766 / 767 Tamworth - Dordon - Atherstone - Nuneaton Stagecoach Midlands Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service 766 767 767 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 767 766 766 Service Restrictions 1 2 Notes NSch Sch Tamworth Town Centre, Corporation Street (Stand O) 0338 0523 0605 0702 0702 0907 1037 1237 1427 1648 1758 1858 2038 Stonydelph, opp Pennine Way 0346 1906 2046 Dordon, opp Long Street 0356 1916 2056 Ventura Park, opp McDonalds Restaurant 0529 0611 0708 0708 0913 1043 1243 1433 1654 1804 Dordon, adj Ocado arr 0400 0540 0622 0719 0719 0924 1054 1254 1444 1705 1815 1920 2100 Dordon, adj Ocado dep 0505 0540 0622 0722 0722 0926 1056 1256 1446 1708 1818 1926 2103 Grendon, adj Post Office 0512 0547 0934 1104 1304 1826 1934 2111 Wood End, adj Smith Street 0631 0731 0731 Piccadilly, adj Perryman Drive 0634 0734 0734 Kingsbury, opp White Swan 0638 0738 0738 Kingsbury, nr Mill Crescent 0639 0739 0739 Baxterley, adj Rose Inn 0653 0754 0754 Baxterley, adj The Orchard 0655 0756 0756 Grendon, opp Penmire Road 1454 1716 Baddesley Ensor, adj Baddesley Ensor Social Club 0659 0801 0801 1500 1722 Grendon, adj Penmire Road 0705 0808 0808 1506 1728 Atherstone, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0518 0553 0711 0814 0815 0940 1110 1310 1512 1734 1832 1945 2117 Mancetter, adj Queen Elizabeth School 0520 0555 0713 0817 1834 1948 2119 Mancetter, opp Post Office 0522 0557 1836 Hartshill, adj Nuneaton Road 0526 0601 1840 Nuneaton, Victoria Road 0530 0605 1844 Camp Hill, nr Cedar Road 0533 Nuneaton, nr Ford Street 0538 Nuneaton, adj Mancetter Road 0608 1847 Nuneaton, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0547 0618 0728 1857 2002 2132 Saturdays Service 766 767 767 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 767 766 Tamworth Town Centre, Corporation Street (Stand O) 0338 0523 0605 0702 0907 1037 1237 1427 1603 1758 1858 Stonydelph, opp Pennine Way 0346 1906 Dordon, opp Long Street 0356 1916 Ventura Park, opp McDonalds Restaurant 0529 0611 0708 0913 1043 1243 1433 1609 1804 Dordon, adj Ocado arr 0400 0540 0622 07190 0924 1054 1254 1444 1620 1815 1920 Dordon, adj Ocado dep 0505 0540 0622 0722 0926 1056 1256 1446 1623 1818 1926 Grendon, adj Post Office 0512 0547 0934 1104 1304 1454 1826 1934 Wood End, adj Smith Street 0631 0731 Piccadilly, adj Perryman Drive 0634 0734 Kingsbury, opp White Swan 0638 0738 Kingsbury, nr Mill Crescent 0639 0739 Baxterley, adj Rose Inn 0653 0754 Baxterley, adj The Orchard 0655 0756 Grendon, opp Penmire Road 1631 Baddesley Ensor, adj Baddesley Ensor Social Club 0659 0801 1637 Grendon, adj Penmire Road 0705 0808 1643 Atherstone, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0518 0553 0711 0814 0940 1110 1310 1500 1649 1832 1945 Mancetter, adj Queen Elizabeth School 0520 0555 0713 1834 1948 Mancetter, opp Post Office 0522 0557 1836 Hartshill, adj Nuneaton Road 0526 0601 1840 Nuneaton, Victoria Road 0530 0605 1844 Camp Hill, nr Cedar Road 0533 Nuneaton, nr Ford Street 0538 Nuneaton, adj Mancetter Road 0608 1847 Nuneaton, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0547 0618 0728 1857 2002 Sundays Service 766 Notes ABH Tamworth Town Centre, Corporation Street (Stand O) 0333 Stonydelph, opp Pennine Way 0341 Dordon, opp Long Street 0351 more Dordon, adj Ocado arr 0355 trips below Service Restrictions: 1 - from 25.10.21, not 1.11.21 to 17.12. 2 - to 17.12.21, not 25.10.21 to 29.10. Notes: ABH - Also on Bank Holidays NSch - Does not operate on school days Sch - Operates only on school days Staffordshire County Council03/09/2021 1349 766 / 767 Tamworth - Dordon - Atherstone - Nuneaton Stagecoach Midlands Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Sundays Service 767 767 766 766 766 766 767 766 Notes ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH Tamworth Town Centre, Corporation Street (Stand O) 0523 0605 1305 1420 1605 1645 1805 Ventura Park, opp McDonalds Restaurant 0529 0611 1311 1426 1611 1651 1811 Dordon, adj Ocado arr 0540 0622 1322 1437 1622 1702 1822 Dordon, adj Ocado dep 0505 0540 0627 1702 Grendon, adj Post Office 0512 0547 1709 Wood End, adj Smith Street 0636 Piccadilly, adj Perryman Drive 0639 Kingsbury, opp White Swan 0643 Kingsbury, nr Mill Crescent 0644 Baxterley, adj Rose Inn 0658 Baxterley, adj The Orchard 0700 Baddesley Ensor, adj Baddesley Ensor Social Club 0704 Grendon, adj Penmire Road 0710 Atherstone, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0518 0553 0716 1715 Mancetter, adj Queen Elizabeth School 0520 0555 0718 1717 Mancetter, opp Post Office 0522 0557 0720 1719 Hartshill, adj Nuneaton Road 0526 0601 0724 1723 Nuneaton, Victoria Road 0530 0605 0728 1727 Camp Hill, nr Cedar Road 0533 0731 Nuneaton, nr Ford Street 0538 0736 Nuneaton, adj Mancetter Road 0608 1730 Nuneaton, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0547 0618 0745 1740 Notes: ABH - Also on Bank Holidays 766 / 767 Nuneaton - Atherstone - Dordon - Tamworth Stagecoach Midlands Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays 1 Service 767 767 767 767 767 767 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 767 766 767 Service Restrictions 2 1 2 3 Notes Sch NSch Sch NSch Nuneaton, Bus Station (Stand A1) 0326 0423 0443 0543 0628 1754 Nuneaton, nr Ford Street 0335 0452 0552 0637 Camp Hill, adj Tudor Road 0340 0457 0557 0642 Nuneaton, nr Tuttle Hill 0430 1801 Nuneaton, Victoria Road 0343 0433 0500 0600 0645 1804 Hartshill, adj Green 0348 0438 0505 0605 0650 1809 Mancetter, adj Church 0354 0444 0511 0611 0656 1815 Atherstone, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 1515 Mancetter, adj Queen Elizabeth School 1517 Mancetter, opp Queen Elizabeth School 0355 0445 0512 0612 0657 0818 1517 1818 Atherstone, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0358 0448 0515 0615 0700 0821 1005 1205 1334 1520 1707 1822 1845 Grendon, opp Penmire Road 0521 0621 0706 0827 0827 1526 1526 Baddesley Ensor, adj Baddesley Ensor Social Club 0527 0627 0712 0833 0833 1532 1532 Grendon, adj Penmire Road 0533 0633 0718 0839 0839 Grendon, adj Boot Inn 0403 0453 1010 1210 1339 1712 1827 1850 Baxterley, adj Rose Inn 1535 1535 Baxterley, adj The Orchard 1538 1538 Hurley, nr Queensway 1547 1547 Kingsbury, adj Church Lane 1554 1554 Kingsbury, opp White Swan 1555 1555 Piccadilly, opp Perryman Drive 1559 1559 Wood End, adj Post Office 1602 1602 Dordon, opp Long Street 0406 0456 0536 0636 0721 0842 0842 1013 1213 1342 1607 1607 1715 1830 1853 Dordon, adj Ocado arr 0410 0500 0540 0640 0725 0846 0846 1017 1217 1346 1611 1611 1719 1834 1857 Dordon, adj Ocado dep 0412 0503 0505 0540 0640 0847 0847 1019 1219 1350 1615 1615 1722 1836 1922 Dordon, opp Long Street 0544 1354 Polesworth, adj Hermitage Close 0548 1359 Ventura Park, adj Mcdonalds Restaurant 0422 0513 0515 0651 0858 0858 1030 1230 1626 1626 1733 1847 1933 Tamworth Town Centre, Corporation Street (Stand O) 0428 0519 0521 0601 0657 0904 0904 1036 1236 1414 1632 1632 1739 1853 1939 Service Restrictions: 1 - from 25.10.21, not 1.11.21 to 17.12. 2 - to 17.12.21, not 25.10.21 to 29.10. 3 - from 25.10.21, not 1.11.21 to 23.12. Notes: NSch - Does not operate on school days Sch - Operates only on school days Staffordshire County Council03/09/2021 1349 766 / 767 Nuneaton - Atherstone - Dordon - Tamworth Stagecoach Midlands Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Saturdays Service 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 766 766 766 766 766 766 767 766 767 Nuneaton, Bus Station (Stand A1) 0326 0423 0443 0543 0628 1754 Nuneaton, nr Ford Street 0335 0452 0552 0637 Camp Hill, adj Tudor Road 0340 0457 0557 0642 Nuneaton, nr Tuttle Hill 0430 1801 Nuneaton, Victoria Road 0343 0433 0500 0600 0645 1804 Hartshill, adj Green 0348 0438 0505 0605 0650 1809 Mancetter, adj Church 0354 0444 0511 0611 0656 1815 Mancetter, opp Queen Elizabeth School 0355 0445 0512 0612 0657 1818 Atherstone, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0358 0448 0515 0615 0700 0821 1005 1205 1334 1520 1707 1822 1845 Grendon, opp Penmire Road 0521 0621 0706 0827 1526 Baddesley Ensor, adj Baddesley Ensor Social Club 0527 0627 0712 0833 1532 Grendon, adj Penmire Road 0533 0633 0718 0839 1538 Grendon, adj Boot Inn 0403 0453 1010 1210 1339 1712 1827 1850 Dordon, opp Long Street 0406 0456 0536 0636 0721 0842 1013 1213 1342 1541 1715 1830 1853 Dordon, adj Ocado arr 0410 0500 0540 0640 0725 0846 1017 1217 1346 1545 1719 1834 1857 Dordon, adj Ocado dep 0315 0402 0412 0503 0505 0540 0640 0847 1019 1219 1350 1545 1722 1836 1922 Dordon, opp Long Street 0406 0544 1354 Polesworth, adj Hermitage Close 0410 0548 1359 Ventura Park, adj Mcdonalds Restaurant 0325 0422 0513 0515 0651 0858 1030 1230 1556 1733 1847 1933 Tamworth Town Centre, Corporation Street (Stand O) 0331 0422 0428 0519 0521 0601 0657 0904 1036 1236 1414 1602 1739 1853 1939 Sundays Service 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 767 Notes ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH ABH Nuneaton, Bus Station (Stand A1) 0425 0443 0543 0643 Nuneaton, nr Ford Street 0452 0552 0652 Camp Hill, adj Tudor Road 0457 0557 0657 Nuneaton, nr Tuttle Hill 0432 Nuneaton, Victoria Road 0435 0500 0600 0700 Hartshill, adj Green 0440 0505 0605 0705 Mancetter, adj Church 0446 0511 0611 0711 Mancetter, opp Queen Elizabeth School 0447 0512 0612 0712 Atherstone, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0450 0515 0615 0715 1229 1823 Grendon, opp Penmire Road 0521 0621 0721 Baddesley Ensor, adj Baddesley Ensor Social Club 0527 0627 0727 2 Grendon, adj Penmire Road 0533 0633 0733 Grendon, adj Boot Inn 0455 1233 1827 Dordon, opp Long Street 0458 0536 0636 0736 1236 1830 Dordon, adj Ocado arr 0502 0540 0640 0740 1240 1833 Dordon, adj Ocado dep 0505 0540 0640 1240 1325 1440 1625 1833 1920 Dordon, opp Long Street 0544 Polesworth, adj Hermitage Close 0548 Ventura Park, adj Mcdonalds Restaurant 0515 0651 1251 1336 1451 1636 1844 1931 Tamworth Town Centre, Corporation Street (Stand O) 0521 0601 0657 1257 1342 1457 1642 1850 1937 Notes: ABH - Also on Bank Holidays Staffordshire County Council03/09/2021 1349 766 / 767 Tamworth - Dordon - Atherstone - Nuneaton Stagecoach Midlands For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268.
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