Coventry and Warwickshire GP Mentor Scheme – Mentor Profiles Dr Angela Brady – GP About me I have a range of experience of transitioning between roles. I qualified as a GP in 1999. Since then I have worked in a variety of roles including 13 years as a partner and now with a portfolio career. Portfolio careers are unique as they often stem from a wish to do something different. Building a satisfying portfolio develops from an understanding of personal motivation and opportunity development. It is often not about doing more or less, but doing something differently. Job title GP Profile Geographical base South Warwickshire and Birmingham/Solihull I work as a salaried GP, a mental health clinical Areas covered Coventry and Warwickshire commissioner, a lecturer and a non-executive Email
[email protected] or Director. Previously holding roles in medical
[email protected] education and health roles as a County Councillor, I Telephone 07778423367 have experienced a wide range of health and social Contact preferences None listed care environments. Available for remote/virtual mentoring Yes I hold a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education and a masters degree in Medical Career background Leadership. GP locum 1999-2000 GP Principal 2001-2012 My most challenging role is being a Mum and my GP locum 2013-2014 career needs to fit around the needs of the family and Salaried GP Solihull 2013-2014 how understanding my GP husband is feeling! Over Salaried GP Warwickshire 2014- present the years I have flexed my time commitment to my Clinical Lead for Mental Health Solihull CCG 2016-2018 career according to these needs.