The Guardian, November 19, 1980

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The Guardian, November 19, 1980 Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 11-19-1980 The Guardian, November 19, 1980 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1980). The Guardian, November 19, 1980. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Daily Guardian November 19, 1980 Issue 38 Volume XVII Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio Inside Saga's offer Snow business not enough, University copes well with snowfall union says * page 2 Volleyball team wins championship ' page 7 Off the wire Carter considers veto By JEKE'LYN EDDLNGS WASHINGTON UP1 . The White ouse b stadyhu • poeabie veto of Tht DmJfy G—nUmn phato by Scott Kbaetl What a place fot a CMIXIW On tuilll DNN sfdaaU at s't really partk-ipaltog to fan and game*, timy'im trying to make k to daa a Maaday. The Uatvemity « entna&y dosed at 4 p.m. By KEVIN THORNTON should be dosed." equipment Is in good shape." Gtwdu News Editor The storm itself was responsible for a 4-7 Personal «n unexpected earty storm "I TALKED THEM (the Vice-Presi- inch white blanket which covered the inches of snow on the Miami dents) into closing, but "we really should Miami Valley. Two traffic deaths and Monday, the cancellation of night have stayed opes." scores of aeddents were attributed to the income rises ? classes at WSU has been called a Campus security said no aeddents first snowstorm of the season. ".•mistake" by Executive Director. of occnred on campiai in relation to the storm. The storm had been expected to be a Campus Planning and Operations Robert Wright State was officially dosed at 4 , mixture of rain and snow but turned out to By MARY BETH FRANKUNX Francis. p.m. after FrMcis, and the remainder of lie all snow. An official depth of 4.5 inches WASHINGTON UFI -• SfmmdSpwrad "We shouldn't have closed the cam- the "group meeting" had decided road was reported at (Dayton International aiiwit* pay r^la—e far mlkiirrnrfkarype?w»— fnmmmaiI tmit pus," Francis said' Tuesday, "h was a conditions were unsafe. Airport, and up to 6 or 7 inches- were mistake on my. part." At least'three inches of snow had fallen, reported in outlying areas. Francis said that although the storm did and the- National Weather Service bad cause hazardous conditions on area roads issued a severe weather warning. LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies in early in the day,- "the campus was very Francis said the campus road crews were Miami, Darke, Shelby, Preble, Warren and dear by*6:00 p.m." g ready for the storm. Greene Counties reported at least 217 "There was a group meeting on Monday traffic >eather-related aeddents Monday, afternoon," Fraiids said. "Everyone but "WE USUALLY winterize our vehicles most of them without injuries and Causing the Vice-Presidents' agreed the school the first of November," he said. "All our only minor property damager By MIKE MILLER (the employees) want more ipon- established. However the two able for comment, said in an company has raised its initial Guardian Staff Writer ey right now." parties agreed through negotia- .earlier interview that if a strike offer somewhat." tions that the day-to-day formula ofccurs, Saga will continue to "They started out proposing to Wright State Saga Food em- RHODEN SAID the strike was favorable. - provide food service but on a give employees an 80 cent raise ployees belonging to the Bar- deadline has been extended "on a reduced schedule. over the next three years, and tenders, Motel, Hotel, and Res- day-to-day basis." 1 "AS LONG AS they are putting now they've added 50 cents to taurant Worker's Local Union No. Initially, union, members de- the negotiations off," Rhoden HE SAID HOURS of operation that." 222 rejected a contract' offer by signated Nov. 5 as the negotiation said, "we aren't losing- any- would be posted on signs outside Saga Corporation at a meeting deadline, however Director of thing." • the campus food Service facilities. Sunday, according to Ruth Rho- WSU Saga Foods S.E. Nunamak- Rhoden said negotiations be- "1 hope the issue will be RHODEN SAID SOME Saga den, a Union representative. er'said in an earlier Interview, tween the two parties are continu- resolved," Nunamaker said,"but employees are eager to strike, but Saga Corporation offered to "The union asked to wait for a ing,and "we are now waiting to if not, there is a possibility of a she has discouraged such attitu- raise salaries SI.30 over three •week." ~ hear from Saga's (corporate) base strike by the union." des. years in an attempt to halt a The new deadline of Nov. 11 in California." • Rhoden is optimistic about the "Some of the employees will threatened strike, Rhoden said. was slated but wais cancelled, The contract between the food progress achieved (luring recent say "let's go'," she said, "But we "The employees thought it was Rhoden said, becaus>ee the! union's service firm and union expired negotiations. (the Union) tell them it is more a good offer for the next two or mediator was. unables to attend. Oct. 17. "I' don't see a strike occurr- favorable to continue negotia- three years,'" she said^'but they A third deadline date was later Nunamaker, Who was unavail- ing," she said, "because the tion's." Chipp Swindler elected Graduate Studies Rep. By KEVIN THORNTON v. Swindler said he will be "This does not only mean a position." Guardian News Editor assuming his duties as represen- seat on the Student Government, tative at the Nov. 24 meeting of but the Academic Council, and "THIS SHOULD GIVE every- one a chance to gain new Chipp Swindler, former Univ- the Government. the Graduate Council as well," he incentive from his objective view- ersity Ombudsman, was elected "I'll probably, spend the next said. new Student Government Repre- month getting acquainted with "The Student Government can points." Walker said Swindler has "pro- sentative from the School of the 6ther members," he noted. influence the decision making ven himself in the University Graduate Studies in last week's "I'll also be familiarizing my- ' process of the University by the community" and "I know he can special election. aelf with the work they have done way they handle the issues.'.' the -election was heia after already this year." Walker said the addition of handle personnel." Swindler was Ombudsman for Representative Chris Keller, who Swindler would be like a "breath was elected last spring to repre- ALTHOUGH HE has DO speci- of fresh air." the 1979-80 academic year and sent the School, announced she fic plans iirllis'position, Swindler "Although he js new to the served in various capacities with wds graduating at the end of. Fall said he plans to "fully utilize the government," she noted, "he is The Daily Guardian prior to Quarter. This left the Govern- dimensions of the job." tremendously qualified ' for the holding that position. ment with an opening, and the CHIPF SWINDLE* need for a special election. Swindler defeated David Allen ing. forward, to working not only Smith with.22 votes to Smith's 16. with (Student Government Chair- er) Brenda Walker, hut also with • I'M VERY HAPPY to be'T the other members of the Govern-, Democrats urge quick action member of the Student Govk .ment as'well as the Academic ment," Swindler said. "I'm loqk- on superfund for toxic waste its S4.1 billion superfund bill and BITS AN,D niF.CES . WASHINGTON UPl- Several ward Baker, R-Tenn., asking for powerful house Democrats arc action on the issue. pass the House version because urging the Senate to accept s le^a the congressmen do not consider Drop off youc questions -.vrittcn oh an index' card, or napkin stringent House version of s . THE LETTER WAS signed by superfund a, dead - issue this from the Bicycle Shop at 122 or!26 Student Services or give Jeff superfund bill to clean up toxic Reps. Harley Staggers, D-W.Va., Vernpoy at ext. 2140 or Ruth Lapp at ext. 2556 a call. waste dumps before time runs out John Dingelt, D-Mich.; James 1 am in the process of leaking for a-job over tlwbr^al. One of in the lame duck session. Florio, D-N.J.; Mario Biaggi, BAKER, THE prospective ma- the areas I am confused about is the number of different types of The congressmen, leading me. D-N.Y.; Gerry Studds, D-Mass.; jority leader, has said he wants to resume's. It seems like everyone has-a different format or style, mbcrs of four House conrjnjttees Al Ullman, D-.Oi-e.; Dan Rosten- take lip the superfund next year, not to mention the multitude of different subjections. ! am concerned with superfund, sent, a kowski, D-DI.; Sam '.Gibbons, but Sen. Robert Stafford, R-Vt., really confused as to which one" wi|l increiss^rty chances of . letter Monday to Senate Demo- D-Fla.; John Breaux, D-La.; and Monday introduced two com- getting a job. Please help me sorj this out. cratic leader Robert Byrd, D-W. Harold Johnson, D-Calif. promise bills. Befuddled Vai., and Republican leader Ho- It urged the Senate to set aside One resembles the House ^lear Befuddled: ' • measure, which calls for a SI .2 „ First of all let me address your last co^hniettt.
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