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Download This PDF File McLaughlin: Walking as Practice 144 The Game’s Afoot: Walking as Practice in Sherlockian Literary Geographies David McLaughlin University of Cambridge _____________________________________ Abstract: This article explores the relationship between readers’ embodied experiences in the world and the creative act of encountering fiction. In particular, it looks at three examples of Sherlock Holmes-inspired literary tourism. Their authors each use walking as a means of encountering the literary spaces of Arthur Conan Doyle’s texts and of deliberately adding to them, expanding the space of Holmes’s world beyond the page. By introducing the concept of ‘expansionary literary geography’, this article suggests that forms of embodied, worldly engagement with literature - whether derided as ‘literary fanship’ or celebrated as literary tourism - can also be forms of reading, acts of creative encounters with fiction, in their own right. Its argument proceeds through close readings of three Sherlockian texts - Arthur Axelrad’s On the Scent (1984), David Hammer’s A Dangerous Game (1997), and Richard Warner’s Guide Book and Instructions for the Ascent of Holmes Peak (1985). It is demonstrated that through the power of walking to combine embodied experience of the actual world with acts of memory and imagination, the three authors’ travels work to inscribe the Sherlock Holmes texts into the world. In this way, their walking and its representation become a form of both reading and writing, a physical experience of the unfolding of narrative in time and space, and a contribution to the imaginative expansion of Holmes’s world. Keywords: mobility; walking; expansionary; literary geography; literary tourism; Sherlock Holmes. Author contact: [email protected] Literary Geographies 2(2) 2016 144-163 McLaughlin: Walking as Practice 145 ‘There is no branch of detective science which is so important and so much neglected as the art of tracing footsteps’ – A Study in Scarlet Introduction Since the middle of the twentieth century, devotees of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories, who call themselves Sherlockians, have worked collectively to define and describe Holmes’s world as a social and geographical space. Following venerated Sherlockian Edgar Smith’s claim that ‘Holmes did in truth go out to every corner of the globe’ (Smith 1948: 11), Doyle’s readers have gone out into the world looking for evidence that particular buildings, streets, towns or regions should be added to Holmes’s world.1 Yet, some literary scholars have separated these embodied practices from the participatory activity that is reading. So Umberto Eco remarks, with entirely uncharacteristic disdain, that ‘we all know that there are people who go looking for Sherlock Holmes’s house on Baker Street’ describing these activities as ‘episodes of literary fanship - which is a pleasant activity, and moving at times, but different from the reading of text’ (Eco 1994: 84). Robert Tally, despite his reassertion of the importance of spatiality for literary studies, reaffirms this apparently easy division between the practices of reading - nuanced, interpretative, creative - and ‘literary fanship’ - derivative, supererogatory, naïve; he writes that whereas ‘The critical reader… actively interprets the literary map in such a way as to present new, sometimes hitherto unforeseen mappings’ (Tally 2013: 79, emphasis added), literary fanship ‘may be taking things too far’ (84). Nicola Watson’s influential history of literary tourism draws a similar line between reading and literary tourism, which she defines as readers’ efforts to ‘recapitulate through the protocols of tourism… the sensibilities implied in the text’ (Watson 2006: 13) by suggesting that this practice is always less satisfactory than more sedentary reading practices. Literary tourism, she argues, is ‘typically defined and constructed by nostalgic belatedness, and by a constitutive disappointment which returns the reader-tourist back to the text’ (13): albeit that their proper reading is now ‘garnished’ with experiences of things from the world. In this paper I wish to challenge the understandings that readers who go out into the world are doing something less than reading. I will show that, far from being simple fanship, or naive readings at best, or at worst a kind of necrophiliac literary tourism, channelling lively reading into the worship of dead authors and dead texts, Sherlockian practices of visiting Baker Street, or the Reichenbach Falls, or a lonely hill in Oklahoma, are precisely forms of creative encounters with fiction which actively seek to inscribe new spaces into fictional geographies. I will do this by reading three exemplary Sherlockian texts - each a record of a literary touristic experience by a Sherlock Holmes devotee - as manifestations of what I will term here expansionary literary geography. I explain this term below, but its central tenets are that literary geographies cannot be confined to the space of literature found in source texts, capable as they are of being co-produced by collaborative practices of creative literary ‘commoning’. The three texts I use to illustrate this expansionary literary geography are Arthur Axelrad’s On the Scent (1984), David Hammer’s A Dangerous Game (1997), and Richard Literary Geographies 2(2) 2016 144-163 McLaughlin: Walking as Practice 146 Warner’s Guide Book and Instructions for the Ascent of Holmes Peak (1985). Each of these texts has been produced by a self-identifying devotee of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Each is presented as a response to Doylean geographies and as a guide for literary tourists. As I will demonstrate here, these readers are readers on the move, rather than sedentary consumers of fiction. They have used the act of walking in and between places associated with Holmesian narratives as a means of experiencing those geographies whilst also creatively expanding them beyond the bounds of Doyle’s authorship and authority. Indeed, in the hands of these Sherlockians acts of literary tourism cannot be uncoupled from readers’ creative acts of fictional construction. With this claim that literary tourism is inseparable (in cases such as Sherlockian fandom) from readers’ creative encounters with fiction, I am challenging the trajectory of contemporary literary tourism studies – even if I am appreciative of their capacity to add to our understanding of spatiality and literature. Inspired by Nicola Watson’s assertion that the story of literary tourism is a tale of reading becoming ‘progressively and differentially locked to place’ (Watson 2006: 1), studies in literary tourism have looked to touristic encounters with place, through fiction, as the defining characteristic of this practice. These encounters have been understood in one of three ways: as an act of marking and connecting to literary celebrity (Trubek 2010; Watson 2009; Wells 2011; Zemgulys 2008); as an appurtenance of heritage and memory (Hendrix 2008; James 2013; Plate 2006; Reijnders 2011, 2016; Westover 2012), or, thirdly, in order to ‘concretize a narrative and, in many cases, render tangible the past’ (Lee 2012: 53; also Beeton 2008; Crang 2008; Reijnders 2009, 2011, 2013; Reijnders and Van Es 2016). Yet, useful as this is, it hardly exhausts the meanings we might ascribe to ‘literary tourism’, and it is hard to place the productions of Sherlockians into these categories – without doing violence to what they are, or ignoring them altogether. For, Axelrad, Hammer and Warner do engage in ‘endeavour[ing] to recapitulate through the protocols of tourism’ (Watson 2006: 13) the adventure, discovery and enchanting of the familiar and mundane that underpin the excitement of Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories. Just as pleasing is that their own narratives reproduce the formal features of the genre into which these stories belong. Their strategies of looking for, rather than simply looking at, actual-world locations that belong in Holmes’s world reflect the generic origin of the Sherlock Holmes stories as detective fiction. Hammer’s act of chasing Holmes’s ghost across Europe, for instance, consciously mirror’s Holmes’s chasing after a place of greater safety from Professor Moriarty in ‘The Final Problem’ (Doyle 1930/2009: 469-80). Yet we should be careful not to suppose too much on the part of these readers - to fall into the trap of labelling them as simply shadowing or copying their source material. For, as one editor of the Baker Street Journal wrote, ‘Investigations into the literature and world of Sherlock Holmes… are a major way in which every Sherlockian can participate actively in the Holmes Saga’ (Shreffler 1986: 37). Rather than simply write about their encounters with established Holmesian places, such as 221b Baker Street, or the Reichenbach Falls, these reader-tourists deliberately convey ‘personal details of the search’ in an attempt to ‘mak[e] the reader a fellow passenger’ (Hammer 2001: 13). Their recapitulation of ‘the sensibilities implied in the text’, their acts of detecting literary locations, are here intended to oil the engine of participation in a Literary Geographies 2(2) 2016 144-163 McLaughlin: Walking as Practice 147 collective endeavour to make new the Sherlock Holmes stories, drawing on Sherlockians’ own readings and embodied experiences. Unlike Nicola Watson’s literary tourists, these Sherlockians imagine an active and creative participation in literary space, and the production of novel literary landscapes. Even if they might think of themselves as ‘literary travellers’ rather
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