Fordham Movie Misses Premiere Peterson New Res-Life Director
Non-Profit Org. I U.S. Postage PAID Bronx, New York Permit No. 7608 Mr, Manners - see centerfold Fordham Movie Misses Premiere by Pele Itirlc twenty hindsight saw that we wouldn't make The Poe Papers, otherwise known as The it. But, we were excited and determined that it Fordham Movie, was not ready for screening would be finished on time," she said. at the time of its scheduled premiere Friday- The movie was scheduled to be shown at evening due to editing problems, according to 8:45 p.m., following a parade of the stars, an DrewGagner, FC '88, master of ceremonies. opening address by Gagner, a salutation by While over 300 students, parents, faculty members, administrators, and trustees waited in the McGinley Center Ballroom for the arri- '' We should have made val of the film, Director Sue Borden, resident director of New Hall was down at Columbia the decision to University putting the finishing touches on the picture. Production and editing delays ensued, postpone it Wednesday and as a result, the showing was postponed until Tuesday night. or Thursday. Twenty- "It became a nice, elegant affair that turned into a sham, a mockery. In a million twenty hindsight saw years, we could have never imagined this," 9 Gagnersaid. that we wouldn t make hours. I had been editing all week, alone, with the phone call at 9:30 p.m. to bring the un- According to Tom Ellett, FC'86, execu- it" a lack of facilities," Borden said. "Friday finished film up to Rose Hill, she attempted to tive producer, a total of $2640 was spent on — Susan Borden afternoon we had to redub a scene with Father make one more cut, which she said normally the premiere, with $1250 going toward renting O'Hare.
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