Chair: Eleri de Gilbert Enquiries to: ncccg.notts -
[email protected] SHARED AGENDA For the Meetings in Common of: NHS Mansfield and Ashfield CCG Primary Care Commissioning Committee NHS Newark and Sherwood CCG Primary Care Commissioning Committee NHS Nottingham City CCG Primary Care Commissioning Committee NHS Nottingham North and East CCG Primary Care Commissioning Committee NHS Nottingham West CCG Primary Care Commissioning Committee NHS Rushcliffe CCG Primary Care Commissioning Committee Meeting Agenda (Open Session) Wednesday 19 June 2019 9:00 – 10:50 Committee Room, Loxley House, Station Street, NG2 3NG Time Item M&A N&S NC NNE NW R Presenter Action Reference 9:00 Introductory Items 1. Welcome, Chair Note PCC19/001 Introductions and apologies 2. Confirmation of Chair Note PCC19/002 quoracy 3. Declarations of Chair Review/ PCC19/003 interest for any Note item on the agenda 4. Management of Chair Note PCC19/004 any real or perceived conflicts of interest 5. Questions from the Chair Receive PCC19/005 Public Protocol 6. Action log and Chair Comment PCC19/006 matters arising from the meetings in common 9:10 Committee Business 7. Delegation Lucy Branson Information/ PCC19/007 Agreement – Discussion Delivery and Oversight Arrangements 9:25 Decision Making Page 1 of 3 Time Item M&A N&S NC NNE NW R Presenter Action Reference 8. Leen View Fiona Warren Approve PCC19/008 Boundary Reduction 9. Parkside Boundary Fiona Warren Approve PCC19/009 Expansion 10:00 For Assurance/Discussion 10. Finance Report at Stuart Poynor Review PCC19/010 month two 11. Strelley Health Esther Gaskill Assurance PCC19/011 Centre (verbal) 12.