Planning & Community Services Westport House, Worgret Road, Wareham, Dorset BH20 4PP Switchboard: (01929) 556561 Direct Dial: 01929 556561 Email:
[email protected] Our Ref: PRIO/2015 Date: 29 January 2015 Dear Sir/Madam PARTIAL REVIEW OF THE PURBECK LOCAL PLAN – ISSUES AND OPTIONS CONSULTATION Purbeck District Council is reviewing the Purbeck Local Plan, which it uses to determine planning applications. This is a requirement of an independent planning inspector. The review will consider future growth in the district, so the Council wants to know your thoughts on how it can plan for this. The consultation runs from Thursday 29 January 2015 to 5 pm, Friday 13 March 2015. All consultation material, including the online questionnaire is available from or can be viewed at the district council offices, town council offices and local libraries. The opening times for libraries and council offices, and details of local drop-in events are on the back of this letter. A paper copy of the Issues and Options consultation document is available on request at a cost of £10 and printed copies of background papers and other evidence documents are also available at printing and postage cost. Although we prefer you to respond using the online questionnaire you can also pick up a paper copy to complete. Please do not fold or photocopy the paper questionnaire as this makes it difficult to process. Please return your completed questionnaire by Freepost to Planning Policy, Purbeck District Council, RSAX-LTRK-TRKE, Westport House, Worgret Road, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 4PP.