
arXiv:gr-qc/9803024v3 7 Apr 1998 VTaiinlapoce 8 3 4 2 approaches Traditional IV directions Main III Directions Introduction II I B A B A C eg acls...... 9 . 9 9 ...... models . sum . hopes state . Old . Ponzano-Regge . . triangulations . 3 Dynamical 7 . calculus 2 Regge 6 . 1 . . approaches Discrete . . 8 . . . . quantum . . loop with . . Difficulties 4 . . Geometry of . 2 Quanta . . . 1 . . gravity . . Loop . string with 2 Difficulties 1 theory String wsos...... 11 . . . . 11 . 11 ...... Twistors . . ideas . 3 Finkelstein’s . sets 2 Causal curved 1 on approaches theory “Unorthodox” field Quantum 10 3 . . ef- . as gravity . quantum Perturbative . gravity quantum 2 Euclidean 1 tep rtcldsuso forpeetunderstanding present in our advances of recent discussion several critical review a briefly attempt also topol I surfaces, models. null foam geometry, noncommutative ma quantum , perturbative the gravity, quantum and Euclidean calculus achievements models), (Regge gravity main quantum the discrete gravity, illustrate quantum I particular, In eiwtepeettertclatmt oudrtn the understand to attempts theoretical present the review I pctm 10 . . . . 10 ...... spacetime . . . Woodard- . the effect Tsamis and theory, fective lnr etr nqatmgaiya h R5cneec,P conference, GR15 the at gravity quantum on lecture Plenary rtclsre ftepeetapoce oqatmgravi quantum to approaches present the of survey critical a hsc eatet nvriyo itbrh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, of University Department, Contents → prxmt approximate 4 ...... 8 ...... 6 ...... tig,losadothers: and loops Strings, 11 . . . . . Dcme 0h 1997) 20th, (December [email protected] al Rovelli Carlo Abstract 10 1 IBakhl nrp 15 dis- A gravity. quantum of problem The VII hole Black VI XCnlso 22 Conclusion IX and gravity quantum between Relation VIII e ietos11 directions New V yaia ragltosadsimplicial and triangulations dynamical , fqatmspacetime. quantum of cussion C etlpyis20 funda- in problems physics open mental major other B A gclqatmfil hoisadspin and theories field quantum ogical rvt,qatmfil hoyo curved on theory field , nesadn lc oeetoyand entropy hole black understanding ndffiute n tigter,loop theory, string in: difficulties in pnfa oes...... 14 ...... 13 . . . models foam theory field quantum 2 Topological 1 models foam Spin hti unu pctm?....18 19 . . . 18 aspects . other spacetime, . ? relativist quantum a is by 4 What seen as problem, en- 3 The high a by 2 seen as problem, The 1 ulsraeformulation surface Null ocmuaiegeometry Noncommutative unu rpriso spacetime. of properties quantum rypyiit...... 18 ...... physicist ergy A120 USA 15260, PA , oa India oona, 13 ...... ty 12 ...... 11 . . . . 17 I. INTRODUCTION commutative geometry– have entered quantum gravity. A lot of activity does not necessarily mean that the The landscape of fundamental physics has changed sub- solution has been reached, or that it is close. There is a stantially during the last one or two decades. Not long lot of optimism around, but the optimism is not shared ago, our understanding of the weak and strong interac- by everybody. In particular, in recent years we have re- tions was very confused, while was al- peatedly heard, particularly from the string camp, bold most totally disconnected from the rest of physics and claims that we now have a convincing and comprehensive was empirically supported by little more than its three theory of , including the solution of the quantum classical tests. Then two things have happened. The gravity puzzle. But many think that these claims are not SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) has found a dra- substantiated. So far, no approach to quantum gravity matic empirical success, showing that quantum field the- can claim even a single piece of experimental evidence. ory (QFT) is capable of describing all accessible funda- In science a theory becomes credible only after corrobo- mental physics, or at least all non-gravitational physics. rated by experiments – since then, it is just an hypothesis At the same time, general relativity (GR) has undergone – and history is full of beautiful hypotheses later contra- an extraordinary “renaissance”, finding widespread ap- dicted by Nature. The debate between those who think plication in astrophysics and cosmology, as well as novel that is clearly the correct solution and those vast experimental support – so that today GR is basic who dispute this belief is a major scientific debate, and physics needed for describing a variety of physical sys- one of the most interesting and stimulating debates in tems we have access to, including, as have heard in this contemporary science. This work is also meant as a small conference, advanced technological systems [1]. contribution to this debate. These two parallel developments have moved funda- But if an excess of confidence is, in the opinion of many, mental physics to a position in which it has rarely been far premature, a gloomy pessimism, also rather common, in the course of its history: We have today a group of is probably not a very productive attitude either. The fundamental laws, the standard model and GR, which recent explosion of interest in quantum gravity has led –even if it cannot be regarded as a satisfactory global to some progress and might have taken us much closer picture of Nature– is perhaps the best confirmed set of to the solution of the puzzle. In the last years the main fundamental theories after Newton’s universal gravita- approaches have obtained theoretical successes and have tion and Maxwell’s . More importantly, produced predictions that are at least testable in princi- there aren’t today experimental facts that openly chal- ple, and whose indirect consequences are being explored. lenge or escape this set of fundamental laws. In this One does not find if one does not search. The search for unprecedented state of affairs, a large number of theo- understanding the deep quantum structure of spacetime, retical physicists from different backgrounds have begun and for a conceptual framework within which everything to address the piece of the puzzle which is clearly miss- we have learned about the physical world in this century ing: combining the two halves of the picture and un- could stay together consistently, is so fascinating and so derstanding the quantum properties of the gravitational intellectually important that it is worthwhile pursuing field. Equivalently, understanding the quantum proper- even at the risk of further failures. The research in quan- ties of spacetime. Interest and researches in quantum tum gravity in the last few years has been vibrant, almost gravity have thus increased sharply in recent years. And in fibrillation. I will do my best to give an overview of the problem of understanding what is a quantum space- what is happening. In the next sections, I present an time is today at the core of fundamental physics. overview of the main present research direction, a dis- The problem is not anymore in the sole hands of the cussion of the different perspectives in which the problem relativists. A large fraction of the particle physicists, af- of quantum gravity is perceived by the different commu- ter having mostly ignored gravity for decades, are now ex- nities addressing it, and a tentative assessment of the ploring issues such as entropy, background in- achievements and the state of the art. dependence, and the Einstein equations. Today, in both I have done my best to reach a balanced view, but the gr-qc and hep-th sectors of the Los Alamos archives, the field is far from a situation in which consensus has an average of one paper every four is related to quantum been reached, and the best I can offer, of course, is my gravity, a much higher proportion than anytime before. own biased perspective. For a previous overview of the This sharp increase in interest is accompanied by some problem of quantum gravity, see [2]. results. First of all, we do have today some well devel- oped and reasonably well defined tentative theories of quantum gravity. String theory and loop quantum grav- ity are the two major examples. Second, within these theories definite physical results have been obtained, such as the explicit computation of the “quanta of geometry” and the derivation of the black hole entropy formula. Fur- thermore, a number of fresh new ideas –for instance, non-

2 Traditional Most Popular New

Discrete Dynamical triangulations Strings → Black hole entropy → ? Simplicial models → 2nd order transition?

Approximate theories Loops → Euclidean quantum gravity Black hole entropy → Null surfaces Perturbative q.g. Eigenvalues of the geometry: → ? →Woodard-Tsamis effect

QFT on curved spacetime A~j = 8π¯hG i ji(ji + 1) P p models → convergence of loop, discrete, TQFT and sum-over-histories Unorthodox Sorkin’s Posets Finkelstein Twistors . . .

Main current approaches to quantum gravity

II. DIRECTIONS Most of the string papers are in hep-th, most of the others are in gr-qc. These data confirm two ideas: To get an idea of what the community is working that issues related to quantum gravity occupy a large on, I have made some amateurish statistical analysis of part of contemporary theoretical research in fundamen- the subjects of the papers in the Los Alamos archives. tal physics, and that the research is split into two camps. The archives which are particularly relevant for quantum There are clearly two most popular approaches to gravity are gr-qc and hep-th. The split between the two quantum gravity: a major one, string theory, popular reflects quite accurately the two traditions, or the two among particle physicists, and a (distant) second, loop cultures, that are now addressing the problem. hep-th is quantum gravity, popular among relativists. String the- almost 3 times larger than gr-qc: 295 versus 113 papers ory [3] can be seen as the natural outcome of the line per month – average over last year. In each of the two of research that started with the effort to go beyond the archives, roughly 1/4 of the papers relate to quantum standard model, and went through grand unified theories, gravity. Here is a breaking up of these paper per field, in and . Loop quantum grav- an average month: ity [4] can be seen as the natural outcome of the line of research that started with Dirac’s interest in quantizing gravity, which led him to the development of the theory of the of constrained systems; and contin- String theory: 69 ued with the construction of canonical general relativity : 25 by Dirac himself, Bergmann, Arnowit Deser and Misner, QFTincurvedspaces: 8 the pioneering work in quantum gravity of John Wheeler Lattice approaches: 7 and Brice DeWitt, and the developments of this theory Euclidean quantum gravity: 3 by Karel Kuchar, Chris Isham and many others. Non-commutative geometry: 3 String theory and loop quantum gravity are charac- Quantum cosmology: 1 terized by surprising similarities (both are based on one- Twistors: 1 dimensional objects), but also by a surprising divergence Others: 6 in philosophy and results. String theory defines a superb “low” energy theory, but finds difficulties in describing

3 Planck scale quantum spacetime directly. Loop quan- tensor of the rest of the fields [7] and gives general rela- tum gravity provides a beautiful and compelling account tivity to a first approximation. Second, the perturbation of Planck scale quantum spacetime, but finds difficulties expansion is consistent if the background geometry over in connecting to low energy physics. which the theory is defined satisfies a certain consistency Besides strings and loops, a number of other ap- condition; this condition turns out to be a high energy proaches are being investigated. A substantial amount modification of the Einstein’s equations. The hope is of energy has been recently devoted to the attempt of that such a consistency condition for the perturbation defining quantum gravity from a discretization of general expansion will emerge as a full-fledged dynamical equa- relativity, on the model of lattice QCD (Dynamical tri- tion from the yet-to-be-found nonperturbative theory. angulations, quantum Regge calculus, simplicial models). From the point of view of the problem of quantum A number of approaches (Euclidean quantum gravity, old gravity, the relevant physical results from string theory perturbative quantum gravity, quantum field theory on are two. curved spacetime) aim at describing certain regimes of the quantum behavior of the gravitational field in ap- Black hole entropy. The most remarkable physical re- proximate form, without the ambition of providing the sults for quantum gravity is the derivation of the fundamental theory, even if they previously had greater Bekenstein-Hawking formula for the entropy of a ambitions. More “outsider” and radical ideas, such as black hole (See Section VI) as a function of the , Finkelstein’s algebraic approach, Sorkin’s horizon area. This beautiful result has been ob- poset theory, continue to raise interest. Finally, the last tained last year by Andy Strominger and Cumrun years have seen the appearance of radically new ideas, Vafa [8], and has then been extended in various such as noncommutative geometry, the null surface for- directions [9–13]. The result indicates that there mulation, and spin foam models. I have summarized the is some unexpected internal consistency between main approaches in the Table above. string theory and QFT on curved space. In sec- The various approaches are far from independent. tion VI, I illustrate this result in some detail and There are numerous connections and there is convergence I compare it with similar results recently obtained and cross-fertilization in ideas, techniques and results. in other approaches. Microstructure of spacetime. There are indications that in string theory the spacetime continuum is III. MAIN DIRECTIONS meaningless below the . An old set of results on very high energy scattering amplitudes A. String theory [14] indicates that there is no way of probing the spacetime geometry at very short distances. What String theory is by far the research direction which is happens is that in order to probe smaller distance presently most investigated. I will not say much about one needs higher energy, but at high energy the the theory, which was covered in this conference in the string “opens up from being a particle to being a plenary lecture by Gary Gibbons. I will only comment true string” which is spread over spacetime, and on the relevance of string theory for the problem of un- there is no way of focusing a string’s collision within derstanding the quantum properties of spacetime. String a small spacetime region. theory presently exists at two levels. First, there is a well More recently, in the Matrix-theory nonperturba- developed set of techniques that define the string pertur- tive formulation [6], the space-time coordinates of bation expansion over a given metric background. Sec- i i n the string x are replaced by matrices (X )m. This ond, the understanding of the nonperturbative aspects can perhaps be viewed as a new interpretation of of the theory has much increased in recent years [5] and the space-time structure. The continuous space- in the string community there is a widespread faith, sup- time manifold emerges only in the long distance ported by numerous indications, in the existence of a yet- region, where these matrices are diagonal and com- to-be-found full non-perturbative theory, capable of gen- mute; while the space-time appears to have a non- erating the perturbation expansion. There are attempts commutative discretized structure in the short dis- of constructing this non-perturbative theory, generically tance regime. This features are still poorly un- denoted M theory. The currently popular one is Matrix- derstood, but they have intriguing resonances with theory, of which it is far too early to judge the effective- noncommutative geometry [15] (Section V A) and ness [6]. loop quantum gravity (Section III B). The claim that string theory solves QG is based on two facts. First, the string perturbation expansion includes the . More precisely, one of the string modes 1. Difficulties with string theory is a massless spin two, and helicity ±2, particle. Such a particle necessarily couples to the energy-momentum A key difficulty in string theory is the lack of a com- plete nonperturbative formulation. During the last year,

4 there has been excitement for some tentative nonpertur- Finally there isn’t any direct or indirect experimental bative formulations [6]; but it is far too early to under- support for string theory (as for any other approach to stand if these attempts will be successful. Many previ- quantum gravity). Claiming, as it is sometimes done, ously highly acclaimed ideas have been rapidly forgotten. that a successful physical prediction of string theory is A distinct and even more serious difficulty of string GR is a nonsense for various reasons. First, by the same theory is the lack of a background independent formula- token one could claim that the SU(5) grand unified the- tion of the theory. In the words of Ed Witten: ory (an extremely beautiful theoretical idea, sadly falsi- fied by the experiments) is confirmed by “Finding the right framework for an in- the fact that it predicts electromagnetism. Second, GR trinsic, background independent formulation did not emerge as a surprise from string theory: it is of string theory is one of the main problems because string theory could describe gravity that it was in string theory, and so far has remained out taken seriously as a unified theory. Third, if GR was not of reach.” ... “This problem is fundamental known, nobody would have thought of replacing the flat because it is here that one really has to ad- spacetime metric in the string action with a curved and dress the question of what kind of geometrical dynamical metric. “Predicting” a spin-two particle is no object the string represents.” [16] big deal in a theory that predicts any sort of still un- Most of string theory is conceived in terms of a the- observed other particles. The fact that string theory in- ory describing excitations over this or that background, cludes GR is a necessary condition for taking it seriously possibly with connections between different backgrounds. as a promising tentative theory of quantum gravity, not This is also true for (most) nonperturbative formulations an argument in support of its physical correctness. such as . For instance, the (bosonic part of An important remark is due in this regard. All the the) lagrangian of Matrix-theory that was illustrated in testable predictions made after the standard model, such this conference by Gary Gibbons is as proton decay, monopols, existence of supersymmetric partners, exotic particles . . . , have, so far, all failed to be 1 1 confirmed by time and money consuming experiments de- L ∼ Tr X˙ 2 + [Xi,Xj]2 . (1) 2  2  signed to confirm them. The comparison between these failed predictions and the extraordinary confirmation ob- The indices that label the matrices Xi are raised and low- tained by all the predictions of the standard model (neu- ered with a Minkowski metric, and the theory is Lorentz tral currents, W and Z particles, top ...) may invariant. In other words, the lagrangian is really contain a lesson that should perhaps make us reflect. If all predictions are confirmed until a point, and all predic- 1 00 ij 1 ik jl tions fail to be confirmed afterwards, one might suspect L ∼ Tr g g X˙ iX˙ j + g g [Xi,Xj][Xk,Xl] , (2) 2  2  that a wrong turn might have been taken at that point. Contrary to what sometimes claimed, the theoretical de- where g is the flat metric of the background. This shows velopments that have followed the standard model, such that there is a non-dynamical metric, and an implicit flat as for instance supersymmetry, are only fascinating but background in the action of the theory. (For attempts non-confirmed hypotheses. As far we really know, nature to explore background independent Matrix-theory, see may very well have chosen otherwise. [117]). Experimental observation of supersymmetry might But the world is not formed by a fixed background very well change this balance, and may be in close reach. over which things happen. The background itself is dy- But we have been thinking that observation of supersym- namical. In particular, for instance, the theory should metry was around the corner for quite sometime now, and contain quantum states that are quantum superpositions it doesn’t seem to show up yet. Until it does, if there is of different backgrounds – and presumably these states any indication at all coming from the experiments, this play an essential role in the deep quantum gravitational indication is that all the marvelous ideas that followed regime, namely in situations such as the or the the standard model may very well be all in the wrong final phase of black hole evaporation. The absence of a direction. The great tragedy of science, said TH Huxley, fixed background in nature (or active diffeomorphism in- is the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by brute facts. variance) is the key general lessons we have learned from In spite of these difficulties, string theory is today, gravitational theories. I discuss this issue in more de- without doubt, the leading and most promising candi- tail in section VII. In the opinion of many, until string date for a quantum theory of gravity. It is the theory theory finds a genuine background independent formu- most studied, most developed and closer to a comprehen- lations, it will never have a convincing solution of the sive and consistent framework. It is certainly extremely quantum gravity puzzle. Until string theory describes beautiful, and the recent derivation of the black hole en- excitations located over a metric background, the central tropy formula with the exact Bekenstein-Hawking coeffi- problem of a true merge of general relativity and quan- cient represents a definite success, showing that the un- tum , and of understanding quantum space- derstanding of the theory is still growing. time, has not been addressed.

5 2. Loop quantum gravity, however, attacks the problem from the opposite direction than string theory. It is a There has been a burst of recent activity in an out- non-perturbative and background independent theory to growth of string theory denoted string cosmology [17]. start with. In other words, it is deeply rooted into the The aim of string cosmology is to extract physical conse- conceptual revolution generated by general relativity. In quences from string theory by applying it to the big bang. fact, successes and problems of loop quantum gravity The idea is to start from a Minkowski flat ; show are complementary to successes and problems of strings. that this is unstable and therefore will run away from Loop quantum gravity is successful in providing a consis- the flat (false-vacuum) state. The evolution then leads tent mathematical and physical picture of non perturba- to a cosmological model that starts off in an inflationary tive quantum spacetime; but the connection to the low phase. This scenario is described using minisuperspace energy dynamics is not yet completely clear. technology, in the context of the low energy theory that The general idea on which loop quantum gravity is emerge as limit of string theory. Thus, first one freezes based is the following. The core of quantum mechan- all the massive modes of the string, then one freezes all ics is not identified with the structure of (conventional) massless modes except the zero modes (the spatially con- QFT, because conventional QFT presupposes a back- stant ones), obtaining a finite dimensional theory, which ground metric spacetime, and is therefore immediately can be quantized non-perturbatively. The approach has in conflict with GR. Rather, it is identified with the gen- a puzzling aspect, and a very attractive aspect. eral structure common to all quantum systems. The core The puzzling aspect is its overall philosophy. Flat of GR is identified with the absence of a fixed space is nothing more than an accidental local configu- background spacetime structure, namely with active dif- ration of the gravitational field. The universe as a whole feomorphism invariance. Loop quantum gravity is thus has no particular sympathy for flat spacetime. Why a quantum theory in the conventional sense: a Hilbert should we consider a cosmological model that begins with space and a set of quantum (field) operators, with the a flat spacetime? To make this point clear using a his- requirement that its classical limit is GR with its con- torical analogy, string cosmology is a little bit as if after ventional couplings. But it is not a QFT over a Copernicus discovered that the Earth is not in the center metric manifold. Rather, it is a “quantum field theory of the solar system, somebody would propose the follow- on a differentiable manifold”, respecting the manifold’s ing explanation of the birth of the solar system: at the invariances and where only coordinate independent quan- beginning the Earth was in the center. But this config- tities are physical. uration is unstable (it is!), and therefore it decayed into Technically, loop quantum gravity is based on two in- another configuration in which the Earth rotates around puts: the Sun. This discussion emphasizes the profound cul- • The formulation of classical GR based on the tural divide between the relativity and the particle physi- Ashtekar connection [18]. The version of the con- cists’ community, in dealing with quantum spacetime. nection now most popular is not the original com- The compelling aspect of string cosmology, on the plex one, but an evolution of the same, in which other hand, is that it provides a concrete physical ap- the connection is real. plication of string theory, which might lead to conse- quences that are in principle observable. The spacetime • The choice of the of this connection, emerging from the string cosmology evolution is filled denoted “loop variables”, as basic variables for the with a background of gravitational waves whose spec- quantum gravitational field [19]. trum is constrained by the theory. It is not impossible that we will be able to measure the This second choice determines the peculiar kind of quan- background not too far in the future, and the prospect of tum theory being built. Physically, it corresponds to the having a way for empirically testing a quantum gravity assumption that excitations with support on a loop are theory is very intriguing. normalizable states. This is the key technical assumption on which everything relies. It is important to notice that this assumption fails in B. Loop quantum gravity conventional 4d Yang Mills theory, because loop-like ex- citations on a metric manifold are too singular: the field The second most popular approach to quantum grav- needs to be smeared in more Equivalently, ity, and the most popular among relativists is loop quan- the linear closure of the loop states is a “far too big” tum gravity [4]. Loop quantum gravity is presently the non-separable state space. This fact is the major source best developed alternative to string theory. Like strings, of some particle physicists’s suspicion at loop quantum it is not far from a complete and consistent theory and it gravity. What makes GR different from 4d Yang Mills yields a corpus of definite physical predictions, testable theory, however, is nonperturbative diffeomorphism in- in principle, on quantum spacetime. variance. The gauge invariant states, in fact, are not localized at all – they are, pictorially speaking, smeared

6 by the (gauge) diffeomorphism group all over the coor- The kinematics of loop quantum gravity is now de- dinates manifold. More precisely, factoring away the dif- fined with a level of rigor characteristic of mathe- feomorphism group takes us down from the state space matical physics [29] and the theory can be defined of the loop excitations, which is “too big”, to a separa- using various alternative techniques [24,30]. ble physical state space of the right [24,21]. Thus, the consistency of the loop construction relies heavily . A rigorous definition version on diffeomorphism invariance. In other words, the diff- of the hamiltonian constraint equation has been invariant invariant loop states (more precisely, the diff- constructed [28]. This is free, in the sense invariant states) are not physical excitations that the constraints algebra closes (but see later of a field on spacetime. They are excitations of space- on). The hamiltonian has the crucial properties time itself. of acting on nodes only, which implies that its ac- Loop quantum gravity is today ten years old. Actually, tion is naturally discrete and combinatorial [19,31]. the first announcement of the theory was made in India This fact is at the roots of the existence of exact precisely 10 years ago, today! [22] In the last years, the solutions [19,32], and of the possible finiteness of theory has grown substantially in various directions, and the theory has produced a number of results, which I now briefly Matter. The old hope that QFT divergences could be illustrate. cured by QG has recently received an interesting Definition of theory. The mathematical structure of corroboration. The matter part of the hamiltonian the theory has been put on a very solid basis. Early constraint is well-defined without need of renormal- difficulties have been overcome. In particular, there ization [33]. Thus, a main possible stumbling block were three major problems in the theory: the lack is over: infinities did not appear in a place where of a well defined scalar product, the overcomplete- they could very well have appeared. ness of the loop basis, and the difficulty of treating Physical Results. the reality conditions.

• The problem of the lack of a scalar product Black hole entropy. The first important physical on the Hilbert space has been solved with the result in loop quantum gravity is a computa- definition of a diffeomorphism invariant mea- tion of black hole entropy [102–104]. I describe sure on a space of connections [23]. Later, this result and I compare it with other deriva- it has also became clear that the same scalar tions in section VI. product can be defined in a purely algebraic manner [24]. The state space of the theory is Quanta of geometry. A very exciting develop- therefore a genuine Hilbert space H. ment in quantum gravity in the last years has been by the computations of the quanta of ge- • The overcompleteness of the loop basis has ometry. That is, the computation of the dis- been solved by the introduction of the spin crete eigenvalues of area and volume. I de- network states [25]. A spin network is a graph scribe this result a bit more in detail in the carrying labels (related to SU(2) representa- next section. tions and called “colors”) on its links and its nodes.

1/2 1. Quanta of Geometry

3/2 In quantum gravity, any quantity that depends on the 1/2 metric becomes an . In particular, so do the area A 1 1 of a given (physically defined) surface, or the volume V of a given (physically defined) spatial region. In loop quantum gravity, these operators can be written explic- 1 itly. They are mathematically well defined self-adjoint FIG. 1. Figure 1: A simple spin network. Only the coloring operators in the Hilbert space H. We know from quan- of the links is indicated. tum mechanics that certain physical quantities are quan- tized, and that we can compute their discrete values by Each spin network defines a spin network computing the eigenvalues of the corresponding operator. state, and the spin network states form a (gen- Therefore, if we can compute the eigenvalues of the area uine, non-overcomplete) orthonormal basis in and volume operators, we have a physical prediction on H. the possible quantized values that these quantities can • The difficulties with the reality conditions take, at the Planck scale. These eigenvalues have been have been circumvented by the use of the real computed in loop quantum gravity [37]. Here is for in- formulation [26,27]. stance the main sequence of the spectrum of the area

7 A~j =8πγ ¯hG ji(ji + 1). (3) tions; I illustrate it in section V C 2. Xi p

~j = (j1,...,jn) is an n-tuplet of half-integers, labeling 2. Difficulties with loop quantum gravity the eigenvalues, G andh ¯ are the Newton and Planck con- stants, and γ is a dimensionless free parameter, denoted While the kinematics of quantum spacetime is well un- the , not determined by the theory derstood, its dynamics is much less clear. The main prob- [105,106]. A similar result holds for the volume. The lem originates from the quantum constraint algebra. The spectrum (3) has been rederived and completed using algebra is anomaly free, in the sense that it closes. How- various different techniques [24,38,39]. ever, it differs from the classical one in a subtle sense These spectra represent solid results of loop quantum [40]. For this reason and others [41], doubts have been gravity. Under certain additional assumptions on the be- raised on the correctness of the proposed form of the havior of area and volume operators in the presence of hamiltonian constraint, and variants have been consid- matter, these results can be interpreted as a corpus of ered [92,41]. A solid proof that any of these versions detailed quantitative predictions on hypothetical Planck yields classical GR in the classical limit, however, is lack- scale observations. Eq.(3) plays a key role also in black ing. hole physics; see Section VI. Furthermore, a systematic way of extracting physical Besides its direct relevance, the quantization of the prediction from the theory, analogous, say, to the pertur- area and thee volume is of interest because it provides a bative QFT scattering expansion, is not yet available. physical picture of quantum spacetime. The states of the Finally, a description of the Minkowski vacuum state spin network basis are eigenstates of some area and vol- is notably absent. Thus, the theory describe effectively ume operators. We can say that a spin network carries quantum spacetime, but the extent to which low energy quanta of area along its links, and quanta of volume at physics can be recovered is unclear. its nodes. The magnitude of these quanta is determined In summary, the mathematics of the theory is solidly by the coloring. For instance, the half-integers j1 ...jn in defined and understood from alternative points of view. (3) are the coloring of the spin network’s links that cross Longstanding problems (lack of a scalar product, over- the given surface. Thus, a quantum spacetime can be completeness of the loop basis and reality condition) have decomposed in a basis of states that can be visualized as been solved. This kinematics provides a compelling de- made by quanta of volume (the intersections) separated scription of quantum spacetime in terms of discrete ex- by quanta of area (the links). More precisely, we can citations of the geometry carrying discretized quanta of view a spin network as sitting on the dual of a cellular area and volume. The theory can be extended to include decomposition of physical space. The nodes of the spin matter, and there are strong indications that ultravio- network sit in the center of the 3-cells, and their coloring let divergences do not appear. A spacetime covariant determines the (quantized) 3-cell’s volume. The links of version of the theory, in the form of a topological sum the spin network cut the faces of the cellular decompo- over surfaces is under development. The main physical ~ sition, and their color j determine the (quantized) areas results derived so far are the computation of the eigenval- of these faces via equation (3). See Figure 2. ues of area and volume, and the derivation of the black hole entropy formula. Version of the dynamics exists, 1/2 but a proof that the classical limit is classical GR is still 1 lacking. The main open problems are to determine the 1 correct version of the hamiltonian constraint and to un- derstand how to describe the low energy regime.

2/3 IV. TRADITIONAL APPROACHES FIG. 2. Figure 2: A node of a spin network (in bold) and its dual 3-cell (here a tetrahedron). The coloring of the node A. Discrete approaches determines the quantized volume of the tetrahedron. The coloring of the links (shown in the picture) determines the Discrete quantum gravity is the program of regulariz- quantized area of the faces via equation (3). Here the vector ing classical GR in terms of some lattice theory, quantize ~j has a single component, because each face is crossed by one this lattice theory, and then study an appropriate contin- link only. uum limit, as one may do in QCD. There are three main ways of discretizing GR. Finally, a recent evolution in loop quantum gravity looks particularly promising. A spacetime, path integral- like, formulation theory has been derived from the canon- ical theory. This evolution represents the merging be- tween loop quantum gravity and other research direc-

8 1. Regge calculus 3. Ponzano-Regge state sum models

Regge introduced the idea of triangulating spacetime A third road for discretizing GR was opened by a by means of a simplicial complex and using the lengths celebrated paper by Ponzano and Regge [54]. Ponzano li of the links of the complex as gravitational variables and Regge started from a Regge discretization of three- [42]. The theory can then be quantized by integrating dimensional GR and introduced a second discretization, over the lengths li of the links. For a recent review and by posing the ansatz (the Ponzano Regge ansatz) that extensive references see [43]. Recent work has focused in the lengths l assigned to the links are discretized as well, problems such as the geometry of Regge superspace [44] in half-integers in and choice of the integration measure [45]. Some difficul- 1 ties of this approach have recently been discussed in [46], l =¯hG j, j =0, , 1,... (4) where it is claimed that quantum Regge calculus fails to 2 reproduce the results obtained in the continuum in the (Planck length ishG ¯ in 3d.) The half integers j asso- lower dimensional cases where the continuum theory is ciated to the links are denoted “coloring” of the trian- known. gulation. Coloring can be viewed as the assignment of a SU(2) irreducible representation to each link of the Regge triangulation. The elementary cells of the triangu- 2. Dynamical triangulations lation are tetrahedra, which have six links, colored with six SU(2) representations. SU(2) representation theory Alternatively, one can keep the length of the links fixed, naturally assigns a number to a sextuplet of represen- and capture the geometry by means of the way in which tations: the Wigner 6-j symbol. Rather magically, the the simplices are glued together, namely by the triangu- product over all tetrahedra of these 6-j symbols converges lation. The Einstein-Hilbert action of Euclidean gravity to (the real part of the exponent of) the Einstein Hilbert is approximated by a simple function of the total number action. Thus, Ponzano and Regge were led to propose a of simplices and links, and the theory can be quantized quantization of 3d GR based on the partition function summing over distinct triangulations. For a detailed in- troduction, a recent review, and all relevant references Z ∼ 6-j(color of the tetrahedron) (5) [and, last but not least, Mauro Carfora’s (and Gaia’s!) coloringX tetrahedraY drawings], see [47]. There are two coupling constants in the theory, roughly corresponding to the Newton and (I have neglected some coefficients for simplicity). They cosmological constants. These define a two dimensional also provided arguments indicating that this sum is in- space of theories. The theory has a nontrivial continuum dependent from the triangulation of the manifold. limit if in this parameter space there is a critical point The formula (5) is simple and beautiful, and the idea corresponding to a second order phase transition. The has recently had many surprising and interesting develop- theory has phase transition and a critical point [48]. The ments. Three-dimensional GR was quantized as a topo- transition separates a phase with crumpled logical field theory (see Section V C 1) in [55] and using from a phase with “elongated” spaces which are effec- loop quantum gravity in [56]. The Ponzano-Regge quan- tively two-dimensional, with characteristic of a branched tization based on equation (5) was shown to be essentially polymer [49,50]. This polymer structure is surprisingly equivalent to the TQFT quantization in [86], and to the the same as the one that emerges from loop quantum loop quantum gravity in [58]. (For an extensive discus- gravity at short scale. Near the transition, the model sion of quantum gravity in 3 dimensions and what we 4 appears to produce “classical” S spacetimes, and there have learned from it, see [59].) is evidence for scaling, suggesting a continuum behav- Something remarkable happens in establishing the re- ior [49]. However, evidence has been contradictory on lation between the Ponzano-Regge approach and the loop whether of not the critical point is of the second order, approach: the Ponzano-Regge ansatz (4) can be derived as required for a nontrivial scaling limit. The consensus from loop quantum gravity [58]. Indeed, (4) turns out seems to be clustering for a first order transition [51]. to be nothing but the 2d version of the 3d formula (3), This could indicate that the approach does not lead to a which gives the quantization of the area. Therefore, a continuum theory. key result of quantum gravity of the last years, namely Ways out from this serious impasse are possible. First, the quantization of the geometry, derived in the loop for- it has been suggested that even a first order phase tran- malism from a full fledged nonperturbative quantization sition may work in this context [52]. Second, Br¨ugmann of GR, was anticipated as an ansatz by the intuition of and Marinari have noticed that there is some freedom Ponzano and Regge. in the definition of the measure in the sum over trian- Surprises continued with the attempts to extend these gulations, and have suggested (before the transition was ideas to 4 dimensions. These attempts have lead to a shown to be first order) that taking this into account fascinating convergence of discrete gravity, topological might change the nature of the transition [53].

9 quantum field theory, and loop quantum gravity. I de- know, a non renormalizable theory. A small but intrigu- scribe these developments in section V C 2. I only no- ing group of papers has recently appeared, based on the tice here that the connection between the Ponzano-Regge proposal of treating this perturbative theory seriously, ansatz and the quantization of the length in 3d loop grav- as a respectable low energy effective theory by its own. ity indicates immediately that in 4 spacetime dimensions This cannot solve the deep problem of understanding the the naturally quantized geometrical quantities are not world in general relativistic quantum terms. But it can the lengths of the links, but rather areas and volumes still be used for studying quantum properties of space- of 2-cells and 3-cells of the triangulation [58,60]. There- time in some regimes. This view has been advocated in fore the natural coloring of the 4 dimensional state sum a convincing way by John Donoghue, who has developed models should on the 2-cells and 3-cells. We will see in effective field theory methods for extracting physics from section V C 2 that this is precisely be the case. non renormalizable quantum GR [63]. In this spirit, a particularly intriguing result is pre- sented in a recent work by RP Woodard and NC Tsamis B. Old hopes → approximate theories [62]. Woodard and Tsamis consider the gravitational back-reaction due to graviton’s self energy on a cosmo- 1. Euclidean quantum gravity logical background. An explicit two-loop perturbative calculation shows that quantum gravitational effects act Euclidean quantum gravity is the approach based on a to slow the rate of expansion by an amount which be- formal sum over Euclidean geometries comes non-perturbatively large at late times. The effect is infrared, and is not affected by the ultraviolet difficul- 4 d x√gR[g] ties of the theory. Besides being the only two loop cal- Z ∼ N D[g] e− . (6) Z R culation in quantum gravity (as far as I know) after the Sagnotti-Gorof non-renormalizability proof, this result is As far as I understand, Hawking and his close collabora- extremely interesting, because, if confirmed, it might rep- tors do not anymore view this approach as an attempt resent an effect of quantum gravity with potentially ob- to directly define a fundamental theory. The integral is servable consequences badly ill defined, and does not lead to any known viable perturbation expansion. However, the main ideas of this approach are still alive in several ways. 3. Quantum field theory on curved spacetime First, Hawking’s picture of quantum gravity as a sum over spacetimes continues to provide a powerful intuitive Unlike almost anything else described in this report, reference point for most of the research related to quan- quantum field theory in curved spacetime is by now a rea- tum gravity. Indeed, many approaches can be sees as at- sonably established theory [64], predicting physical phe- tempts to replace the ill defined and non-renormalizable nomena of remarkable interest such as particle creation, formal integral (6) with a well defined expression. The vacuum polarization effects and Hawking’s black-hole ra- dynamical triangulation approach (Section IV A) and the diance [65]. To be sure, there is no direct nor indirect ex- spin foam approach (Section VC2) are examples of at- perimental observation of any of these phenomena, but tempts to realize Hawking’s intuition. Influence of Eu- the theory is quite credible as an approximate theory, and clidean quantum gravity can also be found in the Atiyah many theorists in different fields would probably agree axioms for TQFT (Section V C 1). that these predicted phenomena are likely to be real. Second, this approach can be used as an approximate The most natural and general formulation of the theory method for describing certain regimes of nonperturbative is within the algebraic approach [66], in which the pri- quantum spacetime physics, even if the fundamental dy- mary objects are the local observables and the states of namics is given by a more complete theory. In this spirit, interest may all be treated on equal footing (as positive Hawking and collaborators have continued the investiga- linear functionals on the algebra of local observables), tion of phenomena such as, for instance, pair creation of even if they do not belong to the same Hilbert space. black holes in a background de Sitter spacetime. Hawk- In these last years there has been progress in the dis- ing and Bousso, for example, have recently studied the cussion of phenomena such as the instability of chronol- evaporation and “anti-evaporation” of Schwarzschild-de ogy horizons and on the issue of negative energies [67]. Sitter black holes [61]. Many problems are still open. Interacting fields and are not yet completely understood, as far as I understand. It is interesting to notice in this 2. Perturbative quantum gravity as effective theory, and the regard that the suggests that the Woodard-Tsamis effect problem of the ultraviolet divergences should be of the same nature as in flat space; so no obstruction for renor- If expand classical GR around, say, the Minkowski malization on curved spacetime is visible. Nevertheless, metric, gµν (x) = ηµν + hµν (x), and construct a conven- the standard techniques for dealing with the problem are tional QFT for the field hµν (x), we obtain, as it is well

10 not viable, mostly for the impossibility of using Fourier 3. Twistors decomposition, which is global in nature. If ultravio- let divergences are a local phenomenon, why do we need The twistor program has developed mostly on the clas- global Fourier modes to deal with them? A remarkable sical and mathematical side. has pre- new development on these issues is the work of Brunetti sented intriguing and very promising steps ahead in this and Fredenhagen [68]. These authors have found a way to conference [73]. Quantum gravity has been a major mo- replace the requirement of the positive of energy (which tivation for twistors; as far as I know, however, little is global) with a novel spectral principle based on the no- development has happened on the quantum side of the tion of wavefront (which is local). In this way, they make program. a substantial step towards the construction of a rigorous on curved spaces. The importance of a genuinely local formulation of QFT should probably V. NEW DIRECTIONS not be underestimated. The great merit of QFT on curved spacetime is that it A. Noncommutative geometry has provided us with some very important lessons. The key lesson is that in general one loses the notion of a sin- gle preferred that could be regarded as the Noncommutative geometry is a research program in “vacuum”; and that the concept of “particle” becomes mathematics and physics which has recently received vague and/or observer-dependent in a gravitational con- wide attention and raised much excitement. The pro- text. These conclusions are extremely solid, and I see no gram is based on the idea that spacetime may have a way of avoiding them. In a gravitational context, vac- noncommutative structure at the Planck scale. A main uum and particle are necessarily ill defined or approxi- driving of this program is the radical, volcanic and mate concepts. It is perhaps regrettable that this impor- extraordinary sequence of ideas of Alain Connes [74]. tant lesson has not been yet absorbed by many scientists Connes’ ideas are many, subtle and fascinating, and working in fundamental . I cannot attempt to summarize them all here. I men- tion only a few, particularly relevant for quantum grav- ity. Connes observes that what we know about the struc- C. “Unorthodox” approaches ture of spacetime derives from our knowledge of the fun- damental interactions: derives from a careful analysis of Maxwell theory; Newtonian spacetime 1. and general relativity derived both from a careful anal- ysis of the gravitational interaction. Recently, we have Raphael Sorkin vigorously advocates an approach to learned to describe weak and strong interactions in terms quantum gravity based on a sum over histories, where the of the SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) standard model. Connes histories are formed by discrete causal sets, or “Posets” suggests that the standard model might hide information [69]. Within this approach, he has discussed black on the minute structure of spacetime as well. By making hole entropy [70] and the cosmology constant problem. the hypothesis that the standard model symmetries re- Sorkin’s ideas have recently influenced various other di- flect the symmetry of a noncommutative microstructure rections. Markopoulou and Smolin have noticed that of spacetime, Connes and Lott are able to construct an one naturally obtains a Poset structure in constructing exceptionally simple and beautiful version of the stan- a Lorentzian version of the spin foam models (see Sec- dard model itself, with the impressive result that the tion V C 2). Connections with noncommutative geome- Higgs field appears automatically, as the components of try have been explored in [71] by interpreting the partial the Yang Mills connection in the internal “noncommuta- ordering as a topology. tive” direction [77]. The theory admits a natural exten- sion in which the spacetime metric, or the gravitational field, is dynamical, leading to GR [78]. 2. Finkelstein’s ideas What is a non-commutative spacetime? The key idea is to use algebra instead of geometry in order to de- This year, David Finkelstein, original and radical scribe spaces. Consider a topological (Hausdorf) space thinker, has published his book, “Quantum Relativity”, M. Consider all continuous functions f on M. These with the latest developments of his profound and fasci- form an algebra A, because they can be multiplied and nating re-thinking of the basis of quantum theory [72]. summed, and the algebra is commutative. According to The book contains a proposal on the possibility of con- a celebrated result, due to Gel’fand, knowledge of the al- necting the elementary structure of spacetime with the gebra A is equivalent to knowledge of the space M, i.e. M internal variables (spin, color and isospin) of the elemen- can be reconstructed from A. In particular, the points x tary particles. The suggestions has resonances with Alain of the manifold can be obtained as the (one-dimensional) Connes ideas (next Section). irreducible representations x of A, which are all of the form x(f) = f(x). Thus, we can use the algebra of the

11 functions, instead of using the space. In a sense, notices models are called “quantum” models by a mathemati- Connes, the algebra is more physical, because we never cian, because they are based on a noncommutative al- deal with spacetime: we deal with fields, or coordinates, gebra, but they are “classical” for a physicist, because over spacetime. But one can capture Riemaniann geom- they still need to be “quantized”, in order to describe etry as well, algebraically. Consider the Hilbert space the physics of quantum mechanical phenomena. If the H formed by all the spinor fields on a given Riemanian model reduces to a standard Yang-Mills theory, then con- (spin) manifold. Let D be the (curved) Dirac operator, ventional QFT techniques can be used for the quantiza- acting on H. We can view A as an algebra of (multiplica- tion. Thus, for instance, the Connes-Lott models yields tive) operators on H. Now, from the triple (H,A,D), the conventional “quantum” standard model. On the which Connes calls “spectral triple”, one can reconstruct other hand, if the model includes a gravitational theory the Riemaniann manifold. In particular, it is not difficult such as GR, which is non-renormalizable, then consistent to see that the distance between two points x and y can quantization techniques are missing, and the difficulties be obtained from these data by of quantum GR are not solved, or mitigated, by just hav- ing a noncommutative manifold. In such a model, the re- d(x, y)= sup f A, D,f <1 |x(f) − y(f)|, (7) placement of the commutative spacetime manifold with { ∈ || || } a noncommutative one is not sufficient to address the a beautiful surprising algebraic definition of distance. quantum physics of spacetime. A non-commutative spacetime is the idea of describing It is definitely too early to attempt a physical evalua- spacetime by a spectral triple in which the algebra A is tion of the results obtained in this direction. Many diffi- a non-commutative algebra. culties still separate the noncommutative approach from Remarkably, the gravitational field is captured, to- realistic physics. The approach is inspired by Heisen- gether with the Yang Mills field, and the Higgs fields, berg intuition that physical observables become noncom- by a suitable Dirac operator D [78], and the full action mutative at a deeper analysis, but so far a true merge is given simply by the trace of a very simple function of with quantum theory is lacking. Even in the classical the Dirac operator. regime, most of the research is so far in the unphysical Even if we disregard noncommutativity and the stan- Euclidean regime only. (What may replace equation (7) dard model, the above construction represents an intrigu- in the Lorentzian case?) Nevertheless, this is a fresh set ing re-formulation of conventional GR, in which the ge- of new ideas, which should be taken very seriously, and ometry is described by the Dirac operator instead than which could lead to crucial advances. the metric tensor. This formulation has been explored in [79], where it is noticed that the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator are diffeomorphism invariant functions of B. Null surface formulation the geometry, and therefore represent true observables in (Euclidean) GR. Their Poisson bracket algebra can be A second new set of ideas comes from Kozameh, New- explicitly computed in terms of the energy-momentum man and Frittelli [80]. These authors have discovered eigenspinors. Surprisingly, the Einstein equations turn that the (conformal) information about the geometry out to be captured by the requirement that the energy is captured by suitable families of null hypersurfaces in momentum of the eigenspinors scale linearly with the spacetime, and have been able to reformulate GR as a eigenvalues. theory of self interacting families of surfaces. Since Carlos Variants of Connes’s version of the idea of non commu- Kozameh has described this work in his plenary lecture in tative geometry and noncommutative coordinates have this conference [81], I will limit myself to one remark here. been explored by many authors [75] and intriguing con- A remarkable aspect of the theory is that physical infor- nections with string theory have been suggested [15,76]. mation about the spacetime interior is transferred to null A source of confusion about noncommutative geometry infinity, along null geodesics. Thus, the spacetime inte- is the use of the expression “quantum”. In the mathemat- rior is described in terms of how we would (literally) “see ical parlance, one uses the expression “quantization” any- it” from outside. This description is diffeomorphism in- time one replaces a commutative structure with a non- variant, and addresses directly the relational localization commutative one, whether or not the non-commutativity characteristic of GR: the spacetime location of a region has anything to do with .∗ Mod- is determined dynamically by the gravitational field and els such as the Connes-Lott or the Chamseddine-Connes is captured by when and where we see the spacetime re- gion from infinity. This idea may lead to interesting and physically relevant diffeomorphism invariant observables in quantum gravity. A discussion of the quantum gravi- ∗ Noncommutativity can be completely unrelated to quan- tational fuzziness of the spacetime points determined by tum theory, of course. Boosts commute in Galilean relativity this perspective can be found in [82]. and do not commute in special relativity; but this does not mean that special relativity is by itself a quantum theory.

12 C. Spin foam models Let me illustrate the main steps of the winding story. The first TQFT directly related to quantum gravity 1. Topological quantum field theory was defined by Turaev and Viro [96]. The Turaev-Viro model is a mathematically rigorous version of the 3d From the mathematical point of view, the problem Ponzano-Regge quantum gravity model described in sec- of quantum gravity is to understand what is QFT on tion IV A 3. In the Turaev-Viro theory, the sum (5) is a differentiable manifold without metric (See section made finite by replacing SU(2) with quantum SU(2)q VII). A class of well understood QFT’s on manifolds (with a suitable q). Since SU(2)q has a finite num- exists. These are the topological quantum field theories ber if irreducible representations, this trick, suggested (TQFT). Topological field theories are particularly sim- by Ooguri, makes the sum finite. The extension of this ple field theories. They have as many fields as gauges model to four dimensions has been actively searched for and therefore no local degree of freedom, but only a fi- a while and has finally been constructed by Louis Crane nite number of global degrees of freedom. An example is and David Yetter, again following Ooguri’s ideas [86,87]. GR in 3 dimensions, say on a torus (the theory is equiva- The Crane-Yetter (CY) model is the first example of 4d lent to a Chern Simon theory). In 3d, the Einstein equa- TQFT. It is defined on a simplicial decomposition of the tions require that the geometry is flat, so there are no manifold. The variables are spins (“colors”) attached to gravitational waves. Nevertheless, a careful analysis re- faces and tetrahedra of the simplicial complex. Each 4- veals that the radii of the torus are dynamical variables, contains 10 faces and 5 tetrahedra, and therefore governed by the theory. Witten has noticed that theo- there are 15 spins associated to it. The action is defined ries of this kind give rise to interesting quantum models in terms of the (quantum) Wigner 15-j symbols, in the [83], and [84] has provided a beautiful axiomatic defini- same manner in which the Ponzano-Regge action is con- tion of a TQFT. Concrete examples of TQFT have been structed in terms of products of 6-j symbols. constructed using hamiltonian, combinatorial and path integral methods. The relevance of TQFT for quantum Z ∼ 15-j(color of the 4-simplex), (8) gravity has been suggested by many [84,85] and the re- coloringX 4-simplicesY cent developments have confirmed these suggestions. The expression “TQFT” is a bit ambiguous, and this (I disregard various factors for simplicity). Crane and fact has generated a certain confusion. The TQFT’s are Yetter introduced their model independently from loop diffeomorphism invariant QFT. Sometimes, the expres- quantum gravity. However, recall from Section IV A 3 sion TQFT is used to indicate all diffeomorphism invari- that loop quantum gravity suggests that in 4 dimensions ant QFT’s. This has lead to a widespread, but incorrect the naturally discrete geometrical quantities are area and belief that any diffeomorphism invariant QFT has a fi- volume, and that it is natural to extend the Ponzano- nite number of degrees of freedom, unless the invariance Regge model to 4d by assigning colors to faces and tetra- is somehow broken, for instance dynamically. This belief hedra. is wrong. The problem of quantum gravity is precisely The CY model is not a quantization of 4d GR, nor to define a diffeomorphism invariant QFT having an in- could it be, being a TQFT in strict sense. Rather, it finite number degrees of freedom and “local” excitations. can be formally derived as a quantization of SU(2) BF Locality in a gravity theory, however, is different from lo- theory. BF theory is a topological field theory with two cality in conventional field theory. Let me try to clarify fields, a connection A, with F , and a two-form this point, which is often source of confusion: B [88], with action • In a conventional field theory on a metric space, S[A, B]= B ∧ F. (9) the degrees of freedom are local in the sense that Z they can be localized on the metric manifold (an electromagnetic wave is here or there in Minkowski However, there is a strict relation between GR and BF. space). If we add to SO(3, 1) BF theory the constraint that the two-form B is the product of two tetrad one-forms • In a diffeomorphism invariant field theory such as general relativity, the degrees of freedom are still B = E ∧ E, (10) local (gravitational waves exist), but they are not localized with respect to the manifold. They are we obtain precisely GR [89,90]. This observation has lead nevertheless localized with respect to each other (a many to suggest that a quantum theory of gravity could gravity wave is three meters apart from another be constructed by a suitable modification of quantum BF gravity wave, or from a black hole). theory [91]. The suggestion has recently become very plausible, with the construction of the spin foam models, • In a topological field theory, the degrees of freedom described below. are not localized at all: they are global, and in finite number (the radius of a torus is not in a particular position on the torus).

13 2. Spin foam models

The key step was taken by Andrea Barbieri, studying 6 s the “” of the simplices that play a role 3 f 8 in loop quantum gravity [93]. Barbieri discovered a sim- Σ f ple relation between the quantum operators representing the areas of the faces of the tetrahedra. This relation q turns out to be the quantum version of the constraint

7 (10), which turns BF theory into GR. Barret and Crane 5 [94] added the Barbieri relation to (the SO(3, 1) version 3 6 1 s1 8 of) the CY model. This is equivalent to replacing the the 15-j Wigner symbol, with a different function ABC of the colors of the 4-simplex. This replacement defines a p “modified TQFT”, which has a chance of having general relativity as its classical limit. Details and an introduc- 5 si tion to the subject can be found in [95]. 3 The Barret-Crane model is not a TQFT in strict sense. Σ i 7 In particular, it is not independent from the triangula- tion. Thus, a continuum theory has to be formally de- fined by some suitable sum over triangulations

Z ∼ ABC (color of the 4-simplex). FIG. 3. Figure 3: A branched surface with two vertices. triangX coloringX 4-simplicesY (11) The contribution of one such surfaces to the sum over histories is the product of one term per each branching This essential aspect of the construction, however, is not point of the surface. The branching points represent the yet understood. “vertices” of this theory, in the sense of Feynman. See The striking fact is that the Barret Crane model can Figure 4. virtually be obtained also from loop quantum gravity. This is an unexpected convergence of two very differ- ent lines of research. Loop quantum gravity is formu- lated canonically in the frozen time formalism. While the frozen time formalism is in principle complete, in prac- tice it is cumbersome, and anti-intuitive. Our intuition is four dimensional, not three dimensional. An old problem in loop quantum gravity has been to derive a spacetime version of the theory. A spacetime formulation of quan- tum mechanics is provided by the sum over histories. A sum over histories can be derived from the hamiltonian formalism, as Feynman did originally. Loop quantum gravity provides a mathematically well defined hamilto- nian formalism, and one can therefore follow Feynman steps and construct a sum over histories quantum grav- ity starting from the loop formalism. This has been done in [92]. The sum over histories turns out to have the form FIG. 4. Figure 4: A simple vertex. of a sum over surfaces. More precisely, the transition amplitude between two The contribution of each vertex can be computed alge- spin network states turns out to be given by a sum of braically from the “colors” (half integers) of the adjacent terms, where each term can be represented by a (2d) surface elements and edges. Thus, spacetime loop quan- branched “colored” surface in spacetime. A branched tum gravity is defined by the partition function colored surface is formed by elementary surface elements carrying a label, that meet on edges, also carrying a Z ∼ Aloop(color of the vertex) labeled; edges, in turn meet in vertices (or branching surfacesX coloringsX verticesY points). See Figure 3 (12)

The vertex Aloop is determined by a matrix elements of the hamiltonian constraint. The fact that one obtains a

14 sum over surfaces is not too surprising, since the time first consider ridicule, because it implies that a black hole evolution of a loop is a surface. Indeed, this was conjec- is hot and radiates. But then Steven Hawking, in a cele- tured time ago by Baez and by Reisenberger. The time brated work [65], showed that QFT in curved spacetime evolution of a spin network (with colors on links and predicts that a black hole emits thermal radiation, pre- nodes) is a surface (with colors on surface elements and cisely at the temperature predicted by Bekenstein, and edges) and the hamiltonian constraint generates branch- Bekenstein courageous suggestion was fully vindicated. ing points in the same manner in which conventional Since then, the entropy of a BH has been indirectly com- hamiltonians generate the vertices of the Feynman di- puted in a surprising variety of manners, to the point agrams. that BH entropy and BH radiance are now considered al- What is surprising is that (12) has the same structure most an established fact by the community, although, of of the Barret Crane model (8). To see this, simply notice course, they were never observed nor, presumably, they that we can view each branched colored surface as located are going to be observed soon. This confidence, perhaps on the lattice dual to a triangulation (recall Figure 2). a bit surprising to outsiders, is related to the fact thermo- Then each vertex correspond to a 4-simplex; the coloring dynamics is powerful in indicating general properties of of the two models matches exactly (elementary surfaces systems, even if we do not control its microphysics. Many → faces, edges → tetrahedra); and summing over sur- hope that the Bekenstein- could play faces corresponds to summing over triangulations. The for quantum gravity a role analogous to the role played main difference is the different weight at the vertices. by the black body radiation for quantum mechanics. The Barret-Crane vertex ABC can be read as a covari- Thus, indirect arguments indicate that a Schwarzschild ant definition a hamiltonian constraint in loop quantum BH has an entropy gravity. 1 A Thus, the spacetime formulation of loop quantum GR S = (13) is a simple modification of a TQFT. This approach pro- 4 ¯hG vides a 4d pictorial intuition of quantum spacetime, anal- The challenge is to derive this formula from first princi- ogous to the Feynman graphs description of quantum ples. A surprisingly large number of derivations of this field dynamics. John Baez has introduced the term “spin formula have appeared in the last years. foam” for the branched colored surfaces of the model, in honor of John Wheeler’s intuitions on the quantum mi- String theory. In string theory, one can count the num- crostructure of spacetime. Spin foams are a precise math- ber of string states that have the same mass and ematical implementation of Wheeler’s “spacetime foam” the same charges at infinity as an extremal BH. suggestions. Markopoulou and Smolin have explored the (An extremal BH is a BH with as much Lorentzian version of the spin foam models [97]. as possible – astrophysically, an extremal BH is a This direction is very recent. It is certainly far too highly improbable object). Since a BH is a nonper- early to attempt an evaluation. Many aspects of these turbative object, the calculation refers to the non- models are still obscure. But the spacetime foam models perturbative regime, where string theory is poorly may turn out among the most promising recent develop- understood. But it can nevertheless be completed, ment in quantum gravity. thanks to a trick. At fixed mass and charge at infin- ity, if the is large, there is a BH, but we do not control the theory; if the coupling is weak there is no BH, but the theory is in the This concludes the survey of the main approaches to perturbative, and we can count states with given quantum gravity. mass and charges. Thanks to a (super-) symme- try of string theory, quantum states correspond- ing to extremal BH (BPS states) have the property VI. BLACK HOLE ENTROPY that their number does not depend on the strength of the coupling constant. Therefore we can count A focal point of the research in quantum gravity in them in the limit of weak coupling, and be confi- the last years has been the discussion of black hole (BH) dent that the counting holds at strong coupling as entropy. This problem has been discussed from a large well. In this way we can compute how many states variety of perspectives and within many different research in the theory (at strong coupling) correspond to a programs. black hole geometry [8,9]. The striking results is Let me very briefly recall the origin of the problem. that if we interpret BH entropy as generated by In classical GR, future horizons behave in a man- the number of such states (S = k ln N) we obtain ner that has a peculiar thermodynamical flavor. This re- the correct Bekenstein Hawking formula, with the mark, together with a detailed physical analysis of the be- correct 1/4 factor. havior of hot matter in the vicinity of horizons, prompted The derivation has been extended outside the ex- Bekenstein, over 20 years ago, to suggest that there is tremal case [10], but I am not aware, so far, of a re- entropy associated to every horizon. The suggestion was sult for non extremal BH’s as clean and compelling

15 as the result for the extremal case. The Hawking loop quantum gravity derivations described below. radiation rate itself can be derived from the string picture (for the near extremal black holes) [11]. For Loop Quantum Gravity. Kirill Krasnov has intro- long wavelength radiation, one can also calculate duced statistical techniques for counting loop mi- the ‘grey body factor’, namely corrections to the crostates [102] and has opened the study of BH thermal spectrum due to frequency-dependent po- entropy within loop quantum gravity. There are tential barriers outside the horizon, which filter the two derivations of BH entropy from loop quantum initially blackbody spectrum emanating from the gravity. One [103,102] is based on a semiclassical horizon [12]. analysis of the physics of a hot black hole. This analysis suggests that the area of the horizon does The derivation is striking, but it leaves many open not change while it is thermally “shaking”. This questions. Are the distinct BH states that enter implies that the thermal properties of the BH are the counting distinguishable form each other, for governed by the number of microstates of the hori- an observer at infinity? If they are not distinguish- zon having the same area. The apparatus of loop able, how can they give rise to thermodynamical quantum gravity is then employed to compute this behavior? (Entropy is the number of distinguish- number, which turns out to be finite, because of the able states.) If yes, which observable can distin- Planck scale discreteness implied by the existence guish them? Is a black hole in string theory not of the quanta of geometry (Section III B 1). The really black? (See [13].) More in general, why is number of relevant states is essentially obtained there this consistency between string theory, QFT from the number of the eigenvalues in equation (3) in curved space and classical GR? How does ther- hat have a given area. In the second approach [104], modynamics, horizons and quantum theory inter- one analyzes the classical theory outside the hori- play? zon treating the horizon as a boundary. A suitable Of course, one cannot view the BH entropy deriva- quantization of this theory yields surface states, tion as experimental support for string theory: BH which turn out to be counted by an effective Chern radiance has never been observed, and, even if it is Simon theory on the boundary, thus recovering the observed, BH radiance was predicted by Hawking, ideas of Balachandran and collaborators. In both not by string theory, and it is just a consequence derivations, one obtains, using Eq.(3), that the en- of QFT on a curved background plus classical GR, tropy is proportional to the area in Planck units. not of string theory. Any theory of quantum grav- However, loop quantum gravity does not fix the ity consistent with the QFT in curved spacetime (finite) constant of proportionality, because of the limit should yield the BH entropy. What the string parameter γ in (3), a finite free dimensionless pa- derivation does show is that string theory is indeed rameter not determined by the theory, first noticed consist with GR and with QFT on curved space, by Immirzi [105,106]. even in the strong field regime, where the theory In comparison with the string derivation, the loop is poorly understood, and at least as far as the ex- derivation is weaker because it does not determines tremal case in concerned. The derivation of the univocally the 1/4 factor of Eq.(13) and it stronger entropy formula for the extremal BH represents a because it works naturally for “realistic” BH’s, such definite success of string theory. as Schwarzschild. Surface states. Fifteen years ago, York suggested that Entanglement entropy. An old idea about BH en- the degrees of freedom associated to BH entropy tropy, first considered by Bombelli, Koul, J Lee could be interpreted as fluctuations of the position and Sorkin is that it is the effect of the short scale of the [98]. Thus, they could reside on between the two sides of the the horizon itself. This suggestion has recently be- horizon [107]. A similar idea was independently come precise. The new idea is that the horizon (in proposed by Frolov and Novikov, who suggest that a precise sense) breaks diffeomorphism invariance BH entropy reflects the degeneracy with respect locally, and this fact generates quantum states on to different quantum states which exist inside the the BH surface [99–101]. These states are called black hole, where inside modes contribute only if edge states, or surface states, and can naturally be they are correlated with external modes [108]. The described in terms of a topological theory on the idea of entanglement entropy has been recently an- horizon. Balachandran, Chandar and Momen have alyzed in detail in [109], where it is suggested that, derived the existence of surfaces states in 3+1 grav- suitably interpreted, the idea might still be valid. ity, and showed that these are described by a sur- face TQFT [100]. Steven Carlip has shown that this . Frolov and Fursaev have developed ideas leads to a computation of the BH entropy in the idea of entanglement entropy by applying it 2+1 gravity, obtaining the correct 1/4 factor [99]. within Sakharov’s induced gravity theories, follow- The surface states idea is also at the root of the ing a suggestion by . The idea of using

16 induced gravity theories is motivated by the fact quences on the nature of space-time, and even on that the bare gravitational constant gets renormal- the description of the degrees of freedom in ordi- ized in the computation of the entanglement en- nary flat space-time. In particular, the fact that tropy, yielding a divergent entropy [110]. In in- all microstates are located on the horizon implies a duced gravity theories, there is no bare gravita- puzzling property of space-time itself, denoted the tional constant, and one may obtain the correct fi- . According to this principle, nite answer. The idea is that a (still unknown) fun- the combination of quantum mechanics and gravity damental theory which induces the correct low en- requires the three dimensional world to be an image ergy gravity should allow a representation in terms of data that can be stored on a two dimensional pro- of an infinite set of fields which could play the role jection – much like a holographic image. The two of the induced gravity constituents. dimensional description only requires one discrete degree of freedom per Planck area and yet it is rich Bekenstein’s model. Bekenstein, the “inventor” of BH enough to describe all three dimensional phenom- entropy, has recently analyzed the quantum struc- ena. These views have recently been summarized ture of BH’s, using the idea that a BH can be in Ref. [113]. Suskind has explored some conse- treated as simple quantum objects. This quantum quences of ‘t Hooft’s holographic principle, showing object has, presumably, quantized energy levels, or that it implies that particles must grow in size as horizon-area levels, since energy and area are re- their momenta increase far above the Planck scale, lated for a BH. Therefore it emits energy in quan- a phenomenon previously discussed in the context tum jumps, as atoms do. An interesting conse- of string theory, thus opening a possible connection quence of this approach [111] is that if the hori- between ’t Hooft views and string theory [114]. zon area levels are equispaced, the emitted radia- tion differs strongly from the thermal one predicted Trans-Planckian frequencies. Work by Unruh and by Hawking, and presents macroscopically spaced Jacobson has provided interesting insight into how spectral lines. This would be extremely interest- the prediction of Hawking radiation apparently is ing, because these spectral lines might represent not affected by modifications of the theory at ultra- observable macroscopic QG effects. Unfortunately, high frequencies. If the modes of the Hawking ra- several more complete approaches, and in partic- diance are red shifted emerging from a BH, one ular, loop quantum gravity, do not lead to equis- might imagine that finite frequencies at infinity de- paced area levels (see Eq.(3)). With a more com- rive from arbitrary high frequencies at the horizon. plicated area spectrum the emitted radiation is ef- But if spacetime is discrete, arbitrary high modes fectively thermal [112,38], as predicted by Hawk- do not exist. One can get out from this apparent ing. Nevertheless, the Bekenstein-Mukhanov effect paradox by observing that the outgoing modes do remains an intriguing idea: for instance, it has been not arise from high frequency modes at the hori- suggested that it might actually resurrect in loop zon, but from ingoing modes, through a process of quantum gravity for dynamical reasons. “mode conversion” which is well known in plasma physics and in [115]. ’t Hooft’s “S-matrix ansatz” and “holographic principle”. In conjunction with his discussion of Others. Several others results on black hole entropy ex- BH’s radiation, Steven Hawking has long claimed ist [70]. I do not have the space or the competence that BH’s violate ordinary quantum mechanics, in for an exhaustive list. For a recent overview, see the sense that a pure state can evolve into a mixed Ted Jacobson review of the BH entropy section of state in the presence of a BH. More precisely, the the MG8 [116]. evolution from t = −∞ to t =+∞ is not given by the S-matrix acting on physical states, but rather The above list shows that there is a rather large num- by an operator, which he calls $-matrix, acting on ber of research programs on BH entropy. Many of these density matrices. Gerard ’t Hooft has been disput- programs claim that a key for solving the puzzle has been ing this view for a long time, maintaining that the found. However most research program ignore the others. evolution should still be given by an S-matrix. ’t Presumably, what is required now is a detailed compari- Hooft observes that if one assumes the validity of son of the various ideas. conventional quantum field theory in the vicinity of the horizon, one does not find a quantum me- chanical description of the BH that resembles that VII. THE PROBLEM OF QUANTUM GRAVITY. of conventional forms of matter. Instead, he con- A DISCUSSION siders the alternative assumption that a BH can be described as an ordinary object within unitary The problem that the research on quantum gravity ad- quantum theory. The assumption of the existence dresses is simply formulated: finding a fundamental theo- of an ordinary S-matrix has far reaching conse- retical description of the physics of the gravitational field

17 in the regime in which its quantum mechanical properties a deep modifications. One of such inadequate notions is cannot be disregarded. precisely the notion of a background metric space (flat or This problem, however, is interpreted in surprisingly curved), over which physics happens. It is this concep- different manners by physicists with different cultural tual shift that has led to the understanding of relativistic backgrounds. There are two main interpretations of this gravity, to the discovery of black holes, to relativistic as- problem, driving the present research: the particle physi- trophysics and to modern cosmology. For a relativist, cist’s one and the relativist’s one. quantum gravity is the problem of merging this concep- tual novelty with quantum field theory. From Newton to the beginning of this century, physics 1. The problem, as seen by a high energy physicist has been founded over a small number of key notions such as space, time, and matter. In the first quar- High energy physics has obtained spectacular successes ter of this century, quantum theory and general relativity during this century, culminated with the establishment have modified this foundation in depth. The two theories of quantum field theory and of the SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1) have obtained solid success and vast experimental corrob- standard model. The standard model encompasses virtu- oration, and can be now considered as well established ally everything we can physically measure – except gravi- knowledge. Each of the two theories modifies the con- tational phenomena. From the point of view of a particle ceptual foundation of in a (more or less) physicist, gravity is simply the last and weakest of the internally consistent manner. However, we do not have a interactions. It is natural to try to understand its quan- novel conceptualization of the physical world capable of tum properties using the same strategy that has been so embracing both theories. For a relativist, the challenge successful for the rest of microphysics, or variants of this of quantum gravity is the problem of bringing this vast strategy. The search for a conventional quantum field conceptual revolution, started with quantum mechanics theory capable of embracing gravity has spanned several and with general relativity, to a conclusion and to a new decades and, through a curious sequence of twists, excite- synthesis. ments and disappointments, has lead to string theory. Unlike perturbative or nonperturbative string theory, For a physicist with a high energy background, the relativist’s quantum gravity theories tend to be formu- problem of quantum gravity is thus reduced to an aspect lated without a background spacetime, and are direct of the problem of understanding what is the mysterious attempts to grasp what is quantum spacetime at the fun- nonperturbative theory that has perturbative string the- damental level. ory as its perturbation expansion, and how to extract information on Planck scale physics from it. In string theory, gravity is just one of the excitations 3. What is quantum spacetime? of a string (or other extended object) living over some metric space. The existence of such background metric General relativity has taught us that the spacetime space, over which the theory is defined, is needed for metric is dynamical, like the rest of the physical enti- the formulation of the theory, not just in perturbative ties. From quantum mechanics we have learned that string theory, but also in most of the recent attempts of all dynamical entities have quantum properties (undergo a non-perturbative definition of the theory, as I argued quantum fluctuations, are quantized, namely they tend in section III A. to manifest themselves in small quanta at short scale, and so on). These quantum properties are captured by the basic formalism of quantum mechanics, in its various ver- 2. The problem, as seen by a relativist sions. Thus, we expect spacetime metric to be subject to Heisenberg’s , to come in small For a relativist the idea of a fundamental description packet, or quanta of spacetime, and so on. Spacetime of gravity in terms of physical excitations over a metric metric should then only exist as an expectation value of space sounds incorrect. The key lesson of GR is that some quantum variable. there is no background metric over which physics hap- But we have learned another more general lesson from pens (except in approximations). The gravitational field GR: that spacetime location is relational only. This is is the same physical object as the spacetime itself, and a distinct idea from the fact that the metric is dynam- therefore quantum gravity is the theory of the quantum ical. Mathematically, this physical idea is captured by microstructure of spacetime. To understand quantum the active active diff invariance of the Einstein equations. gravity we have to understand what is quantum space- (Einstein searched for non-diff invariant equations for a time. dynamical metric and for the Riemann tensor from 1912 More precisely, for a relativist, GR is much more than to 1915, before understanding the need of active diff in- the field theory of a particular force. Rather, it is the dis- variance in the theory.) Active diff invariance means that covery that certain classical notions about space and time the theory is invariant under a diffeomorphism on the dy- are not adequate at the fundamental level; and require namical fields of the theory (not on every object of the

18 theory: any theory, suitably formulated is trivially in- Several of the research programs described above real- variant under a diffeomorphism on all its objects). Phys- ize this program to a smaller or larger extent. In partic- ically, diff invariance has a profound and far reaching ular, recall that the spin network states of loop quantum meaning. This meaning is subtle, and even today, 75 gravity (See Figure 1) are not excitations over space- years after the discovery of GR, it is sometimes missed time. They are excitations of spacetime. This relational by theoretical physicists, particularly physicists without aspect of quantum gravitational states is one of the most a GR background. intriguing aspects emerging from the theory. A non diff-invariant theory of a system S describes the evolution of the objects in S with respect to a reference system made by objects external to S. A diff-invariant 4. Quantum spacetime, other aspects theory of a system S describes the dynamics of the ob- jects in S with respect to each others. In particular, The old idea of a lower bound of the divisibility of localization is defined only internally, relationally. Ob- space around the Planck scale has been strongly rein- jects are somewhere only with respects to other dynami- forced in the last years. Loop quantum gravity has pro- cal objects of the theory, not with respect to an external vided quantitative evidence in this sense, thanks to the reference system. The electromagnetic field of Maxwell computation of the quanta of area and volume. The same theory is located somewhere in spacetime. The gravita- idea appears in string theory, in certain aspects of non tional field is not located in spacetime: it is with respect commutative geometry, in Sorkin’s poset theory, and in to it that things are localized. To put it pictorially, pre- other approaches [71]. GR physics describes the of physical entities over Notice, in this regard, that spacetime is discrete in the the stage formed by a non-dynamical spacetime. While quantum sense. It is not “made by discrete quanta”, in general relativistic physics describes the dynamics of the the sense in which an electron is not “made by Bohr or- stage itself. The stage does not “move” over a back- bitals”. A generic spacetime is a ground. It “moves” with respects to itself. Therefore, of discretized states. Outcome of measurements can be what we need in quantum gravity is a relational notion discrete, expectation values are continuous. of a quantum spacetime. Physically, one can view the Planck scale discreteness General quantum theory does not seem to contain any as produced by short scale quantum fluctuations: at the element incompatible with this physical picture. On the scale at which these are sufficiently strong, the virtual other hand, conventional quantum field theory does, be- energy density is sufficient to produce micro black holes. cause it is formulated as a theory of the motion of small In other words, flat spacetime is unstable at short scale. excitations over a background. Thus, to merge general A recent variational computation [125] confirms this idea relativity and quantum mechanics we need a quantum by showing that flat spacetime has higher energy than a theory for a field system, but different from conventional spacetime made of Planck scale black holes. QFT over a given metric space. General relativity, as a Another old idea that has consequently been reinforced classical field theory, is not defined over a metric space, in the last years is that the perturbative picture of a but over a space with a much weaker structure: a differ- with real and virtual is not entiable manifold. Similarly, in quantum gravity we pre- appropriate at the Planck scale. For instance, the string sumably need a QFT that lives over a manifold. Mathe- black hole computation does not works because the weak matically, the challenge of quantum gravity can therefore coupling expansion reaches the relevant regime, but be- be seen as the challenge of understanding how to consis- cause there is a special case in which one can indepen- tently define a QFT over a manifold, as opposite to a dently argue that the number of states is the same at QFT over a metric space. The theory must respects the weak and strong coupling. manifold invariance, namely active diffeomorphism. This In general, thus, there seem to be a certain conver- means that the location of states on the manifold is ir- gence in the emerging physical picture of Planck scale relevant. quantum spacetime. However, we are far from a point This idea was beautifully expressed by Roger Penrose in which we can say that we understand the structure of in the work in which he introduced spin networks [118]. quantum spacetime, and many general questions remain open. In loop quantum gravity, a credible state repre- “A reformulation is suggested in which senting Minkowski has not been found yet. In string quantities normally requiring continuous co- theory, there are too many vacua and the theory does ordinates for their description are eliminated not seem to have much predictivity about the details of from primary consideration. In particular, the Planck scale structure of spacetime. In the discrete since space and time have therefore to be approach, it is not yet clear whether the phase transi- eliminated, what might be called a form of tion gives rise to a large scale theory, and, if so, whether Mach’s principle be invoked: a relationship the discrete structure of the triangulations leaves a phys- of an object to some background space should ical remnant (in QCD it does not, of course). A general not be considered – only relationships of ob- problem is the precise relation between spacetime’s mi- jects to each other can have significance.”

19 crophysics and macrophysics. Do we expect a full fledged cosmology addresses an extremely general and im- to play a role? Do we expect large portant open question. But that question is not scale physics to be insensitive to the details of the micro- necessarily tied to quantum gravity. physics, as happens in renormalizable QFT? Or the exis- Quantum theory “without time”. Unitarity. tence of a physical cutoff kills this idea? Smolin, has sug- gested that the existence of a phase transition should not The relational character of GR described in Sec- be a defining property of the theory, but rather a property tion VII 3 is reflected in the peculiar role of time of certain states in the theory, the ones that yield macro- in gravity. GR does not describe evolution with scopic spacetimes instead of Planck scale clots. Much is respect to an external time, but only relative evo- still unclear about quantum spacetime. lution of physical variables with respect to each other. In other words, temporal localization is re- lational like spatial localization. This is reflected VIII. RELATION BETWEEN QUANTUM in the fact that the theory has no hamiltonian (un- GRAVITY AND OTHER MAJOR OPEN less particular structures are added), but only a PROBLEMS IN FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS “hamiltonian” constraint. Conventional quantum mechanics needs to be adapted to this way of treat- ing time. There are several ways of doing so. Sum When one contemplates two deep problems, one is im- over histories may be a particularly suitable way of mediately tempted to speculate that they are related. formulating such “generalized” quantum mechan- Quantum gravity has been asked, at some time or the ics in a gravitational context, as suggested by the other, to take charge of almost every other open problem work of Jim Hartle [120]; canonical methods are in theoretical physics (and beyond). Here is a list of prob- viable as well [123]. For an extensive discussion of lems that at some time or another have been connected the problem and its many subtleties, see [124]. to quantum gravity. It is important to remark that, with few important ex- Opinions diverge on whether a definition of time ceptions, these problems might very well turn out to be evolution must be unitary in nonperturbative quan- unrelated to quantum gravity. The history of physics is tum gravity. If we assume asymptotic flatness, then full of examples of two problems solved together (say: there is a preferred time at infinity and Poincare’ understanding the nature of and uniting symmetry at infinity implies unitarity. Outside this to magnetism). But it is also full of disappointed great case, the issue is much more delicate. Unitarity is hopes of getting two results with one stroke (say: find- needed for the consistency of a theory in flat space. ing a theory of the strong interactions and getting rid But the requirement of unitarity should probably of ultraviolet divergences and infinite renormalization). not be mistaken for a general consistency require- In particular, the fact that a proposed solution to the ment, and erroneously extended from the flat space quantum gravity puzzle does not address this or that of domain, where there is an external time, to the the following problems is definitely not an indication it quantum gravity domain, where there is no exter- is physically wrong. QCD was initially criticized as a nal time. In GR, one can describe evolution with theory of strong interactions because it did not solve the respect to a rather arbitrarily chosen physical time puzzles raised by renormalization theory. We should not variable T . There is no reason for a T -dependent repeat that mistake. operator A(T ) to be unitarily related to A(0). Lack I begin with various issues related to quantum mechan- of unitarity simply means that the time evolution of ics, which are sometimes confused with each other. a complete set of commuting observables may fail to be a complete set of commuting observables. This Quantum Cosmology. There is widespread confusion is an obstruction for the definition of a Shr¨odinger between quantum cosmology and quantum grav- picture of time evolution, but the Heisenberg pic- ity. Quantum cosmology is the theory of the entire ture [123], or the path integral formulation [120], universe as a quantum system without external ob- may nevertheless be consistent. server [119,120]. The problem of quantum cosmol- Structure and interpretation of quantum me- ogy exists with or without gravity. Quantum grav- chanics. Topos theory. It has been often sug- ity is the theory of one dynamical entity: the quan- gested that the much debated interpretative diffi- tum gravitational field (or the spacetime metric): culties of quantum theory may be related to quan- just one entity among the many. We can assume tum gravity, or that the very structure of quan- that we have a classical observer with a classical tum mechanics might have to undergo a substan- measuring apparatus measuring quantum gravita- tial revision in order to include GR. In Ted New- tional phenomena, and therefore we can formulate man’s views, for instance, the gravitational field is quantum gravity disregarding quantum cosmology. so physically different from any other field, that In particular, the physics of a Planck size small conventional quantizations methods, cube is governed by quantum gravity and, presum- ably, has no cosmological implications. Quantum “another form of orthodoxy”,

20 as Ted calls them, are unlikely to succeed. Thus, the Planck mass contains the Newton constant, this Newman advocates the need of a substantial re- coincidence might be read as an indication that vision of quantum theory in order to understand gravity plays a role in a hypothetical transition be- quantum gravity, and expects that the mysteries tween quantum and classical physics. Consider an of quantum gravity and the mysteries of quantum extended body with mass M in a quantum superpo- mechanics be intertwined. sition of two states Ψ1 and Ψ2 in which the center Certainly, quantum gravity and quantum cosmol- of mass is, respectively, in the positions X1 and X2. ogy have played an indirect role in the effort to Let Ugrav be the gravitational potential energy that understand quantum theory. If quantum theory two distinct such bodies would have if they were in has to play the role of general theory of mechan- X1 and X2. Penrose suggests that the quantum ics, it certainly has to be general enough to encom- superposition Ψ1 + Ψ2 is unstable and naturally pass the peculiar features of gravitational theories decays through some not yet known dynamics to as well. In particular, the consistent-histories ap- either Ψ1 or Ψ2, with a decay time proach to quantum theory [126] was motivated in ¯h part by the search for an interpretation viable in a t ∼ . (14) collapse U context where the microstructure of spacetime it- grav self is subject of quantum effects. The decay time (14) turns out to be surprisingly re- A fascinating development in this direction is the alistic, as one can easily compute: a proton can be recent work of Chris Isham on the relevance of in a quantum superposition for eons, a drop of wa- topos-theory in the histories formulation of quan- ter decays extremely fast, and the transition region tum mechanics [127]. The main idea is to assign in which the decay time is of the order of seconds is P to each proposition a truth value defined as the precisely in the regime in which we encounter the set (the “sieve”) of all consistent families of his- boundary between classical and quantum behavior. tories within which P holds. The set of all such sieves forms a logical algebra, albeit one that con- The most interesting aspect of Penrose’s idea is tains more than just the values ‘true’ and ‘false’. that it can be tested in principle, and perhaps even This algebra is naturally described by topos the- in practice. Antony Zeilinger has announced in his ory. Isham’s topos-theoretical formulation of quan- plenary talk in this conference [122] that he will tum mechanics is motivated in part by the desire try to test this prediction in the laboratory. Most of extending quantum theory to contexts in which physicists would probably expect that conventional a classical spacetime does not exist. More in gen- quantum mechanics will once more turn out to be eral, topos theory has a strongly relational flavor exactly followed by nature, and the formula (14) and emphasizes relational aspects of quantum the- will be disproved. But it is certainly worthwhile ory. (Relational aspects of quantum theory are dis- checking. cusses also in [128].) The existence of a connection Unifications of all interactions and “Theory of between such relational aspects of quantum theory Everything”. String theory represents a tenta- and relational aspects of GR (Section VII 3) has tive solution of the quantum gravity problem, but been explicitly suggested in Refs. [130,129], and also of the problem of unifying all presently known might represent a window over a still unexplored fundamental physics. This is a fascinating and at- realm. These difficult issues are still very poorly tractive aspect of string theory. On the other hand, understood, but they could turn out to be crucial this is not a reason for discarding alternatives. The for future developments. idea that quantum gravity can be understood only collapse. A direct implementation of in conjunctions with other matter fields is an inter- the idea that the mysteries of quantum gravity and esting hypothesis, not an established truth. the mysteries of quantum mechanics can be related Origin of the Universe. It is likely that a sound quan- is Penrose’s suggestion that the wave function col- tum theory of gravity will be needed to understand lapse may be a gravitational phenomenon. Pen- the physics of the Big Bang. The converse is prob- rose’s idea is that there may be a nonlinear dy- ably not true: we should be able to understand the namical mechanism that forbids quantum superpo- small scale structure of spacetime even if we do not sitions of (“too different”) spacetimes. A fact that yet understand the origin of the Universe. perhaps supports the speculation is the disconcert- ing value of the Planck mass. The Planck mass, Ultraviolet divergences. As already mentioned, a 22 micrograms, lies approximately at the bound- great hope during the search for the fundamen- ary between the light objects that we see behaving tal theory of the strong interactions was to get mostly quantum mechanically and the heavy ob- rid of the QFT’s ultraviolet divergences and infi- jects that we see behaving mostly classically. Since nite renormalization. The hope was disappointed,

21 but QCD was found nevertheless. A similar hope • In noncommutative geometry, the problem that is alive for quantum gravity, but this time the probably needs to be understood is the relation be- perspectives look better. Perturbative string the- tween the noncommutative structure of spacetime ory is (almost certainly) finite order by order, and and the quantum field theoretical aspects of the loop quantum gravity reveals a discrete structure theory. In particular, how is renormalization af- of space at the Planck scale which, literally, “leaves fected by the spacetime noncommutativity? no space” for the ultraviolet divergences. The relations between various approaches may be closer than expected. I have already pointed out IX. CONCLUSION some noncommutative geometry aspects of string the- ory. String theory and loop quantum gravity are re- We have at least two well developed, although still in- markably complementary in their successes, and one may complete, theories of quantum spacetime, string theory speculate that they could merge or that some technique and loop quantum gravity. Both theories provide a phys- could be transferred from one to the other. In particu- ical picture and some detailed results on Planck scale lar, loop quantum gravity is successful in dealing with the physics. The two pictures are quite different, in part re- nonperturbative background-independent description of flecting the diverse cultures from which they originated, quantum spacetime, which is precisely what is missing high energy physics and relativity. In addition, a num- in string theory, and loops might provide some tools to ber of promising fresh ideas and fresh approaches have strings. A loop, of course, is not a very different ob- recently appeared, most notably noncommutative geom- ject from a string. String theory can be formulated as a etry. The main physical results on quantum spacetime sum over world-sheets, and loop quantum gravity can be obtained in he last three years within these theories are formulated as a sum over surfaces. The world sheets of the following. string theory do not branch and are defined over a metric space. In particular, a displaced world-sheet is a distinct • A striking result is the explicit computation of the world-sheet. The surfaces of loop quantum gravity, on quanta of geometry, namely the discrete spectra of the other hand, branch, and are defined in a background area and volume, obtained in loop quantum gravity. independent manner over a space without metric, where only their topology, not their location, . The ex- • Substantial progress in understanding black hole istence of some connection between the two pictures has entropy has been achieved in string theory, in loop been advocated in particular by Smolin [131]; and Ashoke quantum gravity, and using other techniques. Sen has recently introduced a notion of “string networks” into string theory, paralleling the step from loops to spin • Two cosmological applications of quantum gravity network in loop quantum gravity [132]. have been proposed. String cosmology might yield † predictions on the spectrum of the background gravitational radiation. According to Woodard and Tasmis, two-loops quantum gravity effects might be In conclusion, I believe that string theory and loop relevant in some cosmological models. quantum gravity do represent real progress. With respect to few years ago, we now do better understand what may Among the most serious open problems are the follow- cause black hole entropy, and what a quantized spacetime ing. might be. However, in my opinion it is a serious mistake to claim • Black hole entropy has been discussed using a va- that this is knowledge we have acquired about nature. riety of different approaches, and the relation be- Contrary to what is too often claimed even to the large tween the various ideas is unclear. What is needed public, perhaps with damage to the credibility of the en- in black hole thermodynamics is a critical compar- tire theoretical community, these are only very tentative ison between the many existing ideas about the theories, without, so far, a single piece of experiment sup- source of BH entropy, and possibly a synthesis. port. For what we really know, they could be right or entirely wrong. What we really know at the fundamen- • In string theory, the key problem in view of the tal physical level is only the standard model and general description of quantum spacetime is to find the relativity, which, within their domains of validity have re- background-independent formulation of the theory. • In loop quantum gravity, the main problem is to understand the low energy limit and to single out the correct version of the hamiltonian constraint. A †In “Blue Mars”, the last novel of the science-fiction Mars promising direction in this regard might be given trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson [133], the fundamental by the spin foam models. physics of the 23rd century is based on a merging between loop and string theories!

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