosynthetic rate reductions in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, and dry bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L. We used a randomized complete block design for all experiments. In most experiments, treatments were an uncaged, uninjured leaflet; a caged, uninjured leaflet; and a caged, injured leaflet. Treat- ments were replicated >5 times. Experimental units were individual trifoliolate leaflets. Four to 8 larvae or adults were placed in each leaflet cage and allowed to feed for 6-18 h. After feeding, the and leaf cages were removed and gas exchange properties were determined. Both adults and larvae reduced photosynthetic rates of the remaining tissue of the injured leaflet on both soybean and dry bean. A significant linear relationship between photosynthetic rate and percentage injury was observed for both adult and larval injury. Injury reduced photosynthetic rates in an 6 soybean and dry bean cultivars used in the experiments. There was no recovery of photosynthetic rates after injury of an individual leaflet. Stomatal conductance rates were not consistently different between

injured and uninjured leaflets. Intercellular CO2 concentrations were similar or higher in injured leaflets. Consequently, reductions in photosynthesis do not seem to be attributable to stomatal limitations. Quantum efficiency was not affected by injury, indicating that light-harvesting structures were not peJ1urbed. Therefore, our results suggest that the limitations to photosynthesis are attributable to the utilization of CO2 or the supply or utilization of phosphate. Our findings suggest that the limitation is associated with RuBPcase, RuBP regeneration, or phosphate utilization.

KEY WORDS Epilachna varivestis, herbivory, defoliation, gas exchange, soybean, dlY bean

REsEARCHON BIOTIC stress and its effect on plant phys- ing redlegged grasshoppers, Mela.noplusfemurrubrum iology is still in its infancy. Few researchers have (DeGeer); soybean loopers, Pseudoplusia includens attempted to synthesize responses of plants to biotic (Walker); velvetbean caterpillars, Antica.rsia gemma- stresses (Welter 1989, Higley et al. 1993, Peterson and ta.lis (Hubner); green c!overworms, Pla.thypena sca.bra Higley 1993). The paucity of research on physiological (F.); soybean leafminer adults, Odontota. homi Smith; responses to biotic stress is especially apparent in the bean leaf beetle adults, Ceratoma. trifurca.ta. (Forster); area of -induced plant stress, even though and Mexican bean beetle adults, Epilachna vanvestis insect and mite injury represents one of the most Mulsant (L.G.H., unpublished data). Photosynthetic impOltant types of biotic stress (Higley et al. 1993). rates of the remaining leaflet tissue were not affected Injury by potentially can affect popula- by herbivore injury, except for the injury by Mexican tion dynamics and life history strategies of both her- bean beetles. Mexican bean beetle injury significantly bivores and plants. Characterizing the influence of reduced photosynthetic rates of the remaining leaf- arthropods on plant gas exchange processes, such as lets. However, the research discussed above and pre- photosynthesis, water vapor transfer, and respiration vious studies on soybean and several other plant spe- is important because these processes are crucial de- cies have demonstrated that both simulated and actual terminants of plant growth, yield, and fitness. There- insect defoliation do not perturb photosynthetic rates fore, characterizing physiological responses to herbi- of remaining tissue of individual, injured leaves (Wel- vores can "provide a common basis for understanding ter 1989, 1991; Higley 1992; Peterson et a1. 1992; Peter- how plants respond to insect-induced stress" (Peter- son and Higley 1993). son and Higley 1993). Injury by adult and larval Mexican bean beetles is During field research in 1989 and 1990, individual physically different from injury by other lepidopteran leaflets of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, were and coleopteran soybean defoliators. Adults and lar- exposed to injury by several insect herbivores, inc!ud- vae scrape, crush, and then consume leaf tissue, leav- ing both large and small leaf veins unconsumed, but

I Dow AgroSciences, 306/2C, 9330 Zionsville Road, Indianapolis, often injured. Visually, the injured leaflet is "laced" or IN 46268. "skeletonized" (Edwards et a!. 1994). Based on pre-

0046-225X/98/0373-0381$02.00/0 © 1998 Entomological Society of America 374 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 27, no. 2 liminary photosynthesis studies, it was evident that to arthropod injury types. We addressed the following adult Mexican bean beetles also produce a different 7 questions: (1) Is larval injury similar to adult injury physiological response to injury in soybean than do in its effect on photosynthesis? (2) Does injury reduce other insect defoliators. photosynthesis in another host species, dry bean, Substantial progress has been made in determining Phaseolus vulgaris L.? (3) Does injury reduce photo- the physiological mechanisms responsible for reduc- synthesis in different soybean and dry bean cultivars? tions in photosynthetic activity. Sharkey (1985) iden- (4) Does injury reduce photosynthesis at different tified 3 categories for all limitations to photosynthe- stages of soybean and dry bean development? (5) Do sis-the supply or utilization of CO2, the supply or injured leaflets compensate for injury over time? (6) utilization of light, and the supply or utilization of Is the entire leaflet affected by injury? and (7) What phosphate. It is now possible to determine the phys- are the physiological and biochemical mechanisms iological and biochemical limitations of photosynthe- responsible for the reductions in photosynthesis? sis to environmental conditions with both in vitro and in vivo techniques. Using ecophysiological instrumen- Materials and Methods tation and biochemically based models (Farquhar and von Caemmerer 1982, Farquhar and Sharkey 1982, Indeterminate soybean was planted in 1993 ('Ken- Sharkey 1985), researchers have determined the role wood') and 1994 ('Clark 3W' and 'Clark 5N') at field of stomatal and nonstomatallimitations to photosyn- sites on the East Campus of the University of Ne- thesis in several plant systems (e.g., Sharkey and See- braska, Lincoln. The soil is a Zook silty clay loam (fine, mann 1989, Bowden et al. 1990, Pennypacker et al. montmorillonitic, mesic Cumulic Haploaquoll). All 1990, Ni and Pallardy 1992, Kicheva et al. 1994, Koch sites were disked before planting. Row orientation was et al. 1994). north-south. Row width was 76 cm and planting den- Specific biochemical limitations, such as ribulose sity was 25 plants per row-meter. (Table 1 contains 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase (RuBPcase) specific information on cultivars, treatment replica- activity, ribulose 1, 5-bisphosphate (RuBP) regener- tions, and blocking factors.) ation, and triose phosphate utilization can be deter- For the greenhouse experiments, soybean (Ken- mined fOf C3 species using a combination of assimi- wood and 'Resnick) and dry bean ('Beryl' and 'Flint') lation-intercellular CO2 response curves, quantum were planted in plastic pots (16 cm diameter) con- efficiency determinations, fluorescence measure- taining 2/3 silt loam soil and 113 sand. Each plant was ments, and metabolite assays (Sharkey 1985). Only the grown individually in a pot under a high-pressure metabolite assay is a destructive technique. Single sodium lamp (400 W), with a photoperiod of 14:10 photosynthesis measurements provide limited infor- (L:D) h. mation concerning biochemical limitations to photo- We used 9 experiments in both field and greenhouse synthesis. Therefore, assimilation-C02 response environments to address our research questions (Ta- curves and quantum efficiency determinations re- ble 1). We used a randomized complete block design quire multiple photosynthesis measurements in rela- for all experiments. In most experiments, treatments tion to changing CO2 concentrations and light inten- were an uncaged, uninjured leaflet; a caged, uninjured sities, respectively (Sharkey 1985). Unfortunately, leaflet; and a caged, injured leaflet. Treatments were much of the work on photosynthetic responses to replicated at least 5 times. Experimental units were insect injury is based on single measurements, and individual trifoliolate leaflets. Because photosynthetic studies describing gas exchange mechanisms are lack- rates vary considerably among leaves, all 3 leaflets per ing (Peterson and Higley 1993). leaf typically were used as experimental units to re- Many studies have characterized photosynthetic duce natural variability. Previous research (compari- limitations during drought stress. However, a few re- sons of caged leaflets with uncaged leaflets within a searchers have examined photosynthetic limitations to leaf, or with uncaged leaves of different plants) indi- plant pathogens. Bowden et al. (1990) observed that cates that injury to 1 leaflet by insect defoliators, photosynthesis rates of leaves of potato, Solanum tu- including Mexican bean beetles, does not affect pho- berosum, were reduced by Verticillium dahliae Kleb., tosynthetic rates of an adjacent leaflet (L.G.H., un- a vascular fungal pathogen. Using gas exchange mea- published data). surements, light response curves, and CO2 response In all experiments, young, fully expanded leaflets curves, they concluded that photosynthetic reduc- were enclosed in bridal veil fabric cages which inter- tions primarily were caused by stomatal closure. Con- cepted <5% of photosynthetically active radiation versely, Pennypacker et al. (1990) observed that pho- (determined with a quantum sensor, Model 1915A, tosynthetic reductions of , Medicago sativa L., LI-COR, Lincoln, NE). Depending on the experiment, infected with Verticillium albo-atrurn Reinke & Berth. 4-8 larvae or adults were placed in each leaflet cage were caused by a reduction in the total activity and and allowed to feed for 6-18 h. After feeding, the amount of RuBPcase, and not by stomatal closure. insects and leaf cages were removed and gas exchange The initial research we conducted prompted sev- measurements were recorded. eral questions about the nature and extent of photo- Gas Exchange. Measurements were taken in full synthetic rate reductions after injury by the Mexican sunlight within 2 h of solar noon, or under high-pres- bean beetle. These questions are important to answer sure sodium greenhouse lamps. All measurements 2 if we are to develop general models of plant response were taken at >1,400 /Lmol photons m- S-l. Gas April 1998 PETERSON ET AL.: DEFOLIATION AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS 375

Tuble 1. Foct" •.• specific to each experiment (1993-1994)

Blocking Host Year Location Stressor Cultivar" Stage" Replications % Injury (±SE) factor

Soybean 1993 Field Larvae Kenwood R4 6 How 17.8 (4.25) Field Adults Kenwood R5 6 Row 20.5 (3.24) 1994 Greenhouse Adults Kenwood R5 8 Light 17.9 (6.02) Greenhouse Larvae Resnick R2 5 Plant 22.5 (.5.28) Field Adults Clark 5N H3 7 Plant 22.1 (4.31) Field Adults Clark 3W R2 8 Plant 39.1 (6.62) Dry bean Greenhouse Adults Flint R4 8 plant 19.6 (3.89) Greenhouse Larvae Flint R3 8 Plant 26.2 (5.78) Greenhouse Larvae Beryl R3 8 Plant 21.9 (4.54)

Each row represents an individual experiment. "Clark 3W and Clark 5N are indeterminate isolines. Clark 5N has 5 narrow leaflets per leaf; Clark 3W has 3 wide (typical) leallets per leaf. I, D('velopmental stages of soybean were determined according to the classification scheme ofFehr and Cavriness (1977); stages of dry bean were determined according to the cla"lfication scheme of Nuland et al. (1983).

exchange measurements (net CO2 exchange rate, sto- photon flux density, the chamber was opened so that matal conductance rate, transpiration rate, intercel- the CO2 inside the chamber could return to ambient lular CO2 concentration) were recorded using a por- conditions. Light response curves were determined table photosynthesis system (Model LI-6200, LI- only for Clark 3W soybean. COR). We used either a 4-liter chamber enclosing the After final gas exchange measurements were re- entire leaflet or a I-liter chamber with restriction corded, the leallets were removed and area was quan- devices to cover and measure only the visually unin- tified using an image analysis system consisting of a jured pOltion of an injured leaflet. The leaf area mea- color video camera (3CCD, Model DXC-960MD, 2 sured with the use of restrictors was 7.6 cm . Sony), an image digitizing board (Targa+, Truevision, Stomatal conductance and transpiration rates were Indianapolis, IN) and imaging analysis software (Mo- recorded using a steady-state porometer (Model LI- cha, Jandel Scientific, San Rafael, CA). Using this sys- 1600, LI-COR). The steady-state porometer provides tem, the percentage injury (skeletonization) could be a more accurate estimate of stomatal conductance determined. Therefore, photosynthesis values reflect than the portable photosynthesis system because the rates of only the remaining, living tissue of an injured photosynthesis system will incorporate water loss leallet. Leaf areas of injured leallets can not be de- from the cut leaf tissue into an estimate of transpira- termined with conventional leaf area meters because tion, stomatal conductance, and boundary layer con- the skeletonization injury produces small holes that ductance. The steady-state porometer estimates only cannot be recognized by the sensors of area meters. stomatal conductances and boundary layer conduc- Statistical Analyses. Statistical analyses were con- tances of the remaining tissue because the chamber is ducted using analysis of variance (ANOVA). with small enough to enclose only remaining, uninjured treatment means separated by protected lea~t signif- tissue. icant difference (LSD) (P = 0.05). Linear and non- Respiration measurements were recorded by cov- linear regression analyses were conducted to deter- ering the leaf chamber with a photographic film mine the relationship between injury and changing bag, which intercepted all light. Before mea- photosynthetic rate. surements were recorded, the leaflet was allowed to equilibrate in the dark until CO production was pos- 2 Results and Discussion itive (=20 s). The changing bag did not cause leallet temperature to increase during remaining, uninjured Injury from Mexican bean beetle adults and larvae tissue. Respiration measurements were recorded on ranged from 0.01 to 70%reduction in leaf area over all Kenwood soybean in 1993 only. experiments. In all experiments except 1, photosyn- In 1994,we used a solid-state lighting intensity sys- thetic rates of caged, uninjured leaflets were not sig- tem (Model QBeam 200l-A, Quantum Devices, Bar- nificantly different from uncaged, uninjured leallets. neveld, WI) to adjust the photosynthetic photon flux Therefore, the mesh cages did not affect photosyn- density incident on each leallet before photosynthetic thetic rates. Additionally, caged leaflets and leaves parameters were measured. Photosynthetic responses have not affected gas exchange rates in previous stud- to varying photosynthetic photon flux density can be ies on several plant species, including soybean, sun- used to characterize several parameters associated flower; Helianthus annuus L.; apple, Pyrus malus L.; with photochemical efficiency (Baker and Ort 1992). crabapple, Pyrus coronaria L.; common milkweed, As- Leallets were placed in a I-liter leaf chamber with area c/epilM syriaca L.; and tickclover, Desmodium illinoi- restrictors for measurements and allowed to equili- ense A. Gray. (L.G.H., unpublished data; Peterson et brate to the specific light intensity for = 1 min. Gas aI.,1996). exchange parameters were measured at 50, 100, 400, Adult and Larval Injury and Photosynthesis. Both 2 800, 1,200, 1,400, and 1,700 fLmol photons m- S-l. adults and larvae reduced photosynthetic rates of the After each measurement at a specific photosynthetic injured leaflet on soybean and dry bean. A significant 376 ENVlRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 27, no. 2

30 20 --- Larval injury -A· Adult Injury _ 25

15 Fi .•. 0.000:1 pi .•. 0.0006 "e 20 a o ~ 15 10 .:,E « 10 In •.•..•. 6 "-0.71 ~ 5 5 .-- E '" o 0 0 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 C,) Flint Flint Beryl 35 Percentage Injury 0 Wj e.g-lid C"'.ck. e..a MB&ln~'~ E 30 :::L Fig. 1. The relationship between assimilation and per- ~ r;' - 0.0'3 25 P - 0.0001 centage of Mexican bean beetle injury per leaflet. Data are

15 linear relationship between photosynthetic rate and percentage injury was observed for both adult and 10 larval injury (Fig. 1). Higher-order polynomial rela- 5 tionships between photosynthetic rate and percent- age injury were not significant. Increasing injury de- o K.nwood K.nwood K.nwood A.,,,lek Clerk 3W Cla,k SN creased photosynthetic rates linearly in 6 of the 9 experiments (Table 2). Therefore, not only do larvae Variety and adults produce injuries that are visually similar, but they also produce injuries that are physiologically Fig. 2. Photosynthetic responses of dry bean (top graph) similar. and soybean (bottom graph) cultivars to Mexican bean bee- Injury and P. vulgaris. Photosynthetic responses of tle injury. MBB, Mexican bean beetle. Vertical, capped lines dry bean to Mexican bean beetle injury were similar are standard error. Means followed by the same letter are not to soybean (Fig. 2). Injury by larvae and adults sig- significantly different (P = 0.05) according to protected LSD test. Data are from 1994. nificantly reduced photosynthesis compared with un- injured leaflets in all 3 experiments. Fundamental dif- ferences in leaf morphology (such as trichome synthetic rate reductions also occurred in dry bean in density) between soybean and dry bean did not seem the R3 and R4 growth stages (Table 1). Although to affect the responses of individual leaflets to injury. vegetative stages were not studied, we believe that Injury and Plant Cultivars. Mexican bean beetle these stages would respond similarly given that indi- injury reduced photosynthetic rates in all soybean and vidual leaflets do not have unique anatomies at dif- dry bean cultivars used in these experiments (Fig. 2). ferent stages of development. Although we used only a few cultivars, it seems likely Injury and Temporal Responses. In 2 experiments that many cultivars would exhibit reductions in pho- (1 field and 1 greenhouse experiment), we measured tosynthesis to this type of injury, given that similar photosynthetic responses of soybean to injury over responses were observed between the 2 species. How- time after the removal of beetles. Results from both ever, different cultivars may be able to compensate for experiments indicate that there was no recovery of injury better than others. photosynthetic rates after injury of an individual leaf- Injury and Plant Developmental Stages. Injury re- let (Fig. 3). In the greenhouse experiment, photosyn- duced photosynthetic rates of soybean in the R2, R3, thetic rates of injured leaflets were signincantly lower R4, and R5 growth stages (Table 1). Further, photo- than uninjured leaflets up to 31 d after injury ceased.

Tobie 2. Linear relationships between percentage injury per leaflet and photosynthetic rale for each experiment

Host Year Location Stressor Cultivar Slope r2 P>F

Soybean 1993 Field Larvae Kenwood -0.2972 0.66 0.0001 Field Adults Kenwood -0.3772 0.71 0.0001 1994 Greenhouse Adults Kenwood -0.2079 0.78 0.0001 Field Adults Clark5N -0.2084 0.48 0.003 Field Adults Clark3W -0.2978 0.24 0.075 Greenhouse Larvae Resnick NS Dry bean Greenhouse Larvae Flint -0.0812 0.46 0.005 Greenhouse Adults Flint NS Greenhouse Larvae Beryl NS

Each row representsan individualexperiment.NS,not significant. April 1998 PETERSON ET AL.: DEFOUATION AND PHOTOSYNlliESIS 377

em Ca;_d f.Z3 MaS InJuI:.' Check P - 0.008 20 8

"en '1'E d (.) 3 8 17 31 (5 E «-= 40 ~ Cag8dChod< ~ MBBIn-IUr)I

P - 0.03 P - 0.009 Fig. 4. Photosynthetic responses of soybean leaflets to 30 Mexican bean beetle injury. 4-liter chamber enclosed the P - 0.043 entire injured leaflet. I-liter chamber method used restric- tors to isolate and measure gas exchange of7.6 cm2 of visually 20 uninjured tissue on an injured leaflet. MBB, Mexican bean beetle. Vertical, capped lines are standard error. Data are from 1994. 10

0 that the effects of injury to 1 portion of the leaflet are 0 8 18 manifested across the entire leaflet. Typically, areas of leaflets that are injured by both Days After Injury adults and larvae dry completely in 1 or 2 d. The dried, lacy tissue drops from the leaflet and the leaflet con- Fig. 3. Photosynthetic responses of soybean leaflets to tinues to function until senescense. Because we ob- Mexican bean beetle injury over time after the cessation of served no recovery after injury (and after the loss of injury. MBB, Mexican bean beetle. Vertical, capped lines are dead tissue), and because we observed photosynthesis SE. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly reductions in visually uninjured tissue, our results sug- different (P = 0.05) according to protected LSD test. Data are from 1994. gest that the injury affects the entire leaflet. Our findings for individual leaflets most likely can not be extrapolated to whole plants or plant popula- tions because previous studies indicate that plants In the field experiment, photosynthetic rates of in- respond differently to arthropod injury at different jured leaflets were significantly lower than uninjured levels of biological organization (Peterson and Higley leaflets up to 18 d after injury ceased. In both exper- 1993). For example, photosynthetic rates of individual iments, there did not seem to be recovery of photo- alfalfa leaves injured by alfalfa weevil larvae are not synthetic rates even from leaflets that experienced significantly different from uninjured leaves (Peter- only 5-10% injury (Fig. 3). These data suggest that son et al. 1992). However, when defoliation occurs injury reduces the gas exchange capacity of the leaflet across many leaves of a plant, the whole plant responds until it undergoes normal, progressive photosynthetic to defoliation by altering the photosynthetic senes- and physical senescence. cence pattern of the remaining leaves. Therefore, pho- Injury and Intraleaflet Responses. By using a I-liter tosynthetic rates are not altered by defoliation at the chamber with restrictors to cover only an uninjured individual leaf level, but they are altered at the whole- portion of an injured leaflet, we were able to deter- plant level (Peterson et al. 1992). The delay in pho- mine if the entire leaflet was affected by the injury or tosynthetic and physical leaf senescence seems to be if only the areas immediately surrounding the injury, a compensatory response to defoliation. These leaf or isolated by the injury, were affected. Typically, the and whole-plant responses also have been observed areas measured were at the basal portion of the leaflet after leaf-mass consumption of soybean (Higley 1992). adjacent to the midrib vein. Using both a I-liter cham- Respiration. Because photosynthetic rates deter- ber with restrictors and a 4-liter chamber, we observed mined from the portable photosynthesis system are significant reductions in photosynthetic rates between actually net carbon exchange rates, it could be argued uninjured leaflets and injured leaflets (Fig. 4). Addi- that increases in respiration rates after injury are pro- tionally, we compared the difference in percentage ducing overall reductions in photosynthetic rates. reduction of photosynthesis between controls and in- However, respiration rates of the remaining tissue on jured leaflets for the 4-liter method and the I-liter injured leaflets were not significantly different (F = method. Percentage reduction of photosynthesis be- 0.84; df = 1,6; P >F = 0.31) from uninjured leaflets. tween the 2 methods was not significantly different (F Indeed, although not significant, respiration rates of = 0.01;df = 1,6; P >F = 0.98). These findings suggest injured leaflets generally were lower than uninjured 378 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 27, no. 2

1.25 35 r------,------,325 ~-0.32 1.04 30 ~ 310 E 0.83 a. 'ell 25 a. N ~ 0.63 N 'E 0 N20 295 u 0 ~ '" 0.42 u m "E (315 280 :;I 00.21 E Q) :£ 2: 10 ~ '00.00 Q) F1Jnt Alnt Beryl « 265 C .s 1.25 0, 5 ~ -0.2.'3 0 250 0 6 18 0 1 6 18 Days After Injury Fig.6. Soybean(Clark3W) assimilation(lefty-axis)and intercellularCO2 (righty-axis)overtimeafter Mexicanbe'lI1 beetle injury.Barswithnarrowlinesrepresentcagedcontrol; bars with wide lines represent Mexicanbean beetle injury. Vertical,cappedlinesare standarderror.Dataare from1994.

Kenwood Kenwood Kenwood Resnick Cieri< 5N Clari< 3W

Variety greater in injured leaflets over time after injury (Fig. 6) and across all PPFDs (Fig. 7). Therefore, CO2 Fig. 5. Stomatalconductance of dry bean (top graph) availability in the leaf mesophyll did not seem to be and soybean (bottomgraph) cultivarsto Mexicanbean bee- reduced by injury. tle injury.MBB,Mexicanbean beetle. Vertical,cappedlines Light Response Curves. The relationship between are SE.Data are from 1994. photosynthesis and photosynthetic photon flux den- sity is shown in Fig. 8. Injured leaflets had greater light leaflets. Consequently, respiration was unchanged or compensation points (the photosynthetic photon flux reduced most likely because of reductions in leaflet density where the photosynthetic rate becomes pos- photosynthetic activity associated with injury. itive) than uninjured leaflets, both immediately and Stomatal Conductance. Stomatal conductance rates 24 h after the cessation of injury. Although injured were significantly different among treatments in only leaflets had lower photosynthetic rates than uninjured four of the nine experiments (Fig. 5). Where signifi- leaflets, photosynthesis of both treatments was maxi- cant differences occurred among treatments, a linear mized at a similar photosynthetic photon flux density. relationship between percentage injury and stomatal The initial slope of the light-response curve (Fig. 8) conductance was observed in 3 of the 4 experiments gives an indication of quantum efficiency of CO2 as- (Table 3). As injury increased, stomatal conductance similation (maximum efficiency with which a leaf can decreased linearly. However, the coefficient of deter- utilize an absorbed photon for CO2 assimilation) mination, ,2, was generally much less than the coef- (Baker and Ort 1992). The initial slopes (50- 400 /Lmol ficient of determination for injury-photosynthetic photons m-2 s-1) for both treatments were not sig- rate regressions. nificantly different from each other (immediatelyaf-

Intercellular CO2, Intercellular CO2 concentra- ter injury: F = 0.02; df = 1, 6; P >F = 0,9 24 h after tions in injured leaflets were not significantly different injury: F = 0.87; df = 1,5; P >F = 0.39), Therefore, or were significantly greater than uninjured leaflets. quantum efficiency was not reduced because of in-

Intercellular CO2 concentrations typically were jury. Consequently, the limitation on photosynthesis

Table 3. Linear relationships between percentage injury per leaflet and slonlnlal conductwlce fur each eXI,erimcnt

Host Year Location Stressor Cu\tivar Slope 1'2 P> F Soybean 1993 Field Larvae Kenwood -5.6 0.32 0.003 Field Adults Kenwood -7.35 0.32 0.015 1994 Greenhouse Adults Kenwood NS Field Adults Clark 5N -6.39 0.4 0.01l Field Adults Clark 3W NS Creenhouse Larvae Resnick NS Dry bean Greenhouse Larvae Flint NS Greenhouse Adults Flint NS Greenhouse Larvae Beryl NS

Each row represents an individual experiment. NS, not significant. April 1998 PE:rnRSON ET AL.: DEFOLIATION AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS 379

350 of photosynthetic reductions after injury by Mexican • Caged Check '" MBB Injury bean beetle adults and larvae. Stomatal conductance rates were not consistently different between injured

and uninjured leaflets. Additionally, intercellular CO2 concentrations were similar or higher in injured leaf- 8310 :0 lets. Therefore, the CO2 supply into the leaf was not ~ limited by stomatal closure. Consequently, stomatal 1i 290 limitations do not seem to be responsible for reduc- ];" tions in photosynthesis. Rather, the reductions in sto- 270 matal conductance of injured leaflets, when they oc- curred, seemed to be attributable to the reductions in 2500 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 photosynthesis. Therefore, stomatal conductance PPFD (~mol photons m" s") rates were tracking or following photosynthetic rates. If stomatal effects are not responsible for the limi- Fig. 7. The relationship between intercellular CO2 and tations to photosynthesis in soybean and dry bean, photosynthetic photon fluxdensity (PPFD) of Mexican bean nonstomatal effects must be responsible. The nonsto- beetle injured and uninjured soybean leaflets (Clark 3W) . MBB, Mexican bean beetle. Vertical, capped lines are stan- matal, or mesophylllimitations, can be characterized dard error. Data are from 1994. further as light reaction limitations (the supply or utilization of light) or dark reaction limitations (the

utilization of CO2 or the supply or utilization of phos- most likely was not because of damage to the photo- phate). The light reactions of photosynthesis do not synthetic electron transport chain. seem to be affected by the injury. Quantum efficiency Mechanisms Underlying Photosynthetic Rate Re- was not affected by injury, indicating that light-har- ductions. Our findings provide insights into the nature vesting structures, as part of the Hill reaction, were not perturbed. Therefore, adenosine tJiphosphate and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide generated as part • Caged Check '" MBB Injury Immediately After Injury 18 of the light reaction were not limiting photosynthesis (as indicated by light-response curves).

By eliminating the possibility of reduced CO2 avail- ::]~ ability and light-reaction limitations, we know that the limitations to photosynthesis must be attJ'ibutable to 9 the utilization of CO2 or the supply or utilization of phosphate. Therefore, the limitation may be associ- 6 ated with RuBPcase activity, RuBP regeneration, or 3 phosphate utilization. RuBP regeneration can be af- fected by the photosynthetic electron transport chain o which produces adenosine triphosphate and nicotin- ·3 amide adenine dinucleotide, or by insufficient capac- o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 o ity of the carbon reactions of the photosynthetic car- E ::I. 26 bon reduction cycle (Sharkey 1985). Because our results suggest that photosynthetic electron transport 22 .~ is not limiting, RuBP seems to be limited by alterations 1B in metabolite pools associated with the photosynthetic

14 . ~ '" carbon reduction cycle. Several carbon compounds involved in the carbon reduction cycle include fruc- 10 tose 1,6-bisphosphate, triose phosphate, fructose 6 6-phosphate, ribose 5-phosphate, ribulose 5-phos- phate, ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate, and 3 phosphoglyc- erate. Regulation of these metabolites include en- ·2 zymes, allosteric regulation, and pH (Sharkey 1985). ·6 o 200 400 600 BOO1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 However, the precise mechanisms of regulation are still unclear. PPFD (~mol photons m-2 s") Future research needs to include quantitative as- says for RuBPcase, RuBP, as well as other carbon Fig. 8. The relationship between assimilation and pho- reduction cycle metabolites to verify that> 1 metab- tosynthetic photon flux density for injured and uninjured olites or the enzyme is limiting photosynthesis. Addi- soybean leaflets (Clark 3W). Vertical, capped lines are stan- tionally, fluorescence parameters should be measured dard error. Top graph represents measurements taken im- to determine if photosystem I and photosystem II mediately after the cessation of injury; bottom graph repre- sents measurements taken 24 h after the cessation of injury. structures and components are affected by the injury. Inset graphs are initial linear slopes representing quantum Light-response curves determined in this study are not efficiencies. Data are from 1994. as precise as measurements with a fluorometer. 380 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 27, no. 2

Our findings indicate that Mexican bean beetle in- 1989, Peterson et al. 1992). The latter mechanism jury influences photosynthesis most likely through seems likely, given the nature of Mexican bean beetle RuBP regeneration or utilization. The disruption of injury. Intrinsic factors may include increHsed assim- RuBP regeneration seems to be associated with alter- ilate demand after defoliation (Neales and Incoll ations in the carbon reactions of the photosynthetic 1968), reduced competition between leaves for min- carbon reduction cycle. However, based on this re- eral nutrients necessary for cytokinin production search, we cannot determine precisely where the lim- (Wareing et al. 1968), or delayed leaf senescence itations are occurring. (Gifford and Marshall 1973, Caldwell et al. 1981, Because injured tissue that is not consumed often Nowak and Caldwell 1984). Given that soybean and turns necrotic and drops from the leaflet, it would be dry bean compensate for other types of leaf injUlY reasonable to hypothesize that herbivory by Mexican (specifically leaf-mass consumption) through delayed bean beetles reduces photosynthesis through disrup- leaf senescence, it seems likely this mechanism could tion ofleaflet water relations and vascular transport of operate with Mexican bean beetle injury. Ultimately, assimilates. Mechanistically, reductions in photosyn- examination of whole plant photosynthetic responses thesis would occur because of reductions in stomatal to Mexican bean beetle is needed to address the ques- conductance and a build-up of Calvin cycle interme- tion of compensation at the whole plant level. diates. Although this mechanism may operate in tissue isolated by feeding, our data indicate that stomatal conductances are following photosynthesis, rather Acknowledgments than limiting photosynthesis. Moreover, reductions in photosynthesis occur across the entire leaflet, even in We thank T. Arkebauer, J. Foster, and R. Subramanian for uninjured tissue at the basal portion of the leaflet near reviewing the manuscript. We thank S. Grau, S. Spomer, and the midrib vein. This observation is supported by the M. Peterson for assistance with experiments. We also thank finding that leaflets do not compensate for, or recover J. Specht (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) for providing;the from, injury. field sites for the 1993 and 1994 studies and G. Hein (Uni- versity of Nebraska-Lincoln) for providing Mexican bean How this type of injury causes reductions in pho- beetles. This is Article No. 11295 of the journal series of the tosynthesis across the entire leaflet is unclear. Because Nebraska Agricultural Research Division, University of Ne- the whole leaflet is affected, endogenous signals such braska-Lincoln. 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