UMS PRESENTS John Root Piano

Sunday Evening, September 14, 2014 at 6:00 Hill Auditorium • Ann Arbor

Opening Performance of the 136th Annual Season 136th Annual Choral Union Series

Photo: Itzhak Perlman; photographer: Lisa-Marie Mazzucco. 3 4 ITZHAK PERLMAN FALL 2014 UMS Sonata for ViolinandKeyboard inGMajor, BWV 1019 J. S.Bach PROGRAM Mr. Perlman appears by arrangement withIMGArtists,LLC. Warner Music; Deutsche Grammophon andDecca/Universal Music Group; andTelarc. Mr. Perlman records for Sony Classical/Sony Music Entertainment; Warner Classics andErato Classics/ floral art for this evening’s recital. Special thanks to Tom Thompson of Tom ThompsonFlowers, AnnArbor, for hisgenerous contribution of Endowment Fund. The Steinway piano usedinthisevening’s recital ismadepossible by theWilliamandMary Palmer Media partnership isprovided by WGTE 91.3FMandWRCJ 90.9 FM. Gutow, andby Tom andDebby McMullen andMcMullen Properties. This evening’s performance issupported by Drs. Max WichaandSheilaCrowley, by Richard andSusan This evening’s performance issponsored by KeyBank. Additional works willbeannounced by Mr. Perlman. Sonata for ViolinandPianoNo. 2inGMajor Maurice Ravel INTERMISSION Sonata for ViolinandPianoinAMajor César Franck Perpetuum mobile: Allegro Blues: Moderato Allegretto Allegretto poco mosso Recitativo —Fantasia Allegro Allegretto benmoderato Allegro Adagio Allegro Largo Allegro BE PRESENT FALL 2014 5 The five movements of the sonata of the sonata movements The five of the his copy In 1774, C.P.E. Bach sent in the course of a revision process over process over of a revision in the course (the definitive years a period of several until been completed have not may version The first versionsome time in the 1740s). of two as six movements, had as many — effectively them in dance rhythms Later with the suite. the sonata combining and the dance movements Bach deleted five-movement symmetrical a devised was identical the last movement form, but brand- two to the first. Finally, he wrote version for the definitive movements new 3 and 5), one of which — the (movements “Allegro” — is, most surprisingly, central alone. scored for harpsichord in a fast-slow-fast-slow- are arranged “Allegro” is a The opening pattern. fast where all three voices motion perpetual hand, and left right (violin, keyboard in the agile exceptionally are hand) “super-invention.” manner of a three-part dotted A brief “Largo” in a characteristic the keyboard directly into leads rhythm comes very outline solo, whose structural an form. After close to a classical sonata invention three-part “Adagio” — another melodic line embellished with a lavishly romp — the piece concludes with a playful with A-B-A structure fugal combines that work this is an exceptional form. In short, displayed Bach which in standard, any by virtuosity. all his compositional who was Forkel, Johann Nikolaus to sonatas of Johann first biography on the working (ca. 1725)

The first five sonatas in the set were in the set sonatas The first five In general, Ravel was no great fan of Franck’s. Perhaps the only thing they would have would thing they the only Perhaps of Franck’s. fan no great was Ravel In general,

, Passion John St. J.S. Bach’s of performance Second Leipzig at St. Thomas Church, 245 BWV The Black Watch is founded in Scotland is founded The Black Watch The Treaty of Hanover is signed between Great Britain, Great is signed between Hanover of The Treaty and Prussia France, Catherine I becomes Empress of Russia on the death Russia of Empress I becomes Catherine the Great husband, Peter her of G Major, BWV 1019 BWV G Major, deleted or replaced entire movements movements entire or replaced deleted significantly from one another: Bach Bach from one another: significantly than three different versions that differ that versions than three different satisfaction. The sonata exists in no fewer exists The sonata satisfaction. took him some time to resolve to his own took him some time to resolve challenging himself with a problem that a problem with himself challenging try something different in the last piece, different something try all in four movements, but Bach wanted to Bach wanted but movements, all in four

period (1717–1723). that the sonatas go back to the Köthen go back to the Köthen the sonatas that moved to Leipzig. It is possible, however, however, possible, is It Leipzig. to moved from around 1725, two years after Bach after years two 1725, around from earliest manuscript source we have dates have we source earliest manuscript exactly when they were composed; the composed; were when they exactly fully equal in importance. We don’t know We equal in importance. fully the word, where both instruments are instruments where both the word, earliest duo sonatas in the true sense of in the true earliest duo sonatas harpsichord (BWV 1014–1019) are the (BWV harpsichord Bach’s six sonatas for violin and for violin and Bach’s six sonatas • • • been performed on UMS recital. been performed on UMS 1725: OF HISTORY…IN SNAPSHOTS • UMS premiere: This sonata has never never has sonata UMS premiere: This Died July 28, 1750 in Leipzig Born March 21, 1685 in Eisenach, Germany Born March 21, 1685 in recital to open with a sonata by Bach — not that an excuse is necessary. an excuse that Bach — not by with a sonata recital to open J. S. Bach agreed on was the universality of Johann Sebastian Bach. Therefore it is fitting for the for fitting is it Therefore Bach. Sebastian Johann of universality the was on agreed in and Keyboard for Violin Sonata

other things), and the Romantic passion of Franck is light-years away from Ravel’s blues. from Ravel’s away light-years is passion of Franck Romantic things), and the other 1927, respectively. However, a lot had happened in those four decades (a world war, among (a world decades in those four had happened a lot However, 1927, respectively. Paris in the 1860s, you might conceivably have attended both world premieres, in 1886 and1886 in premieres, world both attended have conceivably might you 1860s, the in Paris repertory — are a study in contrasts. They were written 40 years apart, so if you were born in were so if you apart, written 40 years were They in contrasts. — are a study repertory The sonatas of Franck and Ravel — two of the most beloved works in the French violinin the French works beloved the most of two — and Ravel Franck of The sonatas NOW THAT YOU’RE IN YOUR SEAT… IN YOUR YOU’RE THAT NOW 6 ITZHAK PERLMAN FALL 2014 UMS kind astousethemwithgreat care. today. Sincethey arebadly worn, you willbeso could not bewritteninamoresingable manner than 50years. They contain someAdagiithat give me much joy, though they date back more departed father. They stillsound excellent and [They] areamongthebestworks ofmy dear accompanied by theseremarkable words: Sebastian at the time. The package was the series ofmasterpieces (including the lastdecade ofhislifethat hewrote to make animpression. Itwas onlyduring oratorios and other sacred works failed success asacomposer. Hislarge-scale But even that didnot necessarilymean Conservatoire as a professor of organ. 50; in1872,hewasappointed tothe Paris major break didnot come until he was a lessthanglamorous existence. Hisfirst not cometrue, andFranck hadtosettle for la .Thesedreams,however, did the career of a traveling piano virtuoso à churches. Hisfather haddestined himfor was not oneofParis’smostprestigious as anorganistat Sainte-Clotilde, which For many years, CésarFranck worked • • • • • SNAPSHOTS OFHISTORY…IN 1886: 1922 inHillAuditorium UMS premiere:Fritz Kreisler,January Died November 8,1890inParis Born December 10,1822inLiege,Belgium César Franck Sonata forViolinandPianoin A Major a carbonated beverage thatwillbenamedCoca-Cola American pharmacist Dr. John StithPemberton invents existence of electromagnetic waves Heinrich Hertz verifies attheUniversity of Karlsruhe the America of thousands of cattle ontheGreat Plainsof North Extremely harsh Winter of 1886–87begins,killingtens the gramophone Emile Berliner startswork thatleads to theinvention of in theBalkans The Treaty of Bucharest endstheSerbo-Bulgarian War (1886)

ben moderate.” The passionate second place, preceded by adreamy “Allegretto Sonata, thismovement stands insecond comes at thebeginning.InFranck the longestandweightiest movement movement sequence.Inmost sonatas, boundless melodicinvention allhisown. all theseinfluences,however, witha of thefamous “Tristan” chord.Hecombined Sonata, Franck repeatedly usedavariant modern composer in Europe. In the Violin 1883 but wasstillthemostcontroversial style ofRichardWagner, whohaddiedin Moreover, Franck hadbeentouched by the deeply immersedinthemusic ofJ.S.Bach. part because, asanorganplayer, hewas than most Romantic composers — in used counterpoint more extensively transformed inthisprocess.Franck also the themesaresometimes fundamentally thematic recurrences.Thecharacters of of theSonata together by anetwork of poems, Franck linked thefour movements that medium.Inspiredby Liszt’ssymphonic certain techniques never previously used in in that itintroduced into chamber music literature wasalsoauniqueachievement Franck’s onlycontribution tothesoloviolin revealed toour eyes.” you anew visionofthefuture hasbeen transformed chamber music: thanks to the composer withthe words: “You have the Brussels Conservatoire congratulated had anenormous success.Thedirectorof devoted to Franck’s works. The Sonata on December 16, 1886, at aconcert pianist Léontine Bordes-PèneinBrussels public performancewasgiven by Ysaÿe and Franck anative ofLiege,Belgium.Thefirst violinist EugèneYsaÿe (1858–1931),like 1886, asawedding present forthegreat remembered tothisday. the StringQuartet) forwhichheis the ViolinSonata, theSymphony, and The Sonata has an unusual The directorwasnot exaggerating. The ViolinSonata waswrittenin BE PRESENT FALL 2014 7 Incidentally, these two works mark works these two Incidentally, violin student, Enescu’s most famous Maurice Ravel suddenly burst into our our into suddenly burst Ravel Maurice on a piano- midst, the ink still drying which he had brought and-violin sonata as man chivalrous Enescu, along.… indulgence...then, my craved was, he the the piano, sight-read at with Ravel for and then now pausing work, complex matters let have would Ravel elucidation. they Enescu suggested that rest there, but whereupon one more run-through, have aside and played he laid the manuscript from memory. work the entire and published for the first time in 1975, in time first the for published and the composer’s of year the centenary now has work this although Yet birth. of a century, quarter for a been available familiar still refers to the most everyone Ravel from 1927 as “the” masterpiece piano. for violin and sonata end, respectively,the beginning and the They output. chamber-music of Ravel’s the for the first time by also played were Enescu — in 1897same violinist, Georges fellow Ravel’s and prodigy 16-year-old a and in the Paris Conservatoire, at student and composer violinist 1927 a celebrated native his between dividing his time capital. Romania and the French a boy as was present Menuhin, Yehudi Enescu first showed of 11 when Ravel later in 1927. As Menuhin sonata his new Unfinished recalled in his autobiography a lesson with his, he was having Journey teacher when, The sonata became universally famous famous universally became sonata The itsfor infamous) quarters, some in (and, “Blues.” Certainly movement, central included a blues in a no one had ever didn’t before, and Ravel violin sonata critics endear himself to conservative he had been fascinated Yet this move. by of part jazz and blues for the better by the conservative a decade and, unlike American think that critics, he did not


Fritz Lang’s culturally influential film Metropolis influential culturally Lang’s Fritz line the production off rolled automobile Volvo The first Sweden in Gothenburg, The first transatlantic telephone call is made via radio call telephone transatlantic The first City to York New from in Germany premieres A military rebellion is crushed in Lisbon, Portugal is crushed in Lisbon, A military rebellion in G Major France Ravel’s student days, was long forgotten days, student Ravel’s An early sonata in one movement, from in one movement, An early sonata wrote not one but two violin sonatas. violin sonatas. two one but not wrote It is not universally known that Ravel Ravel that known universally It is not • • ends this great sonata. ends this great • canon theme and a short, exuberant coda exuberant canon theme and a short, 1927: OF HISTORY…IN SNAPSHOTS • dramatic outburst. A recapitulation of the A recapitulation outburst. dramatic 1955 in Hill Auditorium movement, turning the “aria” into a major turning the “aria” into movement, March UMS premiere: Zino Francescatti, remaining themes come from the third in Paris 28, 1937 Died December starting one measure after the piano. Theafter one measure starting Basses-Pyrénées, Born March 7, 1875 in Ciboure, melodic lines are the same, with the violinmelodic lines are the Ravel Maurice the two instruments in canon — that is, the in canon — that instruments the two for Violin and Piano No. 2 Sonata tour de force: its initial melody is played by is played de force: its initial melody tour movement crowns the Sonata with a, real the Sonata crowns movement slow and sad) ending. Finally, the fourth and sad) ending. Finally, the fourth slow molto lento e mesto (very with a molto lento dramatic, “aria” for violin that is in turn lyrical and is in turn “aria” for violin that piano. The movement continues with an continues piano. The movement first movement’s opening melody on the opening first movement’s separated by a nostalgic recollection of the a by separated violin plays two unaccompanied cadenzas, unaccompanied two violin plays center. The key changes constantly as the constantly changes The key center. dispenses with the idea of a main tonal with the idea of a dispenses an extraordinary move in 1886, entirely in 1886, move an extraordinary “Recitativo-Fantasia” that, in what was in what that, “Recitativo-Fantasia” emotions. The third movement is a a is movement third The emotions. was often used to depict tempestuous tempestuous to depict used was often movement is in the key of d minor that that d minor of key the in is movement 8 ITZHAK PERLMAN UMS U from thesameragtime background as mischievously percussive littlefigure One commentator describedthisas“a repeated inastrikingrhythmic pattern. second motif, inwhichasinglenote is without accompaniment, contains a melody played by thepiano’sright hand, “Allegretto,” whichopens agraceful restricted tothismovement. Theopening a realstylisticmiracle. remaining French through and through — turns oftheblues,whileat thesametime of thetypical melodicandharmonic the sonata, Ravel gave aperfect rendition cup afoxtrot. Inthe“Blues”movement of the teapot sangaragtime andthechina Child andtheEnchantments), inwhich the opera L’enfant et lessortilèges (The years beforethesonata, hehadcomposed the European classical tradition. Afew vernacular music wasincompatible with ARTISTS audiences through hisfrequent world. and inrecitalsfestivalsaround the violin soloistwithevery major orchestra then, ItzhakPerlmanhasappeared as to aburgeoning worldwide career.Since Leventritt Competition in1964,whichled Show in 1958. He won the prestigious with anappearance ontheEdSullivan was propelled tonational recognition to hisirrepressible joy formakingmusic. only tohisremarkable artistry, but also throughout theworld whorespondnot his talent, heistreasuredby audiences for hischarmandhumanity aswell as afforded a classical musician. Beloved But the jazz influence is by no means But thejazzinfluenceisby nomeans Mr. Perlmanhas further delighted Born inIsrael in1945,Mr.Perlman enjoys superstarstatus rarely the violin,ITZHAKPERLMAN ndeniably thereigning virtuoso of Program notes by Peter Laki. increases alltheway totheend. on theinstrument. Theenergyconstantly arpeggios and higher and higher positions soon expand to include wider and wider start inarestrictedmelodicrange, but they uninterrupted 16th-notes oftheviolin characteristic licksfromthe“Blues.”The figure fromthe“Allegretto” andoneofthe movements suchastheragtime-like that brings back some motifs from earlier movement isafinaleinperpetual motion idyllic state ofthebeginning. previously, to help return the music to the is superimposed onthematerials heard of themovement asoaringviolinmelody fairly simple throughout. Towards theend of thesetwo distinctmusical ideasiskept Debussy’s Los AngelesPhilharmonic andGustavo performs opening-gala concerts with the centers around the world. This fall, he Perlman to both new and familiar major Philharmonic. Chamber Orchestra, and the Orchestra, LondonPhilharmonic,English Philharmonic, Royal Concertgebouw Mr. PerlmanhasconductedtheBerlin Tanglewood festivals. Internationally, and Toronto, aswell asat theRavinia and Houston, Pittsburgh, Seattle, Montreal, orchestras ofSt.Louis, Detroit, Dallas, Philharmonic, andthesymphony San Francisco Symphony, LosAngeles Boston Symphony, National Symphony, Symphony, PhiladelphiaOrchestra, the , Chicago He hasperformedasconductorwith appearances ontheconductor’spodium. On theother sideofthe“Blues” The current seasontakes Mr. Minstrels.” Thedevelopment BE PRESENT FALL 2014 9 collaborative pianist pianist collaborative the studio of for Itzhak Perlman at The . also works Mr. Root inas a freelance artist Mr. Perlman devotes considerable considerable devotes Mr. Perlman In addition to performing the In addition to performing the . One of Mr. Perlman’s proudest proudest of Mr. Perlman’s . One Center with collaboration is his achievements score composer film Award- Spielberg’s Academy in Steven Listhe Schindler’s , in which winning film the violin solos.performed in his participation both time to education, Perlman Music each summer in the the Juilliard at and his teaching Program holds the Dorothy School, where he He Chair. Richard Starling Foundation doctorate an honorary was awarded occasion medal on the and a centennial commencement of Juilliard’s 100th in 2005. ceremony is currently the the is currently JOHN ROOT area. He began his studies York the New Carolina North the entered nine, age at years 15, and four at School of the Arts to Philadelphia to study moved later with continuing Kaplinsky, with Yoheved Institute the Peabody at Ms. Kaplinsky Juilliard where he received and then at thehis master’s degree in 1995. He won in 1993 Competition Juilliard Concerto on to perform the Prokofiev and went No. 2 with the Juilliard Piano Concerto in April 1994. Hall Alice Tully at Symphony fellowships He has also been awarded for the Music Center to the Tanglewood summers of 1992 and 1993. romantic classical and standard has a special affinity John Root repertoire, and has featured music for contemporary Messiaen, and Berio of Schoenberg, works In the summer of 1996on his programs. He proudly possesses four Emmy Emmy four possesses He proudly In 2003, the John F. Kennedy In 2003, the John F. Kennedy Further to his engagements as as to his engagements Further Live from Lincoln from on Live broadcast nationally and at The Juilliard School Centennial gala, Juilliard School Centennial The and at performed at the 2006 Academy Awards the 2006 Academy performed at Awards and 15 Grammy Awards. He He Awards. and 15 Grammy Awards

Gabriela Montero. Gabriela clarinetist Anthony McGill, and pianist McGill, and Anthony clarinetist Williams alongside cellist Yo-Yo Ma, Ma, Williams alongside cellist Yo-Yo a piece written for the occasion by Johna piece written for the occasion by of President Obama in 2009, premieringof President honored to take part in the Inauguration in the Inauguration part honored to take Duke of Edinburgh. Mr. Perlman was Mr. Perlman was of Edinburgh. Duke The Queen and His Royal Highness The The Queen and His Royal at a State Dinner in 2007 for Her Majesty2007 Dinner in State a at of Freedom honoree Shimon Peres; and of Freedom Israeli President and Presidential Medal and Presidential President Israeli White House, most recently in 2012 for most recently White House, He has performed multiple times at the times at He has performed multiple cultural and educational life of the US. life of the US. and educational cultural achievements and contributions to the and contributions achievements Honor celebrating his distinguished his distinguished Honor celebrating granted Mr. Perlman a Kennedy Center granted Center for the Performing Arts Arts Performing the for Center

United Fund. Four Arts, and Chicago with the Jewish Chicago with the Jewish and Arts, Four College, Palm Beach at the Society of the the Society College, Palm Beach at at Rollins College, Greensboro at Guilford at Rollins College, Greensboro at anniversary of Dr. Salk’s birth, Orlando birth, Salk’s Dr. of anniversary Institute in San Diego on the centennialInstitute in San Diego engagements including the Salk Salk the including engagements appearances. Recent and upcoming and upcoming Recent appearances. is increasingly making more speakingis increasingly making Perlman conductor, Mr. and violinist in March 2015. anticipated appearance at Carnegie Hall Carnegie at appearance anticipated program in a much- program In the Fiddler’s House 20th-anniversary return of his popular popular his of return 20th-anniversary and klezmer music this season with a this season music and klezmer to celebrate the rich tradition of Jewish tradition the rich to celebrate Jaap van Zweden. Mr. Perlman continues continues Perlman Mr. van Zweden. Jaap with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Dallas Symphony with the of Ottawa and Pinchas Zukerman, and Zukerman, Pinchas and Ottawa of with the National Arts Centre Orchestra Centre Arts the National with Dudamel in a tribute to John Williams, to John in a tribute Dudamel 10 ITZHAK PERLMAN FALL 2014 UMS Rising Starseries. of St.Luke’s, andarecitalat Ravinia’s Stamford Symphony, theOrchestra tour ofJapan, performanceswiththe 1999 hisseasonincludedadebut recital David Robertson at Avery FisherHall.In Turangalila Symphony conductedby November 1998 performance of the piano soloistfor the Juilliard Orchestra’s Piano Concerto. Mr.Root wasalsothe at AliceTully HallfortheSchoenberg with New York’s Riverside Symphony in Pittsburgh andBostonappeared of Messiaen’s Mellon Philharmonicforperformances 1996–97 seasonhejoinedtheCarnegie- Summergarden series. During the works ontheMuseum ofModernArt’s he gave two recitalsofmodernFrench pianist appeared inAnn Arbor inSeptember 2009inrecitalat Hill Auditorium. UMSwelcomes Johnson during the 1970 May Festival at Hill Auditorium. Mr. Perlman most recently Concerto No.2withthePhiladelphiaOrchestra underthebaton ofMaestroThor Mr. PerlmanmadehisUMSdebut inApril1970asviolinsoloist in Prokofiev’s Violin This evening’s recitalmarksItzhakPerlman ’s 11thappearance underUMSauspices. John Root whomakes his UMSdebut this evening. UMS ARCHIVES Turangalila Symphony

the PerlmanMusicProgram. 2001 andiscurrently onthefaculty of Princeton University from1997through a member of the adjunct faculty at International MusicFestival. Hewas Root wasonthe faculty oftheBowdoin From 1997through 2005Mr.