SEfrlf ftl BER 8. i U f

it W lL V * ManrhPBtpr goMifttp Ifpralft Arcraga Ddly Cfrcnlatlon The Weather Wat 10m Mootb of Aegabt. 1547 rrtweart of 0 . a WaatlMr • a n r a ered Include theee: Training, adu- contact sarvlca by tha Vaterana Rev. Lalaad O . Hurt. aUnlatar AdmlnlatraUon in Manchaeter, to eation. Inauraaea, houMng, medical . Partly eloaay tbSay wtRi hlgli- The Infant Jaaua of ^t*l[**5 of the Second OongngaUonal State’s Bonus and dental etalma, peraonal affairs be effective September 80, takee 9,040 Mothara Circle will hold Ita arrt church. arOl broadcast a program place, not becauae or a decreaaad Mt temperatwfe 75. Weaeeeday About Town moating of tho fall Wodnoo^ and loans. ilattrliiT B tier of morning devoUona over Station According* to tha director of the load of cases in Manchester, but evening at eight o'clock at the lirraUi fair aa5 warn. WDRC a t 5:40 every morning thla Top Activity center, Nathan B. Gatchell. work becauae of a shortage of funds home of Mra. Jamea Barry. 18 j_Dil'wotth-C«n«ll- Unnmora drive. ious mattera affecUng the Uvea of Uct office wUI be open aU day B t k i ^ a n nminded o f «a Im- The Part Chiefs Chib of Helen veterans and their families. The Monday and Friday as It la at prao- Hie Stanley group of the ^ t h Veterans’ Center Report (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Mrtaat mortlnf tonight at S:00 Davidson Liodge, No. 55, Daugh- Item “ peraonal affairaT’ Includea a ent. During the rest of tha waek VOL. LXVL, NO. 287 i t ) MANCHESTER, CONNh TUESDAY. SEPTEMBBR 9,1947 Methodlat WSOS Will meet at the urs of Scotia. wlU meet tomorrow a reduced staff of three peraona ' g^ oek . Tho littUUation of offlcen church tomorrow evening at 5:i» Shows 677 Persons multitude of problems from legal ■gut Monday. 8«pt. 15. wUl tako evening at 7:45 at the home of aaalstanca, advice on domeattc will atUI be avalUWoee usual. The ON DISPLAY to go on a myaUry ride, 'ftie com­ Mrs. Janet Teaadala, Wood­ Used Office in Month placa o f tiic aocial nacoUng mittee in charge Includea Mra. « 8 questions, collecting of Usd dehtSi dU-ector, bta aaalstant and their land street (M iiaiw aakl onUnarUy ba achod* Percy Stocka, Mra. Henry Slmler, adjustment of rental terina.,home- recepUonUt will be on duty on Refugee Sliipa Reach Port in Hamburg pM for tottlgtit Mlaa BJvelyn Wilder and Mra. John AcUvlty at the VeUrane CenUr atesdlng In the Wert or In Alaska, their present schedule. No change A meeting at the Manchaeter and securing permanent appoint­ Ig contemplated In the schedule of Government Survey Shorrock. during Augurt ahowa that 577 per­ Former Gov. Stassen Stamp Club will be held tomorrow Mya. Koy Smith o f St. John'a, ments In the armed forces, ta two training officers who, it ta be­ evening at 8 o’clock at the home sona camg there for aaalatance dur­ what dealer we would recommend lieved. will continue to use the Maw’ Bnutawlek. la vlaltlng har Dr David M. Caldwell left to­ of Attorney Fred Manning, 47 M ^ eoaalna. Mra. JuUtia L. Strong and day for New York Oty. where he ing that month. Aside from the In a certain commercial venture. Mancheater office aa their head­ pie atreet The feature of the The contemplated reduction In quarters. h i m Bather Brindle o f Strickland will attend the convention o f the meeUng will be the aucUonIng of Stats bonus, the top ten Items cov­ Shows Europe Must American College of Burgeona at stampa. Anyone wishing to Join the Waldorf-Aatorla. Hla office tho club la Invited to attend the Says He’s Candidate S t Margarat’a drela. Daughtara win therefore be cloaed until next meeting. IHaMSemW lla e a W aC laahanm wlU maat tomorrow Monday. f- fa ie w i n MNI Raise Production gaanlng at alght o'clock in the K. The monthly meeUng of tte novbu sonaas af C. clubrooma. Mr. and Mra. William J. Oraif Girl Scout Leaders’ Association and children of Waahlngton atreet will be held Wednesday night at Secret Study .. Mr. and Ura. Aleaandar Rydla- have been apendlng their vacation 8 o’clock at the Center Congrega- For GOP Nomination artes o f 45 Server atreat have ra- at Harwlchport on Cape Cod. Uonal church. Tliat to ^ ^H-Sup Thursday tumad after apendlng a week with tthMb relattvee living In different P^cea Doyal Circle o f Klng'a Daugh- 4 1 2 3 paiNCH w iujr porting She Muat Go For Strike at To Enter* WiBconain'i III Indiana. tera will meet thla evening at 7:45 Higher Than Pre-War. in the federation room of Center Proved Deodorant Rioting Is Continuing; PreBiflential Primary Trank J. Manefleld Marine Oorpe church houae. The bualneaa aeaaton Level and Will Require j R o y a l C o U C e m will be followed by a aocial hour Next April; To Give liaague Auxiliary will aaalat other Help to Do the Job | ' ^ ___ Ommectlcut unlU, at a Bingo party and the hoateaaea will be Mra. Other Parts of India Major. Talk in Mil­ tonight at aeven o'clock at the Rachel Tllden and Mra. Ora Sher­ Modess 4,000 Employees of the waukee on Nov. 24 Vaterana ^ m e In Newington. wood. So Soft -> So S o lo Washington, Sept. Mr. and Mra. Guatave JoHnaon — A secret government study Typewriting Concern Which Will 0 | »e n HIb S t Monlca'a Mothora Circle will Enjoy the "peoce-of-mind thoi comet Now Become Involved bold Ita 5rat meeting of the fall of 15 Ann atreet and Mra. William concludes that Europe, to be In Hartford Vote to Campaign; Is the First Wadneeday evening at eight Do Focle of Wlndaor Liocka have with having o plentiful lupply of daearf self-supporting, must raise bAUtt re 5U7CN New Delhi, ^ p t . D— —Indla’a f rylng shopping bags walked past | o’ clock at thO home of Mra. E. W. luat returned from a two weeka' its production higher than Walk Out This Week (/ft Candidate of the Party Oraham, 44 Bunce Drive. nootor trip to the Adlrondacka. Soft, Sofe Modetf olwoy* on bond. capital awoke to toe renewed ths body of a Hot victim, which % the pre-war level and will re­ ley covered ento a cloth. Thouaand laland and parta of Can­ ■ifT.wm Jwt recetvad. . . a display oMortment o f the Cooking Ufentilf Hartford, Sept 9— (P)— An esti­ crackle of gun fire today ■■ toe ada. While paaaing through quire help 4o do so. Top gov­ Eeportere Cooat Dead Waahlngton, Sept. 9.— 'kw* k«a» W» w— lr Step In soon and see how truly superior these utensils ore. propoeed by Secretary of State successful, and jthen Immertatcly enmp for future diepoeitlon according to nationality.—«(Picture by radio from London). Bound of violence, but with day­ Past tole scene of carnage filed MarahalL They uaed information break the Bouno of firing reaumed. publican presidential nomina­ : Tear Liatinifs SoUcUrd Mancheater Green. mM'. tra • aM*.W*N U4 tMrt W ell tell you how to get them. began to cart a paper ballot to toouaanda of Moaleme who were MW MNfMt«« aacsACNn **4 which baa been aysembled by the ktoat o f it appeared to be coming being evacuated from the section. tion The former Minnesota wM«e w •wneh W* w make it official. from the ou‘skirta of New Delhi Mr. and Mra. Joeeph Rollaaon, of Z iU f. t - Mcaouiaci. state and other departmenta con­ The tattered multitude carried governor also told a nawi 71 Waahlngton atreet will obaerva i»iiw«i a»w** »*»»pi»a a»ew«. current with tb4 18-naUon confer­ Newsmen preaent at the meeting ' FarbenFirm although an occasional ahot could their few beloviglngk on their heads conference that he will make a tha 50th annlvertary o f their mar- XI owe BtM •« riw» tm a»ww ei*. 4US1 SSt THSSS BXTttA ence In Paris on the Manhall said that no dlaaent oould be heard State Ticket Depends still he heard in the Connaught while some carried children on major speech In Milwaukee Nov. riaga. Friday evening, when th ^ ,w--nOt * aiww »»!«*«>• plan. when the question wka put to voice Circus area wlieie looters clashed their backs. A drizzling rain fell 34. He described tole as hla opail* nuvis Prfaea f t (In Paria today, a food |and vote. with autoorltlCH Stmday. will be at home to Ihelr frienda be­ «w ew iMe e* SeaSle bed nATUttss Of ffgyagf waitr Aided Hitler on toe ahufflmg group. Ing address In his campaign for Pflatad and Developed tween the houre of weven and tan agriculture subcommittee of ' the Present at the meeting, tjhey re­ Mingled with tho gunfire came Hams An Over the Ce iatry toe Republican nomination. Any 5-8 koU Expomra iWw *w far balk tiSaal~>~.U.«t o'clock. Mr. Rollaaon conducted a conference eatlmated . eome 82L-- ported, were many worken ' not On Hartford’s Voting an intermittent wave of ahouting Elsewhere, throughout India toe StoMcn said that committee ac­ M- a M ' far ilaela bad...... td.f* 000.000,000 will be needed from afllUated with Local 255, United ■hoe repairing ahop contlnu^ly M* ■ M* far fb bad...... •I.W INDESTRUCTIBLE * EASY TO HANDU ; Witness Tells How In> from thoueandt of throats. The rioting was repotted to have toe tivity in Wlsconaln has Indicated for a period of 85 yearn on Depot the United States by these Euro­ EHectrlcal Workers—CIO, which Is same complexirtn. with Sikhs and Arihnr Drajr Stores Gael, black lakalHa screaming of slogans by Hindus, that elatee of delegatee wlU ba Square and North Main rtrMt un­ Yae caat bam a bala pean natlona In tha next four demanding a schedule of six paid dustrial Empire As­ Mosleme ,and Sikh* has been one Hindus matched egatnst Moslems 'S45 Main St., Robinow Bldg. ALSOl tbaiit. kaadlaa. Outcome of Non-Par- j ...... — — ^ ■ presented in toe April 5 primary til hla retirement In April of 1545. HOSPITAL BEOS FOR RENT years to apend abroad for food or holldaya, an hourly wage Increase of the, favorite ways of conducting In a grim effort to drive them out on behalf of Gov. Thomas B. tha meana to produce it) o f 10 centa, three cents an hour tisan Balloting to NcWS TidkltS sisted in Preparations a war* of nerves'during the recent of toe country—Just as In Pak­ Dewey of New. York and (Sen. la Sorvqy af Problem for night workers and reinstate­ communal dlaturbancea. • istan Moaleme wire said to be do­ Douglas MacArtour, but tlmt m A U WELDED . . . * SNUG-RT COVERS ment rt a union offlclal claimed to The repoit la primarily a aur- Decide Make-Up ‘of Nuernberg, Oermany, Sept. 9.— In Connaught Clrcua aome food ing toe seme thing to the Sikhs neither case has there been any have been dismissed without cause Na rlrati ta laaaaa, I I ar tree Ratala aiolatam aad haat. voy of what Is the problem, rather ■hops re-opened under military and Hindus. evidence of "autoortaatlon” from KEMP'S, INC. The Democratic Slate'— i .-1111 ■■■—. -The giant I. O. Farhen Indus­ ; Violin Lessons Ameaite Drives faad parilelaa. aa caaUae thaa. by the company. guard and quickly had long linea On a hillside overlooking a Bikh- those two. Fumltore and Music Hw JW aHALCcoitR than an attempi. to propoM aolu- Short To "Strike Now” trial empire was accused today Oroabed Stone Oraval tlena, but It reaches a number of Byroa JL Watsoa, prominent ot patrons whose supplies have While Stassen waa abaent from There were cries from the audi­ before an American War (M oms (ConUnaed sa Page tMx) Phone 2-1983 70S Main 8L Tel. 5680 M A M CH IST 8R CONM« concluaiona. These are the major Hartford, Sept. 5— (Iff—Hartford Providence business man, is dead dangerously low. Howaewivea ear­ toe co«uitry In ffie 1844 campaign, ence to "strike now." But David a partial alate waa entered for mas Ctedem Lea« ones: Doyle, business agent o f the union, voters may not know it, but their . . , Census ^Bureau reports U. S. court of promoting unemploymelit In Wisconsin and he recalled toat 1. Cooperation 'is the key to advised the workers, "don’t Jump population last April waa approxi­ in’19S3 to help booJt Adolf Hitler's iRUSSELL B. WILSON balloting (n the first non-partisan they won three of four convention European recovery.” ThU meana the gun. Give conciliation another mately 143,811,000 . . . Report A s­ National Soclallrt (Nazi) party NO MONEY DOWN cooperation “In extending the municipal elections this fall will sistant Secretary of State Benton seats. Dewey, however, walked off HALE’S 48 hours," he said. Into power In Germany. Use Clubs, Fire Hose As UMIo Aa 95.55 Par Meath bdunda o f trade in Europe, In Mr. Doyle said that the union have an Important bearing in the readv to resign Bk chief of depart­ Hermann Fritz Luther, a Far- with the great majority ot them. equitable aUocationa of scarce ma- ment's public affairs operations Staseen said be haa made no n e e EetinMtes! and company have been nego­ makeup of the atate Democratic ben employe from 1927 to 1946, teriaia and commoditiea so aa tiating for the past 80 days. "Tlie ticket in next fall’s national and . . . 'i”* elve Coaaectlrut 4-H beya made the accusation In a state­ decision yet as to whether he most effecUvely to utilise and ex­ union," he said, "has been sincere state elections in 1548. will show their dairy animals at ment Introduced hy the prosecu­ To Get Jews Off Ships entSr primarlea tn other etataa. pand c^iacity, in lowering such the Eastern States Exposition ... . BUseen, toe only avowed canal- THOMAS D. COLLA ^M cious enM A inin^ In Its negotiating but the com- Although party labcla will be tion to bolater charges that Far- Thom as A. barricra to trade as quotas, bilat­ M. Stephen Donoliiie of Wilson re­ ben backed the Nazla from the date so far for the RepubUean Paring Centtnrtar S-tll5 pai^ has not." missing in local elections for the eral agreements, exchange reatrlc- He amid If the union didn’t vote flfat time this year under the city signs as executive secretary of the ■tart In the hope of rearming Ger­ preeldential nomination, aald he tlona, and tariffa.’’ for the rtrlke on Thursday, "your manager chartw, all-out Import­ Hartford Housing Authority, plan­ many for war and cashing In on 90 Minutes of Fighting WlU dlacues vital laauea before the h h r . *Tt la not possible to revive ning to go back Into the private Say Leftists country and toe Repubican party. Murdock . . . thi ffunning iww CORY Birfftt Q 8 roemberahip In the union won’t be ance la being attached to the out­ the venture. B efore L u t o f the P«a> the entire economy at once.’’ The worth the paper It is writton on." constructiontl( fletd. lArta Hla Tdliiaff Falirii come by the combined group of Wlnatod coroner holds Atty. Hat- Xs the tra! resumed after 1 Increased production ’’must start Mr. Doyle exrlained the offers atate Democratic Chairman John Bangers Are Put Aahore Asked wbetoar be accepted the old Ashford of Watertown respon­ four-day recess, the court presl Stage Strikes Carpenter and Builder \ In such bottleneck tndurtrtea as the company has made. He said M. Baley and State Senator Rocco dent Judge Chirtlsa Shake, an­ record of the Republican CBBgrsaa Vocol Lessont coal and food end the Induatries the company offered to pay for in­ sible for accident death of Louise At Hamburg, Germany as his platform, he replied he did D. PallotU and the forces o f form ­ Mary Weik, 61, last June 26*. . . nounced that the case against which He back of them, and then surance bepeflts but refused to er Mayor Thomas J. Spellacy. Max Bnirggemann, a Farhen di­ not accept it enUrely. He addiKl Architectural Service spread as raplol) as possible to give the union any say in the in­ Oacar laraon, Middletown build­ Italy’d Ruling Party to Whichever of the two groups ing contractor, dies . . . Eight hun­ rector, would be dropped. This re­ Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 9— (47 there wUl be other queatlona In­ Phon« 2-1983 other Industries.’' surance. predominates in having candidates duces to 23 the number of defend­ volved In new legislation and Hat­ 3. Production must concentrate The company, he said, wanted dred new students will swell en­ — British troops using clubs and Meet Today to DI b c u b b Tel. 5 7 2 2 elected to the new streamlined, rollment at Fort Triimbull branch ants Brueggemann is in a Dort­ ed toe following as 1948 talking Phyllis King "on the full utilization of existing to Insert a clause in the contract nine-member common council may mund hospital suffering from a Are hoaea emptied today the last of points: capacity befniu long-range plans which would take away a per­ of the University, of Connecticut Counter MeasureB be Instrumental in carrying Hart­ to more than 1,950 . . . Dwight ■erinua heart condition. three transports which brought the Prices and related economic la- of development and expansion are son’s vacation time If for eny rea- suea, tax policy, housing, woidd ford’s vote In the State Democratic Griswold, head of American Aid R'lther’s affidavit gave this ap­ Exodus 1947 Jews to Germany. Rome, Sept. 9—(47—Italy's rul­ undertaken." nominating convention a year praisal of the Farhen people’s economic policy, health, baste ra- 4. The goals of production muat (Coatlnned on Page Eight) Mission in Greece, said that we Some kicking, acreamlng. Jews, ing Oiriatlan DemocraUc party, hence. awareness of Hitler’s early plans: latlons with Ruwria. future of. to# bo higher than pre-wrar. "The ne­ are now providing all the food for their heads bloodied In 90 minutes troubled by a etrike of eome 800,- Greece’s 196,000 In armed service "The reconstruction of the united nations, efficient and ace- cessity for highei levels of output Joined By Other Groups 000 Po valley laborera, meets to­ If the Bailey-PallotU tleup con­ . . . Negotiations In flve day strike Wehrmacht (German army) made of fighting aboard, were carried nomic conduct of government, and From than before the war is the result day to plan counter measures labor policy. HALE'S SELF SERVE tinues to rule here, they likely will' at Carnegle-llUnoia Steel (5orpora- It Clear to us that the course pur­ bodily from the transport, toe against growing pressure from of the fact that requirements for Guns Are Used tion in Pittsburgh siUI deadlocked. Asked whether he agreed with The Original In ! be Joined by moat of the other sued by Hitler had to lead to w*ar. Runnymede Park, after a eltdown Leftist parties, excluded from toe reconstruction arc large; that ex- "It would be Interesting to Dr. Dehnel (Farhen expert), a Benator Taft (R.. Ohio) toat toe ' ports must exceed pre-war levels groups in the First Congressional ■trike against landing. cabinet last May. know" a^nst whom the north consistent opponent of Hitler, said Taft-Hartley Labor Act Is not an to piurchaae the aame volume o f im­ district. If 'the Spellacy organi­ An official British casualty re­ The CTirietian Democrats’ direct­ In Bus Strike zation comes out on top. it likely and South American nations are to me In 1934 that the Nazi sys­ port said 33 Jews, Including 13 issue, Stassen said general labor AND HEALTH MARKET . H ale’s ports because r.f the loss of for­ preparing to defend themselves, ing committee called the “urgent policy Is always an issue and the would win over a sizeable bloc of tem inevitably meant war. 'Tbls women, were Injured and that' tO meeting" yesterday to “examine eign investmerts and shipping say Andrei Vlshinsky, Soviet dep­ was my opinion too, as well aa the Taft-Hsrtley law 'Is a particular fleets; that populations have in­ support from the diiitrict. of them were hospitalized. An toe political eltuatlon" and “con­ Shota Fired and Re­ The local party group, support­ uty foreign minister. In Interview general view of the Intelligent em- earlier report said three British phase of that Issue." creased. except In France, so that In London . . . Getting complaints ploves. front the offensive of the left.’’ He reiterated toat the new la- TUESDAY SPECIALS!' 'there are more mouths to be fed, ed by a bulk of the district, a^ar- The committee said thla “offen- Fabric Dept. Serves 16 cups o f piping-hot, dclidous codRee! See how the porter, Photographer' of sub-standard and shoddy con­ "We were aware of the purpose (Oorttoued oa Paga BIgat) more bodies t > be clothed, more q|ve“ took the- form, of atrlkea (CMthiurd on Page Bight) (Cortinaed on Page"Elght) struction in homes built for vet­ of the rapid development, - the jiO C Green StAmps Given With Cash Sales! modem design o f the Cory Buffet Queen mesns new charm and heads to be covered with roofs.” Attacked by Strikers erans, VA reports . . . Chicago man which menaced production and enormous expansion of hydrogena­ might “produce grave damage to convenience for every guest occasion. The chromium electric stove No Time Limit Given who offers to give away 20 horses tion, the founding of new aynthe- As for when ihc job will be com­ Shreveport, La., Sept. 9—(tPi— gets 15.142 requeata, mostly from sis w'jrkii." the national economy." The Po brews fist, then keeps coffee u just-right serving tenipemnirt Senator Taft valley strike yesterday threatened plete. the report says this: The strike of Southern Trailwaya children. Referring to Farban’s role In S4” 50% Wool the rice crop. Flyer Hidden Royal Pudding \, Complete with funous Coiy sll-gUu coffee brewer, in extra “The reconstruction of Europe bus drivers reached the shooting Food Prices Seek young Navy veteran for the 1932-33 period when the Nazi stage last night. Sheriff Ray Ad­ On the other hand, the Soetaliat serving decinter ihd electric stove ...... , gsnerally will net have been com­ savage slaying of seven year old rocketed to Mwer, Ruther aald; Heading West plete until the countries of Europe cock said, and followed an attack Louise Kurpiel in Lawrencei Maas. "Aftei the aelback the Nazi party and Communist parties and some From Plotters Dessert 1 no longer require special aid in earlier upon a reporter and news Going High er . k . She would rather go back to sections of orgsniMd labor ac­ Cory »m the brewer means perfettiem in the tap suffered at the elections of Nov. cused the government of respon­ Tubular Jersey the fdrm of relief or loans to main­ photographer* assigned to the Italy and *'acrub floora for the rest 5, 1932, a great number of Farben strike story. Navy Brand Tender tain a level of Impprta required of my life than marry, somebody I Leuna employes were laid off. It Oil 25 Day Political sibility for high prices. The sheriff said four shots were Such accusations were made on American Aviator Re­ for their surtei.acce.’’ For Last Four Days didn’t love." says Amalia Salamoae waa generally believed that this Pulse Feeling Tour; The report. fin.nd that by-and- Ored from a passing car at a bus ot new marriage offers received number greatly exceeded the veals Scotliiml Y ffrtl Sweet Peas bearing drivers training to re­ Survey Shows 'Dollar (Coatiaaed on Page Eight) $1.69 yd- $27-75 large western Ehirope is making a after former GI Michael Biarrio, of scope of the reduction necessary." 1h Being Well Receivei] a quicker poetwvr comeback than place operators out on strike. He Value Is Shrinking Arlington, Maas., decides he Knew of His ActionB 1% yards makes the average drca.i. Beautiful shade-s Ruaaia and her aeven satollite na- added that no one was Injured doesn’t want to go through with though one occupant wsa struck Chicago, Sept. 9—(47— Senator tiona. planned marriage with her . . . . Paria . Sept. 9—(4b—A young in black, royal blue, coi>en blue, grey, white, wine, dark HOUSEWARES—%wment. on the hand by a spent bullet. Chicago, Sept 9— Ameri­ Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio) Btoppe

Yonkera Pipe Band at Naw Torfc. Writer Gives Background' Local Pipers Aftar tha ccMpetlUon Um Man* Prepare Town O. J. SquiUante. the 12 by 24-foot booth to a height of 10 feeL H%li Quality Range and Fud chaatar Pina Band waa again P t r m stedt Orchid Exhibit called on uia Held ami awarded a Kockville Bed Men The purpose of thia exhibit is to Place Third apacial prlaa for the bait appaaring O f Revolution in Ecuador Prepay lists The Rockville Red Men will meet emphasise Connoctlcut'e increasing band. Tliia Uma Um band waa WEIL.THUR8..PIU.-SAT. thia evanlng at the Red Men'a At Exposition tm^rtsnee as e flower-growing greeted with aena graatar applanaa Home at 8 o clock. Final plana State which ties up with the "Con­ and raapondad to thrna aneoraa. (PhlUp Clatha, A P writer ^ra to reappoint him last July 2. U sing CIcminshBMr Val- Official Visit will be made for the flrat anniver­ necticut Progress” theme of this Canadian Band Captures Then Mancheno named bis closs The band membera and frlcnda had apeciaSetng la Lntla Amerlena sary of the Reo Men'a Club, Inc., To Feature FlorisI*' poet-war show. First at Schenectady; an anJoyaMMay and at tha many friend OoL Ernesto Vlllanls as Um nations; IndividuAli which takes pUce on Saturday All grown ii Connecticut green­ A rmy'a representative on Ecua­ To Auxiliary tiipa the band bar made, they «rlU File Persona] Lists evening. September 13, when there Dis|ilay at Eastern houses, the 1(H) orchid bloesoms I^ocals Gel One Priae long remember Schenectady for the dor's unique Oonncil of State which will be a supper and dance. will represent him 12 to 16 varie­ The Development Commission courteoua aad bcapitable manner aleo draws , members from the States Next Week ties of the delicate flower,'includ­ stated that the Connecticut Build­ In which they wen received by the preaa, labor,'education, agriculture, llM Assessors art naw prspar- USWV Department Pres­ ing types known as the yellow ing and all o th m at the exposi­ Th* ManchMUr Pipe Band was commerce and Industry and adviaes Oamea committee. Ing ths differsnt property lists lx ident to Make Inspec­ Hartford. Sept. 2—Ona hundred spray butterfly, -vhite blossom with tion win open at 1 p. m., Sundey, GASOLINE — WHOLESALE mo4 RETAIL racdTsd wltk pieat ovaUon at the government on probletaa In Youngsters Save colored lip, green and white Sept. 14. and will be open from 9 lOIL aehencctady. Saturday, September each at these particular flelda. town] and are using Um figures of orchids, a tupply ample for a life­ tion This Evening striped lady's slipper as well as the a. m. to 9 p. m. daily for the bal­ a. In the ope.-v competition i^rhlch Vinacla Immediately drew Velas­ value placed on the properUea by Passengers’ Lives tim e'of dances and anniversaries beautiful lavender orchid most fa- ance of the show week. co Ibarra'a wrath by voting against the Oemlnehaw Oonpany. Under inchided the pick of banda, from Paria. SapC S < S )- U m IS Bi Rockville. Sept. 9 — Ellen G. for the average couple, will be "ex­ ropaan natkma Itnad ap behind tha By BhRRp eSnriM the preSklent’s wishes In the coun­ MORIARH BROTHERS Canada and Uia U. 8. the Man* the town method of filing lists It Berry Auxiliary No. 8 of the United hibit A " in the Connecticut FlorisU Marahall plan Ssnra th^ will Quito, Beuador, SapL S—(A)— cil and the president had VlUacls Cincinnati, f»«pl. 9—(F)—Prompt AsaocIsUon dizplsy nqw under con­ OPEN 24 HOURS cheater Pipe Band waa awarded Jailed for “disobedience.” la not necessary for a person to Spanish W ar V«terans will meet action of a band of youngatera need aoma injOO.000,000 troi Beuador'a latoat revolution depart* this evening av 8 p. m. at the OAR struction in the Connecticut Build­ third prIxeA The flnrt priae waa tha Ualtad Stataa la tha next four Mancheno removed VUiacia from appear and sign a property list, or saved the Baltlriore A Ohio rail­ ing at the E^rtern SUtes Ex- Oa tli« Lerel At Cm iIct and Broad Telephone 61.15 awarded to The Canadian Le|{lon ed from the old familiar pattara Jail and appointed him sub-aeere- hall at which time Department road "Clnclnnatinn" from "almoat yenra to apand abroad for food or to fils the value of their automo­ Preaident Mar;/ Sebas of Torring- poelUon. Sept 34 to 20 inclusive. Pipe Band, aerond prue going to of aubaUtuUng ona dictatorahlp tary o f defenae. The prasidsnt re- bile. The only, part of the list certain" derailment yeatorday at tha manna to produce It. ton will make her official visit In West Springfield, Mass. Tha food and agriculture aub- for another when for the Sret fa s ^ to rsoognlss VUsds* ap- which It la nsceasaiy to fils per­ Coaaddale. in ne.gllboring Warren time an army of people Joined la and Inspection. There will be Reportliig on Um Florists ex­ eommlttaa of the oommlttea for poinUnant. whersupon Manehsno. sonally is ps’ sona) property. county, engineer Fred L. Dean of hibit the State Developmant Com­ C a ll 514 1 a aoctel following the business ses­ a Sght for a govenunefit by Ooo* backsd ths dsmaaded Chillicothe, O., said today. aconomic cooparathm— the central tn Aziaif, The lists for 1947-48 were print­ sion and refreshments will be mission, managers of the Nutmeg - . F O R ^ body o f Um Buropaan Marahall aUtuUon. Velasoo iM ira 's raalgnatkm. Dean told newsmen he slowed ed several months ago, and clerks served. bundling, said today that the exotic plan aatup compUad thla aaU* The batUa cry la two wOd U m preslilent mabad to the the train down after Fireman have been working on them since Emblem Chib tlanta would be aided and abetted nwta and aant it up to tha Intfw aaks of p olitli^ Intrigue, coup headquarters o f the Army’s tank George Myers, l ' s< of Chillicothe, d*atat and counter revblutloa waa early sumoMr. H M ' work that la The Rockville Emblem Club will fn their attempt to steal the Con- committee for atudy beginning t*- corps hopiBg to find suiy o rt Fail- now being done Is the placing of shouted a warning Ha said a band necUcut show by hundreds of roses, aimply :*Tbe ConaUtutlon hold tU first Fall meeting on of children cami nmnlng up the C I T Y C A B dny. tag In thlH Valaaoo Ibonm rahiet- The 10*day (UctatoieMp at OoL the different figures In their Wednesday evening at the Elks gardenias and oibcr seasonal blos­ REDUCED aaUy yisMsd to Manctumo and proper claaaSMaUon la the luia. tracks, wraving their arms. soms. Oarloa Mancheno eraa foUowed — Home. A pothick supper will be " I threw on the entergency SAFE. COURTEOUS DRIVERS flaw into axils in Oatt, Oolomhla. The work Is already well along. In the same flowery vein, the at a coat o f about 25 dead and 100 served at 6:30 p. m. followed by brakes,” he sain, "and it was just Moving into ths palaca Aug. 24, The final values as set by the the regular meeting. The commit­ Development Commission described OPEN AI.I. NIGHT wounded—by the eetabllahment of Macheno announced he waa taking In time. The train rolled to a stop Beuador'a Srat conaervaUve gov* Clemlnshaw Company were turn­ tee in charge includes Mrs. Mar­ the exhibit laycut as a aUdium- oVar the presidential powers. He less than SO feet from a big coal BBMnt in 52 yeara. Thla g o v ed over to the Aaseasoni iM t Frl* guerite Reeves cf Windsorvllle as like tiered bank of flowers filling established a strict censorship and truck, stalled on the tracks. PRICES! anunent alao apparently will be day. Otolrmsn ssalaUd by Mrs. Selma a forhads public xMetlnga. But he “ It was loaded with five nr six abort lived. Cnndall of Rockville, Mrs. Jos­ tons of coal. Wilkout a doubt, it On Sept. 2 Mariano Suarem had not reckoned with Suarea, the ephine Dowd, and ’Mrs. Mary oonstltutional vice president. n rs t would hgve been enpugh to cause YOUR CAR VlenUmllla. vice preaident under Oraziadlo of Manchester. a'dersilment.’* COMPLETE SELECTIONS! Joae Marla Velasco nwriw before Ordered Ts Prtssn Hamburg, Oermaify, Sept. 9 Bowling League The Cincinnufitn, which runs the latter waa deposed by Man- Suarex aald he should aHume^ (A)— The first naenaurable ^ rain An important meeting of the dally between Baltimore and Cln- Rockville Cit/ Bowling League & 7 i4 C "t cbeno. becaoM Ecuador’a 20th the chlpf ezecuUve’s oCflce. Man-' 'since Aug. 7 fell on the drought' cinnati. had :lvc loaded passenger preaident In the last 20 yeara. chsno ordered Suarea to prison and parched British occupation zone will be held this evening at eight coaches and several bftggage can. 824-828 MAIN STREET TEL. 5161 MANCHESTER WOOL PLAID COSSACK RIO. 2.49 tried to get him to realgn tha vice of Germany during the past 21 o'clock at the Mc«se Club. PLUS . Women at Mooee Suarea. 00*year-old conaervaUve nreaidency. Suarex retuaed. hours. Ths German wsatber Dedicate Freedom Train Good looking and warm,^ yet tvpically Ward- party member, who bears a strong^' Meanwhile, Col. .Angel Baquero bureau said the amount of pre­ The Women of the Moose will • N8KBLISS TBIB WEAK MUBOBR With tte Only meet this evening at eight o’clock reaemblaace to the late Calvin Davila rounded up Arm y elements cipitation In most places was Chw a NKIBmiABBlE! PhiUdelptala.' S«l))t. 9.——The low priced! Look at these features . . . sturdy OooUdge, announced a day later opposed to Mancheno's coup. News- small, but U u t in some places ths at the Moose Hon,c on Elm street. Freedom train wilt be dedicated Fayette Lodge 32-oz. wool, neat zipper front, main seams that he Intended “ irrevocably*’ to papers and the public combined In readings ranged up almoet an Fear in the Night here fd. William Kuhn- SHEER tion and gasoline and darkness fell. jm f ! 'ly, Jullua Kupferschmld. Budget 1a Approved ^ WITH CLEAR, GOLD WATER i have to step doX’n a year later. Mancheno’s men then surrendered. Yob’II be proud of SKRVICK How It Started Finance and Audit, Clem Rau, The political fireworks here When this news reached Quito Robert Stoddard. New Haven, BepL 9—(IPI— New ‘ yoor c«r widi were touched off Aug. 23 by a anti-Macheno forces fired heavy Projecta and Charity, Wilfred Haven county legialatora approved **PorcelAinising** military coup which ended the caliber sheila into the air to inform Lutz, George Fngham, Vito De- yesterday a county budgat total-' NYLONS GET OUR PRICE TODAY! three-year revolutionary regime the Indiana, many of whom are Il­ Carll, Roland Wise-, Werner Kunzll, Ing 8870,045.20 for the fiscal year I BOLAND of Velasco Ibarra, a 55-year-old literate, that the time had arrived Herman Olsqn. ending September 30, 1948. The ?*■*>*■ joBT csr bsssUfirily former lawyer who bad returned for Mancheno’s overthrow. They FLU8: "WICKED LADY" Christmas Party, Werner Kunzll, new budget. 885,269.55 more than! dMUi ami M cb L Crsstcs a from exile to take over the preai- streamed into the city by the thou­ Rev. Eugene Soicga, Maurice Spur- the preceeding year's, will require TO FLATTER YOUR h sii SBifsri i fnisli to pro* dency in June, 1944, after a revo­ sands. The air force, which baa 12 ENDS TODAY: lln, Herman Weber, Kerwin El­ a boost in the county tax on townti liott from four tenths to five tenths of toet car palnL Can be lution the previous month had speedy United States-bullt pursuit ‘'MIRACLE ON 34th ST* LEGS. TO PAMPER 824-828 MAIN STREET . . TEL. 5161 MANCHESTER MORIARn BROTHERS I “Your Hometown toppled the regime of Carloe - Ar­ planes, scattered -leafletB over the Music, Charier Underwood, Dr, a mill. wiped, when dry, wlthsat PLUS: -BUND SPOT" **On the Level at Center and BroatT* Nash Dealer" royo del Rio two montha before city warning Mancheno to realgn YOUR BUDGET SBtatddag sr sutritofr the he completed bis term of office. or be bombed out. e TELEPHONE 5135 369 Center St. tcL 4079 Vetaacu Ibarra immediately Antl-Macheno men seized the lo­ called on all parties to form a coa­ cal radio station, played a record­ lition government. He bumped Into ing of the Star Spangled Banner |09 DniversarvI trouble with the Moderatm and and cafled on the populace to |[M »w«ArooD Oonaervatlvcs when he enforced •turn out" the dictator. Mancheno » CELEBRATING 75 YEARS far-reaching labor laws providing resigned Sept. 2 and fled Into ref­ All iiv Ion from top to toe . ; . at seven pay days for five and a half uge In the Venezuelan embassy. .TMBOItBOW THBU SAT. OF m o n e V'Sa v in g pr ic es . days* work, a month's extra salary Velasco Ibarra, who had gone to -I WONDER WHO’S a special Ward-low price! Sheer, a year and delivery of. at least five Buenos Aires, heard the news and TONIGHT KISSING HER NOW" clear, even textured— and full per cent of the profits of any bua- hopped the first plane for Quito. (la Color) Iness to the workers. However, hit supporters here fashioned to make your legs JIM and GEORGE Prasent Jana Haver - Mark Steveas f 1 Then he leaned to the right to warned him when hls plane was ALSO! Right here in Manchester, Mfitcalfe’s specialize in look slimmer, reinforced at all try to regain loat support from nearing Lima, Peru, that the time •DICK TKACY'S OIIJEMNA” that Bide and evoked criticism from was “ not ripe" for hls return. Ve­ JIM FARRAND glass exclusively . . . Auto glass installed in ac­ points of strain. In the newest lasco Ibarra then headed back to beftists. The discontent spread to Asd His TODAY! “HlOH BAB8ABEB" cordance with State Law . . . Decorative glass Fail shades. Sizes to lOH. the Army. Velasco Ibarra became Buenos Aires and exile. •My Brother Talka To Hsraas* Involved In a bitter dispute with “MEMORY LANE" TRIO cut to exact measurements . . . table and desk Mancheno, who had served as hts ndon Mancheno. backed by other cabi­ Delicious Food net members, forced Velasco Ibar- New London, Sept. 9 — — Served the Way afsnouRgResfBUorimBOWB Metealfe Glass Co., Idc. One Week Onlyl council seats at stake in yester­ You Likr It! days election in this city manager- 111}^ Center St. to Stt governed community, a result “Everybody’s GctthiR which drew varying interpreta- In The Act" OppoBifa Polica Station W ING STEP *VV*^ tions from leaders of the rival At Reymander’s! A5ANCHESTER ttSfO* major parties. Phono Manchester 5856 Dr. C. John Ssttl, Democratic town chairman and former state LEGAL BEVERAGES 1-828 MAIN STREET TEI., 5161 MANCHESTER Dress Shoes Dishcloths official, said he considered hls party's victory resulted from the ow i. s h o ’w o iII pm fRIDAY-r"*’’ Snug-5tting elasiicized voters’ resentment against the For That Practical Treatment of t l H C O l * Stay Sweet REYMANDER'S 8TABTSmUB%: BINO CBOSBY black leather pumpwith stats sales and use tax and RESTAURANT. INC la •Bast SMe of Heavea" against labor legislation pdssed la WINDOWS gay patent trim! IT Oah S t PLU S: •hNida Joh” n ill versa 17 Congress- kW and Clean! Republican Town Chair.nsn o Custom Made Fred Langdon. however, attribut­ a Aluminum • Steel • Wood ed the ” ■%:------r " — Payment Plan trim on this nest RipiARD C. ALTON Save You spraslUts in Lincoln and Mercury yourself why you get fin er service, black tie! ChiropracUc Physician M Bast Crater Street __ * Hiiniiil Weather C A V E Y ^ S ^ Wbdtea To Announce service. W e know just how cadi better service here. The Removal of Hls Office To .Again in West flattering gypsy teaih 145 MAIN STREET TONIGHT Money on a casually styled job should be done, to save you FOR SALE Dainty perforated trim (North of the Center) • elipon o f black csIR Manchester, Conn, By The Associated Priss sets o ff this glistening time and money. tSna/ Tsmperaturea headed for near An Entirely New and Di0erent Shaw Office Hours '' New prick Factory Building black patent pump! Um 100 mark again today la nanny SWEATER By Appointment parta of the aouthwMt and nsM- _;lre.tadag 3,000 Square Feet Make it a point to come in soon. 100% Zephyr wool... ssv- If you’re^planning a c a l l 4858 weit after yesterday’a hot and hu- ings prie^! V-ntek style in W e’d like to show you the ntld weather throughout the region. Room For Expansion vacation trip with your Linraln or . The mercury climbed to 105 yarn- n w Y y y Aaal.eolon.SiBal],med., large. terdaF at Clinton, Mo., for t ^ JUDUSi IM Ew Z 234 front feet gt laud on Center Street Large latest Lincoln and Mercury Mercury, now’s the time to be sure lUgheat mark In the heat helL It BReg. 2.96 Sport Shirti 2.M Rear Lot. Entrance Also From Pine Street. V waa 104 at Vichy, M a ; 102 at Kaa- This .100% Location Industrial Zone Offers Many models. Aod we’ll take you for everything is working right. Better aaa O ty : lOl at Sioux City. la., ai>d TIRES JO Y TRIO” Opportunities for Further Development, S t Lpjila and 100 |n Omaha, Nabr,. a personal tour of our Service sec us a few d^yt before you leave. RECAPPED and Quincy, 111. • They^re Retdly Terriffc! a Automobile Sales Agency and Garage SLACKS 7 6 * Cooler weather apread over the VakanUina a Truck or Bos Terminal Rocky mountalna, the Dalmtaa and yoa ifsat to hear sooieUiliiB diRcrcat—«ome> New Valve Stems western Nebraska and waa expect­ It a Site for Gas Station or Diner aag. 8J8. Thcyra doabio- thiBCttri daas by itadf— Hear This Trio Toaiphtt Plratod . . fnlly cat! 40% New Tires ed to extend Into parta of Mlnaa- • Railroad Siding trool gabardtaa.> MORIARTY BROTHERS sota and Wlaconain and upper White Sidewalls ' Michigan. A lw a y s Lesal PROPERLY PRICED TO SELL!, 315 Center Street DdHetoOfi A d d pofclMsas to Thera were acattered thunder­ Dioners Cool Beveraxes A GOOD PLACE TO lUY GOOD SHOES Manelienter CAMPBELL showers in the aouthem sUtoe and ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, Realtor a line of rain extends from central Exclusive Agent iPtefil MlnnesoU southwestward through AUTO SUPPLY nWUSB OF ^U AUTV) 875 Main Street TeL 5440 • 5938 29 Biss'ell St. 51anchester Central Nebraska to the Texas pan­ • f * • O « R A T .df.MilRINO PRIRNRt handle. U. 4 lAVEY'S Aflvertior in Thr HnpuW— It Pnva \ MANCHESTEK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 9 .194T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 9.1947 PAGE TPm >AGE F o n t der, Brig. N. O. Bedford-RoberU. control of unions.” He daaertbad atop a 100 foot tower. At tlmea, quickly cordoned off the whole PUBUC CIO Not to Sign the affidavit provlalon as "halt, Dances on a Ledge police were told, he shifted trom Sollanek Jolna FootbkII BoardPlaiis State Cop Challenger Unearth Cache area and prepared to make an WHO—teas tied to anothar clausa which tells one leg to the other, q/avlng the Peace Process Staff at Manchester High tnch-by-lndi hunt for additional STENOGRAPHER tVDBO-lSSS Todays Radio “Red” Affidavits us that, even. If a man la a Oom- Hundred Feet High free leg out over tha street. arma. munlat. we can't kick him out of Patrolman William l^ rm a n , PTA Program Jn a Baking Contest Of Explosives The police criminal invastiga- F. N. BRODdUCK OaFttghi the union unless hs haa failed to who ascended the tower via an GLCOTT : Seen Long One Dick Sollsnek, former tion ^vision began grUling some HMnew BMg. SM Main It. Weat Hartford, Sept. S— make another anytime, ao count Police in Jerusalem Also ipara InlSi>ng cloaks ______and eurteC 4iS^“ IS ilS — mambera should "openly defy thia with the remark: M anchester Green A m o * retary-treasure:«says that netthsr (Salther, 44. Negro, about his selec­ "Isn't the scenery up here besQ- Xliomu J, Dodd, of L^b* coaching staP yesterday aftetw policeman and a former football ms In on such a contest.” sideburns,. wbo~l|v«K> " in raraahackle WDRC—Hint Hunt; Newa. WONS—Scout about Towiu law In the good old American tra­ tion of a place to view the "scen­ Now Open for BneinesB noon. Sollanek will assist Hsad elation Executives in Kimball can't gat Urns off from Discover Batch of houses nearby. WKNR—Newt; Besebell Met- ISM— he nor CIO Proetdent Philip Mur­ UfulT" quarterback, neither qf fwhom dition of tha patriots who dumped ery" of Baltimore. molly ToUmd Coantry Omch Walker Briggs and As- his police dntlas for two or three British UnifQrms Meanwhlla. police and the Royal hice. WDRC—Return Engagement. ray Intend to sign aftidavlta deny­ the tea Into the harbor In Boston." Gaither, who carried out Sher­ nstant Coach Tbny Allbrio in Meeting Last Night sought culinary fame but had It weeks, so ths oontsst will bt held Ir Force continued Investigation WONS—WON8 Juke Box. WONS—Let's Talk About Auta- ing membe*shtp in the communist A crowd of 2,090 w atch^ spell­ man's order to descend immediate­ ALL POPULAR BRANDS OF BEER Democratic Speaker Moulding together the team. thrust upon them, find themselvea i "on or about October 1.” of the fatal ahootlng of a Jewish Alict Cofron w n c —Backetagg Wife. mobiles. party, a move raqulred under the bound while Gaither danced and ly without argument was booked ■ ■P—l • Sollanek will easume the re- Specific rules and arrangements Jcrusslsm, Sept 9— Police guard at an air force hoepltal at WTHT—Labor, U. 8. A. Tafb-Hartley Act to obtain NLRB AB*e WeO With Beeaeye balanced himself on a narrow ledge on charges of disorderly conduct Chilled, Rendjr To Serve If Ton Liho The executive bosrd of the today matched In g baking contest' swooped down on a ahantytown 4ilB— OoMBtry. 8s|rt. •—(Special)— snonslhlllty of coaching a Jay- Msnehester Orcen P.T.A. met lost —cake against Mks, are being drawn up. Tel Utwtnsky Sunday night. Tha Readings OoHy w n c —BtelU Dallaa. wnc—Red Skelton. certlflcatlon. vee team which will be organ­ area a block from the c«ntsr of guard was shot by three Hebrew- 1S:4S— Carey, speaking before 50 Hart­ Lm Angeliie, Sept S—e said that the contest toria road, whqse marriage to Clif­ buried-beneath the floor of an old Ametife DriYes 4i4S— I WTHT—Musical Favoritaa the opinion of ita general counsel filed last May M. abls the parents of children in thei burned whL’a greasing oven ehalns > WONS—M ar/ Oriffin Show, thara be no doubt about It they daaUi of Carlteu Davenport of An- started In tha pulpit of s Stsfford- ford L. Sullivan of Elro street will tin shanty. With the munitions Cruabed Stone Oravel w n c —Harkneu of Washington that lasders of national labor Th#y*re living with their ^ild- win pertab." dovtf. also formerly s leading aup- different grades to meet each vllle church. That was s couple of take place Saturday evening at cache, they said, was a large quan­ at ths T m Notch bakery here last w n c —Young WIdder Brown. 11:80— organlaatlona muat aign the affl- ren, Mickey. Jr., 8, and Timothy, Mr. Dodd, msldent of Ubanon portcf of the association. other, and the teachers of each yesHk ig o when Kimball preached seven o’clock In the South Metho­ tity of leaflets of the Stern gang, August 27, died of hts injuries In Clndera Learn Pin 8:SS— WIKtoL-OoIumMa Meatarworka. davlt* before affiliated unlona seven months. In Beverly Hills. A Jump Ahead and chief of ptoeocutlon in the It was announced that a mem­ room, more informally and in­ a Bunday sermon for ,sn ailing dist church, lias been honored with extremist Jewish underground the Norwalk hospital yesterday. WDRC—Hoi'.xe Party. WTHT — Genie for Thought may bS certlfled. Rooney, first wed to Ava Gardner, MUeraherg' war criminal trials, bership drive ha.^ been started for timately than can be brought oiergyman. several prd-nuptial parties. group. He was IVnllsm Alston, and he WKNB—Newa; MaUbeg. Dance Orchaetre. Carsy aaaerted that union.lead' married JtheJ foraaer Betty Jane waa introduceibby Assistant United the aasoctatlon and any member about at the general meetlngsi Thia prompted s Hartford Cour- M lu Batty Jennings, who Is to Private sources said informahts leaves a widow and two daughters NO MONEY DOWN WONS—Melody Theater. w n c —PoUah Orchestra. ara who sign the affidavits -weie Rasa m 1S44 when he wan statlonsd , Ever have your fuel oil tank run dry — right States Attorney Thomas Birming­ having knowledge of persona sllgl- Tha flrst tea will bs held Wed­ ant editorial writer to sing the' be her honor attendant, gave a beside hie mother, all of thta dty. WTHT—TenneMse Jed. “thesa who balleve in government at an Army camp la Alabaim* ham of Andover to the more than In Hagana, moderate underground and a alstei and two brothers of Aa U ttla Aa 88A8 Par Meath w n c —When a Girl Merries. when heat is needed most? G. E. WILLIS A SON. bla to Join Is UTjfed to notify E. M. nesday, September 17, from 3:1& praises of the state police, citing miscellaneous shower st her boms, group, had tipped police to the lo-^ S 4 u n f INC. **DBGREB DAY** astern plots the weather ISO people that crowded Nathan Stsnnard of Crilumbla. to four o’clock in the school lunch the many unusual duties they per­ SO Hyde street A number of Mias cation of the munitions dump, one (Jbvlngton, Tann. Free Csthaates! 8>1S— Hale Memorial hall here. Modal Program room, for mothers of the sixth, form. He concluded his essay Salmon’s former high school friends of the largest yet found in ths WONS—Adventure Parade. Louis Prima Band —and tells when nnasnaf cold spalls are whrkiiu Prominent on the list of speakers Pollowlng'th^ speaking program, seventh end eighth grades. with the question: "Can they bake were present. The decorstlons Jerusalem area. WTHT—Terry and the Pirates, yonr heater overtime. G. B. WILLIS A SON. 1 1 ^ were Mrs. Chase'Oolng Wood- a film. "Ths River" ds^dcUng tha Saturday, Ssptsmbcr 27, at four a cherry pis?" used by the hoeteaa were pink and In a well tooled woodworking THOMAS. D. COLLA w n c—Portia Faces Ufe. In Stage Show stays a Jump ahead of the weather man using * bouse former second district eon- flood problem on the MisstasIppI, o'clock a paper drive will take Kimball promptly baked a deli­ aqua. She served a delicious buf­ shop nearby, searchers found sev- UQUOR Pavtog Coatraetar SWIS 8:S0— “ greesman and now with the Demo- At L e n ^ Possible TEA ths KEEP FILLED delivery plan to make sofa V as shown. It was fllmsd under place. Parents of children of the cious cherry pie which he present­ fet luncheon. sral partly flnishad wooden cease WDRC—Old Record Shop. eratic National Committee, and ths auspices of the Farm Security school are urgad to tavt thstr ed to the editor. Miss Salmon waa honor guest at simllsr to those used for road mines Prices WONS—Hop herrigan. Louis Prima, "The Man Who Regular Bingo you win never nni oat of oiL J Rayimmd Thatcher, former state Administration and ths Conserva­ papers and have them out In Roberts' star appeared In the another miscellaneous shower, or booby traps. Cold Beer aM Soda WTHT—Bettor’z Bandstand, Plays Pretty for the People," his ' comptroller. tion Service of the government front of their homes st the above culinary skies only last Saturday when her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mer­ Royal Hampshire infantrymen, w n c—Just Plain BUI. torrid tnunpet and his famous Telbi of W ar Triak Refreshments were served and a Arthur Drug Stores 8:45— orchestra and revue, wlU be the J Speaking on various aspects of Urns. Money from this drive will when hils pie won first prise st ths ritt Salmon, Jr., enlertainsd for tmder the personal aupsrviaion of S45 Main S t RaMaow BMg. TOMORROW NIGHT social time was enjoyed during ths be used toward payment of the Wappirg Pair and The ^kiurant her at her home. 24 Victoria road. tha Jarusaiem garriaoi) comman­ U t Us Help You Sell WONS—Tom Mix. second headline In person attrac­ ■ the war guilt trials, Mr. Dodd said later evening. w n c —‘Front Page FarreU. tion of the new season playing Fri­ that the great end of the trial waa dlshwsshsT'StBrllliMr recently pur­ duly recorded his feat. About 35 guests attended from AT 8 O’CLOCK & L wniis & SON, he. The next meeting of the ToUsAd chased for tha school cafeteria. State Police Captain Leo F. Car- Plalnvltle, Hartford, New Britain, Your Ppopertjr— We S:SO— day, Saturday and Sunday at the * not so much 'hr actual punishment County group will be held in Col­ Nawa on 411 tUUona. State Theater, Hartford. Louis of the condemned as It was the Savtral fathers have alrsady vol- roll read siMut Roberts, who was Eaet Berlin and this town. ’Iho umbia on a deto in October to be quarterbacking the University of bride-elect received many lieauti- Protect the Buyer ■ ■ SilS,- Prime features Cathy Allen, lovely PHONE S125 ' £ «xpoaltian of the mad national mind announced. untssrad thslr ssrvlcss but more song stylist Jimmy VUicent ace V.F.W, POST ROOMS * that regards war as a Just and ara nasdad, and othara willing to .Connecticut football team eight ful gifts. They were attached to WTHT—Sporta Review; Candle- The Seller. ■ light and Silver. drummer man, Jimmy and Lou Manchester Green 2 normal purauit, and looks on the work on tha oollactlon are ra- .years ago, and wondered, out loud, tha bouquet of a llfs-siisd bride, a Dell, plus an aggregation of the. nrarder of over five million persons qusstsd to call ths prasidant, Mrs. "how he could stack up against feature'Of the living room decora­ Landscaping S:15— Named Eisenhower Wa hava newipntaai WDRC—Recott* Album. nation's top mualciane. Louts — in prison and crs.ecntratlon camp Rsymond Schallsr, or Mrs. M. E. Al Kimball.'* tions. A delicious buffet luncheon of oa oar etaS raady to Prima will present all his newest 23 GAMES! ** DOOR PRIZE! . aa a routine chore. Dodd has been bongfaUow of ths Ways and The C^urant needed no more of was served by the hoetesa. la yoar real aatata WKNB—Sports Review. recording hits, Including "CivUt- much menUored lately as a pos­ Club Organizer Means committee. a hint than that. ao—It VOS waat ' PROMPT WONS—Lei’s Go to the Oemes; satlosi,” "Can’t Tell tha Depth of Admission 25c. ! . sible Democretle nominee for gov- All members are urged to re- It talked to Kimball, and he said; Men's A. L. Auxiliary 3ERVICE Local Sportceat a Well," “Say It With a SUp." as "Okay, I’ll make a caka. Plea w n c —Boh Steele; U. 8. Weath­ . amor, but no reference was made T. Jack Crockett, local real ss- serve tbq data of October J7 for a Small Homes er Bureau. wall as such favoritaa as “Ange­ . to this POMfb iity last night. tats. and Insurance agent, and a military wJUat to be held at the come easier, but we've got s new New York. Sept. S—(/Ft—Queens can lina," "RoMn Hood,” “FeUcia.No Mrs. woodhouee, also driving oven st home, and I'd like to try Post ISIS of tha American Laglon StSS— Candidate today for ths Republi­ school. WDRC—Sports Headlines; Rec­ Caplcia," and "Baelagaloop.** Ex­ boms the prlnury necessity of the can nomination as a town dirae It out.” . will install an auxiliary Sept. 80 dU/t SPECIALTY tra added will be R ^ o n a Lahg, Rebsrts said: —the "Men's Auxiliary of Pest JARVIS ord Albu.m. aatabliahmant of peace, aald that tor, baa been namad a national WKNB—Melodies for Evening. lovely dance etyliet and The Lane vary Uttla elsa will matter if peace trustee of the "Draft Elsenhower "I Just sntersd that cake In the ISIS.” The post’s members ara 884 Caatar SIrael Bros., sensational comsdy-acro- all women veterans of World SPPOAL PRICES ON GROUPS FOR lU . 4118 a r m s / 'WONS—Answer Man. . is not obtained. “I know that for President Club,” It waa an­ About Town fair to have seme fun, and I never WTHT—Miuic batic team. Aa a special added at­ President Truman la Intensely de­ nounced today. Crockett, with thought It would lead to this. I can War 2. traction, Prima will o tter his CHABMORE ^ w n c —Emile CoU Olee Qub. laush'Pecked "Sing and Spell” con­ voted to the tesUaation of tran- Harold a. Holroitibe, Jr., of Hart­ X FOUNDATION PLANTINGS qulHty and peace throughout the ford. has been appointed aa an or­ A son, their aecond, was bom S:48— test with valuable prtaiM given l e " ' world.** ahe eaio. "and that he Is ganiser of local , clube In the Hart­ September S a t tha Day-K(mball Let us help you with your land- WDRC — Richard C Hottelet, away at all peiformaneaa. On Mnearaly using every means to ex­ ford area. hospital, Putnam, to Mr. and Hn. News. aersen wlU be showni I "Black Gold,” BEAUTY SHOPPE ert his influence to achieve I t” Announcement of the naming of Ruaaell Hills of 83 WadsworUi scaping problema. Free eetimatea WONS—Eaay Aces, a graat adventure story In color She related that while In Wash- street. The baby has been named given on coot of foundation plant­ w n c —LowtU Thomas. with Anthony <)ulnn, Katbarlne ain st Remember ths old saying, *'If wishes wars horsen, beg­ Crockett to the Elsenhower club TELEPHONE 804S 241 NO. M . A tevai Aetaal' Lmviy I ingtoh. her position requires that organtaation set-up nns made to­ Robert Barron Hills. Mrs. Hills was ings. IMS— DeMlUe and Elyat Kaon. Ihara gars would ride?** Wishing never got anyone anyw herSt aha attend a praaidsntial confsr- day by Robert M. Haar, of Arling the former Miaa Frances A. Ruat WDRC—Mystery of ths Wsek. are late stage ahowa Saturday aad anca each Thorsdey morning, dur­ ton, Va., formerly of Manchester. of Putnam. WONS—Fidton Lewis, Jr. Sunday atarUng at 10 p.|a* bat systematic, planned Savings wiD. Use one of ths ing arhleh time party leadara dls- Mr. Haar la on tha national exacu- w n c —Supper Club. Creme-Oil Manchester Building 4k Loan Savings Plana for yonr cuaa tbalr problema. tlve committee of the Elsenhower The Manchester Country (^ub W n^N NURSERIES lilS -^ NEWTOrr SHOPS “Time and again." Mrs. Wood- club organ IssMon and has been announcee a seml-formal dance at When Minutes WDRC—Jack Smith Show. Wishing Well, depositing each montlT . . . mors asm- house sUted. “I have bsard Praal- wording in this vicinity, the past the clubhouae Friday evening for LAKE STREET PHONE 4000 MANCHESTER WONS—TsUo-Test. • dant Truman flatly sUte that ha fsw days while visiting his par­ the opening of the fall eeason. Count! WTHT—BUner Davie, Perm anent ings on your Savings—with Safety. Start Saving NOW. Owned By The Son of The Founder is not tntarested In rc-clecUon If THREE FEATHERS < Salesroom Open By Appointment Only ents who live In Wetbersfleld. Dancing will continue from fl:M to w n c —News of the World. For Yonr Convenience Open Thnrsday Until S P. M. that factor might In any way afe 1:00 a. m. to music of Wally Fielda Oaring June, Jnly and Angnst - liSS— fMt what he conaldera la his duty and hit orchestra. . Reservations PRE-WAR Quality Whiskey WestO—Club Fifteen, Bob Croe- OF NEWTON ROBERTSON CO. Saye.. t« the paopla of the country.” to WeMoa*a evar Truman’s Partv' may be made by calling 2-0284. k k tiM m tth $ 5 . 9 5 4 Mr. Thatcher spoke on the line vatoi %rONS—Arthur Hale. ARE YOU INSURED of Mata polltlca, and he urged that L Equator Bound Mrs. Ann Rlsley, president of ImaMdIato WTHT—Green Hornet tbs state's voters unite to over- Mons-Ypres Auxiliary, British War Finest GRAIN Neutral Spirits w n c —Hollywood Iheater. AGAINST THIS NOW IS THE TIME TO cooe the “muddle’* created by the Veterans, urges all membera to be Tt4S— HAZARD?. . , . Inchidinr Shampoo, Finger- recant lenlalature. IConUnuad frnip Page One) present at the meeting tomorrow *T have the highest regard for WDRO-i-Robert IVout News. oi^F ana ant of tnra bnndiad Wsvo and Hslrent. cyK a/Ju:;/ce^,S evening at eight o'clock at the ______82*4 WELDON'S WONS—Inside of Bporte. Senator Baldwin,’* T het^er said, Robert Zeller of Flushing. Long BrltUh-American (^ubhouse on s.*se— . heniea aver bnna and Sre laaar- REUPHOLSm “and it la with some amusement Island, Nsw Yuik, will bosrd the Maple street.. Important matters H n# A m o n g fin e Whitifraj—Bianded WhUkoy S4 proof. SOI MAIN enUEBT anoa la demanded to protect tha BUIL0ING*«f LOAN ASSOCIATION, INC that I read his recent statement of b u sin g will be acted upon. WDRC—Big Town. loan compaBy against this ha>- We Give Free Retouch On All Permanents Missouri through a hawse pipe to­ S3* CRAIN noirtrol iplrHt. Throo FMlbors D ts k tte ;^ k X New York WONS—Warden's Crime Caeea, aid: ------onoANuto APua / « « / ------1 that wa have bean living through morrow night with a message from Within Two Months. 1. Our Largest Ever Variety of Fsbries fbuitcan yaara of confuaton. I bOM After a meeting of the Manches­ WTHT—Lum and Abner, Tat tUrty-Sve out of two hoa- Neptunus Rex, mythological god FIRST w n c —lOlton Berle Show. drad hemsewnera, age 85, die that ha is Including tha period of of the teas. T)i« mesaage will in- ter Housing authority last night. 2. Oar Lowest Prices Yoa*D Sat For Moatha the past Oongrass, run by Itspub- It was announced that there has SilS— * dartag tha term of a 8S^year A. atruct Capt Robert L. Denniaon ASSIGNMENT WONS—Officlel Detective. nuMtgage. Ucaas, and tha period of tha past to have the ship hove to et the been some delay In completion of \ state leglaUture. run by Rspubli- units at Greenhaven, and that the WTHT—Christian Sclenee Moni­ Ten pretaet the lean com­ 3. Yoa Ssvo HALF ths Cost of New Fomltnra equator for the boarding of Nep­ tor. pany: nmr'ahoat your famllyf cans in that confuaton of which tunus Rex. flrat veterans’ families may- not be FOR SCHOOL \ ha speaks.*' iR. SdS— Our Mortgage CaneeilatloB (Evas IhMgh W4 BahiriU m U Bmtjto Item The Initlatloii may include a able to move In until October 1. for WDRO—Mr. and Mre. North. Plan la deelgaed protect latrodttlana good wetting In a tank, a slight to The spaakera were introduced Newa. them. Ask aa for parMeiilars. S* Ttey O ut Be T ali FYom New) shock of alectric.ty, a shaving or WOKS—Advantura of the Fal­ by Profaaeor Wlnthrop 'TOley of any other discomforts ths Shell­ $ 7 .5 0 the University of OonnecUcut, Immsdots con. RALPH R. LOVE backs can devise. Paddling is a WTHT—Amarlee’a Town Meet- prasidant of tha county organisa­ favorite. Osneral Ageat tion. Tha masting waa welcomed NOW OPEN and up 18 Pearl St., H a lo id , Coaa. The punlshricnt Is meted out by bstalhllM •w rfe—A Date With Judy. , to Coventry by Arthur Sebert, Neptunus Rex himself on the fore­ * state central eonsniueeman and a IwPTo Iaincnu SiSS— castle deck. Manchester It's out of this WDRO—Wa tha People. Maiicheater Repreoeatatives: local resident , . Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, * M. A. BENOS The meeting ohaerved .a moment worMl A permanent WONS—Gabriel Heetter. the senior Shellback aboard, could that reqniree no w n c —ca n the PoUee. 88 PItIda Street >st at’ence in memory of Thomas Smile serenely as fellow passengers Bowling Green >5r Welles of Oovsntry, long sctlvs In A Table Pad keeps a new table new and makes an 'old cutting . . . iMvee p i E 'I 'I R l O S:18— in the “A d m I r a 1 s' country" soft, lowly cnrle at WONS—Real Stories from Reel c l Ab h e i n s . a g e n c y aqulrmed. 4n old salt, he was New England’s Finest table look like nru. Ask to see our Super Heavy Pads— OIL BURNER a Beautiful under a lacu tablerinth. TELEPHONE 2-I4I4. the length you Uke. Uff. 118 Bast Ceater Street Q j n e initiated four decades ago. SM— ■ to##' Another broad smile is worn by Bowling Alleyn Don't take chances by measuring yonr table — have our 1 Representative call and show you these beaatlfal Pads. WDRC—Studio One. Chief Machinist's Mate J. H. Har­ A Pstre baraer ^vae praved WONS—American Forum of the rington of Long Beach, Calif. 634 Center Street eceneaikal heedag, with He la to be Neptunua Rex. Atr. 1 Jarvis Building AO COMPANY fact saviags esear ewaers WTHT—Summer Serenade, 99 HOMESTEAD STREET — MANCHESTER BEAUTY SALON report raage ap to 30%. w n c —Fred Waring Show. 1hat*s wet ih whilst imY hi 1S:00— VISIT OUR STORE King Size WTHT—String Ensemble. WILUAMS w nO —Adventures of Philip THIS WEEK Marlowe. RAVE rODB OIL SERVICE ‘Protect your loved ones! OLD FURNITURE on Baraar Salaa YOU'LL SAVE MONEY AT S88 51AIN STREET TELEPHONE 8951 aad Servlea REUPHOLSTEREEi^ S More SchuHx Salom fci Creatcr Hartford 841 Broad SL TaL 8-1881 Protect your home! ”Wa Bohra Thg \ REBUILT LIKE NEW Baralag Qaaetlea** / , All Work Done By Ftoeat Crortooim la The TRUCK HUDQUARTERS Don’t k t tra ^ fire endanger your home and family. - In 4 Hlgheot TndlUoM Of Tte Art DO THEY GALL AT REAL s a v in g s It’s 80 vety easy to be safe widi die fite.extinguijher Our Own Shops Tlila la a complete decorator TOUR CAR A designed ^edfiesUy FOR TH E HOME— type reupholatery service of the WITH • • • Come In and See Aneat, ihoat oatlafylng kind- DODGE Our Men At backed by the 50 year trodlUone of the NEWTON name In Hart­ JALOPPT? Work ford. We strip your furniture CALL 2^0030 to the frame, repair the fronM, . . . Sure—the motor b in odd new eprtnge, etc. ee needed, Complete Fac­ use ell new fllUHk, make your A*1 shape! furniture every bit ee good u tory Methods new at om'bidngly little coat iiw Hom exTiMisn Insure Perma­ It's the oenoible way to save— , . . Certainly^-p-the tires are nent. Satisfying to have lovely “new" things at Reiralta a froetjon of ths coat of new C O M fO SS^ TRUCK 5 all brand new! Puts out home fires in A jiffy opes. 1 4 J R O lE N T i Sleekly styled m'silvery chrome. T*«a»«tLA MAIL COUPON l U P W I U B U T i quiddy oa wall of kitdien, bathroom, gsfage, Wo Design and PHONE HABTFORD 8-8881 (Reverae Charge) is a Safer, More Efficient Driverl YOt ABE ALLOWING THB VALUE AND GOOD Build New Fur­ insumacs survey sad LOOaa OP YOUR c a b t o d e c l in e by n o t b e p a ib - cellar . . . snywhcfc! niture Below Pleoee eend, without obUga- mslysis ‘service mskss INti THAT CRUMPLED FBNOBB OB 8TBA10HTEN- Is hasdy iv- Usual Cost of Uon, representsUve with With Dodge, you get INO UGLY DENTS! :ertsm that there arc ao Iniuntly snuffs out fires nidi $ A i 5 •Umo* •• v«l **Ready Mades** oamplea end full detaile. 14-H RF Sm Bwaott for prompt, QUAUTY LAUNDER- lopholcs for loss. Wo*U snuuing 12-foot chemical spray. You'll never Ure of this hand- “AIR*0*SPRIN6”seats Name •.«... eome, preetteet ehlrtwalat dreee ING AND DRY CLEANING Service. ie glsd to explain hoir it You*U Be Home insuraaoc** at a mere Custons Made Street ...... —a Mrennialpsianniai wuuwr winner wiuwith vwomen By Mre. Anne Oehet trill banefit yon. Slip Covers.' Who...... delight in -looklag -- pjas — City ...... groomod. Front buttoning makea i An ele-ant chair Mt deaignad Work done carefully, by experts, the Surprised Draperies ft a cl'icb to oue for—«nd notice around the aU-tlme favorite "pine- Phone ...... how clevorty the yoke end veetee apple" atitch. The memmoth but­ At net* Uttle It WIU terfly la entirely rtocheted end a Plenty of /. headroom- o Safe, amqgth stopping— way Y'OU want it. Cast Voa To Let Da are worked In oontBlristlng etrlpee. plenty af legroomi with “Equal-Pf^uro** Pattern No. S826 la for Hxoa meaaurei a go<^ eighteen inches Repair Thase DaalgliL from wing tip to wing tip. Mak4 a 4-etageeent adjustment! hydraulic btakes! Robert J. Smith, Inc. ly Wamps and BnSaes! 14. IS, It, SO; 40, 42. 44 and 40. o Cab Insulated against Stee 10, abort ateavea, 4 8-0 ymrda the eat in white thread for an a Wide, I man seats In enchanting effect. both oonvanthmal and weather and nols^ Hooae A Hale Bnilding of 88-lncb. ONLY D 0 0 6 6 THE NE^ON SHOPS For tbla pattern, aend 85 oante, To obt^n compute crocheting C.O.B. cabal a Eaay-action doors, flrm- Cons In For An EstlMSto Toffsjr! la ootna, your name, edilreee, Mae Instructions for King Size Butter- S Fresh air. .. ventilating ly Closed when shut! . Phone 3450 fly C3ialr Set (Pattern No. 5155) type windshield, large e Safety-vision instru­ For Sde At AU Lee£ug Stem A NAME YOU CAN TRUST daalred, and the ^ t e r a number RUU-DS to Sue Burnett. 11m Mancheeter amount of materials required and cowl ventilator. ment paneL Imehsdimgt ■ Sg ipgg^y Bvanlng Herald, IIM Ava. Amart- stitch Qluatretlons apnd 15 cents in Turnpike iuit turn Hia eaa, Nsw York 18. N- T. Coin plus 1 'cent postage. Your ISS Aeylum S t, Hertford. Harold A. NewteOK l^tealBmt The new, etl mutating FaU and Name, Address end the Pattern Wlatar Feehlon conUlne'08 pages Nomber to Annie Cabot. The Man- SOLIMENE & FLAGG, INC. n i U l l L G. FOX & GO. ud FOXMART gf nnoft ptsctlcol rVittim. fmhmp chaotcr Evening i, Herald. 1130 CLEANERS LAURDERERS Auto Body Works OPEN ALI. DAY MONDAY—BUDGET TERMS , aawa, epeclal featuree. Qift pat­ Avenue of the Amcncss, New 634 Center SI reel • Mancheister 166 Middle Tumsike Teleshonc" 7S4S *S*UaMl* of f e i n flfv OVllMfllV ...... i ______^______i______- tern printed Ig the book. 85 cents. York 18. N. Y. HAMUSON f t. MANCNiSriE liliiidlllhiill MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONM., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1941 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 0. 194? P A G E S E V E N

trlalised while Buclu it largely bacoma inlrad In auch a fAadnA- Emarfency Doctors Claims Party ruraL Uon wllh tha powar tha maRna hma Armory Board Doctor Moore’s Hope, Esther, Beverly High Pennsy’s Vote There were 72,000 Republicans > and 48,000 Democrats eligible to I broufM tham that they ara now Dr. Florence Marsh and Dr. cast their badoti today in the dis-' Eomitis l|praib abaorbad only with malnUlnIng Is Organized John Prignano are the physi- WiU Is Filed Needs Leaders Scope of Scribe *s 'Roamings IsL ^ o rT est trict where pkuiuoal leader* fore­ that powar, to tha pannanent da* clane of the Manchester Medi­ cast a record outpouring of voters. faat of the and« to which they cal Aaaoclatlon who will re­ Elsewhere Ir. Pei-iisylven'.a vuteri spond to emergency calle to­ Bequests of Books, In* YOU Former State Offiei^ By Beb '4gym which is Hollywood's idea of Outcome Witched To* nominated patty candidates for claim to ba directing It That may laj. Nathan B. Gatchell HoUywood, S ept 9 — OP) — In ■ **1|^ school gym. It U a fancy noM A * a touaoii morrow afternoon. msiyor of Philadelphia and 37 third n HMMgW not be ao. Perbapa theaa Rupalan Named in Charge; stniments to HospitBl, Criticizea Republican* these days of limitodlimited BtoCuTe.atok.'plcture*mak' joint Withwith mural-Mvarsdmural-covarad walla and doy by Leaden All class clUoa, Orphans Court judge­ tng, a HoUywood reporter has to a baaketbaU flooF which rolls back ships In se\*en counties and common laadara are big enough to realat Residue to Widow Becanae of Sales Tax to reveal a swimming pool. Over the Country the appeal of power for ita own Othem in Penoniiel peals the eaforoement authority gel around. Bo hop aboard my jet ideas benches in So countle*. Local job and wa’re off. , The school rents the gym to pic­ option referend.'i on the u le of aake and perbapa they are atlll, of town toning bodies, and which ture companies at more than $300 •t HaccMatM. Oobb. •* The organisation of the Man­ also providea that there shall be According to the wtll of Dr. D. Stamford, Sept. 9.— -What First we arrive «t Paramount Allentown, Fa,, Sept 9—iff)— bter and liquor ware voted on in where Bob Hope and Jana RuaseU ' par toy and m fm It bM tem ^ Itan llattaf. behind their Iron curtain, puraulng chester Armory Association for a M-partlsan elertion of one C. Y. Moore, admitted today for tba RapubBcan party in Connecti­ Pannsylvanta'e eighth oongreaeloii* 330 communitlea. In fact the Ideala they honor In member of a new toning board cut ncada Is a "ranovaUon" In Ita are making tha lot’s only picture, i« "It’s a WontorfiU Ufa, "The al district—traditional Republican ^ smamumuM ' ^ 1947-48 took shape laat night probate, the doctor’s library, books —The Paleface."_ . . We tfack down Bachelor and tha Bobbysoxar" and Om T*b» kr ...... ‘ T S ’S worda. But moat newa from Rue- each year, evep In towns which and instniments are to go to Man- laadsvSbtp, aaya William H. Blodg­ tha last Andy Hardy optia. But stronghold—totoy became a tast­ •tz aeetiM t MM ...... ^ fS Major Nathan B. Gatchell announc­ hoM elections only every two ett, a vstsran party worker and Bob and finding him pedqUng hla ala makea auch an appraiaal aeem. ed today. chefter Memorial hosplUI. bike down the studio street We don’t worry about luw Beverly ing ground for aantlmant of the Om « obUi by lu n ...... J years, should remtsin so much Doctor Moore's valuaMa collec­ former officaholder. High wUI fa rt when* this movie FOOT tIFFElEIS (Mbclb(MbcI* Copy ...... I •S7 optimlatic. The set-up provides for the fol­ tronMe for toning merely by Tha Wlnstad lawyar, who * was trot alongrito as ba tells a joke eentroversial 1 aft-Hartley labor Wtafely.------c « by rt« ...... { lowing as members of the Associa­ tion of guns, pistols and trophioa NO MONEY 3 YEARS he wouldn’t be able to recite on the ,boom ------blows over.------The — school also M b . ibMMfM. OM Tm i acclden* and carelessness Is Im­ stats tax comnUasloner from 1920 law. ATTENTIONII ni.00 tion: Major Nathan B. Gatchell, la to be divided amongst hla neph­ air. When we reach tha stage, atage, he toj^a working oU weU In lU back Sah ^ weli *J4 Flietarr Wprktn m W m t t fbr> ♦b ...... probable. It looks more like n ews, who are not named In tba DOWN ' TO PAY to 1838, a period whan ths lata J. In the rich tanning and industrial The UN Most Step In Officer in caiarge; MaJ. Alwyn mnsterfnl Job of sabotage. Banry Roraback dominated tbs greets his producer. Bob Fulowa, MBMHCK OF Broderson, CO. 1st Battalion, will, and the residue, after thSM with the cryptic remark, "Oat out Aiid now If you don’t mind. Fm dlatrlet comprialng Lahigh and H l# Hi"*—I** ^ roDoJr ftet T U AMoaATBD pHan What ie nov/ going on at Ham­ Btats O.O.F. organiaaUon, severe­ going to cease these wandartnga Bucks countlsa, votara sslsetsd a SalW, tto MW wklu dm- 169th Inf.; the commanding of- bequesfs, la to go to Mrs. Moore. ly critieiasd the party’s present of the sacred cow, Margaret I’m •MM whito aoMbn Uw 4*liMi» InlUiM-l tiM AMMtsiM frM> M «aciM lieted repreaentatlve to be elected tors named are Mrs. Moore and tax. Sm* w «*eh. OM • M* iM to4»r M ■ap UM toabl m m ppMWMd bato. ever come to any good aolutlon of from each of tha three unite eta- Attorney Raymond A. Johnson. seems he haa been fighting to keep while rm gene. Storeh, 99-year-old new^parm an W*Mmi Urea Hato» Uatoa’* ase r*fbto «» toPUt'HbUM e* the problem between them, and tioned at the Armory. Going Higher Speaking at a meeting of the any “outside" gags (For Instance, and presitont at tha CfO-Lehlgh aU gaaS Arag ttoiaa. AtoMtobw bBtolB. tr» bIm f—tfM a. Asaoctated Retailers of Oonnectl- about Crosby and hla horses) out Aaeaymoaa FMIaathropist Vallay Newspaper GulliL conducted demands that dvlliaation aa a Rental policies will be determin­ cut, a merchant:*’ organization ppu MMto* aitoa* «f N. a a Ibrrtto ed by the Aaaoclatlon under the (Uoattaoed from Page One) Rioting Continued of tha frontier picture. So In re- his campaign with ths support of whole step In between them aa formed to fight for repeal of the taliatloo. Bob auggested having a Hennosa Beach. Calif.. Sept 9— organised labor ir. a declared at­ tac. rcBUlatlone of the State of Con­ new tax, Blodgett said that the JIMMIE JINGLE . . . for Immtdioto Strvict mediator, judge, and executor of a necticut. Aa Secretary-Treasurer dance haU pianist turn out to be on—There’e an anonymous phUan- tempt to start a trend toward re­ PiiMtob«n ItopfMbbtoti*^ TM new all-time high of 831.35 a hun­ All Over India Made la Hartfara amS s«M am* aarvWd al ham by Morlarty levy bad resulted In great dlssaUt- President Iruman. "Harry would thropist In Hermoaa Beach with a jpliu* a«th*M «ptotol A««o»-W «» new policy. of the Association. Captain Wil­ dredweight at the Denver stock- peal of the Taft-Harticy law. thot sovts you monty factlon In tbstotata. do It for me," said Bob, and the penchant for $100 blUa and a fond­ Storeh was opposed by Franklin Tark. Cb'Mfb OatroH m P Bobtoe. What civilisation? That la par' liam Dickson. C.O, of Company A. yarda yestaeday. and a record top Bruthcra — tbs oaly Otpctal Mlsat Ukra desist la tba Maaebsster ‘This widespread criticism," ba will do all scheduling and drawing (CoattaocS rreiB Pagp OaS) producer didn't find out tlU later ness for three *srelcoine worda, H. Lichtanwalter, S7-ys«r-eld Re­ MBMbCKb audit BUREAU o r bspa a painful question to be ask­ of $81 at the flouth San Francis­ Area. said, "la of tha official d o ln n of up of contracts. he waa kidding. keep tha changa.” publican speaker of the Pennsyl­ iSM£ IKBYlI ^ ancuiJiTiuKa ing today. For If there Is a civi­ co stockyards. Traders at Omaha, Governor McConaughy, Harold K. Newsboy Edward Grant, IS, re­ "With three Guard units housed Sioux City, Iowa, and East St. Hindu colony dotted with neat **TlHMa In The Know Buy Silent Glow’* MItehcll, chairman of the G.O.P. But Jane RuaseU Isn’t working, vania House of Repreeentetlvee m ported the man bought a paper TM BatolA PrtottBt OotoPBoy. I , lised nation In the world today locally and 'On elaborate guard Louis, ni., snapped up the offer- looking cream cclored dwellings, state committee, and of the whole so we head out to Culver City, and defender of the labor bill aa M rupOfiRtbfMljr W sponsored athletic program in ad where Slather WllUame la splash­ from him yesterday, handed him a ;’bt-partisan legislation" passed by typopnpbtcBi arrorB appaanap '• m - that nation Is aupposedly Britain, Inge there at $30 a htindredwelght. were huddled eeveral hundred RepiiMican Genera: Assembly." aartlaamaBto aaP otbai raadtop iMttaf. diUon to the High school scheduje. Moslem refugees from Pahar GanJ. ing around in a pool for "On aa $100 bUl and aatd those words. maJortUea of both major parties *Fb»irf-‘lriin«d Mechanics* and It has been a cold, vengeful Although grains in futures trad­ He contended that the governor Island with You." She pope out of A few hours later. Flora Kll- ever tha preaiueut’s veta 0 to Tba MBBCbaatot BvaBiBP HafbiP. It will be extremely difficult to ing at Chicag) were mostly lower The group insisted they were the and Republican leaders made a policy on the part of th at nation accommodate other persons or subjects of a planned program of the water and looks as fresh as Itngsworth, 18 -year-old wattraaa,' Oerlach rsprtsanted Pannsyl- know your Ford battsr Itien anyone Tueaday, JtopUmber 9 in yesterday’s dealings, one cash liORIARTY BRO'mERS “poalUve effort" to ensure th at tbe though ahe stepped oiit of the said she served a man about 30 or which has been on exhibit In the groups seeking use of the Armory extermination and that the police tax was adopted with litUe public vanla’a eighth district for 10 years, eba poMibly eeuW. Thay go apace this year,’ Major Gatchell com transaction brought a record makeup buUdlng. She explains that 35 years old breakfast and was winning Ms fifth conaecutlve term last twenty-four hours at Ham­ high of $2.57 3-4 a buahel. and mlllUry haa not been acUng **On the Level at Center and Broad** understanding of Its terms, and righMolbo rootef tNngi. Stalin To Moscow stated further. in a neutral manner. her hair la laquarad to stay dry, paid with a century note and tha in 1946 with a 15,000-vofa ma­ burg. That poli^ has been to Two of the nation's largest said that Its snactroent was so her makeup Is water resistant and Contracts should be made with Chairman D. M. Malik of tha OPEN 24 HOURS ' DIAL 5135 hasty that there' were "many good same happy phrase. jority. Tbla countrjr'B own Imperfect neat,'drag, hose, and manhandle Captain Dickson on Monday eve­ chain grocery concerns^ boosted local Moslem League committee her metal suit la waterproof. Police said ha's tha same man In tha 1949 election Oeilach de­ coffee two cente a pound retail In men in the General Assembly who "I’m getting tnon like a flah atrlvlng toward tha full promlaa me.i, women and children whose nings at the Armory. Telephone •eld he asked Pakistan Prime who tipped another waitreaa and a feated Banry Chapin. Democrat, No. 2-0406, or at his home Tele­ New York. Tallow, used by eoap voted for tbe bill but never saw every toy," says weU-glUed Slather. cab driver $100 each, and tore up 49,041 to $5,338. Oerlach received (D*fictory-ipprooid Methods* ®*Sped|lteedfbfd5qul^ment* of Its own democracy prohibits ua greatest baste crime la that they Minister U aquat All Khan a t I t ” phone No. 8797. manufacturers, waa up a cent a Karachi yesterday to appeal for Then we’re off to beverly HlUs, three $100 btlla tbe other night 34,011 votes In Lehigh county and oro foclory-plonnod by tho h dotignod le gWo your Ford from taking a completely holier want desperately to escape from pouno. "The Republican party at the where "Prelude to Night" la shoot­ Tbe only clue to his Identity, offi­ 34,430 In Bucke to Chapin’s M,7S5 United Nations supervlelon of an top," he said, "needs s renovation ing in the High school pool and *omo engineer* who mode your o thorough torvldng. Saves you than thou atUtiide toward any the wreckage of Hitler’a Europe Eugene C. Schults, New Yom exchange of populations and prop* cers said, is that he drives a 1983 in Lehigh and 14.489 in Bucks. You ought to, for your fam- and a better understanding of par­ gym. We are told the awesome Ford to give you better, worry, time end . . . money. other countiya boasting of Ita da^ That policy almost makes Hitler city commlasloner of roarksu, erty because thei* was a systems* ty rosponalbllity." car. Lehigh county Is heavily indua- gave ■ Ufsse comparative retaU newa: "Zachary Scott la doing his moeracy. Tha great thing about look good. Conneclicul tic effort being exercized to ex* Other speakers at the meeting, own swimming.” And be does. U]r*s S A K E . qukkor, money- prices there on a few food items: terminate the New Delhi minority, Amorlcan danocraoy la U)at it Tbls baa bean blind vengaance, Attended by about 125 retail mer­ Ha comae dripping out of the Mving wrvico. Porterhouse steak. $1 a pound, Orders have been given to shoot chants from Stamford and nearby in wtdeh people innocent' them­ up 81 cents over a year ago; bx STAR-LITE DANCE STUDIOS pool (not being as piscatorial as Supply them with mir sll- kaapa strlTlng and making period- to kill and ruthJesaly atamp out Fairfield county towns. Included uther) and admits this Is good to advances toward Its goal. U selves are being punished for tba Yankee con, 79 cent^ a pound, up nine rioting. Of Manchester and Hartford Richard Forester, former presi­ cents over a year ago; butter 87 work for a hot September after* buttcr PIES and CAKE! Imp bjr BO moans reached that vlblonce of their sympathlMre By A. H. But despite the attempts to rs^ dent of tbe Waterbury Credit Rat­ noon. Ho recaUa that during tbe cents, up 10 cents since Senlaro- store order, th* rioting goes oh ing Bureau; Ferdinand Schmidt, last hot speU he was in ski clothas goBL aa any bonoat survey of our alaewbare, juat as the British pun' ber; large eggs 87 cents a dozen and thousands of refugees era Up until a new discovery the temporary chairman of the Asso­ for “Case Tlmberlana." Ha jolna Impaifbettoas would damonatrata. lahn,ant of those they aelae aa ter- up Id centa; chuck steak 59 cents streaming from their homes con* ciated Retallere, and State Rep. Cesar Romero In a card nm a caU' (D*6enu/ne fvtd fVts* AeonatUngly. we occupy no judg­ rortata In Paleatme baa been pun' other day, the biggest joker In the s pound, up four cents; chopped rinced that IHIH haa become a C9iarlea Merlet (D„ Hartford). 1947 session of the General As­ beef 49 centa, up 10 cents; veal ed Oklahoma Rummy. Romero la ora mads right to fit ment aaat, whan It comes to the lahment for the deeds of others death trap. Cards soliciting memberablp In not in tbe picture; he haa merely sembly WBS the so-called "tobecco” cutifti 95 cents, up 20 centa; leg Additional troops are being rIgM; led longer. efforts of others. just aa the terrorist murder of bill, which pretended to establish the organisation and requesting dropped by to see bow pictures are of lumb 65 cents, up six cents. brought Into the area tp reinforce 7 ^ contributions of from $5 td $20, made. NonetheleeR It aaeina within our aoWers baa been Zionist state regulation of the employ­ poultry prices renialndd un­ the riot squads. Ball and air traffic BINGO ment of children in agriculture, depending on the gross sales of We look in on Diana Lynn, who pcovinoa to undertake eoraa Inter- retrilAition for British acta of but which really legislated little changed or slightly lower than has been paralyzed by the dls* the business, were distributed to Is dressed for the picture In a .praUttoa and clarlllcaUon of Pre- which these British soldla'rs them except a. neat abolition of the job those of September, Schults aatd, orders', further handicapping ef* tbos* present. 1923 coatuma. I t la rather a long, TONIGHT! SEE YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER mVtr fftalln'e clalma fo r Russian of Mias Edna rurtell, the some­ with broilers and fryers at 49 forts to send tue minorities to weird-looking number, but we are eelves were guiltless. cents a pound off two cents from P.-vklstan. ’ Greece Still at War assured that In a few weeks, may­ damoeraey. aa contained In hie what fiery State I.Abor Department A short tlmp ago we wrote Uiqt Investigator who had been a cru­ a yesi ago, and roasting chickens So far Europeans have not been be days, It wlU be the height of AMERICAN LEGION HOME fervent aaluU to the dty of Jloe- the British and the Jewish eX' sader for reform in the state's unrnsnged at 65 centa a pound. tethered by the rioters. Philadelphia. Sept. 9 — (iP) — fashion again. pow OB Ita sooth birthday. tremlsts were Involved In a tragic tobacco fields. . . Greece ii *‘stlU tt war,” says pro­ We aieo learp about Beverly LaMsrG Strotl Moacow. according to Mr. Sta­ Here was a reform which, truth­ fessor Sophia Antonlades, Greek HlUa High school. It la one of attempt to live by the ancient and educator. the richest pubUc schools In the lin. repreaenta tha taiaplrtr of the fully epeaklng, was no reform at INDIVIDUAL SEATS! DOOR PRIZES! savage law of an eye for an eye. all. Completely unsophisticated ob­ Professor Antouiadcs told 1,000 country, situated In the heart of aBW Soviet aodal-economlc order a life for a life. But It la evfn servers might have aMumed, of REGISTER NOW tolegatea to the first postwar con­ the high-rent dlstricL It ‘ 23 Regular Games “which replaced the domination of worse than that. Neither aide course, that the measure was a LUNai-LORE ference of the International Coun* BBpItal by tba domination of labor good measure. But there were few cU of Women at the University of cares, any longer, whether the eye Pennsylvania yerterday, that his and fajactad aaploiUUoa of man such observers, on this bill at least. Mothers skilled in the fine art of catering to everj hody’s Extra Spe<^ Game! or the Ufa taken happens to be­ A good many observers, how­ apiielite, always put Hunshlne Dairy Milk In the lunch * Re-Opens country "is fittin g against forces by BHUI.“ long to a guilty person. ever. appear to have been com­ perhaps 30 times aa strong aa hii«kFt.. . .Golden Guernsey, or Homogenised---- simply » ]B **»iB atatamant. It la the That means that. If there pletely unsophisticated In their aa- n matter of taste and preference. Greece." sumpilon that there waa surpris­ "Greece," ho continued, “loyal PENNY B IN G O REGULAR BINGO pbrsM “eaplolUtlon of amn by atiU Boma. civilisation still atrug ing good intent involved whqn the Saturday^ Sept. 13 to her Ideals, Heeding and suffer­ 7 :R0 r u 8:15 TAKTS A l tt 8MB" which aaeda radeflnlUon. gllng aomewbere In this world, 1947 session adopted a new permis­ . t.\.\lllllll/i/./ f . ing, continually realata fascism.” 8 8 0 n u term doaa not apply. AmaH^ that neither side can be permitted sive enabling act apparently in­ **Studio of the Starlets** Delegates earlier passed a reso­ aaaa ahouM understand, to auch to operate fm-tfaer. Both sides al creasing and BoUdlfying the local lution urging iree access to news soning privileges of Connecticut In aU the naliona of the world, % e n t e . . . thtnga as forcod labor which. In ready have too much blood and communities. Btating that the ICW *Ta graVely Ruada. an ontiroly Impersonal shame on their hands The acenea It was' plcasanll.v siirprlNing P b tie •ACROBATIC concerned at the suppression and policy OB tha jlart of the state, at Hamburg are the brutal, heart that the 1947 acaalon ahmilti du arbitrary editing of information of aoBductad for the good of all. In­ this, for what agitation there 1 5 3 7 many countries.” leea cUmax which must mark the has been about toning In the •TAP cluding tha good of thoae who end of this tragic race of v pant few j'-ars has been against Dies From Heart Attack amy die la Siberian work campa. gaance. toning, and some of thia'aglia'- SlRVlNG MANCHtSItR. BOITON ANDOVER COLUMBIA , •BALLET Moacow, according to Mr. Sta The General Assembly of the linn has been from aueli lni|Mir'- Kruifisville, Pa, Sept. 9— A lant sourrea aa the l'onnrcti"iit Each Class Limited man Identifi^ by state poUca aa Hn. li the Inaplrer "of the cou' UnlUd Nations Is about to receive Development t'oinmiaaion. wbich To 10 Students. Alexander R. McLemore, 49, of atructlon of a new Soviet democ the report of Its nj>eclal commls- surveyed and found that toning U-. Riverside, Conn., died of a heart racy which njecu any kind of dl' alon UivesUgatlng the Paleatlne might Interfere with the future % ■ attack near here yesterday Tol- n et or Indirect equality of citl problem. That report may not be Industrial growth of the stale. lowlng an automobUa accident. Likewise, there have been sev­ Phone 2-^244 State Trooper Francis Oavaghan aana asMs, nooa or nations.” perfect, but eomethlng must be eral tough local fighla on the 1 '' said McLemore died after he This, highly laudable “equality done with it. Above ill, the United toning Issue In Individual Con- stepped from his car to check the iriean loMT COST 10 you 1 Is, of ooursa, not always deserved, Nations Itaclf must move to ac­ nrctlrilt rommunllles, nnd the L __ damage. Ptnoe everybody has not yet coma verdict has sontrtlnA|s 'gone in Studio at . cept direct responsibility and su­ favor of abandonment of those unlgo haders want cmaf to perfect Soviet dtlaenahlp. If pervision of the situation in Pales­ rest ricl Ions once designed to dttaea happens to have ideas of tine. protect the value of properly, SEAT COVERS Big hwemeClvaa are boat to do a big Job tlMpoiir. BnlliiKr hla own. that demonatrates hla un such decisions reflecting the In­ -YMCA- NOREENE PRATT ANNULLI, Director EASY PIANO fluence of some l(H-al business To Fit Most Cars in tho big oountrx which is Aniariea*-a OoYsmmont fIgurM show dafluHoly worthiness for equality. If eome Ug Job in poaost.ima in waitiino. Tbagr venture, or simply the desire of and Models. that long trains mean gmatar Mfctgr to race hanwas to have a particular Individual properly owners to $ 1 5 -9 5 MATERIAL ^ ora buflt to puli long trains. raOroad amployw and public allha. Flyer Hidden be able to do whatever they INSTALLED^NLY taligion c t ita own. It la guilty of Long ftdgbt trains can baadk mom Than, if aaMgr li not tha raol laaaoB^ rejecting the glowing fellowship pleased with thel, owVi property. YOU WILL LIKE From Plotters It now develops that there was Fbr leaser than tamay'^al you goods a t loaa coat—to jroa—th a n aboti wbat ia tbs laiaoo baUud thS* d m a ia d ? of Soviet equality, and must be surprise in the 1947 act. but that oaa remember oor easy pleeee trains. It is to moks moia Jobs whleb am aol have been teachers' pets.' No treated accordingly. If some na- (Ctonttnued from Page One* it Is not Tiecesskrtly pleasant. It MORIARTY BROTHERS Long trains moan liwar traina—fbwar naadsd—to got m oia poyl Tbla **m9d9 ttoo happens to linger with soma looks. In fact, as it somebody came child gets bored when gay, close to killing toning. In Connec­ UNOOLN-MERCURV DEALERS sprightly pleoes like these are chances For aeddoata—fbtwar Intanrup- work” would b* abaw losslt. Think of big. political creed which Is not up to Ungulehers, but French offlclala ticut with much the iame tech­ yoor selection —: In CENTUBY bona to tralBc. medmadDoomsChro* using only hmtf thaw the Moscow atandaro of perfec­ said ;hey had found no sign of nique with which the tobacco child "On Tbe Level Al Center And Broad” EDITION — a t tOo a eopy. such explosives. , But a few railroad onion laadwi op- tion, th at nation is fcoUably choos­ later issue was killed. The new StM Bamboo Orovd, Police issued « communique as- bill, by omissions, contradlrtlons, post long traino—among thair cuwpnt 44 Ftor this waato, you—tha pubUo*-i»(Nild ing to remain on a lower level, for selling that oiie of their own men AM-1 ...... Giovanni and some almost Impossible di­ 8888 Busy U ttio ao ck . demands for ebanges in rules is ooa liaiifc- bsva to pay. Hi^iar coats mean a towar which choice, entirely for lUjOwn also had managed to gain the rections, seems to come close to ing the length of fM ght traina to 67 avar- standard of livi^ for ovarybody. No* plotter's confidence. ■ F-1 ...... '.Arnold 't " good, of eouree, It may actually hog-tleing toning In Connecticut. SM8 Captain Jim, F-1, Hopkins age can. Why do tb ^ demand this? body wants that! daaciva to be aubjugated. Kodff and the eight other sus­ As It is now being Interpreted, the r *891 Going To Maricot, least thing the new bill doee ie to > •> But **subjugpted" ie not, of pects. appeared before Judge Fer­ 0-9 ...... Bolfe nand Gblletl yesterday. Upon leav­ force every Connecticut commun­ 9994 Ham We Go. C -1.: .Forter ••••■••••••••••eseBeeeteeeSeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei course, wbat we Americana might ing thetcourtroam Korff raiaed his ity now maintaining zoning regu­ SIM In Gay Costume, think it. to be. In Stallneae, jt may hand In the 'W ' sign end shouted lations under the ' general state G-8 ...... Crosby also mean "liberated." as In the •'Pictures, Pictures’’ et the photo­ statutes to make a new towii S8S7 Old lime Bam Dues. graphers. . meeting declalon to continoe ton­ u^WEAVERS following paasage or hla message ing. • 0-3 ...... Proehl to Moscow: Gilbert’s frienoa said the flier The forcing of a new vote on the Box Loom Draper Vclvti SllT Out On the Ooeun, Here’s the record... told th ^ .be went directly to the CH EVROLET C-3 ...... HopUas ^"Moscow represents almultans- toning Issue in many communities. Is l5a qoarfor caafiay...l9tf*Ff4d... British embassy to report after In s period when several com­ Men or Women With or W ithout Experiencat 3834 Paper Boats, ously the banner of struggle of all a meeting witn Korff at which he munity decisions have already . C-1 ...... ScarmoUn . toiling people all o\'er the world, was asked to pile- the rabbi’s plane. gone against tuning, could be Laam To Ba a Waavar 3789 Ping Pong, F-1 .-.Stetaer AvaraBO longH^ of fralgM trolna hoa 10 11* op.. 39% at all dibjugated races and na­ The ’’raid’’ on London was to merely accidental, or it cobid have 9443 The Foetman, C -3...Jean have been timed to coincide with On-the*Job Training Programs or Vataram 3377 Franclag Clown, tions, for tbelr liberation from the been by design. Avarag* tpoad of froltM train* hos fono «p 0-0 3 9 % the debarltoUon of the Exodus 1947 But that a MU whirh also re- C—3 ...... Heaps' domtnatlpn at plutocracy and Im- Jews at Hamburg. \ 3144 SIngtag Ja the Olea. Tho rafo of In|ufi08 lo railraod omploya* hoa jm w pariallaia." Friends said that aa U. S. Afmy C-3 ...... Armour 3489 When My Birthday By “Ubaration" Mr. Stalin ^ pilot during the war Gilbert flew 136 missions over Europe and shot EXPERIENCED HELP Comes. C-1 ...... Blefater maana wbat bsa recently hap-1 C 3831 Wild Blossoms, Avoraga wagaa poM railraod worfcon hovo macff down nine German planes. M ala poned IR. Hungary. I French police officials were cha­ Jacquard Loomflxar D-3 ...... Quincke UUAtt 5IU* oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo With such reinterpretations and I grined at tile revelation of Gilbert’s Draper Lopmflxar M ala ESSENTIAL TECHNICAL MATERIAL FHm of railraod mofirtoli ood 9uppllt9 hoa mmaf ctertficatlona Mr. Stalin's boasting part In foiling the plot. Box Loomflxera M ala “We wanted to get him out of . 4 3739 Arpeggios, Triads sad gonoep...... S 8 X of democracy can be viewed in Its France before that fact was t 8 7 4 Slasher Tendern M ale 7th C h o rd s...... Abram* proper place, just as It occaalonat- 393 Sealaa aod Chords, Caaray known," an officer of the Surete F ire m a n M ala mOy helps to balance our own Nationals headquarters said. 1913 Sealaa and Chords, Kohler Rolboid fox** hovo gono up ...... 7 6 % 9d37 SeolcB In . boaatlng about American democ- Notes (Thlrda) .. Abrams tu t Ml# BVOfBgg cImMBB by rallrOBd* . racy to have tha alums, ths share- WATKINS Complete Genuine 3dS8 Scales in Double aaOTMEAS. INC for hBulInt b Io b of frolthl ono milo croppara. the South, and tha sur­ Guns Are Used GENERAL HELP t Notes (Sixth)' ...Abrams viving Inequality of races and ra- FUNERAL 1391 SelunUt'e Five Ftager hBOBffUff^bwn ...... ^ % e / 0 In Bug Strike S later Helpers M ala F ierf lecij. Ft. 1 gglaiia casually mentioned. Service Parts 1309 sSm ltV e Vive finger ■ V SERVICE M ala But aa de said at the beginning, Innpectora Exerelsee, Ft. 3 •aooe Bt Aaterlca the Ixnpoitant thing Is (Oeattaoed ttoae Paga-^ae) Ornand J.We$t M ovem en M ala 9 1 3 9 Staeeato, A Teebalcal that gains la the dtractlon of our « I • DIsoaesloa . .Abrams one man for aaaault on a company D irector 3 8 1 9 Virtuoso Flaalst. Mm Is an always being made, employe. F t. 1 ...... Ranea-Bnrdlek • t* which la a drcuiastance which sx- The strike by union drivers and 2830 Virtnoao Flaalst. auaei. to soaie extent, our present station attendahts affiliated with .Apply A t: Ft. 3 ...... flanon-Bardlek the Amalgamated Association of c a s t e RM r a i l r o a d s partial betrayals of our'principles, Street Electric RaUway and Motor Carter Chevrolet Co., NOW ALL IN STOCK AT la Itnaala, oa tha other hand, tba Coach Employes of America (AFL) CHENEY BROTHERS MAIN OFFICE pcadMUty la that began May 30 foHowihg a break­ 311 MAIN STREET * PHONE 6874 BOOM tie • I4S iiatOTT aroBBT • Npw t o o k , n t w voB B down in contract ’negotlatlong. 144 Hartford Road Manchester, Conn. Werner's Little y arlgtaal Ideahi a n no longer We are publlohim this awrother advertlaemsBti to talk u4th yea Tha Sign at a m tba Riiealana, that having Many fruits not related to .the Music Shoppe r ».• 1 et first hand about matters which are importaai ta avwybody. m the ttoaocy th a t the apple bear that name: Balsam ap­ V^ORTHY SMVir.P Over W. T. Grant Co. ple, custard apple, rose apple, and V m tl^-arniA they have Mjieappla. 149 Camber Street Advertige The Herald—'ll Pays V • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHI^STER. CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9.1947 PAGE NINE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1947 IWJHT little Activity Here Carden Club^s W eddings Seeks to Evict School Rolls in Town Noske Blanks Aircraft in Twi League Playoffs^ 2 to 0 Season Opens D r i n l ^ P a l As Primaries Open SoMmarlTS-Little 1 Bflodeao-Urtano Show 249 Pupils Gain Many Invitation* to Mlaa Vivian M. Little, daughter Gintinual Arguments of Playoff Game Rockville Tops of John Little o f'^160 Pearl street > Yanks Bent on Setting West Side Mound Aee Show* and Meeting* and the late Mra, M. Annie UtUe, | . Men Living in One bM ralUcking to Nom-1 waa naarried Saturday to Freder- | Legion Unit Read to the Memben House Aired in Court ® , / Lower Grades as Upper At Nortb End North Ends 8-4 Inirttog C m d ld jto for Ick L. Sommariva. son o f Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph A. DsRocco of West- ; New Attendance Mark Wins Sixth Straight Seeking to evict Frank Kebert Hears R eport High school Re- Town Office*; LlghtCfit montlu, it U generally admitted, Mrs. Georgs Reynolds, prssldent erly, R. I. The single-ring cere* i mony was performsd in St Mary's from the premises at 188 Union North Ends Underdogs Stan Kawalar Spaces _ , ■ ^ , . Y»ofiw depend! on having an able board at the Manchester Garden club, j ____ ^ main About the-Same for seven runs in the eighth and irORTS EtlfuR to adminiefer it. Episcopal church by the rector, street, Williem W. Dudek, owner, Expect to Reach Two E«rly Vote in lear* welcomed the members at the first today brought Kebert into court Icnocked over three mora In the Against Center Motor Four Hits; Winner* Drfrat Eliminates Air> ■ ' - ■ ■■ la-—' R«v. Alfred U WUllsma. at 3:30 Retiring President of The total registration of pupils fall meeting last night after the p. m. Organist John Cockerhsm i charging that the tenant waa cre­ And One Half Million ninth to win. The big blow waa Whitewasheil InUrctt la belnr belaff s b c ^ in the public schools of Msoehos* Uoyd Ooarhart'a two-run homer Nine Tonight at 8 :3 0 Independeat Oflerlngs Hincdl • max. The BA’a booked the Slav- Clinch Fourth Place men; Three Double sunuaer' vacation. Mrs. Waltar played the traditional bridal mu- j ating a continual disturbance and Auxiliary Also Pre­ kina. rhampiona o f the East Hart­ . fti toda/a primartea Utan at any waa waoUng the premleet. The ter ss of yesterday, the Srgt Mop- Before Season Ends; in the ninth which put the Qianta You can take the public for a Weet SMtos (2) Bryant the secretary, r«ad a num­ ale, and the church - decorations , day that schoola have been la sas- ’The North Ends and Center] ford Twilight League. The Slav- Rockville's Englert'e eeme to Plays Aid Winners; mwm. in the paat 40 years aince Set Thursday case thie morning, heerd by Depu­ sents Awards Won ahead 9-8. , ride just ao tong and then they get AB R H PO A B eonolated of white gladioli, oatera | •Ion. as compared with the first Indians Top New York klns appear^ but the BA's—well, ber ^ Invitations to Garden and palma. ty Judge Herman Yules, wes Johnny Mize failed to hit a Motors will square off tonight at' town lest night and scalped the Marco Losing Hurler Murray, oa ... 2 1 1 4 8 0 andi prlaaries have been held in Monday a year ago ahow-s ap in­ the North End :tnder the lights fed up. We are referring to the they were there la name only srlth ahovra and fall meetings (tt differ­ Mias Shirley B. Little was maid brought following' prcvloue long- Mrs. FranU Blckmore, retiring homer and thus fell three behind second place North Ends under Solmoneon, If . ICancbester. When the polls crease of 249 puplla. The total witii second place at stoke. The case of the BrlUeh American base­ a few players on. deck. The Slav- — For Strike at o f honor for her slater and Miss standing argument between the I preeident of the American Laglon By iee Briohler Babe Ruth’s pace-oetting record of Zwick, 3b ----- ent parts of the stats. registration thia year waa 4.9M regular esaaon Is now completed | ball team In its Independent offer­ ) kins trounced the local champs and the lights to the tune of 8 to 4 Ernie Noeke pitched Pagonl'a' opened In the 8U U Armory thu Muriel J. Little, another sister, men, both of whom live singly on i Auxiliary, gave her annual report. Aaaoetetod rreea Sports Writer 60. ByoholekI, lb . Mrs. Reynolds Introduced Mrs. a ^ n s t 4,745 a year ago. IB e and these two teams are tied for ings at local diamonds the team playing aa the towm and to clinch fourth place in the Twi­ West SIdee to a 2 to 0 shutout j nom ing the usual citrs'd was was bridasmald. John B. Mudge the premieee. alao a report of the state conven­ The magnetic New York 'Yan­ The BroolUyn Dodgers and St. Becker, rf .... A. M. Schaefer of Hartford Who laiveat increase in enrollment ia second place so that a playoff Fans have been faithful to the Twilight League champlone. In light Soft hall League. The defeat victory over the United Aircraft' Royal Concern Of Wsatorly was best tnan and the EarUer In the year. It was relat­ tion in New Haven last nmnUi kees, only baseball club to lure Louis Cardinals, both Idle yaater- In a well played game last night | Patton. 3b ... ■laalac. and In the first hour but gave a timely talk on Dutch tulip ■hown in the elementary acbeeis day. begin their final drive for the gam* Is necessary. 'The Motors, defending Twilight League cham­ fact, the BA's lost by an 8 to 0 dropped the North Enda Into a SS Totea had been cast In the Ke> usheni were Langdon B. Judd of ed, Dudek claimed be haid been as­ which she attended, to the unit 2,600,000 fans past the turnatilee at the West Side draa increase of three being shown in Yankee Stadium to . watch last eastern invaders. hill for the Motors with Richie ■pie BA's havo the beat following I tlon of the Twilight League champs der the lights. The playoffs will UeLucco, Sb . . . 3 0 0 0 1 0 alphabetically by streets, and all your business Agent, sign the con­ sary fund. Already the has odd ger-tip length and/ she carried a bert that Dudek keeps "a polce- Rodger the cash prize awarded to haa taken a ouaden dip and fans •tart Friday at 8:30. League play offa. Mike Marco this year's total which is 1,817. night's tussle with the (Cleveland The Brooks, leading by five and Jarvis behind the plate. For the ot any team in the Twi League. pitched good ball (or the loeera, Carton, 3 b ---- 3 0 0 1 2 1 streets from Academy to Lilley tract offered by the company and over 10,000, which is easily under­ cascade bouquet of white pom­ who have followed the team for the Rockville gave notlee they were The tabulation as completed by tndiiana. the Yankees now have a half gamea. have 18 games left North Enda It will be Mickey Ru- The bigger the crowd, the bettor holding Paganl'e to three hits, but Hakinaon, rf . . 3 0 1 2 0 0 street are on one side, and from look you in the face again. stood when one listene to her en- poms and atephanotis. The honor « . .hu„h * „ th. I Sci"" “ * Superintendent of Schools Arthur paat few aeaaona ora at the boil­ out to win as early as the first scene of the wedding Saturday of attracted 3,023.043 paid admis- to play, 14 on foreign fields. Of bacha pitching and Charley Par- the gate but the BA's haven't given a base on balls and hie tram's McMeana, ef . . 2 0 0 1 0 0 street to Woodslde are in *T hate a strike. It la the lowest thiMiastlc descriptions, and looks attendant wrs atttred in lime peel Houldn’t Use Foroa ' It waa voted to donate tha sum H. filing showa a larga increase In the Cards’ 81 remaining gamea. 14 ciak lecelving. proper consideration to Mr. and ing point over tactlca now being liuilng when three rune were Mlaz Roee Marie Uriano, daughter Siena in 83 home games. That la done error proved hla downfall. Dennis, lb . . . . 2 0 1 3 0 0 the other section. form of civilisation. But there is at the illustrations of these glori­ velveteen. Mth which she carried Dudek asserted that he wouldn't ■ of ten dollars to the project of the lower grades and ia as fol- are at home. Game time la eet at S:S0 and Mrs Fan In their last few starts. used in booking games and then ■cored. With one out, Stan Surdal Jahsen, I f ...... 1 0 1 3 0 0 a caacads bouquet of yellow and an average gate per game of 32,- 111! Murray opened the game by yo Sash to Vote no course left but to sak you to ous early spring blossoms. of Mra. Mildred Uriano, of 103 think of laying hla hands on Ke providing Christmas g lfu for men low-s: win be the final game prior to the It all etarted, that Is the fans Ire using patched up Uneupe. and Jack HoUoran walked. Fran Cervia, c ...... 2 0 0 4 0 0 bronze pompoms. The brides­ 639. Should the same attendance drawing one of the two bases on Wesley Cfyk U the moderator, strike St midnight Thursday. Mrs. ^haefer paused during her Congreai street and the late Daniel bert, nor would he address Kebert, on the high seas. Past President School 1947 1948 Gain playoffs. at the BA practice, the night the The practice of the BA’s isn't PItkat singled to score Surdal and Marco, P..V-.-1 0 0 0 1 0 maid wore Alpine rose velveteen prevail (or the remainder of the a single by Joe Rich bent HoUoran balla iMued by Marco. Murray srd at 8:50 this morning all work- Be was intarrupted with calls talk when she recognized W. E. he said, in any strong terms ever. Mra. Elmer Weden has been ap­ Total regiitration 4994 4745 349 town champs played the Kokomo doing baseball In Uancheoter any and her cascade bouquet waa of Uriano and Lotila Levi Bilodeau, home season, the Yankees, with good. and PItkat to the plate. stole second and waa oacrifleed to ' era were sworn in. There was Buckley ss her English teacher "I wae not brought up that way," pointed by the local chapter of the High School ,.1817 1314 3 Fox Hunters Set Clowns at Mt Nebo. The locaU third by Swede Solmoneon. Totals ___ \l9 0 4 IS 8 I to ’'strike now." lavender and pale yellow pom­ oon of Mr. and Mra. Ernest Bilo­ ’ 16 more to play at the Stadium, no rush to vote and the first half when a pupil at Hartford High, Dudek oald. Red Cross a-, chairman. Elementary won but they fielded a makeahlft Other orgaalaed teams have been Three more RockvUIe talllee Mike Zwick hit a fly ball to deep Aircraft ...... \ 0 0 0 0 0 (^—<1 Advising against this action. Mr. deau, of 40 Squire street, Hartford. should wind up with something guilty of the aome pmctlce, that hour only 28 had taken advanUge and after the meeting they had poms. The bridegroom’s mother Dudek waa rroreoented by At­ Mrs. Josephine Richter was Schools ... 3431 346 Field Trial Dates lineup. 'That was all right, a first added up In the third. Rich walked left and Murray scored easily after Weat S id e s ...... \ l 1 0 0 0 0—3 Doyle said "a strike is no joke." wore aqua crepe with black aeceo- The double-ring ceremony waa per- like 3,500,000. Last year the of bringing In teams and than at the opportunity to vote on the an opportunity for reminiscences. ' formed by Rev. Robert Carroll at torney John S. Q. Rottner, while I elected gsalstant sergeant-at- Grade 1 .... 493 15 club set a record o f 2.264,513 ad- Local Sport offensa and It woo just posoed with oiM man out and went to oec- the catch for the flret nin of the Runii hatted In; Zwick. PongrstZ. He pointed out that between 6,000 sories and corsage of yellow pom­ payin g with a wsokenod lineup. ond or. a elngle by Ken Gayton. Repnhllcan side. The workers and 7.000 persons will be affected The speaker brought with her a ! eleven o’clock. Gladioli and palms tilting for Kebert was Attorney arms, to succeed Mra Donald Bes- Kindergarten 416 153 " m M on s. along. game. Stolen beers: Murray 3. Becker. poms. The Connecticut State Fox- For the best Intereeta o f baseball Rich eeored and Gayton went to were not pressed at any time for by the strike. number of kodaebrome pictures decorated the altar. John LaBelle. I oette, the former Mlsa Helen Grif- Nathan Hale 537 37 Yooterday's crowd was treated Then the scene shifted to Twi­ The second and last run of the Saertilfo: Solmoneon. Doubit the next half hour and at 10 of tulips in formal beds and bor­ Washington . 444 39 hunter'a AeaoclaUon Inc., will hold ('Matter thisiS pipractice should be dlocon- third on a tingle by Stan Kawalac There was a flurry of charges | fin who has removed from town. to a brilliant bit of relief pitching light League play where the BA tlnued today. hall game came In the second plays: Patton to Murray; Bychol- o’clock 83 Republicans had regis- ^'It is going to hurt you ali." Mr. ders. These were shown by the Hollister .... 631 41 its second annual field trial In the and another single by Stan Knebel frame. With one out. Art Patton akt (unoaststed): Pongrata to Pat­ and counter charges from both Announcement was made of the •by Bob Feller, the Indians' great reputation waa made. A scheduled Has Smrplrae o f U s Own tsred their votes. Of this num­ £>oyle said, "and the only thing program committee, together with Robertson .. 346 36 Marlborough. Glastonbury area, Lefty Jadzinlek of the British sent Gayton In with the second ■Ingled sharply to left and scooted ton. Left on bases: w'cai Sides 3. that would hurt you worse la to sldeA district meeting in William Hall righthander, who saved a 4-3 vic­ attraction brought together the Tony Lupien, former Manches­ ber five were woman. This is a a number of new pictures made Green ...... 343 39 October 2, 3. and 4. American baaebali team ia in the run. A moment later Kawalac to eecond when Jim Carton let the Aircraft 4. noses on balla; Noolu sign the contract offered by the fn- an ■•nanr.minx M«ria and "I Love You Truly,” The evidence Intimated, Judge High School, West Hartford, Sept, tory for Bob Lemon with some BA'a and their No. 1 rivals the Po­ ter athlete, ndw with the Holly-, Wg laUing off of the first hour by Oeoige Reynolds during the All ot the other schools In town Hunt headquarters ia the same midst of a battuig slump. Lefty •cored from third on e ground out throw tn get away from him. 2; Marco 3 Strike-outa: Noakf company." during the service. Given in mar- Yules Bald, that«the men prqbably ember 27, with joint installation tremendous clutch burling. Rapid lish Americans A lineup with only wood Stara In the Pacific baoebitil vote compared with last year summer of neighboring gardens, ed w d d ln g trip. riage by her brother, PaUy Uriano, show increases varying from ons Rs last fall at the CTearwater hasn’t coUeeteJ a hit in hit last to short. Roger Thomaa filed to left but Art 3; Marco 4. Umpires: MHeakl, • i both were drinkers, that they got of the Legion and Auxiliary dis­ Robert came to the rescue of a few regulars took tha field for the league, was honored with a night when 338 Republicans cast their "A Great Decision" views taken by Program Chair­ brown plaid suit brown I the bride was attended by Miss to 14 puplla except the Bunce Lemon In the last of the ninth Lodge in Ehtot Hampton where ex­ three gamea a 1th the Twi I..eague champs and the team waa defeat­ ’The North Ends put all their Pongrata came throu^ with a Ramodcll. 'Time; 1:13. into arguments, and that they trict officers. Mrs. Elmer Rice, cellent ovem'.ght accommodationa last Saturday evening In Holly­ vote in the first hour. ' Raymond Strong, president of man Mrs. Fred Pohiman in her ies and Kolinsky furs- . ^ fj*^**** Alice Gurskl as maid of honor and then got into fights. school which dropped four and with the Yankees having runners first place winners. ed. The BA’a had played with their eggs In one basket in the fourth ■Inpe to left scoring Patton from The candidates for the different past president o f the local unit, are to be had at moderate rates. wood. the union told the members that own gaiden and of laurel on the unte of M^chester High school, ConsUnce DePumpo and Miss When it was suggested to Ke­ Buckland which loet seven. on Srzt and third and nobody out. weakest lineup of the season. And and came up with their four runs second. _ on In every Inning. In fact the offiees were conspicuous by their will be installed as sergeant-at- There will be a banquet Thurs­ The balding Lupien waa pre­ the strike la "g great decision” hillsides St Bolton, Union and she Is employed by the C onn^tl-1 Sllkowskl. as brideamalda. bert that he might ever get drunk, . Lost year's kindergarten showed Feller promptly forced Billy One schcduiipP^ame In the Twi­ many left before the game was Rubacha was hit by Kawalac with The Aircraft threatened several t.iei: mittor in five of ths oix tno- shsszice this morning. The only arms. day evening at 7 p. m., with veteran sented with an automobile and one out end went to third on a tlmea but good fielding on the part and should be carefully considered. other places. Mrs. W. W. Eells cut Mutual Life Insurance Co.. | uorman Bilodeau of Hartford waa 418 pupils, and this year one ot Johnson to ralae a soft pop to light League wa« not played during over. BA rootera and followers of Inge got OB. two canidates for director noUced and has been honored with eeveral , jjj, bother and uah- ha snorted. • • ! Mrs. Richter and Miss Mary member, Jim B"ot of Suffield as many amaller gifts from fana, ■Ingle by Stan Orzyb. Prutty Ma- of the West Sides and Art iHm- Atty. William Zeman, counsel exhibited new kodaebrome pic­ "D o you ever get Irvtoxicated 7 the Increase! in the first grads la third baseman Ken Keltner, got the regular season. The contest the league in general didn’t like The game wun rallad after five around the polla were Alden E. for the union, said the Taft-Hart tures of her garden, on Oakland HlUery, co-chairman of the sew­ toastmaster. Reservations for the players and writars on the West jewekt than tripled as both men grata's good right arnf etopped s h o ^ r s and teas. - ering were Raymond Marcotte and Kebert waa asked. due to many of the children In Aaron Robinson on a tap in front was a meeting b< tween the BA’s the game and publicly oald so. and one lialf Innings of play dm Bailey and Thomaa Jack Crockett. ley law has set unions back 100 street, several views of the Vic­ The bridegroom was gradua^d Richard Barard of Hartford: Nor- ing committee, have called a meet- banquet ahou'-J be made In advance Coast. scored and Majewakl ocored from them cola. He laughed derisively. kindergarten Ust year posoing on of the plate and ended the game and the Aircraft and aa the out­ Last Wednesday evening the to darkness. Thr Weat Sides qrtll rirnmjaAmtrm Not Present years. He explained that during toria gardens and scenea at Niag­ from Westerly High school. _ He ^lan and Conrad Ricard of South iitg of the sewing group for Tues­ with the chairman of the banquet Lupien. a Harvard grad, had a third on an infield error a eecond Charlie McMeana opened the top "Do you get drunk?" the ques­ to the first grade this year, os by fanning Phil Rizxuto. Joe Dt- come would have no bearing on the BA’s and West Sides wera listed in now fqce the Polish Amerteaiu the negotiations, tha question of ara Falls during a visit there last served with the Army Air Corps day evening, Septen|ber 18, at 7:30 there are now 507 pupils enrhOod committee, Thomas Bentley of •urprise for the fans. When later. Two RockvUIe runs in the of the second by reaching flret on Of the IS candidates for direc­ Coventry. tioning attorney persisted. Magglo and (Seorge McQulnn had final standing the game was tossed a grudge game. We wonder where with tho wlnno" meeting the BAa arbitration and no-atrlks clauses month. Mrs. R. K. Anderson has for three, years, two and a half at the home of Mrs. Weden, 43 in the first grade. The Itiilder- Bolton. ouL called to the microphone fit home fifth ended tha night's scoring. ■n error by Zwick. CharUe, a fast tor In the Republican primary. Mildred DeFellce, niece of the "Yea,” he' admitted sofUy, "but opened the Inning with singles off the word grudge entered the pic­ plate, Tony doffed hla cap and un­ for the crown. sBiy yty* at whom can be nom- wire discussed. a now Icodachrome camera and overteaz. He is a draftsman and bride was flower girl and Leo Butin Brookfield street. garten enrollment this year Is al­ The Associatior's annual busl- Kawalac doubled, went to third man afoot, tried to eteal eefiond I never hurt nobody." Lemon. ture. Neither the BA’s nor the derneath waa a wavy toupee, pur­ only three took the trou- He said ths company raised the has taken great pleasure this turn- designer for the Manchester Me­ of Hartford, cousin of the bride­ Plans for the joint installation most exactly three times that of The defeat left the Yankees neaa meeting will be held Friday Al Surawiec, the lanky Polish as Knebel reached first on an error but Pongrata'e throw to Patton Given the Lie evening at 7 p. m„ followed by West Sides fielded a full team ot chase for the occasion. and both runners came home on had him out by a yard. In sliding In bls to vote the first hour. They question and that ths union was mer in photographing specimen morial Company. groom was ring-bearer. of the Legion post and auxiliary 1939 when the enrollment waa 893. otill needing a combination of American outfielder who showed their own players. Both lineups The entire proceedings | Monday evening, September 15. the bench show at 8 p. m., with Lupien will ha with ths Chicago a hit by Chrfii l,ec. however, Otarlie dislodged the ball Sportsmen Meet wars Bailey. Crockett and Joaeph willing to sign a no-strike clause bloasoms and masses of phlox in The bride wore a gown of white eight wine and much promise ' year ago as a long were dotted with importa. Fans provided the company would agree her beds and borders. These were satin with sweetheart ncckllqe and dently dletaatel^l to 'Mr. Kel^rt,, outlined by the chairman of Ardell Gallup of Moosup, popular ball hitter colleetod only'one ex­ Whit# Soa next season, having Four RockvUIe batters came up from Patton'a grasp and the ump H. Hassell. The only other con­ Sabot-Houle losses to clinch the flag. Lemon again were taken for a ride. been purchased by the American test in the RepubUcan primary la not to bring suits against the blso shown on the screen. lace inserts, the full skirt terminat- who, fixing a s^ ly staie at Du- auxiliary’s committee, Mra. Say Leftists who limited the Yankees, to six foxhound fonder officiating as tra base hit dunng the 1947 reg­ wlUa two hits apiece while Kawalac ruled him safe after giving him Tonight at Lodge Announcement is made of the,, , , . , ...... Saturday afternoon was the ett- League club last week. the thumb. Vic Dennis dropped a M tbs offlee of Constable for union for damages under the Taft Many lovely arrangements of dek. shodk his finger at him and ' Thomas hlU In notching his eighth victory judge, assisted by J. Howard Davia ular Twilight (ea^ e season. The scattered four North End hits marriage of Miss Viola May Houle, n* ‘n a ong train. Her ve 1 of II among four men. bunt down tho third base Una and which five names were presented Hartley Law. flowers were brought to this first daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold luBJon feU from a seed pearl fcrow-n said "he mokes lies.” ______aganst four defeats, batted in the Danielson, as ring steward. blow being good for three bases. I Dudek claimed he bought the Stage Strikes RockvlUe (8) beat It out for a hit, McMeana go- The Manchester Divtoton of the y y t only four can be nominated. fall meeting. E. Houle of Oak street, to Anthony I carried a brldM bouquet winning run in the eighth with his Bill Duggan of West Roxbury, The company, he said, claimed Union street house and could not Mass., one of the better luiown AB. R. H. PO. A.E. Ing to third. Connecticut Sportomeo’s Aseede- The only oim o f these eandidatea that It didn’t wont to "circum­ Sabol, Jr., son uf Mr. and Mrs. of white rosea with orchid center. third single of the game. He A trio of rotmer Manchester rent the upper floor because of the Sta88en Announces foxhound men in the New England Lee, ee ...... 4 0 2 1 2 8 WliIth no outs and Swede Jansen tlon will hold Its regular ntonthl> aettve this morning waa John A. vent" the law. Mr. Zeman said in Anthony Sabol of Worcester, Mass. The maid of honor wore yellow (ContlBoed From Pmga Ooe) scored Hiti Peck, whooe pinch hit players partieif ated In a recent Elmo Mantelli Signs taffeta and mar